1s accounting 8 how to install. Installation of the basic version. Downloading configuration installation files

Today, almost any novice specialist in the field of information technology has probably encountered the widespread software product of the company 1C -. This software is used to automate enterprises of various types and scales, from small retail stores to large holdings. Therefore, any beginner can benefit from basic skills in working with this software. This article clearly shows the installation process of this program.

Before proceeding directly to installing 1C, you should understand what the most widely used terms mean, which beginners encounter from the first minutes of working with the program.

So, in order to start working with the program, you need to install “Platform” and “Configuration”. The Platform is an independent program that is used to develop and launch Configurations (application solutions). Configuration is a dependent program and runs only in the platform environment. There are a lot of application solutions, since very often a specific configuration automates only certain types of activities (accounting, payroll, various types of trade, etc.). The most famous of them are Enterprise Accounting, Trade Management, Payroll and Personnel Management.

Installing 1C Enterprise 8 on a computer

Now, using the example of the Enterprise Accounting 3.0 application solution, let's look at the installation process.

1. Installation of the platform. Everything is simple here, we find the distribution kit of the 1C 8 platform with the version we need and launch the installer. The distribution can be found on the installation disk or on the official website.

Components responsible for client-server interaction can be disabled because This review will consider installing the program in the so-called file mode. This means that the 1C company’s own format will be used for the database of the application solution. All necessary actions are taken over by the platform. There is also a client-server mode of operation of the program. In this case, the database is managed by a third-party DBMS. For example Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL

You need to install the HASP driver if you will use a hardware program protection key, but at the moment software keys are more common, so you can uncheck the box.

2. Configuration installation. The configuration distribution can also be found on the official website or on the installation disk. The only thing you should pay attention to when installing is the template directory.

You will need to remember it in order to create a database for this configuration at the next stage, or use the standard path that is offered by default.

3. In order to start entering any data into the program, you need to create an information base for the application solution. After starting the program, the application's start window opens, prompting you to select the database with which the user wants to work.

Since the list is currently empty, it is necessary to add a new information base. If a non-standard template directory was specified at the configuration installation stage, then it must be added in the settings window.

Now you can click the “Add” button. In the next window, select “Create a new infobase”

As you can see, there are two templates available to choose from. The demo version is intended for initial familiarization with the application solution because Approximate data has already been entered there and basic techniques for working with the configuration are shown. The first template is designed to work from scratch.

After selecting a template, in the next window we give a name for the database and indicate that the database will be created on this computer.

Almost all users sooner or later wonder about installing 1C software themselves. Using the example of the “1C: Accounting 8” configuration, we suggest looking at how to install 1C on a computer or laptop. This is not only easy, but also cost-effective: doing the initial installation or reinstallation yourself will save both time and money.

Where to begin?

Installation of a 1C software product, regardless of its accounting focus, consists of three key stages:

  1. Installation of a platform - an engine or foundation, which is the basis for the operation of any 1C program.
  2. Installation of the configuration part - direct installation of a custom accounting program (1C: Accounting, 1C: ZUP, 1C: Trade Management, etc.).
  3. The final stage will be to create a new or connect an existing information database, which will be displayed in the program launch window when you click the shortcut. There can be several or even quite a few databases; displaying them in the form of a tree allows you to somewhat organize the list.

Let's look at each stage in detail.

Installation of the 1C platform

Boxed 1C software products are supplied in cardboard packaging, which includes:

  • installation disk with distribution kits for installing the platform and supplied configuration;
  • ITS disk;
  • printed documentation in several books: usually a user manual and an administration manual.

The installation of 1C begins with the installation disk placed in the computer’s DVD drive, and the installation wizard starts, in the window of which you should select the “Installing a technology platform” item. If autorun of CDs and DVDs is disabled (no movement occurs on the screen when installing disks), you should go to the “My Computer” shortcut to the desired disk and run either the autostart.exe file (to start the disk) or setup.exe (to installation start). In the welcome window that opens, click “Next”.

In the next “Custom Installation” window, without delving into technological details, you can leave the default methods for installing components and click the “Next” button to go to the following screen:

In the next window, select the interface language:

1C provides two options for protecting the licensing of the product used:

  • a physical USB key, which is becoming less and less popular;
  • software protection using a PIN code.

Installing the security driver in the next window is only necessary for the USB version.

This completes the installation of the platform. A recognizable 1C icon will appear on the desktop, and when launched, an empty window for a list of user databases will open.

Setting up 1C configuration

This step boils down to deploying configuration templates from which you can create any number of databases for accounting. In the initial window of the installation wizard, select the “Install configuration” item, move to the next screen by clicking “Next”:

In the next step, the user can leave the default directory or create a custom path where the configuration template files will be stored. For 1C: Accounting 8, the Accounting folder will be created along this path:

The template is installed in the specified directory, and the installation of the configuration is considered complete:

Creating a new 1C database

When you launch the 1C shortcut that appears on the desktop, a window for a list of installed infobases opens, but it is still empty:

Using the “Add” button, select the first of the options; moving to each next step is performed using the “Next” button:

Selecting the first of the options in the next window will display a list of available second-stage templates from which the base can be deployed. Here you just need to select the appropriate one:

You should create a name for the database - as a rule, this is the name of the organization for which records will be kept:

The following screen allows you to select the physical storage path for the database on your computer disk:

The next window will be the last. It offers several settings that you can leave as default. By clicking the “Finish” button, the information base will be created:

Its creation will be recorded with a new line in the list of infobases:

In the case of delivery with software protection, when you first start the database, you will be asked to enter the kit registration number and PIN code from the sealed envelope included in the box.

If you have an Internet connection, click “Get a license” and in a couple of minutes you can start working.

The presented detailed instructions “How to install 1C” show that there is nothing tricky in this process: for attentive users who perform competent actions, everything will take no more than 20 minutes. Good luck!

“1C:Enterprise” is today one of the best platforms for doing business, accounting, and also, in general, for automating the work of a wide variety of organizations. Programs are being used in areas for which they were not previously intended. If you want to increase the efficiency of your individual entrepreneur or practice before accounting practice, you should know how to install 1C:Enterprise on your PC yourself.

The installation of 1C and the simplest configuration itself is not difficult. The user begins to have questions after it: “What to do with this?” In order not to tear your hair out, trying to master tons of information with your mind, check out some of the features of “One Es”.

  • "Enterprise" is a platform. That is, in order to use the software, you need to select some configuration. There are many of them, the most popular: Accounting, Trade Management, Salary and HR Management. From the name it is not difficult to guess what they are intended for.
  • You need to know how to use 1C. For some, mastering Excel or even Word was difficult at one time. But all these are flowers compared to domestic software. No, the program is really super and gives a lot of opportunities. However, you will have to spend a lot of time on training or even money on video lessons.
  • “You look at a book and see nothing.” A Russian proverb perfectly describes the state of a person who opens an “Enterprise” for the first time. There is no base, and it is not clear what needs to be done. At the end of the article, the basics of software management will be given.


Which version is better to install on your computer? Of course, the most recent one. Today it is 8.3 or 8.2. The previous ones, even 8.0, are quite an old product that will be inconvenient to use. Try to install the latest, especially if you purchase software for money.

What if it's free? There are demo versions of the databases that can be used for several days - about 30. If you are a beginner accountant and want to practice at home, then this option is quite suitable for you. Moreover, the price of a whole product is by no means small.

Another option is the pirated version. Despite the diligent work of Roskomnadzor, it is quite easy to find an unlicensed version of 1C. Most organizations have exactly this. And, most likely, if you are reading this article, you have also already found a source with a “pirate”. It's worth warning in advance. The installed software will work with virtually no flaws. However, if you plan, as a programmer, to provide services for the operation of illegal 1C: Enterprise, then you risk incurring criminal liability for this. And if you are a simple client, then, again, not a single good programmer will undertake to serve you when they discover a pirated version.

Installation and configuration

Installing the 1C platform, as mentioned above, is not difficult at all.

  • We go to the folder with the program and select the “setup” file there or click on the disk icon, after which the installation window will open.

Select the “setup” file

  • Click “Next”, skipping all the standard steps, stopping only at the window where you need to select program components. We mark the first three without fail. They must be installed on your hard drive.
  • The final window will prompt you to install the security key driver. We also need him, so we agree.

We have successfully installed the platform. Now, in the same way, but without additional settings, you need to install the required configuration. We run the setup file and do everything exactly the same; it will take a few minutes to install the software.

Setting it up to get started

So, we figured out how to install 1C. Now you need to create a database. This, in essence, is the initial setup. Creating a database will be considered using the example of “1C: Accounting” - the most popular configuration.

  • Let's launch the program.
  • As a rule, a message immediately appears in front of us in which the system offers to create a new infobase.
  • Select “Create a new…” and click “Next”.

  • You must select a configuration from the list. Let's do it. Then we come up with a name and move on.
  • Select a location on your hard drive.
  • Click ready.

Now we have a database that we can start working with.

Practice shows that installing 1C:Enterprise is not a problem for anyone. But all the following actions already cause difficulties. See information on sections that interest you, gain new knowledge on this topic, and soon you will be able to proudly tell your friends that you understand software from One Es.

Let's look at the procedure for installing the Basic version program. Installation involves 3 stages:

Platform installation

The procedure for installing the platform is described in detail in the instructions.

Note: for Basic versions, when installing the platform, you do not need to install the security key driver (checkbox “Install security key driver” not placed).

Setting the configuration

After installing the platform, the configuration is installed, which means installing 1C configuration templates, from which information bases can then be created. To set the configuration, perform the following steps:

Press the button "Ready". Checkbox “Open delivery description” can be left or removed. When installing it, a file with a description of the delivery will open.

Creating a database and activating a license

Database creation

Let's launch the 1C:Enterprise shortcut that appears after installing the platform.

Initially, the list of infobases is empty. To add a new information base, perform the following steps:

License activation.

For Basic supplies, the following points must be kept in mind:

    When purchasing the program, the package contains a PIN code for activating the license, which contains 16 characters;

    PIN code activation is possible only 3 times;

    After the third activation, the program is purchased again or the Basic version is replaced with the PRO version with an additional payment.

    Re-activation may be required when installing the program on a new computer or changing key parameters of the current computer, for example, operating system, hard drive, motherboard, and others.

So, your life path has crossed with the abbreviation “1C”. You may have previously come across the phrases: “knowledge of 1C is required”, “skills in working with 1C”, “1C enterprise” or “1C accounting” are required. But you didn't give them much importance. However, life does not stand still. Either your own initiative or circumstances force you to find out in more detail: what 1C is, where to get it and how to learn it.

The easiest option is to enroll in 1C courses, of which there are a great many offered. All you have to do is open any newspaper ad. But if you are an inquisitive person by nature and are used to figuring things out on your own, then this article is for you.

Let's start with the fact that 1C is the name of the company that produces the software product of the same name. This company is quite large and occupies a large share of the accounting systems market. But at the user level, when pronouncing “1C”, they usually mean accounting automation programs for small and medium-sized enterprises. The most common of them are 1C: Enterprise Accounting and 1C: Trade Management. There are different versions of software platforms. The latest version at the moment is 8.2. In addition, the 1C company continues to support the outdated (but nevertheless self-sufficient and continues to be widely used) version - 7.7.

To put it simply: 7.7 can run on weaker computers and is generally cheaper. 8.2 - requires much more modern computers, but it is more convenient, beautiful, and functional. And this is the future.

Where to get 1C.

Let’s make it clear right away that here we will not consider illegal ways to install the platform. You can purchase the program from any of the numerous official representatives of the 1C company, called franchisee. The program (for example 1C: Accounting 8.2) is sold in the form of a yellow box measuring approximately 15 by 20 cm. The box contains a user manual book, an installation disk and a security key, similar to a regular flash drive. You can find a list of franchisees working in your city on the official 1C website. For version 8.2 it is available at this link.

How to install 1C.

If you purchase a box of software from an official franchisee, installation services are usually provided free of charge. But there are different life situations. For example, the operating system on your computer has been changed. Or you took a box with a program from someone for “temporary use”. In this case, you can try to install the platform yourself. Moreover, the installation process is quite simple. Let's look at the example of installing the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform and the 1C:Enterprise Accounting configuration in a file version. There is also a server option, but it is intended mainly for systems with a large load and a large number of users.

Here it is necessary to make a digression to clarify the concepts of “platform” and “configuration”. Platform- this is the kernel “engine”, the executable environment. Configuration- this is a version of the information base with settings that implement accounting in a certain area. In a simplified form, this can be represented by the example of storing photographs or films on a computer disk: the program with which you watch films or photographs is a platform. And the folder on the disk with movies or photos is a configuration. There are standard and custom configurations. Standard configurations, like 1C: Enterprise Accounting, are supplied directly by 1C and its partners.

So, we take the installation disk out of the box and place it in the drive. You can read the lengthy instructions first (but this is not our method, right?). In the window that appears, select the item - 1C: Enterprise (if autostart does not occur, find the file setup.exe or atuostrart.exe on the installation disk and run it). We see the installation welcome window 8.2. Just click “Next”. In the “Custom installation window” we disable everything except what is indicated in the figure:

If you need another language other than Russian, select it in the “Interfaces in various languages” item. Click Next, select the default language, and click “Finish.” You will be prompted to install the security driver. We agree. That’s it, the platform is installed - look for the round 1C enterprise shortcut on your desktop (if it doesn’t appear, look for it in the “Start -Programs” system menu).

Don't forget to install the program's security key into a free USB port. It looks like a regular flash drive and looks something like this:

We return to the original startup window and install the configuration. We see the welcome window, click “Next”. Leave the path to the template directory unchanged and click “Next” again. After copying is complete, we can launch 1C using a shortcut on the desktop or from the “start program”.

After launch, we will see something like the following picture on the screen:

Click the “yes” button. The list of information bases may not be empty, then to create a new database, click the “add” button.

We choose to create a “New Information Base”. In the list of templates, open the “1C: Enterprise Accounting” folder, place the cursor on the most nested level and click next.

The version number in your case will most likely be different. If you select the demo option, the created infobase will contain demo data. It's good to practice with specific examples. Nothing prevents you from creating several databases - demo, working, etc.

Click “Next” and enter the name of the infobase. Whatever you like. The created database will appear under this name in the list of infobases. Location type - on this computer or on a local network.

Next, enter the information base storage directory. To make it easier to remember, let’s enter, for example, C:1CBasesBuh . You can enter any other directory or leave the default one. But it is better to remember the path to the place where you decide to store the information bases. Especially if you are going to transfer them from computer to computer or keep records in one database for several years.

To transfer the database to another computer, it is enough (for example, using a flash drive) to transfer the entire folder (in our case, the buh folder inside the 1CBases directory on drive C:) where the database is stored and connect it to the list of information bases (more on this below).

On the last tab we leave everything unchanged:

After clicking the “Finish” button, the new information base will appear in the 1C list. This concludes the lesson on how to install 1s 8.

Launch 1C.

To start working in the information base of the configuration you have chosen, you need to position yourself on it in the list and click the “1C Enterprise” button.

In addition to the “1C Enterprise” operating mode, you can enter the information base in the configurator mode by clicking on the “Configurator” button. The configurator implements all the functionality for additional configuration of the information base by specialists. If we use analogies with a program for viewing films and photos, then this is work in photo and film editing mode (remove the red-eye effect, combine video frames, etc.)

    In addition to these two buttons, there are a separate group of buttons for working with information bases in the list
  • Add- allows you to add a new or existing database to the list. We discussed adding a new database earlier, but to add an existing one, you need to set the switch in the “Add an existing database to the list” field. The text above talked about the possibility of transferring the database to another computer. After copying the folder with the infobase to disk, set the specified folder as the path. A sign that a folder contains a database is the presence of a file in it 1Cv8.1CD. You can connect not only the transferred folder, but also any other folder with the database, which, as an option, disappeared from the list after reinstalling the system.
  • Change- allows you to change the parameters of an already connected infobase. For example, change the name under which it is displayed in the list or the path to the database. It is displayed at the bottom of the window when you select a base.
  • Delete- removes the database from the list. In this case, the directory with the database itself is not deleted from the disk. If you don't need it, you need to delete it separately.
  • Settings- cosmetic settings for displaying the list of databases and other service parameters. If you have a lot of them, they can be reflected in the form of a tree.

The basics of further work will be discussed in the following articles.