How to reduce font size on a laptop. How to increase font size on laptop. There are several ways to increase font size on pages, and in different Internet browsers

Google Chrome, like most programs on your computer, is vulnerable. Therefore, after visiting pages with malware, problems with working with the browser often appear. There may be problems opening pages or navigating to desired page, for example, Chome does not open the sites you wrote in address bar, or the browser starts with an unnecessary page.

The main reasons why there may be problems with page display in Chrome:

1. The Internet has disappeared.

The internet may have gone down, let's see network cable, check WI-FI network, check the router.

2.Changed launch path

Malicious programs can add some parameters to the shortcut. To see them you need right click mouse click on the shortcut and select Properties in the context menu. In the shortcut properties we will see the line “C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” - as an example of an incorrect line of the address of the object to launch the browser. In any case, the shortcut to the program should look like this: “C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” (the path in your shortcut may differ).

4.2 Here you will need an uninstaller program, for example CCleaner or its analogues. After downloading this software from the Internet, we will remove the damaged browser. Uninstallation programs often completely remove all parts of the program from the registry; we recommend removing special programs, and not the default Windows uninstaller.

After the above procedures, you will need to reinstall the browser by downloading the latest version from our or the official website (as needed). If you are not satisfied Google browser Chrome - you can try other browsers, for example Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, SeaMonkey.

Google Chrome is a popular web browser that has deservedly earned the title of the most used web browser in the world. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use the browser - users may encounter a problem Google launch Chrome.

There may be a sufficient number of reasons why Google Chrome does not work. Today we will try to look at the main reasons why Google Chrome does not start, adding tips to solve the problem.

Why won't Google Chrome open on my computer?

Reason 1: Browser blocked by antivirus

New changes that developers make to Google Chrome may contradict the security of the antivirus, due to which the browser can be blocked overnight by the antivirus itself.

To rule out or decide this problem, open your antivirus and check if it is blocking any processes or applications. If you see your browser name, you will need to add it to the exceptions list.

Reason 2: system failure

A serious failure could have occurred in the system, which led to Google Chrome not opening. Here we will do it very simply: first, you will need to completely remove the browser from your computer, and then download it again from the official website of the developer.

Download Google Chrome browser

Please note that on the site Google downloads Chrome system may not correctly detect your bitness, so be sure to make sure you're downloading the exact bitness version of Google Chrome that your computer has.

If you don’t know what bit depth your computer has, it’s very easy to determine. To do this, open the “Control Panel”, set the view mode to “Small icons”, and then open the “System” section.

In the window that opens, next to the “System type” item, the bit depth will appear: 32 or 64. If you don’t see the bit depth, then you probably have 32 bit.

Now, when you go to the Google Chrome download page, make sure that you are offered the version for your bitness operating system.

If the system prompts you to download Chrome of a different bit size, select “Download Chrome for another platform,” and then select the required version browser.

As a rule, in most cases, after the installation is completed, the problem with the functionality of the browser is resolved.

Reason 3: viral activity

Viruses can affect a variety of corners of the operating system, and, first of all, they are aimed at damaging browsers.

As a result of virus activity, the Google Chrome browser may stop launching altogether.

To exclude or confirm this possibility of a problem, you should definitely run the mode deep scan in your antivirus. Also, to scan the system, you can additionally use the special scanning utility Dr.Web CureIt, which does not require installation on your computer, is distributed absolutely free and does not conflict with antiviruses from other manufacturers.

When the system scan is completed and all infections have been cured or removed, restart your computer. It is advisable if you then reinstall the browser, first deleting old version from a computer, as described in the second reason.

And finally

If the problem with your browser has recently occurred, you can fix it by performing a system rollback. To do this, open Control Panel, set the view mode to Small Icons and go to the Recovery section.

In the window that opens, select “Run System Restore.”

After a few moments, a window containing dots will appear on the screen windows recovery. Check the box next to “Show other restore points,” and then select the most appropriate restore point that preceded the problem with launching Google Chrome.

The duration of system recovery will depend on the amount changes made into the system after creating the selected point. So the recovery may take several hours, but after its completion the problem will be solved.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

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6 reasons why Google Chrome may not open

The Google Chrome browser may not start for several reasons, including the impact of viruses or a conflict with any software installed on the computer. Antivirus programs and firewalls help protect your computer from viruses and prevent the spread of malware, but they can also cause the browser to fail to start. This is due to the fact that they can block some programs associated with Internet connections, including Google Chrome.

Also, the reason for failure to launch may be a damaged browser profile, lack of memory, etc. Let's take a closer look at all the options.

Antivirus software

Modern antiviruses provide secure access to the Internet by restricting access to certain protocols or for individual applications. Your antivirus or firewall may be set to block all Internet connections to Google Chrome. To check, you need to temporarily disable all anti-virus software on your computer and check whether the browser starts. If Chrome starts, then you need to add it to the list of exceptions for the antivirus or firewall.

Impact of viruses and software conflicts

Google Chrome has a simple tool that can help you identify programs that negatively affect the browser. To do this, simply enter the following request “chrome://conflicts” in the address bar.

In the picture above you can see that Chrome found 130 modules loaded into the browser. However, no conflicts were detected with any of the modules.

If there are conflicts with third-party software, Chrome will display them on this page. Detected viruses may also be present in this list.

To resolve these conflicts you need to disable, update or remove problematic programs. If malware is detected, then mandatory you need to clean your computer using some antivirus program. Google Chrome itself will suggest the steps you need to take to fix each problem.

Checking protected system files

Sometimes the reason why the browser fails to launch is due to damage or changes to system files windows. System files are very important for stable operation systems and applications. Sami Google developers Chrome recommends checking protected system files if you have problems launching the browser.

In order to check system files you need to run command line as administrator and enter the command “SFC.exe /SCANNOW”. In this case, there must be a space between these two components of the command.

Chrome user profile corruption

If your browser does not open or starts for a while and then closes, then possible reason this problem may be due to profile corruption Google user Chrome. In order to restore the browser, you need to create new profile user. To do this, run the following actions:

  1. Close your browser.
  2. Open Windows Explorer(keyboard shortcut “Win+E”).
  3. After opening the Explorer window, enter the following path in the address bar at the top:
  1. Press the Enter key. A list of browser folders and files should open.
  2. In this list, find the “Default” folder and rename it, for example, “Default BACKUP”.
  3. Launch Chrome.

If everything went well, the browser should open with default settings and automatically create new folder"Default" Recovery previous settings you can try to copy some data from backup folder to the “Default” folder, but it is not advisable to do this, because old profile is corrupted, and these actions may corrupt the newly created profile.

Update 01/13/2016

With the exit latest versions Google Chrome, renaming the “Default” folder no longer gives the desired result. This may be due to a change in the structure of the folders in which user data is stored.

To solve this problem, you can rename the “User Data” folder, which is the parent of the “Default” folder. After renaming and launching the browser, a new “User Data” folder will be created with default settings, and from old folder you can try to retrieve your settings.

Your computer's operating system uses RAM to own work and for launch various programs. Although for modern computers and laptops, this is not entirely relevant, because... they have a fairly large volume random access memory, however, if many applications and processes are running at the same time as Google Chrome is launched, the browser may not open.

To check how busy your computer is, press the key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Delete” and launch the task manager. In the window that opens, look at how many processes and applications you have running, how much free physical memory. Try closing some programs and check that Google Chrome is running.

Update or reinstall your video card driver

Majority modern browsers(including Chrome) use video card resources ( hardware acceleration) for rendering pages. Therefore, if the video card driver is faulty or its version is outdated, this may cause Google Chrome to fail to launch.

Google Chrome won't open on my computer. What to do?

Today we’ll talk about the Google Chrome browser, and more precisely, about why Chrome may not start. Any user can encounter this problem, so let's discuss the causes of the problem and their solutions.

Viruses and software conflicts

Everything is simple here. If yesterday you were using Chrome without any problems, and today it stopped starting, most likely the problem is some kind of virus or malicious file. In this case, be sure to use an antivirus with the latest downloaded databases and a utility like Dr. Web Cureit, which will help you find the source of the problems.

In addition, if you do manage to launch the browser, you can familiarize yourself with the connected modules in Chrome. To do this, type the phrase chrome://conflicts/ in the address bar and click Enter key. You will see the loaded modules in front of you. If the system detects conflicts, it will definitely notify you about it. You will need to disable the module. If we're talking about about any program, it is better to remove it or reinstall it. Just don’t delete any system file, otherwise you may not be able to start Windows next time!

Firewall and antivirus software

If you use a firewall, then you probably know that it does not allow all programs to access the network. It is worth noting that the setup occurs automatically, at the same time the system can block you from accessing the network important programs. You need to open your firewall or antivirus if it uses your own firewall and add the Google Chrome browser to the exclusion list.

Damage to system files

Theoretically, it is possible that system files that are somehow associated with the browser can be damaged. This happens very rarely, and if it does happen, then, as a rule, viruses and malicious files. In this case, there are two options: this Google installation Chrome to your computer again, or restore the system to an earlier point in time. In other words, you need to roll back the system.

Click on the "Start" button, then select "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" - "System Restore". Here you need to select a restore point (the date at which Chrome was working) and follow the instructions. The main thing is that you have at least one restore point.

User profile corruption

IN in this case We are talking about damage to the Google Chrome user profile. You can suggest deleting the profile folder, and all data, including extensions, bookmarks, etc. will be deleted. If it doesn't bother you, delete it User folder Data. It is located at:

  • windows 7, 8 and Vista: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\ (for example, C:\%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\)
  • windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\ (for example, C:\%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\)

In this case, before the procedure itself, you can copy the folder to another directory - if something happens, you can restore it back.

If this does not help, it is better to completely uninstall Google Chrome according to the instructions and install it again.

Not enough RAM

There is an opinion that Google Chrome may not start due to insufficient RAM. I haven’t encountered this, but there are reviews about memory on the Internet. This can be solved by closing programs. To do this, open the task manager and turn off one by one running applications.

If this helps, you might want to consider increasing your RAM.

Update your video card driver

Google Chrome can use video card resources. Therefore, you can try updating the video card driver. This is not difficult to do, as I already talked about earlier.

If nothing works out

If all else fails, you can launch Chrome using the no-sandbox key. But! It is strictly not recommended to use it, since, according to some data, in this case some vulnerabilities may be opened in the browser. Therefore, this method is best used if you need to retrieve some saved data from the browser.

Find the Google Chrome shortcut on the desktop, right-click on it and select “Properties” from the menu. Go to the shortcut tab and enter -no-sandbox in the object field (before no there is not one dash, but two in a row!). Save the changes.

Let's try to launch the browser.

Once again, if in this case Chrome boots, I recommend removing all important data from it and reinstalling it until it starts starting without a key.

Google Chrome won't open - solution to the problem

Sometimes it turns out that many PC users do not open Google Chrome. Quite often the reasons may be inexplicable - everything was fine in the evening, but now “glitches” are happening. So let's figure out why Google Chrome won't start and how to deal with this situation.

Why does this happen

Computer problems are quite common. These often include various problems with web browsers. "Google Chrome", "Mozilla", "Explorer" - it doesn't matter what program you have installed. The main thing is that “glitches” do not bypass any option.

So, let's try to figure out why Google Chrome won't open. The most common startup hindrance is an antivirus program. Absolutely any. Problems can also be caused by viruses and various installed programs. Let's look at each reason separately to find out why the Google Chrome browser does not open.


No matter how strange it may sound, antivirus programs can not only serve the benefit of the user, but also harm them. This happens because many people do not look at what pages and addresses they go to. If you click on a malicious link that does not contain Trojans or worms, you may end up with a not very pleasant situation - the browser will stop working when you restart. More precisely, the process will start, but there will be no “picture”.

In this case, you need to check the system for viruses, then disable the antivirus and try to launch your browser. If this doesn't help, uninstall the web program completely and reinstall it. Everything should work.

Sometimes the reason that Google Chrome does not open can be windows firewall. It will perceive the browser as a prohibited process and then block it. In this case, disable your antivirus and firewall and try to start working.


A fairly common answer to the question of why Google Chrome does not start is the presence of viruses on the computer. It’s good if they don’t devour your system, but only get to the browser. Although an unpleasant phenomenon, it is tolerable.

If you suspect that your computer is not running Google Chrome, the first step is to use antivirus program. Which one to use is up to you to decide. However, we would recommend Doctor Web to you - it is easy to get and use without effort. In addition, this “antivirus” has so-called free demo versions that help detect “infection” on the computer. In this case, you do not have to buy the final product.

So, once you have decided which antivirus program to use, run it. During checks, leave the computer alone - close all programs and games, including browsers (if any are running and open). When the computer completes the scan, disinfect all detected files; delete any that cannot be cured.

Be careful - important system data may be found among malicious programs. Therefore, before you start working with antiviruses, save all the important data that you need. Yes, just in case.

Restart your computer after the scan and treatment are complete. After that, try to launch Google Chrome. If all is unsuccessful, completely remove the browser with all bookmarks and other data, and then reinstall it. Everything should go back to normal.


Of course, if all the previous methods turned out to be useless, there is only one way out - reinstalling the system. Of course, you can rollback. However, from all problems, as they say system administrators, “there is one cure - take down the Windu and that’s it.”

So, when you decide to take this difficult step, find installation disk"Windows". Before doing this, write down important personal information in advance so as not to lose it. Insert the installation disc into your computer and wait for it to start.

Select "install operating system" windows systems". A window will open in front of you for choosing the method of carrying out the process - “clean” and “superficial” installation. In order to get rid of worries about why Google Chrome does not start, it is better to choose the first option. Next, using simple actions format HDD and select the path windows installations. Wait for the process to complete. The computer will reboot about 3 times - don’t be alarmed. Next, install the browser and use it as before. Now you know what to do if Google Chrome does not open.

What to do if Google Chrome won't start

Let's imagine a situation where you decide to go online using your favorite Google Chrome browser, but it doesn't open. There can be many reasons for this, as well as ways to correct it. Let's look at the most common of them, as well as opportunities to correct the situation.

Google's web browser is in incredible demand around the world. Today, according to statistics, users from all over the world predominantly use Chrome to visit websites, work and spend time on the Internet.

Moreover, this condition concerns not only desktop computers, but also tablets and smartphones. Despite its popularity, sometimes with the work of this software All sorts of difficulties may occur, the browser may even simply not start. That is why today we will figure out why Google Chrome does not open on a computer.

Causes of startup failure

Regardless of what you do on the computer, whether it's work or leisure/entertainment, the problem with starting the web browser is always a big nuisance that makes most people nervous. Therefore, it is necessary to know why this happens, as well as how to deal with such problems.

As you know, the Google browser is quite demanding software, which, first of all, uses a lot of RAM. The Internet is full of jokes that this browser does not have enough RAM in the world to work properly. But jokes aside, because sometimes a lack of computer resources leads to the browser simply freezing, and when we need to visit a site by clicking on the corresponding shortcut, we cannot receive a response from the application.

What to do if Google Chrome does not open on your computer

If you encounter a similar problem on your PC, you should not panic and blame viruses - most likely, the whole issue is the usual freezing of the “chrome.exe” process.

To restore the functionality of the browser and continue surfing the Internet calmly, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the “Task Manager” by pressing the “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Esc” keys.
  2. Find in the list running processes“Google Chrome” or “exe” and select it with the left mouse button.
  3. Click on the “Del” button and confirm your action to remove the task from execution.

After completing the steps above, you can close Task Manager and try to restart the browser. Google Chrome will open without problems. If similar problem If Google Chrome does not open on the computer, will be repeated systematically, it is recommended to clean the PC using CCleaner, and also, if possible, reinstall the Chrome browser.