How to create a multi-page pdf from. How to make a multi-page TIF file

By using virtual printers. This method is very convenient and allows you to obtain documents containing text that you can select and copy. But sometimes there are cases when you need several separate files with raster images convert to PDF. Of course, you can achieve this goal using virtual printers, sending selected images one by one for printing. But it is much easier and more effective to go the other way. In this article we will look at the technique how to create pdf literally with one click, taking advantage of the opportunities free programs viewing images. For these purposes, it is convenient to use the XnView and FastStone programs Image Viewer. If you take any of these programs, then in terms of creating PDFs you can find useful features, which are missing in the second program. Therefore, these two programs complement each other in achieving our goal. In particular, XnView allows you to set ZIP or LZW compression - i.e. make a file without losing quality. And in FastStone Image Viewer can be set new size images and resolution mode.

Downloading and launching programs

Both of the above programs are free for non-commercial use and are available for download on official websites. Moreover, for both programs you can download both an installer and a portable version, which starts and works without installation into the system. In our case, we will just use portable versions these programs. To download them, you need to go to the corresponding download pages XnView And FastStone Image Viewer.

To download the programs on these pages, you must click on the following links.

Downloaded zip archives should be unpacked to HDD computer.

To launch the programs, click on the files xnview.exe and FSViewer.exe.

How to create PDF in XnView?

After opening the program, you need to specify the path to the folder with images and select those pictures that need to be converted to PDF. In our case, we have several scanned images for this.

As you know, if you press the combination Ctrl keys-A, then you can select all the files in the folder. At large quantities images are the most convenient option. After necessary files are highlighted, select the menu item “Create / Multi-page file”.

In the dialog box that appears, specify the name of the resulting file and select the “Portable Document Format” format. You can then click the Options button to set the compression format.

This is what the options dialog box looks like.

When choosing a compression format, you should keep in mind that the most popular format- this is JPEG. This is lossy compression, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the size of the final file. But in some cases, other formats may be in demand and even be more effective. Especially in cases where the images are single-bit, i.e. contain only black and white dots, no shades of gray. Saving several files to different formats compression and with different degrees of compression, you can compare their size and appearance, and thus choose the most suitable option in terms of size/quality ratio.

After all the parameters are configured, all you have to do is click the “Create” button to convert the selected images to PDF.

How to create PDF in FastStone Image Viewer?

In FastStone Image Viewer, the steps to create a PDF file are performed in the same way as in XnView. First, the transition is made to the desired folder with images and selection of the necessary pictures.

After this, select exactly the same menu item as in XnView - “Create / Multi-page file”.

Now all that remains is to adjust the PDF creation parameters and click the “Create” button.

Let's take a closer look at the parameters. As you can see, the program from FastStone does not have the ability to select image compression formats - only the standard JPEG format is used, for which you can adjust the compression quality. But there are new settings such as “Size” and “DPI”.

If the "Size" option is checked, the images will be reduced to specified size. This can be extremely useful if the images have a huge resolution, which leads to an unnecessarily large PDF file. Of course, nothing prevents you from processing the pictures separately, and before creating a PDF, prepare their reduced copies in advance. But it’s much more convenient to click the checkbox once and set right size. Moreover, most likely you will need to do this several times, trying to create documents different sizes to choose from them the optimal size/quality ratio.

For the “DPI” option, you can set only two values: “Screen” and “Original file”. If the images were received from a scanner, then they most likely contain correct resolution(for example 300 dpi). In this case, you should select the “Original file” option - then printed size pages in the PDF file will be the same as the sheets that were placed in the scanner. And if you select the “Screen” option, the size of the pages will be comparable to the size of images on a computer screen, opened at a one-to-one scale. This corresponds to a DPI of 72. Thus, when large size For pictures, the printed page size may be larger than A4, which should be kept in mind. After all, if the document is planned to be printed in the future, this will create some inconvenience.

As you can see, in FastStone Image Viewer you cannot specify the name and folder for saving the file. Therefore, the created file should be looked for in the folder with images. It will be saved with a name like 2016-07-29_175455.pdf, where the first 8 digits are the current year, month and date, and the last 6 digits are current time(hours, minutes, seconds). If suddenly, for unforeseen reasons, the program saves the file not in the folder with images, but in another place (in the program folder, in documents or somewhere else), then the loss will not be difficult to find by searching for files by entering search bar current date and pdf extension.


By using XnView programs and FastStone Image Viewer can be quickly and conveniently converted to PDF series pictures. In both programs this process occurs approximately the same way - select required images and the creation module is launched multi-page document. Since the programs have slightly different functionality, before creating a PDF, it is worth assessing the images to determine whether they need to be reduced. If reduction is necessary, then it is better to use FastStone program for quick size conversion directly at the time of PDF file generation. And if you don’t need to change the size and want to save maximum quality, then you should use XnView with its ability to use compression algorithms without loss of quality (LZW, ZIP, etc.). These algorithms can even give higher compression ratios by black and white images, as well as in images with large single-color areas.

Good day!

It’s probably not for me to tell you about the advantages of the PDF format (which is supported by any reader and any modern device). It is much more convenient than many other formats for various documents, texts, even in some cases for drawings and pictures!

Actually, in this article I wanted to show several of the most current methods, how you can quickly create such a file (5 various options!). After all, we all, at least from time to time, have to deal with office routine.


By the way, for those who read a lot e-books, I want to recommend several readers for smartphones and PCs -

How to create a PDF file

1) B Microsoft Word(any text or document)

Because Word is installed on the vast majority of computers, so that's where you should start...

In general, in modern Word versions(and now relevant 2016), all PDF creation comes down to simply saving the document. For example, you typed text (or just opened a document), then simply select “File/save as...” from the menu (see screenshot below).

After which Word will “think” for a while (depending on the type and size of the source file) and your file will be ready!

A simple, fast and easy way...

Often, when you come across a necessary web page on the Internet, you would like to save it not just as a bookmark, but to turn it into a full-fledged document (which you will then read thoughtfully or work closely with). Actually, PDF is great for this!

And so, any browser has a print function: usually, just click universal combination keys Ctrl+P(Can this function select from the menu).

  1. “Save as PDF” is what we need, but this option is not available in all browsers;
  2. "Microsoft Print to PDF" - but this is available in almost all modern systems and browsers.

By choosing one of two options, all you have to do is specify the disk space to save the web page as a PDF.


I have another article on this topic on my blog. There are 3 more ways to save a web page to PDF. -

3) In special programs (ABBYY Fine Reader, Foxit Reader)

Hundreds (if not thousands) of different specialized programs, allowing you to read, edit, and change them. In this article I would like to recommend a couple of them:

  1. Foxit Reader- easy PDF reader. Allows you to conveniently view files of this format, make bookmarks, edit, etc. According to various tests, the program works an order of magnitude faster than the official one Acrobat Reader. You can download it on the official website:
  2. ABBYY Fine Reader- the most convenient program for scanning documents (for ten years no more convenient program for working with the scanner has been released...). In its latest versions, the developers have built in convenient tools for working with PDF: you can not only save current scanned documents in this format, but also convert all previously saved on disk into it! One of the disadvantages is that the program is paid (but there is trial version). You can download it from the official website. website:

And so, first I’ll look at Foxit Reader, because... it's free. During installation, pay attention to two checkboxes that need to be checked:

  1. "shell extension to convert...";
  2. "Word plugin". An example is presented below.

Actually, now in the program itself, on the toolbar, there will be a special one. "From File" button - you can use it to convert many other documents into PDF.

In addition, it is not even necessary to open Foxit Reader itself - just right-click on the file (say Word), and in context menu select conductor "Convert to DPF in Foxit Reader" (see screenshot below).

As for ABBYY Fine Reader, everything is so simple here that, probably, there are no comments at all: after launching the program, it automatically offers you to select several scanning and conversion options (two of them are highlighted in the screenshot below...).

ABBYY Fine Reader: several options for working with PDF

4) Save several images in 1 PDF file

There are dozens of ways to accomplish this task. Here I will recommend one of the fastest and most convenient (in my humble opinion). To complete it you will need one small program- XnView.

An excellent image viewer (in general, the program supports about 500 different media formats - that is, you can open almost everything in it...). I note that in its arsenal there are convenient converters, batch renaming files, there are dozens of plugins that solve a wide variety of problems. In general, I definitely recommend getting acquainted!

Let's move on to the actual PDF creation:

  1. download and run the program (you can do this from the official website, the program is free. I provided the link just above);
  2. then click on "Create/Multi-page file..." (see example below).

IN next step necessary:

  1. add all the pictures that you want to see in PDF (the "add" button);
  2. then specify the saving format "Portable Document Format", folder, and name the file;
  3. click the "Create" button.

Select the "Portable Document Format" format

The program works very quickly: literally in a matter of seconds the required file will appear (see example below).


If you are interested in alternative image and media file viewers for Windows, I recommend reading this article:

5) Converting from other formats

Despite the fact that above I have already partially given the conversion methods (in the same Word, Fine Reader, Foxit Reader), here I want to recommend one of my previous articles on this issue.

PDF to WORD (DOCX): 10 conversion methods-

The article provides 10 ways (using programs and online services) how you can convert almost any PDF file to Word format. I think this article will be useful to many in office work.

And that's all I have...

Good day everyone. my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today I am in a very happy mood, as today is my daughter’s birthday. She is turning 7 years old and in the fall there will be “Hello School!” Eh, my girl, she’s all grown up... Well, okay, despite my birthday, I still won’t leave you without an article. The article today will be very interesting and useful for many.

I think many people know what a PDF file is, and . So get ready. Due to my job, I periodically have to work with PDF files. Sometimes the task arises, and sometimes vice versa, i.e. . But there are times when you need to combine several images into one such document. What to do then?

And the answer is very simple. And today I will show you how to do pdf file from pictures quickly and without installation additional programs, i.e. in online mode. Ready? Then let's go. Just prepare a few images in advance.

In principle, you don’t have to go far. Our office friend Microsoft Word can help. All you need to do is create a document in Word and insert an image on each page, adjusting it to the sheet format.

After all the manipulations, we just need to save this document in PDF format. That's all. You don't have to go far. But still, here you need to go into the office and adjust something. The business, I want to tell you, is dreary. And I’ll show you how to make our task easier. Moreover, for this we do not need any programs at all.

Small PDF

In the first case, a service familiar to us from previous articles will help us, only in in this case the work happens a little differently.


Let's check what happened. All settings are default, photos fill the entire area of ​​the page and depending on the orientation, each page will behave differently.

In general, all methods are quite convenient and very fast, and everyone decides for themselves which method they like. Personally, which one do you prefer? Or maybe you use a special browser program like XnView? In any case, write your answer in the comments.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Except regular formats graphic files (with jpg extension, png, bmp, etc.), which usually contain one page of a graphic file, there are also graphic file formats that support multi-page images. One of them is the format with the tiff extension ( TaggedImageFileFormat). Exists as a three-letter extension of this format file tif, and four-letter tiff. In fact, this is the same file format, which, being four-letter in the original, became three-letter because the early Windows versions It was a mandatory requirement that all file extensions of this operating system were three digits.

At work, I sometimes need to collect several graphic files into one file, for example, when I scan several pages of one common document(protocols, acts, etc.). In this case, you need to combine these scanned pages into one multi-page graphic file, in order to then send this file to all protocol participants for review and work. And send them lots of files individual pages protocol is not the best solution.

Also, sometimes it is necessary to scan a few pages of a book, or a small brochure, and then combine all these separate files pages into one file on your computer. To solve such problems, I usually use a small but very powerful and convenient program IrfanView. I have already briefly described its capabilities in the article

Downloading and installing IrfanView

IrfanView is free graphics program, small in size but with very powerful functionality. Considering that it also supports the Russian language, it has become for me one of the most necessary on the computer for viewing and editing photos. In fact, in symbiosis with the built-in Windows Paint, this is a small analogue of Photoshop.

You can download IrfanView from the official website of this program, or you can download version 4.38 from the direct link:

If you chose the first method, then on the official website click on the link indicated in the screenshot below (the site is in English, so I showed below how to download the latest version of the program):

You will be taken to the program download page, where you need to click the big green button"Download Now"

After downloading, install the program (just click “Next” or “Next” when prompted to install the program). The program icon resembles a red, sprawled cat:

Russification of the IrfanView program

The Russian language for the program interface can be downloaded from the same site, in the left menu “IrfanView languages”

Then we find the Russian language in the list and download Installer:

Then we install the downloaded file, and IrfanView becomes a program in Russian, as shown below.

If for some reason the program does not switch to Russian automatically, then go to the “Options” menu, then “Change language”, and then select the Russian language, and click “OK”:

Creating a multi-page tif file

So, the program is installed, Russified, and now you can proceed directly to creating a multi-page tif file consisting of several consecutive images.

I have seven pages of a freshly scanned brochure that I need to condense into one tif graphic file. For now they are all located separately and look like this:

Open IrfanView, go to the “Tools” menu item, then “Multi-page images”, then “Create a multi-page TIFF file”:

A new window will open in which we will create our multi-page tiff from our individual files.

Click on the top right button “Add images”, find and select with the mouse all the files that we need to combine (in our example these are 7 files), and it is advisable to first number these files in the correct sequence so that in the created multi-page file they go in in the right order. After adding these files, they look like this:

Next, use the “Browse” button to specify the folder to save created file, and below we can immediately set the name of the resulting file (just do not change the tif extension). You can also use the sorting option source files, but if you initially numbered them correctly, then this is not necessary.

After all the preparations, click the “Create TIF file” button at the bottom left:

As a result, you create a multi-page tif file (in our example, a seven-page “Brochure.tif” file was created).

We open the resulting file “Brochure.tif”, and see that it contains exactly 7 pages. You can turn the pages of a multi-page file either using the buttons shown in the screenshot below, or using the key combinations “Ctrl” + “Page Down” ( Next page), or “Ctrl” + “Page Up” (previous page).

So, today we downloaded and installed the wonderful IrfanView program, Russified it, and also learned how to create multi-page tiff files. If you have any additional questions, please ask them in the comments.

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