How to hide assistive touch on iPhone reviews. What is Touch ID or “you are in our hands. Problems with use

Touch ID - what is it and how to use the technology? This question is asked sooner or later by owners Apple technology.

Modem mode on iPhone 6 and iPhone 7: how to enable and configure – step-by-step instruction 2017

Benefits of technology

Among the benefits that Touch ID provides are:

  • high speed response due to a minimum number of operations;
  • complete confidentiality important information, access to which can only be obtained by the owner of the device;
  • the ability to authorize the user in a number of applications. Today, many programs support working with technology. For example, password storage 1Password, diary service DayOne and file manager Documents;
  • usage mobile gadgets instead of bank cards when paying for purchases.

Rice. 2. Payment for purchase when iPhone help.

Setting up Touch ID

The technology does not provide the user with opportunities quick start all its functions - it is not activated on a new, just purchased phone.

And in order to fulfill initial setup mobile phone or tablet should be done certain actions:

  1. Wipe Home button and your fingers to avoid distortion of prints in the process of their identification;
  2. Enter a password that can be used if you unlock the device with using Touch ID is not working for some reason. The password request occurs 2 days after the last unlocking occurred;
  3. Taking the device in the same way as when normal use smartphone or tablet, place your finger on the Home button;
  4. Keeping your hand in the same position, wait for a slight vibration of the device or sound, which is a signal that the first stage of setup has completed.

After this, the gadget can only be unlocked by the person who carried out the setup.

Access can be obtained by waking up the smartphone or tablet from sleep mode (by pressing one of the buttons on the body) and placing your finger on the sensor.

Rice. 3. To access your iPhone, just press the Home button with your finger

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Authorization in services

Identification in services and programs using Touch ID is configured as follows:

  1. The smartphone (tablet) settings section opens;
  2. Select the item “Touch ID and password”;
  3. The sub-item “ is activated iTunes Store, App Store».

After this the operating room iOS system downloads necessary additions to the device and informs you about the need for additional authorization.

The fingerprint identification procedure is provided separately for each of the applications that you will use Touch ID to log into.

Although it will take less time to set up. By the way, on our website you can read how to distribute the Internet from your phone.

Problems with use

Despite the fact that access technology makes their use more convenient, sometimes with login operating system problems arise.

There are only three main reasons for problems:

  • The fingertip or the button itself is dirty. The issue can be resolved by thoroughly cleaning the surface of the sensor and hands;
  • problems with software. To avoid them, authorization should be provided using the image of two fingers at once. If this could not be done before the malfunction occurred, the situation is corrected by sending the device to service for flashing;
  • Factory defects are not a very common reason, but they do occur. A sign of a problem is complete absence reactions to a finger touching the Home button and the inability to restart the smartphone. In this case, the phone also needs to be taken to service center.

Rice. 4. A dirty button is one of the reasons for incorrect scanning.

Problems with setting up the technology are compensated by its capabilities. Such as speed and ease of use, optimization of payment processes and no need to remember a password. And problems occur quite rarely.

How to improve Touch ID performance

This option is present in most Apple devices starting from the seventh generation, but not many users know how to properly configure the technology and solve problems that arise with it.

By alternating design changes, improving performance, and showcasing new interesting opportunities and technologies that ensure comfortable use of the phone. However, it was difficult and very difficult for engineers, designers and other equally important employees of the Cupertino company to invent every year new design for iPhone. So in line apple smartphones a permanent model appeared with the prefix "S" at the end (and later "C"). These phones were practically no different from their predecessors from last year in appearance, but surpassed them in power and other parameters that are so important for many geeks.

In addition to the above, improved iPhone models had some kind of “trick” - a function or technology that stimulates people to buy. The 4S had it, which performed the role of a voice assistant quite well, although from the very beginning it could only communicate in English, and the iPhone 5S proudly demonstrated an innovative fingerprint scanner Touch ID, allowing you to put reliable protection to your smartphone from extra eyes and hands, but is fingerprint scanning technology so important and what are the negative and positive sides it entails. I will try to thoroughly understand all this in this article.

How it all started or who was the first to use the Touch ID analogue

iPhone 5S on this moment demonstrates great job with recognition of your fingerprints to protect data, however, it is worth mentioning and telling who was the first to use the mentioned technology and experienced everything underwater rocks market mobile devices.

The pioneer was the South Korean company Pantech, which back in 2004 introduced new model cell phone, referred to as Gl100. The telephone at that time had enough high quality screen, camera, but unlike other devices, it had a fingerprint scanner, which allows you to hide numbers and other information.

The scanner was located directly at the top of the screen in the middle of the navigation buttons (up, down, left, etc.). For fingerprint recognition ordinary user it was necessary to move your finger across the surface of the scanner average speed for an accurate result. According to assurances this operation should have lasted 3-4 seconds, but harsh practice has shown that unlocking the phone with your finger took a considerable 14-15 seconds, so the use of revolutionary technology brought ordinary users much more discomfort than convenience. Also, throwing stones towards Pantech Gl100, I will mention that all hidden information it was also possible to copy on the phone by synchronizing with a computer. This was one of the first attempts to introduce fingerprint recognition technology into a mobile device.

Later, other equally well-known companies introduced an analogue of Touch ID into their devices, but in the end they came across multiple technical problems and malfunctions. It seemed that over time the idea had completely outlived its usefulness and the market no longer needed devices with a fingerprint scanner, but Apple suddenly changed the situation.

The emergence of Touch ID

Rumors about the introduction of Touch ID appeared on the Internet long before the release itself. I tried hard not to believe it. Pantech's attempt is firmly entrenched in my memory, but despite all my skepticism, the guys from Cupertino still presented the iPhone 5S, which had much powerful processor, an improved camera, a coprocessor, and most importantly, an excellent fingerprint scanner. Right at the presentation they showed us how easy and convenient it is to use new Touch ID, how it will make it easier for us to use our smartphone and how we used to live without it, but put all this rotten sarcasm aside and let’s talk about the facts.

At the time of release in iPhone base 5S users could add several fingerprints to the phone at once to resolve family issues. It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased when their child comes up every minute asking them to unlock their phone; there are many similar situations. Functionally, the scanner allowed you to unlock your smartphone using your finger, as well as link your fingerprint to , which made it possible not to enter your account password every time you purchase an application or other media content from the AppStore.

In addition to all of the above, the iPhone will be guaranteed to be protected in the event of its possible theft or loss - all your data will be protected. On that note, the list Touch capabilities ID ends. By comparison, Siri had a lot more functionality when the 4S was released. Yes, they did not understand and still do not understand the great and mighty Russian, however voice assistant could launch an application, find a restaurant nearby, talk about the upcoming weather and more, and the basics of Siri are already used in cars under iOS control Car, but back to the main thing...

Touch ID and surveillance paranoia

Quite often there were rumors and theories on the Internet that Apple was deliberately covert surveillance for users through mobile gadgets and more, and many of these guesses were completely confirmed. News about coordinate tracking comes to mind iPhone locations and sudden inclusions iSight cameras on Mac computers.

The iPhone 5S suffered the same fate, and literally after a while bloggers began to claim that the Apple company scans users’ fingerprints and transfers them to intelligence agencies. Without hesitation, Tim Cook replied that all fingerprint data is stored inside the Touch ID itself and cannot be copied - this is a completely obvious answer. After all, for the CEO of a multibillion-dollar company, it is important to appease his clients and instill in them a sense of security. It is unlikely that any of you will be able to imagine how Tim Cook at the next presentation or interview says: " Yes, we are carefully monitoring you and all your fingerprints have already been sent to the intelligence services to be entered into a special database. Good luck everyone and buy ours new iPhone 5S".

I’m leaning towards the option of possible surveillance by Apple. After all, very recent events in the world hint at precisely such methods of fighting terrorism for our own protection. It is worth remembering how, just last year, the FBI carefully pursued a group of people involved in the terrorist attack in Boston, with the help of the almighty Facebook.

It’s time to put everything in its place - yes, we are being watched, yes, many of us don’t care, however, looking at this whole situation, you are imbued with a certain irony. Where is that notorious iPhone protection, when the intelligence services are stealing our data right in front of our noses, and whether the introduction of a fingerprint scanner was a deliberate move on the part of the same law enforcement services, however, this is already too loud a theory and should be put aside.

Touch ID and security

If we talk about security, Touch ID shows amazing results. Constantly scanning your fingerprint with different sides, over time, a more accurate picture is created, allowing you to recognize your finger even better. Moreover, the probability that someone in the world separate plot fingerprint can match yours in about 1 in 50,000, when the chance of guessing the password is 1 in 10,000.

It is practically impossible to hack Touch ID, copy too. The fact is that your fingerprint is stored as an encrypted mathematical formula. In addition to encryption, a special unique key is also required to access the fingerprint; only the native processor of the device knows it (Secure Enclave technology). In other words, if you change the processor or sensor, they will not see each other, since they will not be located within the same iPhone.

Let's summarize. The iPhone 5S turned out to be really powerful, beautiful and interesting in terms of technology, but the introduced Touch ID turned out to be a very controversial innovation and ultimately raised many unanswered questions online - are our fingerprints being stolen, how will the technology revolutionize iOS itself, should we wait for a sensor to analyze the retina, saliva, hair, and so on... In reality, users only got the opportunity to unlock the smartphone and avoid entering a password, which already costs a lot.

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What password can be called the most reliable and at the same time constantly accessible to the owner of the equipment? Fingerprint. IN new development Touch ID uses a fingerprint sensor as a means of identification. This method allows you to quickly or otherwise Apple devices and at the same time be confident in the security of the stored data.

Of course, the question immediately arises: Touch ID - what is it? The device itself, the technology or, in general, the phone model? Apple Touch ID is a technology that involves the use of a sensor that recognizes the user's unique fingerprint pattern. The unlocking process is simple: just place your finger on the Home button. The installed sensor reads the received data from absolutely any angle and in any way the iPad is positioned.

Unlock button iPad mini 3 is made of sapphire crystal, which is enclosed in a stainless steel ring. Each part: the ring detects touch, and the glass part transmits fingerprint data to the sensor. The reading program carries out comparative analysis and signals compliance. It is noteworthy that the Touch ID sensor performs the entire operation within a fraction of a second.

Advantages of the technology:

  • Speed ​​of response and minimum number of required operations.
  • Safety confidential information(due to the specific architecture of the A7 processor).
  • Information Security user (the password and fingerprint used cannot be copied or transferred in any way, and is also not available to the OS and applications).
  • Authorization in applications (Touch ID technology is already integrated to simplify the process of confirming actions or signing).
  • Using your fingerprint, you can confirm your purchase and iTunes - use Touch technology ID will eliminate the need to enter payment data and passwords.

How to enable and configure Touch ID?

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to put a single checkmark to implement the functions of the technology. Then a logical question arises: how to enable Touch ID?

Initial setup

First of all, you should deal with the initial setup. She :

  1. Before starting the process, thoroughly wipe the button and fingers.
  2. Enter a four-digit password that you have created, which the program will use without recognizing the fingerprint (the request is also possible after a reboot, two days after the last unlocking of the device, or to access functions).
  3. Holding the device as if you normally press “Home”, place your finger on the button (a light touch is enough) and hold it until there is a slight vibration or until the system signals that you can remove your finger.
  4. After the initial recognition is completed, the system asks you to change the position of the pad - this is necessary to complete the scanning. Now you need to attach the edges of the fingertip.

If the device is activated, then initial setup can be done through the main menu: by going to “Settings”, select “Touch ID and password”, then “Fingerprints”. The system itself will offer to go through the described registration process and about fingerprints.

Activation methods

If you can't set up Touch ID, you can use the sensor for purchases and password entry. To unlock an iPhone using technology, simply wake it up from sleep mode by pressing the “Power” or “Home” buttons, and then place your finger on the “Home” button. To use a sensor as an identifier account, you need to go to the settings section, then select “Touch ID and password” and activate “iTunes Store, App Store”. When downloading content, the system will inform you that you need a fingerprint on your iPad or other device.

Authorization using a scanner is activated separately, in the settings. Below are the relevant actions for Touch activation ID on iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 Plus with iOS 8 and updated iPhone 6 free application 1Password:

  1. Open “Settings” (tab located on the bottom panel of the program).
  2. Select the “Security” section.
  3. Scroll to the tab with the name of the technology.
  4. Switch the toggle switch to the “On” position.

Now the entrance to the program is available after pressing the fingertip against the sensor for a second!

Non-working function: defective or improper operation?

Undoubtedly, but what should you do if Touch ID stops working or does not work initially? There may be several reasons for this:

  • Household reasons (incomplete coverage of the button with a fingertip, contamination of the sensor, and even others). It should be noted that most of the complaints about Touch ID not working well fall precisely under this and the next category.
  • Just a glitch in the recognition program. In this case, it is better to register a different fingerprint.
  • There is, unfortunately, such an option as marriage. An indicator of such a situation is the lack of effect from rebooting the device and a scanning error. Moreover, it does not matter whether the defect was made at the production stage or by a rogue seller who assembled one iPhone from two without taking into account the linking touch sensor ID to “its” processor, the phone will still have to be taken to a service center.

With customization of the functionality, the functions in each application are more than covered by convenience, speed of operation and optimization of purchasing processes. Although the possibility of a marriage that could bring trouble cannot be ruled out.

Touch ID is a fingerprint scanner that was developed by Apple and is used on the company's smartphones and tablets, including: iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4, etc.

Why is it needed? Touch ID is mainly used to unlock a smartphone or tablet. Previously, you used a password and PIN to unlock, but now you just need to put your finger on the fingerprint scanner, as shown in the image below:

However, Touch ID is needed for other purposes as well. For example, you can use it to pay for purchases, including in a regular store thanks to the payment system Apple Pay. The idea is this: you link a bank card (or several) to your iPhone, come to the store, choose a product, when paying at the checkout, take out your smartphone, bring it to the payment terminal and put your finger on the fingerprint scanner, after which you pay for the product. It's even more convenient than using a physical one by bank card— payment occurs instantly. True, not all stores yet support Apple Pay, as well as the banks with which the system works, but in the future everything will change for the better.

What does Touch ID look like?

It’s not hard to guess that Touch ID is integrated into the Home button, which, by the way, starting with the iPhone 7, is not physical, but has become touch-sensitive.

Touch ID Security

The built-in sensor scans the fingertip using a special resolution and recognizes the finger pattern, even if it is at different angles. The fingerprint image is located in a special zone of the processor, which is protected. Moreover, what is interesting is that this is not an image of the fingerprint itself, but its mathematical image, from which, according to Apple, the fingerprint itself cannot be restored.

It is also stated that each individual touch scanner ID is tied to a separate processor, that is, if the fingerprint scanner is moved from one iPhone to another, it will lose its functionality.

Rumors appear on the Internet every now and then that fingerprints are not only stored on the device, but are also transferred to a separate server. Of course, Apple does not confirm such rumors, and no evidence was provided for this.

About the global benefits of Touch ID

Those users who follow the release of new mobile devices probably know that many companies are not averse to borrowing ideas from the same Apple. Touch ID is no exception.

The idea of ​​using a fingerprint scanner on a smartphone is not new, but it was with the advent of Touch ID that scanners became widespread. If before we only saw them on flagship smartphones, then today scanners are used even on budget devices!

Here is an example of a device, the cost of which at the time of writing is only 5-7 thousand rubles, and it is already equipped with a fingerprint scanner. True, this smartphone has a scanner located on the back of the case:

The smartphone is called DOOGEE X5 Max.

A couple of days ago my friend's Power button on the iPhone, and in order to lock the smartphone, I had to press the power button 4-5 times. I'm sure that with similar problem faced many iPhone owners, iPad and iPod Touch. My first advice would be this: go to the service center and replace the Power button, and don’t torture yourself and your phone anymore! However, if you don’t want to go to the service center or the service is far away, then there is a way out of this situation - a multifunctional virtual button. And now I will tell you what Assistive Touch is and how to use it!

So, we have already seen one of the problems of your iPhone or iPad: the Power button does not work or it works on the second or even the 3rd attempt, depending on which side you press. But this is not the only mechanical button on your iPhone, as you might have guessed :) The Home button allows you to return to home screen or unlock your iPhone and bring up the multitasking menu. There are also volume buttons, as well as a switch silent mode. And all these buttons can be easily replaced with a virtual button!

What is Assistive Touch?

Assistive Touch is a virtual button that you can hold on the screen of your iPhone or iPad and, if necessary, press it to call multifunction menu and through it perform various actions! By the way, to Assistive Touch can be used even when the top or bottom tap of the screen does not work, but more on that later.

This function was originally created for users with disabilities to make it easier for them is iPhone use or iPad. If among my readers there are those for whom this button makes their life easier precisely because of limited capabilities, write to me in a personal message or by email and I will try to describe even more about special features iPhone!

To enable this function, you need to go to the menu in your gadget SettingsBasicUniversal access and in the subsection Interaction turn on AssistiveTouch. Immediately after this, a gray square with a white circle in the center will appear on your screen:

How to use Assistive Touch

If you tap on this icon, an interesting menu will appear in which you can see several templates from Apple itself to simplify our lives:

It seems like a beautiful menu, but what happens if you press different buttons? Now I'll tell you:

  • Notification Center calls up - who would have thought - the notification center! In case the most top part the screen on your iPhone suddenly stopped working;
  • In chapter Apparatus You can press the screen lock button from the screen, change the volume or turn on silent mode;
  • Button Command centre calls up the menu of the same name if the lower edge of the display does not work;
  • Icon Home Simulates pressing the Home button on your iPhone to exit to the home screen;
  • If you click on Voice control, then the voice assistant will turn on on your gadget, which is logical;
  • In chapter User There are already a couple of blanks for those who find it difficult to press the screen with 2 fingers at once or perform double tap across the screen.

I’m sure that even without my help everyone will figure out how to take a screenshot or enable multitasking through the menu of this assistant :)

As you can see, everything is quite simple and with the help of Assistive Touch you can easily replace the shortcomings of your smartphone. Of course this function will be useful for people with disabilities, because it is for them, first of all, that the iPhone and iPad have this assistant.

Assistive Touch Tricks

Those who have already enabled Assistive Touch on their gadget may be interested in a few tricks to make using their iPhone even easier. To begin with, you need to be in the Assistive Touch settings menu (what is in Settings - General - Universal Access), and just below the switch itself there is an item Menu top level . Oh yes, this is where you can enable and or replace icons in the main menu of the virtual assistant:

If you click on one of the items in the frame, you can choose what exactly will be in this place, and if the number of buttons needs to be changed, then the icon counter at the bottom of the screen will help with this. For example, if your Power button simply does not work, like on my friend’s phone, then you can leave only it and then pressing the Assistive Touch button will immediately turn off the screen of your iPhone! Or you can leave only 2 buttons - Screen Lock and Screenshot, since they use the Power button!

The second trick is that the Assistive Touch icon itself on iPhone screen can be called up without running through all the Settings menus, but simply by triple pressing the Home button! To do this you need to go to SettingsBasicUniversal access and at the very bottom in the section Keyboard shortcut choose AssistiveTouch! After that a quick triple press pressing the Home button will bring up the treasured gray square with a white circle in the middle on the screen :)

I am sure that many of my readers will appreciate such a convenient and useful function Assistive Touch and will be able to make your life easier if one of the buttons on your iPhone or iPad suddenly stops working! In case you have difficulties with iPhone operation due to physiological limitations, you can use not only this assistant, but also others special functions smartphone. Join my groups on