Why can't my computer see photos from my iPhone? Add your price to the Comment database. iPhone won't connect to computer

The reasons for this problem are quite trivial; they usually lie in the carelessness of the user who confuses iCloud cloud service accounts. A common cause is a cable that often fails due to rapid wear or does not support data transfer natively. Less commonly, the problem is with the software or the phone itself.

Cable damage

Let's start with the cable. The problem may be that the cable damaged. To accurately determine the condition of the cable, try to plug phone to the computer using another cable, about which its performance is precisely known. If everything works with the other cable, then the problem is definitely there.

Most often this happens due to frequent excesses cable around the edges. But if the kinks are visually invisible, and the cable still only charges the phone, then most likely it never supported file transfer. People often sin like this splitter cables with many types of connectors and just cheap non-original cables.

Therefore, to be sure that the cable works not only for charging, buy original Lightning cables in official Apple Stores. Also, in order to avoid rapid wear and tear in the future, you can put special pads on frequent bends or simply wrap them with electrical tape, you can even use springs from automatic handles, it’s a matter of taste.

Outdated version of iTunes

The problem may also lie in the computer itself. To function properly with iPhone must be installed latest version iTunes and an Internet connection. The latest version of iTunes can be downloaded from the official Apple website.

It is possible that something is blocking access to the Internet. It can be different antivirus programs and viruses. In the first case, you should add iTunes to the exceptions. This procedure is performed differently for each antivirus, but in all cases you need to have administrator rights. In the second case, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. But if you don't have time to clean viruses, you can try starting your computer in safe mode and transfer files in it. To do this, during loading, press F8 and select “” or “ Safemode”, then proceed as usual.

If you use a computer with a Mac operating system, then the device itself is unlikely to be infected with viruses, but the router through which access to the network is provided is susceptible to infection. The fastest and most effective way to cure a router is reset it to factory settings. Example on a TP-Link router

But remember that in this case, Internet access will have to be configured again. Also, do not forget to update the router firmware to the latest one to prevent infection in the future.

The USB connector on your iPhone is damaged or clogged

The USB connector is another vulnerable link in this chain. Before you blame him, you should check cable and computer connector, since of these three the telephone connector is the most expensive thing to repair. It can be done, connecting the cable to another computer (which is known for sure to be working) or to another port USB, as well as changing the cable (it is also advisable to know that it is working).

If nothing works, then first you need to inspect the connector for dirt that may interfere with contact with the cable. If there is no dirt, but the computer still does not see the iPhone, most likely the USB connector damaged and in this case you should contact the service center.

We remind you that it is better to use the services of official services to avoid loss of warranty and poor-quality repairs (which happens many times more often than with other brands of phones due to Apple’s policy prohibiting self-repair and the design features of the iPhone).

Why doesn't the computer see the iPhone as a flash drive?

If the computer does not see the iPhone as a flash drive, the problem is most likely in the cable. The fact is that cheap charging cables most often do not support functions other than charging the phone. Try it to plug iPhone using original cable Lightning.

If the problem persists, connect the cable to another USB connector on your computer. To make sure we recommend also connect your phone to another computer. If none of the above helps, it looks like you'll have to contact service. We remind you that if you use unofficial services, you lose the warranty and there is a chance that the repair will be of poor quality.

Other causes and their elimination

If all of the above is working as it should, but something is still not working, here are a few other reasons for this problem. Using media librariesiCloud try viewing the photos through a computer application, they may already be there. If not, then check your account, which you entered and re-login if necessary, if it is still not visible, connect through the iCloud website. If you have created several media libraries, run the program “ Photo”, with the key pressed Option. In the menu that opens, select the desired media library.

In this article we will figure out why the computer does not see the iPhone 4, 5, or any other model. This phone is known to every person. Many cannot afford it, but this does not cancel the great desire to purchase a smartphone.

At the moment, the device from the American Apple is widely known in the Russian Federation, and even despite the fact that it is much more expensive than competitors’ products, it is in great demand. After all, in our time, having an iPhone is prestigious and respectable. But, unfortunately, problems also arise with this device.

The main reasons why the computer does not see the iPhone

Many people are faced with the fact that they connect a smartphone to a computer, but it does not respond in any way. Before looking for reasons in the smartphone/computer/software, you need to check the cable for cracks or cuts. This question is especially relevant for those who have animals at home. If everything is fine, then you need to try inserting the cable into another USB port. Sometimes it happens that the problem lies specifically in the equipment.

In addition, you should check the connector of the smartphone itself. If its contacts have oxidized, then you need to use an eraser that can easily clean them.

Problems with your communicator

If after examination it was found that everything is in order with the port, cable and connector, then most likely there is a breakdown in the smartphone itself. Most often, Apples have problems with the lower loop. Especially if the phone has already fallen at least once. When this situation is the cause, the part should be replaced. For iPhone 5 it will cost 1 thousand rubles.

Some owners change the cable themselves. If a person does not have the necessary skills and knowledge, then he should abandon this venture. There is a huge probability that the owner simply will not put the smartphone back together after such a procedure, and, most likely, several more parts will fail.

Moisture ingress

Often the problem described appears when moisture gets into the device. It is not necessary to put the phone in water or swim with it. Problems can begin even if the device has been lying in a damp and humid room for some time.

If this is the problem, you should immediately contact the service center. Some are able to disassemble the device themselves and dry it. However, this requires special skills.

Possible solutions

If there is a problem with the cable, then you just need to replace it with a proven one. You can buy one at any service store. But in the case when the problem lies in the internal structure, you should contact a specialist. Of course, if you have extensive experience, you can replace the part yourself, but the manufacturer strongly does not recommend doing this.

Problems with the official application

Very often there is a problem where 5 in official applications. This problem most often occurs with iTunes. First, you need to reinstall the software and make sure that the latest version of the utility is downloaded. If this method does not help, then you need to tinker with the settings of the operating system itself:

  • In the case where Windows XP is installed on the computer, you need to close the problematic software and turn off the smartphone itself.
  • Next, go to the Start menu and enter the following command: services.msc.
  • In the menu that opens, you should find the item that is responsible for the operation of the Apple device.
  • In the properties window you need to “stop” its operation and immediately “start” it again.
  • After the switching process is completed, you need to try connecting your phone.

In the event that the equipment is running Windows 7/Vista, and the question of why the computer does not see the iPhone is quite relevant, then we recommend performing the following steps:

  • You need to go to the “Device Manager”, find the item there that is responsible for the functionality of the functionality with the “Apple” and update its driver.
  • The latter should be looked for in the computer itself.
  • To do this, on drive “C” you should find the “Program Files” folder, then “General” and “Apple”.
  • In “Mobile Device Support” there will be a “Drivers” directory. We are interested in the file usbaapl.
  • All that remains is to wait for it to be installed.
  • Next, you need to connect the device to the computer again.

If the problem occurs with a device that runs Mac OS X:


The article describes the most common causes of the problem, why the computer does not see the iPhone, as well as their solutions. Only with the help of small steps can you easily eliminate all problems. At the same time, you need to understand that if the proposed methods do not help, then you should contact a service center for a more thorough inspection of your device.

To synchronize iPhone data with another computer or iOS device, you need iTunes. Sometimes errors may appear during the process, and the device does not appear in the list of available ones. Next, we will explain in detail why the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB and what to do to fix the problem.

Possible problems

If, after connecting the iPhone to the computer (Windows, macOS), the smartphone does not appear in iTunes or the list of devices, then there may be several reasons for this. Let's look at the main problems and ways to solve them:

  • You have an old version of iTunes installed on your computer. Try downloading updates through the settings or completely reinstall the program (the distribution is available on the official website).
  • The version of the operating system installed on the computer does not meet the program requirements. If you are using OS X, check for updates and download them if necessary. Remember that iTunes is only available for Windows and macOS.
  • Lack of drivers. If charging is in progress, the smartphone is detected by the device, but cannot synchronize with the program. Make sure that all necessary drivers (Apple Mobile Device and others) are installed on your PC or Mac. They download automatically the first time you connect your iPhone to your computer. If necessary, download them from the official Apple website.
  • Faulty connector, cable. If the computer no longer sees the smartphone, then the reason may be a clogged or faulty USB connector on the PC or iPhone. Try using a different cable (only the original one).
  • The presence of viruses on your computer or smartphone. Conduct a full system scan and eliminate possible threats. After that, try reconnecting your iPhone to your PC.

Sometimes the connection is invisible to the computer due to installed antivirus software or other security monitoring programs blocking the connection. Try temporarily disabling them and only then try synchronizing data again.

Connecting iPhone to computer via USB

If you want to view files stored on your iPhone from your computer, create a backup copy, or perform other actions, then connect it to your computer via USB. Procedure:

  1. Take the original cable from the iPhone and use it to connect the device and PC.
  2. Wait for the drivers to install automatically. If necessary, download them from the official website or using third-party software.
  3. Launch iTunes. If you do not have the program, then download the distribution kit (available for Windows and macOS).
  4. Wait until the iPhone icon appears in iTunes and the device appears in the list of available ones. After this, a green check mark will appear in the tray.
  5. Go to the Review tab to get detailed information about your smartphone.

After this, you will be able to create backups, reset the device to factory settings, and perform other actions. After connecting your iPhone via USB, you can synchronize data via Wi-Fi.

For normal data synchronization between your computer and smartphone, download and install updates for iOS on time. You can check availability through the settings.

Reinstalling drivers

If you are sure of the integrity of the cable and connector, but the computer does not detect the connected device, then most likely the synchronization problem is due to a driver malfunction. Disconnect all iOS devices from your PC and follow these steps to reinstall them:

  1. On a Windows computer. Open Device Manager and find Portable Devices in the list. A list of available drivers will appear. Right-click on “Apple Mobile Device Driver” and select “Update”. If this does not help, then completely remove the driver.
  2. On a MacBook. Connect your iPhone and unlock your device. On your computer, go to the Apple menu. Here, find the “System Information” section. On the left side of the window that opens, find the “USB” item. You will then see available third-party software on the right. Remove it.

iPhone drivers will be reinstalled on your computer automatically using iTunes. If this does not help, then this can be done through third-party software. For example, copytrans drivers installer.

The computer does not see the iPhone via USB, but is charging

If, when you connect your iPhone to your computer, the smartphone charges, but does not appear in iTunes or the list of available devices, then try the following:

  1. Disconnect the device and reinstall the drivers. To do this, completely remove all Apple programs (including iTunes) from your computer. This can be done through the Add or Remove Programs utility. After that, download them from the official website.
  2. Delete temporary Apple Mobile Device files from the Roaming and AppData folders.
  3. Try connecting your iPhone via a different USB connector, using a different cable (only the original one).

Sometimes the problem may be a clogged or faulty connector. Try gently cleaning it with a brush or blowing it with air.

iPhone won't charge from USB computer

If the computer does not recognize the device and the iPhone does not charge, then most likely the problem is a faulty USB cable. Try using a different cord or connecting your smartphone to another Windows PC or MacBook. Other recommendations:

  1. Make sure your computer is running and not in sleep or hibernation mode.
  2. Try connecting the device to another computer, laptop, or use a USB 3.0 connector.
  3. If an error message appears with the text “Device not supported,” then the problem may be a faulty smartphone cable. Then it will not be possible to eliminate it programmatically.

If the device is not recognized by the computer even when using other USB cables, try contacting a service center. Most likely, your iPhone needs to replace a cable or other faulty component.

The operation of Apple iPhone smartphones is often carried out in conjunction with computers. With their help, backup copies are created, new movies and music are copied, and the operating system is restored. What to do if the computer does not see the iPhone connected to the USB port? The reasons can be simple or very serious. Let's try to figure them out and restore a normal connection to the computer. The main reasons for the lack of normal connection are:

  • The connecting cable is broken;
  • The USB port is broken;
  • The functionality of iTunes and services has been disrupted;
  • The functionality of the smartphone has been disrupted.

Let's look at all these reasons and try to restore the connection between the PC and the smartphone.

Cable breakage

Connecting cables used to connect smartphones to computers tend to fail due to the low reliability of individual conductors. As a result of a breakdown, you cannot count on a normal connection. Breakdowns can also be caused by the actions of pets - the cables attract dogs and cats who like to play with funny wiring. These fun games make iPhone owners sad because they need to spend money on purchasing new accessories.

Pets love to chew on cables and charger cords, so we recommend storing them out of the reach of animals.

How to check the integrity of the cable being used? You can try connecting it to the charger, but this will not allow you to check the integrity of all conductors. That's why It’s best to try this cable on another iPhone by connecting it to the USB port of your computer. If all conductors are working properly, the computer should recognize the connected device. If there is still no response, you should continue troubleshooting.

Checking USB ports

In many computers and laptops that have been in use for 3-4 years, you can find faulty USB ports. Connecting external devices to them leads to the operating system freezing, various errors and reboots, as well as a complete absence of any reactions. Check the current port by connecting a device to it and assessing the response of the operating system (the connected device should beep). If there is no response, then the selected port is most likely in a faulty state.

If the selected port does not work and the computer does not see the iPhone, try connecting the smartphone to a different USB port. In some cases this brings positive results. If there is still no response, then the problem lies with the cable (which we have already checked) or with the iPhone itself. We also recommend cleaning the connectors in the smartphone, cable and PC using thin cardboard and alcohol(cologne, lotion).

Are there no free ports left on your computer? In this case, you can use a USB hub connected to a working port. For desktop computers, expansion cards and built-in card readers are sold, allowing you to expand the number of ports with minimal investment.

Checking the Apple Mobile Device Service

Why can't my computer see my iPhone via USB? In some cases, the problem is related to the incorrect operation of some services. If iTunes doesn't want to recognize your connected iPhone, you should restart Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS). The restart procedure is extremely simple and does not cause difficulties even for novice users. By restarting the service, you can count on correct detection of the connected smartphone. How to deal with the incorrect operation of this service?

If the computer does not see the iPhone via USB, close the iTunes application and disconnect the smartphone from the computer. Go to “Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services” and find the Apple Mobile Device Service in the list that appears. Double-click on the service name, click on the “Stop” button - the AMDS service will stop. Next, click on the “Launch” button and set the startup type to “Automatic” if there was some other value there. Now we send the PC to reboot and try to connect the iPhone again.

In some cases, incorrect operation of the service is due to conflicts with security software (firewalls, antiviruses). Try disabling or reinstalling this software, then check the visibility of the connected smartphone.

Reinstalling iTunes

Why doesn’t the computer see the iPhone if the cable and ports are intact, and the AMDS service is running? The problem may be due to the iTunes application not working correctly. In order to get rid of this problem, the application should be reinstalled. We remove it from our computer, check for the absence of folders that could remain after uninstalling the program (we wrote about this in our reviews). It also doesn’t hurt to completely clean your computer and registry using the useful CCleaner utility..

Next, we restart the computer and proceed to reinstall iTunes - in order to download the latest current version of this application, you need to visit the Apple website. Go to the download section, uncheck the boxes for receiving newsletters (why do you need these newsletters?), click on the “Download” button. After downloading and installing the application, we try to connect the smartphone - the computer should recognize it.

Reboot and recovery

We have looked at many ways to quickly restore your connection to your computer. But we forgot the simplest way to get rid of the problem, which should have been used immediately after it appeared - a reboot. Indeed, many problems with smartphones are eliminated immediately after rebooting them and restarting the operating system. If you encounter the problem that your computer does not recognize the connected iPhone, try rebooting.

If rebooting does not help, the cable and ports are intact, and iTunes is working, you can restore your iPhone using DFU mode. We have already written more than once in our reviews about how to enter DFU mode - use the site search. remember, that recovery results in complete removal of data from the internal memory– make sure you have a backup of all important data and files. After the restoration is complete, you can connect your iPhone to your computer and test the connection.

Other solutions to the problem

Have you already tried everything that could be tried, but there are no results? It is quite possible that the problem is related to your iPhone - it is broken. Yes, iPhones break; they have this property, like any other smartphones. If nothing helps your smartphone, contact a service center– here experts will check it and give their verdict. After diagnostic and repair work, you will have at your disposal a working iPhone that can be successfully detected by computers.

Do not try to repair the iPhone yourself; this requires special knowledge, tools and diagnostic equipment.

On the Internet, many users ask the question why the computer does not see the iPhone via USB and they are unable to synchronize their smartphones. Over the years, a significant knowledge base has accumulated to help connect iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices with computers running Windows 8, 7, Vista, Windows XP and Windows 10. Below we will describe how to solve the problem.

We explain why the computer does not see the iPhone via USB and how to fix it

First steps

You need to start with the simplest steps before looking for deeper sources of the problem:

If the computer still does not see the iPhone

iPhone Drivers and Windows Computers

Windows computers need iOS drivers to correctly recognize iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. If the device is not recognized, the drivers may not be installed, may be out of date, or may not be configured correctly. Drivers are installed using the iTunes media player, but there are other methods for installing them.

Many people find iTunes cumbersome and inconvenient. Therefore, there is a tool for installing iOS drivers on a computer without iTunes, which can help you recognize your iPhone in a few minutes. CopyTrans Drivers Installer installs drivers automatically.

Installing, updating or restoring iOS drivers via iTunes

If iTunes is not on the computer, the computer will not recognize the iPhone correctly as a camera. When connecting an iPhone, you only have access to the camera gallery. You can't see, sync, or back up music, messages, videos, or other content on your device.

To get iOS drivers from iTunes, download them from this link.

The version of iTunes may be outdated and may not support iPhone. Update iTunes by going to Help > Check for Updates.

iTunes is installed and updated, but the iPhone does not recognize:

  1. completely remove iTunes and its components from your computer (the contents of the library will not be deleted);
  2. restart your computer;
  3. reinstall iTunes;
  4. check your iPhone connection.

If problems remain

iTunes is installed, but iPhone does not recognize it

Check the Apple Mobile Device service:

Second, make sure the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed and active:

If you see a "!" next to the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver line, right-click on the line and click “Enable”.

If you see a "?" next to the line Apple Mobile Device USB Driver, right-click on the line and click “Uninstall”.

It is possible that you can find out the reasons why the computer does not see the iPhone via USB and fix it using another method. We'd love for you to tell us about it in the comments below.