Complete shutdown of Windows 10. How to set a computer shutdown timer in AIMP. WinX Multifunction Menu

How to turn off Windows - this is exactly the question that may come to mind even for an experienced user who has just installed a new operating system. Usually, similar problem appears for those who migrated from version eight to version ten, since they differ radically from each other.

Those who have worked on Windows 7 or on older versions of the OS for up to ten years are unlikely to think of such questions, since the control logic between the two systems is the same - both have a Start button. However, let's look at the topic of shutting down Windows 10 together. We will offer you 2 simple ways, which work on both a computer and a laptop, if you know other options, be sure to share them in the comments.

This method is the simplest, it is also traditional. To turn off Windows 10, you need to click on the Start button. This button is located in the lower left corner of your computer screen.

You need to click the left mouse button once. After that, the Start panel will open, where at the very bottom there will be a “Shut down” item. Click on it.

But that's not all, as a menu with three options will open in front of you:

You need point number two. By the way, you can remember the location of the items, since it is identical in all language assemblies, which means you can turn off even if you don’t know the translation of the buttons.

Method No. 2 - hardware

This method is a solution to the problem if the OS is frozen and does not respond to anything. Here, of course, you can solve everything radically by disconnecting the PC from the network, simply unplugging the plug from the socket, or turning off the power to the laptop by removing the battery. However, such rash steps can damage your computer, so hardware shutdown must be done wisely. Other “craftsmen”, following the instructions described below, manage to break their PC, so try to be extremely careful and careful.

To do this, use the "Power" button on your system unit or laptop. But unlike the power-on process, press and hold it until the laptop or computer turns off. Typically this will take about 15 seconds.

If your system unit has Reset button, then do not confuse them with each other. In this case you need Power button. As a rule, there is either one or much more than a reset button.

Bonus method – combination WIN+X

And according to tradition, we delight you with a bonus method, which practically repeats the capabilities of the first one, but works a little differently. You need to open the menu using the WIN+X keys. Press this combination at the same time and a similar window will open in front of you:

Below you will also see the button you need. What follows is the same as what was described at the very beginning of this page. There is also a fourth bonus method, which calls up a familiar Windows time XP panel:

This method is good if none of the above worked, but the computer nevertheless responds to your commands. If it does not respond to keyboard commands, then instructions on how to repair the input device may be useful to you.

There are other options, for example, using the command line, or using specialized software that will do its job almost on schedule. However, all this is redundant, since you have at least several win-win options that cover the decisions 100%. We hope that our simple instructions How to turn off Windows 10 in several ways helped you understand the situation. If you know additional options or have encountered problems following our instructions, share in the comments and we’ll figure it out together.

From the end of July this year great amount PC users have switched to the Windows 10 operating system. New Product from a transnational company not only has a number of advantages compared to previous versions, but also received significant changes in the interface, which may cause some difficulties for happy owners at the first stage of getting to know the platform.

One of the questions that PC users have after updating the system is how to properly turn off the computer.

Shutdown methods

There are several options for shutting down your computer on Windows 10 that allow you to shut down gracefully operating system, thereby reducing the likelihood of withdrawal individual programs and the entire platform is out of order.

Important! If the PC is turned off incorrectly, files of programs and processes running in the background or normal mode are damaged.

Let's look at three common ways to turn off your computer on Windows 10.

Using the Start Menu

The most popular way to shut down your computer correctly is to use the Start menu. In order to shut down the operating system using this method, you must:

Depending on your PC settings and platform, your computer may shut down from a few seconds to several minutes.

Keyboard shortcut Alt+F4

A more advanced way to turn off your computer is to use Alt keys and F4. To do this you need:

When the screen is locked

Let's look at how to turn off your computer when the screen is locked before logging in:

Shutdown modes

In addition to the standard shutdown of the operating system, there are several other ways you can temporarily stop your computer:

  • sleep mode (sleep mode) - reduces energy consumption and allows you to quickly resume work at the user’s first request;
  • Hibernation mode, unlike sleep mode, stops power supply to hardware. A feature of hibernation is the preservation of data located in random access memory computer, on HDD. When you resume work, the data is restored, allowing you to start working from the same place.

Advice! In Windows 10, it is possible to change the behavior of the computer when you press the power button and thus put it into sleep mode, hibernate mode, or completely disable the button.

You can turn off the computer, among other things, by holding down the power button on the system unit or laptop for a few seconds, but keep in mind that this method is unsafe and can damage system files. It can only be used in extreme cases, when the system is completely frozen, and there is no other way to restart the PC.


Now when working with the new Windows platform 10 you know what to do to shut down your computer correctly without damaging your files. Follow the rules and advice provided to reduce the likelihood of problems occurring. Also, do not forcefully turn off your computer when installing updates, as this may damage the operating system.

This article will discuss a topic that will be useful to most users of personal computers running the Windows operating system, namely how to set a timer Windows shutdown 10 without installing unnecessary software.

This option It will be useful to you if you are sure that you will work at the computer for a certain period of time and then go away somewhere. Or, as trivial as it may sound, if you allowed your child to spend, say, 1 hour at the computer, and you are sure that in the end he will not listen to you, then the function that will be described below will help you in this situation. So let's get started:

Set the Windows 10 shutdown timer:

To turn on the timer, open a program called Run, to do this, type the name in the search bar and click on it accordingly in the list above

Well, for example, a simple mathematical calculation, we need the computer to be turned off after 1 hour, every hour is 60 minutes in each minute of 60 seconds, that is, by simple mathematical multiplication 60x60 we get the figure 3600 seconds.

The PC will be turned off in 3600 seconds, press Enter key thereby confirming the request. The request should look like this: shutdown -s -t 3600

And we see the information: The computer will be completed in 60 minutes.

That’s it, our computer will be turned off during the period of time that we have set, would you agree that it’s convenient?

None additional programs There is no need to install Windows 10 shutdown!

But I would also like to tell you about a small nuance: we set the timer, but what if we suddenly changed our minds and wanted to continue working?

In this case, we need to enter the command line again; if you don’t want to run it through “search,” then use the hot keys: WIN + R, press this combination, and again we get to the Run parameter.

Just write a slightly different command like: shutdown –a and click Enter

After executing the command, we see a message from the system that Logout has been cancelled, accordingly we canceled the shutdown and the computer will no longer turn off. This is where I end the article, if you have any questions, write them in the comments, subscribe to the news, and do not allow children to use for a very long time computer!

How to set a computer shutdown timer in Windows 10

The article describes instructions on how to set a computer shutdown timer in the Windows 10 operating system. We will set the timer using standard means OS called shutdown.

Automatic shutdown of the computer is mainly used after technical operations, such as scanning for viruses, downloading third party software and etc.

1st method. The simplest way and can be used in more earlier versions Windows. Press the Win+R hotkeys and enter in the “Run” window next command

shutdown -s -t 60

where 60 is the seconds after which the computer will automatically turn off. The user can set any value.

After clicking the “OK” button, the system will notify you that the session will end after the scheduled time.

To cancel a scheduled shutdown, you must enter shutdown command/a

2nd method. In order to use this method, you will need to use the scheduler Windows jobs. To call it, press the Win+R keys and enter the command taskschd.msc in the “Run” window, or enter the name itself in the standard search engine of the system.

In the right part of the window, select “Create simple task”, indicate any name for it and click “Next”.

In the next paragraph, select “One time”, then set the date and time. For the “Action” item, leave “Run a program” as it is, then in the “Program or script” field enter the shutdown command, and in the “Arguments” field - -s.

After finishing of this assignment, the computer will turn off automatically at the scheduled time.

How to set a timer to turn off a Windows 10 computer using standard means?

Automatically shutting down the computer after a certain period of time is a feature of the Windows operating system that is not obvious to users. Moreover, it is implemented in software from Microsoft, but not everyone knows about it. Also set a timer to turn off Windows computer 10 or earlier versions of operating systems are possible using third-party programs that have a more user-friendly interface, but they must be downloaded separately. We suggest looking at a way to set a scheduled shutdown of your computer after a certain period of time using the command line.

How to set a timer to shut down your Windows 10 computer using the command line?

Attention: Method automatic shutdown computer after a certain amount of time, described below, works not only on the Windows 10 operating system, but also in earlier versions - Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP.

Microsoft Company When designing the operating system, Windows anticipated that users might want to turn off their computer after a few hours or minutes. Moreover, even an experienced Windows user Not always aware that the operating system has a built-in timer to turn off the computer. This is due to the fact that he does not have GUI, shortcuts, and can only be reached through command line. To set a computer shutdown timer using standard using Windows follows:

The Windows command line also supports a number of other commands related to the shutdown function. We suggest you familiarize yourself with them, since a combination of commands allows you to achieve the desired results in automating the process of turning off your computer in certain time or after a specified period.

Windows Command Line Options

When using the shutdown command to shut down the computer, you should be aware of the parameters entered after it, which are specified by letter keys. The key can be written after the dash symbol (examples: -a, -p, -h) or slash (examples: /a, /p, /h). It is important to remember that all letters entered into the command line along with the shutdown function must be written in Latin characters (that is, in English language).

Windows command line options for the shutdown command:

  • /a – cancels the scheduled automatic shutdown of the computer.
  • /s – shutdown the computer.
  • /r – shutdown the computer and its automatic reboot.
  • /t – definition in seconds of time after which the previous command in the line will be executed. This parameter is specified in seconds and the allowed maximum value is 315,360,000 (10 years). If this option is not used, the computer considers the automatically set delay time before performing an operation to be 30 seconds.
  • /f – forcefully closes all programs and tasks. This option should only be used if you have specified a time after which the computer will shut down.
  • /l – end the current Windows session.
  • /i – visualization of the interface for automatically shutting down the computer. Attention: On the command line, the –i parameter must be written immediately after the main function (shutdown)

Please note: you can check it yourself full list parameters that are supposed to be used with the shutdown command. To do this, just enter the following combination of functions “shutdown /?” on the MS DOS command line. To do this, run the standard command line Windows string(combination Win keys dows+R), enter the command cmd.exe in it, and then in the MS DOS command line window that opens, write “shutdown /?”.

How to create a convenient timer to shut down your computer on Windows 10 after a certain time?

If you regularly have to use the function of turning off the computer after an hour, two or any other period of time, then the process of starting the timer countdown before shutdown can be automated as much as possible. Instead of regularly remembering the values ​​of command line functions, you can write them down once in separate label, By double click at which the computer will begin counting down to the shutdown time.

Creating a computer shutdown timer shortcut on Windows 10 is simple:

By double-clicking with the left mouse button on the created shortcut, you can easily run the command that is written in it. Thus, you can automate the process of setting a timer to turn off the computer after a certain time - 10 minutes, an hour, 5 hours or more. Often such shortcuts are created system administrators for employees who need to leave their computers on at the end of their shift to process certain tasks.

Windows 10 computer shutdown timer: automatic and operational ways to turn off your PC

Sometimes a person can fall asleep in the evening right in front of a PC or laptop screen while watching a movie or listening to music. operating room Windows system It is designed for long-term operation, but it must be turned off during sleep. If you are not sure you can do this in right time, use the software. Many people find it easier to install circuit breaker.

Turning off the computer using a timer using Windows

The last one Windows version come with built-in tools that will help the user set a specific time to turn off the PC. Some of them are a little more difficult to set up, others are much simpler. The Windows 10 computer shutdown timer can be set using the following means:

  • through the "Run" function.
  • command line;
  • task scheduler.

This is an easy way to shut down your PC by a certain time. To do this, use the internal Run utility. The call and setup goes like this:

  1. Press and hold the win button combination (the key with Windows pattern) + R.
  2. A window will appear where you need to enter the command “shutdown -s –tN. N” (without quotes).

Instead of the last letter N, enter the time after which you want the circuit breaker to trip in seconds. After pressing the enter button, a large message will appear on the screen with the time remaining until this command is executed and the operating system session ends. To calculate the time in minutes (in seconds, not everyone understands how much is left until the end of the session), you need to divide the entered number by 60.

How to turn off your computer using a timer using the command line

Another similar method for setting the shutdown timer for a Windows 10 computer is the command line. To do this, you first need to get there, then set the required time. This is done as follows:

  1. On the Start button, click right click, in the drop-down menu, click on “Command Line” (administrator). You can also launch it with the combination “win + R”, enter “cmd” in the window and press enter.
  2. A window will appear reminding DOS environment. Enter the command “shutdown /?” (all commands in the further description are entered without quotes).
  3. In order for the circuit breaker to operate after a specific period of time, you must write “shutdown /s /f /t 3600”, where the last number is the seconds until the shutdown.
  4. If you need the task to run at a certain time, then you need to write “at 22:00 shutdown /r /f”.

How to set a timer to turn off the computer in the task scheduler

To enable the Windows 10 computer shutdown timer, you can use the task scheduler. The required moment is set as follows:

  1. Press the "win+R" key combination.
  2. Enter taskschd.msc into the line. This will open the scheduler.
  3. In the right menu, find the line “Create a simple task”.
  4. Come up with a name, and then you can start creating a task to turn off Windows 10.
  5. Set the time and launch date for it, and click the “Action” button.
  6. There will be two fields in the “Run programs” line. For the first one – “Program”, enter “shutdown”, in the second – “Arguments”, write “-s”.
  7. Set the shutdown time for Windows.

If desired, you can download and install third party programs to turn off the computer. They have a more friendly interface and, as a rule, do not require the introduction of special commands. All you have to do is set specific indicators for the switch and run the utility. All of them apply to free of charge, so you can choose any of the options.

How to set your computer on a timer in Last Task

The computer shutdown timer utility for Windows 10 Last Task is widely popular. latest version can be downloaded from the website of the creators of this software. After turning on the application will appear active window, in which:

  1. click “New task”;
  2. enter the required shutdown time;
  3. click "Assign".

Russified program Computer shutdown timer

Many utilities have English interface, but this one is completely Russified. During installation you will be prompted to install on your PC additional software, but it’s better to refuse this. After enabling the application:

  • specify the time to shut down Windows 10;
  • activate it.

How to set the computer shutdown timer in Wise Auto Shutdown

Another great option for setting PC shutdown time is Wise Auto Shutdown. This utility is also completely Russified, so the interface is easy to navigate. Unlike the previous option, it does not require downloading any additional software. Setting up the application is very simple:

  1. indicate what the utility needs to do: shut down, reboot, etc.
  2. set the time when or after what period to perform the action;
  3. activate the created action.

How to set up a computer timer in GOM Player

You can use applications that were originally intended for other purposes as a switch for Windows 10. An example of such software is GOM Player is a media player that is often used to watch movies. People often fall asleep in the evenings when watching movies, so the developers took care of their users. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Click on the Settings menu.
  2. Click on the item “Turn off when the playing file or playlist ends.”
  3. Even if you fall asleep, the PC will automatically shut down by the end of the movie.

How to set a computer shutdown timer in AIMP

Another version of the program, which is intended for listening to music and creating playlists, is AIMP. The developers have added to the application interface the ability to set the PC to shut down. This is done as follows:

  • check the box next to “Enable sleep timer”;
  • set the action to perform;
  • set the time after or by which this should be done;
  • Click "Apply".

Learn how to turn off your laptop using the keyboard.

Video: how to set a timer to turn off your computer

Windows 10 computer shutdown timer: enable it using OS tools or third-party programs

If you need to turn off your computer at a certain time when you won't have access to it, you can use a timer. Not everyone knows that Microsoft programmers equipped Windows 10 with a timer, but you can also use it to turn off your PC. third party programs.

There are several ways to start the shutdown timer on your computer, depending on which option suits you best.

Windows tools

You can turn off the device using the standard options.

Using the Run window

This method is suitable for Windows 7, 8 and 10. special team, which will turn off the PC after a certain time:

After the specified time, the computer will turn off as standard, closing and saving information in all programs. If you need to force an exit from the OS, add the following parameter to the command: -f.

Healthy! To cancel the command, enter: shutdown –a

Creating a shortcut or bat file

To avoid entering a command every time, create a shortcut or bat file that launches it.


bat file

In command country

In the task scheduler

Special programs

You can turn off your computer at a certain time special programs, and not just using Windows tools.

Last Task

The Last Task utility has a simple interface, making it easy to use. To start the timer, press:

Important! If necessary, you can cancel the timer setting in the program window.

A simple Russified program, which, however, during installation, offers to install additional software on the computer (but you can refuse this) and forcibly terminates all programs, without giving the user the opportunity to save the actions:

Wise Auto Shutdown

Russified Wise program Auto Shutdown, which does not contain additional software. The interface is intuitive:

Important! After setting the timer, a reminder will appear that will allow you to delay turning off the PC for a certain time.

GOM Player

In this case, the shutdown timer is built into the GOM Player media player:


Computer power and shutdown button AIMP player placed in the program interface:

The Windows 10 operating system has a feature that allows you to start a timer to shut down your computer after a certain period of time. specified time. Your Windows 10 computer will shut down automatically, without user intervention.

Windows 10 computer shutdown timer performs complete shutdown system, this does not put the PC into sleep or hibernation mode. This ability to turn off the computer is often sought after by users for various reasons.

It often happens that the user needs to go away, but work on the PC is not yet completed. At the same time, it is not possible to interrupt the execution of any actions, due to the specifics of the operations being performed.

For example, a file is downloaded to the computer big size, this process takes quite a long time, and the user cannot, for some reason, wait until the file download is completed. After forced shutdown PC, you will have to start the download again, which is not very productive.

The way out of this predicament is to turn off the computer at a time preset by the user. Personal Computer will automatically complete the job after a certain amount of time, enough to complete the current job.

How to set a computer shutdown timer in Windows 10? The operating system has built-in tools to perform this task. The user can use alternative option: third party applications.

In this article we will look at instructions on how to set a timer to turn off your computer system means. Most methods require the user to specify certain period time after which the system will shut down.

There are options where you can set a specific time to turn off your PC. You will also learn how to disable the computer shutdown timer if you no longer need to shut down.

How to set a timer to turn off a Windows computer using the “Run” command - method 1

By performing a certain task, you can set the time to turn off the computer.

  1. Press the “Win” + “R” keys on your keyboard.
  2. In the Run dialog box, enter the command: “shutdown -s -t X” (without quotes). “X” is the time in seconds until the system shuts down.
  3. Click on the "OK" button.

A message will appear on the right side of the screen near the notification area informing the user that the Windows 10 session has ended after a specified period of time.

How to disable computer shutdown in Windows 10 using a command in the Run window

Plans can suddenly change and you no longer need to turn off your computer. In this case, you need to run another command to cancel the automatic shutdown of the PC.

  1. To open the Run window, press the Win + R keys simultaneously.
  2. In the Run window, enter the command: “shutdown -a” (without quotes).

The scheduled automatic shutdown of the operating system will be cancelled.

How to turn off your computer using a Windows 10 timer using a shortcut - method 2

If previous method causes certain difficulties for the user, you can simplify the task by creating a special shortcut to start a countdown timer until the PC shuts down.

  1. Right-click on the Desktop.
  2. From the context menu, select New and then Shortcut.
  3. In the “Create Shortcut” window, enter the path to the location of the object “C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t X” (without quotes). “X” is the time in seconds before the computer turns off.
  4. Click on the "Next" button.

  1. In the next window, enter a custom name for the shortcut. For the shortcut name, choose something clear, such as “Shutdown PC” or the like.
  2. Click on the "Done" button.

The created shortcut will appear on the computer desktop.

It makes sense to choose an image for the shortcut so that the purpose of the shortcut is visually clear to the user.

  1. Right-click on the shortcut.
  2. In the context menu that opens, select “Properties”.
  3. In the shortcut properties window, open the “Shortcut” tab, and then click on the “Change icon...” button.
  4. In the warning window, click on the “OK” button.
  5. In the “Change Icon” window, select the appropriate icon, and then click on the “OK” button.

  1. In the "Shortcut Properties" window, click the "OK" button.

The shortcut on the Desktop for turning off the system by timer will change its icon.

Now, to start the time countdown, you just need to double-click on the shortcut on the Desktop.

You can change the timer start time as follows:

  1. Right-click on the shortcut, click on “Properties”.
  2. In the “Properties” window, in the “Shortcut” tab, in the “Object” field, change the time in seconds to another time period.

  1. Click on the "OK" button.

How to turn off the computer shutdown timer in the shortcut properties

To disable scheduled shutdown using a special shortcut on the Desktop, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the shortcut and select “Properties” from the context menu.
  2. In the “Properties” window, in the “Shortcut” tab, in the “Object” field, remove after “shutdown.exe” the symbols “-s -t X”, where “X” is the time in seconds before the computer turns off.
  3. Instead, add a space followed by the "-a" argument. The path to the object should look like this: “C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -a” (without quotes).
  4. Click on the "OK" button.
  5. Double click on the shortcut to cancel automatic completion operation of the operating system.

Shutdown the computer using the command line - method 3

The user can start a timer to shut down the system from the command line.

Launch Command Prompt in Windows 10. With default settings, Command Prompt is hidden in the Start menu. Therefore, read how to open the Command Prompt in Windows 10 in different ways.

In the command prompt window, enter the command, and then press the “Enter” key on your keyboard:

Shutdown -s -t X

“X” is the time in seconds before the PC turns off.

After executing the command, the countdown will begin until Windows 10 shuts down.

If you need to set exact time To shut down the system, enter this command:

At XX:XX shutdown /s /f

Instead of "XX:XX", enter a suitable exact time, for example "23:30".

Cancel system shutdown via command line

To cancel shutting down your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Command Prompt.
  2. In the command line interpreter window, enter the command and press the Enter key:
shutdown -a

Starting the PC shutdown timer in Windows PowerShell - method 4

In this way, you can automatically shut down the system in Windows PowerShell:

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell window, for example from the Start menu.
  2. Execute the command, press "Enter":
shutdown -s -t X

“X” is the time in seconds before the computer turns off.

How to stop your computer from automatically shutting down in Windows PowerShell

To cancel a Windows session logout Windows window PowerShell type the command and then press Enter:

Shutdown -a

Turning off the computer using a timer in Windows 10 using a bat file - method 5

Another way is to automatically turn off the PC after a specified time using the executable batch file with the extension ".bat". The user needs to create a special "bat" file and then run it to start the countdown timer until the system shuts down. We will create a file using Notepad. Enter one of the following codes into the Notepad window:

Shutdown.exe -s -t X -c "message text" shutdown.exe -s -t X

“X” is the time in seconds before Windows shuts down. Instead of the text: “message text”, you need to enter some text in English, for example, “computer off timer”, which will be displayed on the computer screen.

When using the second command, the display will not display a warning about automatic shutdown systems.

Save the file, select “All files” in the “File type” field, and name the file with the “.bat” extension in the “File name” field, for example, “Shutdown PC.bat” (without quotes).

At the desired time, click on the created file to start the computer shutdown timer.

Automatic shutdown of the system in the Task Scheduler - method 6

Using the Task Scheduler, you can schedule an exact time to automatically shut down the Windows 10 operating system.

You will need to launch the Task Scheduler in one of the following ways.

In the application window, in the “Actions” column, click on the “Create a simple task...” option.

The Create a Simple Task Wizard will launch. In the “Create a simple task” window, in the “Name” field, enter any name for the task, for example, “Shutting down the PC” (without quotes).

In the “Task Trigger” window, activate the “One time” option to run the task once.

In the Once window, select a date and time to automatically turn off your computer.

In the Action window, select the Run a program option.

In the next “Run a program” window, in the “Program or script” field, enter the full path to the file, or select the file using the “Browse...” button:


In the "Add arguments (optional)" box, enter "-s" (without the quotes).

The Summary window displays all the settings for the scheduled task; click the Finish button to run the task.

How to turn off the computer shutdown timer in Task Scheduler

In the Task Scheduler window, in the left column, click on the “Task Scheduler Library” option. In the list of tasks by task name, find the task to turn off the PC at the scheduled time.

Right-click on the task, and then select “Disable” from the context menu that opens.

Conclusions of the article

If the user needs to automatically shut down the computer running Windows system 10 after a certain time, you can use system tools: by entering a command in the “Run” window, creating a special shortcut, executing commands in the command line or in Windows PowerShell, using an executable “.bat” file, create a task to turn off the PC in the Scheduler tasks.

Windows 8 is completely new and different from its own previous versions operating system. Microsoft created the eight, focusing on touch devices, so many things that are familiar to us have been changed. For example, users were deprived convenient menu "Start". In this regard, questions began to arise about how to turn off the computer. After all "Start" disappeared, and along with it the shutdown icon disappeared.

It would seem that it could be difficult to turn off the computer. But not everything is so simple, because the developers of the new operating system changed this process. Therefore, in our article we will look at several ways in which you can shut down the system on Windows 8 or 8.1.

Method 1: Use the “Charms” menu

The standard option to turn off the computer is to use the panel "Charms". Call this menu using a keyboard shortcut Win+I. You will see a window with the title "Options", where you can find many controls. Among them you will find the shutdown button.

Method 2: Use hotkeys

Chances are you've heard of the keyboard shortcut Alt+F4- it closes everything open windows. But in Windows 8 it will also allow you to shut down the system. Simply select the desired action from the drop-down menu and click "OK".

Method 3: Win + X menu

Another option is to use the menu Win + X. Press the indicated keys and in the context menu that appears, select the line "Shut down or log out". Several action options will appear, from which you can choose the one you need.

Method 4: Lock Screen

You can also sign off from the lock screen. This method is quite rarely used and you can use it when you turned on the device, but then decided to put things off until later. In the lower right corner of the lock screen, you will find a computer shutdown icon. If the need arises, you can call up this screen yourself using a keyboard shortcut Win+L.

Also this button you will find on the security settings screen, which can be called by the well-known combination Ctrl + Alt + Del.

Method 5: Use the Command Line

And the last method we will look at is turning off the computer using « Command line» . Call the console in any way you know (for example, use "Search"), and enter the following command there:

And then click Enter.

The same command can be entered into the service "Run", which is called by the keyboard shortcut Win+R.

As you can see, there is still nothing complicated about shutting down the system, but, of course, it is all a little unusual. All of the methods discussed above work the same and will shut down your computer correctly, so don't worry about damaging anything. We hope you learned something new from our article.