How to install an additional hard drive on your computer. Installing a hard drive. HDD type determination

With most devices, everything is indecently simple: plug the board or module into the computer and get to work! As a last resort, you will need to select drivers for the operating system, but even a beginner can handle this job!
One of the few exceptions is precisely HDD— we’ll have to tinker with him a little longer.

Installing hard disk.

The hard drive must be installed in a special bay in the middle part system unit, which is located just below the CD-ROM or DVD drive. You can insert the hard drive there from the inside or outside (by removing one of the plastic “plugs” on the front of the case).

The hard drive is connected to the motherboard using a special IDE cable (new computer models also use a thin SATA cable). And the cable, in turn, is connected to one of two rectangular IDE connectors, installed, as a rule, in the front part of the motherboard, near the front side of the system unit. Next to them there is another connector of a similar shape, but a little smaller - you need to connect a floppy drive to it. An IDE or SATA connector allows you to connect both a CD drive and a hard drive.

Let us remind you that the IDE interface, traditional for computers, allows you to connect up to four internal drives— two for each IDE channel. On motherboard There are two rectangular IDE connectors, usually installed in the front of the motherboard, near the front of the system unit.

It’s worth talking specifically about connecting cables for connecting drives.

First of all, note that each IDE cable typically has three connectors, with two of them located close to each other. We will connect our IDE drives to these two connectors, and the farthest connector will fit comfortably into the socket of one of the two IDE controllers on the motherboard.

At first glance, the connectors are arranged absolutely symmetrically - two rows of identical holes. And it seems that you can plug these connectors into the socket as best you can.

But if you look closely, you will notice a red vein on one side of the cable - it indicates the so-called “zero” wire. And you need to connect the cable so that the side of the cable marked with the red vein “looks” towards the power connector. On the motherboard, this side is on the right, where the processor socket and the case power supply are located. This rule is also relevant for the other end of the cable - and here the “red” side of the cable should face the power connector.

By the way , before connecting connecting cable don't forget to install in correct position switches on the drive itself. After all, we remember that, depending on the order of access, each of the two IDE devices connected to the controller can be either "main" (Master), or "subordinate" (Slave). There cannot be two IDE “masters” or two “slaves” on one channel, and therefore on one cable.

On the back panel of any disk drive or hard drive there are jumpers with which you can select the “role” for the device - whether it should be in charge or pull the subordinate strap.

The main device on the first IDE channel should always be a hard drive - after all, it is from it that the system is booted. It is best to make the second, slave device on the same cable a second hard drive. Well, if there is no second hard drive, let no one bear the “slave” share.

The second required drive - CD-ROM or DVD - should be made the “master” of the second IDE channel, “hung” on a separate cable. Of course, a hard drive and a CD(DVD)-ROM can coexist on the same channel, but the data transfer speed from such proximity drops somewhat.

Type Definition hard drive in BIOS.After installation new hard disk (I hope you did everything correctly? For example, you connected the IDE cable exactly as needed - with the red wire closer to the power connector!) you and I need to make sure that the newly transplanted hard drive has been accepted by the main one responsible for the new hardware , BIOS.

It's quite easy to do this:

  1. Turn on your computer and enter BIOS, pressing Del button immediately after the first inscriptions appear on the screen. Just in case, press the button several times to be sure that you managed to “catch the moment.”
  2. After entering the BIOS, go to the STANDARD CMOS SETUP menu and make sure that your hard drive is in the list of connected devices. Check whether its capacity is correctly determined, as well as the type of connection (Master, Slave). Remember that if your computer has only one hard drive, it must be defined as Primary Master. If you installed new disk together with the old one, you can make it both Primary Slave and Secondary Master - it doesn’t matter.
  3. To be on the safe side, return to the main page. BIOS menuand go to IDE HDD Autodetection - after clicking Enter keys BIOS yet will check your computer for new drives.

If everything went well, exit the BIOS, remembering to save the new settings.

Preparing the disk and partitioning it. If you assembled your computer yourself or installed it into the system new hard disk, it still needs to be prepared for the responsible work of storing data. So to speak, plowing the field before sowing. To do this, we will have to perform several operations - create logical partitions on the disk and format them.

If the hard drive you bought is the only one in the computer, then that's it. necessary procedures will be executed during Windows installation

Creating a new partition

Boot from the system CD (the installation procedure should start automatically) - and install Windows normal in order. But if new hard drive you install in addition to the old one, which already has working version Windows XP, then all procedures for preparing a hard drive can be performed using its standard utilities.

Click the Start button, go to Control Panel and select Administrative Tools. In the folder that opens, click on the Computer Management icon, and then on the Disk Management line.

At the bottom right of the Disk Management window you will see full list drives installed in your system and their status. Naturally, the new hard drive will be shown as “unallocated”. Which means that no logical partitions have been created on it yet and the disk is not formatted.

We will now start creating sections.

What is a section? This is, one might say, a piece disk space, with which the computer can work, both with separate disk. Most often, large hard drives are “split” into two logical partitions for convenience (the first partition can be reserved for the operating system and programs, and the second can be used to store user documents and settings). But in fact, the tradition of “breaking” hard drives appeared in an era when many computers simply could not work with hard drives more than a certain volume.

Today we want to tell you how to properly connect a hard drive to a computer. In particular, we’ll look at how to install a new hard drive into a computer, we’ll also talk about installing a second hard drive, and at the end we’ll take a quick look at installing an external hard drive.

In fact, there is nothing difficult about installing hard drives. By the way, we talked about this in our last article. So, now let's talk about everything in order.

How to install a new hard drive

If you are building a computer or want to replace an old hard drive, the installation procedure is as follows. First, you need to remove the hard drive from the packaging; to do this, carefully cut off its edge with scissors. Remove the hard drive and make sure there are no damages or scratches - if everything is fine, then proceed to install it. It is important to note that any work must be done with the computer power off.

Unscrew the fixing bolts and remove the cover from the system unit. If you are installing a new hard drive, select its location in the hard drive bay. Its most optimal position is in the center so that it is well ventilated. So, when you have chosen a location for the hard drive, you need to secure it.

Today there are two options for mounting a hard drive: with bolts and with special rack strips. The first type of fastening is that the hard drive is inserted into the compartment and fixed on the sides with special bolts. The second option is a little simpler: to do this, you must pull out the hard drive brackets and use the clamps to secure them to the sides of the hard drive. Then we insert the strips into the grooves and insert the hard drive there until it clicks.

Now we need to connect power to the hard drive, this will not be difficult, follow the L-shaped corner on the edge of the connector. Check that the power cable is fully inserted. Next, connect the SATA cable. One end of the cable is connected to the connector on the motherboard, the other to the hard drive. It is worth noting here that if your hard drive supports SATA III, then you need to connect the SATA cable to the corresponding connector on the motherboard; as a rule, there is a corresponding marking near these connectors.

When installing a hard drive, try not just to connect the wires, but to route them in such a way that they do not stick out or perhaps bring them inside so that they are not visible. If necessary, secure the wires with plastic ties to prevent them from sticking out.

How to install a second hard drive

To install a second hard drive, you need to follow all the same steps as described above, with the exception of a few points. First of all, you will need to choose a place to install the hard drive in the system unit. We would like to note that it is best to install the second hard drive not next to the first, but so that there is a distance of 2-3 openings between them. IN in this case We recommend installing a cooler for better cooling of hard drives. When a location has been selected, follow the instructions above, insert the second hard drive into the system unit.

As for the connection, do everything as described above. When connecting a second hard drive, there is one caveat - a jumper. In some hard drives, mainly of the older modification, when connecting to a computer, you need to set its status using a special jumper. Therefore, for the main hard drive the jumper must be placed in the “Master” position, and for the second hard drive - in the “Slave” position. In modern hard drives this is no longer necessary. Please note that the main hard drive It’s better to make a more powerful and larger HDD by installing an operating system on it.

How to install an external hard drive

And finally, it’s worth saying a few words about connecting an external hard drive to a computer. To install an external hard drive, it must be connected to a USB connector. If your external hard drive supports USB 3.0, then it must be connected to this port on the connector panel of the motherboard; there should be a corresponding designation opposite these ports. If your external HDD has type USB connections 2.0. then connect it to the port that is most convenient for you.

Every year the amount of information stored on a computer increases. As a result, the computer takes a long time to boot and freezes periodically. And this is natural, because all data is stored on a hard drive, the memory of which is limited.

Users solve this problem in different ways. Someone is sending information to various media, someone turns to the master and asks to increase the computer memory, and someone decides to connect it to the computer second hard disk. Therefore, let’s figure out how to connect a second hard drive to a computer without the help of a specialist – on your own.

To begin with, you need to completely de-energize the system unit: Disconnect all cables and power cable. Now it is necessary unscrew the side covers system engineer. Let's expand it back towards you and unscrew the four screws on the sides. Lightly pressing on the side parts, move them in the direction of the arrow and remove.

Hard drives in the system unit are installed in special compartments or cells. Such compartments may be located in the rear of the system unit at the bottom or in the middle, some hard disks installed turned on its side. If your system unit has several bays for hard drives, install the second one not adjacent to the first one - this will improve its cooling.

Depending on the method of connection to the motherboard, internal hard drives are divided into two types: with IDE and SATA interface. IDE is an older standard; now all system units are designed for connecting hard drives with SATA interface. It is not difficult to distinguish them: IDE has wide ports for connecting a hard drive and power supply and a wide cable, while SATA has both ports and cable much narrower.

Connecting a hard drive via SATA interface

If your system unit has a hard drive with a SATA interface, then connecting a second one will not be difficult.

Insert the second hard drive into a free slot and attach it to the body with screws.

Now we take a SATA cable, through which data will be transferred, and connect it to hard drive by any side. We connect the second plug of the cable to the SATA connector on the motherboard.

All system units have at least two SATA connectors; they look as shown in the picture below.

To connect to the power supply, a cable is used, the plug of which is slightly wider than that of a SATA cable. If there is only one plug coming from the power supply, you need to buy a splitter. If the power supply does not have a narrow plug, you will need to buy an adapter.

Connect the power cable to the hard drive.

A second hard drive is installed on the computer. Place the side covers of the system unit in place and secure them with screws.

Connecting a hard drive via the IDE interface

Although the IDE standard is outdated, hard drives with an IDE interface are still available. Therefore, next we will look at how to connect a second hard drive via the IDE interface.

First you need install jumper on the hard drive contacts to the desired position. This will allow you to determine in which mode the hard drive will operate: Master or Slave. Typically, a hard drive that is already installed on the computer operates in Master mode. It is the main one and is loaded from it operating system. For second hard the disk we are going to install must be selected Slave mode. On hard case The disk contacts are usually labeled, so just put the jumper in the desired position.

The IDE cable through which data is transmitted has three plugs. One is located at the end of a long segment, of blue color, connects to the motherboard. Another one is in the middle, white, connects to the slave disk (Slave). The third, at the end of a short segment, black, is connected to the master disk.

Insert the hard drive into a free cell. Then secure it with screws.

Choose free plug from the power supply and insert it into the appropriate port on the hard drive.

Now insert the plug that is located in the middle of the train, to the hard drive port for data transfer. In this case, one end of the cable is already connected to the motherboard, the other to the previously installed hard drive.

Connecting the second hard drive via the IDE interface is now complete.

As you can see, we didn’t do anything complicated. Just be careful, and then you will definitely be able to connect a second hard drive to your computer.

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Second Winchester not only allows you to get extra bed for files, but also significantly increase the reliability of data storage due to duplication important files on . Before you begin installing the hard drive, be sure to make sure that the computer is disconnected from the network! Then use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws holding the left (when looking at the front) side cover. Note that different models cases, the procedure for removing the cover may differ - for example, you may first need to remove the front panel. After unscrewing the screws, carefully remove sidebar. You may have to pull it back slightly to do this.

After removing the panel, you will see the computer motherboard, power supply, various wires and cables. And, of course, the hard drive, usually located at the front of the computer. Pay attention to how it is installed - second the hard drive will need to be installed in the same way, in a free niche. Such niches can be found above or below the main disk. If possible, do not place the disks immediately on top of each other - leave a gap between them, this will help them better cooling. Important point: on hard drives There are special jumpers that set the operating mode. The main disk should be set to the “Master” position. On the second – to the “Slave” position. The jumpers are very small and may require tweezers to install them. Having placed the jumper, carefully install the disk in the location chosen for it, tighten the retaining screws. Together with Winchester There are usually none, so a couple of short screws should be found in advance - they should fit the threaded holes on the left and right sides Winchester A.

The disk is installed, all that remains is to connect the power and data cable to it. To connect power, you may need an adapter to a SATA drive. Best before purchasing Winchester But open the computer and see if the adapter is on the existing disk and if so, buy the same one. When connecting, pay attention to the shape of the connectors and the color of the wires of the main drive that go to them - the new drive must be connected in the same way. To connect the adapter, use any free connector with wires of the desired colors. The power is connected, the whole process is very simple. And most importantly, do not use force - all connectors are equipped with special protrusions that prevent them from being installed incorrectly.

The power is connected, now you need to connect the data cable. When purchasing a drive, make sure that the cable is included in the package. If not, then buy it. Usually this is a flat red wire with connectors at the ends, its width is within a centimeter. One end of the cable is connected to Winchester y, you can easily find the connector you need. The second one is connected to the corresponding socket motherboard. To find it, look where the cable of the main disk is connected - the socket for the second (and often also the third and fourth) should be nearby.

That's it, the disk is connected. We put the cover back in place and turn on the computer. If everything is connected correctly, the computer will start to boot. After loading, open “My Computer” - a new disk should appear in the list of hard drives. If you don’t like the letter assigned to it by the system, go to: Start – Control Panel – Computer Management. In the “Storage Devices” section, select “Disk Management”. Clicking new drive right click mouse, select “Change drive letter or drive path.” A window opens, select “Change” and set the desired drive letter.

Helpful advice

If you have to disconnect any cables when installing a drive, sketch out their connections on a piece of paper. This will allow you to connect them correctly in the future.


  • how to install a second hard drive on a computer
  • How to connect a second hard drive

Modern hard disks very reliable and can work very well long term. But no one is immune from breakdown of any equipment. If the hard drive fails, there is little chance that it can be repaired. Then you will have to purchase and install a new hard drive. This process is not complicated, but there are some nuances associated with the type of interfaces of hard drives and motherboards. You need to choose a hard drive that fits the interface of your motherboard.

You will need

  • computer, hard drive with SATA connector or IDE connector, screwdriver.


First, find out what interfaces your motherboard is equipped with. This can be done by looking at the technical documentation for your computer. See if the motherboard has a SATA interface. If you don't have technical documentation, you can look at the connection interfaces on the motherboard itself. After all, in any case, the system unit will have to be opened.

Disconnect the computer from power. Unscrew the screws that secure the system unit cover and remove the system unit cover. Now look for the SATA inscription on the motherboard. Interfaces are nearby SATA connections. Typically these interfaces are located in the lower right corner of the motherboard. Please note that SATA interfaces may not be available on fairly old motherboards.

Many PC owners sooner or later have a question about how to connect a hard drive to a computer. Your first thought may be to call an IT specialist, but this may not be necessary for this operation. Connecting a hard drive or replacing is usually associated with the fact that it ends free place on an existing HDD, or the part has served its purpose and is beginning to show signs of malfunction. Every user can figure out how to install a hard drive on a computer, and first you should look inside the system unit.

HDD installation begins by removing the side panel of the PC. Then, in order to decide how to properly install the hard drive, you need to pay attention to the already installed one. By analogy, you need to insert a new hard drive into a free slot and secure it with screws. Now, in order to figure out how to connect a hard drive to the motherboard, you again need to pay attention to how the old hard drive is connected. In addition to the power cable, it is connected to an information SATA cable, of which there are usually two or more in a PC. Thus, the installed HDD must be connected with a free SATA cable and a power cable. After this, you can put the side panel of the PC back and turn on the computer.

There is one factor you need to know before installing a hard drive on your computer. Each hard drive has a jumper that closes 2 metal contacts. By moving the jumper, you can assign HDD main, or secondary if you close the other 2 contacts. Another factor influencing the order HDD connections, is which SATA cable is connected to a specific hard drive. In some cases, incorrectly used variations of the set jumper and the connected cable can lead to the fact that the disk does not want to be first or completely ceases to be detected. But usually, if it happens easy installation hard drive and connecting any of the 2 cables to it, such troubles do not occur and the hard drive connects automatically.

After installing the hard drive into the slot, you need to turn on the computer, then almost immediately you need to press the DEL or F2 key. As a result, it will load BIOS system, in which you need to select the “Advanced BIOS Features" Inside this section you should pay attention to the paragraph “First Boot Device“—he is the one who is responsible for which device will boot first. In it you need to select the desired HDD. In this case, the second device and CD-ROM must be indicated in the “Second Boot Device” and “Third Boot Device” items, respectively. Next, you need to press F10 to save the new settings and exit the BIOS.

Replacing an old HDD with a new one

Replacing a hard drive on a computer means saving all accumulated information, unless there is a serious breakdown. In addition to this, you may wonder how to replace the hard drive on a computer without Windows reinstallation. It’s not difficult to do all this; the main condition is that the old device is still “alive”.

Before changing the hard drive on your computer, you must clone all the information on new HDD, including the OS, which will not need to be reinstalled. For this you need special program, one of these is called “ Acronis Disk Director". Before you connect a new hard drive, you need to get a bootable CD or DVD with this software.

The new hard drive must be installed in a free slot inside the PC. Next, you need to go into the BIOS, set the first boot device to CD-ROM and save the settings. Then you need to insert a bootable CD with Acronis Disk Director» into the drive, and you can restart the computer. After the computer boots, the disk cloning program will in turn load. In the program settings you need to select the old HDD and click “Clone” basic disk" Then, in the window that opens, you need to select a new HDD, to which all information from the old one will be transferred. Next, you need to select “Use proportional volume resizing” and immediately select “Clone NT signature”. All you have to do is click “Finish”, then “Apply scheduled operations”, after which the cloning process will begin.

Once this operation is complete, you need to turn off your computer, remove the used hard drive, and then turn on your PC again. While the computer is turning on, you need to remove the boot CD with the cloning program from the drive; you do not need to change the settings in the BIOS, since in the absence of the CD the replaced HDD will boot. If necessary, everything can be returned to its previous state. Just before you connect old hard disk, you need to disconnect the new HDD from the computer.

Connecting HDD from laptop

Sometimes you need to connect your laptop hard drive to your computer. This hard drive is smaller (2.5 inches), but the size does not affect the volume, so such drives are used quite often. At connecting hard drive to the computer using regular SATA cables found in the PC. Before removing the HDD from the laptop, you need to unscrew the small panel from the bottom, then either slide it towards the slide with the HDD and remove it, or remove it immediately by pulling the auxiliary tab. You should remove the hard drive carefully so that careless removal does not lead to far-reaching consequences.

Before installing a new hard drive removed from the laptop, the part can be placed in a special case and thus made external, subsequently connecting to. In this case, you can remove the hard drive or attach it “hot” without turning off the PC. And if the laptop hard drive is connected using a SATA cable, the part must be left in the sled. In this form, it is placed in a computer, where it can be placed either on another HDD or on a CD-ROM. The fact is that PCs usually do not have a slot for a hard drive of this size, so connecting it in this way is possible as a temporary one. It is advisable not to place the HDD vertically, as this arrangement negatively affects its operation.

Further actions related to connecting a laptop hard drive to a computer are no different from the manipulations when connecting a new hard drive to the motherboard - you only need a SATA cable and a power cord. If there is a need to connect a disk from a PC to a laptop, then this will be more difficult and additional adapters will be needed.

Installation Features

During installation or replacement of a hard drive, situations may arise related to its malfunction. For example, installing a new HDD may result in the computer freezing. Sometimes the computer does not turn on or the OS does not want to start. This may be due to faulty heads on the hard drive (although the PC may freeze for other reasons), and a reasonable solution is to replace the heads or such hard drives. Some PCs began to have vertical slots for HDDs. But the fact is that operating the hard drive in a vertical position leads to rapid wear of the read heads. Therefore, for standard HDDs, as a rule, only horizontal placement is used.

A situation may arise when the server cannot be stopped, but the hard drive needs to be changed. What to do in this case, how to install a new HDD without turning off the computer, and is it even possible to do this? In this case we mean the so-called hot swap HDD, it is possible for some types of RAID arrays, but in other cases it is unsafe.