How to completely restore your computer. Reset the operating system in safe mode. Create an archive copy of the system

Often computer users Windows control 7 encounter performance issues operating system. Problems with your computer usually appear when it slows down a lot and programs won’t open. Also, the computer may not start at all or may do so every once in a while.

Causes, causing problems in the performance of the operating system can be very different. For example, if a computer gets hit virus, it can damage system files. Also, difficulties with the PC may appear during installation low-quality software, which can damage the structure of system files. To solve a problem with the performance of a computer on Windows 7, you need to roll back to the previous one. recovery point.

To protect the OS, Windows 7 uses restore points that the system periodically creates. Essentially, restore points are previous system state Windows files 7 . To help Windows 7 PC users, we have prepared material that will describe detailed process restoring the system in various ways.

Restoring performance in a busy seven

If your computer running Windows 7 boots, but the system is not stable, then it's time to roll back to a previous restore point. First of all, we need to get to the window where we can call up the system recovery options. To do this, open the program “” by pressing combinations Win keys+ R , through which we enter the following command: systempropertiesprotection

A window should open in front of us “ Properties of the system" on the " tab System protection" You can also get to this window in the standard way through the menu “ Start". Further action there will be a button press Recovery….

After clicking, the System Restore window will open. It will ask you to restore the system using a recommended access point or select another one. We'll stop at recommended restore point.

This window requires confirmation for the selected recovery. To confirm, click the Finish button.

This button will bring up a message warning that after the recovery procedure come back to previous parameters seven will be impossible. By clicking Yes in the message, we will begin the recovery Windows systems 7.

If the process of returning to previous state occurred without errors, a corresponding message will be displayed.

If you are unable to roll back to previous settings using the recommended point, you should select the point that was created later than the selected restore point Windows 7 systems. I would also like to note that to perform this operation you will need special privileges . That is, when you log in, you must select account admin and enter a password for it.

Restoring the computer's functionality when the OS starts

If your PC is running seven at all is not downloading, then you can start the operating system in safe mode . After the BIOS start window appears, press F8 on the keyboard (for laptops there may be another key, for example, Del or one of the function keys). This action will cause menu alternative options loading seven.

In this menu, select the item “ Safe mode" and continue by pressing Enter, after which the system will start in safe mode.

If the system successfully started in safe mode, then start restoring the seven, as shown in the previous example. In this mode to ensure maximum security many functions disabled OS, including GUI Windows Aero. This is what it will look like running program"" with the command " systempropertiesprotection"on a system running in safe mode.

We return the computer to functionality using an installation disk or bootable USB flash drive

If the previous two examples do not help you, then you will need to restore seven installation disk or flash drive. For computers that do not have optical drive, you need to use a bootable USB flash drive with the OS. Bootable USB flash drive can be created using special utilities. The most popular utilities for this purpose are Windows USB/DVD, Download Tool And Rufus.

Boot from installation disk or via a flash drive. In the installer start window, click Next and proceed to the next window.

After searching, select the OS you want to restore and click Next.

In the window that appears, select the same item “ System Restore».

This action will launch the Seven recovery utility. In the utility, click Next. This action will take you to list of recovery points. Let's choose a suitable point and continue.

A window will appear in front of you, as in the first example. Therefore, we click the Finish button and respond to the message, after which we will start the recovery.

After a successful rollback to the previous state, you will receive a message like this.

Emergency recovery of Windows 7 using antivirus

If your PC is infected viruses, interfering proper operation computer and the first three examples considered do not help you, then in a good way recovery in this case will be an anti-virus life disk from Dr.Web. With this disc you can clean the system of all types of dangerous software. In addition to cleaning, Dr.Web LiveDisk will be able to cure infected objects, which are necessary for Windows recovery 7.

The Dr.Web LiveDisk image can be used to record to optical disk, and to a flash drive. To use Dr.Web LiveDisk on USB drive, will be needed special program. You can download the program for recording onto a flash drive and the image itself on the official website by going to

Let's run the recorded image on disk, setting it to boot first in the BIOS.

In the bootloader start window, select first item Dr.Web LiveDisk and press Enter. These actions will start loading Dr.Web LiveDisk.

After downloading Dr.Web LiveDisk, we will get a full-fledged operating system on Linux based. As written earlier, the main purpose of Dr.Web LiveDisk is to clean and treat virus software. Therefore, this OS has a built-in antivirus Dr.Web CureIt!. This antivirus runs with the OS.

Click on Dr.Web CureIt! button Start scan, which will start scanning, cleaning the system and disinfecting viruses.

After verification, Dr.Web CureIt! will remove or cure infected objects.

Since there will no longer be in the system malicious code, you can safely restore the system in the three ways described above.

If, after checking the system files, you are unable to restore your Windows 7 system, then the only reasonable solution would be to perform a full backup information and reinstall the system again.

How to make a system image in seven

Another recovery feature in Windows 7 is creating a system image. In this image, you can save all the information on your hard drive, including the operating system. After restoring using this method, you will receive an OS with the same parameters as on the day the image was created.

Run " Control Panel" and go to the tabs " system and safety», «»

In the window that opens to create an image, indicate the location to save it and click Next.

In the window that appears, all that remains is to click the Archive button, which will start the image creation process.

Restore the created image with Windows 7 and all information on local disks using the installation disc. The recovery principle is shown in the second example, only when choosing a recovery method you need to select " Restoring a system image" and indicate its location on the saved drive.

Alternative methods to restore the Windows 7 operating system

Except standard methods recovery there is alternative software that does the same function. The most interesting solution that allows you to perform system recovery is a program Acronis True Image 2016. This is branded software package Acronis company.

First of all, download and launch Acronis True Image 2016 from a shortcut on the Desktop. When launched, the program will ask for a name and password.

Now let's set it up Acronis True Image 2016 so that he can do backup of the entire disk with Windows 7 OS. This setup should be done immediately after installing the OS, so that during the process using Windows you were able to restore functionality from several backup copies of the system created in certain period time. So, let's start setting up. To do this, select the storage type by clicking on the “” link.

In the window that opens, select the storage “ Acronis Cloud».

Now let's create a schedule for our backups. To do this, press the button “ Options" and move on to the storage settings settings. On the first tab, select the schedule you like for creating backups of our system.

As you can see, the entire computer is selected as the backup source. Therefore, in the schedule we set, a backup copy of the system will be created in cloud storage " Acronis Cloud».

For an example of recovery, let's take archival copy not from cloud storage"Acronis Cloud", and with hard drive. If you have created a backup copy on your computer, then Acronis True Image 2016 he will find her himself.

So we press the button Restore your computer, after which the program will completely restore the system to the state it was in when the backup was created. Also, if you are unable to carry out Windows start 7 on the computer, at Acronis True Image 2016 there is for this boot image, which can be written to disk.

You can download this image from your account page. You can obtain a password and login on the official website The principle of operation of the bootloader is the same as with the desktop version. Load disc from Acronis True Image 2016 on your computer you can by setting it in the BIOS first when booting.

From the example it turns out that the utility allows Full control over the creation of PC recovery copies and do backups the entire system in the cloud.

An example of launching an Acronis True Image 2016 boot disk

To launch the disk Acronis True Image 2016 When starting the system, you must set the boot mode from optical drive first in the BIOS. For example, for maternal MSI boards A58M-E33 these parameters in BIOS mode look like this.

Another boot method is to use hotkeys to call up the drive boot menu in the BIOS. For example, for motherboard MSI A58M-E33 hotkey is F11 button. By clicking this button we will launch special mode, in which, when the system starts, it will open drive boot menu in BIOS.

Booting from Acronis disk True Image 2016, we will be taken to such a menu.

In this menu you need to select Acronis True Image 2016, after selection the program will start.

The example shows that launching a boot disk Acronis True Image 2016 by using desired mode The BIOS is not complicated at all.

Let's sum it up

In this article we have discussed almost all the methods and parameters system recovery. We also looked at ways to restore the seven using alternative software and using an antivirus. Which method to choose to restore Windows 7 depending on the situation is up to you.

To summarize, I would like to note that they mainly disrupt the operation of the OS viruses and experiments with different illegal software. Therefore, so that you do not have to constantly restore the system, use only proven and licensed software, and also use reliable comprehensive anti-virus protection.

I would also like to note that the examples discussed in the material will work not only on Windows 7, but also on more modern operating systems, such as Windows 8 And 10 . And we, in turn, hope that our material will allow you to properly restore Windows performance 7 and you can confidently say that I can do a system restore.

Video on the topic

operating room Windows system 7 is reliable and stable in operation, but it happens that it can also be subject to various errors and failures, or even “at one fine moment” stop starting. There can be a lot of reasons for this: incorrect installation of drivers that conflict with the computer’s hardware, breakdown of individual components, software not properly optimized for the capabilities of your configuration, or ordinary virus attack. Reinstallation Windows is not always the best way out from the current situation, since it will inevitably lead to the loss of all data, drivers, programs and applications located on system disk(and not only on it). Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to restore a Windows 7 system, especially since it has a good arsenal of recovery tools that compare favorably with those present in previous versions of Windows.

Below are four ways to most effective recovery OS Win 7. The first three are needed when a failure has already occurred, but the fourth method will be useful for those who have not yet encountered such troubles and want to protect their computer in advance from loss of functionality and securely save all important data.

Method 1: Recovering the system by loading the last known good configuration

It often happens that the computer was working perfectly in the evening, but in the morning it displays an unpleasant surprise as blue screen or constant reboot with the inability to start the operating system. This may be a consequence of “cleaning” the PC of viruses and spyware, so incorrect termination work session (for example, due to a sudden drop in network voltage or a power outage). The most rational action in this situation would be to download the “latest successful configuration" In many cases, this simple step helps restore the computer's functionality, but even if it does not help solve the problem, in any case, it is strongly recommended to start restoring the operating system from this step, especially since it will take literally a few minutes of your time.

Method 2: Restoring the system using standard Windows 7 tools

This option will also not take up much of your time, and in general does not cause any difficulties in implementation.

Important: to prevent the situation from recurring in the future, it is strongly recommended not to disable the “System Restore” option; it can be very useful to you.

Method 3: Restoring the Windows 7 operating system without “Restore Points”

“Restore point” is, to put it simply, in simple language, a saved copy of the operating system that works without failures or errors. In other words, Windows “on its own” remembered its optimal stable state just in case there was a need to roll back during a critical failure. So, if you, for example, have already tried previous method and make sure that the “System Restore” option on your computer has been disabled and there are accordingly no “Access Points”, then follow the following algorithm:

Method 4: optimal

For this method, you will first need to create a “Restore Point”. The well-known principle “prepare your sleigh in summer” applies here. The fact is that if you carry out a similar procedure yourself at least once every one and a half to two months, then this will help avoid many possible problems, in particular, reinstalling the operating system with the loss of most important data.

This is important: why do “restore points” disappear?

Even if you took care of the security of the operating system in advance and maintained a stable copy of Windows by creating an “Access Point”, this does not at all guarantee that it will not disappear in the future. This trouble can happen for the following reasons:

  1. Various utilities for optimizing and cleaning the system, such as Ccleaner or FreeSpace, can “demolish” the access point, mistaking it for unnecessary trash. To prevent this from happening, it is best to configure them (the utilities) yourself. Folder System Volume Information must be added to the exceptions.
  2. If your HDD works in FAT system 32 or FAT, then the “Restore Point”, unfortunately, will not be saved, since these systems, in principle, do not save information about the changes made.
  3. Some laptops, when disconnected from the network, can automatically delete information about “Access Points” in order to save energy.
  4. If two operating systems are installed on your PC at the same time, for example, Windows 7 or more early Windows XP, then when you decide to run the “younger” version, it will most likely delete all Win 7 “Access Points”. Therefore, before launching XP, make “Seven” unavailable for changes.

Returning to the fourth method

So, now you know how to create an “Access Point” and how best to secure it from accidental deletion and reset. Therefore, we return to our method.

Windows 7 has a sufficient number of built-in recovery tools without a disk, so if the OS has crashed and there is no way to boot it in the usual way, you can use one of the available standard solutions. These include booting the environment in safe mode, loading Last Known Good Configuration, and a troubleshooting utility.

Returning the last known good configuration

Windows after each successful download The system remembers the current PC configuration by storing information in the registry. If the boot process fails, it is best to immediately roll back without the disk to the last known known configuration. For this:

It is not a fact that this method will be able to fix serious boot problems, but usually this simple remedy is always used before resorting to other options.

Selecting a control point

Windows before everyone significant change- installing drivers, applications, etc. creates the next system configuration point. Thus, it maintains the current stable state - you can always roll back to it even without a boot disk if the OS crashes as a result of this intervention.

Any of these saves is also available from the window that restores the OS:

All you have to do is click “Finish”, after which the OS will roll back to the point you selected and after a reboot, even without using the disk, you will get a fully working environment.

Automatic recovery

This is also a very simple way to bring the system back to life. It doesn't always work, but it's worth trying before you even try. Windows rollback 7 to the old saved configuration. This module also works from the troubleshooting window.

This item is called “Startup Recovery” and is the very first on the list. If you select it, the environment will try to automatically find and get rid of problems that are interfering with it. normal mode start. If the cause of the failure is identified, a new window will appear informing you that relevant problems have been found and offering to fix them. You should agree with this, after which a reboot will occur and, probably, the problem will be solved.

Boot in Safe Mode

It often happens that Windows, being unable to boot in normal mode after a crash, boots in safe mode. In this case, only the most important drivers and utilities are used, so it is possible to remove viruses, drivers that cause conflicts and crashes, and solve other problems without reinstallation.

You can enter here from the same OS recovery tool window by selecting boot in safe mode. The line below offers us the same mode with support command line. This feature can also be useful if booting into normal diskless safe mode fails:

  1. Select the appropriate line and go to the command line window;
  2. Enter sfc team/scannow, which forces Windows 7 to scan essential files with replacement of all damaged ones;
  3. You can run the utility that disinfects the system here using the rstrui.exe command.

The command line in safe mode provides a variety of functionality. For example, typing devmgmt.msc will take you to Device Manager.

If Windows stops loading, then to restore correct operation you can use standard utilities.

One of the biggest nightmares for fans computer equipment- is to encounter a situation where you cannot turn on the device. The operating system starts to load, but eventually displays a message like: “Failed to configure Windows updates, changes are being undone, do not turn off the computer.” After which nothing new happens - recover software It doesn’t work, and downloading stubbornly doesn’t help.
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System recovery tools

Before the release of Windows 7 similar situation turned into numerous dances with a tambourine, and often even complete reinstallation operating system. Now everything is different, and often the problem is solved with standard tools from Microsoft, which do not even need to be specially installed. The task comes down to being aware, in principle, that such a toolkit exists, as well as simply remembering it when suddenly the “irreparable” happens.

The trick is that when you boot your computer, before the icons appear Windows boot, have time to get into the advanced parameters of this very boot, where you will be able to run diagnostics and, if necessary, restore the system to the selected checkpoint. In Windows 7, when loading, you had to press function key F8, then select the “Troubleshoot” option (although in rare cases the “Last Known Known Configuration” option saved the day).

More Windows 7 download options

Once in the “System Recovery Options” menu, in most cases one of the first two options became salvation. “Startup recovery” could save the operating system in automatic mode, and “System Restore” required you to manually select a checkpoint to which to rollback.

Windows 7 System Recovery Options

In order to be able to restore it to its original state in the event of a malfunction of the operating system, it is necessary to make a recovery disk in advance.
Microsoft would be betraying itself if it left everything behind with the update of its brainchild. useful tools the old way. Windows 10 system recovery is carried out by pressing hot keys Shift+F8, and, unlike “seven,” you need to press this combination very, very quickly, since the operating system itself began to load much faster.

Has undergone changes and appearance saving menu. By selecting “Diagnostics”, in “ Additional options” there are already familiar to us “System Restore” and “Startup Repair” (only in a different order). There is also an option “Return to previous build”, if you upgraded to “ten” from one of previous versions Windows.

If automatic recovery doesn't work

Restoring a Windows system to one of the previous checkpoints is not a difficult task. It is only important that these points themselves exist in the system, because sometimes users themselves manually disable their creation, at the same time deleting existing ones. Old control points, indeed, it makes sense to periodically clean them, since they take up a lot of space. But giving up recovery points altogether is a risky proposition.
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To make sure that your restore points are automatically created or to make changes to the corresponding settings, you need to select the display of the “ icons” in the “Options” window Large icons” (or Small, but not Categories) and select “Recovery”. There, select “System recovery settings”, check whether protection is enabled and, if necessary, use the “Configure” button. Here you can manually create a point for subsequent recovery.

If we have recovery points, then using the method described earlier, that is, using the built-in Windows tools To restore the system, you can quickly roll back to an earlier state of the computer without losing important files.

In extreme cases, you will have to restore the system to its original state or to a previously created system image. It is advisable to create a “System Image” and a “System Repair Disk” in in working condition operating system, after you have installed all the applications you need. This is all done through the same “Control Panel” (aka “Settings”), when viewing by “Categories”, selecting “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)”. Here you can restore the operating system to a previously created image if the computer still boots, but has no longer worked as it should.
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Restoring a laptop to factory settings

If standard means do not help, and you do not have a disk or USB device with a recovery image, then laptop owners can use “hot keys” to launch the built-in recovery utility. Some models may even have separate key, for example, OneKey Recovery from Lenovo, but this is rather an exception. In other cases, it is important to know which “ hotkey” for your laptop, since it tends to differ among manufacturers.

Hotkeys for laptop manufacturers:

  • F3– MSI;
  • F4– Samsung;
  • F8– Fujitsu Siemens;
  • F8- Toshiba;
  • F9- ASUS;
  • F10- Sony VAIO;
  • F10- Packard Bell;
  • F11- HP Pavilion;
  • F11- LG;
  • F11- Lenovo ThinkPad;
  • Alt+F10- Acer (before this, select Disk-to-Disk (D2D) in the BIOS);
  • Ctrl+F11- Dell Inspiron;
  • Hold [ Alt] - Rover.

Factory Utility will restore the device to its original condition, as if it had just come from the store. This will delete all programs with settings, all files, including favorite photos, which it makes sense to store in just such cases. cloud services. However, the device will be able to work again, and in some cases this method will simply help prepare the laptop for subsequent resale or transfer to relatives.

Users often experience situations when, due to the installation of a certain driver, utility, or virus infection, the OS begins to slow down terribly or does not function at all. Thanks to the program's recovery option, system files can be restored to normal. In this way, you will be able to avoid the lengthy process of fixing breakdowns. In some cases, the issue can be resolved only by delving into the BIOS system; in others, more help will help simple tools, For example, boot disk. To understand how to restore Windows 7, spending a minimum of time, study this material to the end!

The most simple option recovery is a system rollback

Experts identify a number of methods by which the OS can be restored to its correct state. The list looks like this:

  • system backup (backup);
  • applying the last known known good system configuration;
  • disk with system installation files or use safe mode(non-standard mechanism);
  • standard “System Restore” mechanism.

Last Known Good Configuration

This is the most basic way to restore Windows operation 7. To do this, you need to boot through safe mode (the computer is restarted, and at the stage of turning on the OS, press F8). The window that appears in front of you will list different variants downloads. The “Last Known Good Configuration” section will help you by selecting it and pressing Enter.

The section is needed so that the user can boot the PC using the latest, adequately working parameters. Often with the help of such simple manipulations it is possible to restore driver settings and data system registry. The function helps when the OS cannot be loaded in standard mode due to incorrect changes.

Recovering from Safe Mode

First you need to go to Windows safe mode (F8 key). After waiting until the machine boots up completely, go to “Start” - “Search” and look for the “System Restore” program. All that remains is to select a point and confirm the decision. We'll talk about what a restore point is later.

If the method helped, then last stage The computer will reboot on its own, and then restore its operation in the mode that is familiar to you.

Boot disk

The method is great for those who have on hand original disc with Windows 7 OS. It will help to perform a system recovery when even safe mode does not help. Let's look at the procedure:

  • by pressing F8 switch to safe mode;
  • select “Troubleshoot your computer” and then “System recovery options”;
  • insert the disk, boot from it (read below how to do this);
  • select a language, go to the “System Restore” section in the “Windows Installation” window.

After these simple manipulations, you will be taken to the section with Windows 7 recovery options, where you can return everything to its place by selecting the correct point.

Boot priority in BIOS

The boot order allows the computer to understand which device to boot the OS from. Having chosen the order, the user can boot from different media: from a flash drive, disk, over the network.

So, to change the order, you first need to go into the BIOS system. Most often, this requires pressing F2 or Del. You need to press it when a message like “Press Del (F2) to access the BIOS” appears on the screen.

On some machines, other combinations are used: Ctrl+Alt+Esc, F1, or just Esc.

Once in the BIOS, you need to go to the Boot tab. Transitions between menu items are performed using the left and right keys. The decision is confirmed by pressing the Enter key.

Next, it is important to find the point Boot Device Priority. Now all that remains is to select the order of devices by changing them by pressing the “-” and “+” buttons. By exposing required parameters, it is important to save the changes and leave the BIOS (Save & Exit tab).

Restoring using backup

If you have previously created a system image, then the method will be truly life-saving. Find the backup and do the following:

  • connect a flash drive with backup;
  • select “Recovery” in the “Control Panel” menu (opens through “Start” in safe mode);
  • Restart Windows 7.

If it is impossible to boot the system, then you can use the backup only by booting through safe mode (F8) and selecting the “Restore system image” option.

When installing an image via safe mode, it is important to select the “Advanced recovery methods” options, and there find the option to use a system image. The computer will prompt you to back up, you can skip this point and just reboot. If you leave the recovery settings at their defaults, Windows will recover after a reboot.

System Recovery Options window

It doesn’t matter which method you used to restore the OS, you will go to this window. There are a number of functions here that are important to know about:

memory diagnostics Windows - by selecting this item, the computer will check the system memory for errors;

System Restore - return of Windows for a period when there were no defects;

startup recovery- analyzes defects through which the usual system boot cannot take place;

command line- the ability to delete files that prevent the system from booting;

system image recovery- allows you to resume normal work OS from a previously prepared copy.

After going to “System Restore”, a new window will appear, where there will be a message stating that to eliminate all current issues"System Rollback" will help. Click Next and select a point.

Restore point

A correctly functioning OS creates such points without your help, this happens every 7 days. They are also created when updating drivers or installing software components. Such points can be set manually if desired. Need to:

  • save and close all files;
  • go to “Start” - “Search programs and files”, where enter “Create”;
  • go to “Create a restore point”;
  • click “Create” in the “System Protection” window;
  • describe the name of the point so that you can find it in the future.

After selecting a description to identify the point, the creation process will begin, after its completion the system will issue a corresponding notification.

Return to factory settings

If it was not possible to achieve a clear result, then you need to “reset” to initial settings. This option is used on laptops. It is very controversial, because all data on the machine will be lost. In addition, the method can be implemented if the hard drive has hidden volume(provided from the factory). You can find out whether such a volume exists by clicking on the “Computer” shortcut and selecting “Manage” - “Disk Management”.

To return Windows to factory settings, you need to hold down a certain key (the algorithm is different for each device model).

Here is the list of keys:

  • for MSI laptops - hold down the F3 button at startup;
  • Samsung - F4;
  • ASUS - F9;
  • Acer - Alt+F10 (hold);
  • Toshiba - F8;
  • HP, LG - F11;
  • Dell - Ctrl+F11.


Restore Windows work 7 is easy. One of the methods presented here will certainly help restore the system to its correct state. This is the use of the last known good configuration, recovery via safe mode, boot disk and backup. Extreme measures - reinstall Windows again or roll back to initial settings, but you will lose data on the disk where the OS used to be.

Write in the comments which method was the most effective!