How to cut a SIM card for Micro or Nano? How to change a Beeline SIM card to a new one

Various gadgets in the form of smartphones, communicators, tablets are available to the majority of the population. Only some own the models of previous years, while others master the latest technologies. Each new model always requires additional equipment for its full use.

SIM cards are no exception, which are more necessary for a person than headphones or a case. Why does the SIM card attract so much attention?

The fact is that standard SIM cards do not fit into new models of gadgets, which as a result requires purchasing a new one or replacing an old one.

Buying a new card mobile operator, means getting a new phone number, which is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, you can assign an old number or a lost one new SIM card. Since the question of interest in obtaining an operator card is suitable sizes SIM card, then you need to replace the old SIM card with new model– nano. To do this, you need to contact the salon. cellular communications your mobile operator.

How to change a SIM card to a Beeline nanosim card?

When purchasing a new phone model, the user mobile network Difficulties arise with large SIM cards. Such inconveniences of using mobile operator cards are caused by small slots for SIM cards. The reduction in slot size is not the technology manufacturer’s own whim, but is caused by additional integration into the gadget software.

New generation smartphones cause the only inconvenience to their owners - the wrong size old SIM card under the slot of a new gadget. In some technology salons I offer nano sim a new type card with a new number, but not everyone decides to change it personal number on new. This forces you to seek help from your operator to replace the SIM card.

Ways to change a SIM card to a Beeline nanosim card

There are several options for replacing old-style SIM cards with a nano SIM card.

First option

Beeline cellular users also have the opportunity to change their SIM card to a Beeline nano SIM. To replace, the owner of the number must contact the nearest store of their mobile operator with a passport and an old-style SIM card. According to the identification document, the owner of the number will receive a nano-SIM card with the assigned old phone number. IN in this case Beeline communication salon will issue a nano SIM card in the presence of the client. At the request of the subscriber, he can be left with the number assigned to the SIM card, or the old one can be restored to new map. Attaching a number to a new card is carried out according to a separate application, with the application being processed at the point of application.

Second option

When purchasing a new gadget, store managers sometimes cut old-style SIM cards to fit nano SIM cards. If this service is not available at the phone sales outlet, you can contact any cellular communication store that has special scissors and a stencil to cut the SIM card to the required size. It is worth considering that self-pruning may lead to damage beyond repair. If the SIM card is damaged, then you need to contact your mobile operator and get a new card. You can restore your old mobile number to a new card. The number will be returned to the owner if the passport data and the owner’s data match mobile number.

Anyone who decides to change a SIM card to a Beeline nano-sim must contact the mobile operator’s salon with a passport and make the appropriate replacement.

Modern gadgets use SIM cards different sizes. The first change came with the advent of smartphones, where the socket was designed to micro sim, however, today the most advanced models of tablets and phones use an even more cropped version. You can cut a SIM card for a new phone yourself, although some mobile operators initially sell SIM cards for special gadgets or the package contains plastic with divisions, from which you can easily squeeze out a micro- or nano-version of the card without additional devices.

The simplest and convenient way How to cut from any format - contact a mobile phone store. Employees can replace the standard plastic with a smaller copy or even make it smaller themselves. Replacing a SIM card is free, but if you need to cut a SIM card to micro or nano, you will most likely have to pay extra. In the office they can show you how to cut a SIM card to micro or nano size.

Employees of communication stores do not need instructions on how to make a small SIM card out of a large one, since they use special device, which is similar to a stapler. The advantage of the method of making a mini from a regular model is that you do not need to use a template for cutting.

Device for SIM trim kart

As a result, the client receives not only the micro-SIM card, but also the adapter for the micro SIM card from which it was squeezed out.

Thanks to the presence of such an adapter, the card can subsequently be inserted into other models of phones or tablets, because some still use regular format SIM cards If desired, the user mobile communications You can purchase a similar unit for cutting plastic at a cellular communication store. There is only one drawback worth noting. If the initial thickness of the sim was greater than the standard, you will have to additionally cut off the layer.

How to cut a SIM card yourself

Learn how to do nano sim card from microsim or regular, you can do it yourself. But for the first tests, it is advisable to use several unnecessary old ones, so as not to spoil the working SIM. It's easy to convert the microsymbol into the application, since you actually need to cut out the entire part except the chip. However, if you use only this setting, you can cut off too much, so it’s better to use the instructions on how to make an applicator from a microsim:

Dimensions SIM formats kart

  • Print a template to cut out a smaller version from regular SIM card. In fact, in the photo it looks like a rectangle with sides 12.3x8.8 mm. If it is not possible to print a full-scale model, use a fine-graded ruler and mark the markings directly on the plastic. Ultimately, nano-sim should have 0.5 and 1 mm on both sides around the chip, the remaining two sides will be end-to-end. Don't forget to trim the corner.
  • Use a sharp cutter or scissors to cut. Cutting plastic is very easy: it is a little more difficult to cut than cardboard.
  • Try to insert the cut out SIM card into the gadget. For some devices this version will be sufficient.
  • If the nanocard is too thick and does not fit into the slot (usually this happens if you make a nanosim from a regular SIM card), use a nail file or sandpaper and cut off some of the plastic on the back side of the chip. The chip must not be touched! The thickness of the SIM card should be 0.67 mm. If you get carried away with sawing and there is too little thickness left, attach to back side a piece of paper to secure it in the slot more securely.

After you have had to cut out a SIM card for nano, make sure that the SIM card is valid and was not damaged during cutting. If you know how to cut micro-sim nano-sim yourself and use a cutter, you can save the adapter for the transition.

Trimming a Beeline card for Micro SIM - 5.0 out of 5 based on 4 votes

Today, modern smartphones are increasingly filled with mobile market, displacing the monoblocks we are used to with their standards, advantages and disadvantages. However, manufactured products have not yet fully switched to the requirements of new gadgets, so many users who purchased modern smartphone, the question arises: how to insert a SIM card into it if it clearly does not fit into the slot?

Indeed, cards to this day are not divided into “new for Apple” or “old”; they are issued the same as always. And here new technology it can no longer contain them - in modern devices The connector intended for the card is significantly smaller than in ordinary phones - they use Micro SIM cards Beeline. Such a connector is made by manufacturers to save space in the device so that it can be taken up with other spare parts. The ultimate goal of reduction is to make the new and modern smartphone thinner, more beautiful and lighter, while having a large wide screen. To install a SIM card in modern gadget(for example, in new Samsung models), you will have to perform an additional operation.

Trimming for Micro SIM

If you purchased modern tablet or phone (for example, iPhone or iPad), you will immediately notice that your SIM card does not fit into its slot. To continue using it, you will have to cut off the plastic part a little. This can be done at home with simple office supplies: scissors, pen, ruler and sandpaper. The size of an ordinary SIM card is 25 by 15 mm. You need to cut it to 15 by 12 mm. So, instructions:

  1. Place the e-coated card on top and use a ruler to draw a rectangular shape measuring 15mm wide x 12mm high.
  2. Cut along the contour with scissors future micro sim.
  3. Cut off the bottom right corner of the resulting shape and sharpen it (this is where it comes in handy sandpaper) measuring 2 mm on the sides.
  4. Insert the card into your device. If it turns out to be a little larger than expected, simply remove the excess plastic, but if it has significantly decreased (become smaller than necessary), then you will have no choice but to purchase another one.

Other ways to crop a map

It is worth admitting that independent work reducing the card is quite painstaking and time-consuming. It is more suitable for people who already have experience working with small details. For the most part, users simply spoil the card.

If you are afraid that this will happen to you, then it would be better for you to contact service center operator (the nearest one in your city) and ask to change the usual micro sim card. This will be done quickly and free of charge, since employees always have a set of such cards in stock. Your number may be kept for you - please explain your wishes to the operator. When planning to enter the salon, take your passport with you.

If pruning is not desired

There are times when a person who has just purchased modern model fashion company, does not plan to part with its regular phone, and plans to use it in the future. If the SIM card is reduced to the micro standard, it will no longer be able to work in a candy bar, and if you leave it as is, it will not fit into the new device.

Don't worry, the problem can be solved very easily. If you do not want to reduce the size of the card, purchase special deviceBeeline Micro SIM adapter(it’s very cheap), and then you can insert a SIM card into it, having first placed the purchase in new smartphone. This option is also simple and fast, and your card will work no worse than always.

If you are a person who knows a lot about painstaking clerical work (maybe you worked in an office or as a secretary), and decided cut the card to micro sim standard manually, keep in mind: the electronic chip, represented by a golden square on inside cards should never be touched during operation.

If its coverage is damaged, the card will not be able to pick up mobile network coverage signals and you will have to buy a new one. Also, if you go to a mobile operator’s salon, take with you an identification document and a small amount (usually the procedure is free, but sometimes trimming is done for money).

During operation mobile phone different things can happen to him. The main thing is that the SIM card is not damaged or lost - after all, the number is attached to it. All contacts and other information are recorded on the SIM card. important information, therefore, losing it is extremely undesirable, as well as getting into a situation where it becomes unsuitable for work.

If this happens, you will need to buy a new card and, most likely, change your phone number. Changing a number is associated with certain inconveniences: now none of those who are used to calling this number will be able to contact the user on it. But this can be avoided. How to do it?

Most people who want to replace a SIM card with number restoration simply want to change a damaged one old SIM card to a new one. Another common reason is that the card does not support any needed by the user service, for example, and then you have to purchase a card with 4G LTE support. Or you have purchased a new mobile phone that requires a card of a different format, and you need to change the SIM card to a micro-SIM or nano-SIM, which takes up less space and fits the new phone.

Thus, the reasons for replacing the card:

  • it is lost or stolen;
  • damaged and stopped working or the quality of communication has deteriorated;
  • do not support necessary for the user options;
  • it needs to be replaced with a micro- or nano-SIM.

How to replace a Beeline SIM card while keeping the number?

If the card is found to be unusable, the user should contact Beeline by calling 8 800 700 0611. Another option is to do it in your personal account Online. You need to block the card until it can be restored. Then you need to take your passport and go to the nearest company office and fill out an application for a replacement card. The number will be saved, and the amount of funds in the account and the tariff will also remain unchanged.

In order to protect against fraud, calls and SMS transmission will be blocked for a day after changing the SIM card. But this blocking will be partial: the person will not receive messages from banks or services that require entering a password, and will not be able to pay for services from the phone.

A sample “Application for SIM card replacement” can be found and downloaded on the Beeline website.

You can replace the card without the owner. For this purpose, a power of attorney is drawn up. The person will present this document to the company employees. This must be a notarized power of attorney to replace the SIM card. If the number is registered to entity, to restore it, you must also fill out the “Power of Attorney Form in Form M2”, as well as provide a letter certified by the company’s seal and the signature of the general director.

Call details on Beeline: call control in your personal account

After installing a new SIM card, activation will not be required. The card starts working immediately after it is installed in the device.

If the card is stolen or lost

You can restore the card for free. Money is taken only for delivery, the cost depends on the place where the card needs to be delivered and the speed of delivery. The user should contact the company's employees online or in a communication shop with a request to block the SIM card that has gone missing. To restore you will have to present passport. If the process takes place online, you must provide the series and number of the document, your name, or provide a special password and PUK code.

There are times when you don’t even have to block the old SIM card - if the new one should be of a different format or the old one does not work. But in case of loss or theft, blocking is required to prevent strangers from calling or sending messages from this number.

Where can I change my SIM card?

Any company office is suitable for replacing a SIM card. The list of Beeline offices is provided at mobile operator website. In ordinary communication shops (like Euroset and others), the user will not have his number restored; he can only purchase it there new SIM card. To restore your phone, you only need to contact the Beeline office.

Most modern mobile devices use small SIM cards - micro sim. The thing is that many gadget manufacturers are trying to improve not only functionality, but also external data. By saving internal space and denser placement of elements, new models mobile technology they look thinner and more compact, and therefore weigh less.

How to cut a SIM card for a micro SIM?

After purchasing a new smartphone or tablet, users often find that the SIM card from the old phone cannot be inserted into the new one due to large sizes. In order to start using the purchased gadget, you need to cut off your SIM card. In this case, only the dimensions of the plastic part are reduced, and the chip itself is completely preserved. Transform yourself regular SIM card In the micro version it will not be difficult, the main thing is to be patient. To do this you will need nail scissors, a well-sharpened pencil, sandpaper and a ruler.

In the standard version, the SIM card is made in the form of a rectangular plastic base measuring 2.5x1.5 cm, on which the chip is located. Micro sim has different dimensions - 1.5x1.2 cm. The procedure for converting a SIM card consists of a number of subsequent steps, which should be followed:

It should be remembered that big SIM card You can always adjust it, and if the card turns out to be too small, it will turn out to be unusable and then you will need to replace it with a new one.

If the user is afraid that he will ruin the SIM card, or simply does not want to deal with this procedure, then to replace the SIM card, he should contact any branch of the provider. You need to have your passport with you. Beeline employees will issue new SIM card or they will promptly trim the existing one.

Sometimes everything is exactly the opposite - micro sim is used in mobile devices with standard slots. For such cases, there is a corresponding adapter for micro SIM cards, which is sold in all communication offices. In this case, micro sim becomes universal card, suitable for many phones.