How to set up a zyxel p600 series modem. Connecting a modem to a computer. Preliminary actions with a laptop or desktop computer

Configuring ZyXel P-600 in router mode Ukrtelecom OGO

In a nutshell ADSL routers or, as they are called, ADSL modems. These devices are still routers (for the most part) and support 2 modes: bridge (bridge) - the connection is created on the computer and router (router), in which the device itself establishes a connection with the provider. Router mode much more convenient. Imagine, your Windows crashed, you reinstalled it and... started looking for the ill-fated thin piece of paper with your username and password. Sound familiar?

If the router mode is much more convenient (the computer is already connected to the Internet when turned on), why then do I see breeches in every first case? Let's set up a router together using the example of the Ukrtelecom (OGO) provider and a lovely device ZyXel P-600.

You have everything connected correctly and there is a bridge, that is, in network connections There is a PPPoE connection called OGO. Get rid of it. Check network interface: IP address should be, for example,, mask The router acts as the gateway and primary DNS: is the default IP address of the router. Ready?

Open your favorite browser and enter address bar Router IP:

By pressing enter you will enter the settings menu, but first of all enter your login password. Default: 1234 (don't forget to change it as soon as possible). The default wizards are Mazda, so go straight to the advanced setup. And check the box below so that he always walks like this. Next, on the left there is a Network tab, it contains WAN. Now carefully.

Leave the Line section alone, everything is fine there. In General:

  • Name — call it or leave it as is
  • Mode - routing
  • Encapsulation - PPPoE - this is important!
  • User name - [email protected]
  • Password - your_password
  • Service name - OGO
  • Multiplexing - LLC
  • VPI - 1
  • VCI - 32
  • Put a point on Obtain an IP address automatically and on Nailed Up connection

Don't forget to click Apply and reboot your router (if prompted). Open your browser and enjoy the connection.

Skype and torrent problem

Good day. In this article I want to give detailed instructions about setting up the zyxel p600 series modem. Enough popular model at one time and, probably, remained with many people. This article is especially for them. We will look at connecting the modem to a computer, setting up the Internet, firmware, and opening p600 series ports.

Connecting a modem to a computer

There are two ways to correctly connect the modem to the computer.

The first method is that we need a short wire (Patchcord), it should be included in the kit. Connect one end to LAN port, and the other - in network card computer. Also, we connect the provider’s wire to WAN port. Turn on the modem's power and press the on/off button.

The second method is to connect to a computer via USB wire, which, like Patchcord, should come with the modem. The remaining steps are the same as in the first case. I would like to warn you right away that connecting via USB brings a number of problems: the need to install drivers for your operating system(they are the same as on modem zyxel p600, you can download them on the official website at and throughput of this connection only 10Mbps. My advice is to use the first method.

Login to zyxel p600 settings

In order to go into the settings, open any browser and write in the address bar and press the Enter button. A window will open asking you to enter a password, enter 1234, this is the default password, then click on the “login” button

Setting up PPPoE Internet

For PPPoE settings connections in the window that opens, go to the “Network” section and select the “WAN” item.

Then, in the form that opens, enter the data in the “Encapsulation” field - select our pppoe connection type. After this, we will set our login and password in the appropriate fields, leaving the remaining settings as in the figure

Note: I have presented in the figures the settings for two providers Ukrtelecom and Rostelecom. If you have another provider, check with them your details, marked with red squares in the figure.

Settings for Ukrtelecom.

Settings for Rostelecom.

After entering all the data, click on the “Apply” button.

For clarity, video:


Setting up an Internet connection using DHCP

In order not to describe the whole process, I will present to your attention a video.


Server on your computer with zyxel p600, open ports

Do everything as in the video:


Note: Check if your antivirus programs are disabled. Is the Firewall disabled and are your ports open on .

Setting up wifi Zyxel p600 series

Older models of this version do not have Wi-Fi. But if you have more a new version modem and you have Wi-Fi on it, I will explain how best to set it up. Let's return to the "Network" section and select "Wireless LAN". Now we make sure that the checkbox next to “Enable Wireless LAN” is checked. Then select the name of our network - the one that will be displayed in the list of available wireless connections, and enter it in the “Name(SSID)” field. Let's select the encryption type - the "Security Mode" field, be sure to select "WPA2-PSK", and in the "Encryptyon" field - TKP. And finally, let’s set the encryption keys (Wi Fi password) in the “Pre-Shared Key” field. It can be anything, but not less than 8 characters, then click on the “Apply” button.

Firmware Zyxel p600 series

And at the end of the article I would like to talk about such an important thing as modem firmware. Sometimes, in order for the modem to work at one hundred percent (for example, increasing the data transfer speed or correct work IPTV) you need to change the firmware to a newer one. I'll teach you how to do it.

First you need to download the firmware, but you may encounter the problem that it is not available on the official website. Don't worry, you the firmware will work from Zyxel p666 EE modem. You can download it from this link “”. Choose latest version download the archive, then unpack it. Then, in the router interface, look for the “Maintenance” section, select the “Tools” item and click on the “Browse...” button. A file search window will open, go to the folder of the unpacked archive and select the file with the extension “.bin”. After that, click on the “Upload” button.

We wait a couple of minutes until the firmware is installed.

That's all for everyone, good luck.

The modern family of ZyXel routers is “Kinetic 2”, as well as gigabit models that have an updated interface. The classic option can be considered the three previous routers: Lite, 3g/4g and ZyXel keenetic. Here we will look at how to configure a ZyXel “classic family” router of any model. We'll set it up basic functions: Internet connection and wireless network. Let's get started.

First, let’s say a little about the differences between the three different routers of the “1” family. IN Lite models There is no USB port, that is, you cannot connect a 3G modem here. The other two routers do not have this drawback. And keenetic, among other things, is equipped with hardware that is faster than its younger “brothers”, and flash memory with double the capacity (and also, double speed Wi-Fi). What influences the price. The choice is up to the user.

If we talk about settings, you can notice the following. Although keenetic routers and 3g/4g can work with USB modems and Ethernet; here one cannot be automatically reserved for the other. The “classic” interface does not provide this option. Let's start setting up.

First connection

Ethernet Cable Connection Diagram

Looking at back panel devices any of listed models, it becomes clear how to configure ZyXel router and how to connect:

The yellow ports are for connecting the router to a computer. Connect the router to the network card using the supplied patch cord.

On last stage– check that the PC network card is configured correctly:

Finally, you need to turn on the power to the router. And send the computer to reboot.

It is important to know! If the device is purchased after setting it up, be sure to perform “ hard reset" Why, a minute after turning on the power, press reset button on the back panel (hold it for 10-15 seconds). The device will then be ready for use (you may need to restart your PC).

Let's go to the web interface

On the computer that was connected to the router, you need to open any browser. To navigate to the following address:

The ability to configure a ZyXel keenetic router (and any other) will be provided if you correctly answer the authorization request. The administrator login is admin (default) and the password is 1234.

Now we will look at how to configure connections.

Connection and method for setting it up

Selecting the type of Internet connection

Before setting up connections, graphical interface you need to go to the “System” -> “Operation mode” tab:

Setting up a ZyXel keenetic router (or keenetic 3g/4g) means that you use either a USB modem or an Ethernet cable. The user selects the required option, then clicks “Apply”. Depending on the option used, the list of tabs changes.

Additionally, note that you can first configure one connection option, then another. After this, it will be possible to switch between them, and also from the “Operation Mode” tab (which is possible for an unskilled user).

Internet connection (3G option)

Set the type of connection to the provider to “external 3G USB modem” (don’t forget to click “Apply”). Next, go to the “3G Modem” tab:

Here you need to select one of the operators and check that the fields are filled in correctly:

  1. phone number (understood)
  2. access point name – for example:
  3. username and password

The last setting on this tab for the ZyXel keenetic 4g router (now it is called that) can be very useful. Check the “Allow UPnP” checkbox if you are going to use one of the following programs: uTorrent (which is unlikely for 3g connections), or Skype, ICQ. The same applies to the Kinetic model.

Clicking the “Apply” button saves the values ​​in the router’s memory. By pressing the “Connect” button you can initiate a 3G connection, and disconnect it by clicking “Disconnect”. We wish you successful setup.

It is important to know that not all modems are supported by ZyXel equipment. Additionally, in the modem, you will need to disable the option to request a PIN code when creating a connection.

Internet connection (DHCP option)

Provider - distributes the Internet via cable, using the DHCP protocol? Setting up such a connection will be easy.

You need to select the connection type “Via dedicated Ethernet line”. Then, go to the “Internet” -> “Connection” tab:

By selecting “Automatic” in the “Configuring IP parameters” list, we can say that setting up the ZyXel router keenetic Lite(or “kinetic”, “3g/4g”) - completed. However, it is necessary to remember that the provider can check the MAC address (and new equipment will not pass the test).

To solve the problem with MAC address– there is a last tab list. Firstly, here you can see the true MAC value router. Also, you can set whatever the user requires (or simply “copy” the MAC address from the network card).

Having configured the connection parameters, click “Apply”. Additionally, before this we checked the “Allow UPnP” checkbox, since we are going to work with uTorrent.

After clicking "Apply", the connection will automatically appear in a minute.

Internet connection (option with VPN)

If it comes from the provider Ethernet cable, and not a telephone cord, most likely the L2TP protocol is used. For this case, you first need to configure the “Connections via a dedicated Ethernet line” (discussed above). If used static IP address– this must be specified in “Configuring IP parameters”.

The main thing that needs to be achieved is the presence of a connection, and at a level that is “below” the VPN tunnels. Only if the connection has been configured correctly, you can go to the “Internet” -> “Authorization” tab:

Here you must specify the following values: VPN server address, user login and password. If a static IP address is not used, the “Receive IP...” checkbox must be checked.

To complete the settings, click “Apply”. In a minute, you can try to open “” from your computer. Happy routing!

Note that you can also configure the ZyXel keenetic Lite router. But with L2TP it works slower than Kinetic (up to 55Mbit/s - maximum). The same, theoretically, can be said about keenetic 4g.

Wireless network in ZyXel routers

Setting up and enabling Wi-Fi

Wireless network technology – provides the following connection diagram. One of the selected devices must be an “access point”, all the others must be “subscribers”. Of course, the dedicated device is usually the router (since it is always on).

Basic setup WiFi router and ZyXel (setting network parameters without encryption) is performed on one tab, “ Wi-Fi network" -> "Connection":

The parameters must be set as follows:

  1. The “Enable…” checkbox must be checked
  2. It is necessary to specify the “Network name”
  3. Standard – can be left as default (that is, g/n). But if each subscriber can work using the “fast” “n” protocol, it is better to immediately install “802.11n”
  4. Radio channel number and speed – leave in “Auto”
  5. Next, the signal attenuation is set to a value close to “no”. Remember that “-3dB” means a reduction in power by half, and “-6” means a four-fold reduction.
  6. WMM mode – we recommend not using it (even if IPTV is used)
  7. To finish setting the parameters, you will need to click “Apply”. The network will operate without encryption and with an open name.

Wireless Encryption

In the previous chapter, we did not look at how to configure a ZyXel WiFi router to work “on hidden name" In fact, when setting network parameters, it was enough to check the “Hide SSID” checkbox.

A more serious protection option is provided by encryption. Its settings are contained in the “Security” tab:

If PCs with OS are used as subscribers Windows versions XP SP3 (and higher), it is recommended to set the following verification method: “WPA2-PSK” with the “AES” algorithm. The main thing is to fill in the 8-digit key field (and click “Apply”). Happy setup.

Setting up the “IPTV” option (for STB set-top box)

Hello, friends! If you have to configure the zyxel p600 series modem, then this article will help you do it. This model is quite popular among many Internet users, so I couldn’t help but tell you about the basic Internet settings. In the example we will analyze the type of Internet connection PPPoE.

First of all, zyxel p600 setup begins by connecting the router to power. Then we need to connect your computer and router using the cable that comes with the router. We plug one end of the cable into the network card on the computer, the other into any LAN port on the back of the router. And we’ll immediately connect the wire that your provider ran to your apartment to the WAN port. If everything is working properly and correctly, at least three power lights, LAN and WAN ports should light up.

Now we need to get into the control panel of the router and thereby zyxel p600 series setting moves on to the next stage. Launch your browser that you are using (IE, Google Chrome, Opera, etc.). In the address bar, type the following line - and press Enter. A window will appear asking you to enter the default password, enter the standard one - 1234. Press the "Login" button.

A window may appear to change the administrator password for the router; if you do not want to change, just click the “Ignor” button. But I advise you to change your password to protect your router from “young hackers”. And don’t forget to write it down or remember it, otherwise when reconfiguring you will have to reset the router settings to factory settings.

Internet setup

On the left we see a folder tree, this is the router settings menu. Click on “Network”, then go to the “WAN” section and click on the “tab” Internet Connection" Here are all the main points of setting up the Internet on your router. In the “Encapsulation” item, select your type of Internet connection from your provider. Then enter all the necessary data, the example shows the type PPPoE connections, so only the login and password for the Internet are entered there. We also set the parameters as in the picture and click the “Apply” button.

Setting up a wireless network

Finally, zyxel p600 setup goes to final stage. The Internet has already appeared on your router, but you still need to come up with a Name for your wireless network and set a password for it, from public use. To do this, go to the “Network” section, then go to the “Wireless LAN” subsection and click on the “General” tab. We check whether the “Enable Wireless LAN” checkbox is checked; if it is not, then check it. This function enables the wireless network on the router. Enter the network name you prefer (in Latin and numbers) into the “Name(SSID)” item. In “Security Mode” I advise you to select the most secure encryption type “WPA2-PSK”. And in the “Pre-Shared Key” field we enter the created password for wifi networks. Click the “Apply” button.