How to remember email address by phone number. How I was hacked or preventive measures. How to avoid recovering your address and password

Email is one of the most popular services on the Internet. It appeared in the mid-70s and has been constantly developed and improved since then.

The main condition for the operation of any mail is security and confidentiality. For example, when registering on, you must come up with a password consisting of at least six characters and including upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. However, such a complex password is easy to forget.

Typically, you can restore access to your mailbox in several ways. As an example, let's try to recover the password on

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Password recovery

First of all, you need to open the “Password Recovery” window and provide all the necessary data. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • First you should go to the website;
  • Then follow the link “Forgot your password?” (you can immediately open the window;
  • Enter your login in the appropriate field;
  • Specify the required domain in the drop-down list;
  • Click the “Restore” button;
  • Select one of the proposed password recovery options.

Answer to security question

If the answer to the secret question was specified when registering your email address, you can use that answer when recovering your password. To do this you need:

  • Indicate the correct answer to the security question;
  • Enter the code from the picture in the appropriate field;
  • Click “Recover Password”;

Spare mailbox

If there is an additional mailbox that was specified when registering on, then you can recover the password using it. To do this you need:

  • Enter the address of an additional mailbox;
  • Click “Restore”;
  • Follow the link that will be sent to an additional email address;
  • Create and specify a new password.

Recovery using a mobile phone

If you specified a mobile phone number when registering on, you can use it. To do this you need:

  • Enter your phone number in the appropriate field;
  • Click “Receive code via SMS”;
  • Wait for a message on your phone;
  • Enter the received code in the appropriate field;
  • Create and specify a new password.

Technical support service

If none of the proposed options suits you, you can contact technical support. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Go to the website;
  • Fill out the form to contact the “Technical Support Service”;
  • Indicate the approximate date of mail registration, login, time of last use;
  • Wait for a response from the Support Service (usually it takes 3-5 days);
  • If the decision is positive, a new password will be issued to the mailbox.


The traditional way to recover a forgotten mailbox password is to answer the question correctly. The security question is determined during mail registration. This question can be a standard one, which you can select from a drop-down list, such as “Maiden's mother”, “Make of first car” or “Passport number”, or your own, which you will need to write during registration. The password recovery system is activated if the question is answered correctly (the answer is also indicated during registration). Try to choose a secret question in such a way that only you know the answer to avoid hacking your mailbox.

Restore the forgotten password You can also specify an additional e-mail. An additional e-, like a secret question, is indicated during mailbox registration, and immediately after registration, a letter is sent to it confirming that the address of this mailbox is indicated as an additional one, used to restore another one. If you do not know the answer to your secret question, the system will prompt you to indicate an additional address to which a letter will be sent with instructions on how to recover your forgotten password.

Some mail services use mailbox validation using an SMS message. If password will be lost from such a mailbox, the system will prompt the user to enter their mobile phone (or its last 4 digits), to which a message will be sent with a special code giving access to the password recovery system. Please note that must be specified in advance in the email. Otherwise, this method will not work.

Often people forget their password to the mail system and cannot find a way out of this situation. However, there are plenty of ways to enter.


Additional email address. Each mail system asks this question, and if you indicated the address of another mailbox (or even several), then it is possible to recover a forgotten password. Afterwards, they will immediately send you the old password or ask you to set a new one. The box will be restored.

Secret Question. The most common, and in most cases even mandatory, mailbox registration item. After answering it, you will be asked to set a new password, and the mailbox is yours again.

If you do not remember the password, and did not even indicate a different email address or mobile phone, it is possible to recover the password using special utilities. Yours is encrypted and stored in special directories. Everything is encrypted to protect against hacker attacks, but in extreme cases, of course, it is possible to use a decryptor for such . When accounting, there is no doubt that you are in the system with “administrator” rights.
If you really have no options, download the free Multi Password Recovery utility, it has a website in Russian

In the last article we talked about, today we’ll talk about recovery. Restoring a mailbox from is required for various reasons, but this is mainly due to the lack of a password. Without writing down data, it is difficult to remember it later. There are also frequent cases when a mailbox is deleted, and then the user wants to restore it. Is it possible to get my data back? There are several ways and everyone will find the easiest one for themselves.

How to restore access to mail if you deleted it?

There are cases when mail is not needed, but after some time, it turns out that without it it is impossible to access some service or it is impossible to communicate with other users. What can I do?

In this case, you first need to go to the main page of the search engine. Then write your username and password in the data entry field. If you remember them, then you don't need to do anything else. The mailbox will be restored and you will be able to use it again. However, there is one caveat - you will no longer be able to restore the data that was stored in the box.

This is perhaps the simplest and most obvious way to restore mail on But only ideally can you remember your login and password. What should those who don’t remember this data do?

In this case, there are several options for resolving the issue, but everything will depend on what data you remember about your mailbox and profile.

Recovering mail by phone

It's good if you know your mail login on First, click on the link “Forgot your password?”

You will be offered ways to recover your password. Among them you will also find an option to restore access via a mobile phone. But this method will only work if you entered this information when registering your profile.

Usually the phone number is connected to the mail and account at once. The phone data is not shown to anyone and is only needed to confirm login in such specific cases. If you used a phone number during registration, then simply select the “recovery by phone message” method.

Confirmation via SMS is already practiced in many services and is no different in the same VKontakte or Google. You enter your phone number as usual, and the last four digits are entered in the field provided for this purpose.

The message arrives quickly enough. The code must be entered in the window that appears and your mail will be available to you again.

What to do if the phone number does not help in your case? For example, you did not enter your data and now you cannot use such a function? Then choose an answer to the security question.

It was initially entered when registering an account and mail. You had to choose one of the questions and write your answer. This is one way of identifying users so that the system can only grant access to the user who remembers the answer to the question asked.

If you know both the question and the control answer to it, then just select your question from the list and write your answer, which you entered during registration. Only this one will work.

After entering the required data, the system will ask you to enter the code in the image. At this stage, after confirming the data, you will resume access to your mail.

If you don’t remember the answer, you need to click on the “I don’t remember the answer” link and select other options.

If the security question and answer option is not your option, then try contacting technical support for help. In fact, this is a common practice, and it is supported in many other services, for example, Skype.

The website has a special form for this. After you click on the “I don’t remember the answer” link, you will be offered this very contact form.

In order for you to be able to access your remote mail, enter the personal information that you used when creating it. That is, you will have to remember what you can. Specialists will use this data to not only verify that it is your email, but also to quickly find the data you used to register and restore your access.

For example, you will have a question - “when was mail created?” Of course, you won’t remember the specific date, but you can probably give an approximate range. Select the most appropriate value and continue to indicate the remaining data.

Among the data you will see a line with a password. It will be called “Registration Password”. It will need to be filled out and if you do not remember your password, then enter a new set of complex characters and be sure to write it down in a separate file.

You also need to take into account that you have an additional mailbox. If it is not there, then it is unlikely that you will be able to restore access to using this particular method. When you registered your mail for the first time, you specified an additional mailbox so that in case of problems you could access the second mailbox. If you missed this moment during registration, then nothing can be done. If you did, then this is where the specialists from the support service will send you the data for recovery. Enter your email and specialists will send you a link to it if the email can be restored.

When all the data is filled in, click on the “Submit” button and now you will need to answer a series of questions.

Even though the recovery process through support seems long, this is what protecting your personal data and your personal information looks like. You will need to answer questions that will help the support team understand that you are the owner of the account.

The more information about yourself you write, the greater the chance that your access to your mail will be restored.

After filling out, all you have to do is wait for a specialist from the support service to respond. The time always varies and depends on the workload of specialists. A letter will be sent to your additional mailbox containing a link. Follow the link and enter your new password in the window that appears. This will restore access to your deleted mail.

Video instructions for email recovery

Watch the video instructions to understand exactly how to restore a mailbox from

Thus, it is possible to restore remote access to your mailbox, but to do this you need to remember as much information as possible that was entered when registering your mail. If you manage to remember the data, then recovery will not take you even two minutes. Otherwise, you need to contact technical support, and what decision the specialists will make will depend on the correctness and completeness of your answers.

Nowadays, using multiple mailboxes at once is normal. They can exist for a variety of purposes: personal - for correspondence, for registration on social networks and online stores, and even on dubious sites (by the way, use Anonymizer in Mail for this).

You can have at least 10 different addresses. It's all good. But you can accidentally completely forget the address of one of your mailboxes. We tell you how you can remember and what to do to prevent this from happening.

In what cases can you forget your email address?

Of course, when there are a lot of boxes. When mail was created a long time ago and for one purpose. When suddenly asked in the morning after long holidays. When I burned my bridges. Options can be listed until the night.

In these cases, there is no need to panic, as not everything is lost.

But what if…

For starters though try to remember your mailbox address yourself. Maybe you wrote it down somewhere? Check out your favorite notebook. 🙂 Try to remember why you created this mailbox in the first place? Does not work? Then we move on to plan B.

Plan b

There are several more ways to remember your mailbox address. Let's list them:

  1. Ask your friends or colleagues to look at emails from you in their inboxes. If you wrote to them, of course. 🙂
  2. Check the address in the settings of the online store or social network, as well as your Apple ID.
  3. Browser. Logins and passwords can be stored in your browser settings in the appropriate section.
  4. And finally... in your other mailboxes. What if you sent any important letters?

To prevent similar situations in the future, make it a rule to at least write down your username and password so that you can quickly access it. There are many options.

You can use, for example, a very ordinary notepad. In general, there are a large number of applications for storing logins and passwords in encrypted form.

In addition, you can set up a mail collector and check all your mailboxes in one.

Thanks to the rapid development of Internet technologies, there are probably no people left in the world who do not have their own electronic mailbox. In addition, many advanced users use them not only for work, but also for personal purposes. Today there are several popular services that allow you to create mailboxes in unlimited quantities. But situations arise when a password is forgotten and the problem of how to recover an email becomes urgent.

Recovering an old email address

Internet users sometimes create a mailbox and do not use it for a long time. After some time, there comes a time when you need to figure out how to recover your email address. So, if the account was not completely deleted, then you can restore the username without any problems by following these steps:

  • First, you need to log into your account on the settings page using the email address associated with it.
  • Then go to the registration page without leaving the account itself, where the previous username should automatically be displayed in the corresponding field of the form.
  • Fill out the form with your password and click “Continue.”

The listed steps are given using the example of recovering a Google mailbox password. Since all services are almost the same, this example can be taken as a basis. After which you can both send and receive messages without much difficulty.

Username recovery: main problems

If the issue related to how to recover your email password remains resolved, then sometimes problems arise with recovering your username. If your username has been deleted but your account remains intact, you can most likely sign in using your alternate email address. In such situations, this will be considered the user's primary name.

If, after several attempts, you cannot log into your account, then there is a possibility that the account has been completely deleted. In such situations, it will not be possible to restore the name, but you can still try to get your account back. If the account is permanently deleted, it means that the email account with that name can no longer be restored, and re-registration is impossible.

Recovering your mailbox password

To use the method of how to recover a forgotten email password, you must click on the “Forgot your password” link located under the form. A page should open in front of the user where he will need to enter his mailbox address. Then you are given the opportunity to choose one of the proposed password recovery options. It is recommended to choose the one that was specified during account registration.

Sending a password recovery link to an additional address

There are many methods on how to recover email. One of the effective ones is to use a link. First, select the address to which you want to send the recovery link and click “Recover.” After that, a notification with a link will be sent to the selected email box, by clicking on which you can change the mailbox password.

If the user does not have access to the specified mailboxes, then it is recommended to use help by clicking “I do not have access to the specified mailboxes.” In this case, other options for restoring access will be offered.

Sending a password recovery code to a mobile phone number

Before you restore your email by number, it should be noted that this option is the most effective. First, you should select the phone number to which you should receive an SMS notification containing the recovery code, and click “Receive code via SMS.” After receiving the message, you must enter the received code in the field. As a result, a field for entering a new password should appear.

If the user does not have access to the specified mobile phone numbers, click on the link “I do not have access to the specified numbers.” Then another method will be offered to restore access to the mailbox.

It is important to note that after you have succeeded in restoring your email without any problems, it is recommended to check the personal data that will be necessary to restore access in the future. After checking, you should click “Yes” or delete them - “No”. It is imperative to double-check all user data.

As you know, when registering a mailbox on a certain resource, it is recommended to specify an additional address. This procedure is performed for security purposes, which will allow you to subsequently recover lost data. After completing a restoration request, the user receives a letter with the information of interest. All that remains to be done is to go to the email website, select “Recover” and “Forgot your login or password.” After which you need to complete a request to receive a letter with personal data. In this case, the service can proceed as follows:

  • send your login and password to another email address;
  • send a letter containing a link to reset your password.

You can also take the help of relatives or friends with whom you previously corresponded, and recall the mailbox address. Of course, there are many recovery methods, but it is recommended to give preference to the option using a mobile phone number. To do this, you need to enter the number in the requested line, after which you will receive a notification indicating further actions.

To protect against fraudsters and unauthorized access to email, the service administration sends a service access code to your mobile phone number. It should be noted that the number must be confirmed and linked to the mailbox.

How to find out your E-mail address?

Before you can recover your forgotten email, you need to remember the data that was used during registration. After loading the site, you must enter your login and password in the form provided. Some services, for example, allow you to choose a domain in addition to your login. For example, for mail it is,,

Most users are accustomed to working using not a regular interface, but a specialized program. In such situations, you can find out your email address by logging into the program settings, which are mainly located in the accounts section.

On certain services, during registration, you can receive a username, which will be part of the address, but not the same as the login. So, you can determine your email address by going to the “Sent” tab and opening any message. The address is indicated in the “From” column.


Thus, after recovering lost data, you should definitely write it down to prevent repeated loss or blocking of your account. It is advisable to perform the procedure on several media simultaneously, not forgetting that the user’s electronic data must be confidential in order to avoid hacking of the electronic mailbox.