How to create a children's account on Android. Android Account

An Android phone can be described in one word – Internet. Google provides a ton of services along with user-friendly interface the main thing is free and most of these services are provided via the Internet and you will need an account to access them. Picking it up for the first time new device First of all, you need to enter your credentials Google data or if you don’t have a Gmail account, you can register it directly from your phone. To do this, you need to go to settings, select “Accounts and synchronization”, click on the add account icon as in the figure below and select the account type – Google. Next, select a new one if you do not have an account on Google (Gmail, Youtube or another) and enter your data sequentially. Upon completion, you will be given a choice with a list of your services; the checkmarks against each item mean that this service will be synced with your phone.

Almost every service has its own application. Now, yours new account will be your email address. mail to Gmail. First of all, by going to the list of your applications and finding Play in it, you can select and download applications and games to your phone from the Google application catalog. If you lose your phone or purchase a new one after entering your account in new phone all your applications that you install, contacts that were on your phone and some of the settings will automatically appear in your new device. Let's go back to Google services, Going into play market You can see sections of applications available to you. By clicking on the menu button on the left as shown in the figure, you can open “my applications” and find any Google app open the entire list of Google applications.

Returning to the list of articles on the site, you can find a description of some of the bottom, for example, your account allows you not only to access the application directory, mail and get backup functions for contacts, settings and applications, but also to access the office with your Word and Excel from Google, access cloud storage A disk that will allow you to transfer large files by email By mail, for example, you can mail an entire movie and much, much more.

On Android from the Google Play store, the user must have an account in this store. If you already have an account with Google, then when you first launch the application store, simply add this account, specifying the login and password for it, and start using this huge repository of games and other useful applications for your smartphone or tablet.

What is a Google Account

A Google account is a single access to all company services. For example, if you have created an email account on the Gmail service, then you automatically gain access to all Google services (including Google Play) under one login and password. If you don’t have an account or for some reason want to register on Google Play under a different account, you will have to create one.

Create an account on Google Play

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to register in the official Google app store.

  1. Launch the Google Play application on your device and click on the link " Or create a new account».
  2. Enter your first and last name in the appropriate fields (in Russian or Latin - optional). If you plan to sometimes buy applications according to your bank card, then it is better to indicate real data. If you only use free programs, then you can enter fictitious name. After filling in the fields, click the " Further».
  3. The account login settings screen will open, where you can create and enter a username (login) to log into your Google Play account. Unlike the first and last names, the user name must be entered strictly in Latin. Your login will look like "your made up name"@gmail. com, For example [email protected] . This will also be your address. Email V postal service Gmail. Click the button Further».
  4. On the next screen, you must create a password of at least 8 characters and enter it twice to check for typing errors. Tap again on the button " Further».
  5. Here the registration system will offer to link your new account to your mobile phone number. The number may be needed if your password is lost or changed. It is recommended to link your account and phone number. If you do not want to provide a number or will do it later, then click on the link " Skip» to move to the next step. If the phone number is entered, then click on “ Further"and wait a couple of minutes for an incoming SMS with a control code. If the SIM card is in the smartphone from which registration is taking place, the procedure will continue automatically, otherwise the code must be entered manually.
  6. At the next stage, you will be asked to read the privacy policy, terms of use and accept them. You can mark your consent to subscribe to news from Google Play or unsubscribe from the newsletter.
  7. At the final stage of registration, you will be asked to set up payment information for in-store purchases or do this later.

How to create an account on your phone?

Today, smartphones have become widespread due to their accessibility and ease of use and wide possibilities. Below we will tell you how to create accounts on such phones.

How to create a Google account on Android

To create an account on Google, do the following:

  1. Open the gmail application. Select the "new" option.
  2. In the window that appears, you will need to enter your first and last name.
  3. Next, we come up with the email address itself. If an account with the same name already exists, a message will appear stating that the name is not available. Change your name and try again.
  4. When successful creation name in the next window you will need to come up with a password for this account and duplicate it 2 times. Try to come up with a password that you will not forget. You should not use a password that is already set on other accounts.
  5. Next you will need to enter additional address email that you or your family use. This information is necessary to restore your account.
  6. In the next field, come up with and enter your secret question. If you forget your password, the system will ask you this question in future.
  7. In the field below we write the answer to the secret question.
  8. The account has been created. Now Google will offer to use other services. You can select the "Not Now" button.
  9. In the next window, click on the “I agree with the user agreement” button. The user agreement can be read by following the link above in the same window.
  10. Next you will see a window with a picture showing numbers and letters. In the text input field, duplicate the same characters. This will let the system know that you are a real person and not a robot.

How to create an account in the Play market (Play Market)

To successfully download and install programs on a smartphone running Android OS, you need to register in the Play Market and create an account there. The only inconvenience is that the Play Market account only accepts email Google box. How to add an account to your phone? After you open the Play Market application, you will see a notification that you need to link your device to Google Mail. If you do not have an email, then click on the “New” option. Next, we create an account in Google in the same way as was described in the first paragraph of the article.

How to create an account on iPhone

iOS phones use a different account system. For full-fledged work with an iPhone you need to create an account in iTunes Store And App Store. In order to create required accounts, you need to open the corresponding application. If this is your first time entering the application, you must indicate your Apple ID. Select "With an existing Apple ID". Next we enter email address and password. The one you specified earlier appears. Security Question. In the text field below we write the answer to it. In the window that appears there will be a link to Terms of use. At the bottom of the page, look for the “I Accept” button and click on it. Now you can download free applications.

In order to download paid applications, you need to link a credit card to your account. To do this, you need to log into the appropriate application. When a message appears about the ability to view information, click “View”. After that, enter the number in the fields that appear credit card and its validity period. Click "Next". Credit card details have been saved. At the time of buying paid applications money will be debited from this account.

Google account is a kind of access key to everyone free services companies. The process of creating an account in the service does not take much time. The user will have to provide some personal information. How to create a Google account and access services? This article explains how this can be done.


How to create a Google account on a computer? First, you need to make sure that your device is connected to the Internet. Without access to the Internet, registration is not possible.

Then you need to open the page Google search or Gmail. Next, click on the red button that says “login”. Instead of this link Gmail service may offer to create an account. After clicking on the button, the PC owner will be redirected to desired page.

How to create a Google account: registering a new account

The participant must come up with Username, which will later become the address mailbox in Gmail. When registering, you can also use an existing e-mail. If the username is taken by another participant, the service will provide a list of other options.

Next, you should fill out the form. You must enter your full name, date of birth, phone number, gender and additional mailbox address. This data can subsequently be used to restore access to your account. The participant must also indicate their country of residence. The “telephone number” field is optional.

The service will prompt you to enter a code. Captcha allows you to protect yourself from mail spam, and also confirm that the user is a real man, not a robot. If the participant cannot read the letters, then he must update the recording or listen to it through the device's speakers or headphones.

The final stage

The PC owner needs to accept the terms of use of the service. Before doing this, you should read the suggested Google document. After this, you must confirm your agreement with the service’s privacy policy and click on the “next” button.

The user will go to Google+ to create personal profile. A member can add a photo to their page. Next, click on the “get started” button.

The question of how to create a Google account has been resolved. Now the user can click on the “back” button or select another company service. You will be logged in to the site automatically.

How to create a Google account on Android?

First, you need to make sure that the device is connected to the Internet. Without access to the Internet, registration will not be possible.

How to create a Google account on mobile phone? To do this, you need to open the “settings” menu. On this page you need to find the “accounts” section. Next, click on the “add account” button. A new menu will open.

Here you need to select Google item. After this, click on the “new” link. The system will prompt the user to provide a first and last name. This information will be displayed in emails as sender information.

Selecting a username and password

The PC owner needs to come up with a login. The participant can only use Latin letters, numbers, dots or dashes. The login should be easy to remember. After verification, the system will prompt you to choose a different username or enter a password for a new account. The code should consist of Latin letters and numbers.