Google Search Tricks. All the secrets of searching on Google: you really can find everything

Every day we search for something on Google. I probably search for something on Google 200 times a day. I check any information, learn something new, and instantly find the answer to my question. A question arose - I typed it into the search bar and got the result. What could be simpler? But sometimes there are difficulties in finding specific information. A few tricks will help you always find what you're looking for.

We have written more than once about the secrets of searching on Google. I decided to check which tricks still work and refresh your memory a little.

Search for a specific phrase

Sometimes it is necessary to find a phrase exactly in the form in which we enter it. For example, when we are looking for the lyrics of a song, but we only know one phrase from it. In this case, you need to enclose this phrase in quotation marks.

Search by specific site

Google is an excellent search engine. And it is often better than built-in search on sites. That is why it is more rational to use Google to search for information on a website. To do this, enter Putin did.

Search for words in text

If you want all the search words to appear in the search results, enter before it allintext:.

If one word of the query should be in the body and the rest anywhere else on the page, including the title or URL, put before the word intext:, and write the rest before that.

Search for words in the title

If you want all the query words to be in the title, use the phrase allintitle:.

If only part of the request should be in the header, and the rest elsewhere in the document or page, put intitle:.

Search for words in URL

To find pages that have your request in their URL, enter allinurl:.

Search for news for a specific location

If you need news on a specific topic from a specific location, use location: to search Google News.

Search with a certain number of missing words

You need to find a sentence in a document or article, but you only remember the words at the beginning and end. Enter your query and indicate approximately how many words there were between the words that you remember. It looks like this: “At the Lukomorye AROUND (5) oak volume.”

Search if you forgot a word or number

Forgot some word from a saying, song, quote? No problem. Google will still help you find it. Place an asterisk (*) in place of the forgotten word.

Find sites that link to the site you are interested in

This item is useful for blog or website owners. If you are wondering who is linking to your site or even to a certain page, then just enter link:website.

Exclude results with unnecessary word

Let's imagine the situation. You have decided to go on vacation to the islands. And you don’t want to go to the Maldives at all. To prevent Google from showing them in search results, you just need to enter “Vacation on the islands - Maldives”. That is, put a minus before the word Maldives.

You want to find all your competitors. Or you really like the site, but there is not enough material on it, and you want more and more. Enter and admire the result.

Search "either-or"

There are situations when you need to find information relating to two people at once. For example, you want to laugh at Vova, but you haven’t decided whether to laugh at Zelensky or someone else. Just enter “Vladimir Zelensky|Zhirinovsky” and you will get the result you need. Instead of the "|" symbol You can enter English OR.

Search for different words in one sentence

To find connections between objects, or simply to find mentions of two individuals together, you can use the "&" symbol. Example: Freud & Jung.

Search by synonyms

If you're lazy like me, then you don't have the patience to Google multiple times for different synonyms of the same word. For example, cheap firewood. The "~" symbol can make your life a lot easier. We write “~cheap firewood” and get results for the words “cheap”, “inexpensive”, “affordable” and so on.

Search within a specific range of numbers

Very useful secret search on Google if you need to find, for example, events that happened in certain years, or prices in a certain range. Just put two dots between the numbers. Google will search in this range.

Search for files of a specific format

If you need to find a document or just a file of a certain format, then Google can help you here too. Just add it at the end of your request filetype:doc and instead doc Substitute the format you need.

10 more useful features

1. Google can work as a good calculator. To do this, simply enter the desired operation in the search bar.

2. If you want to find out the meaning of a word, and not just look at pages on the topic, add to the word define or "meaning".

3. You can use the search engine as a converter of quantities and currencies. To call the converter, type a request with a translation, for example, “centimeters to meters.”

4. WITH using Google you can check the weather and time without having to go to websites. Type the queries “weather “city of interest””, “time “city of interest””.

5. To view the results and schedule of matches of a sports team, simply type its name in a search engine.

6. To translate a word into any language, write “translate” in the search bar the right word“into English (any other) language.”

7. For the query “sunrise “city of interest”” Google shows the times of sunrise and sunset (for the latter - a corresponding query).

8. sometimes a very helpful function for searching a site in the Google cache. For example, when newsmakers delete news. You can read them thanks to Google.

9. If you enter a flight number into the search bar, Google returns full information about him.

10. To see a table of quotes for a specific company, simply search for "stocks of 'company of interest'," such as "Apple Stock."

If you have your own ways to use Google more effectively and find the information you need faster, share your tips in the comments to this article.

When we talk about “searching” or “research” these days, few people mean spending hours in the library searching for information. the book you need or periodical. And we are hardly even talking about online access to the scientific databases of schools or universities. The word "research" in everyday culture most often includes one meaning: open a browser, write keywords into the search bar and “surf” the Internet until you find the information you need.

However, to achieve a result in the “until you find the necessary information” stage, a problem may arise - sometimes the search is delayed, and information sought Absolutely not. To quickly find the necessary data and not waste time checking “wrong” sites, you can use small tricks.

So, trick number 1: Use different search engines

Despite the fact that “search mastodons” (such as Google, Yandex, Yahoo!, etc.) often offer similar results, it is still worth making a request not only on one site. The difference of a few links can be critical if it is exactly what you need.

If you are an ardent fan of one of the systems, then you can find out if it has highly specialized search tools (Google, for example, has Google Scholar, which allows you to search exclusively in online repositories of universities and academic publishing houses).

Trick number 2: Dig deeper

How many of you closed the search engine after quickly scanning the first page of results? So, this is fundamentally wrong! There is a certainty in our heads that the best and most accurate results are on the first (at least on the second) pages. This is why corporations pay a lot of money to get on the first pages of searches. Don't be fooled - check it out large quantity pages, then you may come across less paid, but more interesting and necessary sites.

Trick number 3: Clarity

You must have a good understanding of what exactly you are looking for before you begin the search itself. Sounds like a message from “Captain Obvious”? However, this is very important point: very often users hope that the Internet will read their thoughts and reveal required material at the very first word. In fact, it turns out that you need to “promote” your topic from the very basics - defining keywords.

Search engines have access to a huge number information, and if you try a little, you can get from them “just” the information we need (instead of a bunch of “left” pages).

Trick number 4: Use modifiers

Not everyone knows, but our common punctuation marks (quotes, ellipsis, dash, hyphen-minus, etc.) and country encodings are very helpful in narrowing down search results and making them as relevant as possible.

  • Use quotes if you need specific phrase or phrase, then search system will understand that words must always be looked for nearby.
  • When you need to find material that contains some words but excludes others, use a dash (or minus). It looks like this: “Newton is an apple.” A tricky task for a search engine is to find everything about Newton that does not contain any mention of apples.
  • Enter in the search bar the name of the site you want to search on. To search only on a specific site, use the word site (site), you can do it like this: if you are looking for news about Khan Academy on the newtonew site.. And here it is.
  • If you need to find information contained in a certain numerical interval, then you can use dots to indicate exactly what interval is required: for the query “Unified State Exam 2010..2014” the search engine will respond with articles mentioning all years between 2010 and 2014 and the word “ Unified State Examination".
  • Use a country-encoded search engine to get search results on national sites. For example, Google Korea looks like this:

Trick number 5: Be vigilant and critical

For those who doubt, we authoritatively state: “Not everything written on the Internet is worth believing.” Alas, this is true. So when you read an article or download material from a previously unvisited page, look around: “Is this a site with primary data? Is the information current, relevant and reliable? The article you are reading is full of facts, but does not cite the research where they were obtained? Who wrote the article? Are they trying to sell you something?

Trick number 6: Quoting and quoting again

As they say, repetition is the mother of learning. If you have used materials, statements and articles from some source, then refer to it later in your work. You don’t want someone else to take your thoughts and ideas and then call them their own? So don't do this to others.

Let's take advantage of the last point and say thank you to the Edudemic website and its author Katie Lepi for an excellent set of tips on how to make the process of searching the Internet easier, faster and more enjoyable!

Every day we search for the sea various information on the Internet and search engines help us in this difficult task. The most popular of them is Google. With its help, millions of people find what they need in the vast expanses global web. But few people know that there are some Google secrets and tricks that allow you to make a more effective and correct search query, thereby increasing your chances of quickly finding what you need.

1. We are looking for a document containing a specific word
In your search query, place the “+” (plus) sign in front of the desired word. In this case, there is no need to separate it with a space from the word of the desired word.

Hyperboloid of engineer + Garin

In this way, you can create conditions for a few more words.

2. Exclude the word from the search query
In contrast to the previous one, this Google secret allows you to display search results, excluding from them those that contain the word specified in the condition. To do this, you need to put a “-“ (Minus) icon in front of the desired word:

Internal combustion engine - rotary

The word-condition can also be not one, but several.

3. Search for data on a specific site
To indicate which site you need to look for the necessary information on, after the search query, write the special operator word “site:”, and after it - the address of the desired web portal.

Secrets of search queries site:site

4. Looking for information in a specific language
By using special operator“lang” You can tell the search engine in which language to search for data on Internet sites. For the Russian language we indicate “ru”, for English - “en”, for French - “fr”, for German - “de”, etc.

Si vis pacem, para bellum lang:ru

5. Search for an exact phrase
The Google search engine can be forced to search exact phrase or the form of some word. To do this, you need to take its quotation marks “” and as a result you will get all the pages where such a phrase appears in its entirety.

Google Tricks

6. Search for a phrase with a missing word
A very convenient feature for those who often have to search the Internet for a song by words, having heard it once on the Internet or seen it on TV and not remembering its full lyrics. Simply enter the phrase into the search bar, enclose it in quotation marks, and replace the missing word with the “*” (asterisk) icon.

"There was a roar on the field"
The result will be the entire phrase, with the missing word. Well, of course, if there is one on the Internet.

7. Search for sentences containing certain words
You can set a condition for the search engine under which it will search not for a phrase, but for an entire sentence that contains the words specified in the query. To do this, use the “&” operator (ampersand). We simply type the desired query and use the ampersand to indicate the word that must be present in the same sentence as the searched ones.

Internal combustion engine & two-stroke

8. We look for documents of a certain type (extensions)
Very often you have to search on the Internet various documents. As a rule, a lot of unnecessary stuff appears in the search results. To tell Google to search only for a document of a certain type, use the “mime” operator, followed by a colon and specify the type of document you are looking for: dox, xls, pdf, etc.

mime quality standard:pdf

9. Search for a page containing one of several words
You can specify several words in your request at once to be searched. In this case, results that contain several of the searched ones will be more relevant. To take advantage of this opportunity, enter the symbol “|” (vertical slash) all the necessary words and the system will search for a page with any of them.

gifts | free | freebie

10. How to find by synonyms
To display results for a synonym of a word in Google, use special character“~” (Tilda). It helps you find all words similar to the selected one.

~the best ringtones are the best
The search engine will return all links to pages where there are synonyms for the word “best,” but none of them will contain this word.


12. How to find out the meaning of a word
Using the “define:” operator, you can quickly find out the meaning of the desired word or term.


13. Online unit converter
In Google you can convert various quantities - physical, metric, etc. - right in the search bar. To do this, simply enter this in the request form:

1 inch in centimeters

14. Exchange rates
To find out the current exchange rate of a particular currency, simply enter this into the search bar:

For example:
1 dollar in rubles

15. Current time
Google can work and how simple clock, reporting the time for your current location. To do this, you need to enter the word “Time” or its English version “Time” and the search engine will tell you what time it is in your city, having previously determined the location. If you need to find out the time for some other city, just add its name to the request.

time Saratov
time New York

16. Online Translator
I think that many of you have heard about one of the best in the world electronic translators, service Google Translate. But not everyone knows that it can be used directly from the search bar. You just need to enter the “translate” operator, then the word that needs to be translated, then another “into” operator, indicating which language to translate into, and, of course, the language itself.

For example:
translate warship into Russian

17. Searching for a page in Google cache
At the world's largest search service There is special servers, which store indexed pages. If this page for some reason disappears, but it was very necessary information, you can always view the saved copy. This can be done using the operator: “cache:”

For example:

18. Weather forecast
You can always quickly request a weather forecast for the week ahead for your current location. This can be done using the “weather” operator. If necessary, you can specify the city for which you want to show the forecast.

For example:
weather Saratov

19. Calculator
Did you know that Google can count? It turns out he can! Just enter mathematical formula into the search bar and get the result of the equation.

15 features of Google and Yandex that you had no idea about

Search engines are a key element of working on the Internet. It seems like what could be special about them: you type a query into a line, and you get results (and advertising). But in fact, search engines can do much more. About advanced Google capabilities and Yandex, read our review.

1. Calculator
If you need to quickly calculate something, you can simply type the required calculation (or even equation) into a search engine. Google will return the answer in any case, but the output will be different depending on the input format. If you type a search query with words, for example, “eight hundred plus a thousand,” Google will give the answer in the form of a block on which the number will be written in words.
However, if you enter numeric expression“800+1000”, a full-fledged calculator will appear in the search engine results, on the screen of which the answer to the question will be displayed. Clicking on virtual buttons When the calculator appears, you can quickly calculate something else. Besides basic functions advanced ones are supported - calculation of sines, cosines, roots and the like.

Yandex also has a similar function. The Russian search engine's calculator is a little simpler, but it appears in response to any request, both in numerical and text form.
2. Unit converter
Another feature built into both search engines is the converter. However, it is implemented differently. If you enter a query like “10 inches in cm” in Yandex, an interactive board with the results of calculations is displayed, right there you can quickly swap units of measurement or enter a different value:

Google, in turn, can simply provide a quick, but non-interactive response to a request. To change the calculation units, you will have to enter the line again.
3. Movie show schedule
If you type into Google, for example, “Cinema Petersburg”, an interactive schedule is displayed indicating the show time and cinema and genre in the specified city.

4. Built-in explanatory dictionary and translation
Google has convenient feature searching for definitions. Enter the desired word and add define or “definition” to it, after which it will be displayed above the search results short description concepts. This is a great time saver without having to go to Wikipedia or other reference sites.

In "Yandex" explanatory dictionary No. But if you write any word and add “translation” to it, a text translation widget opens, into which you can quickly enter any words and translate them into different languages. The first meaning of the word is displayed even earlier, already while entering text, right under the search bar.

5. "Wizard" of flowers
A very useful Yandex tool for designers, which allows you to quickly find out everything about the desired color upon request. You can enter the name of the color in Russian (purple), in English (yellow), or even using the hex code [#99ff99] - Yandex will display the result on an interactive palette, where you can then continue to study the shades. The tool can work with both RGB and HSY.
The sorcerer (the word itself was invented in a Russian search engine to denote such non-standard search results) of flowers will be useful to both designers and ordinary users who want to quickly understand what the color of a cabinet they found in a catalog looks like.

6. Currency converter
Google and Yandex have built-in currency converters. If you type into Google, for example, “100 euros in rubles” or even just “100 eur”, it will instantly give you a calculation at the current exchange rate.

In Yandex, this function is implemented interactively - a settlement board appears on which you can quickly change amounts and currencies. Very comfortably:

7. Time
If you score in Google word"Time", it will automatically show the time in your time zone. "Yandex" does the same, but with the command "what time". If you want to find out the time in any city in the world, just enter its name in Google or Yandex.

However, Yandex supports advanced time comparison. For example, if you type in “Montreal-Kyiv time difference,” it will show the time in Montreal and Kyiv and clearly demonstrate the difference in hours. Google can't do that.
8. Stikholub
An amazing Yandex feature for all those who cannot remember the author of a memorable poem. If you start typing poetry into a Yandex search, it will immediately show you the author and his portrait. Full text the poem is placed in a special plate, it can be scrolled through and quickly read without opening third-party sites.

9. Quickly find out the IP address
If you type “My IP” into Yandex, the search engine will immediately display it. Fast and convenient. Unfortunately, Google doesn't have this.

10. Bartender
While Google positions itself as a company fighting for healthy image life, Yandex has built into the search engine a service for quickly mixing cocktails. If you enter the name of the cocktail and the word “recipe”, an interactive plate will appear with all the ingredients and a description of the preparation process. Here, on a special shaker, you can search for other cocktails based on different criteria.

Vesti.High-Tech warns: excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. The Yandex bartender, by the way, does not issue such a warning.
11. Chemist
A convenient tool for those who have to work with chemical elements.

By entering the name of any element into Yandex, you can obtain information about the element from the periodic table - it will display the serial number, name in Latin, atomic weight and electronic configuration of the element, accompanied by its brief description.
The simplest command for Google and Yandex, which makes searching much simpler. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of this opportunity. If you put the text in quotes, search engine starts looking exact match phrases - with in the right order words, only with this meaning. Very often this helps to find the right page without digging through the garbage.
13. Tilda
Less frequently used, but also useful command. If you type ~ (tilde) before a word, the search engine will take into account all its synonyms.
14. Ampersand
Use the & symbol to quickly find two words that will appear in the same sentence. For example, the request “Lermontov & Orel” will find a corresponding offer for you.
15. Search for specific formats
To find documents in Yandex the right type, you need to add the mime operator and a colon to the request. For example, the request “Unified State Examination form mimedf” will return only PDF documents. Google uses the ext command to do the same thing:
"Easter eggs"
In addition to various useful functions, developers have hidden many useless but funny “bookmarks” in their search products, the so-called “ easter eggs". For example, if you type into the search by Google images the phrase Atari breakout, an interactive arkanoid game will appear instead of issuing. You can have a little fun.

For adherents of minimalism and dualism of life, there is a black and white version of Yandex.
But I was especially pleased with the “Meditative Search” function. All that is required from the user is to click the “search” button. The request will be selected automatically, sometimes very strange.
If you dial in Google search zerg rush, yellow and red "O" letters will begin to attack the search results. You have to click on them to kill them. A fun game based on Starcraft that will make you remember battles with the zerg. And if you enter, for example, the phrase “do a barrel roll” into Google, the page will turn over.
taken from here

It was temporarily blocked by providers TTK, Akado, Avax and Sumtel at the direction of Roskomnadzor. But a significant proportion of subscribers of these providers did not notice the blocking, as they use a domestic search engine.

In April 2017, they were looking for something in Yandex 43 million people. If you are one of them, then this short article is for you.

P.S. For those who prefer Google and DuckDuckGo, there are links in the last section.

1. How to search among sites of a specific city, region, federal district or country?

This is how you can find information on the request “graduate ball” among the websites of the city of Bratsk:

alumni ball cat:11000976

To find out the number that must be dialed after the operator cat:, you need to add the region code in Yandex.Catalog to 1,100,000. For example:

  • Moscow - 1100001;
  • Chernigov - 1100966;
  • Voronezh - 1100193;
  • Volga region - 1100040;
  • Kyrgyzstan - 1100207;
  • CIS countries - 166.

There are already more than 117 thousand sites in Yandex.Catalog. Similarly, you can search for something only among resources dedicated to a specific topic. To do this, instead of region codes, you need to use topic codes and add 9,000,000 to them, instead of 1,100,000.

2. How to deceive Yandex about your location?

Using the Manual Geolocation extension for Chrome, you can mark any point on the map and the search engine will think that you are located exactly there and adjust the search results in accordance with this data. For example, you can search for objects located near your home in St. Petersburg, but it is located in Moscow. Convenient when planning trips.

This point is relevant for all sites that use your location data.

3. How to search for pages in a specific domain zone and in a specific language?

This is how you can find what Ukrainian websites (in the ua domain zone) write about zebras in Ukrainian:

zebra domain:ua lang:uk

In a similar way, you can find out the opinions of websites of other states on various issues. Language codes for Yandex:

  • Russian (ru);
  • Ukrainian (uk);
  • Belarusian (be);
  • English (en);
  • French (fr);
  • German (de);
  • Kazakh (kk);
  • Tatar (tt);
  • Turkish (tr).

4. How to search for pages on a specific site?

This is how you can search for pages only on the website:

zebras site:site

This is how you can search only among articles of certain categories. For example, among the questions in Rescue service website:

messages url:site/iNotes/q/*

And here’s how to get a list of all tags that are used on the site:

5. How to search for pages created on a specific date?

This is how you can find pages created on a specific day:

steve jobs date:20170617

And like this in the interval between two dates:

steve jobs date:20170610..20170617

And with the help of the operator date: You can search for pages by last indexing date.

6. How to search for files of a specific type?

Search for a book in PDF format to upload to iBooks:

flowers for algernon mime:pdf

And this is how you can find all MS Word documents mentioning the word “declaration” on the Federal Tax Service website:

declaration mime:docx

Types of documents that Yandex indexes:

  • html;
  • docx;
  • xlsx;
  • pptx;

7. How to search only in page titles?

With this operator:

It is very convenient when you need to find an article by its exact title.

8. How to search by image file name?

Have you saved a picture to your computer and want to use it with the source indicated, but don’t remember where it came from? The search operator using the exact name of the image will help:

Operators for searching by HTML tag attribute values:

applet:– applet tag code;
script: - tag src script;
object:– all attributes of object;
action:– action of the form tag;
profile:– profile of the head tag.

9. How to find links to a specific page?

Yandex has an operator for searching for mentions within links. This way you can find links to a specific page.


10. How to use widgets and tips?

If you type one of the four words below in the search, then under search bar Mini-applications will appear.