Setting up gmail com mail. Comprehensive setup of Gmail from Google

Greetings friends and guests! Have you already chosen your email program? For it to work correctly, you will need to do a few simple steps. Let's take a closer look at how to configure gmail to process incoming and outgoing correspondence.

Basic protocols

These include IMAP, POP. I will not go into details of their work. It is enough to know that they ensure correct interaction of the email client with the Google system. Users can use them for free.

The most common protocol is IMAP. Do you know what this is connected with? It's actually simple. This protocol has the following advantages:

  • works stably;
  • provides two-way synchronization;
  • Works normally with various devices (home, mobile computers).

Let me explain the features of two-way synchronization. In simple terms, in the web interface (browser) and any other device you will see the same mail content. For example, actions with correspondence that will be performed on the phone will immediately be displayed in the browser on your computer, and vice versa.

IMAP activation

Before you set up gmail in the application on your computer or phone, you need to set several parameters directly in the mail. To get started, go to your Google inbox. I hope you have already registered there? If not, then first you need to create an account for yourself, and then continue.

Now we turn our attention to the POP and IMAP protocols. Go to the appropriate tab and enable IMAP. See the screenshot below, everything is visible there.

Done? Now don't forget to save your settings for your changes to take effect.
We can consider that half the work is done. Then everything will depend on what program and device you are using. I’ll tell you a little more about getting started with Outlook and laptops that run Android.

What data will be required for the programs?

The following are considered the main ones:

  • Ports;
  • Server addresses;
  • Connection type.

Difficult? It's actually easier than it seems. Now I will show and illustrate everything. and are server addresses for outgoing and incoming mail, respectively. Port 993 is used for incoming data, and 587 or 465 is used for outgoing data (here you need to see which one will work normally). In both cases, the connection type will be SSL.
Where should I put all this? Read on, now I’ll show you using Outlook as an example.

Setting up the program on your computer

Launch Microsoft Outlook on your computer and go to the main menu.

When setting up different versions of your email client, you need to keep in mind that the account name (username) is the full address of your e-mail. Eg, [email protected]. But if the program asks for a “display name,” then you can actually write your name.

Mail on Android

Do you need to set up an email client to run gmail on your Android tablet or phone? It will be quite simple here, since many mobile devices already “by default” support working with Google services.

First, you will need to know the incoming and outgoing mail server - and, their ports are 993 and 465, respectively. You should also check that the encryption type is set to SSL.

Where do you need to enter this data to configure google mail? In general, the interface and installed applications on each device may have individual nuances. Let's look at similar features.

To begin, as I showed above, enable the desired protocol in your mail through a regular browser on your computer. Now in the mail application or device settings, find the item related to setting up Google accounts. Now start setting up your account by entering your e-mail address and password, and fill in other fields if necessary. When ready, proceed to setting parameters for the application and enter the data described above (ports, servers and other data).

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Anyone who says email is dying is sadly mistaken. According to statistics from the Pingdom service, in 2010 alone, about 107 trillion letters, approximately, 300 billion each daily! Of course, the lion's share is spam, but still, the clinical death of mail is still very far away.

The new ambitious Google Wave service (“the mail and forum killer”, according to some sources) also failed to reduce the turnover of emails.

Therefore, today we’ll talk about the world leader and king of e-mail - Gmail service. Almost everyone knows it, many people use it, but set up gmail Not everyone can, despite the Russian-language interface of the service. There are several possible reasons for this:

1. Fear of doing something wrong.

2. I already have enough functions.

3. Elementary laziness.

4. Just ignorance.

We draw attention to the last point; it is ignorance of the capabilities of the Gmail service that is the main obstacle in setting up Google mail and comfortable work with the Internet.

What might you not know about Gmail?

An excellent mail collector will allow you to receive letters from five different mailboxes on other sites, for example from Yandex, Rambler,, and even another Gmail, and “magic” sorting and correct will allow you to receive letters from 10, 20 and even 50 different mailboxes (this is not the limit).

The built-in chat will allow you to communicate with friends and colleagues even when ICQ is disabled at work.

The large size of the mailbox (more than 7 gigabytes) will allow you to no longer delete letters to clear free space.

The functions for sending letters will allow you to send letters not only from your Gmail mailbox, but from other mailboxes, just as you would send mail using them. That is, to respond from the mailbox, you do not need to log into the website. The same applies to your work email. Thus, even at home, you will be able to respond to the letter as you would from your work email, and verified Google servers will never fall under the spam filter (of course, if you do not overdo it with communication).

You can manage your mail using hotkeys, for example, sending multiple letters using Shift.

You can synchronize Gmail with Outlook and your Android touchphone, iPhone or phone. To describe all the possibilities, you would need to open a separate website :)

Where do you start setting up Gmail?

1. Login/register in Gmail

If you have Gmail, you need to log in or register a new mailbox. This can be done using the link below:

Registering with Gmail is quite simple, we think everyone can handle it. It is up to each person to write the correct data or nicknames, but you should specify the correct mailbox so that you can recover your Gmail password.

2. Import mail into Gmail and connect with other mail services.

Now you can set up import from your old mailboxes. To do this, go to settings and select “Accounts and Import”. We are interested in the item “Collecting mail from other mailboxes”:

What does a mail collector do? That's right - it collects mail from other mailboxes. You can add up to 5 other boxes for checking. To do this, in the window that opens (after clicking the button), enter the address of the mailbox from which we want to collect mail and click next:

At the next step, you need to specify three parameters for assembling letters - your login, the password for the mailbox and the incoming letter server (Pop server). Typically, Gmail automatically detects the server for incoming emails, but if you can’t configure it, you need to find out this information from your mail provider.

A standard POP server is written like this: pop3.site_address_with mail or pop.site_address_with mail, and also sometimes like mail.site_address_with mail.

Here a small list of POP3 servers of popular email services:

  • port 110
  • Rambler: port 995 (+ checkbox Always use SSL)
  • Yandex: port 110
  • port 110
  • port 110
  • port 995 (+check Always use SSL)

The username is usually written in full with @: [email protected].

An example of setting up a Gmail collector for a mailbox on Rambler:

The screenshot above shows that you need to check the “Assign a shortcut…” checkbox. This is necessary in order not to get confused in incoming letters.

Similarly, you can add up to 5 mailboxes to import and collect letters into your new Gmail mailbox.

If you have about a dozen mailboxes, then it is best to add those that do not have their own letter collector and mail forwarding function, or these functions are paid for. Such services include mail or, for example.

Forwarding mail from other mailboxes and sorting it in Gmail

Let's say you have set up a letter collector, but you still have mailboxes from which you would also like to receive letters, what should you do in this case? We'll use a little trick. Let's show it using the Freemail mail service from as an example.

The point of our idea is this: we set mail forwarding from another mailbox to ours in Gmail, and in Gmail we sort incoming mail and assign labels to letters as a collector would do it.

To do this, you need to set up a mailbox in and confirm the transfer:

You will need to confirm the forwarding from your mailbox (usually by clicking on a link) and set up gmail to sort them. First we create a shortcut for this mailbox, for example [email protected] in the shortcuts section.

Then you need to create a filter in the filters item in three steps:

  • In the to whom field, enter the address of our mailbox on and click the “next” button.
  • In the second step, check the box next to “apply shortcut” and select your [email protected].
  • If you have already received letters from, you should check the “apply to incoming” box and click the “Apply” button.

All our steps are shown in the screenshot below:

Thus, all letters addressed to [email protected] will be automatically tagged and will be easy to find among all.

This method of filtering incoming letters is applicable not only for tagging, but also for sorting letters with a specific subject or from a specific recipient. For example, you have a subscription to news from the Couponator, but you read them very rarely, then you can immediately archive them or delete them in the trash and read them there if necessary.

Sending mail on behalf of another mailbox in Gmail

Finally, we set up forwarding from our mailboxes, set up a mail collector, and set up inbox sorting correctly. Now you need to configure sending letters to Gmail like this: so that you can respond to a letter from the mailbox to which it arrived.

This is also easy to do. In the same “Accounts and Import” settings window there is an option “Send emails as”. At this point, you need to indicate the default mailbox for replies (usually Gmail), as well as those mailboxes from which you also plan to respond.

To enable this feature, a special code will be sent to these mailboxes, which will confirm that the mailbox is yours. If you add mailboxes to this list that are configured to be forwarded to you, you can simply wait for this letter in your Gmail :).

In this case, you can ask the administrator of your company to forward from your corporate mailbox to your Gmail, and configure your Gmail mail itself so that you can respond on behalf of your work mailbox!

When setting this parameter, it is better to use Google servers to send letters, but you can also configure sending through your SMTP server, for example, to archive mail on your company’s server.

Enough for today. We will continue to publish about popular services such as Gmail, so read soon about synchronizing Gmail with Outlook, setting up experimental features, and tricks for working with Gmail.

In terms of its functional characteristics, Gmail e-mail is in no way inferior to stationary ones and in some cases even surpasses them in convenience and some other technical capabilities.

Once Gmail has been configured, the mailbox will become accessible from absolutely any device that can access the Internet, so you can forget about such an unpleasant thing as synchronization. Even judging by the reviews of Internet users, Gmail has been firmly holding a leading position among all popular email clients for a long time.


Along with convenience and functionality, the box is distinguished by the presence of one of the most “smart” spam filters, which takes into account the results and conclusions of the Google search engine. The Gmail inbox automatically sorts incoming correspondence according to the settings, taking into account their importance, content and sender's address.

The client can receive and send letters from all your third-party mailboxes, and in such a way that the recipient has no doubt that the letter came from exactly the mailbox where it was sent. Here you can add the most modern Internet protection: invisible protocols, IP warnings, flash access and much more.

How to create a mailbox in Gmail?

Mailbox registration takes place on the website It should be immediately noted that the address has nothing to do with the client, or even with Google, so you should not contact the latter resource in order to avoid problems.

As such, receiving a mailbox address is a kind of bonus when creating an account in Google, and if you follow the link without having it, the settings wizard will immediately offer to correct this misunderstanding.

Account creation

By clicking on the “Create an account” button, you will find yourself on the “Gmail registration” page, where you will need to carefully fill out all the fields in the web form. The enormous popularity of the client makes it almost impossible to register the desired address, but if you show a little imagination, you can get something more or less suitable for you or your business.

For example, you can insert dots in the mailbox name (Gmail login), which means it is acceptable to use domain names and surnames with patronymics, which will probably not be taken. It should be noted that the reliability of the data must correspond to the tasks that this particular mailbox will perform.

Passwords and security

Protection is provided by the https protocol, but no one has yet canceled the human factor, so be careful when choosing a password for the mailbox. A simple combination in the form of a birthday or simple numbers (QWERTY, 123456, 12121990) can cause hacking and, in some cases, theft of funds, because most payment systems work through an email client.

At the next stage of registration, you will be asked to enter an alternative email address or phone number. You should understand that non-existent data or a fictitious number can play a cruel joke on you if you lose access to your Gmail email client in the event of a hack or password change procedure.

Next, you need to fill out the remaining fields and agree to Google’s terms of service. After which you send the data to the server, and you can safely open your Gmail mailbox. Login is carried out using the login you created and password.

Security Settings

The first thing the client settings wizard recommends is to visit the security section. Click on the gear in the upper right corner and select “Set up Gmail email client.” On the very first tab, in the “Connection Security” section, put a beacon in the “Use https only” field. After this, the web interface of the mailbox will switch to an encrypted channel and a secure data exchange protocol, which, given the abundance of hacker attacks, will obviously be useful.

For example, if setting up Gmail and receiving letters was done by a third-party desktop program (through which you collect all correspondence), then the “Access Type” columns should contain the names of the browser or your mobile phone. If you discover a protocol for collecting letters of the POP type, there is reason to be wary and turn to a special page responsible for protecting your correspondence - “Gmail Security Check”. There, step by step, you can control all incoming and outgoing letters along with collection protocols.

If your data is extremely important for you and your business, then logging into your Gmail mailbox can be configured through two-step authentication (password + mobile phone + alternative client). As they say, there is no such thing as too much security, so it is better to take care of it before, and not after, your mailbox is hacked.

Shortcuts and filters

For more thorough sorting of letters, you need to configure the Gmail email client in the “Labels” and “Filters” sections. The latter can fully automatically distribute all letters to various folders (labels), taking into account the signs of incoming correspondence established by users.

A shortcut is close in functionality to the already familiar concept of “folder”, but has several additional properties. By default, the client already has pre-installed shortcuts and folders located on the left side of the screen, but the user is free to customize them to suit his desires and needs.

After you have selected the “Gmail Setup” menu item, you can go to the “Labels” section and use simple “Yes” and “No” markers to customize the appearance of incoming correspondence.

The section allows you to create new shortcuts, delete old ones, assign them a degree of importance, and change the way they are displayed in the client.

Generally speaking, you can customize your mailbox and organize all your existing letters, as if it were information on your hard drive - the principle is the same: folders - files, shortcuts - folders. Correctly setting up Gmail mail and filters will allow you to automatically distribute all incoming and outgoing correspondence according to the specified parameters, eliminating the routine that competing email clients do not lack.

Importing contacts and letters from third-party mailboxes

After “moving” to Gmail, you will probably still have a ton of contacts and tons of emails in third-party clients. They are transferred to Gmail automatically after completing the necessary settings.

The client also allows you to receive at your address all letters that arrive at other mailboxes and send them without changing the old outgoing address.

Import settings

All settings can be made on the “Accounts and Import” tab. In the “Import mail and contacts” section, you need to click on the “Import mail and contacts” link, and then follow the instructions of the wizard. You will need the old email address itself and a password for it so that Gmail can accept correspondence into its client. While working with the settings wizard, you can choose what exactly you want to import by placing the required checkbox in the selection menu.

You can leave the rest of the mail client settings alone and leave everything as it is, by default. They are responsible for the appearance of the mailbox, language packs, page display mode, hot keys, response templates, etc.

However, for us it is not important why they did it this way, but what is important is what needs to be done here for everything to work. In principle, there are only two main differences in the setup: the first is in setting up the POP protocol for receiving mail, the second is in setting up the SMTP protocol for sending mail. Well, there is one more nuance, which will be discussed below.

Let's assume that you already know how to configure the email client that you are used to using, but for the usual settings. In order to configure the client to accept mail from your GMail account, you first need to perform some steps using the GMail web interface.

Setting up in the web interface

First of all, make settings on

  1. Log in to your mailbox on the GMail website.
  2. Click the "Settings" link in the upper right corner of the site.
  3. Go to the Forwarding and POP tab.
  4. Select the option "Enable POP only for all emails received from now on."
  5. Don't forget to save your changes by clicking the "Save Changes" button.

You are done with the settings in the web interface. Please note that if you do not do them, you will not be able to receive or send mail using an email client.

You can, of course, select the "Enable POP for all emails (even those that are downloaded)" option, but keep in mind that if you select this option, you will receive even emails that are in the Sent Items folder.

Well, we should not forget that you can disable the ability to receive emails via the POP protocol at any time, and enable it again at the right time. To disable it, you will simply need to select the "Disable POP" option.

Setting up an email client

Now you need to set up your email client. Here you can do things differently. The first method is that when creating a new account in an email client, you take into account all the specifics at once and set all the necessary parameters as you create the account. The second way is to create an account as usual, and after creating it, change it or reconfigure it so that everything works, that is, change the usual (standard) parameters to specific ones.

We assumed that you know how to create accounts in an email client, so in the examples we will focus on the second method. Moreover, in any popular email client there is a wizard for creating accounts for regular email services. Moreover, the GMail website contains fairly detailed descriptions of creating accounts for most email clients, and, accordingly, difficulties should not arise, but for some reason they do arise.


The username is not the same as the login on the site

The first and most common mistake is the username you enter when setting up your account. The fact is that if, using the GMail web interface, you enter the username (login) that you came up with during registration, then to configure the mail client you must use the username followed immediately by That is, if your login for logging into mail is, for example, vpupkin, then when setting up your mail client it should be [email protected]. So, we’ve sorted out the username, now let’s see what else is unusual in the settings of the email client.

Setting up a POP incoming mail server

POP protocol is configured to receive mail

In any case, you will need to enter the address of the incoming mail server. The name has no special features and is quite ordinary: The difference from the standard situation is that you will need to specify 995 as the port number and indicate that you are using a secure connection. This option may be called differently in different email clients, but in any case you will need to find out how exactly this option is set specifically in your email client. Several options will be discussed in examples.

If you are unable to correctly configure a secure connection (and this can be understood if at the stage of connecting to the server the mail client displays a connection error) and you could not find information on the website on how to configure your particular program, then you have two options for the development of events. The first, and simplest, is to stop using the email client altogether or change it to another email client. The second option, which is more complicated, is to try different options for specifying the type of secure connection, fortunately there are not so many of them, two, maybe three, probably there won’t be more than five.

Setting up an outgoing SMTP mail server

SMTP protocol is configured to send mail

The situation is similar to the previous option, only you will need to specify as the outgoing mail server Well, of course, you will need to specify port 465 or 587 as the port. As in the case of setting up an incoming mail server, you will need to indicate that a secure connection is being used. This is usually TLS, but may also be called SSL. If it doesn’t work the first time, try looking for information about setting up your email client on the GMail website, and if you don’t find it there, then try changing the combination of port and secure connection type.

If your email client requires you to enter a login and password to configure SMTP, then it should be exactly the same as for POP. Don't forget about the feature mentioned above.

A few examples

Several examples of setting up popular email clients

In principle, now all configuration problems should be resolved and everything should work. However, visualization is always better than a verbal description, so we will look at the three most popular email clients: The Bat!, Outlook Express and Thunderbird.

The Bat!

In this client, all account settings are located on the account properties screen ("Mailbox Properties" or Account Properties). The correct settings should be as shown in the picture, of course, with your username and password.

You should have a check mark next to it Perform SMTP Authentication (RFC 2554), option must be selected Same user/password as for Mail Retrieval, and in no case should there be a check mark opposite Require secure authentication, otherwise you will not be able to send mail from this email client.

Outlook Express, Outlook 2002

Setting up this email client couldn't be easier. And all because the website has a tool for automatically setting up Outlook Express and Outlook 2002 for Windows. All you have to do is enter your email address once in a certain text field and your first and middle name in another text field.

However, if for some reason you want to configure this email client manually, there are no particular difficulties here either and you can always find detailed instructions on the GMail website.

If you have set up your account as a regular account, then you will need to go to the account properties screen and make additional settings on the tab Advanced(“Additional”) - such as shown in the picture:


Again, let's assume you created your account the way you normally would. Now you need to make some changes to it. To do this on the screen Server Settings(“Server Settings”) configure the POP server settings. Set port 995 and secure connection type SSL.

After that select the screen Outgoing Server (SMTP)("Outgoing SMTP Message Server"), then highlight the account and click Edit. In the screen that appears, you need to change the port to 587, check the box next to Use name and password(“Use username and password”), enter your username and select TLS as the connection type.

Little advice

The English version of the instructions contains more pictures

And in conclusion, a little advice - if you look at the instructions on the website in Russian, try changing the language to English. It is possible that in this case it will not be entirely clear what is written, but the instructions will have a lot of pictures. This may help you.