Correct phone number format. How to write phone numbers. About the figure eight and brackets

The famous Aliexpress has become a popular platform that allows you to purchase goods at reasonable prices. But to be able to order goods, you need to go through the registration process and add the recipient's address. Next, we’ll look at how to fill out the fields during registration, and pay special attention to how to enter a phone number.

How to correctly enter your phone number and other data on Aliexpress?

It is better to consider the process of adding or entering data into each field using a specific example. Let's imagine that the user is already registered, but the phone number and residential address have changed. Now we will change the entered data (the filling rules are similar to the principle of entering information during registration).

Authorization on Aliexpress

In order to change data you need to log in. The login and password are entered and the user menu opens.

Changing address data on Aliexpress

To do this, you need to go to “delivery addresses”.

Once on the page, you need to click “Add a new address” or edit the old one if you only need to change the phone number or street. A page will open on which each field is filled in:

  • A country.
  • Street, house and apartment.
  • City.
  • Region.
  • Post office code.
  • Landline phone.
  • Mobile number.

Only reliable information must be entered in each field, which corresponds to the passport data and actual address of residence (if you want to receive a paid parcel with your own money). We will not dwell on all the points; I would only like to note that the name, address and other letter data must be entered in English letters, but without translation into English. For example, the surname Dog will be written “Sobaka”, not “Dog”. Now let's take a closer look at entering the phone number.

How to correctly enter phone numbers on Aliexpress?

There are no special rules indicating how to fill out the number. There is also no need to fill in the mobile and home phone fields at the same time - the system only needs one of them. The main thing is to indicate the country code correctly:

  • For Russia: 7.
  • For Belarus: 375.
  • For Ukraine: 380.

Another important point: you don’t need to put +. The system will automatically enter it itself.

To a greater extent, the importance of correctly filling in the first fields of the delivery address is much greater than the telephone number. The latter can, in principle, be written in any way as long as the system determines the country and region code. No one will definitely call you on it. But if you fill in the wrong address and last name, the goods will not arrive to you and you will not receive it. However, it is still recommended to enter all data correctly.

As you can see, it's not difficult. If you have difficulties writing Russian words in English letters, use special services, of which there are a sufficient number.


Have you ever thought about the impact of a phone number on conversion when you list it on a website? Most webmasters will answer no to this. The telephone number indicated on the site is perceived by many as dry, informative text. In fact, it deserves much more attention.

A telephone number not only simplifies communication between a business and its customers, but also builds trust in the site, which has a positive effect on sales. All that is required to achieve this result is to understand the rules for writing a phone number on the site.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this question hides many nuances: from choosing a prefix (“+7” or “8”) and choosing a good place on the site to setting the clickability of a phone number and much more.


The rules for writing telephone numbers were not formed out of nowhere. Among other things, they solve the problem of remembering a long number series. Online, the correct spelling of the number is also important for others: the arrangement of symbols determines whether a potential client will be able to contact you.

How can spelling a phone number incorrectly affect a business?

1. What does a telephone number consist of?

Each telephone number includes several elements: a country prefix (+7, 8), a city or mobile operator code (495, 812) and a main number (222-33-44). The writing of these elements determines where the number can be called from. By providing only a primary phone number without an area code, you will limit your audience to residents of that city. But by adding an area code and prefix to it, you make the number accessible to people in other cities and even abroad.

2. What is the difference between “+7” and “8”

When indicating telephone numbers on websites, many webmasters are not aware of the meaning of the prefix. This leads to the fact that in some cases it is omitted, in others “8” is used, in others “+7”. Those who chose the last option are in an advantageous position.

The prefix “8” is used to access internal long-distance communications in Russia. A number with this prefix can only be dialed within the country.

The prefix “+7” combines the symbol for access to international communications and the code of Russia. A number starting with “+7” can be dialed both within the country and from abroad. This spelling can be called universal, and it is this that should be given preference.

3. Phone number and geography of calls

As you already understand, when writing a phone number on a website, you need to proceed from where people will call you. How you write the number will determine where it can be called from:

All options given in the table can be used to call from the specified areas. But regardless of who your online business is aimed at, the best numbers to write are those starting with “+7”. By specifying a number with this prefix, you will make it available to customers, regardless of their location.


A correctly specified telephone number can not only simplify communication with your company, but also improve the “image” of your website in the eyes of visitors. This can be achieved by following a number of simple recommendations.

1. Post the number in a visible place

The phone number can be placed in different parts of the site:

Which of these options is more effective? Obviously, the number on the second site will be noticed by more people than on the first. This will not only save them the hassle of finding a number if they need to contact you, but it will also add “weight” to your site in their eyes. Try to place the phone number in a visible place, for example, in the header of the site.

2. Indicate the number on all pages of the site

Pay attention to your website: are you forcing visitors to look for a phone number?

The telephone number is your advantage. Feel free to use it: display your phone number prominently and set it to appear on every page of your site.

3. Specify opening hours

Imagine that you are on the website of an online store and are ready to place an order. The only thing standing in your way is the wrong color of the product. You quickly find a phone number and call it, but all you hear in response is beeps.

Most likely, the online store just lost a customer who will no longer call back. By indicating opening hours next to the phone number, the online store would be more likely to retain a potential customer.

Think about your visitors and save them from possible difficulties. Always list your company's hours of operation next to your phone number.


Once you figure out the correct spelling of the number and its placement on the site, you will quickly notice a positive effect. But it becomes much stronger if you also care about the ease of dialing a phone number.

How to correctly enter a phone number in international format?

    For Ukraine, a telephone number in international format is dialed in the following format: +380 (country code), then mobile operator code (068, 097, 098, 067 - Kyivstar, 093, 063 - Life, 066, 050, 095, 099 - MTS ), and then we dial the subscriber’s seven-digit phone number.

    For an international call, first dial + (for example, Russia has a code 7, Ukraine - 380, it turns out: Russia +7, Ukraine +380) then the country code where we are calling and then the number that is given to you. Specify the region code where you are calling.

  • phone number in international format

    • The phone number in international format for calling a cell phone looks like this - + year of the country (for Russia 7, for Ukraine 380, etc.) and then dial the phone number (without the eight).
    • The telephone number in international format for calls to landline phones is as follows - 8 country code 8 city code, and then dial the subscriber’s phone number. After dialing 8, you must wait for the dial tone.
  • In order to get it right enter the number in international format for Ukraine, the following rules must be observed.

    • First I'll set the code for Ukraine. He alone is +380
    • Next comes the cellular operator code (it varies depending on the mobile network you use, for example, 29, 30, etc.)
    • Now follows the subscriber number, consisting of seven digits

    There should be no more than twelve digits in total. In this case, only mobile numbers are accepted, not landline numbers. I remember there were problems with Kyivstar before. Confirmation from VKontakte came in the form of an SMS, but the SMS was chopped off and incomplete. This may have already been fixed.

    For Ukraine:

    380 - code of Ukraine,

    two digits - mobile operator code,

    seven digits - subscriber number.

    There must be a total of twelve digits, the number must be mobile, landline numbers are not accepted. And one more thing - for some reason, the confirmation code from VKontakte does not arrive to Kyivstar subscribers, or rather the SMS arrives, but it is cut off, the most important thing is not in it.

    In order to write down phone number in international format:

    First we indicate the country code, for Belarus it will be 375 . Next, indicate the two-digit code of the mobile operator, for example, 29 , and then the phone number itself - 7 digits. Thus, it should be: 37529xxxxxxx.

    These are instructions for recording a mobile phone in international format.

    First, I’ll set the code of Ukraine, then the corresponding two-digit operator code, for example, let it be thirty, and then enter the phone number, each state or country has its own code, this is easiest to check via the Internet on the website of the cellular operator.

    How to correctly enter a phone number in international format? Very simple. First, dial the country code, then dial the city code, then the phone number itself (this is if you are calling from a landline). From mobile: country code, mobile operator code, number.

    Many of us have encountered this question, but some of us just don’t remember it for a long time. You will find your country code in the telephone directory, first put +, then the country code (for the USA 1, for Kazakhstan, as well as Russia - 7), then the mobile operator code and then your phone number. There is no exact standard for international phone records, and therefore, if you register on a foreign site, and they tell you that the number is incorrect, use the example from the site as a guide.

    If you are calling from a landline phone, then first you need to dial the country code, then enter the city code, and then the city telephone number itself. If you call on a mobile phone, use the mobile operator code instead of the city code.

Each of us at least once in our lives has had (or will have to) call abroad, which means the question arose " what is the country code...?". No wonder, because this is very relevant information today. The development of mobile communications and related technologies is proceeding at a rapid pace, a large number of different services are becoming available, tariffs are being reduced (in particular, for international calls). Mobile operators continue to actively enter into agreements for the provision of roaming services, which results in an increase in the number of countries to which you can call from a mobile phone. In this case, you will have to use an international dialing format, which includes such components as a country code, a city code (or a mobile operator). ) and, in fact, the phone number itself.

In this regard, first of all, the question may arise about the correct dialing of the required country code. The table above will help you find the answer to this question. I think it won’t be too difficult for you to figure out what and how to watch. The first column is the name of the country. The second column is the international code of this country. Well, the third column is an example of dialing a number in international format. Please note that when dialing via +[country code][city (operator) code][phone number], the total number of digits must be 12, and dialing begins with the “+” symbol. Nowadays, different operators use their own dialing formats for different services, so in this case there will be differences (for example, Kyivstar has the StarSvit service, the dialing number for which must always begin with 015 instead of the “+” symbol).

International telephone codes are approved once; for the same country they are unlikely to change over time (unless, of course, such a country splits into others, etc.). Country codes consist of 1-4 digits. To simplify the search for the required country code, filters are located above the table. In the “Enter country” field, you can start entering the name of the country whose telephone code you need to know. Autocomplete will offer you available options. Select the appropriate country, then click the “Apply” button and see the code you are looking for.

Similarly, you can use a filter by country code. Start entering the country code (and if you received a call from a number that presumably belongs to someone from another country, then start entering it (the number) from the first digit without the “+" symbol) and you will see the available options from the autocomplete list. In a word, use it. I hope this information will be useful to you and you can easily find out what is the country code must be dialed before the phone number of the person you are calling.