Where is the best place to store data on the Internet? Where is the best place to store files?

Yandex.Disk is a cloud service in which you can store any of your data and share it with other users on the Internet at will. Unfortunately, storage capacity is limited to only ten gigabytes. Carrying out additional conditions, you can expand the limit by about 8 more gigabytes.

If you have mail on Yandex, then to start using the cloud, just enter your username and password on the site, then select “My Drive” in the menu at the top right. You can create any number of folders within the service, share them, or separate files. You can view pictures loaded there, listen to music and watch any video.

The Yandex.Disk service has a client for operating Windows systems, Mac, and Android. Having installed, for example, the client on Windows, you can click on any file right click mouse, then select “Copy public link” and send this link to anyone. The client allows you to synchronize files hard drive with the cloud, which in some cases is extremely convenient. All this is provided completely and unlimitedly. Disk space can be expanded for money: for 30 rubles per month, Yandex sells 10 gigabytes free space, for 150 rubles - 100 gigabytes and for 900 rubles per month - 1 terabyte.


Cloud@Mail is another cloud service, but from the Mail company. Here the user is provided with 100 gigabytes for free. To use the service, it is enough to have a registered email account. . The size of the cloud cannot be expanded, although some lucky ones have clouds received as part of the promotion with a volume of 1 terabyte.

On this service slightly fewer functions, there is also a client for various operating systems, synchronization capability. You can create folders, but you can no longer listen to files. Perhaps this feature will be added later. You can view photos and work with Ms Word documents. If you have a significant amount of data that needs to be backed up, use storage from Mail, or register two or three mails if 100 gigabytes is not enough.

Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud service from the well-known search engine Google. As is the case with Mail and Yandex, if you have mail on Google, then access to the cloud service is a couple of clicks away. Just log in to the site, then click on the icon in the form of several squares and select “Drive” from the drop-down list. Google provides only 15 gigabytes free space, but do not rush to make hasty conclusions, because the service from this company is the most multifunctional, and for those who need extra bed, for 2 dollars a month you can buy 100 gigabytes, for 10 dollars a month - 1 terabyte.

In Google Drive you can create tables, presentations, Word documents, shapes, drawings. Among other things, anyone can connect a variety of free apps and use them to edit video, audio, text and more. It will not be superfluous for site builders to know that through some manipulations you can create storage for the site directly in Google cloud Drive. Reliability, versatility, high speed works, as well as a downloadable client for a huge number of platforms - all this is Google Drive. If in addition Reserve copy data you also want to work with, then choose this file storage.

The Internet provides us with more and more new opportunities, making life easier. For example, new technologies make it possible to use the Internet to store important documents, including personal ones.

When traveling abroad, many are afraid of losing their documents and getting stuck there until all the formalities are cleared up. If you lose your documents at home, there is nothing pleasant either. The good news is that technology exists to get around this problem. As for abroad, it is still better to carry photocopies of documents certified by a notary with you. This way the originals will be safer.

However, if someone is afraid of a “total” loss of documents, then it is best to turn to the Internet, where there is universal services for storing any files, including personal documents. The names of these services: Dropbox, Google Drive, Yandex Disk. Cloud technologies allow you to access these services from any device.

All that remains is to scan the document and save it on any of the services, and after that you can view it from your computer, laptop, or smartphone. Moreover, this can be done from anywhere in the world where there is Internet. And it doesn’t matter if your computer or smartphone is broken - all information on such sites is reliably protected. Access the service from any Internet cafe or library and print documents if necessary.

It remains only to take into account a few nuances:

You will need to register on the site by creating a name and password to log in. It’s better not to use your last name, first name and patronymic for this purpose; it’s wiser to come up with something that doesn’t relate to you. AND email It's better to have a separate one.
- It seems that you need to scan and attach documents certified by a notary to such a service. Because no matter how securely your documents are stored, it is still not the original, but a copy. As a rule, copies are not valid without certification. These documents will also not have a real notary seal, but a scanned one. However, this is more reliable for communicating with bureaucrats.
- there is a possibility that your account will be hacked, and then the documents will become available to attackers. To avoid this, you need to come up with strong password, which is not used anywhere else. It should be long and consist of letters and numbers interspersed with each other. Dates of birth are the weakest passwords that can be deciphered very quickly.
- figure out where you will store the password so as not to forget or lose it, otherwise the whole idea of ​​​​storing documents may go to waste. In order to be able to recover your password, you need to record all the actions that were performed during registration on the service. Now even young people do not rely on their memory, not to mention the rest of the population. Also keep all records in a safe place.

Capacity hard drives, available for purchase by people today is measured in terabytes, and more than one disk can be installed in a computer. But this still did not solve the problem of storing information.

Background to the emergence of cloud services

Previously, no one could even imagine uploading files in large quantities to remote storages. Today, with the advent of high-speed fiber optic Internet, there is enough low prices and the possibility of creating high-quality media content and voluminous software products uploading them to the network has become simply necessary.

The computing power of computers is also becoming cheaper with the constant release of technical innovations. Great amount servers for large services such as Yandex or Google have become commonplace. They were the pioneers in opening cloud services for storing files on the network, available to all people on the Internet. free of charge.

Before for a long time file hosting services were in the lead, the most famous of them now being DepositFiles and LetitBit. You can upload any files up to several gigabytes to these sites. Sites even pay for other people to download them. So for 1000 downloads you can get up to $50.

Free storage for everyone

Cloud services are represented by the sites Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, Mail.ru-Files, Dropbox and other services. All of them are completely free and have only a limit on the total size of downloaded files. The income of the systems depends on the quotas purchased by users to expand the available space. By default, you can get from 50 to 100 GB of space.

Most services have programs for Windows, Mac and Linux for more convenient download files from your computer. You can configure other users' access rights to your files. After downloading, only you can download the file, and in order for another person to download it, you need to set the rights for everyone who has the link. It is convenient to store in such services text documents, video and photo files.

Due to the emergence of such services from large companies on a free basis, opinions have emerged that all information uploaded to them is checked by employees of the security department of both the FSB and the FBI.

Therefore, each person can simply rent a server or hosting from any Internet company and use it only for storing files. Their uploading and downloading is possible through any FTP client. average cost Such a “hard drive” for 2-3 terabytes starts at $40-50 per month.

Video on the topic

If your work place - a table, a chair, a computer and all sorts of pieces of paper, then do not try to keep it in perfect order. Chaos is fraught with unexpected bonuses.

1. Everything is in place

Believe it or not, a cluttered desk can save you hours of work time each week. “The piles on your desk can be a highly efficient priority access and search system,” says David Friedman, author of Perfect Chaos. - Neat people spend 36% more time looking for the right thing. Every mess has its own logic: the location and depth of documents tells you how old or important they are.”

2. Memory plus

“There is no need to delete documents from the desktop of your work computer just because there is no immediate need for them,” continues Friedman. Instead, take the advice of David Kirsch, a cognitive scientist at the University of San Diego: “The monitor should be used as external memory. The more files on the desktop, the better: new considerations may well emerge from this jumble.” And if you need to find something urgently, don’t forget to use the basic search engine that is available in any operating system.

3. Mess 3D

“Disorder in general is famous for spurring creativity. When unexpected things are next to each other, you make unexpected conclusions, and in three dimensions this effect is even stronger, says Friedman. “A note on the table, a sticker on the wall, a trinket hanging from a lamp - in a three-dimensional workspace, the brain generates more ideas due to the emergence of unusual associations.” And try to explain this to a woman who regularly tries to disrupt your perfect disorder.

4. Sabotage?

The problem is that the average boss is programmed to react predictably: if an employee has a mess in the workplace, it means that he has the same mess at work. “For meticulous, organized people, disorder is a rebellion against order,” explains psychologist Mary Sherry. “So you have two options: either clearly explain how effective your “system” is for the common cause, or show loyalty and get out.”

5. Be careful

In 2010, 3,244 people died as a result of industrial accidents in Russia (Rostrud data). Negligent attitude towards the state of your workplace is one of the reasons. We're not saying that working in an office is as dangerous as a shift in a mine, but if you're burying an overflowing ashtray in a pile of papers, watch out. And in order not to bury yourself in notes, clippings and other necessary things, try using the Evernote resource. com. It is designed precisely to store all the information you need in one place and have access to it from anywhere there is an Internet connection.

Video on the topic

Many people may ask, why store files in ? After all, for these purposes there is HDD. Everyone has their own reasons for saving some of their files on the Internet, the most common reasons are the following:

2) The desire to protect files that are valuable to you from possible problems(for example exit from building a tough disk). If something happens to the files on your computer, you will have a backup copy that you prudently saved on the Internet.

3) The desire to get rid of the need to always carry a flash drive with you. If you have to work frequently different computers(home, work, internet cafe, friend’s computer, etc.), then most likely you will always have to carry a flash drive with you, which will contain the information you need for your work. By saving this information on the Internet, you save yourself from this need, because now you can access your files from absolutely any computer, all you need is the Internet.

The question naturally arises: where to store files on the Internet?

For this there are a great many special services. Each such service has its pros and cons.

Upload a file to a file hosting service

On this moment This is the most popular way to store files on the Internet.

turbobit– size of the uploaded file: for unregistered users it is 200 MB, for registered users 100 GB.

Storage time for your file: for unregistered users 7 days, for registered users 30 days from the date of its last download.

DepositFiles– uploaded file size: up to two gigabytes.

File storage time: for unregistered users 30 days from the date of its last download, for registered users 90 days from the date of its last download.

Cloud data storage

Dropbox– the volume for storing files, provided free of charge, is equal to two gigabytes. By participating in the referral program, you can expand this volume to eight gigabytes.

File storage time is unlimited.

It is possible to synchronize files located on Dropbox with files located in specific folder your computer.

Storing files on a mail server

As many people know mail servers Allows you to store files.

nextmail– file storage capacity 2 GB. File storage time is unlimited.

nextmail can also be used as free hosting to host your website, the volume for posting information will also be equal to two gigabytes.

But one thing needs to be remembered important point, in no case can not be stored on the Internet confidential information, which only you should have access to. Store such information only on media (flash drive, HDD, CD, etc.).

Anna Sokolova 2014-01-30

There are enough places where you can store data, although not so many - these are DVDs, flash drives, hard drives. Reliability of file storage has always been of paramount importance. Today there are many ways to protect yourself from losing information acquired through years of backbreaking work. Where is the best place to store files so that they can be recovered in the frequent event of storage device failure? Let's figure it out.

The sizes of some files are far from small. For example, an amateur high quality photos collects archive. In this case, the required amount of disk space is very critical, because each snapshot is 15-60 MB. The value of each photo for a collector is undeniable, not to mention all the other important information.

Where is the best place to store files is a problem for which several solutions can be proposed. If we take as a basis industrial preservation methods used in organizations such as financial institutions, then the scheme is something like this.

Information storage standards

Neither of physical media information cannot be considered absolutely reliable. Therefore, to ensure data safety, they resort to multiple backups of files on multiple media, both physical and virtual - cloud drives on the Internet.

The first step is to organize backup and storage of information in several ways. Critically important computers work with raid arrays - that's at least two hard drives working as one. All information is duplicated, and if one of the disks fails, the second one starts working. Rescue disk replaced with the same one, the information is not lost.

Second stage – daily copying important files to a special backup storage. The most important information, which is subject to long-term storage, is recorded in two copies on different media, including DVD.

Modern databases allow you to store information of any type in distributed system- on different servers and even in different cities. This algorithm ensures the safety of information.

Where should the average user store files?

Let's return to our amateur photographer - where should he store his photographs without worrying about the safety of his rather large archive? For household purposes, you can seriously insure yourself with the help of multiple backup copies made as on local computer, and on network Internet resources.

In other words, as in the proverb - reliable way Don't lose all the eggs - put them in several baskets.

Fortunately, cloud technologies are developing quickly and there are already many offers, even free ones. As such we will consider Google Drive, Mail.ru Cloude and Yandex Disk.

So, a sufficiently reliable backup system for home use- the points.

Hard disks

The price of the issue is not that high. If, for reliability, you use an additional internal hard drive of 1 terabyte and the same external media, then each will cost about $95. If you install it yourself, then it’s all just a monetary cost, except time.

It would be nice to organize daily synchronization of working information and backup information. If the task is to preserve and system information, then you can’t do without special programs to create disk images. This image will also have to be stored on a separate medium. Two copies is already good, but we want more guarantees, so our path is to the clouds.

Cloud storage technologies

What are the advantages cloud technologies? Accessibility from any place where there is Internet, the volume is whatever you need, taking into account the size of your wallet. Service software from the service provider includes encryption of both traffic and the information itself. That is, access is organized according to safe technology. Copies of files from your computer are stored in the cloud.

Paid services are convenient, but not cheap - even after the price reduction, 1 GB from Google costs $0.18 per month. For a terabyte it will be $180 – quite expensive arithmetic.

Free cloud drives

As in all other cases, when working with free services there is a risk that everything will end tomorrow. However, as long as it works, we will use it. After all, such giants as Google, Mail.ru and Yandex are not going to risk their reputation at all. Therefore, there is hope that these cloud drives will continue to work for a long time.

Google Drive

The Google Disk service provides 15 GB at the disposal of a user who has Mailbox to Gmail, free. Google Advantage absolutely undeniable - providing a document management system Google Docs, a fully functional package 100% compatible with MSOffice.

There are also half a dozen more applications, including online wallet, for payments via Visa cards, MasterCard, etc. No client software installation is required. Communication with the disk is carried out through Google account via the secure https protocol.

Yandex Disk

Yandex Disk is not so generous free space will be “only” up to 10 GB.

To get all 10 GB, you need to use not only a mailbox, which provides only 3 GB.

To get another 3 GB, a necessary condition there will be a client program installed to service the disk.

The next step to get another 2 GB is to upload files to disk.

If you also invite a friend to use a cloud disk from Yandex, then you will be “gifted” another 2 GB.

Although smaller than Google, it is a fairly fast service. Paid option with one terabyte it will cost about $30 per year.


An excellent offer from Mail.ru - they give away 100 GB immediately after installing the client program. After which, the Mail.ru Cloud disk appears among the system devices.

For those who followed the news, the Mail.ru service provided 1TB “free and forever” cloud space in the period from December 20, 2014 until January 20, 2014 Those who didn't have time didn't get it.

Chinese storage facilities

There are also Chinese offers for free 36 terabytes - colleagues from habrahabr posted on their website with a link detailed instructions. The entire “bank of terabytes” can be obtained through a couple of manipulations - installing client software not only on a computer, but also on a smartphone with iOS plus a device with Android. But even if you install it only on a PC, you will definitely get 10 TB.

Saving algorithm

First, copy it to the built-in extra hard disk.

Second - copy to external hard disk.

Third, copy the space to Mail.ru Cloude.

Fourth - although three are enough, you can send the files to the Chinese.

Now, in the event of an accident on your computer, you have the opportunity to recover, spending only time. The information will not be lost.

Where to store files on the Internet so that it is free and safe? Each of us has files and documents on our computer that are very dear to us and which we hide from prying eyes. The advantage of Linux is that many people offer to make your home directory encrypted.

But there is always the fear that the hard drive may fail and we will lose all important documents. Therefore, many are asking the question: where can you store files on the Internet for free, so that it is also truly safe?

Today, there are various cloud services that provide free storage space for your files and documents. But many are afraid of the weak security of such services. And the recent hack of the most prestigious service has added fuel to the fire of this mistrust.

Where is it safe to store files on the Internet?

I want to make you happy, because there is a truly secure cloud service, which was created precisely to safely store your files and documents. It's simply called - Wuala. (At the moment the service is dead, but there is BEST alternative - !)

This service is truly safe, since WUALA encrypts data on YOUR computer, and only then uploads it to the server in encrypted form. Therefore, even wuala employees cannot view your files! The encryption key is also not sent to the server, but remains on your computer. So storing files on the Internet for free in this way is very convenient!

The most important difference this service from others is super secure for your files. Here's what the developers themselves write about their service:

Wuala offers best-in-class privacy and data security. All files are encrypted on your computer before they are transferred to the cloud. Your password never leaves your computer, so even Wuala employees cannot access your data.

On the website you can download the program for all platforms, including Linux. Having downloaded the .deb package and installed it, we will see the following program, or rather, its settings dialog:

As you can see, everything is in Russian, which is very pleasing. You will immediately be prompted to create free account to store files online on their server. They give you 2 gigabytes for free, which you will agree is not so little.

But if you need more, you can invite friends to the service using an affiliate link, which can be found on the site. For each user, Wuala will give you another 500 megabytes. By entering your name and password you will see the program window:

If you now go to your home directory, you will find that there is new folder WualaDrive. If you move your files and documents there, they will automatically be uploaded to the server. By logging in from your other computer, you will be able to access your files. Or if your hard drive crashes, your documents will be completely safe.

Now you know, Where better files in the Internet, and be sure that they are safe! Welcome to Wuala!

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a cloud service, I’ve written about them more than once, and now I couldn’t resist and decided to write about one more. Bribed 25 gigabytes of free...

Today, few people can be surprised by a cloud data storage service, because new ones appear almost every day. That's Asus company opened its area...

Did not find an answer to your question? Use the site search:


    Best service at the moment it's Dropbox, both in terms of ease of use on computers or smartphones and in terms of reliability.

Unload your head from unnecessary information and stop worrying about the safety of your “works”!

Maybe you have also noticed that many of our values ​​are gradually becoming “virtual” and now exist only in the form of files on a computer? Firstly, these are the results of your work, hobbies, and creativity. As well as personal photo and video collections, favorite music, books, films, games...
The material world is becoming simpler and more functional, and virtual world becomes more complex and more valuable. In this regard, the question of the reliability of storing all these virtual values ​​is becoming increasingly important.

Probably, almost everyone has encountered the sudden “death” of a computer or hard drive on which there were very important files, archives of photos, music, videos, etc. Often, only at this tragic moment do they remember what needs to be done regularly backups important files on some other drive.

For this it is usually recommended to use external hard disks and backup programs. But organizing such a backup is not so simple: you need to purchase and connect an external hard drive, understand and configure the backup program. Therefore, usually “one doesn’t get around to this matter” :((

Store your data in the clouds!

But in Lately another one appeared great way file storage: " cloud drives" - data storage services on the Internet. It is very convenient that such "cloud services" ensure synchronization of data on all your computers and gadgets, as well as simple exchange of files with other people. You can give someone access to some files or folders on the "cloud" " For collaboration. Or you can simply give a link to download any file to anyone.

Figure 1. Files are automatically synced across all devices via the cloud

There are already a lot of similar services. Probably the most famous and widespread of them is Dropbox. It is very convenient to use, but it has significant limitation by capacity: only 5 GB free (with the option free extension up to 16 GB). This volume is probably enough to store documents, but not enough to store libraries of photos, music, and especially movies.

Absolutely unlimited!

I recently wrote that to store very large amounts of data you can now use " cloud drive"Bitcasa.com. It provides 10 GB for free (with the possibility of expansion), but its main “trick” is that for just 100 USD per year you get nothing at all unlimited volume! This allows you to backup entire hard drives and computers.

Another feature: Bitcasa saves all file options, no matter how many times you change this file. This can be very valuable if you need to find it by chance deleted file, or when you need to return to some previous version of the document. And one more difference from its “competitors”: Bitcasa really saves disk space because you don’t need to have a copy of the files on your computer (as in other similar services).

"Terabyte" as a New Year's gift

More recently, another alternative for storing large amounts of data has appeared: [email protected]. Currently (until January 20, 2014) Mail.ru is running a promotion in which it provides one Terabyte (1024 GB) for free! So, hurry up and register at cloud.mail.ru, download and install their program for your computer or smartphone and get your free “terabyte”. Of course, this service does not yet have such conveniences as Dropbox, but I think it’s a matter of time...

As you can see, the most useful and convenient services, store data “in the clouds” (that is, on servers on the Internet) and have client applications For different platforms: Windows, MAK, iOS, Android, with the ability to synchronize data between all devices. This is what makes them so convenient and reliable. It becomes almost impossible to lose your data!

The world's best password keeper and form filler

Another one has the same properties great program and service: Roboform. It specializes in storing data for filling out various forms and passwords for sites and programs, as well as bookmarks (addresses) of sites. Moreover, it is so convenient to use that after a while you simply can’t imagine how you could manage without it before. convenient program!? (In fact, Roboform has many useful functions and, apparently, in order to describe them all, you will have to write a separate article about it.)

Personal knowledge base that is always at hand

Another one indispensable program for working with information - this is Evernote. Convenient to store any useful information, notes, ideas, thoughts. Moreover, in a hierarchically ordered form and with the possibility instant search by any word.

Evernote needs to be installed on a computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet... All devices are automatically synchronized with each other in real time. If you change a note on your smartphone, it immediately changes to " cloud service", and, accordingly, in your computer, laptop. On mobile devices You can take photo and voice notes. Moreover, voice notes are immediately automatically translated into text. This unique feature, requiring real artificial intelligence, which science fiction writers have long dreamed of.

I realized that you can store almost any information in Evernote (except perhaps the most large files, books). Many files, scattered in various folders on different computers, are now gradually taking their place in my personal “knowledge base”.

With structure and excellent search capabilities, Evernote lets you instantly find necessary information, which cannot be said about the storage option in files on disks. And thanks to the “cloud” principle, this information is now available on any computer and even on a smartphone. And, of course, you no longer need to worry about the safety of your “works”.

Evernote is a real " Swiss knife" for working with information. People are constantly sharing information about how they use it to solve problems different tasks. About Evernote can be found a large number of information: websites, articles, books. But I recommend the video course "Evernote Master" by Evgeniy Popov, in which he fundamentally described the capabilities of this program, as well as his practical experience in using it.

Evernote has been around for many years. During this time, I installed it more than once, looked at it... but somehow I didn’t understand how it could help me. Perhaps he looked too superficially? And only after studying the video course by Evgeniy Popov, I finally “enlightened” and began to use Evernote to its fullest. Why Evgeny is “honored and respected”!

I realized that even the most wonderful programs and services are often not used simply because they do not know about all their capabilities and “advantages”. As a result, a section appeared on our website
"Articles about programs" , the article from which you are now reading. In this section I will continue to share my experience of usingthe bestprograms and Internet services.

Sergey Gundorov, Software from PSoft: