Cash register equipment atol. Switching the communication channel between the cash register and PC via USB

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Cash register with data transmission (54-FZ)

This is a device for registering trade transactions and generating checks with subsequent submission of data on the registered transaction to the OFD. In cash register systems with data transfer, fiscal drives are used - blocks responsible for entering, storing and transmitting data on all payments made during the year. At the time of making a purchase, the cash desk issues an electronic (via e-mail or SMS) and paper receipt. The peculiarity of cash registers with data transfer is that all information about payments is transmitted through the fiscal data operator (FDO) to the tax office.

In the connection and configuration form commercial equipment new edition of 1C: Trade Management 10.3.40, released in January 2016, added the ability to download service processing of the type "KKT with data transmission", supporting work with cash register equipment with the function of transferring data to the fiscal data operator in accordance with the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 N 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) settlements using electronic means payment"

The 1C company supports work with the most common CCP models of the ATOL and Shtrikh-M companies. Added maintenance processing for hardware supported by drivers:

  • Driver “Shtrikh-M:KKT with data transfer to OFD (54-FZ)” version 4.13, developed by the company “Shtrikh-M”
  • Driver “ATOL:KKT with data transfer to OFD (54-FZ)” version 8.12, developed by the company

A constantly updated list of certified hardware models supported by these drivers. In particular, the requirements for drivers of connected equipment submitted for certification to company “C” to receive the “Compatible! Software system 1C:Enterprise”, version 8.3 are implemented in the following CCP with data transfer:

  • “ATOL-25F”, “ATOL-22F (ATOL FPrint-22PTK)”, “ATOL-55F”, “ATOL-11F”, “ATOL-30F”, developed by the company “ATOL”,
  • “RETAIL-01F”, developed by the company “Shtrikh-M”

Document “Cash shift”

The document “Cash shift” has also been added to the “Commercial equipment” subsystem of edition 10.3.40. The document contains cash register shift data received from the cash register at the time of opening and closing the shift.

Cash shift is the period when a cashier works at a cash register. This period of work is recorded in the document Cashier shift.

List of documents. For ease of work, the User can filter the list of shifts by workplace and fiscal device by selecting the desired values ​​in the corresponding fields of the list header. Using the Ctrl+F command, you can filter the list by any combination of characters. Using the service Advanced Search (Alt+F), which is launched from the command panel of the list. The user can select the desired shifts by specifying a search based on the values ​​of various details.

new document created automatically when a shift opens . After executing the command, the system informs the user about the opening of the shift.

On deposit "Basic data" The document form contains information about the organization, the fiscal device on which the shift is open, the date and time the shift opened, the status of the shift (open or closed).

In the case of using a cash register with data transfer that supports the transfer of fiscal documents to XML format, on deposit Fiscal data information is available about the number and date of the cash register change, the number of strict reporting forms and fiscal documents per shift, as well as the date and time of the first document not transferred to the fiscal data operator and the total number of such documents. If there are warnings about the state of the fiscal drive, such as: memory full, resource exhausted, or the need for replacement, information about this will be displayed in the document header.

In 2017, new rules for trading using electronic checks are being introduced. One of the mandatory requirements will be connection to the fiscal data operator (FDO), which ensures the collection, storage and transfer of data from the cash register to the tax office.

To work with the OFD, we chose the ATOL 55F cash register, which meets the requirements of 54-FZ and is included in the register of cash register equipment.

How does the OFD work?

After the buyer makes a purchase, the cash register creates a transaction and sends it to the fiscal drive.

The fiscal drive saves the receipt, signs it with a fiscal sign and sends the data to the OFD servers.

In turn, the OFD creates a response fiscal indicator, which it sends back to the cash register and transmits calculation data to the tax office.

The entire chain of actions takes just a few seconds.

After this, the buyer receives a paper and electronic check(sent to email or subscriber number). These receipts contain a QR code and a link that the buyer can use to check the receipt using special services.

How to configure KKM ATOL 55F to work with 1C via RDP?

Installing KKM ATOL 55F on a local computer

First, you need to install the cash register drivers on the computer to which the cash register will be connected. The driver can be downloaded from the official ATOL website or from [email protected].

After installing the driver, it will occupy 2 ports, in our case these are Com3 and Com4.

Why did the driver take up 2 ports? It's simple! One port will be used to exchange information with the cash register, the second port will be used to transmit OFD data.

We connect the cash register to the computer and start setting up.

Now we need to enter the Driver Management application. To do this, go to Start - All programs - ATOL - Retail equipment drivers v. 8 - Driver management. In the window that opens, we need to activate the free version. Free version works with ATOL cash register; for other cash registers the Full version is required.

You can check the operation of the cash register through the application " KKM driver" To do this, go to Start - All programs - ATOL - Retail equipment drivers v. 8 - Tests – KKM Driver.

In the window that opens, we go to the “Setting properties…” section and click “Search for equipment”. Select from the list KKM model, celebrate required ports and all COM port speeds. Click Search and wait until cash registers are found. After the cash registers are found, you need to select our cash register and click “Create”.

Now, if you check the “Device is on” checkbox, go to the “Properties settings…” section and click “Communication test”, then in the “Result” field we will get the name of our cash register, serial number and firmware version. This means that our cash register is working.

The driver does not allow several programs to work through one COM port, so close the “KKM Driver” and continue the setup.

We return to “Driver Management” and go to the “FDSVC Service” tab. The service must be started if it is not running. This service will monitor our requests from 1C to port 6220. If the computer to which you are connecting via RDP is not in your local network, then you need to open port 6220 to connect via the Internet.

Setting up cash register ATOL 55F on a remote RDP computer

On local computer We have configured the cash register, now we need to make sure that the cash register works with 1C on a remote desktop, to which we connect via the Internet. To install drivers on remote server Administrator rights are required!

For this we do similar actions. Install drivers and enable free mode.

Unzip the file from the folder “C:\ Program Files(x86)\ATOL\Drivers8\1Cv82" in bin folder 1C platforms. Now, just in case, you need to manually register FprnM1C82_54FZ.dll in system registry, if this did not happen during driver installation. To do this we launch Windows PowerShell as administrator and enter the following command:

Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\\bin\FprnM1C82_54FZ.dll"

Your path to FprnM1C82_54FZ.dll may be different! It all depends on what version of 1C you have and where it is installed.

Setting up cash register ATOL 55F in 1C Complex automation

Now let's start setting up the cash register in 1C. In our case, we are setting up cash register in 1C Comprehensive automation 1.1. I think in other configurations the settings are not much different.

We launch 1C as administrator (otherwise the drivers may not load). Switch the interface to “Full”. Go to “Service” - “Commercial equipment” - “Connecting and setting up commercial equipment”.

For the operation of the cash register, external processing is required, ShtrihMkkt.epf. They are part of the distribution of configuration releases and are posted on the website: We will need external processing.

We add processing to the directory “Processing servicing of commercial equipment”.

Now let's start adding the cash register itself to 1C. To do this, in “Connecting and setting up commercial equipment”, go to the “Cash register with data transfer” section and create a new cash register.

We indicate the cash register with which the retail equipment will interact and go to “Settings”.

In the KKM parameters, fill in the following fields:

  • Computer- indicates the external IP of the computer to which the ATOL 55F cash register is connected and port 6220, which we opened for access via the Internet. For example,
  • Port- COM port to which the ATOL 55F cash register is connected on the local computer. In our case this is COM3.
  • Speed- COM port speed.
  • Model- model of our cash register.
  • We leave the remaining fields as is.

Now you can click on “Device Test”. A request will be sent to the cash register on the local computer. If everything is configured correctly, 1C will display the message “Test completed successfully. ATOL 55F, No. **********, version: 3.0.1245 RU, FISK.” This means that you have configured everything correctly.

Errors may occur during testing. You may not have opened port 6220 on your local computer for access via the Internet. You may need to create firewall rules for incoming and outgoing connections on port 6220. You may have forgotten to close the KKM Driver application or start the FDSVC service. Or maybe you didn’t run 1C as an administrator and 1C didn’t connect the KKM driver.

How to enable sending checks to the fiscal data operator (FDO)?

If everything is fine and the test is passed, then you can now configure and enable the “EthernetOverUSB Service”. This service sends punched checks to your fiscal data operator (FDO).

To do this, you need to add a second COM port in the “Driver Management” on the local computer to which the cash register is connected, in the “EthernetOverUSB Service” tab, in our case it is COM4. Check the box next to “Autostart” and start the service.

That's it, now every punched check will be automatically sent to the OFD with which you have an agreement.

The instructions are suitable for any device manufactured by ATOL, for example, ATOL-90f, ATOL-55f, ATOL-30f, as well as Fprint-22 and others.

Before starting setup, you should make sure that:

  • you have access to your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website (needed to obtain the device registration number);
  • an agreement has been concluded with the OFD and parameters for data transfer from the online cash register have been received.

Note! All data entered during registration must be checked very carefully. Entering incorrect information will result in the device having to be re-registered (the fiscal drive re-registration resource is 11 times).

How to set up work via USB

Devices manufactured by ATOL are initially configured to transmit data via COM. Therefore, first of all, you need to enable the USB communication protocol.

You need to enter service mode:

Setting up KKT ATOL

In order for the device to transmit data correctly, you need to perform a few simple steps.

  1. Install the ATOL retail equipment driver (version no earlier than 8.14). You need to run the downloaded file, then install all the offered components. It is recommended not to change the default folder where the driver is offered to be installed.
  2. Make sure that cash machine connected to the power supply, to a computer via USB and has access to the Internet.
  3. Open the folder located at Local disk- Program Files - ATOL - Drivers8 - Utils - Bin. You need to run the EcrRegistration.exe file. This is a utility that will check that the cash register is connected to the computer:
    If an error message appears, you need to make sure that the cash register and computer are connected with a USB cable.
  4. The program will search for the device and display information about it, including its firmware version. If everything is correct, click next:
  5. Now the utility must contact the fiscal drive. If you are registering for the first time, you must select “Register” in the proposed menu:
  6. At the next stage you need to enter exact time and date of registration. It is recommended to click the “Synchronize with PC” button - in this case, data from the computer will be installed:
  7. After entering the date and time, you need to click the “Next” button. The machine will print a dated receipt.
  8. A window will open in which you must enter your registration information. The information that is indicated in this window must fully correspond to what was indicated when registering with the Federal Tax Service:
  9. In field " Registration number CCP" you must enter the number that was received in personal account Federal Tax Service when registering the device. Among other things, this window prompts you to select options that correspond to the situation of using the cash register. So, if the device will be used exclusively for processing online purchases, you need to check the box “For payments on the Internet.” If these items are problematic, it is recommended that you leave them unchecked.
  10. At the next stage you need to enter OFD data- they are issued upon conclusion of the contract. In the “Channel” field, you need to select the method of connecting the cash register to the Internet.
    You must be extremely careful when filling out these fields. If everything is correct, you need to click “Next”.
  11. In the next window, you need to tick the applicable tax system. When combining, several systems are marked and the main one is selected.
    After clicking the “Next” button, the system will prompt you to confirm the data. You need to check everything again and click the “Run” button:

Now the ATOL cash desk is registered and can work with the OFD. As confirmation of this fact, a receipt with details will be printed. It must be saved - it will be needed to confirm the registration of the device in the taxpayer’s personal account on the Federal Tax Service website.