Torrent is not enabled nat pmp or upnp. Windows Presets. Using Home Media Server

Not long ago, enabling UPnP on the Windows operating system was considered unsafe. This is mainly due to the possibility of infecting a computer with various viruses, including network worms, etc. But now the use of this technology can be considered relatively safe, especially in Windows 7.

Benefits of using UPnP

A router with UPnP support can make the life of a computer and Internet user much easier. This is especially true in connection with the spread in Lately NAT Among the advantages of this technology are:

  • No need to adjust settings when starting a new one network game;
  • High speed of peer-to-peer clients, etc.

In other words, you don't have to learn the intricacies of networking on your own. The computer will be automatically directed to match the servers about which using UPnP network games and peer-to-peer clients will “tell” the computer. Recently, most routers support this technology.

How to enable UPnP technology

If you are interested in how to enable nat-pmp or upnp on windows 7, then first you must go to the Start menu. Here we need the Control Panel link. In it you need to go to the Network and Internet section. In the menu that appears, select Network and Sharing Center.

Next, click on the bottom line on the left side of the screen Edit Extra options access. In this menu we are interested in Network Discovery. Check enable and confirm the changes by clicking Save. Now UPnP will automatically start every time the computer turns on.

Sometimes technology is required to forward ports when using WiFi. It's possible that network discovery You will need to enable it not only in your home profile, but also in your work profile. This is necessary for correct operation devices.

Enable and configure UPnP in various operating systems Windows is easy. At the same time, the technology will allow you to forget about low speed, especially when downloading torrents, sending files and spending time in online games. UPnP will allow the system to independently find devices for working with local networks. Thanks to the technology, there is no need to constantly change the router settings when the next online game or program is released. Once you configure UPnP, you will ensure that everything will work and be configured without your participation.

Previously, I heard many times that UPnP somehow knows how to independently open ports (produce Port Forwarding on the router) upon request from the host from local network. However, exactly how this happens, and what protocols are used for this, have until now been covered in a veil of fog for me.

In this article I want to briefly describe how two mechanisms for port forwarding work, namely NAT Port Mapping Protocol And Internet Gateway Device (IGD) Protocol, included in the set UPnP protocols. To my surprise, I discovered that in RuNet there is information on this issue more than meager, which prompted me to write this note.

First, here's a short FAQ:

Q: What are these protocols for?
A: To create a forwarding rule for a specific TCP/ UDP port(Port Forwarding) not manually, but “automatically”, i.e. upon request from a host on the internal network.

Q: How is this implemented?
A: The device behind the NAT sends a request to the router indicating the internal and external numbers ports and protocol type (TCP/UDP). If the specified external port is free, the router generates a translation rule and reports to the requesting computer that the request was successfully completed.

Q: Does the router authenticate/authorize requests to open a port?
A: No, it is not carried out.

Now let’s look at the operation of these protocols in more detail (under the cut).

Port Mapping Protocol

NAT-PMP is described in RFC 6886. It uses UDP server port 5351 to operate.

Let's consider the operation of the protocol on specific example- torrent client Vuze 5.7 for Windows 7.

Note: NAT-PMP is disabled by default in Vuze. It must be activated in the plugin settings.

1. Launch Wireshark. In the filter line enter nat-pmp
2. Vuze launches.
3. Stop packet interception and look at the results.

I got the following:

The first 2 are a request for the external address of the router and a response indicating this address. We will not dwell on them in detail and will better consider how port mapping occurs using the example of packets 3-4.

Here we see that a request is made to forward external UDP port 48166 to the same internal port. Interestingly, the protocol does not specify the host address to which the broadcast should take place (Inside Local in Cisco terminology). This means that the router must take the source address of the packet from the IP header and use it as the Inside Local.

Parameter Requested Port Mapping Lifetime expected means the lifetime of an entry in the translation table.

As we can see, the router supposedly created the requested broadcast and responded with the code Success. Parameter Seconds Since Start of Epoch means the time since the translation table was initialized (i.e., since the last reboot of the router).

Mapping of TCP ports occurs in exactly the same way and differs only in the field value Opcode.

After an application has stopped using these ports, it can send a request to the router to remove the broadcast.
The main difference between a delete request and a create request is that the parameter Lifetime is set to zero.

This is what will happen if we close Vuze.

This concludes our review of NAT-PMP; I propose moving on to the somewhat more sophisticated UPnP IGD.

Internet Group Device Protocol

This protocol uses SOAP to exchange its messages.

However, unlike NAT-PMP, IGD does not use fixed number server port, so before exchanging messages, you must first find out this port. This is done using the SSDP protocol (this protocol is part of UPnP and is used for service discovery).

Launch the torrent client. It generates an SSDP request and sends it to the multicast address

The router generates a response and sends it using Unicast:

Inside the response we can see the URL for interacting with the router using the IGD protocol.

Next, Vuze connects to the router at the specified URL and receives XML with information about this device, including a set of URIs to control some of the router's functions. After the desired URI is found in rootDesc.xml, Vuze sends a SOAP request to create a NAT translation to the found URI.

Note: Before requesting the creation of a broadcast, Vuze forced the router to list all available Port Forwarding's. Why this was done, I can only guess.

SOAP request to create a UDP port translation:

As mentioned earlier, Vuze took the required URI (immediately after the POST) from rootDesc.xml. To add a broadcast, use a function called AddPortMapping.

It can also be noted that, in contrast to NAT-PMP, the Inside Local address is specified within the protocol itself.

Similar to NAT-PMP, when the torrent client is closed, mappings of forwarded ports are deleted. This is done by the function DeletePortMapping:

You may notice that to delete a rule, it is enough to specify only the protocol type (UDP) and number external port, without specifying other parameters.


In this article we have looked at two quite simple ways on creating Port Forwarding rules on your home router based on a command from a host on the local network. It only remains to note that if you consider the operation of these protocols a threat to the security of your home network, then you can try to turn them off (although, of course, it is much better to entrust security issues to the utility that is designed for this - the firewall). In my case Zyxel Giga II, on which, by the way, all tests were carried out, this is done by the CLI command no service upnp(Notably, there is no option to enable/disable UPnP in the web interface).

This service allows you to automatic mode search peripheral devices working with a local network, and also provides their connection and configuration. Also provides wireless setup networks.

A little theory

When connecting one or more PCs to the Internet via DSL, they mainly use NAT technology (translation network address). NAT allows multiple PCs on a private network to share a common IP address, which provides access to the network. NAT provides additional protection private network although it's not firewall(firewall).

The DSL access user must understand that NAT is present only in a modem with router capability, that is, two or more PCs can be connected to the modem at the same time. IN such a case All settings for connecting to the Internet (password, login) are registered in the modem itself. If you use a modem without a router function, the NAT function is not available.

In order to incoming connection could pass unhindered to intranet services requires appropriate port mapping. If the mapping does not match or is not completed, communication with the program (service) from the Internet will become unavailable. Often in such a case, they resort to manual configuration by mapping ports.

Mapping ports manually is quite a labor-intensive task. This is quite difficult and requires some experience and knowledge. Most users are unable to cope with such a task without outside help specialist They have no idea that they are becoming victims of NAT. Whenever an attempt is made to use an application that receives an external call, the user is unable to complete the task.

For solutions similar problem The NAT Traversal technological process was developed. It allows a network application to determine that it is behind a NAT device, identifies the external IP address, and configures port mappings. All this is done automatically. The NAT Traversal functionality relies on management and discovery protocols that are an integral part of Universal Plug and Play. Upnp saves the user from manual settings NAT mapping tables, no additional settings required in the router. You just need to activate UPnP capabilities.

A large number of routers and cable modems that are produced today have built-in support for UPnP. Choosing similar device You need to pay attention to the presence of the UPnP function. This support can greatly reduce your headaches in the future if a problem arises related to manual configuration of the router.

Correct operation of a UPnP application must be carried out by both the application and the modem or router. Not all apps support this technological process. Some modems have UPnP disabled and must be enabled manually.

If you have such applications, then you definitely need to activate support, both in the system itself and in the modem.

You can enable UPnP support in Windows by following these steps:

  1. Click the Start menu, select Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel, click on the Add/Remove Programs and Add Windows Components shortcut.
  3. In Components, select Network Services. Check the box next to it and click Composition.
  4. In the dialog box network services You should check the box next to Internet Gateway Device Discovery and Management Client. It should also be noted User interface UPnP.
  5. Click Ok and Next.

May be required installation disk Windows. This installation process is suitable for most Windows systems XP. Settings in the router are carried out in accordance with its technical documentation.

Hello! It often happens that after installing a router, programs such as uTorrent, DC++ and similar clients for P2P networks refuse to work. This happens because the program cannot receive the file on a computer that is located on the local network (behind the router). But the problem can arise not only with clients of P2P networks, but also with online games, WEB settings, or FTP servers etc.

In order for everything to work, you need to do port forwarding. If you do this manually, the process itself is a little complicated and incomprehensible. You need to assign a static IP to each computer, then set up forwarded ports in the router settings.

There is one useful feature, How UPnP. This is a kind of automatic port forwarding. In most cases, it is enough to enable UPnP in the router settings (if it's not already enabled) and everything will work perfectly. But sometimes, you can’t do without manually transferring ports. Each method has its pros and cons.

Manual port forwarding, or UPnP?

In this article I wanted to write only about UPnP. How to enable this function on the router and in the DC++ and uTorrent programs (I’ll try to write about manual setup in a separate article). But let's first figure out what is better than UPnP, or is it still worth setting up the transfer manually.

  • UPnP is simple, you don’t need to register anything there, take a long time to configure, etc. If you are afraid of messing something up in the router settings, then UPnP is what you need. Of the minuses: it may not work in some programs, servers, games. Well, and security, UPnP can transfer things that don’t seem to need to be transferred :) (but this is a controversial opinion and should not scare you).
  • Manually configuring port forwarding requires more advanced settings. And this method is a little inconvenient in that when new programs appear, or any changes to existing ones, you will have to constantly configure redirection. This is not very convenient.

Enable UPnP in the router settings

Usually, by default, the UPnP service is already enabled in the router settings (in Tp-Link, for sure). Yes, and programs like uTorrent even work through a router without additional settings. But with DC++, as far as I noticed, there are frequent problems.

Let's first check if the UPnP feature is active in your router.

Go to your router settings. Typically this address is, or

In Tp-Link:

Go to the tab ForwardingUPnP (Forwarding - UPnP). There must be a status Enabled(Included) .


May vary, but usually it's a tab InternetConnection and there is a UPnP switch there.

This function may be called slightly differently. Tab WANPort Trigger. Paragraph Enable Port Trigger must be enabled.


Go to the tab at the top Advanced, then select on the left Advanced Network and see if there is a tick next to Enable UPnP.


Menu items may differ slightly depending on the device version, firmware, etc. If you can’t find it, write in the comments and we’ll figure it out :).

Checking DC++ and uTorrent settings

I'll show you how to check if UPnP is enabled in these programs.

In DC++, go to the settings tab Connection settings and see if the item is checked Firewall with UPnP (WinXP+ only).

In uTorrent, go to SettingsProgram settings. Tab Compound. Let's see if there is a tick next to UPnP forwarding.


I hope I managed to clarify the situation with port forwarding a little. At first glance, this topic seems incomprehensible and complex. But the UPnP function was created to simplify this process a little and make our lives easier.

Although, as I already wrote, sometimes you can’t do without manually setting the transfer.

Best wishes!

Also on the site:

Configuring port forwarding (UPnP) on the router for DC++, uTorrent and similar programs updated: October 15, 2013 by: admin

Before we learn how to enable upnp, let's talk a little about the theory.

So, what is Upnp? This is a set network protocols, presented by the organization of the same name. The main goal is to automate the setup process as much as possible network nodes and devices in the most different networks, from home to large office.

The set of protocols is based on popular technologies and network architectures: TCP/IP, HTTP, etc.

Enabling upnp in Windows 7

The algorithm is extremely simple. First of all, you need to go to the control panel: Start-> Control Panel.

We need to get to the section that contains all the settings and parameters network environment. If you have selected display by category, click the " Network and Internet". If all the icons are displayed in front of you, then immediately launch “ Network Control Center and shared access ". The main window will appear in front of you network settings. On the left side there will be a settings menu. In it we find and click “ Change advanced sharing options«.

A list will appear before us available options. We are interested in the Network Discovery area:

Select the item “ Enable network discovery"(this is Upnp). Press the button " Save changes", then " OK". All you have to do is restart your computer. The next time you start the Upnp function will turn on automatically.