Function keys for special actions. The meaning of some keys on a computer keyboard

The F1-F12 function keys are used in almost every application you use. They are used both independently to call certain functions, and in combination with control keys (alt, ctrl, shift). Over the entire existence of personal computers, an unspoken etiquette has developed for assigning functions to function keys in programs. In addition, descriptions of combinations using them can almost always be found in the documentation for the applications you use.

F1 key

No matter where, this key is almost always associated with calling the help system Togo applications, working with which you press it. Works in almost any application. If the program has its own help system, it will open. Also, in many programs, online documentation for the application is linked to this key - that is, when pressed, your browser will launch, or a new tab will open if it is already running, and you will go to the documentation page on the Internet. Let's say while reading this article, try pressing F1 - and you will be presented with help for your browser. If you're using Windows, minimize any windows you're currently working in and press this key. Windows Help will open. Thus, this key is used most often, almost always. There are no established combinations using it. If they exist for any special applications, then this is usually indicated in the documentation for these applications. The key should be pressed correctly with the little finger of your left hand.

Video: groups of keys and their purpose.

F2 key.

This key also has an unspoken standard function. As a rule, this key allows you to open anything for editing - for example, rename a file - a standard use in Windows Explorer. Open the value for in a cell for editing in MS Excel. However, unlike F1, it can be used for some other functions much more often - for example, in the Opera browser, this key calls up an additional address input line to go to the page. But in any case, even in unfamiliar applications it is worth trying this key as an opening for renaming or editing. Sometimes in programs, for example, in some games, F2 is used to save a file or game. In addition, this key allows you to go to the BIOS (if you know what that is) before booting the computer on some motherboard models. There are no special standard combinations either. Finger - ring or little finger of the left hand.

F3 key

F3 is usually search. Be it searching for files using the file system in the OS or searching for text using a page loaded in the browser, an open document in a pdf viewer, or in a text editor. By the way, along with F3 to call the search, the standard combination is combination ctrl+F(here F is for find - search). In the same opera, ctrl+F certainly calls up a window for specifying a search pattern, while F3 calls this window only if the pattern is currently empty, but if it is already set, then F3 simply searches for the specified pattern without calling the window, if the pattern already set. I think Opera is not the only application where search works in this way. The convention for using this key as a search call is also pretty well established, much like F1 for reference. F3 Press with the middle or ring finger of the left hand.

F4 key

When using this key in applications, they do not always adhere to any strict framework, because there are none. I know the three most common options where it can be used. The first thing - this comes from the days of old file managers a la Norton Commander - is the Edit function, that is, editing. However, this is not the same editing as in the case of F2 - it is directly calling a text editor and opening a file in it for editing, while F2 will only allow you to edit the file name. For example, this works in the well-known file manager for Windows - Total Commander.

Second, this key allows you to transfer focus to the address bar and at the same time open the address bar history in the standard Windows Explorer shell. The same thing happens in the MS Internet Explorer browser. Well, and lastly, in some applications this key opens some additional panel - for example, in the Opera browser or in the Foxit Reader PDF viewer. Middle finger of the left hand.

But that's not all there is to say about the F4. Very established and most commonly used combination - Alt+F4, perhaps you are already familiar with it. This combination is closing the application— analogous to the cross button in the upper right corner of the application. It works almost always and everywhere exactly like this. This combination is usually pressed like this: the left thumb on the left Alt and the middle finger of the left hand on F4. This seems to be the most convenient way, but a better option would be to press the middle finger of your right hand on Right Alt and the middle finger of your left hand on F4.

Another combination that is less known, but it is also quite standard - Ctrl+F4 - close the active tab. For example, in browsers. But this is a somewhat inconvenient combination, and few people use it, because the combination Ctrl+W serves the same purpose.

F5 key.

This is a very useful key, and is perhaps the most famous of the F-keys. This is f page refresh function in browsers. And in general, when updating anything, it’s worth trying it first. In any browser, the F5 key works this way. Analogue - combination Ctrl+R(R from refresh - update, refresh) However, F5 has one more use, again from two-panel file managers - copying a file. This is how it works, for example, in Total Commander. Pressed with the index finger of the left hand.

Video: Function keys.

F6 key.

Most common use - transferring focus (moving the cursor for input) to the address bar. In browsers (IE, mozilla firefox, google chrome), in the Windows shell (explorer). An analogue for all kinds of browsers is the combination Ctrl+L. It works approximately the same as F4, with the difference that the address bar history does not open. Second application - two-panel file managersmoving files(Total Commander). And finally, very often used in games as a key to quickly save the game. Left index finger.

F7, F8 and F9.

These keys do not have any specific bindings; they are used differently depending on the application, so I will not describe them here. In general, the F7, F8 and F9 keys are keys that do not have any standard functions and are used differently in different applications, most often these are some application-specific functions. These keys and their combinations are used extensively for debugging code in various development environments. For example Ctrl+F9 often starts the compilation process.F7 - creating a new directory in two-panel file managers. The only thing I can say about the most standard is F9 key Often used in games for fast loading last quick save using F6. Therefore, if you are a gamer, this pair of keys is F6 and

F9 should be very useful to you, especially in action games. F8 key, if you press it in about Windows boot time, will allow you to select a boot mode. Key F9 before loading on some motherboard models may bring up the boot menu) to select the download source. In addition, pressing F9 while Windows is loading allows you to restore the system from the backup partition - present on some laptop models. Ergonomics - F7 and F8 - index finger of the right hand, F9 - middle finger of the right hand.

F10 key.

The standard purpose of this key in most applications is to Calling up (and sometimes closing) the program menu. Works almost everywhere. Pressed with the middle or ring finger of the right hand.

Purpose of F11.

Often a special key, but the most well-known and common use is switch full screen/windowed mode. In most browsers, various viewers and editors, F11 works this way. It is more convenient to press with the ring or little finger of the right hand.


It also does not have any strictly assigned function, but quite often this key used to call any additional menu. For example, with program settings (as used in Opera). In a word processor MS Word this key is used to save the current document. In any case, if any keys are used in the application you are interested in, then this is described in the documentation for it.

Well, that's basically it. As can be seen from the description I presented, the first 6 keys of the function row (F1-F6) have especially useful functions. Use them and make your computer work more efficient.

A traditional keyboard - a laptop, or a “desktop”, despite the dominance and universal prevalence of “sensors” on smartphones and tablets - when using which people sometimes begin to forget what keys are - an item that is in widespread demand. A stylish and desirable detail in the computer interior of any IT enthusiast.

The ease of use of the corresponding PC hardware component, and not just its appearance, is also an important criterion for the comfort of the computer owner. The keyboard is, historically, the first control element of a PC; the mouse was invented later. And therefore, the device’s keys - especially in combination with others - are, by default, a very effective and functional tool in the user’s hands. There is a version that the technological features of “desktops” and laptops predetermine some difference between the capabilities of the keyboards with which the corresponding types of devices are controlled.

Does the type of computer keyboard matter in terms of the functionality of the keys? Is there a difference between the standardization policies of different laptop brands in this aspect? What key combinations can we highlight as the most useful?

Keys on a laptop and desktop: comparison

As a rule, there is no fundamental difference between how the keyboard of a laptop and a desktop is structured. This is understandable - computer manufacturers are trying to produce appropriate controls, adhering to standards so that people are more willing to buy equipment without fear of having to adapt their skills to a new key layout. It is worth noting, however, that this thesis is true if we take into consideration a computer in the most popular architecture today - There are other standards for PC hardware and software layout - such as, for example, the Macintosh.

Standardization of functions

Therefore, it does not matter, provided that we are talking about the same platform that we have at our disposal - buttons in the “desktop” version or a laptop keyboard - the assignment of the keys will be almost the same in all cases. However, there are still nuances. In many ways, they are due, first of all, to the difference in dimensions of a “desktop” and a laptop. As a rule, the user of a regular PC has a whole table at his disposal. It can accommodate a very large keyboard. In the most daring design formats. Another thing is the laptop keyboard. The purpose of the keys on it, although almost the same as on the “desktop” - the buttons have to be placed extremely compactly. As a result, a laptop manufacturer may decide to basically remove some groups of keys.

Does the designation differ depending on the specific brand? For the most part, no. And this is also largely due to the marketing factor: the manufacturer wants the user, relatively speaking, who is accustomed to having a Lenovo laptop keyboard at his disposal, to be able to easily adapt to a similar hardware component from ASUS, and vice versa. Differences, if there are any, they usually lie in the design of the buttons, their height, shape, color, and material of manufacture. The keyboard for an Acer laptop is thus almost identical to analogues from ASUS, HP, Dell and other brands, based on the purpose of the buttons.

However, it will be useful to know the key features of the distribution of functions associated with specific keys. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about buttons adapted for the “desktop”, or whether we are studying a laptop keyboard. The assignment of function group keys, especially in combination with others, is a very interesting area of ​​studying the capabilities of a computer. So let's start by researching the appropriate button types.

Function keys

Function keys on a laptop keyboard are almost always present - if we are talking about equipment produced by well-known manufacturers - Acer, Lenovo, ASUS. Let's look at what each is responsible for. There are 12 function keys in total. They are located above all the others. Let's study what they are responsible for.

The F1 key is almost always programmed to call up help - in the operating system or in some separate program. This function, one might say, is unchanged for all PC models - whether you are using a keyboard for an HP, Lenovo, or ASUS laptop - it makes no difference. In some cases, if the program does not provide a built-in Help file, pressing F1 can command the computer to load the software manufacturer's Internet page with the necessary information.

The traditional purpose of F2, a laptop or desktop keyboard key, is to rename the selected file or folder.

The F3 button in most cases is responsible for calling the Windows search engine - loading its general interface, using which you can search for files throughout the computer, or local - in a separate window. If a folder is open, then the search will be conducted by the objects located in it; if a browser window or, say, Word is active, then by the text on the page.

The F4 key is mainly adapted for the use of third-party file shells - such as, for example, Total Commander. Its usefulness in Windows is assessed by many experts as not so obvious. But one can argue with this opinion: by pressing F4, say, in a browser, you can open the address bar - this is faster than the same action using the mouse.

The F5 key is designed to quickly refresh the contents of an application window, Desktop, or Windows Explorer. At the same time, its use in third-party file shells is, as a rule, completely different. For example, in Total Commander, using this key on a laptop or desktop keyboard, you can move files and folders.

The F6 key has approximately the same functionality as F4. However, in this case, as a rule, the list with the history of sites in the browser address bar is not activated.

Some buttons on the keyboard of a laptop and desktop - F7, F8, F9, and F12 do not have a strict functional assignment. Depending on the specific program, or device model, they can be programmed with different commands. This is exactly the case when we can observe the dissimilarity of technologies used by brands that produce equipment or programs.

In turn, the meaning of the F10 and F11 laptop or “desktop” keyboard keys is fairly standardized when it comes to using them in a Windows system. The F10 button is responsible for opening the application menu. F11, as a rule, is programmed to switch windows from normal mode to full screen and vice versa.

The functions of laptop keyboard keys have distinctive specifics: as a rule, they are programmed with actions that imply their combination with a specific Fn button, which in most cases is absent on desktop keyboards. Now we will look at the features of working with them.

Fn key

On a laptop, it is usually highlighted in a separate color - for example, white or blue - so that the user can easily find it on the keyboard. There are usually one or two such keys on the device. Pressing Fn in its pure form, as a rule, does not imply the execution of any function. But its combination with function keys is programmed for a large number of useful actions. Their specific content depends on the brand of laptop. The keyboard for an ASUS laptop, therefore, may differ in the aspect of using the Fn key from a similar hardware element in Lenovo or Acer devices. However, experts identify several common patterns for all computers regarding the use of Fn capabilities. Let's look at them.

In combination with the F1 button, the Fn key can, for example, command the computer to shut down (power off). This saves time when compared to a similar procedure using a mouse.

In combination with the F2 button, the Fn key in some cases allows you to open a window of settings related to energy saving. This option can be useful if, for example, it is discovered that the laptop’s battery is running low and it urgently needs to be switched to another, more economical operating mode.

The Fn key on a laptop in combination with the F3 button can be responsible for turning on and off wireless interfaces - for example, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. This is convenient if, for example, there are no hardware switches on the computer case that can be used to perform similar actions.

When combined with the F4 button, the Fn key is typically programmed to tell the computer to go into sleep mode (without shutting down). In some brands of laptops, this same combination is also responsible for “waking up” the computer.

Using the combination of Fn and F5 on most equipment models, you can activate or deactivate the video signal output to an external display connected via a wired interface to the video card. Moreover, on many laptops this is the only way to carry out this kind of action using the hardware method - an alternative could be a rather long procedure for outputting a video signal using software settings.

As a rule, a combination of Fn and F6 or F7 allows you to turn off the monitor. This key assignment is useful if, for example, the user decides to step away from the computer for a while - in this case, you can save electricity by turning off the display.

A fairly useful combination is Fn and F8. It allows you to turn the sound on your computer on or off (however, the current sound level is not reset - after pressing this combination again, the settings are restored). This key assignment is useful if, for example, someone called a person on the phone and needs to answer urgently, and loud music is playing on the PC.

Many laptops provide temporary disabling of the Touch Pad, a built-in touch-type device that performs functions similar to a mouse. This action can be performed by pressing the combination of Fn and F9.

If you use the combination of Fn and F10, you can change the keyboard layout. This is useful if, for example, more familiar keys do not work for some reason.

If the laptop has a numeric keypad (usually located on the right), then you can activate or deactivate it by using the combination Fn and F11.

The combination of Fn and F12 can be programmed for a fairly wide range of actions, depending on the specific computer model. A keyboard for an HP laptop may provide one thing, and a similar hardware component from Acer may have another. In some cases, this combination implies some program action - for example, activating the screen moving function, which works, in particular, in Excel.

Also note that the Fn key can be programmed for any function in combination not only with the buttons with the F index, but also in combination with the usual ones located lower on the keyboard. Again, it all depends on the device model. A keyboard for an ASUS laptop may have its own rules, but for Lenovo they may be completely different. For example, in some device models, the combination of Fn and a key that displays the number 1 (and an exclamation mark) can adjust the brightness level of the display. The combination of Fn and the button on which the number 2 (@ icon) is drawn can, in turn, control the sound volume.

So, we have studied what features characterize a laptop keyboard and the purpose of function keys. Let's now move on to studying the most interesting category of buttons. These are called "hot keys". What are their features?


Almost all keyboards designed for PCs in IBM architecture and running Windows, and therefore laptops too, have so-called “hot keys”. They are designed to quickly activate some hardware or software function of the OS, which is usually longer and more difficult to call using mouse actions. Let's look at the range of the most popular features that hot keys provide in Windows 7 - one of the most popular operating systems today. Note that the combinations of buttons that we present below work if we have at our disposal any data input device - a “desktop” version, or an ASUS laptop keyboard. The purpose of hot keys is generally the same on all devices. Provided, of course, that Windows is installed on them.

Hotkeys with ALT pressing

One of the basic keyboard buttons used when activating various functions in “hot” mode is ALT. What possibilities does pressing it in combination with other keys open? Among the most notable functions is the activation or deactivation of the file panel: to do this, you need to use the combination of ALT and P.

The combination of ALT and TAB allows you to quickly navigate between windows of active applications running in Windows. The ALT key in combination with the UP button allows you to move higher in the structure of open windows with folders. The combination of ALT and F4 closes the active application window, or exits a program or computer game. The combination of ALT and spacebar allows you to open the context menu of a running window.

Hotkeys with CTRL pressing

Another group of useful combinations is “headed” by the CTRL key. Let's look at examples of popular combinations. The combination of CTRL and A allows you to select all files and folders in a window, or all text and other objects located on a document page or, for example, in a browser. The combination of CTRL and C is a convenient tool for copying text and other objects, known to many users. If you replace the second letter with V, then you can insert the selected one. When you use X instead of C, the object is “cut out”, and after pressing V, it is moved to a user-specified location.

The combination of CTRL and N allows you to create a new file or document in the corresponding editor program; if you replace N with O, you will open the object. The combination of CTRL and P sends text or other data from the screen to the printer. The combination of CTRL and Z allows you to undo the last action the user performed. The combination of CTRL and F4 is a little like pressing ALT and F4 - the active window with the document is closed, while in the second case the running program is exited completely. By pressing CTRL and ESC you can open the Start menu. By using a combination of three keys - CTRL, SHIFT and N, you can create a new folder. The Task Manager can be accessed by pressing CTRL and TAB.

Hotkeys and WIN button

In most cases, the buttons on a laptop or desktop keyboard contain a WIN key. This button looks like a Microsoft company flag. It is, in its own way, adapted for the Windows operating system. By the way, it was introduced into the structure of keyboards relatively recently (if we compare it with the evolution of the development of the corresponding PC hardware component) - in 1995, after the Windows 95 OS entered the market. In other OSes, it is, as a rule, not functional. Although, this is not always the case - in many modern open-source operating systems, functions based on the WIN button are fully implemented. Still, the trend reflecting the standardization of technology is characteristic not only of the hardware area, but also of software. Let's look at what possibilities open up using the WIN key in combination with other buttons.

If you press the combination of WIN and UP, you can expand the active application window to full screen. In turn, if you replace UP with DOWN in this combination, the window will be minimized or its original size will be restored. When you press WIN and the left arrow, the active window moves to the left side of the screen. If you use the “right” button, the window will also move in the same direction. The combination of WIN and HOME allows you to simultaneously minimize or maximize all windows except the one that acts as the active one. Using the combination of WIN and E, you can open Windows Explorer. You can enlarge or reduce the image on the screen by using a combination of WIN and the “+” or “-” buttons. The combination of WIN and F launches the file search system.

Standardization of "software"

Let us note the most important nuance - all the above-described patterns in aspect are fully functional when working in Windows OS. If the user has another operating system at his disposal - for example, Linux or Google OS, then there may be discrepancies in the aspect of linking button combinations to certain functions. At the same time, as many IT experts note, the universalization of technologies is observed not only at the hardware level - in relation to the assignment of keys (we said this at the beginning of the article), but also in the software direction. That is, if we talk about the latest versions of OSes other than Windows, then in many of them the algorithms for implementing “hot” functions or using, say, the WIN key are similar to those (or even completely identical) that are present in the most popular operating system world.

We also note that historically, Windows is not the first operating system for which the keys we studied today were adapted. By the time this OS entered the market, keyboards with an arrangement of function and other buttons - identical to how we see them now, or in a very similar way - had already existed for decades. So, it is more fair to say that the functionality of many keys is dictated not only by Windows leadership, but also by historical background.


Having studied the design features of keyboards for desktops and laptops, we can draw a number of conclusions.

Firstly, there are groups of keys that are fairly strictly tied to some specific functions - and these are the majority. There are, in turn, buttons that allow you to send commands to the computer, depending on the context of a particular application.

Secondly, we have the right to note a fairly wide variety of combinations of different keys. In many cases, they can be used as a viable alternative to using a mouse, and, as a result, use your PC more efficiently.

Thirdly, we have the right to note a high level of standardization not only in terms of the location and purpose of keys, but also at the level of interpretation of their various combinations by PC software elements - the operating system, applications for viewing and editing files, browsers.

And what is it for?! You already know. Now we need to talk about the purpose of the keyboard keys. After all, the keyboard, figuratively speaking, is an intermediary between you and the computer, a tool for interacting with a smart assistant. By pressing keys, you send commands to the computer to execute.

Hence the conclusion: when you know the purpose and combinations of keys, working on a computer becomes easier and more enjoyable.

Key assignment:

— the service key stops or cancels the last action. For example, if a web page takes a long time to load, you can press ESC to stop loading.

F1F12. reserved for specialized functions in programs. Therefore, the execution of the function in different programs may differ. For example, the F5 key in the Microsoft Word text editor performs the “Find and Replace” function, and in the Total Commander file manager the same key performs the “Copy” function. But we can say with confidence that the key F1 opens the file in all programs Reference.

Tab used to create indents ( Red line) in programs for working with texts. Also, if you are filling out tables or forms, you can use the Tab key to move to the next field.

— performs the function of changing case (CAPITAL LETTERS). When you press this key, the indicator above the numeric keypad lights up, further typing will be done in capital letters. Pressing this key again disables the " Capital letters", the indicator above the numeric keypad goes out.

Shift – Function keys are used in conjunction with other keys. As you can see, there are two shift keys on the keyboard, left and right. The purpose of these keys is absolutely the same, and their location on the keyboard is determined by ease of typing touch printing.

Now let me explain, say, when you are typing text and you need to put an exclamation mark, it is most convenient to hold down the shift key with the little finger of your right hand, and press key 1 with the little finger of your left hand. The shift key is also involved in many key combinations, for example, entering a capital letter, punctuation mark, performing specialized program functions, and so on.

Control (Ctrl), Alternate (Alt) — control keys are designed to work in combination with other keys. Typically, you hold down the Ctrl, Alt key, and then press another key to perform a specific task. For example, in many programs, the combination Ctrl+S- will save the file.

The main part of the keyboard includes alphanumeric typing keys (letters and numbers) and space.

Enter– confirmation of the action. For example, while on the Internet, you can enter a website address and then press Enter to go to the site. It is also used to start a new line in text editors. Enter on the numeric keypad has the same purpose and is often used when performing mathematical calculations, say in a calculator application, to obtain a result.

– in a text editor, erases characters to the left of the cursor. And in the browser it allows you to return to the previous page.

Delete(Del) – in a text editor, erases characters to the right of the cursor. Performs the delete function in file managers.

— enable/disable the “insert-replace” mode. The key is practically not used, but it can play a cruel joke. If you accidentally press this key while working in a text editor, you will switch it from “insert” mode to “replace” mode. After that, if you make a mistake in a word, you will want to correct it. Having corrected the error, you will find that the symbol to the right of the cursor has disappeared! You try to enter it again, but the next character to the right of the cursor will disappear. This will happen until you press the insert key again. Not knowing about this key, some people retyped the entire remaining text because of one typo.

Cursor keys

Home - moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

End— moves the cursor to the end of the current line.

Page Up/Page Down— page-by-page viewing of the document up or down.

Arrow keys are used for many different purposes, including move cursor, scrolling a document, or game control.

Auxiliary keys

Print Screen takes a screenshot - a so-called “screenshot”, which can be edited or saved using a graphics processing program (graphics editor).

Scroll Lock vertical scrolling, rarely used today.

Pause/Break performs the pause function, often used in combination with the Win key.

Win– serves to call the Start menu, and is also used in combination with other keys to call functions of the Windows operating system.

The key calls up a context menu (equivalent to pressing the right mouse button).

Enables/disables the numeric keypad. After switching on, the indicator lights up. When the numeric keypad is turned off, the keys perform the functions of the keys labeled on them.

Keyboard shortcuts

A key combination is when you hold down one or two keys and briefly press a third. For example, Ctrl+S, where the plus indicates a key combination. That is, you press and hold the Ctrl key, and then briefly press the S key. The plus in this entry serves to indicate a key combination and is not pressed in its execution.

When working with files and documents:

Ctrl+N– create a new file;

Ctrl+O– open the document;

Ctrl+A- select all;

Shift+Home– select the line to the left of the cursor;

Ctrl+End– select the line to the right of the cursor;

Ctrl+C– copy selected text or file to the clipboard;

Ctrl+X – cut selected text or file;

Ctrl+V– paste the contents of the clipboard;

Ctrl+Del– delete the word behind the cursor;

Ctrl+Backspace– delete the word before the cursor;

Ctrl+Home– move the cursor to the beginning of the document;

Ctrl+End– move the cursor to the end of the document;

Ctrl+Z– cancel the last action;

Ctrl+P- seal;

When working with a browser:

Ctrl+D– add a bookmark in the browser;

Ctrl + Shift + T– open a closed tab in the browser;

Ctrl+T– open a new tab;

Ctrl+L– highlight the contents of the address bar;

When working on Windows:

Ctrl + Shift + Esc– terminate frozen processes;

Shift+Ctrl+Alt– call the task manager;

Alt+Tab– quick transition between program windows;

Alt+F4– quickly close the window;

Alt + Print Screen– take a screenshot of the active window;

Win+Pause/Break– property of the system;

Win+E– open explorer;

Win+D– minimize all windows;

Win+F– search for files on your computer;

Win+L– change of user;

Win+F1- reference;

Win+Tab– switches windows in a circle.

And there are many such key combinations, and in different programs these combinations often differ from each other, but you will easily remember them if you often work with the software product.

The article will discuss the modern computer keyboard layout and its purpose, and will provide a description of the keys and photos.

The keyboard has gone through a number of modifications from 1984 to the present day. She acquired additional elements to make working on the computer easier for beginners and more comfortable for professionals.

Any user now has access to equipment to suit his creative ambitions.

Computer keyboard - photo, description and device

The size of the keyboard is affected by the number of duplicate keys. For example, for convenience, some manufacturers provide the device with a separate digital set.

Most hackers and programmers ignore using a mouse for most of their work. For such users, the distance between the keys is very important, which affects the size of the keyboard.

The layout of the keys on a personal computer is different from a laptop. Because of this, users connect an external device without losing mobility.

"Hotkeys" - the most useful combinations

To speed up work in programs, shortcut key combinations are provided. They are also called “hot” keys. Conventionally, they are divided into groups.


  • “Shift” + Insert – inserts a fragment copied to the clipboard;
  • “control” + Insert – copying a fragment to the buffer;
  • “Shift” + Del – cutting out a fragment and placing it in the buffer with the ability to paste.

Editing the font:

  • “control” + “and” – making the text “bold”;
  • “control” + “sh” – italic writing;
  • “control” + “g” – underline.

Text alignment:

  • “control” + “d” – along the left edge of the document;
  • “control” + “y” – centering;
  • “control” + “to” – on the right side of the document;
  • “control” + “o” – uniform distribution of text between fields.

Hidden operating system combinations now allow you to configure your computer without opening settings:

  • Windows + "+" : open action center;
  • Windows + "I": access Windows settings;
  • Windows + "s": launch the Cortana program;
  • Windows + "s": put Cortana into listening mode.

Keyboard assignments

Let's take a closer look at the functions of the keys.


The letters on any keyboard are arranged according to the QWERTY principle, since this is exactly the layout that was used on typewriters. Programmers from Microsoft decided not to change anything, so that the transition from printing to electronics would be familiar even to typists.

This approach turned out to be reasonable. Users of typewriters did not think about how to put this or that symbol. For example, a square bracket or an exclamation point.

You just need to watch and switch the keyboard layout in time. A hint from the operating system is in the lower right corner (near the date and time).

Numbers and signs

Between the letter “Ё” and the “Backspace” key there are number keys from one to zero. By clicking on them, the user can type dates in the text or perform arithmetic operations.

To put punctuation marks and other symbols indicated on the number buttons, you should hold down the “Shift” key (the side does not matter) and the corresponding number.

Below is shown, which icon is located on which number:

  1. – «!»;
  2. – “quotes” (Russian) or “@” (English);
  3. – “number” (Russian) or “grid” (English);
  4. – “dollar” (English) or “;” (Russian);
  5. - "percent";
  6. – “colon” ​​(Russian) or “tick” (English);
  7. – “question mark” (Russian) or “&” (English);
  8. - "multiplication sign"
  9. – «(»;
  10. – the “0” key is responsible for the “)” sign;
  11. – does not have a number, but a “hyphen” is drawn. If you press “Shift” + this button, you will get the “underscore “_” sign
  12. the last button before “Backspace” is “+”, and together with “Shift” there will be a “=” icon.

The following punctuation marks can be inserted using the letter keys on your keyboard:

On the key with which letter is the symbol located? What symbol can you get?
in the English layout with the Shift key in English layout
X ( left curly brace [ square bracket left
Kommersant ) right curly brace ] square bracket right
AND : colon ; semicolon
E "" quotes ‘upper comma
B < математический знак меньше , comma
YU >mathematical sign greater than . dot

F1 - F12

The twelve keys on the top are called function keys. They allow you to work with the operating system without using a mouse.

In some cases, you can do without auxiliary programs:

  • F1 – calls for help;
  • F2 – renames the selected file or folder;
  • F3 – opens the search bar;
  • F4 – opens the history of address requests of a computer or browser;
  • F5 – update the working window;
  • F6 – selects the tabs of the working window;
  • F7 – launch the spelling and punctuation checking system;
  • F8 – most often used for custom system boot mode;
  • F9 – in some programs launches the measuring toolbar;
  • F10 – opens access to the menu of the active program;
  • F11 – switch to full screen mode;
  • F12 – opens the document saving menu.


The meaning of the key translated from English is Escape - avoid. Abort or cancel an ongoing computer command.


The operating system icon is shown on the keyboard instead of an abbreviation. By default, Windows opens the Start menu.

If you combine it with the “B” key, you can minimize windows. The transition is carried out by the combination Windows + Tab, and Windows + “A” is the search command on the computer.


This key is only available on laptops. Designed to switch modes for managing settings and function keys.


Switches the case of uppercase and lowercase letters in the text. The combination Shift + End allows you to select a line in the text, the combination Shift + Home cancels the action.

Text decoration buttons

Special keys will be presented here that help edit the text typed by the user.

Special keys


The purpose of this keyboard command is to neatly delete a character to the left side of the cursor. Good to use in a text editor when a typo occurs. When combined with the “alt” key, cancels the last action in the program.

In the file manager, switches to a higher folder. In the photo view manager, returns to the previous photo.


The key separates words in the document text. Makes indents between characters. When Replace is enabled, it can be used as the “Delete” key. In this case, the information on the right side of the cursor is erased.

The key is intended for entering a command, confirming the selected action, and displaying the result of a mathematical function.


Has an indicator light on some keyboards. When pressed once, it turns on the mode of constant typing in capital letters.

In the vocabulary of users there is an expression “don’t capitalize” (don’t write large) - this is a request to disable this function (remove capital letters).

Tab is used in text editors to create the first indentation (red line). When you combine the key with Alt, you can switch between program windows. If the corresponding option is enabled in the system, then flipping will take place in the beautiful “aero” mode.

Useful when the mouse is disabled or suddenly malfunctions. Allows you to move the cursor from one line of the context menu to another.

Additional keys

Insert – the key, even in combinations, is intended for inserting or replacing a fragment. In text editors, it allows you to manipulate information on the clipboard.

Home – in texts, it moves the cursor to the beginning of the line, allowing the user to edit without using the mouse.

Page Up – move from the current location to the page above.

Page Down – scrolls the page down.

Arrows – the direction of the keys indicates which direction the cursor will be moved. When combined with the Windows key, moves the active window to the right or left. If you press the up or down direction, the window will expand.

Pause – is intended to stop the multimedia player for a while. Pressing again will continue playback.

“NumLock” is used to disable the numeric keypad.

“Printscreen” key for capturing the screen as a screenshot.

Questions and answers section

  • How to make a capital letter on the keyboard?

Using two keys: “CapsLock” or “Shift” + letter key.

  • How to put a period and a comma on the keyboard?

A period at the end of a line can be placed using the key located to the left of the right “shift”. The second method is suitable for the English layout - press the key with the Russian letter “Yu” (for the comma “B”). An example is described in the table above.

You can add a comma by simply pressing Del.

  • How to put a leading comma on the keyboard?

The so-called apostrophe is placed on a computer by switching the layout to English and pressing the “E” key. An example is described in the table above.

Knowing all the combinations, you can become a real master of your computer. Even if the computer mouse is not working, work will not be suspended. And even a schoolchild needs to remember the so-called “hot keys” as the main assistants when typing and editing text.

Let's look at the meaning of some keys on a computer keyboard. In the upper right corner of the keyboard with the 101st key there are three light indicators (in other words, light bulbs):

  • Caps Lock – capital letter mode,
  • Num Lock – number locking mode,
  • Scroll Lock – scroll lock mode.

Turning on and off the above modes is done by pressing the keys of the same name: Caps Lock, Num Lock (Num Lk), Scroll Lock (Scr Lk).

On laptops with fewer keys, the Caps Lock key is located in the same place as on a 101-key keyboard. The Num Lock key is mostly found with F11, and the Scroll Lock key is found with F12. To enter Num Lock or Scroll Lock mode, press the Fn key, which is located in the lower left corner, and, without releasing it, press the Num Lock or Scroll Lock key, depending on which mode is required.

Let's take a closer look at these 3 modes.

Quick navigation

1 part

The Caps Lock key (translated as “locking capital letters”) is located on the left of the keyboard. If you do not press Caps Lock (i.e. the light is not on) and go into a text editor (for example, Word or), then when entering text, all letters (both English and Russian) will be displayed small.

If you press Caps Lock (the light, or rather, the indicator light is on), then when entering text, the letters will be displayed in capitals (large). In this mode, when you press the Shift key, lowercase (small) letters will be displayed (the exact opposite action to what is done in normal mode, when the Caps Lock light is not lit).

Caps Lock mode (or capital letter mode) is convenient when entering text consisting of such letters. To enter one large letter, it is more convenient, of course, to press the Shift key and, without releasing it, press the key with the image of the corresponding letter.

The Tab key is located above the Caps Lock key. When editing texts, Tab is mainly used to move to the next tab stop, that is, after pressing Tab, the cursor moves immediately to a specified number of positions. In other programs, its functionality may change, for example, Tab can switch between query fields, etc.

The Esc key (Escape – “to run away, escape”) is located above the Tab key and is used mainly to cancel an action.

part 2

The Num Lock key (translated as “locking numbers”) is located on the right side of the keyboard. It is responsible for the operation of the small numeric keypad in 2 modes: if the Num Lock indicator is on (i.e., pressed the Num Lock key), then the small numeric keypad operates in the mode of entering numbers from 0 to 9 and dots.

If the Num Lock indicator is not lit, then the small numeric keypad operates in cursor control mode (up, down, right, left arrows, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown). Read more about the Num Lock key here.

The Delete or Del key is primarily used to delete characters to the right of the cursor. The Backspace key ("step back") or long left above the Enter key basically deletes the character to the left of the cursor.

I know that some users prefer the Delete key when deleting characters, while others prefer the Backspace key. It's all a matter of habit.

The Insert or Ins key is primarily used to switch between two character input modes:

input with character expansion (insert mode) and
input with the replacement of previously typed characters, that is, a new text is entered, while the “old” text is automatically erased (replacement mode).
In Microsoft Word 2007, Insert/Replace mode is disabled by default. Apparently, this was done on purpose, since accidentally pressing the Insert key led in earlier versions of Word to turn on the replacement mode, when the old text was deleted and a new one was entered in its place.

To enable insert/replace mode in Microsoft Word 2007, click the Office button (round in the upper left corner). In the window that opens, click the “Word Options” button. Then select the “Advanced” tab, in the “Editing Options” section, check the box next to “Use the INS key to switch insert and replace modes.”

As noted above, the Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, up, down, left and right arrow keys are called cursor keys. Clicking on them, as a rule, leads to moving the cursor in the desired direction or to “flipping through” what is on the screen.

Pressing the Home and End keys basically moves the cursor to the beginning and end of the line, respectively.

Pressing the PageUp (page up) and PageDown (page down) keys scrolls the contents of the screen, for example, when editing a document, page up or page down.

Part 3

Scroll Lock (on the top right of the keyboard) - was widely used in the early 80s, when there was no mouse manipulator. When the “Scroll Lock” mode was turned on, the cursor keys performed the function of moving the screen (up, down, left, right).

When the Scroll Lock mode is disabled, then the cursor keys work in the usual mode for us - changing the cursor position (up, down, left, right). Now the effect of this button can be seen, for example, in Excel spreadsheets. If you start Excel and press Scroll Lock, then the cursor keys will move the table, not the individual selected cell.

In general, the Scroll Lock key in different programs can work the way it is programmed.

Computer literacy exercises:

  1. Enter Russian and English letters in a text editor with the Caps Lock indicator on. Repeat the same while holding down the Shift key. Pay attention to which letters are displayed: lowercase or uppercase.
  2. We are currently typing with the Caps Lock indicator turned off. Then we type while holding Shift. When are lowercase and when are uppercase letters entered?
  3. Let's look at the Num Lock operating mode. When does the small digital keyboard operate in the mode of entering numbers 0, 1, ..., 9 and dots, and when in the cursor control mode?
  4. Copy the text of this task into a text editor on your PC, place the cursor in the middle of the text and check how to delete characters using the Delete and Backspace keys. When are characters deleted to the left of the cursor, and when to the right of it?
  5. Try out the Insert key. If you have Word 2007, then you may need to first make the necessary settings to enable this mode. Place the cursor in the middle of the text, click Insert and enter the text. What happens in this case: inserting characters or replacing them (deleting old ones and entering new characters in their place)?
  6. You might want to check out the little-used Scroll Lock key. You don't need a mouse here. We go into Excel spreadsheets, enter in the middle cell, for example, the number 100. Press the Scroll Lock key, and you can use the arrows (up, down, left, right) to move around the table. It turns out to be a keyboard analogue of how a mouse works when moving inside an Excel window.
  7. In a text editor, look at the action of the Home, End, up, down, left, right arrow keys within two or three lines, and at the PageUp, PageDown actions within 2 or more screen pages.
  8. Copy a few lines into a text editor. Place the cursor at the beginning of the text and press the Tab key. If everything was done correctly, then the text should start with the “red line”.