How to write backslash on the keyboard. Where is the forward slash on the keyboard? Slash and backslash: milestones along the way

What is a slash and in what cases is it used?

The answer to this question is given in the material below.


A slash is a typewritten character in the form of a slash, directed from left to right or from right to left.

It is usually depicted slightly higher than other capital letters, with the upper part extending beyond the line line.

You can type this character using the key located under the Backspace button.

With the Russian keyboard layout, you can type the “\” sign without holding down the Shift button, or the “/” sign while holding it.

The key for printing the “/” sign is also located at the top of the number block.

And in addition, such a character can be printed using the “.” button. with an English keyboard layout and without holding down Shift.


There are two types of slashes. They are printed using different keys and have different meanings in printing and areas of application.

  1. The forward slash is indicated by a "/" and is used much more often than the second type;
  2. Backslash is indicated by "\"/

Both symbols are widely used and are used in a wide variety of areas. They can, depending on the purpose, occur either separately or together, and be placed either one at a time (/) or two at a time (//).

Triple slashes, forward or backward, are almost never used.

<Рис. 2 Прямой слэш>

Scope of application

Where is this symbol used? It is not very common in the Russian language and appears much less frequently in Russian-language texts than in English-language ones.

However, sometimes it can be used to prepare certain documents.

Where else is slash found?

  • Both backslashes and forward slashes are often found in the texts of links to Internet sites, separating one part of the link from another (site/page/section, etc.);
  • In Russian-language text, this symbol (in its direct form) serves as an indicator of variability, that is, it can replace the word “or”, and sometimes also “and” (for example, price/quality);
  • The symbol is often used to create emoji;
  • Most often, it is used when creating page scripts, manually writing application codes and elements, when laying out a web resource, etc. In this case, it has the function of separating one part of the code from another;
  • In mathematics it can replace the division sign;
  • It is also actively used as a fraction sign when writing indices, numbers, etc.;
  • Occurs in outdated or incorrect abbreviations, such as railway (instead of railway);
  • Older typewriters may not have had bracket keys. Therefore, before the widespread use of computers and the classical keyboard, such a symbol often replaced parentheses;
  • When giving poetic quotations, the symbol is placed in the place where the line ends (when the poem is written in a line, and not in a column);
  • The symbol is also placed in bibliographic data to separate the title of a book from information about its author or compiler;
  • The double slash “//” is used in the same case, but when we are talking about a periodical and you need to separate the title of the article from the title of the periodical itself;
  • This is how years that differ from calendar ones in duration are marked (for example, the 2010/11 academic year);
  • It is sometimes used when designating dates (for example, 02/12/17), but this approach is more common in the USA, while in Russia it is considered outdated and undesirable;
  • Found in rooms in corner houses.

Until recently, the symbol was used extremely rarely. Its use in the text was almost never allowed.

A slash is a character that can be typed on a computer keyboard. It is used in the Internet, Windows system, programming, mathematics and Russian language. This symbol is also called a slash and looks like a straight line inclined to the right:

And a line tilted in the other direction is called a backslash:

How to type slash on keyboard

Initially, the Russian keyboard did not have this symbol, since it was mainly used in Internet addresses and programming, and there you need to type only in English letters. But over time, slash and backslash appeared in the Russian layout, as they began to be used in texts.

The slash is located in several places on the keyboard:

  • Near the right Shift key on the English keyboard
  • In the numeric part of the keyboard, regardless of layout and case
  • Above the Enter button or to the left of it (you need to type together with Shift)

The backslash is usually found to the left of or above the Enter button. It can also be between the left Shift and the letter Z (Z).

How else can you type slash and backslash?

There is an alternative way to type these characters. First you need to make sure NumLock is enabled. To do this, simply try typing numbers through the right numeric part of the keyboard. If they will not be typed, then you need to press the NumLock button once.

To type a slash, hold down the Alt key and type 4 then 7 on the numeric keypad, then release Alt.

Backslash can be typed in the same way, but instead of 4 and 7, type 9 and 2

Using a slash

In the Internet . The slash is used in the addresses of Internet resources: the name of any site begins with “http://” or “https://”. Depending on the nesting of the page, there will be more slashes (, since the / sign is a separator in the address.

In russian language . The slash replaces the prepositions “and”, “or”, and also denotes a single complex concept, for example: the problem of constructive/destructive conflicts for the purpose of buying/selling. This symbol is also used to designate any quantities and their ratios, both in full and abbreviated forms, for example: dollar/ruble, centner/hectare, kilogram/meter.

In mathematics. The slash denotes the division operation and has the same meaning as a colon and a horizontal bar.

The slash is used in this meaning mainly in computer programs ah, for example, in Excel.

Other Applications. The slash is also used in programming, and is also a typographical symbol and is used when indicating references to literary sources, breaking text into lines (quoting poetry), and indicating dates.

Where is backslash used?

In mathematics. The backslash means set difference. For example, A\B in the language of mathematics means the set of elements that are not included in B, but are included in A.

On a Windows system. The backslash is used to separate directories, which is why this character cannot be used in file names.

For example, the path in the system D:\Photo\2015\Walk means that you need to open the “Walk” folder, which is located in the “2015” folder, and that, in turn, in “Photos” on drive D.

Hello! Today we’ll talk to you about what slash is. This is the key that is responsible for entering the corresponding character – “/”. Looking at the keyboard, few can immediately find it; usually it is “hidden” either near the “Shift” key on the right, or just below the “Enter” if it is L-shaped. It is accepted that the slash is located on the key, which, when entered on the Russian keyboard, puts a period in the sentence.

In order to enter a slash character, you need to switch to the English layout, and then press the corresponding key without any “Shift” or other additional buttons. In the classic layout there are two keys - slash and backslash (backslash), which looks like a button with the designation “\”. Often on the same button in new versions of keyboards there is also a regular slash and some other characters, but we are not interested in them yet.

In some layouts, most often on laptops, there is a function for entering a slash without switching to the English layout. By holding down “Shift” and entering a character from it, we will get a slash without switching languages.

Where is the slash used?

Longtime computer users probably remember the days of working in DOS. They most likely won’t have to be reminded what a slash is and why it is needed, they already know everything perfectly well. For those who have not encountered this, the slash is used in many cases.

For example, when it is necessary to put a fraction (division) sign, to indicate the correlation of concepts (instead of using and/or, etc.), for spelling abbreviations, as a division operator in many well-known programming languages, and so on. Working in DOS, many are accustomed to the functionality of the “/” key, which, for example, separates folder names when entering a directory. In programming, this button is simply irreplaceable and is used very often.

What is the difference between slash and backslash?

The backslash is usually located above the Enter key. Unlike the slash "/", it has the reverse form "\". This symbol is used to denote the mathematical function of set difference. It may have other specific roles in the construction of the text, everything here may depend on its specifics, but the backslash is not used as often as a regular slash. It can also often be used in various games when working with a console.

Under no circumstances should these two keys be confused, for example, when entering a code or directory. Sometimes when entering an address, the browser itself recognizes the error and replaces the backslashes with slashes. However, the purposes of these signs are completely different, and this must be remembered.

If we go to any drive, we will see “D:\”, and if we go to the site http:// site, you and I can notice that the slashes are different. You must understand this.

So, now you know what the slash key is, how to find it on the keyboard, what this sign is used for. In fact, there are many uses for it, much more than described above. This button carries enormous functionality, and therefore it is far from superfluous in the layout.

That's all I have for now!

Sooner or later, any person who uses a computer is faced with the concept of slash. For some people who are starting to learn computers, this raises questions when they encounter this word in a text or conversation, because they do not know what a slash or backslash is. You come across it regularly, you just don’t know that it’s called that. To fill this gap in knowledge, this note was written.

A slash is a special icon that looks like “/”. In other words, in Russian it is called a “slash” (a line inclined to the right), and the name slash is taken from the English word slash. Although the name of this sign depends on the area in which it is used, for example, in the computer field it is customary to say a slash, and if we are talking about house numbers or mathematics, then they say a fraction. The slash is often used in publishing.

There is one subtle point here, this word has other meanings, one of which has a somewhat piquant meaning, but then slash is more often used. Be careful not to get confused.

Perhaps, let’s immediately talk about the backslash or backslash “\”. As the name suggests, the icon is a reverse slash. In other words, “backslash” (a line tilted to the left) and, accordingly, backslash in English. In addition to computer technology, it is also used in mathematics.

How to enter slash and backslash from the keyboard

Everything here is very simple, separate keys are allocated for them, and sometimes several. Just find the key with the corresponding icons. Usually they should be looked for next to the Enter key and right Shift, although they can additionally be located next to the left Shift. There is also usually a slash on a key with a period, or you can use the division key on an additional numeric keypad.

So there is a wide choice of ways to enter a slash from the keyboard. The main thing to remember is that the resulting character depends on the keyboard layout used at a given time and whether the Shift key is pressed or not.

Why do we need slash and backslash?

We will consider their use only in the context of computers and without regard to their use in programming languages. Therefore, probably most often ordinary computer users encounter slashes in URL addresses on the Internet. Here it is found in two forms at once. Simply "/" separates directories in the path, and the double slash "//" at the beginning of the address serves to separate the communication protocol used from the URL itself.


Those who use the Windows command line know that a forward slash is used before command keys.

Also, no one canceled it for division operations when you calculate something on a software calculator.

In UNIX-like operating systems and MAC OS, the slash is used to separate directories in file and folder paths.


In Windows, backslash is used for the same purpose.


It also separates sections in the Windows registry. Perhaps the average computer user no longer encounters backslashes, since we are not considering programming here.

Despite the similarity of these two symbols, they are not interchangeable and should not be confused. Therefore, be careful when entering them from the keyboard.

The origin of the slash dates back to the times of the Roman Empire. In the early stages of modern times, in Fraktur, which was widespread throughout Europe in the Middle Ages, the slash (/) was used instead of a comma, while the double slash (//) was used instead of a dash. The double slash eventually evolved into a symbol similar to the equal sign (=), and was later further simplified to a dash or hyphen.
Bob Boehmer introduced the backslash (\) into the ASCII character set on September 18, 1961, as a result of studying the frequency of use of characters encountered particularly in ALGOL programs. At the same time, square brackets were included in the standard along with the backslash.
Specifically, \ was introduced so that ALGOL's Boolean operators AND and OR could be represented using ASCII characters as "/\" and "\/" respectively [ , ].
How did it happen that the historically Orthodox slash was replaced by its mirror image, introduced as an auxiliary symbol specifically for an already dead language?

The Russian-language Wikipedia says this:
In DOS and Windows operating systems from Microsoft and their analogues from other developers, backslashes are used to separate directory names when specifying the path to a file. The forward slash used for this in Unix could not be used in MS-DOS because it was already used to specify command line options (a legacy from CP/M, where the MS-DOS command “dir /w” was written as “dir” /w").

Since this explanation did not satisfy me too much, I had to find the article “ Why is the DOS path character "\"?", which completely satisfied my curiosity. Free translation of selected parts performed by me:
The fact that the "/" character conflicted with the path separator of another relatively popular OS was not directly related to the developers - after all, DOS did not support directories, just files in the same root directory.
For MS-DOS 2.0 (which introduced directory support), DOS designers chose a hybrid version - they already had drive names inherited from DOS 1.0, so the developers had to use them. And in addition to the drive names, they decided to use a *nix-style method of defining directory hierarchy - instead of using the directory in the filename (as was done in VMS and DEC-20), they simply made the directory and filename integral parts of the path. But there was a problem with this. It was not possible to use the *nix path separator (/) because the slash was already used as a key separator.
What were they supposed to do? They certainly could have used "." like DEC, but the dot was already used as a separator between the file name and extension. Therefore, they chose the best option from the remaining ones - the "\" character, which was visually similar to "/". This is how the "\" character was chosen to separate paths in DOS.
By the way, there is a little secret about MS-DOS. The DOS developers were not happy with this state of affairs - they used Xenix for mail and other things, so they were familiar with the *nix command structure. So they added to the OS the ability to accept both "/" and "\" as path separators (this still works today, by the way - try running "notepad c:/boot.ini" under XP (if your user has admin rights)) . Further more. They added an undocumented system call to change the key separator character. And we updated the utilities to support this flag. They even added a parameter to config.sys, SWITCHAR, which will allow the user to set the key delimiter to "-". Thus, it was possible to turn MS-DOS into a *nix-style OS using "-switch", and paths separated by "/".

What exactly is this all about?

The following situation prompted me to look into this topic.
The task was set to set up a reporting system for automated tests. We use two types of tests – Selenium (functional) and Jmeter (load). Actually, there was nothing complicated about this - for these purposes there is quite an open-source project called logging selenium and a plugin for maven - chronos. Having configured everything and tested the reports locally, I set about integrating with our CI - TeamCity. It was here that the very surprise that became the reason for writing this article awaited me.
After running all the tests, the Selenium test report looked like this:

Everything was displayed perfectly, and there were no differences from the local version.
But the report that was displayed for Jmeter tests was not encouraging:

All the images on the page were completely missing.
After viewing the source code of the page, it became clear that backslash was to blame. Links to images were provided in this format:

To be fair, the images were missing in Firefox, but were displayed perfectly in IE. Although, if IE had not displayed resources in URIs containing a backslash, as a path separator for Windows, then another hole would have formed in the already tarnished reputation of Indian programmers.

In general, after some thought, it became clear that somewhere inside chronos "a File.separator is used, which is to blame for the appearance of backslashes in resource paths and problems with displaying graphs in reports. Download the plugin sources and correct the corresponding line in which URL was generated, solved the problem and made it possible to enjoy the beautiful graphs that are generated based on the results of running JMeter tests.

In conclusion, I would like to warn against thoughtless use of the native File.separator - this does not always lead to cross-platform functionality, and in some cases it can even cause new bugs. An ordinary slash works in Windows (often), works in *nix, Java, and finally it should be respected at least by right of seniority, since it is one and a half thousand years older than its mirror brother.

P.S.: Thanks to the hubbrowser

A computer keyboard, in addition to typing letters and numbers, is equipped with a large number of additional keys. Let's look at what a slash is and why it is needed. Slash is a key used to enter the slash character "/". In order to print this character, you should switch to the English layout, which has two buttons - slash and backslash, which are lines slanted to the left and to the right.

For the convenience of users, laptops have a function for entering slashes without turning on the English layout.

Using a slash

Users familiar with the DOS operating system know very well how much the slash means and what it is needed for:

  • The slash is required to indicate division. It also replaces the fraction sign;
  • With its help, you can establish the relationship of concepts;
  • Slashes are used for spelling abbreviations;
  • This sign is accepted as the division operator and is widely used in various programming languages;
  • The slash is used when writing link addresses. It makes it very easy to specify the location of the desired web page to load it in the browser.
  • The slash is used to separate folder and directory names.

The forward slash is widely used in mathematics. It serves as an excellent separator in logical structures. In DOS, it is used to redirect output streams to input streams or other pipes. Using a straight line is convenient for drawing tables. It is indispensable in programming languages ​​as a symbol for a conditional jump.

Backslash concept

A very common variation of the slash is the backslash. This symbol has an inverse form and is used to denote the set difference function. It can play other roles in the construction of the text. What the slash means in context depends only on the specifics of the information. Backslash is often used in all kinds of games and when working with consoles.

It should not be confused with the forward slash when entering a directory code or using one of the programming languages. Sometimes, if you type in an error, the browser itself is able to recognize the error and replace the backslash with the correct slash. Every computer user should know and remember the difference between these signs.

Other concepts can be found in the section.

What is a slash and in what cases is it used?

The answer to this question is given in the material below.


A slash is a typewritten character in the form of a slash, directed from left to right or from right to left. It is usually depicted slightly higher than other capital letters, with the upper part extending beyond the line line.

You can type this character using the key located under the Backspace button. With the Russian keyboard layout, you can type the “\” sign without holding down the Shift button, or the “/” sign while holding it.

The key for printing the “/” sign is also located at the top of the number block. And in addition, such a character can be printed using the “.” button. with an English keyboard layout and without holding down Shift.


There are two types of slashes. They are printed using different keys and have different meanings in printing and areas of application.

  1. The forward slash is indicated by a "/" and is used much more often than the second type;
  2. Backslash is indicated by "\"/

Both symbols are widely used and are used in a wide variety of areas. They can, depending on the purpose, occur either separately or together, and be placed either one at a time (/) or two at a time (//). Triple slashes, forward or backward, are almost never used.

Scope of application

Where is this symbol used? It is not very common in the Russian language and appears much less frequently in Russian-language texts than in English-language ones. However, sometimes it can be used to prepare certain documents.

Where else is slash found?

  • Both backslashes and forward slashes are often found in the texts of links to Internet sites, separating one part of the link from another (site/page/section, etc.);
  • In Russian-language text, this symbol (in its direct form) serves as an indicator of variability, that is, it can replace the word “or”, and sometimes also “and” (for example, price/quality);
  • The symbol is often used to create emoji;
  • Most often, it is used when creating page scripts, manually writing application codes and elements, when laying out a web resource, etc. In this case, it has the function of separating one part of the code from another;
  • In mathematics it can replace the division sign;
  • It is also actively used as a fraction sign when writing indices, numbers, etc.;
  • Occurs in outdated or incorrect abbreviations, such as railway (instead of railway);
  • Older typewriters may not have had bracket keys. Therefore, before the widespread use of computers and the classical keyboard, such a symbol often replaced parentheses;
  • When giving poetic quotations, the symbol is placed in the place where the line ends (when the poem is written in a line, and not in a column);
  • The symbol is also placed in bibliographic data to separate the title of a book from information about its author or compiler;
  • The double slash “//” is used in the same case, but when we are talking about a periodical and you need to separate the title of the article from the title of the periodical itself;
  • This is how years that differ from calendar ones in duration are marked (for example, the 2010/11 academic year);
  • It is sometimes used when designating dates (for example, 02/12/17), but this approach is more common in the USA, while in Russia it is considered outdated and undesirable;
  • Found in rooms in corner houses.

Until recently, the symbol was used extremely rarely. Its use in the text was almost never allowed. However, everything changed with the release in 20046 of the new “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation”, in which the sign was classified as a non-letter designation (along with the hyphen and dash).

A computer keyboard, in addition to typing letters and numbers, is equipped with a large number of additional keys. Let's look at what a slash is and why it is needed. Slash is a key used to enter the slash character "/". In order to print this character, you should switch to the English layout, which has two buttons - slash and backslash, which are lines slanted to the left and to the right.

For the convenience of users, laptops have a function for entering slashes without turning on the English layout.

Using a slash

Users familiar with the DOS operating system know very well how much the slash means and what it is needed for:

  • The slash is required to indicate division. It also replaces the fraction sign;
  • With its help, you can establish the relationship of concepts;
  • Slashes are used for spelling abbreviations;
  • This sign is accepted as the division operator and is widely used in various programming languages;
  • The slash is used when writing link addresses. It makes it very easy to specify the location of the desired web page to load it in the browser.
  • The slash is used to separate folder and directory names.

The forward slash is widely used in mathematics. It serves as an excellent separator in logical structures. In DOS, it is used to redirect output streams to input streams or other pipes. Using a straight line is convenient for drawing tables. It is indispensable in programming languages ​​as a symbol for a conditional jump.

Backslash concept

A very common variation of the slash is the backslash. This symbol has an inverse form and is used to denote the set difference function. It can play other roles in the construction of the text. What the slash means in context depends only on the specifics of the information. Backslash is often used in all kinds of games and when working with consoles.

It should not be confused with the forward slash when entering a directory code or using one of the programming languages. Sometimes, if you type in an error, the browser itself is able to recognize the error and replace the backslash with the correct slash. Every computer user should know and remember the difference between these signs.

Other concepts can be found in the section.

Quite a large community, which includes mainly young people. However, many newcomers who just want to join this divine subculture are at a loss, periodically discovering various incomprehensible expressions and terms. Add our website to your bookmarks and you will find answers to most of your questions. Today we will talk about a word popular in narrow circles, this Slash, which means you can read it a little later. However, before continuing, I would like to advise you to read a couple more articles on the topic of anime slang. For example, what does OOS mean, how to understand Yiff, what Shotakon is, what does the word Baka mean, etc.
So let's continue What does Slash mean?? This term was borrowed from English" slash", and is translated as "whip", "reduce", "reduce", "slash".

Slash- this is the name of a special genre of fan fiction (amateur works), in which the plot “revolves” around a pair of male characters who experience sexual or romantic attraction to each other. Usually they are “taken” from fairly popular books, and in the original they do not have an obvious homosexual orientation. If the work describes the love of two female characters, then this genre is called femslash

R.P.S.(real person slash) - this is a slash about real people

Everyone Is Gay(everyone is a member of the LGBT community) - in this fanfic, every character is a homosexual, and there are no explanations on the part of the author, regardless of what is said about this in the canon itself.

The header of a slash fanfic may contain the following information: