Additional features - how to find out the balance of another Beeline subscriber. An example of how the service works. Price for using “Balance of loved ones” on MegaFon

An unpleasant situation for the subscriber cellular communications is the point at which access to all services is terminated. In this case, it is impossible to call or send a message, go out worldwide network, which we need today like air. Users most often find themselves in such situations when they run out of money on their balance. mobile phone. It is not always possible to control the phone balance, so people forget about the time when it needs to be topped up. For such purposes, Megafon has created a whole line of services to help subscribers in such cases. For example, there is a service Megafon Balance of loved ones.

In addition, there are similar services " Live Balance", which displays the amount of money on the screen, as well as " Promised payment" But in this review we will get acquainted with the service “ Balance of loved ones", its terms of provision, operating principle, and other features.

The name of the service in question from the Megafon company tells us that when connected, users get access to information about the availability of money on the phone balance loved one. This function allows you to check the balance of relatives or other people yourself. It allows you to top up your phone balance online in advance and prevent possible blocking. cellular services when spending funds.

This option is convenient for monitoring money on the phone of children and pensioners. If access to communication is disabled, they should be able to contact you and ask for a balance replenishment. When connecting the option " Balance of loved ones", this data will be available to you around the clock.

The principle of operation of “Balance of Loved Ones”

To have an idea how to use this function, you need to understand its operating principle. When discussing the issue of controlling the phone balance of loved ones, you need to decide on the names that the Megafon operator uses. There are two main concepts here: “ ward" And " guardian", for which there is a definition:

  1. Entitled " ward» Megafon understands a subscriber who has agreed to provide access to information about his phone balance so that another person can view it at any time.
  2. « Guardian"Megafon company names a cellular user who has the right to find out at any time detailed information about the presence of money on the balance of another person’s phone.

How much does the Megafon loved ones balance service cost?

When familiarizing yourself with any service or option mobile operator, attention is always paid to the cost and expenses of the subscriber’s money during use. Option " Balance of loved ones» from Megafon does not imply any payment in its terms. It is free when you connect and use it in your work. In addition, sending text messages and USSD requests to set up this feature are also free.

It should be noted that competing mobile operators in Russia they provide subscribers with similar services in their range of options. But they set a certain fee for the opportunity provided.

Megafon Balance of loved ones - how to connect

The operation of connecting this service must be performed on the mobile phone whose balance you want to access. remote control. For example, if you want to access information about your son's account status, then activating " Balance of loved ones” must be executed on his mobile phone.

Therefore, first you need to register with " Service guide» in your personal account on official internet Megafon resource. Registration in this system occurs in one of two options:

  1. If this number phone will manage and control the balance of another phone, then the access level is called “ Subscriber management».
  2. If your number is controlled by another person, then your access in your Personal Account will be called “ Account management».

By enabling this function, " ward"You also need to configure its operation and define a list of " guardians".

If you have not figured out how to use this service yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the nearest Megafon customer service office and ask the consultants to explain to you the operation of this service. Connect you this service they won’t be able to, since it’s done from the phone “ ward" If he is present with you, then you will be helped in connecting the option.
  2. Through Personal Area or a mobile application similar in function, it is also not possible to activate the option “ Balance of loved ones».
  3. The help desk operator can only advise you about the operation of the service and tell you how to work with it. But you must activate it yourself, together with “ wards" You can call the operator using a short number 0500 from the Megafon network, or by number 8800-5505000 With home phone or any mobile device cellular network. The call will be free. To connect, you will first need to listen to the automatic informant’s prompts, and then press the desired button to connect to the operator.

How to find out the balance of loved ones on Megafon

After activating the service, you need to configure it, which should also be done on the “ward’s” phone. It is made by sending short commands in the form of USSD requests and text messages. For each configuration operation performed, two execution options are defined: USSD request or sending an SMS message.

To use USSD requests, there are following commands settings:

  1. To add a "guardian" please submit a request * 438 * 1 * “guardian phone number” #.
  2. To remove the "guardian" send the command * 438 * 2 * “guardian phone number” #.
  3. To deactivate the option and delete the entire list of “guardians”, send * 438 * 3 # .
  4. To request a list of "guardians", send the command * 438 * 4 # .
  5. View general information about the service can be done by command * 438 # .

The above requests are sent by pressing the call button.

To use sending text messages to a number 000006 To configure the system, the following commands are used:

  1. To add a "guardian" send to specified number text "+ guardian's phone number».
  2. To remove the “guardian”, send a similar text “ - guardian's phone number».
  3. To turn off " Balance of loved ones" and deleting the entire list " guardians", send text " OFF" or " D».
  4. Sending a request for a list of “guardians” is done using the text “ LIST" or " L».
  5. To receive introductory information about this service, send a blank message.

Function " Balance of loved ones» will be disabled in automatic mode when deleting last issue « guardian».

To determine the balance of the “ward” phone, dial the USSD request * 100 * “ward phone number” #, and press the call button. The “ward” number must be indicated in ten-digit format, without the first digit “ 8 " or " +7 ».

Attention : in all cases of sending requests, the codes specified for sending are typed without quotes.

Option " Balance of loved ones» can work on all tariffs of the Megafon operator, with the exception of corporate tariff plans. Data on the phone balance can be obtained even if the ward’s number is blocked.

An alternative way to determine the balance of another Megafon number

If you have a SIM card installed in your mobile device not from the Megafon operator, but from another cellular network, you can also check the balance of another loved one who is registered in the Megafon network. For these purposes, several convenient and useful mobile applications, For example, " Any Balance", or " Balance Info».

There are other applications that may be free or paid. They can be found in online stores Play market, App Store or Windows Store, depending on what you have mobile device. If you have a smartphone based on the Android system, then look for applications in the Play Market, if you use an Apple iPhone, then go to search in App Store, and if you have a new device on Windows system, then you will need an online store Windows Store.

The main advantage of these applications is the ability to control the phone balance large number numbers, regardless of the type of operator. Many applications also allow you to check your payment balance. bank cards. You only need to choose convenient application, and you will be able to control the balance of another person’s phone, regardless of the type of their cellular network.

How to disable the Balance of loved ones Megafon

The service will be disabled automatically when all “guardians” are removed from the phone number, which is done by the command * 438 * 3 # by pressing the call button, or sending a message to the number 000006 with the text " OFF" or " D", as stated above in the service control commands. You can delete the numbers of “guardians” one by one.

If you find it difficult to understand self-shutdown operation of the service, contact a support specialist whose telephone numbers were listed above. He will give you advice on this issue, but he will not be able to delete all guardians, since this must be done from the “ward’s” phone.

In addition, you can get similar advice in communication shops or operator service offices. At reactivation services, you will have to repeat the entire system setup again, including specifying the “guardian” numbers. However, the service will continue to be provided free of charge.

We all know how frustrating it is when suddenly access to further use of cellular services is suddenly blocked. We are left with neither the opportunity to make a call, nor send an SMS message, nor even access the Internet, without which a comfortable existence in the 21st century is simply unimaginable. Unfortunately, in similar situations Sometimes we get caught, and the reason for this is often the lack of funds in the account.

Yes, keeping track of up-to-date information about your account balance is not the most interesting thing, which is why most people often forget about when it’s time to top up their account. However, MegaFon has taken care of creating a whole list of services that allow you to avoid such troubles. This is automatic display up-to-date information about the account status on the phone display after making calls, and the promised payment service.

But today we will pay attention to the “Balance of Loved Ones” service from MegaFon, which is also worthy of the right to a separate material on our information portal, which will cover the basic conditions, benefits and management options additional offer from the operator.

Why do you need the “Lovely Ones Balance” option from MegaFon?

Name of this additional service already speaks for itself, and explains that when activated, clients can access data on the current account balance of loved ones. This opportunity allows you to independently check the accounts of relatives and close people, which will allow you to remote mode deposit funds into your account in a timely manner and avoid possible blocking access to use services in case of exhaustion of all funds.

This service is very convenient for monitoring the account balance of children, as well as elderly relatives, because if services are blocked, they need to somehow contact you and inform you about the need to replenish the account, and when you activate the “Balance of Loved Ones” service, this information will already be available you are available 24/7.

How the service works

In order to understand how to use this option, you need to understand how it works.

In the operation of checking the account of a loved one, it is necessary to understand the terms assigned by MegaFon to subscribers: “guardian” and “ward”. The following explanation applies to these terms:

  • The term “ward” conventionally means a subscriber who provides open access to your account for viewing at any time;
  • “Guardian,” in turn, the company decided to call a subscriber who can view at any time detailed information about the account status of another subscriber.

Price for using “Balance of loved ones” on MegaFon

Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the financial side of the issue of using the option in question.

The “Lovely Ones Balance” option is absolutely free for both connection and further use. Even SMS messages and sent commands to configure the option are available for use free of charge.

It is noteworthy that MegaFon's competitors in the Russian cellular market also have similar offers as part of their services, but they charge for their use additional fee.

How to activate the MegaFon “Balance of Loved Ones” service

The activation procedure for the add-on in question. options must be made on the phone number whose account information you want to open for remote viewing. That is, if you want to have access to information about your child’s account balance, for example, the service must be activated on his phone.

Thus, the first step is to register in the “Service Guide”, which is carried out in the personal account interface on the operator’s website. Registration in the system must be done with one of next levels access, called “Account Management” or “Subscriber Management”. You will find similar switches in the LC system.

Having activated the service, the “ward” also needs to configure it by setting up a list of “guardians”.

Using the “Balance of Loved Ones” service

Now that the service is enabled, you need to configure it, which is also done from the “ward” number. It is carried out using USSD requests and SMS messages. For each action performed, there are two initiation options, and they look like this:

  • Adding a “guardian” who will have access to information about the account balance: sending the “+” symbol to service number 000006 V SMS message, or entering a USSD request like *438*1*guardian phone number*;
  • You can delete a previously added “guardian” number by sending the “-” sign to the number 000006 or using request *438*2# ;
  • You can view the list of “guardians” added to the service by entering the USSD code *438*3# or when sending a message to the number 000006 with the text "LIST" or Latin letter"L";
  • Viewing current information about the status of the service: empty message on 000006 or USSD request like *438# .

It is worth emphasizing that all codes sent to a short service number must be sent without quotes.

As for the “guardians”, as well as how to find out the balance of loved ones on MegaFon, they need to remember the combination *100*phone number of the ward#. Ward number in in this case entered without "8".

How to disable the “Balance of Loved Ones” service on MegaFon

If you decide to deactivate the option, you can do this in three ways:

  • When entering a USSD request *438*3# ;
  • Sending a text message to 000006 with the content “OFF” or the Latin letter “D”;
  • By sequentially deleting all active “guardians” added to the service earlier.

By the way, the first two options noted in the list above perform automatic function deleting all connected “guardians”, after which the service is automatically disabled. If necessary reuse services, you will need to connect it again. Fortunately, even with reconnection“Balance of Loved Ones” service is provided for use completely free of charge.

Checking balance is one of them basic services operator Beeline. Every subscriber can find out the status of their account; to do this, simply dial the USSD command *102#. After a few seconds, the amount in the account will be displayed on the screen. Let's now find out how to find out the balance of another Beeline subscriber - this possibility can be implemented in several ways, we will talk about them in this article.

Call Help Desk

Now we will tell you how to find out the balance of another subscriber on Beeline. The easiest way is to call help desk by calling 0611. Wait for the consultant to respond, ask him a question and give him your phone number. The specialist will clarify who the number is issued to and issue necessary information . As a rule, passport data is not requested; it is enough to know the owner’s name.

You can find out the balance of another subscriber at the Beeline office. Visit the nearest one, tell the specialist the last name, first name and patronymic of the person to whom the number is registered and receive the requested information. It is very easy to clarify the location of offices - to do this, you need to visit the official website of the operator, which publishes a map of the location of customer service salons.

"Personal Area"

Next, we will tell you how to find out the balance of someone else’s number on Beeline. This method will be relevant for those who want to monitor the funds in the accounts of loved ones - for example, the accounts of parents, children, grandparents. For this we will use “Personal Account”. First you need to get a password - pick up your mobile phone and dial the USSD command *110*9#. After a few seconds, he will receive an SMS containing A temporary password . We enter the phone number and password in the authorization form, we get to the “Personal Account”.

Features of this tool:

  • You can find out the status personal account subscriber and top it up with a bank card;
  • Through the “Personal Account” it is convenient to track the balances of services - megabytes, minutes, SMS;
  • Can be controlled mobile subscriptions, work with services and options.

That is, this is the most handy tool to control your own and other people's numbers.

Service “Balance of loved ones”

You can check the balance of another Beeline subscriber in another way - using the “Balance of Loved Ones” service. This is the most convenient tool to achieve the above goal. The service will not only allow you to find out the balance on another Beeline number, but will also inform you that the threshold of 30 rubles has been reached - a great opportunity to control the accounts of loved ones. The service is provided without subscription fee and no fee for each inspection. You only need to pay for adding a number - it costs 5 rubles.

The system works as follows:

  • Add the number to be verified;
  • We are waiting for the subscriber’s consent;
  • Enter special team and receive a message with the status of your personal account.

One personal account can be controlled by up to three subscribers. Moreover, there is no reverse limit - you can find out the balance status on unlimited quantity numbers, paying only for their addition.

Let's see how to check the Beeline balance of another subscriber. First you need to add a phone number - this is done using the USSD command *131*5*number#. After that on specified phone number you will receive a notification requesting.

As soon as the request is confirmed, you can check your account status using the command *131*6*number# - the information will be transmitted from via SMS. Actions of the other party - when receiving a notification, dial the command *131*1*number#, indicating the number of the person who will receive information about the account status. In order to issue a ban, send *131*0*number#. If you want to know who can check your balance, dial *131*9#.

In order to completely disable the service and stop monitoring other people’s numbers, dial *131*9#.

An interesting opportunity for subscribers of other operators - you will also be able to find out the balance on Beeline numbers. But in this case, the service connection is performed on the side of the accounts being checked - dial *131*1*number#. This command specifies the phone number of another operator. Now this person will be able to check the account status.

Every user mobile communications knows how vital it is sometimes to have enough funds in his account to make a call. To do this, you just need to know exactly how to check balance on Beeline?

The cellular communication company has developed several verification options current balance accounts. In addition, the function of monitoring the account status of relatives - children or parents - is available.

Checking Beeline balance on your own phone

Most tariff plans operate on a prepaid system. For clients with this payment system, there are several ways to check the account status:

  1. Using the service, which is available even in national roaming, you can see your balance on the screen of your mobile phone in a matter of seconds. To do this, just enter the request *102# and press the “Call” button.
  2. To communicate with voice information service need to dial short number 0697 .
  3. Using personal profile on the official website, you can find out the Beeline balance on your phone and get call details for the billing period.
  4. The operator also provides a section in the Beeline SIM card menu. Usually, specified function supported on all phone models either in the "Main Menu" or "Games and Applications" category. After entering the “Beeline” menu, you need to go to the “My Beeline” option, then select the “My Balance” subcategory. The account status will be reflected in the Main Balance line.
  5. The company also took care of the owners iPhone devices and iPad, as well as smartphones on Android platform. To quickly and conveniently check your account status, you need to use special application"My Beeline." To download it for free, just use Play offer Market and AppStore.

Is it possible to establish control over the account status of another user? Often, the head of a company has a question about the need to control the funds spent by employees on communication services on work numbers. This same question interests many parents.

This function is included in the list of additional services provided. There is absolutely no need to collect your mobile phones and check your accounts; you don’t have to wait for a printout with the account details to arrive. For this purpose, the company provides the “Balance of Loved Ones” service.

Regardless of the current tariff package, you can use this option. It also works when in the “ National roaming" Checking your account will be available to those users you have entered into special list, allowing this action that can be performed with telephone numbers everyone Russian operators communications.

How to connect “Lovely Ones Balance” on Beeline

Not being basic in starter pack, this service must be additionally activated using any of the methods presented below.

  1. You simply add the number of the user you allow to track your account to the list of allowed ones. You need to perform a USSD request: *131*1* subscriber number #, “Call” key.
  2. This issue, like many others, can be resolved using the Beeline Personal Account application. After logging into the system and finding the required option, activate it. After this, enter the numbers whose subscribers will be allowed to check your account.
  3. A call to the technical support service at the Beeline operator number will also solve the problem: the operator will accept the request and activate the option.
  4. Employees of the nearest service center They will also help you resolve the issue if you provide them with identification. You can easily find the address of the SC by visiting the company’s website.

It will only take a few minutes to connect the service after receiving the application.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

When connecting, you will not have to pay anything, but each number added to the list will cost 5 rubles. Certain commands are provided to manage the service.

  1. To view the list of numbers allowed for account verification, dial the request *131*9*#, “Call” key. The entire list will be displayed on the gadget screen.
  2. To view the balance of another user, dial *131*6* subscriber number #, “Call” key.
  3. If you need to disconnect from the service, dial *131*0*#, “Call” key.

Like activation, deactivation of the service occurs almost immediately - a few minutes after the application is submitted.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information For any questions, please contact official operators.