PC operator job requirements. Operators. How to write the right resume for a job? A sample resume template and example will help you create a resume. Job responsibilities and personal qualities in a resume

A PC operator is a fairly necessary and in-demand profession, which, moreover, does not require any special abilities or education. Operators are needed in many places - in stores, warehouses; accountants, girls who type dictation, people working in specialized warehouse, logistics, accounting programs, and so on, are called PC operators. Salaries, as a rule, are low or average compared to the average level in the city - however, sometimes this modest title hides so many responsibilities that they are paid no worse than the work of the head of some department.

There are two main ways to become an operator: firstly, by taking special courses, and secondly, from an employer, if he or she hires a person without experience and knowledge and is ready to teach him.

You can take courses at your own expense, in some company that conducts them, or you can get a referral from the state employment exchange, which from time to time conducts various training events as part of the retraining of its students from the profession that they have, to one that will help them find a job. The latter option can only happen if the person is registered as unemployed and has been registered for a long time, and a vacancy for a PC operator is available.

What do they teach in the courses, and what does an operator need to know? In short, we can say this: “an operator is a person who knows how to use a computer.” The courses provide knowledge about how a computer works (system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse), operating systems, how to work in them, that is, they teach you how to use the most common, so to speak, basic programs (for example, Word, Excel, Notepad), explain what is the Internet and so on. Of course, in the modern world, most young people do not need courses - they already know all this, and often even better than the teachers of some courses. But with special programs it’s more difficult - to learn how to use them, you really need to either take courses or learn on the job.

For example, an international and very large company, whose branches operate under the name "Flextronics", uses various versions of the "Baan" program - it is used to record incoming spare parts, and to order new batches from suppliers, and for financial calculations. The program itself is not complicated; almost any student can study it in two weeks and with an instructor. Another thing is that it cannot be found outside the Flextronics factories, and there is no need to know it. Therefore, regional offices hire people who know how to use a computer in principle - and then teach them the necessary skills.

Another example is working as a PC operator in a supermarket and any store or warehouse where there are such vacancies. In many supermarkets there is such a position as “parish attendant”, which is beautifully written in the work book as “PC operator”. What does such a person do? Any store has a regular supply of goods (and the most experienced ones or those with a small budget order goods from suppliers often and in small quantities), which must be registered in the appropriate documents, and, if there is one, in a special program.

One of these programs is “Market”; there are different versions of it, from older ones to new ones that can do more and faster. Among other things, this program monitors the quantity of goods, what is sold and how much, when, it can also calculate what goods need to be ordered and when, it also sets prices for the goods sold (the program is connected to the cash registers in which people pay for their purchases). Often this program is handled by the operator - he registers in it new goods that have arrived from suppliers, sets the prices at which the goods will be sold (of course, prices are determined by management - the operator’s task is to set them in the program), provides price tags for sellers’ goods printed on paper, and makes reports for management, sometimes helps cashiers, types and prints documents such as applications for employment or dismissal... All this may be part of the work of a PC operator in a store, and only half of this will be officially the responsibility of the employee, and the second half will have to be done because that “a colleague asked” or “the boss ordered.”

An operator spends eight hours a day, or even longer, sitting in one place and looking at the monitor - this is a big strain on the eyes and on the spine. Often this profession involves working on weekends - especially in a store - and a shift work schedule. Also, not all employers warn about audits - and they are often carried out at night - and that the operator must participate in the audits.

Summarizing all of the above, a PC operator must be able to and be prepared for the following:

Work at a computer 8, 10, 12 hours a day, five to six days a week, or work in shifts (two working days, two days off, or at other intervals);
Be willing to work weekends and nights if necessary;
Be patient and attentive (a mistake in one comma when entering a price can cost your job - if the buyer buys at the wrong price and causes a scandal);
be able to work with office equipment (printer, fax, scanner);
be able to touch type;
know at least the basics of office work (for example, what a job application looks like);
and, most importantly, he must know exactly what he is ready to do and what he is not, and be confident enough in himself not to do other people's work to the detriment of his own.

Very often, in the process of searching for a job, we come across vacancies for “PC operator”. From the name you can understand that you will have to work with a computer. But nothing more is clear. What exactly does the employer mean by the words “PC Operator”, the responsibilities that await the applicant, the software that he will have to deal with - all this remains behind the screen of a short general phrase.

Who is a PC operator

This profession appeared almost simultaneously with the introduction of computers into use. The job responsibilities of a PC operator consisted previously (and continue to remain the same now) in maintaining information databases, entering various information into the computer memory and peripheral programs, printing documents and other actions that vary depending on the direction of work of the enterprise or organization in which the employee works . In most cases, such a profession does not even require a higher specialized education. The key requirement is the ability to use a computer, office equipment and special programs.

Where to get a job as a PC operator

At the moment, absolutely all organizations use electronic computing technology, that is, computers. In small companies there is usually no special need for operators, but companies with a medium-sized staff are very interested in such workers.

The direction of the enterprise rarely affects the need for such a professional unit as a PC operator. Responsibilities for entering information into the computer memory, coordinating primary documents with suppliers and clients, generating reports, storing and sorting information and filing cabinets, and tracking email are usually assigned to them. Pay for PC operators varies from 8 to 30 thousand rubles. On average this figure is 20 thousand.

PC operator: responsibilities and requirements

Often, a PC operator is not even required to have a higher specialized education. It is enough to prove to a potential employer that you are a skilled user of a computer, its peripheral devices (printer, scanner, copier) and programs such as MS Word, Excel, and various databases. In some cases, knowledge of 1C is required. Such skills can be acquired through various courses that last on average three months, and sometimes even less.

As for the requirements, they are universal for all professions: punctuality, responsibility, quick learning. Each organization has its own rules of record keeping, which means you still have to learn something on the spot. Someone will have to hand over the affairs to you, and also show you exactly what operations you will have to perform.

Career options

In a large organization, you can become a computer operator for receiving invoices from suppliers, issuing sales documents, and entering customer contact information into the database. The functional responsibilities of the PC operator in this case will be highly specific: posting goods in the 1C system, preparing documents for printing and transfer to customers, or contacting potential clients and adding them to a specific list for the managers of your company. The larger the staff, the more highly specialized vacancies the employer offers.

In small companies, the situation is somewhat more vague with the position of “PC Operator”. His responsibilities may include several types of work at once. It is not profitable for such a company to hire individual employees for each type of activity, since the workload is not so voluminous, and no one is going to pay for half a day of idleness. Therefore, here the responsibilities of a 1C PC operator can simultaneously include receiving and issuing documents, working with bank statements, and office work for the company, as well as some responsibilities of an office manager or secretary.

What is useful for a PC operator

The job of a PC operator is not “dusty”, but the pay is not as high as we would like. The operator is not always busy with work from morning until evening, but there are times when without him the functioning of the entire department, or even the company, stops. You will have to work a lot in front of a computer monitor, which means your eyes will get very tired. People with poor eyesight or eye problems are better off avoiding this profession altogether. But, on the other hand, where can you find a job without using a computer now? So it’s worth purchasing special glasses and not disdaining moisturizing eye drops. This really helps.

To gain confidence in your abilities, you should attend courses on office software. Of course, you will be told which buttons to press at your workplace, but you should have a general understanding of the functionality and capabilities of the software product. And qualified personnel who do not require constant interruption of other employees for training and correction of inaccuracies are valued much more highly. It will be more convenient for you too. The work will be done much faster with some experience, and time will be freed up for an extra cup of tea.

The term "operator" has a huge variety of meanings. This is also the name of a group of professions based on the management of operations performed by equipment or people. The operator profession is found in different fields of activity. What does the operator do? Let's talk about the main directions.

Photo, film and video operator

In this type of activity, the operator is directly involved in filming the story. This can be either video filming of various events, weddings, or photography for exhibitions, modeling agencies, and magazines. A cinematographer shoots films for film distribution.

In all cases, the operator's primary responsibility is to capture the image on film or digital media. The operator is responsible for the quality of the shooting - choosing the right lighting, choosing the point of view from which the shots will be taken, as well as for the subsequent application of special effects. He must know all the nuances of working with photographic and video equipment, be able to set them up correctly and select film in accordance with the desired result. To perform complex, high-quality work, one operator is usually not enough - an entire camera group is assembled, which carries out filming, headed by the chief director of photography.

PC operator

A User Computer Operator processes information on a computer in electronic form. What are his responsibilities?

  • Types and formats texts, tables, programs;
  • Monitors the condition and performance of various office equipment;
  • Sorts various materials and performs calculations.

It is easy to guess that to successfully work as such an operator, certain knowledge is required. You need to have an idea of ​​the computer as a technology as a whole, as well as of the various ciphers and encodings with which commands are given. You also need to be able to work with various standard applications and programs and navigate among the new additions that appear every day. Important in such a profession are personal qualities such as concentration, the ability to concentrate attention, switchability, reaction speed, good RAM, as well as the ability to type text quickly and without errors. There are also medical contraindications to such work - it is not recommended for people with reduced visual acuity, fatigue, or those who have joint problems, such as arthritis.

Production operator

Production operator is one of the broadest subgroups in the classification of this profession. This could be a chemical fiber manufacturing operator, an alloy manufacturing operator, a food processing line operator, and so on. But the main functional responsibilities in each case remain common. The production operator must:

  • be familiar with the technical equipment to which it is related - know the principles of its operation, possible malfunctions and imagine how the entire process of obtaining a particular product goes;
  • be able to prevent and correct possible technical problems with equipment;
  • have knowledge about the product that is produced with its help - about its purpose, the standards that must be observed to obtain the highest quality - observe the temperature regime, uniform supply of material;
  • launch the process of manufacturing a product on equipment manually or using remote control, monitor the progress of work and be able to respond to emergency situations. Including stopping the progress of work if necessary.

The production operator is responsible for the finished appearance and quality of the products produced.

Call center operator

A call center is a division in an organization that is responsible for informing clients about the services and activities of the company, and also responds to requests from clients to the company. It helps in solving the client’s questions and problems, and establishes contact between the client and the organization. The main goal of the call center is to help the client resolve the problem so that he is satisfied and does not refuse further cooperation. In this regard, call center operators are assigned such important responsibilities as:

  • knowledge of all current information relating to the company's activities. Possession and operation of knowledge about prices, current discounts, special offers and innovations. The operator must be aware of everything that is happening in the organization;
  • The operator must have communication skills and competent speech in order to skillfully negotiate with both the company’s existing clients and potential buyers. Its function is to retain the former and attract the latter.
  • the operator must have such qualities as speed of reaction, the ability to get out of conflict situations, and the ability to find missing information in the shortest possible time.

In general, a call center operator is a representative of the company, and the level of sales directly depends on his work. One of the advantages of working in call centers is the possibility of working from home.

The profession of an operator is very important in the modern world; people who choose this type of activity for themselves will always be needed.

The profession of a PC operator is mainly associated with working on a computer. The specialist must have good computer knowledge, be diligent, prone to monotonous work, and be able to concentrate his attention on the task at hand for a long time.

The PC operator is engaged in typing text, processing information, compiling tables, formatting documents, entering information into a database, performing calculations, etc.

Places of work

The specialist is in demand in any organizations that work with large volumes of information and require the services of an operator. The areas of activity are different:

  • trade;
  • transport and logistic;
  • banking;
  • medicine;
  • construction;
  • and many other industries.

History of the profession

The profession of PC (formerly computer) operator appeared immediately after the advent of the computer. Before this, all information was stored in folders, entries were made in notebooks and special accounting books, calculations were made by scientists or statisticians. In the 50s in America, the American mathematician Neumann created the first electronic computer (computer). A specialist working at a computer began to be called a computer operator.

PC Operator Responsibilities

Job responsibilities of a PC operator include:

  • maintaining a database;
  • processing information - email messages, client requests, correspondence, invoices, invoices and other documents;
  • maintaining documentation and archiving it;
  • work with office equipment (fax, copier, printer, etc.);
  • preparation and execution of reports.

Sometimes the responsibilities of a PC operator may include:

  • entering barcodes into the system;
  • receiving phone calls;
  • entering information on the site.

PC Operator Requirements

The requirements for a PC operator are quite small:

  • PC knowledge: 1C, Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook;
  • perseverance and attentiveness;
  • Sometimes education is required.

PC operator resume sample

How to become a PC operator

In order to obtain the position of PC operator, higher education is not required. All you need is a confident knowledge of computer programs. PC operator skills can be acquired in specialized courses or independently.

PC operator salary

Basically, the salary of a PC operator consists of a fixed salary, which ranges from 8 to 30 thousand rubles per month. The average salary of a PC operator is 20 thousand rubles per month.

1. Warehouse operator belongs to the category of technical performers.

2. Appointment to a position warehouse operator and dismissal from office is carried out by order (instruction) of the director.

3. Warehouse operator must know:

  • regulatory and methodological materials on the organization of warehousing;
  • warehouse logistics, zoning of warehouse premises;
  • specifics of the enterprise;
  • decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents relating to trade turnover at the enterprise;
  • rules for the operation of computer technology (including software products for automation of warehouse accounting), as well as communications and communications.

4. In your work Warehouse operator is guided by:

  • employment contract, job description;
  • current legislation;
  • orders and instructions of the director;
  • internal regulations;
  • rules of labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation.

5. Warehouse operator directly reports to the director, chief accountant, head. warehouse of the organization.

1. Ensuring correct and clear accounting of trade turnover in the organization.

2. Ensuring the correct maintenance of document flow regarding the receipt and write-off of goods.

3. Generating reports regarding the movement of goods.

III. Job responsibilities

  1. Organizes work on accounting and movement of documents on goods accepted to the organization's warehouse.
  2. Based on current internal documentation, purchase prices, trade margins, calculates cost estimates for products sold.
  3. Calculates the price of products sold.
  4. Prepares orders for setting and changing prices for approval by the first person.
  5. As internal documentation, purchase prices and trade margins change, clarifies prices for finished products and makes appropriate adjustments to the costing cards.
  6. Maintains registration of calculation cards according to the established form.
  7. Carries out a selection from commodity reports and maintains operational records of released finished products.
  8. Draws up acts for writing off goods upon expiration of the sales period, generation of waste, as well as when goods are damaged for any reason.
  9. Based on the sales documents for closing the shift and on the basis of the balances included in the intake sheet, it creates an inventory list in the program.
  10. According to the schedule established by the manager of the outlet, he receives an inventory list of goods from the supervisor. Based on the document provided, the operator generates a report on shortages and surpluses of goods and provides it to the manager of the outlet.
  11. Upon the first request of management, provides the necessary documents and reports.
  12. Performs other one-time assignments from the organization's management.

The operator has the right:

  • submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the organization’s management;
  • participate in the discussion of issues related to his official duties and rights.

The operator is held liable:

  • for improper performance or failure to fulfill their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of Ukraine;
  • for offenses committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine;
  • for causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of Ukraine;
  • for disclosure of confidential information and information constituting a trade secret - administrative liability, up to and including dismissal.

What does a PC operator do: sample job description

PC operator is a generalized name for a professional industry, where each profile requires its own specifics and narrow knowledge. In general terms, a specialist in this position must be able to operate a computer, know basic office software packages, work with systems, databases, and be able to quickly find information among them.

Such functions are partially included in other positions, so another function of a PC operator is to consolidate information, maintain a single company database, timely register new incoming documentation and be able to answer incoming questions. The position is in demand everywhere, because these functions are basic for the operation of the enterprise.

What does a PC operator do?

The list of responsibilities for the position is extensive and requires concentration, attentiveness, perseverance, correctness and diligence. Operators must be able to quickly type texts and enter data, otherwise their work will be slow and not consistent with the general rhythm of the company’s work, which is unacceptable.

The job responsibilities of a PC operator are primarily to collect, analyze and prepare information for archiving in electronic form.

He registers internal and external documentation, prepares data and enters it into a special program. May prepare reports, analyzes and other materials as requested by various departments.

For example, a PC operator in a warehouse is responsible for maintaining documentation on receipts and shipments. He records all received goods in special programs, checks the authenticity of incoming documents, and does not allow discrepancies between the actual and documentary balance.

Where to learn to be a PC operator

You do not need to have a college degree to hold this position. People with secondary specialized education are willingly accepted for this job, even without work experience.

Modern specialists can come from a variety of industries, the main thing is High level of computer skills. Today there is a wide variety of training courses, trainings and seminars, where in a short time anyone can become familiar with the basics of this profession, gain the necessary skills and apply them in the future in the service.

As a rule, female representatives become PC operators - they have enough perseverance and attentiveness to cope with this work. Many of them do not have special education, which does not prevent them from working with high efficiency and successfully performing their job duties.


Each industry has its own requirements, but the general summary is as follows. The functions of a PC operator include:

  • working with requests from clients - accepting applications for the supply of products;
  • issuing accompanying documents (invoices, delivery notes, etc.);
  • checking documents for compliance with company regulations and Russian legislation;
  • consolidation and archiving of all documents checked for correctness of preparation;
  • maintaining shipment logs and strict control and adherence to deadlines;
  • advising clients on the cost and other characteristics of products;
  • keeping the computer in working order;
  • if necessary, the possibility of replacing specialists in the positions of cashier-operator and certificate specialist.


The position of a PC operator is extremely responsible, because he must be able not only to systematize a huge amount of information, but also be able to remember it and use it in a variety of situations.

The specialist is responsible for his work, both within the framework of existing legislation and in relation to the regulations of the enterprise:

  • for evasion or failure to fulfill their immediate official duties;
  • for violation of the agreement on non-distribution of trade secrets and disclosure of strategically important information;
  • for causing damage to the property of the enterprise;
  • for violation of general labor discipline.


The position implies a high level of awareness of all processes occurring within the company.

The rights of a specialist include:

  • the ability to access all incoming documentation at the enterprise;
  • assistance from management in the performance of duties;
  • familiarization with draft decisions that will affect the work of a specialist and his functions.

Example of a job description

The job description can be drawn up in accordance with the regulations for the preparation of internal documents of the enterprise. There are basic content requirements.

It must necessarily contain:

After approval, it is handed over to the operator for review, who signs and dates the review. From this moment on, it is generally accepted that he agreed to fulfill these requirements and is obliged to fulfill them.

PC operator in trade

The job description of a PC operator in trade provides for the same requirements as the standard document.

In trade, it is important to daily record information about the arrival of goods in a common database and check compliance with what is indicated in the documents.

In addition to quantity, it is necessary to indicate the cost of receipt and retail value. This information is necessary to avoid shortages when calculating balances.

The position requires attentiveness and accuracy. Subsequently, this position can become the basis for creating a career in different industries. The ability to work on a computer and consolidate information is a very useful skill.

Job Description for 1C Trade and Warehouse Operator


This job description.

2.5. Systematization, archiving and storage of shipped, correctly executed and corrected invoices and invoices in accordance with the established procedure at the enterprise.

3.1. For the proper performance of their job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise.

The PC operator has the right:

4.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management directly related to its activities.

4.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

4.3. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

Job responsibilities of 1C operator

Job responsibilities of 1C operator determined by the employment contract and job description. At the same time, an employment contract, as a rule, establishes only the main aspects of the employee’s work activity; the range of job responsibilities is described specifically and in detail in the job description. This article will acquaint readers with what job functions can be classified as job responsibilities of a specialist in 1C programs, how to correctly draw up his job description and what points need to be taken into account when developing it.

What does a 1C operator do?

1C operator is a type of PC operator position, focused on working with a specific group of programs. Accordingly, in general, the 1C operator does the same thing as any other operator of this kind: enters data into the database, processes information, generates reports, etc. At the same time, the specifics of the 1C operator’s work depend both on the characteristics of the activities of a particular organization, and on varieties of the 1C program with which the specialist works.

The exact range of operator responsibilities is determined in his job description - an internal document of the enterprise. The law does not establish a mandatory form for job descriptions, therefore employers can develop this document in a form and with such content that corresponds to the peculiarities of the work activities of their organization and will be convenient for daily work.

The generally accepted structure of the job description of a 1C operator

With all the freedom regarding the form of the document, the rules of personnel records management still have a certain list of information that should be included in the job description. Moreover, this unique standard makes it possible to reflect all the important information about the labor functioning of a specialist in the conditions of a particular enterprise, therefore employers, when working on a job description for a specific staff unit, in many cases use approximately the same structure.

Typical job description of 1C operator consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions. This part of the document contains a definition of the basic working conditions of a 1C operator in an organization. These conditions include the education, professional skills and experience required for this position. In addition, the procedure for hiring, dismissing and replacing an employee is established here, his immediate superior is indicated and the place of the staffing unit in the organizational chart of the enterprise is determined.
  2. Official rights and responsibilities. This section is key in the document, as it determines the powers of the employee and the range of his job responsibilities. This section is given particular importance by the fact that the employee, according to labor legislation, may not carry out any other instructions from management other than those documented as his job responsibilities. Thus, the more clearly and in detail the range of official powers and responsibilities of the 1C operator is defined when developing the document, the easier it will be for the employee to perform them and the more effective his work will be.
  3. Responsibility of the employee. This part of the job description is devoted to defining labor violations that an employee may commit and the penalties that may follow. At the same time, the sanctions established by the provisions of the job description cannot be more stringent than the norms of law. This point is important to consider if it is decided to specify the labor responsibility of the 1C operator in internal documents.

Standard requirements for a candidate for the position of 1C operator

The position of a 1C operator, as a rule, does not require higher or even secondary specialized education. It is enough for the applicant to be a confident computer user and have a good knowledge of 1C programs in the field required by the enterprise.

However, since it is difficult to assess the knowledge of a candidate for a position when hiring, a requirement that the applicant has a certificate of completion of special courses may be included in the job description. In addition, employers often state a requirement for the candidate’s work experience (usually from 1 to 3 years).

Other professional skills required for this position may include knowledge of tax law, accounting, and the ability to use email and other office programs.

Job responsibilities established for the 1C operator

Typical responsibilities established in the job description for a 1C operator include:

  • generation of expenditure and receipt documentation;
  • registration of invoices;
  • correction of information in documentation on facts of movement of goods;
  • registration of return documentation;
  • generation of analytical reporting;
  • reconciliation of warehouse balances and generation of reports on the movement of goods;
  • preparation of primary accounting documentation;
  • entering data into the database;
  • maintaining a register of primary documentation and archives;
  • participation in inventory taking.

This is a general list of labor responsibilities of a 1C operator, allowing you to roughly familiarize yourself with the activities of this specialist in the company. Each employer sets a more detailed and specific list of job functions of a 1C operator individually, based on the characteristics of the organization’s work and the type of 1C program that the specialist will have to use.

Job description of a computer operator

1.1. A PC operator belongs to the category of technical workers, is hired and fired by order of the director, and is a materially responsible person.

1.2. A person with a secondary specialized education without requirements for work experience, secondary education and special training according to an established program or with work experience in the relevant specialty of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of PC operator.

1.3. The PC operator reports to the head of the department, deputy director and directly to the director of the enterprise.

1.4. In his activities, the PC operator is guided by:

Regulatory documents and methodological materials on the work performed;

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the director;

1.5 The PC operator is guided by the established working hours. A break from work for rest according to the established schedule of breaks from work.

2.1 Control of the work of the document processing department (senior PC operator).

2.2. Receiving applications for the supply of products from customers and company managers.

2.3. Timely issuance of invoices and invoices, as well as relevant accompanying documents.

2.4. Before releasing goods from the warehouse, strictly check the accuracy and compliance of the accompanying documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise.

2.5. Systematization, archiving and storage of shipped, correctly executed and corrected invoices and invoices, in accordance with the established procedure at the enterprise.

2.6. Follow all management orders directly related to the production process, in general, and to your direct responsibilities.

2.7. Strict control of timely shipment of goods to customers. Maintaining necessary logs, reports and other documentation (including in electronic form) to assist in the performance of one’s job duties in accordance with established requirements for their maintenance and storage.

2.8. Know all the company's products and advise customers on the range and prices. Direct all your activities towards strengthening the customer base, the company’s image and ultimately increasing the company’s profit.

2.9. Know all the job responsibilities of a cashier-operator, a certificate specialist and, in case of production need, fill the above position.

2.11 Timely inform management about the acquisition of necessary materials directly related to the production process.

2.12. In case of failure to fulfill labor duties or improper control resulting in a failure in the production process or loss of profit of the enterprise, or other indirect material or moral losses, he is obliged to fully cover the costs or pay a fine in the amount established by the management of the enterprise.

2.13. Observe labor discipline, safety precautions and comply with internal regulations established in the company.

The PC operator is responsible for:

3.1. For the proper performance of their job duties as provided for in this operator’s job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise.

3.2. For committing an offense in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current labor, administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. For causing material damage (including fines imposed on the organization by regulatory authorities regarding improper performance of their labor duties) - within the limits of the agreement on financial liability concluded with the enterprise.