Electronic educational resources for elementary school. The main resources for schoolchildren What online resources are most useful for students

“Smartia” introduces current professions and suggests how to study them. Having chosen the specialty that interests you - SMM specialist, photographer, web designer or another - you will see a list of skills required for it. So that you can master them yourself, for each skill the site displays a selection of links to training materials. Although Smartia is aimed at a Russian-speaking audience, some of the content is still available only in English.

The oldest educational platform on the Runet. Here you will find hundreds of text and video courses on dozens of different topics - from programming to psychology. Many courses are prepared by Russian universities and large international companies like Intel and Microsoft. Self-study is free, but those who wish can pay for the services of personal tutors.

This resource publishes collections of video lectures compiled by experts from various industries and united by common topics. Among them, for example, there are the series “Bioinformatics and Genomics”, “Culture of Medieval Scandinavia” and Cinema Studies on film theory. Each collection of lectures is a logically connected story told by an expert in the first person. In addition, scientific and educational articles and tests on various topics appear on the site.

Project of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Phystech). With its help, you can watch online lecture series recorded on video at this university. Available subjects include physics, biology, chemistry, information technology and others. For some lectures, the resource administration provides ready-made notes that can be downloaded in PDF format.

Open access electronic scientific library. The site’s catalog is regularly updated with the texts of articles from various scientific publications. Publications grouped by journals and headings can be read online or downloaded in their entirety in PDF format. The project is aimed at popularizing science through open access to high-quality information.

The NewWhatever project team selects the most interesting texts from English-language media and translates those that are voted for by members of the VKontakte community. For the most part these are popular science articles. The editors come up with only the headlines; otherwise, the content of the translations corresponds to the originals. Full texts can be read directly on the social network.

7. ITMOcourses

Online platform of the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO). The resource provides free access to courses developed at this university. The catalog of materials is divided into four categories: “Optical systems and technologies”, “Instrumentation and robotics”, “Information technologies” and “Biotechnologies”. The courses consist of video lectures, interactive demonstrations and assignments.

Online database of materials on the main disciplines of the school curriculum. The information on the site is structured by grades, subjects and topics (lessons). Each lesson consists of video lectures and notes. There are also interactive simulators and tests to reinforce the material covered. Even if you graduated from high school a long time ago, the opportunity to repeat the high school program can always come in handy.

Russian general education portals and websites.

Russian general education portals and websites for schoolchildren. Catalogs of educational Internet resources - portals, websites, electronic libraries, etc. Lists of educational institutions. Legislation. Regulatory documents and standards.

edu - "Russian education" Federal portal. Catalog of educational Internet resources: Russian education. Legislation. Regulatory documents and standards. Educational institutions. Catalog of websites (you can choose: subject, audience, level of education, type of resource) and electronic libraries. Educational and methodological library.

- edu.ru - portal resources for general education

school.edu - "Russian general education portal". Catalog of Internet resources: preschool education; primary and general education; distance learning; pedagogy; training; reference and information sources.

ege.edu - "Portal of information support for the Unified State Exam" News. Regulations. Demo versions. Preliminary Unified State Exam results.

fepo - "Federal Internet exam in the field of vocational education" In order to assist universities in creating quality management systems for training specialists based on independent external assessment, the National Agency for Education is conducting an experiment to introduce F federal uh replacement in higher education P professional O Education (FEPO). .

allbest - "Union of educational sites" Select the "Home" button at the top left. We get to the main page. Here are a selection of resources: Libraries, Tests, Abstracts; Below - Foreign languages ​​and most importantly - the so-called "Electronic libraries" - these are simply collections of sites on various topics. There is a rating of sites by section (when registering, they give you a personal number.

fipi FIPI- Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. Unified State Examination - test and measurement materials (Unified State Examination demo); Federal bank of test items (open segment); Research work; Training.

ed.gov - "Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation". - Educational management. Ensuring the educational process (regulatory documents; Information; News; Statistics, etc.).

obrnadzor.gov - "Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science". - Official documents. Supervision. Quality control of education (USE). Licensing. Certification.

mon.gov - Official site Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation.

rost.ru/projects - National project "Education".

edunews - "Everything for applicants" Main sections of the portal: For schoolchildren and preschoolers; For applicants and students; Exams and tests; Additional education. Thematic links to educational resources and the educational materials themselves on the site.

window.edu.ru - Single window of access to educational resources. Thematic catalog of educational resources.

Online platform for preparing for the Unified State Exam using innovative technologies

At Maximum, classes with a teacher are held in any format convenient for the student: in a training center with webinars, in an online group or online one-on-one. During the classes, the teacher will teach you all the necessary theory, show you the pitfalls and life hacks of the Unified State Exam, and teach you the best methods for solving problems.

Official information portal of the Unified State Exam

Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science. Basic information about the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam schedule, information materials on the Unified State Exam

Check Unified State Exam results - check.ege.edu.ru

Official website of the GIA

Official information portal of the State final certification

Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science. Basic information about GIA, methodological documents, demonstration versions of GIA

FIPI official website

Website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (developer of the Unified State Exam).

Materials on the Unified State Exam, demo versions, specifications and codifiers of control measuring materials (CMM) of the unified state exam in all subjects.

Federal portal "Russian education"

Current news, event announcements, information for students and their parents, applicants, students and teachers.

Official website of "GTO"

Official website of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” program

GTO.ru is an official website that allows everyone to receive all the necessary information regarding testing of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex.

GTO standards for schoolchildren - www.gto.ru/norms

Service for preparing for the Unified State Exam

Yandex Unified State Exam is a service for self-preparation for passing final school exams - Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam for graduates of 11th grade) and GIA (State Final Certification after completion of 9th grade).

Options for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in various subjects and online courses for preparing for exams on Yandex.Unified State Exam.

I will hand over the state inspection certificate

Educational portal

On the site I will pass the State Examination: education news and consultations on solving tasks, questions and answers for preparing for exams, thousands of tasks with solutions for preparing for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in all subjects, a test system for preparing and self-preparation for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam.

There are catalogs of prototype exam tasks with solutions, and a system of test simulators for preparing for exams. The teacher can generate tests independently and evaluate student results.

I will solve the Unified State Exam

Educational portal for exam preparation

The Reshu Unified State Exam resource is almost entirely dedicated to the Unified State Exam. This is one of the best platforms that helps Russian school graduates prepare for the Unified State Exam.

The site presents a large number of tasks and options. There is the possibility of teacher control over the actions of students.

School Knowledge

Service for schoolchildren

"Knowledge.com" - school homework

School Knowledge.com is a social learning service that takes a new approach to students' search for solutions on the Internet. The service combines a social network and school knowledge; schoolchildren learn how to organize a personal knowledge base, filter and select information that is useful to them. A collection of ready-made homework assignments in school subjects is presented: algebra, history, chemistry, etc. Opportunity to ask your own questions about homework. Thousands of students exchange ideas, problems, help each other solve problems and learn.

Unified collection of digital educational resources

Federal educational resource

The purpose of creating the Collection is to provide access to a full range of modern teaching tools designed for teaching and learning various academic disciplines in accordance with state educational standards for primary and secondary education.

Currently, the Collection contains more than 111,000 digital educational resources in almost all subjects of the basic curriculum.

The Collection contains sets of digital resources for a large number of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in Russian schools, innovative educational and methodological developments, various thematic and subject collections, as well as other educational, cultural, educational and educational materials.

Portal for applicants and their parents

Examen.ru is a portal dedicated to final exams and admission to universities.

Here you will find information about final exams, you can take free online Unified State Examination and Unified State Examination tests, learn about education systems in different countries, scholarships and free education opportunities. The main audience is schoolchildren and their parents interested in receiving prompt and up-to-date information on educational topics.


Educational portal

InternetUrok.ru is a collection of lessons on the main subjects of the school curriculum, constantly updated and free of advertising. Lessons consist of videos, notes, tests and simulators.

The site contains almost all the lessons in the natural sciences for grades 1–11 and approximately half of the lessons in the humanities.

Educational resource for schoolchildren and teachers

The GetAClass portal is an educational resource in physics and mathematics (possibly in the future in other subjects) for schoolchildren and teachers.

GetAClass offers schoolchildren:
Interesting and understandable video lessons on physics and mathematics;
Notes with the most important things for each video lesson;
Simulators for teaching problem solving.

For teachers on GetAClass there is:
Interesting and understandable video lessons and other teaching materials in physics and mathematics, which can be used to prepare and conduct lessons at school;
Tools for creating online assignments for your students and online checking their level of knowledge;
A large number of problems in physics, including problems on the OGE and the Unified State Exam.
In addition to video lectures and the ability to test knowledge of the material studied, GetAClass users are offered a short summary of each lecture.

Educational Internet resource

YaKlass is an educational online resource for schoolchildren, teachers and parents.

YaKlass helps teachers test students' knowledge and assign homework electronically.
For the student, this is a database of electronic workbooks and an endless simulator for the school curriculum.
The platform contains a large number of interactive tasks in different subjects for different ages. All of them are also reprinted texts of problems from textbooks.

Children and science

Courses according to the school curriculum with deepening and expansion

Electronic courses based on the best teaching experience. Video lessons with the participation of teachers from the Moscow school “Intellectual”, university teachers and scientists are presented.

Educational project

Allbest.ru is one of the popular educational projects on the Runet.

In the Allbest knowledge base: the best student, scientific and school works. One of the main sections of the resource: a global network of abstracts. Useful for high school students.

Digital library

The Slovo.ws website has ready-made homework assignments for various subjects and textbooks, but more valuable are the sections with online versions of school textbooks and biographies of Russian writers.


Educational portal

Znayka.ru was created to help schoolchildren who want to understand a topic that interests them; parents who want to help their children learn lessons; and for teachers as an additional resource that can be used in the educational process.

The site presents a large library of original video lessons of television quality, created by an experienced team of teachers, methodologists, psychologists and television specialists. All video lessons are adapted for comfortable and complete perception by schoolchildren.

School Subject Resources

Resources to help students study individual school subjects and prepare for exams in specific subjects

School mathematics

Math lessons

The information resource presents lessons in the following areas: elementary school mathematics; mathematics 5th grade; mathematics 6th grade; algebra 7th grade; algebra high school.


Physics lessons

Club for physics teachers, students in grades 7-9 and their parents

Boundary chemistry

Interactive multimedia tutorial

The textbook is intended for high school and college students to provide information and communication support for the study of organic chemistry. It may be useful for graduates of secondary educational institutions to systematize and deepen their knowledge when preparing for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, students starting to study organic chemistry at a university, as well as teachers.

The site presents essays, summaries of works, and biographies of authors.

Analysis of literary works

The site presents essays, articles, poems, literary works, and information about the authors.

Textual criticism

Magazine about Russian language and literature

The Internet magazine Textology.ru is the publication of relevant and valuable texts, articles, dictionaries on the Russian language and literature online on the Internet, interesting materials on linguistics, domestic and foreign literature, as well as methods of teaching language and literature in schools and universities.

The online magazine Textology aims to provide interesting and useful materials on literature, Russian language and linguistics for everyone who studies philological disciplines or is simply interested in literature and linguistics.

The portal can be useful for schoolchildren, students, teachers and philology lovers

Library of presentations

Briefly is a large library of short summaries in Russian.

More than 2,000 retellings of literary works: from ancient manuscripts to modern bestsellers. On average, a summary of the book is read in 10–15 minutes

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature and final essay

The entire theory of the school literature course is presented in tables and diagrams

Brief contents of works and biographies of authors

Sketches and essays on Russian and world literature of our mighty, beautiful Russian language - this is the main idea and idea of ​​the site.

Russian language rules

Spelling and punctuation

A reference site that contains grammar rules for the Russian language.

Are you taking the Unified State Exam? Feel free to visit this YouTube channel Yandex.Enlightenment. You will find all topics and problems from KIM. In addition to theory, teachers analyze the test itself. To explain their decision, several methods, even analogies, are given. In general, all schoolchildren who have any difficulties can seek help here. They will definitely find a video analysis that is suitable for them and solve their difficulties.


Video channel of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science

Video consultations on preparation for the Unified State Exam from leaders and members of federal commissions for the development of the Unified State Exam KIM, experts from regional subject commissions, and school teachers.

Artur Sharifov's channel

Artur Sharifov's channel for preparing for the Unified State Exam

There are many lessons on mathematical subjects presented here.

The author professionally analyzes tasks on the OGE and the Unified State Exam, explains trigonometry, arithmetic progression, functions, and even touches on the beginning of analysis. There is a series of videos on preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics. Separate videos with detailed analysis have been recorded on complex topics.

Channel “Time to study Courses”

Youtube channel "Time to study Courses" for preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics and physics

Some of the best educational video lessons on the RuNet for schoolchildren in preparation for the Unified State Exam and State Examination. The lessons are divided into thematic playlists that coincide with the chapters from the OGE and Unified State Exam specifications.

The videos are designed for any level of knowledge, since all information is given in simple and understandable language, and all terms are explained. The lessons are taught by professional teachers, so each video is clearly structured and contains only the most necessary advice and comments regarding the tasks.

Viktor Osipov's channel

The videos discuss criteria, algorithms and solution secrets, which relate mainly to the last questions of the test.

Channel “Russian Language 5 stars”

Channel on Yotube "Russian Language 5 stars" for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian

The main focus of the resource is the Russian language and the final essay.

The channel's presenter talks about what problems may be encountered in the Unified State Examination texts, what literary works and episodes from them should be used. Examples of works, an analysis of the main problems and essay topics are provided. Attention is also paid to the basic rules of the Russian language: spelling, spelling, punctuation.

Official websites of Olympiads for schoolchildren

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Official website of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

The All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren is a massive annual event for working with gifted students in the Russian education system.

This system covers 24 subject Olympiads for students of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations that implement educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

Methodological website of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

To create a unified network methodological environment for the VSOSH in Russia, the VSOS Methodological Website operates.

The site is intended for operational consulting and methodological interaction between the heads of the Central and Regional subject-methodological commissions on the issues of conducting all stages of the secondary school.

Russian Council of School Olympiads

Website of the Russian Council of School Olympiads

The Russian Council of School Olympiads forms the List of School Olympiads for the current academic year, together with the Ministry of Education and Science determines the policy for organizing and holding school Olympiads, and also, together with state authorities, monitors and supervises the quality of the Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the List.

Find a tutor, teacher for additional classes

Services and platforms for finding school tutors: mathematics tutors, Russian language tutors, English tutors, Unified State Exam tutors and other tutors.

Your tutor

Tutor community

Your tutor is a professional community of private tutors, uniting more than 250 thousand teachers.

On the website you can look through the profiles of teachers and choose those who suit you, or ask for advice, and they will recommend the best options to you.
Consultations and selection of a suitable tutor for you are free. You only pay for the lessons themselves directly to the teacher.

Highest mark

Platform for searching specialists

Higher Score is a convenient platform for searching for private specialists. The service offers its services in almost any city in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.


Online tutors

Tetrica is a service for preparing for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in school subjects and learning English.

Tutors will help you pass the Unified State Exam with dignity in order to enter your chosen university on a budget, improve your grades, and fill gaps in knowledge if you missed classes or did not understand the material.

Primary general education

Primary school of the XXI century

Russian language

The world


Electronic educational resources for elementary school

Electronic educational resources for primary schools are an excellent opportunity to generate interest in the subject, enrich knowledge and develop the creative skills of schoolchildren. We have published a list of exciting and accessible electronic educational resources to help teachers of grades 1-4.

The electronic form of the textbook (EFT) is an electronic publication that corresponds in structure, content and artistic design to the printed form of the textbook and contains multimedia elements and interactive links that expand and complement the content of the textbook. Enjoy English. English with pleasure: a textbook for educational institutions. 3rd grade

  1. The section of the website of the Russian Textbook corporation is a real source of methodological assistance in subjects for primary school teachers. Here you can find current webinars, didactic materials, illustrations and photographs for creating visuals and handouts, articles, work programs on subjects, presentations for lessons, links to various sources and many other useful information.

  2. - an educational platform containing electronic products for teachers. It contains EFUs of various textbooks and support materials for teachers. After registration, the teacher will have access to the “Classwork” and “Testwork” services, with which it is easy to plan lessons, create presentations and colorful visual materials.

  3. Resource “Open lesson. The First of September" contains an extensive database of pedagogical ideas: more than 26,000 lesson notes, developments of extracurricular activities and various support materials for primary school teachers.

  4. A unified collection of digital educational resources is a convenient online platform with thoughtful navigation, where a primary school teacher can easily find the necessary material. The resource contains an extensive collection of illustrations, photographs and video materials for presentations, visual materials or slide shows.

  5. Uchi.ru is an online educational platform with interactive lessons on basic school subjects. Here the teacher can register and track statistics for each student in his personal account. The tasks on the platform are exciting and colorful, and the interface is intuitive for every teacher and student.

  6. The Teacher Portal contains a lot of materials for primary school teachers: lesson plans, ready-made presentations, tests and assignments for independent work, lesson planning and programs for core subjects from grades 1 to 4.

  7. The resource “Primary School” is designed for children, parents and teachers. Children will be interested in games, projects, competitions and communication with peers. Parents will be able to learn about issues that interest them and read about the problems of education, and teachers will be able to communicate with colleagues and discuss pressing matters.

  8. “The Country of Masters” is a treasure trove of ideas for creative teachers, children and their parents. On this resource you can find various drawing, sculpting and design techniques. It also contains information about various exhibitions, competitions, master classes and online events for everyone who wants to unleash their creative potential.

  9. The federal portal “Russian Education” contains an interesting selection of materials for organizing natural history classes.

  10. LENAGOLD's original graphics are an excellent resource for creative teachers who are ready to develop creative skills in schoolchildren. Here you can easily find illustrations, photos, clipart and various backgrounds for presentations and handouts.

  11. The tatarovo.ru resource contains an extensive selection of audio files with various sounds: musical instruments, birds, transport, insects, household appliances, nature, people.

  12. ABC in pictures. Cute illustrations and short poems for easy memorization of words. Nothing superfluous, simple and convenient interface.

  13. viki.rdf.ru ​​is a very interesting database containing electronic presentations and clips for children.

Policy regarding the processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

This personal data processing policy has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data of the private educational institution “First People's School” (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).

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