Information channel tricolor tv how to turn on. Free Tricolor channels are not shown. Mandatory check of system operation on Tricolor

On July 31, 2017, changes were made in broadcasting aimed at dividing regional TV channels into appropriate lists and designed to make viewing these TV channels more convenient.

To correctly display the list of TV channels, follow these steps:

1. Press the “Menu” button and select “Settings”.

2. Select Factory Reset and click OK.

3. Confirm resetting the receiver to factory settings by first pressing the red “F1” or “Info” button on the remote control, and then selecting the “Yes” option.

5. Select the receiver menu language and audio channel languages, then click the “Next” button.

6. Select audio and video settings and click Next.

7. Set the time settings and proceed to the next step of the Setup Wizard by clicking the “Next” button.

8. Select the operator “Tricolor TV” and click the “Next” button.

9. Select the region that suits you. There will be 3 regions available for selection - “Main”, “Moscow +0 hours.” and “Moscow +2 hours.”

Attention! You must select one of two regions - “Moscow +0 hours.” or “Moscow +2 hours.” - depending on the region of your residence. In the first case, all TV channels will be broadcast according to Moscow time, in the second, some TV channels will be broadcast with a time shift of +2 hours from Moscow time.

When you select the “Main” region, one information channel will be saved in the channel list.

10. Wait until the search for TV channels is completed and save the found TV channels.

The Tricolor TV company provides satellite television services to its subscribers. The operator is improving its internal system to improve the quality of service. As with any service, sooner or later glitches occur in the broadcast of TV channels. Most often, a signal failure occurs, which leads to subscribers losing access to the system. If they don’t show channels on Tricolor TV, what should I do?

There are several reasons why subscribers lose access to the system:

  1. External conditions. Communication with the satellite may be disrupted in unfavorable weather conditions. In this case, the signal may be interrupted or completely absent. The reason is the small diameter of the signal receiver. Most often, standard antennas with the same dimensions are used. To obtain a higher quality broadcast, it is recommended to purchase additional equipment.
  2. Poor system setup. The installation procedure should be trusted to experienced professionals. If the user decides to carry out the procedure independently, then there is a high risk that the system will not function correctly. This may be due not only to interference in the resulting image, but also to its complete absence.
  3. Obstacles on the ground. Some buildings or trees also interfere with the broadcast. In this case, the only option to improve the signal quality is to reinstall the antenna.

There may be no signal if the plate is icing. Please note that in some cases the cause is technical work being carried out on the satellite.

Why are some channels not shown on Tricolor?

If there is no signal at all, we are talking about mechanical damage to the external equipment. What could be the reason for the lack of access to some channels?

If only today Tricolor does not show several channels, then the reason may be as follows:

  • No additional fees for some channels that are provided to subscribers who have paid for an additional subscription.
  • The access card is not activated or is missing from the receiver.
  • Equipment malfunction, which requires additional diagnostics.

What to do

What to do if there is no Tricolor TV signal at all? In this case, you need to call a company specialist who will carry out diagnostics and provide several options for correcting errors. If we are talking about technical malfunctions, then there is a need to replace equipment or reset system settings. If you do not have the opportunity to call a technician to your home, you can reset the settings yourself, returning them to the factory settings. After this, you should set it to automatically search for channels. In most cases, these actions are sufficient to restore access.

The following considerations should be taken into account:

  1. The set-top box responds to the OK button - install a satellite dish of a larger diameter or wait for weather conditions to improve. Review the settings and, if necessary, adjust them yourself or under the guidance of a specialist. Try to adjust the list of TV channels by manually editing the broadcast indicators. Check the integrity of the cable and the serviceability of the satellite converter and, if necessary, replace them.
  2. The set-top box does not respond to the OK button - the message in this case is sent not by the receiver, but by the TV. The reason most often lies in switching the wrong input on the television receiver. The activation of the input can be adjusted using the Source switch. When using the GS8306 model, the lack of signal is due to the inconvenient location of the switch, for example when cleaning. Equipment shutdown occurs. After switching the indicator, the system starts working properly again.

We should not forget about reasons such as the lack of activation of the Tricolor TV subscription. You can carry out the procedure by phone, through your personal account and in the company’s office. If the problem occurs during an active subscription, then factors such as the visibility of the SMART card and the correct operation of the built-in module should be examined.

Additional Information

Interruptions in satellite television broadcasting are always an unpleasant thing. But if you can somehow tolerate slight interference in the image or freezing sound, then it’s difficult to come to terms with the complete lack of access to TV. What to do if a Tricolor subscriber has lost the signal on all channels? Should I call a professional, or can I do it on my own? Let's try to figure it out.

Primary diagnosis

If you find a message about no signal when you turn on the TV, do not panic. First you need to assess the scale of the problem that has arisen. To do this, scroll through a couple of dozen connected channels, including the Tricolor TV Infochannel. If there is no broadcast on any frequency, including the information channel, there are obvious problems with the equipment. To find out their reasons, you should check the signal quality at the receiver.

Checking the signal quality

To find out whether information from the antenna is reaching the TV, you need to press one of the following keys on the remote control:

  • INFO.

The choice of button depends on the remote control model. In some cases, to confirm the transition to the information section, you will need to additionally press the green key on the remote control.

After this, an information window will appear on the screen with two scales displaying the level of the incoming signal and its quality. The subscriber's actions to resolve the problem will depend on the readings of these scales. For normal broadcasting, their readings must be at least 80%.

Procedure for insufficient signal

If at least one of the scales is filled to 70% or less, and at the same time Tricolor writes “no signal” on all channels, the reasons may be as follows:

  • physical damage to equipment;
  • poor antenna tuning;
  • changing weather conditions.

However, the last reason, if the antenna is installed and configured correctly, should not have a significant impact on the quality of broadcasting. Although, in the northern regions, there are often cases when, after a strong snowstorm, the antenna dish is filled with snow, as a result of which it cannot receive data. But before you go outside or climb onto the roof, you should check the equipment in your apartment.

Checking the physical connection

The satellite signal arriving at the antenna may be lost on the way to the television receiver. This may be caused by damaged wires or connectors, a dropped or cracked cable plug, a loose connector on the set-top box, etc. Therefore, first of all, you should inspect all the equipment in the apartment and reconnect all wires. It is better to turn off the receiver itself at this time.

If problems are detected, parts that have become unusable are replaced. To do this, you may have to contact Tricolor technical support. If everything is fine with the physical connection, you will have to reconfigure the antenna.

Antenna setup

It is most convenient to set up a satellite dish with an assistant. One person rises to the antenna and turns it towards the satellite, the other monitors the position of the signal indicators on the TV screen.

Rotate the plate carefully, about 6-10 degrees at a time. There should be a pause of 10-20 seconds between position changes. Naturally, before tuning, you should clear the surface of the plate from snow, leaves and other debris, if any. Extra items can significantly affect the quality of work.

Adjustments should be made until both scales reach their maximum values. Of course, it won’t be 100%, but it’s worth at least reaching 90. In this case, the operation of the receiver will not deteriorate when the weather changes.

Procedure for normal signal

If the Tricolor TV does not have a signal on all channels, but its level and quality indicators are at a decent level (more than 80%), the cause of the problem lies in the receiver itself. To normalize broadcasting, you should try rolling back its settings to factory settings.

Resetting the settings on the set-top box

To do this, you need to go to its menu. In it, select the “Applications” item, or, on earlier equipment models, the “Settings” or “Settings” item. In the menu that appears, select the line “Factory settings” and click OK. Some set-top box models may require a PIN code to perform a rollback operation. If the subscriber has not set his own code, enter 0000 in the request field.

After all these operations, the set-top box will reboot. During the reboot, the settings will be reset to factory settings. Then the receiver will need to be configured in the same way as after the first turn on. Signs will appear on the TV screen where you will need to set the current date, subscriber region and other parameters. Once the setup is complete, the set-top box should automatically complete the process. The subscriber will only need to save what is found using the OK button on the remote control. After this, broadcasting should resume.

Important! If rolling back the receiver settings did not help, you will still have to re-tune the antenna to the satellite. This can be done either independently or with the involvement of specialists from Tricolor TV.

If the Info channel is working

There are situations in which the message about the absence of a signal does not appear on all channels. At a minimum, the Tricolor information channel continues to operate. Here, of course, the first thing to do is also check the signal level on the television receiver. If the values ​​of both or at least one of the scales are lower than recommended, the antenna is adjusted.

If everything is fine with the signal level, the cause of the problem may be the channel list settings. Tricolor periodically updates the broadcast parameters of its programs in order to optimize the load on the equipment. At the same time, in set-top boxes the channels remain with the old parameters.

Updating the channel list will help here. To do this, select the “Search for Tricolor channels” item in the set-top box menu. The search procedure takes about a minute, after which a list of updated channels appears on the screen. You need to save them and check the broadcast on them.

Despite all the positive aspects of satellite television, Tricolor TV subscribers are often faced with the fact that all or some of the channels are not shown. When faced with malfunctions in satellite broadcasting, not everyone will be able to independently find the cause of the problem and fix it.

This problem can be solved by identifying the cause.

On all channels except information

  • First you need to clarify the activity of your subscription. This can be done in the following ways: in the TV receiver menu, on the official website (section “Payment”) or in your personal account.
  • If the subscription is active and the problem is not resolved, then you will need to update the activation keys. A request to resend the keys can be made in your personal account. After this, the receiver must be rebooted and left on one of the channels that is not accessible. The TV itself can be turned off. It takes no more than 8 hours for the signal to arrive.
  • Another reason can be identified by the absence of an ID code on the TV screen. The ID may not be displayed because the smart card or conditional access card is not installed correctly in the receiver. To check this option, in the case of a smart card, you need to take it out, reinstall it and restart the power supply. A power reset is sufficient for the access card.
  • If the ID does not appear on the screen, it means that the receiver has stopped reading the card. The solution may be to contact customer service.

Only on some

  • In this case, you will need to run an auto search. New channels must be saved.
  • As a result of the update, the problematic TV channels completely disappeared from the list, which means they stopped broadcasting, i.e. There have been changes in the composition of paid packages. It will be necessary to clarify the new composition.
  • There may be this option: TV channels without access remained on the new list, but the problem was not solved. You need to unplug the receiver and turn it on again.
  • If the channels still do not work, you need to reset the settings to factory settings: in the equipment menu, select the “Factory settings” item and click “Ok”. After this, you need to reboot the receiver and configure it again according to the instructions.
  • If after resetting the settings, access to TV channels does not appear, you should call a technical support specialist to diagnose the equipment.

Inscription on the screen “No signal”

Such an inscription may indicate a loss of the broadcast signal. The reasons for this are different. To determine them, you need to clarify the signal quality: press the F1 button on the remote control.

  1. If power is less than 70%, consider eliminating the following options.
    • Bad weather conditions may degrade broadcast quality. As soon as the weather improves the signal will be strong.
    • Stable broadcasting may be hampered by interference in the area (trees, tall buildings). Relocating the antenna will solve the problem.
    • The cause of the low level may be incorrect antenna settings or cable damage. You can fix these problems yourself or call a specialist.
    • The reason for the missing image may be technical problems on the part of the service provider.
  2. If the broadcast quality is more than 70%, then a series of sequential actions must be carried out (with a transition to the next step if the previous one fails).
    • Search for channels again.
    • Reboot the receiver's power supply.
    • Reset settings to factory defaults.

If access to TV channels could not be restored

If all of the above manipulations did not lead to the desired result, then you need to contact the Tricolor TV Support Service. This can be done in different ways:

  • +7-800-500-0123
  • Contact via Viber and WhatsApp at +7-911-101-0123
  • Call through the website (in the Support section)
  • Skype: support_tricolor_tv
  • Online chat on the website
  • Application for technical support (you must fill out the application form in the appropriate section)

Tricolor TV customer support specialists are most often asked a question related to the fact that there is no reception of television and radio channels, and the message “No access”, “Scrambled channel”, “Error “0” or “No signal” appears on the TV. .

Error "0" on "Tricolor TV"

What to do if such a message appears on the TV screen?

Most often, error "0" appears when access to viewing channels disappears. This usually occurs due to a malfunction in the receiver software. There can be many reasons, including a voltage drop in the electrical network.

In any case, if an error “0” occurs on “Tricolor TV,” experts advise what to do. First of all, disconnect the receiver from the power supply for a while. Then turn it on again. This procedure takes about five minutes. When using a conditional access module, you need to remove it and then put it back into the receiver.

Very often, instead of the error message “0”, information in the form “DRE Coded Channel” is displayed on the screen. However, it is impossible to watch live broadcasts.

So what does error “0” mean on Tricolor TV? The answer should be sought in the causes of the problems. There are universal methods for solving this problem, which are suitable for all types of receivers that are used to receive channels provided by Tricolor TV. They can be used when channels are not displayed, but the “Info Channel” is working.

Correcting error "0"

If an error "0" is detected on Tricolor TV, how can I fix it myself?

First, you should check whether your subscription to the package services has suddenly expired. This is done in your personal account on the official website or in the menu of the receiver itself. If the subscription has expired, then this may well cause a similar error.

It is possible that the access card is not installed correctly in the receiver, so you need to check that it is installed correctly in the appropriate slot in the receiver. If a conditional access module is used instead of a card, then the check should be performed in it.

If the card is inserted correctly, when you press the ID button on the remote control, a message displaying its number will be displayed on the TV screen.

Also, if an error occurs, it would be a good idea to try resetting the receiver to factory settings. In other words, reset them.

It is quite possible to do this operation yourself. You need to enter the receiver’s menu and go to the “Settings” section. You will need to enter a four-digit code - dial four zeros 0000. After this, you need to find “Factory settings” and select the “Delete settings” line, along with the channel list. There is nothing dangerous in this operation; after rebooting the receiver using auto search, the channels can be found again. Most often, after this the error disappears.

If the subscription is over, and if the channels from the "Unified" package are not accepted, you can search for free channels. They are usually at the very end of the list.

In a situation where the receiver has been turned off for a long time, a problem with error “0” may also arise as soon as the receiver is turned on. How to resolve error "0" on Tricolor TV?

You should not turn off the receiver, but leave it turned on for eight hours and wait until the error disappears. Most often this happens much earlier, after an hour and a half. But this is only if both the antenna and the receiver are in good condition.

Other reasons for the error

If error "0" appears on "Tricolor TV", what should you do if the cause of error "0" turned out to be poor quality or low level of the received signal from the satellite? Or lack of activation keys. In this case, simply leaving the receiver on for a long time will not help.

You can either send a request to the support service, or try to set up the antenna yourself.

It must be remembered that when the receiver is expected to be activated, it must be turned on to the first channel - that is, to 1ORT, and no other. Regardless of whether there is a broadcast on it or not.

If the conditional access module is faulty, this error may also appear. To determine the version of the installed software on the receiver, you need to press the remote control to enter the “Status” menu section. You can update the software yourself, while repairs are best left to a specialized service center.

In most cases, error "0" also appears when the satellite receiver is overloaded.

How to fix the problem

Having dealt with the question of what error “0” is on “Tricolor TV”, we perform several steps to resolve it ourselves:

  • Wait a while (usually 8-10 minutes) and the channel will most likely start broadcasting on its own.
  • Reboot the receiver by turning it off for 3-5 minutes and turning it on again.

So in what situations does this error most often appear?

The TV displays the message "No Signal"

Firstly, you first need to try to determine who issued this message - the TV or the receiver. You should press the "OK" button on the remote control - if the outcome is favorable, the "Tricolor TV" channels should appear on the screen. Otherwise, an inscription will appear that the channel list is empty (which means error "0" on "Tricolor TV").

If the receiver responds normally to pressing a button, then the cause of the error may be hidden:

  1. If it is used with a small diameter (from 50 to 60 cm) or is installed poorly and incorrectly configured, then the signal may be absent due to precipitation. It could be rain, snow, even dense clouds.
  2. The antenna setting may have gone wrong. For example, due to strong wind or snowstorm. You will either have to correct the satellite dish setting yourself, or call a specialist.

How to set up an antenna yourself

In principle, there is nothing complicated in setting it up. You just need to change the position of the antenna and watch the TV screen. The antenna should be moved gradually, slowly, literally centimeter by centimeter. As soon as the image appears on the “Info” channel, the antenna must be fixed.

If you call up a special scale showing the signal strength by pressing the red “F1” or “i” button on the remote control twice, the signal strength will be at the bottom of the screen on the left, and its quality on the right. In order for channels to be received stably, the signal level must be at least 70%.

There is a situation when some channels are not displayed, a message appears stating that there is no signal, but others are shown normally. The reason for this may be that the transponders - the frequencies on which the channels are broadcast - have changed. You need to rescan them either in manual or automatic search mode.

You will have to enter the menu and select “Search for Tricolor TV channels.” Then scan the channels.

An error may also appear if the antenna fails. Then you will have to replace the converter itself.

When the reason is that the coaxial cable is damaged, the cable must be replaced. It can be repaired, but the signal quality may be worse. The cable connection location may cause additional interference in channel reception.

The receiver does not respond when the "Ok" button is pressed

  • When using a GS 8306 receiver, accidental movement of the receiver's outputs often occurs. The fact is that on the remote control in the upper left part there is a button, accidentally pressing it leads to a change of outputs and the image disappears. You can check which output is currently active visually using the indicator. RCA - bells are shown, HDMI - the indicator lights up at the bottom.
  • It is possible that the cause of the error is the television receiver itself. You need to check whether the switched input is accidentally connected incorrectly. You need to find the “Resources” button on the remote control and press so that the output corresponds to the selected mode - Scart, HDMI or RCA.

If one of the following messages appears on the screen of the television receiver, such as “DRE Coded Channel”, “No Access”, “Error “0””, then check the following:

Subscription activity "TV Tricolor". Error "0" on the second receiver is also checked either through your personal account on the official website or in the "Personal Account" section of the receiver.

Subscription to services is active

  1. You should make sure that the receiver detects the Tricolor smart card.
  2. Does it determine the ID number of the satellite receiver.

Receiver menu item "Status"

If there is no ID number, then:

  • If you are using a receiver that uses a smart card to receive channels - models GS 8306, GS 9303, GS 8302, GS 8304, GS 8300N, you must first disconnect the receiver from the network, remove the card, make sure it is installed correctly, insert it back and turn on the receiver to the power supply.
  • If the receiver works without a card, and these are receivers using MPEG2 - GS 8300, GS 8300M, most likely the access module is broken. You will have to contact a service center where the module will be repaired.

In a situation where the ID number is determined and the subscription has not ended, then:

  • You need to reset the settings to factory defaults, reboot the receiver, after which the setup wizard will be activated and the channels will be scanned again.
  • If the receiver has not been turned on for more than three days, you will have to obtain activation keys again. To do this, after rebooting the receiver, you should turn it on to the “Info Channel” channel, and if it shows, then go to the “Kinoprokaz” channel - after which the channels usually decode themselves.

To prevent error “0” from appearing on Tricolor TV in the future, what should you do if the receiver does turn off, when leaving for a long period of time, for example? You will have to activate the keys again.

To prevent the error message from appearing in the future, you should sometimes leave the receiver plugged in, for example, overnight.