What are virtual glasses used for? The most popular models of VR glasses for smartphones. How virtual reality glasses for smartphones work

Realistic graphics are implemented even in smartphones, which allows you to create a feeling of personal presence in a three-dimensional space. However, this will require special devices - virtual reality glasses.

What are virtual reality glasses? These are special devices that are placed on the user’s head and generate images in 3D format.

Images are shown separately for the left and right eyes. To make using glasses even more convenient, they are equipped with a special sensor that monitors the position of a person’s head. You need to purchase devices that have 1-2 displays with lenses. Sometimes glasses are equipped with mirrors, and a number of models are developed with microdisplays that increase the viewing angle.

Why do you need virtual reality glasses?

What are VR glasses? This is an opportunity to find yourself in a non-existent, but seemingly real world, in which you can look around 360 degrees. The result is a feeling of unity with virtual reality, which is strengthened through audiovisualization. The user is able to touch any objects, run, look for secluded places for shelter - he will constantly be in the epicenter of events.
Young people most often use VR headsets for entertainment – ​​watching movies, playing games. Basically, such glasses are purchased by gamers to make virtual reality even more real for them. According to studies, playing with glasses is 80% more fun than playing without them.
Virtual reality glasses, what are they and how to enjoy them? Network virtual games are developing rapidly, which attracts both avid gamers and young families who love to spend time with their children. Players can make any of their desires come true - turn into a racer for a while, go on a steep roller coaster, become a participant star wars, jump with a parachute, explore the depths of the sea, visit countries and cities where they are unlikely to find themselves in reality. There are many different games presented in the categories of shooters, action, horror, racing and others.

Principle of operation

Let's take a closer look at what virtual reality glasses are and how they work.
They are made using the principle of micromirror technology. The image is reflected to the eye, which allows you to get clear graphics.
The housing of such devices is plastic or cardboard. Behind the lenses there is a screen with a partition. Two images are created for the left and right eyes, which ultimately forms a three-dimensional reality, since each visual organ sees its own separate image. When both eyes are turned on, each of them sees virtual reality in virtual reality glasses from its own position, which allows you to achieve the depth and volume of the environment. If you look at virtual reality with one eye, you will not be able to perceive the depth of space; the distance will be calculated incorrectly.
Try to close one eye, isn’t it true that visibility is no longer the same? So virtual reality glasses show when correct use a high-quality, and most importantly three-dimensional picture where you can easily turn your head and examine what is happening around you and whether they can show that single picture and feel those emotions that we would so much like.
Three-dimensional video is recorded using footage captured by two cameras at once. The left camera is launched for the left visual organ, the right one for the right one. This is exactly how virtual reality glasses work - this principle creates a separate video for each visual organ.
The device also includes an accelerometer, motion sensors and a gyroscope. This allows the user to look around, duck, hide, and dodge. There are models of glasses that require a smartphone with these functions to operate.
When using a headset that connects to a PC via HDMI and USB cables, the first cable transmits images to the glasses display from the computer, and the second provides the computer with information from the head motion sensor. For those models that work in conjunction with a smartphone, it is possible to connect to a computer. They operate in special applications - for example, Stream VR.

On this moment The demand for virtual reality glasses is enormous, and it will only increase in the future.

Using virtual reality glasses

What can you do with virtual reality glasses? There are a lot of answers to this question, from looking at simple pictures at 360 degrees or watching films, moving into the frames of any film - he can look at the surroundings, move, stand next to the characters to immersing himself in the virtual game universe. If you are tired of these banal, at first glance, understandable functions, what should you do next with vr glasses? Technology will also keep you busy. A lot of educational, tourist and educational VR content has been created. Also, while at home, you can travel to different countries and cities, sightseeing, go into space and visit other planets. You can walk along the streets of New York or Paris, immerse yourself in the world of plants and animals (even extinct ones).
At the same time, the possibilities of virtual reality glasses do not end there; there are other areas of application for these glasses. Let's look at everything you need to know about these devices.

  1. Training of specialists

    VR devices allow you to show students items and objects from different angles and in various scales. For example, this will allow future doctors to see the structure of the human body in more detail. And all this without the risk of surrounding people. Also VR technology will do for training designers, engineers, architects.

  2. Interior design, building construction

    In this context, VR will help designers and customers consider the design of a future facility, see all objects, design solutions, and furniture exactly down to the smallest detail.

  3. Business, marketing, online trading

    Glasses allow you to view products that exist in reality and walk through a virtual store that also works in reality.

  4. Remote control of objects and devices

    Soon people will begin to remotely start mechanisms, control objects and even production processes while at home.

  5. Control drones

    A person will be able to receive images that are currently captured by a drone high in the air. Thus, the owner becomes its pilot while remaining on the ground.

  6. Control of military equipment

    You can control tanks remotely. In addition, visibility from this car is limited, and virtual reality glasses allow you to inspect the area under a wide range of views.

Features of virtual reality glasses

Describing the characteristics of what virtual reality glasses are, one could write a whole volume, starting with the spring for supporting the phone in the headset itself to the chemical composition of all types of lenses that need to be used depending on your vision. We’ll take a shortcut and try to explain at several points the most important features and characteristics of what vr glasses are:

VR glasses have the following features:

  • Excellent quality of graphic images;
  • No discomfort (or minimal discomfort) when using the device;
  • Almost complete isolation from the surrounding reality;
  • You need either a powerful smartphone or a powerful PC.

Glasses for smartphones have the following characteristics:

  • Compatible not only with smartphones, but also with PCs;
  • The quality of graphics depends on the smartphone display;
  • You can enjoy a movie or game in any convenient place.

Console glasses have the following characteristics:

  • Not portable;
  • Designed to work with a specific attachment;
  • There are few serious games with high-level graphics.
  • Standalone glasses are also available, which are equipped with a powerful processor, gyroscope and screen.

Prices for VR devices

The cost of VR glasses varies depending on the type, model and manufacturer. They can vary from 200 to 50,000 rubles and above. For example, virtual reality gadgets for PCs and consoles are more expensive than for smartphones, because... they have additional components, for example, a custom display. So there are 3 price ranges for VR devices:

  1. Budget (up to 2,000 rubles);
  2. Average price category (within 10,000 rubles);
  3. Premium class (from 30,000 rubles).


Nevertheless, a huge number of engineers, developers and brilliant minds know how the principle of virtual reality glasses works. The day is not far off when this headset will become part of the daily routine. huge amount of people. The definition of what virtual reality glasses are is not difficult to formulate and even easier to explain in 3 or 2 words.

Not just view a photo or video, but completely immerse yourself in the gaming world thanks to a three-dimensional image - for this you need to buy virtual reality glasses for your computer, which are used both for games and for watching movies. Prices for such devices can reach several hundred rubles, but there are budget models. This means that augmented reality is now available to everyone, the main thing is to choose how you will get into it.

What are virtual reality glasses

Helmets, virtual reality headsets, and their analogues for modern smartphones– glasses are devices with which you can enjoy augmented reality. Externally, the devices look like boxes with lenses, have a screen with a partition and plastic case. Full virtual reality headsets are used for PCs, but they are also sometimes called glasses. They make it possible to watch 3D movies, videos, share photos and play games of various genres.

Principle of operation

The main element of glasses for smartphones is aspherical lenses. They are not responsible for the quality of the picture; the parameter depends on original quality images, screen resolution and color rendering. Special lenses are designed to focus the user's eyes on the smartphone screen. Gadgets that work in conjunction with a PC, or independent devices with a processor, have their own built-in display on which images are displayed.

For positioning in space, special main and additional sensors are used. In smartphone glasses they are built-in – on-board. In PC devices, sensors are connected to the computer via a USB cable. The device reads the indicators from them and displays the image on the screen at the desired angle. This is perceived as a complete immersion in another reality, since sensors constantly monitor the user's movements.

All elements of augmented reality glasses are protected by a housing, which also serves as a fastening. The body is made from high quality cardboard or plastic. The components of some models are printed on 3D printers. In order to connect your smartphone to the glasses, you need to use special applications. PC programs are used for the same purpose.

Review of virtual reality glasses

Devices for smartphones are convenient and compact, for computers they are larger but also more powerful. In conjunction with powerful computers you can:

  • completely immerse yourself in the world of games (+ powerful gaming computer supports the most advanced games);
  • enjoy the 3D effect when watching videos;
  • travel right from the couch;
  • watch and share 3D photos with friends.

The disadvantage of these features: they are only available in conjunction with personal computers, that is, they are tied to one place. Enjoy with your smartphone virtual space it will be possible anywhere. On the contrary, headsets with all the equipment for game consoles are the most cumbersome (a laptop, for example, is easier to carry), but they allow you to use all the features high technology in the world of games.

Oculus Rift

Virtual augmented reality glasses for computer. In addition, OculusRift helmets are used in attractions:

  • Name: OculusRift CV1
  • Price: 37,900 rubles.
  • Characteristics: display the image on the built-in display (1200x1080 for each eye)
  • Pros: built-in headphones, convenient controllers
  • Cons: Image quality, lenses are sensitive to scratches.

A side effect of OculusRift helmets is motion sickness, especially when using the device for the first time. Later models have a built-in tester that is designed to smooth out this effect:

  • Name: OculusRift DK2
  • Cost: 33,000 rub. (discount -22%)
  • Description: PC helmet, with its own screen (960x1080 resolution for each eye), viewing angle – 100°.
  • Advantages: there is a set free games, good effect dives.
  • Disadvantages: very straining on the eyes, small viewing angle, system requirements.

PlayStation VR

This device from Sony works together with the PlayStation4 game console. Over 100 games are already available for it, including exclusive ones, and new ones are currently being developed:

  • Name: SonyPlayStation VR
  • Cost: 31,990 rub.
  • Description: suitable for consoles, has a built-in 1920x1080 display, headphones included.
  • Advantages: accurate tracking, convenient mounting, wireless connection, looks like a futuristic mask.
  • Disadvantages: the image on the screen is blurred at the edges, not all games have good graphics.

HTC Vive

If you want to buy virtual reality glasses for PC, one of the options is to purchase HTC Vive. This is a helmet that connects via USB and HDMI cables, and has laser tracking:

  • Name: HTC Vive
  • Price: 69,490 rub.
  • Characteristics: displays images on its own screen with a resolution of 1200x1080 for each eye, includes headphones, motion controller and position sensor.
  • Pros: complete immersion, good equipment.
  • Cons: difficult setup, high cost, high system requirements.

Google Cardboard

This experimental device, working in conjunction with a smartphone, is called GoogleCardboard. The basis is a helmet, which is assembled from any available materials. You can make it yourself according to the scheme or buy it already assembled (sale on the official website or in online stores):

  • Name: Google Cardboard
  • Cost: 890 rub. (promotion, full price 1190 rubles), if you collect it yourself - within 100-200 rubles.
  • Description: cardboard glasses with two lenses and a Velcro mount for a smartphone.
  • Advantages: a cheap way to buy an augmented reality helmet, lightweight design
  • Disadvantages: requires good smartphone For acceptable quality pictures, unreliability of the case.

Gear VR

Glasses from Samsung that work with a smartphone. Compatible with Android operating system:

  • Name: SamsungGear VR
  • Price: 8,500 rub.
  • Characteristics: viewing angle 101°, focus adjustment and connection connector charger.
  • Pros: comfortable, good immersion.
  • Minuses: low resolution, image blur.

Microsoft Hololens

Mixed reality glasses work on operating system WindowsGolographic like independent device. Refers to expensive models. Controlled by gesture, voice, clicker or traditional button press. Targeted at business and developers, used for product presentation and training of medical students:

  • Name: Microsoft Hololens
  • Cost: 289,000 rub. (sale -15%)
  • Specifications: 2 GB random access memory, 64 GB internal, built-in display, processor, microphone, cameras, built-in headphones.
  • Advantages: completely independent device, great business opportunities.
  • Disadvantages: price.

How to choose virtual reality glasses for your computer

You can order virtual reality glasses in the online store, ordering delivery by mail or self-pickup. Although this opportunity is available to residents of Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation, before purchasing, make sure that your personal data is protected and that you can check the product before paying. When choosing a helmet or glasses, consider the following criteria:

  1. Price. Cheap models are made from cardboard. Although they provide minimal features, they are suitable for the first acquaintance with augmented reality.
  2. Viewing angle. The widest is 360°, the most common is 100. 100° is enough for realistic immersion, in addition, 360° quickly starts to give you a headache.
  3. Scope of use. Glasses for PC and consoles are really only needed by developers or gamers. Smartphone devices are both more convenient and mobile, and you can also watch movies and play games on them.
  4. Compatibility. Consider the system requirements for your PC/phone, including the gadget model.
  5. Control. If you're not ready for futuristic voice control, choose models with standard buttons.
  6. Design. You have to pay extra for it, sometimes it makes no sense. Why buy expensive things that you can buy cheaper?


Greetings, our beloved readers. Virtual reality glasses have become perhaps the most notable development in the computer and mobile gaming industry over the past 10 years. It seemed that the sphere of digital entertainment could no longer offer anything fundamentally new. Improved graphics and growth physical dimensions and display resolutions had virtually no effect on gameplay. The release of the first models of glasses intended for the mass market showed that games can be completely different - not the same as we are used to.

The term “virtual reality” has firmly entered into everyday use, and sections decorated with the “VR” logo have appeared in mobile application stores. In this article we will talk about what types of VR glasses there are, how they differ from each other and what accessories they can be used with.

Virtual reality is an artificially created world transmitted to a person through sensations. Although VR devices have boomed in popularity over the past few years (and are still ongoing), the first attempts to create an artificial world were made back in the early 60s of the last century.

Virtual reality is completely artificial and not related to real world, in this her fundamental difference from augmented.

Who is the creator

One of the pioneers in the field of virtual reality research is Myron Kruger, an American artist and creator of the first interactive works. In the late 60s, he introduced the very concept of “artificial reality.”

Somewhat earlier, cinematographer Morton Heilig presented the Sensorama simulator. A series of short videos was broadcast to the viewer, accompanied by smells, the wind created by a hairdryer, and the noise of big cities.

The first helmet was described and designed by engineer Ivan Sutherland in 1967. The image for it was generated by a computer. The helmet was equipped with sensors that track head movements, which made it possible to dynamically change the image depending on which direction the user turned his head.

Actually, even then, researchers came to the conclusion that the image for future virtual reality devices would be created by a computer. In the 70s computer graphics finally supplanted films, and the world of virtual reality moved to 3D.

The first head-mounted simulators were not for the consumer market. Pilots were trained on them and in terms of their capabilities they were noticeably inferior modern models. Hardly anyone thought about gaming devices back then, because the personal computer market did not yet exist.

Long before the first VR devices appeared, artificial reality helmets were described by science fiction writers.

What are VR glasses for?

VR glasses are needed to organize the stereo effect. It is with their help that the illusion of a three-dimensional image is created and this is the main function of VR glasses.

How they work

The fundamental design of modern helmets is no different from the design of the very first models. Inside the case there is a screen or several screens, in front of which there is a partition and two eyepieces with lenses. The dimensions of helmets are relatively small, so they are often called glasses. However, there are differences. Helmets are equipped with their own displays, while in glasses the role of the display is performed by the smartphone screen.

The helmet design in the classical sense, that is, with a completely closed head, is used mainly in professional models used for training pilots and sailors.

How VR works

Both the cheapest and the most expensive glasses use the same principle. The original picture is split into two separate images for the right and left eyes.

The partition present between the eyepieces allows you to divide a person’s field of vision into two areas. Images for each eye are broadcast alternately, but with high frequency, That's why human brain perceives the picture as a single whole. As a result, a flat image becomes three-dimensional. In fact, the stereo effect deceives the brain, but this is enough for a person to feel like he is in virtual reality.

The presence effect is enhanced by the tracking system. The VR helmet is equipped with sensors (gyroscopes, accelerometers, magnetometers) that allow you to track changes in its position in space. Expensive models also have an IR sensor system that makes tracking more extensive and accurate. The image that a person sees on the internal monitor of the glasses instantly changes depending on which direction and at what angle he looks.

Types of VR devices

Despite the similar structure and general principle work, VR devices are usually divided into helmets and glasses. True, the boundary between them is not always noticeable, especially when comparing wireless glasses for a smartphone with a 3D helmet on Android.


Helmets are more technologically advanced devices. They have their own displays, sensors and can be equipped with an advanced lens system with fine tuning. Usually it is enough to look at the characteristics to get a complete picture of what capabilities it provides. this device. Typically, the helmet is connected to personal computer and special configuration software is available for it.

The coolest models are sold with their own computers or laptops equipped with powerful video cards and a large amount of RAM. For gamers, there are even special small PCs with batteries and backpacks for carrying. This allows you to ignore the wires that connect the helmet to the PC and increases freedom of movement.

There are also professional models. Often they look exactly like a helmet, completely covering the user's head. Game models are rarely performed in this form factor. Typically, they are more similar to smartphone VR glasses, but with a more advanced mounting system and one or more connectors for connecting cables.


If you've ever attended a 3D movie in a movie theater, you've probably had to deal with the simplest glasses, appearance which are practically no different from ordinary sunglasses. This is the simplest and cheapest option, but it is only suitable for cinema.

There are VR gadgets that are more technically interesting for Android and iPhone devices. A mobile phone acts as a screen in these glasses.

The resolution of modern displays makes it possible to achieve relatively high-quality picture even if the screen is divided into two halves (for the right and left eyes). Computing power Smartphones are also quite enough to run 3D games optimized for mobile devices.

What are the differences

A direct comparison of wired computer helmets with, as a rule, wireless VR glasses for Android and iOS is unlikely to be correct - the capabilities and application models are too different.

Elaborated and complex designs are available for helmets computer applications with high quality graphics. A good headset provides a much more immersive experience in virtual reality. Data processing takes place on a PC and this means that you don’t have to worry about a lack of performance (of course, only if the computer initially meets the requirements). The helmet is slightly larger in size compared to the glasses, but the difference is not so critical. The main limitation is wires and the need to use a computer.

Inexpensive standalone VR glasses are not able to create a strong immersion effect, and the graphics level is not so high. But you can take the glasses with you without being tied to a PC. Losing or breaking a device is unlikely to be a cause for concern.

Is it worth buying

The question of whether or not to buy glasses can be significantly simplified if we take as an axiom the fact that everyone should get acquainted with virtual reality. If the artificial world fascinates you, you'll have no trouble finding a use for your new VR device.

To begin with, we recommend purchasing an inexpensive model of VR glasses for your smartphone. Firstly, this way you can immediately understand what they show and how well they do it. According to the description, these glasses are very similar to each other, so we advise you to read reviews before purchasing.

As for computer helmets, they require a more serious approach. Such gadgets are not cheap and place increased demands on PC power.

Advantages and disadvantages

To summarize the above, we list the main advantages and disadvantages of VR devices.

Glasses for smartphones

  • Cheapness
  • Big choice
  • Autonomy
  • Ease of setup and operation
  • The quality of workmanship greatly depends on the manufacturer
  • The immersion effect is not very pronounced
  • The graphics level is relatively low
  • Picture quality largely depends on the smartphone model

Computer helmets

  • Almost completely immersive experience
  • High quality graphics
  • Overall high quality workmanship
  • Accurate helmet tracking
  • High PC requirements
  • Lack of autonomy

The best way to understand what glasses provide and what is visible in them is to go to a mobile equipment store or electronics store and try on one or more models. Don't forget to bring your smartphone with you, as this is what will be used for the test.

Get ready for dozens of devices to choose from. Pay attention to overall quality manufacturing, the quality of the materials used, the presence of light inside the glasses (there shouldn’t be any).

With helmets, things are a little more complicated, although only a few brands make them. Not all models are represented in our retail stores and often we have to rely mainly on reviews from other users and reviews. approximate price helmets start at $500, and that's not cheap for computer headset. Don't forget about the computer performance requirements. Without a good (and therefore expensive) video card, nothing will work.

Rating of the best glasses and helmets 2018

A common problem is that a person wants to buy good VR glasses, but does not know what they are called, or does not remember what they look like. The market is developing rapidly, and if you don’t follow it, it will not be easy to get up to speed. We have specially compiled a rating of current devices, the purchase of which is unlikely to disappoint you.

For smartphone

  • Zeiss VR ONE Plus
  • Samsung Gear VR
  • Fibrum Pro

For PC

  • Oculus Rift CV1
  • HTC Vive
  • HP Windows Mixed Reality Headset
  • Pimax 4K

For console

  • Sony Playstation VR

Autonomous glasses on Android

  • Oculus Go - 64 GB

What devices do not need to be taken?

You definitely shouldn’t buy the cheapest models of glasses for smartphones. Ultra-budget devices usually have a flimsy design, are made of low-quality materials, and let a lot of light inside. There is no point in making recommendations for specific models, since there are so many devices on the market.

There are not very many helmets for computers and consoles yet, and they are all made well-known manufacturers electronics, that is, at a minimum, quality problems can be avoided.

The first versions of helmets, for example, Oculus Rift dk, can still be found at auctions and in some stores. You can buy them only if you clearly understand that it is already outdated version, and the price is not high. Otherwise, it is better to give preference to new models with 4K screens, more sensors and more sophisticated ergonomics.

Also, don’t try to find children’s glasses on sale. There may be several models on the market marketed as children's ones, but the truth is that introducing virtual reality to children can cause more harm than pleasure. Dizziness and nausea are frequent companions of VR devices. So do not leave your child unattended during the game, monitoring his well-being.

What accessories are there for glasses?

Playing with controllers is more interesting and convenient. Although a regular mouse and keyboard are still ready to help control the game character, there are special gadgets for VAR devices. What you can do with controllers depends largely on the game. In some applications, the set of actions available to the player is minimal, while in others the mechanics are tailored specifically to manipulating the environment. The more interactive the game, the more interesting the interaction with the joystick, gamepad, gloves or remote control will be.


Perhaps the most unusual accessory available for VR helmets is gloves. In videos and photos they look no less futuristic than glasses. Price similar devices high, but they add realism to the game and allow you to perform all actions with your hands. Sensors track not only hand movements, but also finger movements.

Models we are interested in:

  • CaptoGlove


Joysticks are more affordable, although the cost individual models I wouldn't call it low either. By by and large any PC-compatible joystick can work without problems with a computer helmet. However, some controllers, such as Oculus Touch, are equipped with additional sensors to track position in space.

  • Razer Hydra PC
  • Oculus Touch
  • Controller for Xbox One

Joysticks for smartphones

You won't be able to use gestures to control a smartphone inserted into VR glasses. Need or voice control video games (not supported in all applications), or an external remote control or joystick. When purchasing, pay attention to the capacity of the joystick's built-in battery and whether it supports a wireless connection.

Devices we are interested in:

  • POWER A MOGA Pro Power
  • Samsung Smartphone Gamepad
  • SUNNYPEAK Wireless Bluetooth Gamepad

Top gloves and gamepads

It seems to us that gloves would be the best choice, but there is no point in buying them for playing on a smartphone. But they are useful for computer helmets.

Our overall top for all devices:

  • CaptoGlove
  • Oculus Touch
  • POWER A MOGA Pro Power

How to connect and what to play

The connection depends on the content source. The smartphone is installed in a special connector on the body of the VR glasses, while computer helmets connect to PC. For game consoles latest generation have their own helmets that connect to them.

Connecting and setting up is unlikely to be difficult, just follow the instructions included with the kit.

Most main question- what to play. And we will now try to answer it. Dozens of video games have been created for gamers, and their number is constantly increasing.

List of top games for computer, console and phone

For computer:

  • Arizona Sunshine
  • The Talos Principle VR
  • Doom VFR
  • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
  • Obduction
  • Skyworld
  • Minecraft

Starting our conversation about virtual reality, we cannot help but mention such cult films as “Johnny Mnemonic” and “The Lawnmower Man”. The technical achievements shown in them were truly fantastic in their time. And even now, despite the technological breakthrough, virtual world still far from normal" working environment» Mnemonics.

Nevertheless, there is progress, and quite noticeable. As an example, we can recall the famous Oculus Rift device. Many of you may have seen it in action in conjunction with additional controllers, allowing you to run around the world of Fallout 4. Unfortunately, such a solution is not yet available to everyone: the cost of a complete set, which should also include a powerful computer, is too high. And the “run” itself only plays the role of demonstration.

A more accessible example is virtual reality glasses. The content provider in them is a smartphone, which allows you to not take into account the cost of a computer when purchasing a set. True, comparing the results of two devices is the same as comparing built-in and discrete video cards. However, a general idea of ​​virtual reality can be obtained in this way.

So, in this review we will talk about the in a simple way get into the painted world. A smartphone running Android in conjunction with a helmet, or more precisely, with virtual reality glasses VR HeadSet RIEM 2, will help us with this. We will also pay attention to the software part, since there are more than enough applications in the Play Market.

Virtual reality technologies

To begin with, let's divide computer realities into augmented and virtual. Augmented reality is a kind of hybrid: the real picture obtained using cameras is superimposed additional elements. Thus, every smartphone owner can install a special camera application and see “live” dinosaurs walking on the table on the phone screen. Another example, already familiar, is the colored lines that are used when showing sports programs to indicate leading athletes.

Augmented reality is not the subject of this article, although we will definitely return to this conversation. For now, I would like to note that the technology has a very bright future with a wide variety of applications. By the way, Microsoft is working on one of them – the product is currently known as HoloLens.

Now to our main topic– virtual reality. To put it in the dry language of a well-known encyclopedia, 3D virtual reality is an artificial reality that, using technical means, influences human sensations. You don't have to look far for an example. The simplest amusement park attraction in the form of a screen with speakers, a steering wheel, a moving chair and a racing car simulator program can already be called a virtual reality system. Let it be primitive, rough, but still workable.

At the core modern technology The virtual reality we will talk about is the long-studied effect of stereoscopy. To put it very simply, the video sequence is formed by two separate images for the right and left eyes, as a result of which our brain perceives a flat picture as three-dimensional. The same effect is used in stereo cinematography, but special glasses are required to achieve it.

As a result, the recipe for “how to watch virtual reality” is relatively simple. Firstly, this is one, or better yet, two screens, the image from which should cover the entire field of view and be quite clear. Secondly – ​​sound. But the most important thing is the reaction of virtual reality to your influence, in other words, the ability to “look around” around you by turning your head. This is achieved by a set of sensors located both on the device itself and in the room.

Virtual reality glasses

The most famous device that provides access to virtual reality is the Oculus Rift. The first models were equipped with only one screen ranging in size from 5.6 to 7 inches.

However, since the screen must simultaneously show two images at once for the right and left eyes, respectively, each eye accounted for best case scenario half the resolution of the entire screen. Therefore, the next step is to develop glasses with two 4K screens.

The first Oculus Rift Consumer Version (CV1) is currently available for pre-order. The glasses are equipped with an OLED screen with a resolution of 2K, that is, 2160×1200 pixels or, relatively speaking, 1K for each eye. The cost of the kit is about $600 at the time of review, and the queue to receive the device stretched until the summer of 2016.

HTC Vive glasses, introduced at the beginning of 2016, became a competitor to the Oculus Rift. This is a joint project between HTC and Valve, the famous developer of the games Half-Life and Counter-Strike, as well as the Steam service. Like the Oculus Rift, the glasses are equipped with a display with 2160x1200 pixels and a refresh rate of 90 Hz. HTC claims that in the first 10 minutes after the pre-order opened, more than 15 thousand paid applications were received.

However, it should be remembered that such virtual reality glasses are just a screen with a set of sensors. The image provider is a computer, and due to the gaming nature of the device, the requirements for it are high. Yes, for full use Oculus Rift will need a "machine" with the equivalent Intel Core i5-4590, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290 video card and 8 GB of RAM. Similar requirements apply to the Vive, and this is only the minimum required set.

The second option for making virtual reality is glasses with the ability to install a smartphone or tablet. In essence, glasses are only outer shell, a body with a pair of lenses without any filling, while the smartphone is responsible for everything else. In principle, comparing such glasses and even the first Oculus Rift models looks like comparing a motorized car from the movie “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures” and a business class car. However, some idea of ​​virtual reality can be obtained in this inexpensive way.

The arsenal of such devices is quite large; Chinese stores are literally replete with various offers, both simple and sophisticated. However, the essence of such glasses is still the same: a convenient case-partition for a smartphone. Moreover, for these purposes, a sheet of ordinary cardboard, folded in a special way and supplemented with lenses, is quite suitable - that’s all, you can immerse yourself in the world of virtual reality without unnecessary difficulties.

This was proven by Google developers, who in 2014 presented their Google Cardboard project - a helmet made of cardboard, lenses and Velcro for mounting on the head. And if you want to save even more, you can buy a set of lenses and mounts in one of Chinese stores, and cut out the body of the glasses and assemble them from cardboard according to the diagrams that are full of them on the Internet.

There are also more serious options, for example, Samsung Gear VR. These glasses are equipped with good optics with a wide range of adjustments, including lens correction for different vision. The downside is that these glasses support a rather modest set of Samsung smartphones Galaxy S6 and S6 edge, Galaxy Note 5 and edge+. The limitation is understandable - these smartphones are equipped with high-resolution screens, which allows you to get a higher-quality three-dimensional picture.

Review of the virtual reality helmet VR HeadSet RIEM 2

Now let's get to the hero review today– VR HeadSet RIEM 2 helmet-glasses. It is with their help that you can create cheap virtual reality for a smartphone. Judging by the information from the instructions, the glasses support phones with screens from 3.5 to 6.0 inches.

In our case, a phone with a 5-inch screen with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels was used as a prototype. Looking ahead, we can note that even this resolution, providing a pixel density of 441 ppi, was not enough to obtain a clear picture.

So, what are virtual reality glasses that cost about $15? First, let's look at the kit:

  • glasses;
  • belt for fastening;
  • magnet;
  • instructions

The glasses themselves are quite large, massive and look heavy, although in fact they are not. We should pay tribute to the good mounting system on the head. Together with the smartphone, the entire structure takes on noticeable weight, but this does not cause any inconvenience.

The smartphone is mounted on a hinged lid equipped with a set of suction cups.

On the one hand, this approach makes it easy to install a phone of any size. In addition, if you need access to your smartphone to select another application, you just need to open the cover without removing the device itself.

The lid itself has holes for connecting headphones and a charger.

The downside is that the suction cups hold the phone too tightly - you will have to use considerable force to remove it. In addition, there are no guidelines for determining the correct horizontal position; everything has to be done “by eye”.

The RIEM 2 adjustment set consists of two sliders that allow you to change the distance between the lenses. In addition, there is a magnet on the left side to influence the magnetic field of the phone's magnetometer.

In general, we did not have any serious complaints about the glasses themselves and their operation.

The only thing I would like to recommend is to add a joystick or gamepad to the kit. Without additional devices controlling what is happening on the screen becomes at least inconvenient. The phone should also be equipped with a gyroscope for more accurate orientation in space. This condition is not mandatory, but desirable.

And so we suggest watching a video review of this helmet at our channel :

Virtual reality on Android

There are a lot of applications for getting acquainted with “pocket” virtual reality in the Play Market. First of all, of course, these are games - attractions like the famous Roller Coaster, zombie shooters, space flights and dozens of other genres.

The following set of virtual reality programs can be described as demonstration ones. These include walks through various cities and beautiful places, simulators, exploration of the underwater world, and so on. Typically, the operating principle of most of these applications is to view photos taken using 360-degree cameras.

Finally, a big part of virtual reality is video. The main content provider is YouTube - here you can find hundreds of videos for viewing in Side-by-side mode, that is, divided into two images for each eye, or turn your head in a panoramic 360-degree video. We believe virtual reality films will appear soon

However, before you start looking for a particular application, we recommend that you get acquainted with Google’s service – Google Cardboard. It is quite possible that studying its capabilities will take you more than one hour.

Games for virtual reality glasses

Since in our case there was no joystick included in the set of glasses, and the phone itself was not equipped with a gyroscope, control in most games became a serious problem. Therefore, I would like to once again draw your attention to this point: you should enter virtual reality prepared.

Owners of Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR will not be bored: in addition to the Play Market, the Oculus application store offers its services. Everyone else will have to be content with only the Google store.

Although there is something to see here too. First of all, these are applications from the company FIBRUM, which is a developer of not only software for virtual reality, but also the creator of glasses of the same name. The game Roller Coaster VR, to which many Android travelers begin their virtual journey, is the creation of FIBRUM.

Another game of the company is the virtual swing VR Swing. On a phone screen, a double image looks nothing more than funny, but with glasses, flying over the city looks completely different. Unfortunately, neither images nor videos convey such sensations.

Most games like zombie shooters require additional controls. Without them, your hero will simply stand in one place.

Some games automatically detect the absence of a gyroscope on your phone and then block Side-by-side viewing mode. You can play, but not with glasses.

Various races - regular, space, water - are a very popular genre of games for virtual reality glasses. At the same time, racing does not have to resemble graphics Need for Speed ​​– simplest picture If you have glasses it gives you a lot of fun.


A significant share of the total number of applications for virtual reality glasses is occupied by applications of a demonstration or training nature. These are all kinds of walks and excursions - Tokyo at night, the Buran shuttle, underwater or prehistoric worlds with all sorts of their inhabitants, and so on.

Some applications consist of a set of high-quality photos. You can look at the area around you, turning your head, as if you were really standing in the center of this city. As an example, we can highlight the Sites in VR applications from the developer Ercan Gigi - and VR Cities from Smart2VR - they attract with a large number of high-quality photographs.

In many other applications, beautiful views are artificially created, but viewing does not become less interesting. In some cases, on the contrary, the imagination of developers allows them to achieve interesting results. For example, walking in space.

Some apps make it easier to search YouTube by showing you the entire list of relevant videos at once. The applications of some developers, for example Qwellcode, cheat a little: after selecting the video you like, the YouTube application is launched.

Finally, there are a number of applications in the Play Market with " own video", which cannot be found on YouTube. Videos with an immersive effect are especially popular - as a rule, these are either horror films or videos with beautiful girls of Oriental origin.

Virtual reality and iOS

Last May 2015 Google of the Year got involved and created the Google Cardboard application for iOS. In particular, models starting from iPhone 5 and higher are supported. .

Google Features Cardboard are the same as for Android. The application includes several functions: Exhibit - visiting museums and exhibitions, Explorer - exploring various locations, and Urban Hike - virtual tours by city. Of course, to fully use the application, it is recommended to acquire Google Cardboard virtual reality glasses or an equivalent.

In general, the set of virtual reality-related applications for iOS is the same as for Android, although the latter is slightly smaller in size. Find lists of games with detailed description, images and reviews in in social networks won't be difficult.


We consider virtual reality glasses, in which the smartphone plays the main role, to be inexpensive, interesting, but short-lived entertainment. Of course, such glasses don’t have a chance against the Oculus Rift, but the difference in price is such that it’s not even funny: about 3 thousand rubles for a set (glasses + manipulator) versus at least 43 thousand.

When purchasing glasses, you should make sure that the pointing device is included in the package. If not, it must be purchased separately. It is also desirable that the smartphone itself be equipped with a screen of at least 5 inches in size with a resolution of at least Full HD; a gyroscope is required. Only in this case will immersion in virtual reality be pleasant.

Choosing virtual reality glasses is not easy. This market is young, but already segmented enough that the buyer can easily become confused about brands, models and characteristics. We will help you sort it all out and decide how much and what you should pay for.

To better guide you, we will divide all VR devices into three price categories: budget, medium and premium.

1. Budget devices: $15–$50

What are they?

The simplest VR helmets are pieces of cardboard with a pair of lenses and a connector for a smartphone. Just insert an Android or iOS device into it - it will work ready-made headset. Google first showed this design, calling it Cardboard. The company also released application of the same name for use with a helmet.

According to the developers, these helmets are affordable enough to introduce everyone to virtual reality. Subsequently, models made of plastic and other materials from many manufacturers appeared, compatible with the Cardboard platform.

The Google website sells glasses created by the company's partners. There are also instructions according to which Cardboard can be assembled independently from scrap materials. You can also easily buy a cheap helmet compatible with Cardboard, for example, in one of the Chinese hardware stores.

Source: vr.google.com

What makes them stand out?

The main use of this type of headset is watching 360-degree videos and simple games. Cardboard (Android, iOS), WITHIN (Android, iOS), YouTube (Android, iOS) - this is far from full list programs for downloading and viewing three-dimensional videos. And it is constantly growing.

You shouldn’t expect a complete immersion effect from cardboard virtual reality glasses, and due to the impossibility of active movement with such a unit on your head, you may need a swivel chair.

On the other hand, cardboard (aluminum, plastic) VR headsets of this class are the most compact and often have a folding design. Albeit at the expense of less isolation from the outside world.

Cardboard helmets from Google partners. Source: vr.google.com

According to the Google standard, any craft needs to have at least one control. It doesn’t have to be a button or trackball, just a couple of magnets are enough. This control is only suitable for selecting menu options or performing other simple actions. Fortunately, many control applications use only an accelerometer.

What to pay attention to

When choosing a budget headset, make sure that it is compatible in size with the screen diagonal of your smartphone. In addition, some helmets are designed only for specific smartphone models. Check this information on the websites of stores or glasses manufacturers.

For a smartphone to become a VR display, it must support virtual reality applications. You can check this by installing the Cardboard program on it. The quality and smoothness of the video will depend on the display resolution and the power of your smartphone.

The more durable and high-quality the shell material, the more expensive the helmet will cost. Perhaps this is the main parameter on which the price of budget headsets depends.

2. Mid-price devices: $50–200

What are they?

Such headsets also most often use a smartphone as a screen, but they try to attract a different category of buyers. Unlike the simple and rather clunky Cardboard, mid-priced glasses are equipped with additional sensors, more complex control mechanisms, the ability to adjust focus, or even their own screens.

Samsung Gear VR

The most famous among such devices are Samsung Gear VR and Google Daydream View, designed for Android smartphones. Alternatives from lesser-known developers like Homido VR, Merge VR, Carl Zeiss VR One Plus are compatible with both Android and iPhone. Recently, a mid-range device was listed as the first stand-alone virtual reality headset Oculus GO, which works without any smartphones or other additional devices.

What makes them stand out?

Thanks to additional sensors, devices from this segment more accurately track head movements in space. This allows for smoother videos and greater interactivity in games. The illusion becomes more convincing. But you still shouldn’t expect the accuracy of premium models equipped with external sensors from such headsets.

Gadgets in this segment are usually sold together with a Bluetooth gamepad or remote control. This provides new control options that are especially useful for gamers. In addition, on the body of such glasses there are buttons or touch panels with which you can control basic functions games and programs without additional devices.

Google Daydream View

Manufacturers of mid-priced glasses pay increased attention to content. Gear VR, Daydream and Oculus GO are entire ecosystems with various games, programs and films. Developers of other glasses are also trying to expand their range to please users.

What to pay attention to

When choosing a mid-priced VR helmet, make sure that it is equipped with additional sensors: an accelerometer, a gyroscope, a proximity sensor. Check to see if a gamepad or remote is included. Also, go to the manufacturer's website and see how many VR applications the glasses support. If you don’t need any of this, then you don’t need to overpay - you can take a simple Cardboard.

If you are looking for a device with a built-in display, consider its resolution: the higher the better. If you choose glasses for your smartphone or computer, check compatibility with the smartphone model or computer specifications on the website of the store/glasses manufacturer.

If your device is too weak or old and does not support VR headsets, consider buying standalone Oculus GO glasses. They have a built-in 5.5-inch display with a resolution of 2,560 × 1,440 pixels and quad-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 with 3 GB of RAM.

Oculus GO

You will still need a smartphone (Android or iPhone) to Oculus settings GO and installing new programs on them. But you can use these applications on glasses without the help of a computer or smartphone. The helmet runs Android 7.1. The version with 32 GB of internal memory costs $199, with 64 GB – $249.

If you are nearsighted or farsighted, it is better to choose a device with a focal length adjuster.

3. Major league devices: from $300

What are they?

The premium segment of the VR market is represented by Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Sony PlayStation VR headsets. Unlike previous ones, these devices are connected not to phones, but to computers and game consoles. These helmets have a sophisticated ergonomic design and are equipped with high-quality screens, audio systems and numerous sensors.

PlayStation VR

Price Sony PlayStation VR is $300. To use this headset, you must have a Sony PlayStation 4 console, or better yet, a Sony PlayStation 4 Pro, which unlocks the full graphical potential of these VR glasses.

Oculus Rift and HTC Vive cost $400 and $500, respectively. Each of them requires availability powerful computer with Windows on board. Released in 2018 Vive PRO - new version helmet with improved ergonomics, optics and sound for $800.

What makes them stand out?

Headsets in this class demonstrate an excellent level of graphics and surround sound. Their design features cause minimal discomfort. And thanks to external cameras and sensors, they accurately track the user’s movement in space. Together, these factors ensure maximum user immersion in games and other interactive simulations.

Oculus Rift

What to pay attention to

Buying premium VR glasses is only appropriate if you have game console or a powerful PC. In the case of PlayStation VR, which is designed specifically for the Sony console, everything is clear. But if you want a Rift or Vive, be sure to read the computer system requirements on the Oculus or HTC website.

It will be useful to know the range of games available for each helmet. The PS VR catalog is being updated on the PlayStation website. Similar listings for the Rift or Vive can be found on Steam. The more games you are interested in that a particular helmet supports, the more compelling the reason to choose it.

When choosing a headset, do not forget to pay attention to its delivery package. Some accessories are sold with glasses, others must be purchased separately. For example, the basic HTC Vive is sold with sensors and controllers, and PRO version- without any additional devices at all.

If you are interested in outdoor games, make sure you have enough free space in your home. Otherwise, advanced tracking systems, which make up a significant portion of the cost of glasses, will be useless. This is especially true for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive helmets, which can track player movements within 6 and 20 square meters, respectively.

Buyer's checklist

  • If you want to buy an inexpensive helmet for films and simple games, choose any Cardboard model whose design you like.
  • If you can spend a little more for glasses that are more durable and comfortable, look to Google Daydream and Samsung Gear VR. But make sure that the headset you choose is compatible with your smartphone model or PC specifications. If you are unlucky with compatibility, you can buy a standalone one Oculus helmet GO.
  • If you want complete immersion in cool games and money is not a problem for you, buy PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. First option - the best choice for owners of PS 4. The second and third are for owners of large apartments and powerful Windows-based PCs.