How to open the virtual keyboard in the game. On-screen (virtual) keyboard


Click on the “Start” button or press any of the two win buttons on the keyboard - this will open the main menu of the Windows operating system. Hover your mouse over the “All Programs” section in this menu, and select the “Standard” line in the submenu that appears. In the next section of the menu that slides out, hover over the “Accessibility” folder, which will cause the fourth, this time the last section of the main menu to appear. In it, click on the “Screen” item and the application you need will be launched, and in addition to it, a message will appear on the screen stating that Microsoft can offer more functional programs for people with limited functionality. After reviewing this undoubtedly useful information, check the “Do not display this message again” box if just reading one is enough for you, and click the “OK” button.

Use the standard program launch dialog if you don’t want to go on a multi-step journey through the Windows main menu to open the on-screen keyboard. To do this, first press the win and r keys simultaneously - this combination duplicates the “Run” command in the menu on the “Start” button and brings up the program launch dialog on the screen. In the dialog box that opens, type the three-letter command - osk. This is an abbreviation for the full English name of the on-screen keyboard - OnScreen Keyboard. Then press the enter key or click on the “OK” button and the system will launch the desired application.

Double-click the executable file of this program in Windows Explorer if both methods described above for some reason do not work. You can launch the file manager by simultaneously pressing the win and e keys (this is an English letter), or by double-clicking on the “My Computer” icon. You should look for the required file called osk.exe in a folder named system32, which is nested in the WINDOWS folder on the system drive of your operating system.


  • how to launch on-screen keyboard

A virtual keyboard is used in the absence of a physical one, and also in the event that it does not contain the characters of the required alphabet. In order to use it, you do not need any other programs other than a browser.


Make sure your browser and text editor support Unicode.

Select a website from a virtual one depending on the characters of the alphabet you need to type. The most famous of these sites is the following:
This resource allows you to type texts in Belarusian, Spanish, Italian, German, French and Turkish.

To type text in languages ​​using other alphabets, use the following virtual keyboards:, English, Arabic, Belarusian, Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish, French);; dozen languages);; nn is a two-letter designation of the language name).

If none of the listed virtual keyboards suits you because it does not contain the characters of the alphabet you need, enter the following line into the search engine:
virtual (alphabetname) keyboard online, where (alphabetname) is the name of the desired alphabet in the language.

Select a language if it is multilingual. Type text using the mouse. Then select it (Control+A) and place it on the clipboard (Control+C). Go to a text editor, then paste it from the clipboard into the desired location in the document you are editing (Control+V). Save the document.

Never use the virtual keyboard when it is not necessary. The process of typing on a physical keyboard is much faster and less tiring. If you have children and you limit their interaction with the computer by hiding the keyboard from them, do not tell them about the existence of such services.

Screen keyboard It greatly facilitates computer use for people with mobility impairments, and also helps to enter data in a language whose layout is not available on a physical keyboard and protects against outside observation when entering confidential data. The on-screen keyboard can be part of the operating system, a third-party program, or used on individual web pages.


The preinstalled one is launched as follows. Go to the "Start" menu - "All Programs" and select the "Accessories" folder there. In this folder you need to expand the "Special Features" list. It is in it

The virtual keyboard is a standard component of Windows operating systems. The need to use it may arise not only for people with disabilities. A virtual keyboard will help you out in cases where for some reason the regular one fails, and you urgently need to do something on the computer. It is also useful when entering confidential information that needs to be protected from special programs that intercept characters entered from the keyboard.

The on-screen keyboard appears on the computer screen with all the standard keys. The only thing missing is an additional number pad. To enable the virtual keyboard, follow these steps.

  1. Click the "Start" button and in the menu that appears, expand the "All Programs" list.
  2. In the list of programs, expand the “Standard” group.
  3. In standard programs, find the “Special Features” folder and enter it.
  4. Launch the On-Screen Keyboard component.
By default, the on-screen keyboard is located on top of all other windows and, when launched, does not block input from a regular keyboard. In the settings that are called up when you click on the additional “Options” button directly on the keyboard, you can set three character input modes:
  1. By clicking the mouse pointer on the corresponding key.
  2. By hovering the mouse cursor over the corresponding key for a certain time. The hover duration can also be set in the settings.
  3. According to the key scanning mode, for which control actions can be used via a joystick, game pad, or a specially assigned key on a regular keyboard.
In addition to the operating system application, the virtual keyboard can be found on some sites as part of specialized applications. For example, in a comprehensive solution for protecting computers from threats, Kaspersky Internet Security, you can launch a virtual keyboard from the antivirus control panel. To do this, double-click with the left mouse button on the program icon in the lower right corner of the taskbar - the so-called system tray. In the window that opens, go to the “Settings” section and click the button labeled “Virtual Keyboard”.

The most famous site where you can use the built-in virtual keyboard is the Google search page. On text, image and map search pages, you can activate the virtual keyboard by clicking on the corresponding icon in the right corner of the search bar.

Also, the virtual keyboard can be launched by default when entering a password on Internet banking access sites in order to protect users as much as possible from theft of passwords by intercepting them when entering from a regular keyboard.

Thus, there are quite enough ways to enable the virtual keyboard on a modern computer. You just need to choose the most suitable and convenient for you.

As the name suggests, an on-screen keyboard, or as it is also called, is a keyboard that is displayed on the computer screen. It is used as an alternative to a real keyboard, and allows people to type using a mouse or various other devices.

Generally, there are two main reasons why users use virtual keyboards instead of real ones.


Using a keyboard as a replacement:

  • The user cannot use a real keyboard. For example, people have devices that do not require a physical keyboard, such as communicators and touchscreen devices.
  • Finding an alternative way to enter text. For example, in order to be able to type text in your native language (for example, on a real keyboard there are no native language stickers). Or, for example, problems with the existing keyboard (the driver in the system is broken, the device is blocked, etc.).


To improve security and protect against various malicious software (for example, keyloggers):

  • Secure on-screen keyboards can be a great way to improve security when using public, unsecured or suspicious computers (eg classrooms, internet cafes, etc.).
  • Secure virtual keyboards can help protect your computer from the following types of malware:
    • Keyloggers (keyloggers) - record all keystrokes
    • Screen logging - create screenshots of the screen at regular intervals or based on specific user actions
    • Clipboard logging - monitor the contents of the clipboard
    • Fixing the position of the mouse cursor - saves all the coordinates where the mouse clicks were recorded. This type is mainly used to hack bank on-screen keyboards.
    • Capture values ​​in text fields - get all values ​​from text fields, even hidden by a password mask (everyone knows ****)

The good news is that there are a number of special free programs that can help you enter text safely. However, it must be emphasized that there is no one unique program that includes all possible functions. Virtual keyboards that address accessibility issues offer no real protection against malware. Likewise, secure on-screen keyboards do not contain any special feature sets for ease of use. It is also necessary to emphasize that secure on-screen keyboards should be considered as an additional security tool that can never replace specialized security programs such as firewalls, antiviruses, etc.

This review examines virtual keyboards that solve accessibility issues.

Review of free on-screen/virtual keyboards

Click-N-Type on-screen keyboard is an excellent analogue to commercial offers

Microsoft On-Screen Keyboard

Supports three input methods. Starting with Windows 7, automatic switching of languages ​​when changing the active window.
Cannot change keyboard size (fixed since Windows 7).
211KB 2.0 Unrestricted freeware Windows
Included with Windows

In order to have a virtual keyboard always at hand, move this link to your bookmarks bar:

For example, in the Firefox browser it looks like this:

(The bookmarks bar must be turned on).


The Virtual Keyboard program allows you to enter characters using the mouse. Yes, it’s not very convenient, but it’s definitely better than writing: “ska4at russkaya klaviatura...”

This program can be useful if you need to type text in a language whose alphabet characters are not on the keyboard buttons or support for the corresponding layout is not installed in the operating system.

Another possible area of ​​application for a virtual keyboard is the secure entry of confidential data (passwords, bank account numbers, credit cards). If you do not rule out that you are being monitored by some program that records your keystrokes on the keyboard, then a virtual keyboard is the solution to this problem!

At the moment (as of September 14, 2013) version 4.0.1 is available for download.

Version 4.0.1

This version has 75 language layouts and supports 53 languages:

Russian, Azerbaijani, Albanian, English, Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Dutch, Greek, Georgian, Danish, Hebrew, Icelandic, Spanish, Italian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Chinese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian , Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian, German, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Thai, Tamil, Tatar, Turkish, Uzbek, Ukrainian, Urdu, Farsi, Finnish, French, Croatian, Czech, Swedish , Estonian, Japanese,
has an English interface.

Another version of the program - - is an analogue of the "Virtual Keyboard" program. The difference between them is that it is written in the Java programming language, so it works regardless of hardware, settings and operating system language, and is also platform independent. Those. it can run on both Windows and Linux, as well as any other operating systems.

The only condition: to run the program, you must have a Java virtual machine installed on your computer (Java Virtual Machine or JRE), which is usually not included with the operating system. Therefore it must be installed separately. The Java Virtual Machine can be downloaded from:

How to enable virtual keyboard on windows 7, windows 8, windows 10? Few people think about this until the situation forces them to act immediately.

Of course, an on-screen device will not replace a real full-scale push-button keyboard. But it's better than nothing.

There are many situations where you need to use the on-screen keyboard. Sometimes it happens that some important key, for example Enter, stops working. And the problem needs to be solved. Or simply the keyboard has served its purpose and retired, the plug or USB port has become unusable, etc.

Immediately after you open the on-screen keyboard, it becomes clear that it is not nearly as convenient when compared to a physical one.

So, the disadvantages! The main disadvantage is the “slow response”; you can also note the fact that you won’t be able to work with your fingers, only with the mouse.

You can use a virtual keyboard if the regular one has become unusable, but it’s better not to delay it and buy a new, reliable keyboard.

If you think that a virtual keyboard needs to be downloaded, then you are wrong, it can be found in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 without any problems, it is built-in.

Method No. 1. How to enable the virtual keyboard on Windows

This is the longest and at the same time the most reliable option to enable the virtual keyboard. Why is that? Everything is banally simple. The other two methods require a working real keyboard.


Follow the path: Start button -> All programs -> Now turn the mouse wheel down -> find the standard folder and click on it -> Click on the “special features” folder -> left-click to select the on-screen keyboard.

Method number 2. How to enable the virtual keyboard with two keys

The second way to enable the virtual keyboard is quite simple, but you will need a keyboard, at least two keys must work. Since you need to press win+u at the same time.

On Windows 10, after pressing win and u, the following window will appear:

You are required to click on the “Keyboard” section and in the “Turn on the on-screen keyboard” item, switch the plug to On.

As you can see, this is the fastest way, it couldn’t be easier, but you need a working keyboard. This option is suitable for those whose keyboard has not completely failed.

Method number 3. How to enable the virtual keyboard

If you want to know how to enable the virtual keyboard from any computer state, then please check out the third enable method.


Press the Win+R keys. A window for entering commands appears in front of us. You are required to insert two words (without quotes) into the empty field: “osk.exe”. Next, click “OK”.

After clicking OK, the on-screen keyboard automatically appears.

It looks like this (on Windows 10).

This is exactly how you can enable the on-screen keyboard. I hope you found this information useful.