What is the EVEREST program for, how to download it and how to work with it. HOW to use everest &

Why do you need the Everest program? How to use Everest

If you want to take a closer look at your computer, you may find EVEREST useful. Although this is not the latest development in this area (there is a new AIDA64), it is still popular: it is very convenient and quite easy to use.

EVEREST program features

  • Provides information about all the hardware installed on the computer: processors, motherboard, video or audio card, memory modules, etc.
  • Issues full list system characteristics: supply voltage, clock frequency, cache sizes, etc.
  • Provides information about hardware manufacturers, provides links to update sites or official websites of manufacturers. A very convenient feature.
  • Displays a complete list of installed software.
  • Describes the configuration of the installed operating system.
  • Generates a list installed drivers and automatically downloaded programs.
  • There is a fairly wide range of tests that check the performance of the system in various modes work.

Download and install EVEREST

In the search bar of any system, type “download EVEREST”. Find the link you like in the search results. I preferred the official website with Russified support.

A download icon appears at the bottom of the screen, and on the page we see a message about the ability to download the program from other resources if something goes wrong. This is a very commendable concern for the user: if it was not possible to record the download program from this site, you can try to copy it from another resource without going anywhere.

Everything went fine for me, so there was no need to download from third-party sites. If you have any problems, you just need to click on the appropriate button and wait for the download to complete.

Now we install the program: we start by running the download file (it has EXE extension). Appears immediately standard window downloads. By clicking the “Next” button, we continue the installation.

Now you need to accept " Terms of use" We read (if you want) and put a “tick” next to “Accept”, click “next”.

A window appears in which the program suggests the installation location of EVEREST. By default, this is the root directory of drive C. Since this drive is already loaded, I chose the drive. I will also install the program in the root directory, but on D. In order to change the drive, click on the “Browse” button in the opened standard view window select required disk and directory (if necessary), click “OK”. IN address bar The location you have chosen for the program to be registered is now displayed.

After you click the “Next” button, several windows appear in which you set standard parameters. I just clicked "Next". Do the same for you. Standard parameters– what is needed in our case. Finally the final cutscene appears.

Immediately after installation, the program starts in automatic mode. A splash screen appears with the words “Information Analysis” written on it. The result of the work is displayed in this form.

By the way. We downloaded the program for free, but a warning pops up that this is only a test version, which you can use for free for 30 days. If you want to keep it, pay the money and get the key.

How to use the EVEREST program

The purpose of all sections is clear and without explanation. Working with the program is easy and simple. You select an item of interest, and detailed information on the given topic appears on the screen.

For example, you can find information on the BIOS version you have installed. To do this, select the “motherboard” item and get information about the installed motherboard and BIOS version.

You can find more detailed information about installed version BIOS. To do this, in the left window we find the BIOS line (below the “motherboard” by several lines) and click on it. On the left, information about the version, type and release date of your PC’s BIOS opens. Below you see the line “BIOS updates” with a link to the update service. You can use it if you decide to download a new version.

Similarly, look for any information that interests you. Sometimes it is displayed on the screen at the same second, sometimes you have to wait a little.

The tests are of some interest, a list of which can be found at the bottom of the menu. Having selected the one that interests you, click on the update button at the top command line screen. During testing, the computer “freezes,” so don’t be alarmed: testing is in progress. The result is displayed in the form of a table. One of the lines is the result of testing your computer (look for it by the name of the part being tested installed on your computer).

But don’t rush to rejoice if your results are in the TOP. The program selects “competitors” very specifically. You can configure it so that models that have best characteristics will not be displayed at all, and your PC will always be on the first line.

You can get more detailed information about some part of the system. To do this, you need to select the component you are interested in (I looked at the BIOS information), go to the “Report” menu item, in the tab that opens, select “Quick report”, and then “Text” (if you want to get a report in the form text file). And catch a whole sea of ​​information. The received text can be sent by mail or saved on your computer.

Information is provided in the form of a report.

The program is easy to use. You can always find the information you are interested in, the main thing is to know what you want, and it is not difficult to find it here.

ProgramEverest Lavalys product is universal program designed to display information about computer hardware, its software and operating system, as well as testing PC hardware for a variety of characteristics. In addition, the program can monitor the system constantly, using a variety of pre-selected parameters. Values controlled parameters can be displayed on the desktop as a custom panel or embedded in sidebar operating system. To date latest version Everest Ultimate Edition 5.50 and its size is about 10 megabytes. The program is multilingual and you can select a language both during installation and later through the settings. The trial version can be downloaded from the website of the program manufacturer lavalys.com. You can find and download the program via search engine. Installing the program is not difficult, you just need to click the “next” button in all the windows that open, agreeing with the offers. After installing and launching the program, a window will open asking you to insert the key, which you need to do if you have one. If there is no key, you can start trial version. After launch, the main program window opens. The program interface is very convenient and understandable and easy to work with. If the program version on your native language, then working with the program should not cause difficulties. The program is very rich and in my opinion for regular user even unnecessary, so I focus on the most useful functions programs. The first thing I would note is the comprehensive information about the motherboard in the “ Motherboard", which may be needed, for example, when searching for device drivers. Information about the processor, video card, random access memory necessary when determining the possibility of work on the computer of one program or another. Important feature The program, in contrast, for example, is the presence in it of various tests for computer elements, which allows you to evaluate its capabilities and compare it with other computers. Everest even has a system stability test that you can open from top menu by clicking on the “Service” inscription and selecting “System stability test” from the drop-down list. To start the test, you need to select the devices to be tested and click the “Start” button at the bottom. Temperature changes can be observed during the test motherboard, processor cores and hard drive. From the “Service” menu, you can run the “Monitor Diagnostics” test; this is especially convenient when checking a monitor or laptop in a store upon purchase, to determine the quality of the picture or matrix defects. To do this, you can download the standalone version (Portable) of the program and place it on a flash drive. When searching for the causes of computer crashes and freezes, it is a good idea to inquire about the temperature and power supply voltage of the computer components. This can be done by following the path “Computer” and then “Sensor” in the left menu of the program. The remaining tests are located in the “Tests” menu item on the left. Having selected the desired test, it is launched using the update button at the top of the window. The button has two green arrows. To control parameters during overclocking there is special option, which is called “Overclocking” and is located in the left menu item “Computer”. As already noted, the program can monitor the computer using many parameters and display the results on the desktop. To enable this feature, open “File” in the top menu and click “Settings.” In the “Settings” window that opens, you need to open the “Hardware Monitoring” list. Next, you need to select “OSD” from the list and click the plus sign. The OSD Menu Items option will appear. Having selected it, mark it on the right required parameters monitoring, then select the “OSD” option and on the right check the box next to “Show OSD panel”. Here you can also configure appearance panels. There are separate settings items for the Vista sidebar, which are located just below. The program has very extensive functions for outputting reports, both in abbreviated and expanded form. Reports can be obtained using the report wizard with various settings or using the “Quick report” function in txt formats, html or mhtml, through the top menu item “Report”. The Report Wizard also starts separate button on top panel. Everest allows you to send reports via e-mail, as well as on the website of the program manufacturer. Help in the program at English language, but this is not very annoying, since everything is clear without it.

Informative utilities specially designed for computer systems with their widest and even somewhat unusual capabilities are today extremely popular among users of all levels of training. Surely everyone has heard about such a wonderful utility as Everest. What is this program? Let's look at it in detail. At the same time, we will try to find out how this application can be useful when working on a computer, based on practical considerations.

Everest: what is this program?

Let's start with the fact that now we will talk about what no longer exists. Indeed, this was only the first development called Everest. What kind of program is this and why was it interesting? It was one of the most powerful tools (if not the most powerful), designed not only to obtain maximum information on the equipment installed in a computer system, but also to track its status and main parameters in real time, not to mention conducting a number of monitoring tests , which helped to identify potential failures or irregularities in the operation of “hardware” components and prevent their occurrence.

The Everest program was not initially released in Russian. The developers focused only on other countries of the world. A little later, it was Russified especially for users of the post-Soviet space. Despite the fact that the first releases had very limited capabilities, nevertheless, in terms of information content and tests performed, they were head and shoulders above the tools of the then Windows systems. Over time, the capabilities of the program have expanded significantly, and today you can find more powerful utility It is extremely difficult to monitor a computer. As already mentioned, this software does not currently exist in this form. Many people know it under the name AIDA64 (only the name has been changed, but the program itself with its capabilities remains the same).

Everest program for Windows 7 or another similar OS: first acquaintance

So, first, let's look at the application interface, its main components and information that can be obtained in each section.

After starting the program, the user is presented with a menu block located on the left side and a main window in which the main characteristics of the devices are shown and reports are displayed. It is easy to notice that on the initial screen, the menu sections and icons in the main field duplicate each other, but when you select a specific section, the full characteristics of the selected equipment are displayed on the right. In general, there is quite a lot of information here, and it is so complete that most of it is simply not needed by the average user.

Basic parameters of the computer system and application capabilities

Apart from purely technical characteristics, the use of so-called sensors (sensors), which allow displaying, for example, temperature indicators of a central or graphic processor, on the screen deserves special attention.

The section is selected on the left, and the indicators are displayed in the main window. The parameters, by the way, are presented for each processor core.

It is also worth noting the possibility of conducting all kinds of tests, the main one of which is stress monitoring of the stability of the computer system hardware. It is worth mentioning separately about testing the monitor. There are about forty-five such tests in the program itself.

Why is the program needed in practical use?

This is the Everest utility in general terms. What kind of program this is, I think it’s a little clear. But let's see what its application is in practice. If anyone remembers, there used to be folk craftsmen who were called overlockers. They were engaged in overclocking processors and some other hardware components, and using purely physical methods. The application provided (and provides) a complete picture of changes in device parameters after the changes were made. Today, physical methods are not used, and software methods are used instead. And the described utility is an indispensable tool in these processes.

Informative utilities specially developed for computer systems with their extensive and even somewhat unusual capabilities are today extremely popular among users of all levels of training. Surely everyone has heard about such a wonderful utility as Everest. What is this program? Let's look at it in detail. At the same time we will try to find out what this application may be useful when working on a computer, based on practical considerations.

Everest: what is this program?

Let's start with the fact that now we will talk about something that no longer exists. Indeed, this was only the first development called Everest. What kind of program is this and why was it interesting? It was one of the most powerful tools(if not the most powerful), designed not only to obtain maximum information on the equipment installed in a computer system, but also to monitor its status and main parameters in real time, not to mention conducting a number of monitoring tests that helped identify potential failures or disruptions in the operation of “iron” components and prevent their occurrence.

The Everest program was not initially released in Russian. The developers focused only on other countries of the world. A little later, it was Russified specifically for users of the post-Soviet space. Despite the fact that the first releases had very limited opportunities, nevertheless, in terms of information content and tests performed, they were head and shoulders above the tools of the then Windows systems. Over time, the program's capabilities have expanded significantly, and today it is extremely difficult to find a more powerful utility for monitoring a computer. As already mentioned, in this form this software does not exist now. Many people know it under the name AIDA64 (only the name has been changed, but the program itself with its capabilities remains the same).

Everest program for Windows 7 or another similar OS: first acquaintance

So, first, let's look at the application interface, its main components and information that can be obtained in each section.

After starting the program, the user is presented with a menu block located on the left side and a main window in which the main characteristics of the devices are shown and reports are displayed. It is easy to notice that on home screen menu sections and icons in the main field duplicate each other, but when you select a specific section, they are displayed on the right full specifications selected equipment. In general, there is quite a lot of information here, and it is so complete that most of it is simply not needed by the average user.

Basic parameters of the computer system and application capabilities

Except purely technical characteristics, the use of so-called sensors (sensors), which allow displaying on the screen, for example, deserves special attention temperature indicators central or GPU.

The section is selected on the left, and the indicators are displayed in the main window. The parameters, by the way, are presented for each processor core.

It is also worth noting the possibility of conducting all kinds of tests, the main one of which is stress monitoring of hardware stability computer system. We should also say something about testing the monitor. There are about forty-five such tests in the program itself.

Why is the program needed in practical application?

Such is the general outline Everest utility. What kind of program this is, I think it’s a little clear. But let's see what its application is in practice. If anyone remembers, there used to be such folk craftsmen who were called overlockers. They were engaged in overclocking processors and some other hardware components, using purely physical methods. The application provided (and provides) a complete picture of changes in device parameters after the changes were made. Today physical methods are not used, but are used instead software methods. And the described utility is an indispensable tool in these processes.