MGTS data. MGTS personal account. MGTS office addresses

In today's world, every person has many daily tasks and worries. It's not surprising that sometimes we can forget about something. Rostelecom has not sent paper invoices for payment for a long time, depriving its consumers of a clear reminder of the obligation to replenish their personal account, so many are interested in the question: “How to find out the amount of debt?” If the balance goes into minus, there is a high probability that you will be disconnected from the ability to use the provider’s services. Older landline telephony users from Rostelecom are accustomed to paying for all services using a receipt, and modern people who actively use the Internet will not have any difficulty finding out what they owe. In this article we will talk about all the methods for obtaining information about the status of your account in order to avoid sudden disconnection of communication services.

Rostelecom debt check

There are 5 ways to check your debt to Rostelecom, both for telephone and Internet. We will describe each of them in detail so that it is convenient for you to choose the appropriate one, depending on the situation.

Call your provider's hotline

Debt to Rostelecom can be found out by personal account or telephone by contacting - 8 800 1000 800, or by the number of the automatic informant about the status of the client's balance - 11888. Using these numbers you will contact directly an employee who will tell you the exact amount of the debt. It is imperative to provide the subscriber’s personal account or telephone number, or, in extreme cases, the address to which they are assigned under the contract.

The operator will also tell you all the information you need: the status of connected services, communication prices and additional packages. By contacting the Rostelecom hotline, you can only find out the debt (both for the Internet, and for telephony and TV), but if you need to pay it immediately, then choose one of the methods described below.

How to find out the debt to Rostelecom through your Personal Account?

One of the most convenient ways to find out the debt for a Rostelecom home phone is to visit your Personal Account on the company’s website. There are many functions available here for every Internet user.

Go to the website and register in your Personal Account. If registration has been completed previously, log in by entering your username and password. In order to use all the functionality of your Personal Account and manage the services provided from it, you need to mark this condition in the appropriate tab. On the Rostelecom web page you can not only view your debt for the Internet and telephone, but also quickly pay for services (by bank card, Web Money, Yandex.Money), change the tariff, and connect/disable additional services.

Even with a negative balance, the Rostelecom website remains accessible, so you can find out the debt at any time, both for the Internet and for your home telephone.

Also in your Personal Account you can configure sending notifications and an electronic invoice to your email address. If you actively use the Internet and constantly check your email, then this service will come in handy. A letter received once a month will contain information about the services used, account status and details necessary to make a payment.

Visit your nearest representative office

You can find out the debt for telephone and Internet from Rostelecom at any office of the company. It is not always convenient and close, and you may have to stand in line for some time.

Important: in this case, the agreement with the provider, the account for which you want to find out, must be issued in your name.

Show the company employee your passport or other document confirming your identity. By giving the Rostelecom manager the phone number whose debt you need to find out, you will receive information and be able to immediately pay for the services.

At the company's representative office, you can also change your tariff plan, connect new options and sign an agreement for them.

Visit to the post office

You can find out Rostelecom's debt by phone number or contract, without presenting a passport, at any branch of the Russian Post. Here you can also pay for connected communication packages.

Sberbank ATMs

You can find out about Rostelecom's debt both using Sberbank ATMs and through the Sberbank Online Internet service - a very convenient way for cardholders. Bank clients can check the Rostelecom debt on their personal account and instantly pay for the provider’s services if they have the required funds on the card.

Another convenient option from Sberbank is the Autopayment service. In the Internet banking application, you can set up automatic payment for RTK - on a certain date of the month, money will be debited from the card as payment for services. An excellent method that will help you not to suddenly be left without services, and not to forget to deposit funds into your personal account in a timely manner.

Mobile debt

Despite the fact that the Rostelecom operator transferred its mobile communications customers to Tele-2, the short number by which you can find out the debt remained the same - *105#OK (does not apply to the personal account of a landline telephony and Internet subscriber). By sending a system message, you will receive complete information about the status of your balance directly on the device screen.

Before you find out the amount to pay for Rostelecom services, you should choose the appropriate method. Many users prefer to carry out such operations over the Internet without leaving home. And those who prefer to use more standard payment methods can contact the provider personally.

How to find out the amount to pay for a home phone

  • Relevant notifications may be sent to a person’s email if he has previously activated this service. You just need to check your incoming emails to clarify the amount for your home phone.
  • The owner of a personal account can find out the necessary information by visiting the nearest Rostelecom branch. This will require personal documents and time. But you can immediately pay the debt for the phone.
  • Visiting the post office. You will need the contract number with the provider.
  • Sberbank ATM. This method is suitable for those persons who have the appropriate cards.

Rostelecom mobile users can also find out what payment needs to be made. To do this, they do not need to go anywhere, just dial the short number *105#. All the necessary information will appear on the phone screen. The owner can pay the mobile phone bill in any way convenient for him. For example, online from a bank card or electronic wallet.

How to find out the amount to pay for the Internet

To find out the payment for Rostelecom Internet on your personal account, you can use any of the above methods. Most often, the provider’s clients will check their personal account balance like this:

  1. Through your personal account on the company website. Even if the client's balance is negative, the site will still be available. And if you activate an additional service, the necessary information will be sent by email.
  2. Call the operator. This service is usually provided to clients free of charge. In addition to Internet debt, a person can find out other necessary information.

If for some reason the company’s client cannot find out how much debt was incurred for using the Internet, he can choose other methods. For example, information about your personal account, or rather its balance, can be found out at a Rostelecom branch, at the post office, etc.

Payment for services

Having found out the amount you need to pay for your home telephone or Internet, you need to proceed to the payment procedure itself. To do this, a person should use the following methods:

  1. Deposit money at a company branch, thereby paying off the debt very quickly.
  2. You can pay for the provider's services through any bank terminal. If you encounter any problems with depositing funds, you should ask a bank employee for help.
  3. On the Internet.

The last method includes transferring funds through Sberbank Online (for bank clients) or using a payment system. These are, for example, WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, etc. Instructions for closing debt with electronic money include logging into the website, searching for the required section and selecting a provider.

If a person finds out information about his account balance through a Sberbank ATM, he can immediately make a payment. To do this, the company user needs:

  1. Insert your bank card into the device and enter your PIN code.
  2. Go to the menu and select the appropriate section.
  3. Then you need to select a provider, indicate your personal account number and amount.
  4. Confirm the withdrawal of funds from the card.
  5. Save the money transfer receipt.

Help: Sberbank clients can activate automatic payment, with the help of which the procedure will be carried out automatically.

Many clients prefer to pay for services directly on the Rostelecom website. To do this, you only need a card from any Russian bank. Funds are transferred as follows:

  1. The user needs to log in to the site and go to the “Payment” section.
  2. After this, a form to fill out will appear on the screen. Personal information (subscriber number, last name) and bank card details are required.
  3. Next, you need to click on the “Pay” button.
  4. After completing this procedure, a one-time code must be sent to the person’s mobile phone for confirmation. It must be entered into the appropriate window. Money is credited to your account instantly.

In order to find out the amount of debt for your phone or Internet, you don’t have to leave your home. Advanced users prefer to pay money for the provider’s services online, as this significantly saves time. You can also call the operator and, indicating your personal account, get all the necessary information.

My tenant did not pay for MTS and the room was removed. no way. stood on the waiting list for six months and paid 6 thousand to install a new one

Where is it possible to determine the debt for a home telephone? Is there any website on the Internet?

There is a contact number on the receipt for inquiries.

How to determine rent arrears online?

I can’t take my own ticket abroad. Help.

Absurd, and complete.

1. The ticket will be sold to you in any case and at any box office, even though you owe $100,000,000 personally to Nazarbayev

2. No travel agency puts its own clients into debt. It’s more responsible for them to cut your money

3. Go to the tax website and see your own debts

An unpaid publication in the distant past returned in the direction from where it was sent to you, and where are the taxes? You're being dark about something, Comrade.


All of the above has nothing to do with your case + contains the lion’s share of misinformation. It is fundamentally important to know only that from the moment when you have fully paid off your debts and the FSSP has ceased to have any claims against you, and until the moment when your full name disappears from the database of persons restricted from traveling abroad , on the basis of which the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation carries out the passage of citizens abroad, it should take from 2 to 8 weeks, and sometimes more. Alas, this is the bureaucratic reality of fate.

We can only maintain hope that everything will turn out great now.

Alas, it is fundamentally impossible to obtain information on any website about whether you are in the database of persons restricted from traveling abroad. It is only possible to find your own debts for one or another department, but this cannot say absolutely anything about whether traveling abroad is prohibited for you or not.

You need to rest without him and travel

How to determine utility bills and pay...

Did you pay off your MGTS debt when your home phone was turned on?

How to determine if I have debts

If they call, they fuck your brains with questions like at the time when you return it means there is

Do you mean loans?

Well, about debts about loans, despite the fact that you took them out or debts on a guarantee, I hope you understand how to determine whether they are there or not (contact the bank). If debts for rent are owed to the housing office, for electricity or telephone - to MOsenergo and MGTS, respectively. Tax debts can be cleared on by entering your own TIN number.

Question in

To pay! and Know what your son is doing

To pay. for personal inaccuracies in upbringing.

It was necessary to explain to my son earlier - he was no longer small, he should have realized that he was not doing well. interferes with a person, distracts him from his work. since it was not after the end of the third call that the neighbor did this. and now what? now you have to pay..

Apologize to the connection. And it’s too early to take a mobile phone away from your son at the age of 7, so this is how it turns out.

Maybe to court

It goes without saying that I realize that the amount is not small, but don’t think that your neighbor is wrong. Despite the fact that I personally would tear off your son’s ears for such pranks.

Pay specifically. At this point, your relationship has ended with your neighbor and started with the phone company. In other words, you are a debtor. And the domestic state has currently taken the debtors into circulation.

A trial is not the worst thing, but at the time when you are turned away at the airport for debts. or the bailiffs will come, then it will be too late to think what to do, you will need to think about what to give.

Sell ​​your son's mobile phone, all his son's toys, etc. - pay for it and your son will get a clear lesson.

Well done neighbor. and a lesson for your son. what to do, what to do. TO PAY.

The neighbor needed to possibly start solving the problem downwards - from a conversation with you. I think children need an eye and an eye. But you still have to pay, accept it and focus more on the fate of the kinder, GOOD LUCK.

The person who installed it pays for the redirection.

take the details from the operator in that place there will be a neighbor’s number and go to court.

otherwise it would cause people to be deceived.

Do you recognize Goldomor '33 as genocide?


It goes without saying, I admit it! We once lived with our parents in the Poltava region in the apartment of grandmother Evdokia; all five of her children died of starvation. In many villages, more people died during the Holodomor than died in the war!

And who is to blame for it?

Is the famine in the Volga region of 21-22 genocide? Or a disaster? Where are we going to watch?

Forward or backward?

Definitely yes. but this is genocide not only of Ukrainians. this is genocide of all the populations of Ukraine, the populations of Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Goldomor was in the Kuban and the Volga and throughout Russia.

This is just part of the genocide. It’s funny that a German spy who ruined the country, undermined its military power, signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, has been elevated to the rank of a saint, and to this day his mausoleum is in the main square of the country and his monuments are in the squares of cities and towns. What kind of common sense and logic can we talk about?

The famine of the early 30s was the most vile, beastly act of the communists, which affected not only Ukraine, but also other parts of the Soviet Republic. Based on this, recognizing the Holodomor as genocide, in other words, an act initially directed against one nation, is also unscientific (since everyone died without exception). and immoral, above all. The souls of those who perished under any circumstances from the atrocities of the communists since October 1917 have been crying out for justice in our own days. And genocide has nothing to do with it.

They killed the best. Regardless of genes.

Stupidity and genocide are a social phenomenon. When people of a certain nationality, one or more, are slaughtered. And the Holodomor began under the tsar; in the second half of the 80s of the nineteenth century, 990 thousand people were already malnourished; revolutions and wars increased this number to 26-28 million by the age of 21. Among the starving people were people of all nationalities, from Georgians to Ukrainians (by the way, it is very interesting to calculate the genocide of which people to calculate the Holodomor, the eastern Russian-speaking Ukraine or the western Ukrainian-speaking one).

The Holodomor is a catastrophe and not a targeted effect on extermination. Lean years are not gas chambers. Let's blame the Almighty then. And for example, in Europe, 20 million also died from the plague in the 16th century, so what? Also genocide? This is not genocide, this is insanity. The same insanity as paying off the debts of the USSR in Ukraine at the moment, they separated from us, from the domestic financial system, and are now paying off the debts of the Alliance to their citizens.

Hm. unusual movement isn't it? Pay off the debt of a non-existent country and blame it for the fact that it collapsed in 1993, despite the fact that it was destroyed by people whom at the moment are almost considered saints, Yeltsin, Gaidar. Let Gaidar pay everyone's debt. I am for.

By the way, who doesn’t forget privatization and vouchers? Don’t you forget how it went, at a time when these vouchers were taken from drunkards for a bottle, etc. And don’t forget how the shares were issued at MGTS? You bring 3, they give you 2 and the head keeps one for himself. Did the reform go well? Good question about the Holodomor.

The Holodomor is not a genocide of the Ukrainian people, and if we call it genocide, then it is a genocide of Russians, due to the fact that most of them died from hunger. Due to the fact that they lived in Ukraine and everywhere else. And by and large, then, the population of Ukraine, and recognize all the rulers, starting from Alexander 3rd to Trotsky and Lenin, as guilty.

Speaking of the 2005 genocide, Putin’s pre-conference, he personally admitted that 1,700,000 people died in 2005. Mostly Russians; in the Caucasus, the birth rate is fine. on average, for more than 15 years, approximately 900,000 thousand people die every year, with a birth rate of 250,000, some of the babies do not live to see a year, the offspring will be 100,000, God willing, 10,000 healthy. This is genocide. And Putin, together with Yeltsin, needs to be buried in the soil for such Genocide.

Due to the fact that nothing is really being done to somehow improve the situation NOTHING. The medical reform ended with the fact that posters were hung up in clinics, and the educational reform ended with stupidly compiled fucking EGs and a bunch of mediocre books. and health and education are the main things the state can focus on. A stupid and sick person is not a worker, purely formal logic.

That's all I wanted to say.

By the way, my comrade wrote the truth, those who made obligations were not touched, one grandfather said, “Well, it was a pity to give me 20 eggs a month and 1 bag of potatoes out of 10. The usual tax, which exists now, was only in kind then, but at the moment they reach into your pocket. So there is no need to confuse your ass with your finger.

To talk about genocide, you need to decide that there is genocide.


Genocide refers to the following acts committed with the aim of wiping out from the face of the earth, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such:

murder of members of such a group;

causing significant bodily harm or mental impairment to members of such a group;

deliberate creation for any group of such living conditions as are calculated for its complete or partial physical destruction;

measures designed to prevent childbirth among such a group;

forcible transfer of children from one human group to another.

Source: Resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on the approval of the Convention on the Prevention of the Punishment and Crime of Genocide.

179th meeting,

Now to the point. The events of the early 30s are associated not with the zeal to physically wipe out as many people as possible from the face of the earth, but with the struggle for control of bread. The Bolshevik plan was associated with a conscious restructuring of public relations.

Nobody hid this. On the contrary, this plan was declared as a form of class struggle and everyone knew about it. I do not have a definite opinion about the appropriateness of this policy, the possibility of implementing some other policy, despite the fact that I have been dealing with this issue since the late 60s.

I looked at the connection between the liquidation of the kulaks and the Great Depression as a class. In this vein, the issue has not actually been considered in science.

In the mid-60s, monographs were published on the liquidation of the kulaks and the problem of collectivization as a class. In that place, the development of dispossession was outlined in detail and criteria were developed. The decisions of regional party conferences and other party documents are given.

It became known that decisions on grain supplies were meticulously communicated to every household. Documents of obligations were drawn up. Any peasant knew about the responsibility for disrupting grain supplies.

The communists worked out the rationale for this kind of action, citing the fact that state control over bread makes it possible to quickly accelerate the industrialization of the national economy and create a defense industry. Ultimately, industrialization was accomplished and the defense industry was created. The country was thoroughly preparing for the inevitable war.

This is a fact.

At that time, when the time came for the delivery of grain to the country, it became known that the peasants refused to fulfill their own obligations. All plans for industrialization were in jeopardy. Then the struggle for bread began.

Dad said that those who carried out the plan were not touched, but those who allowed grain to go outside had all their property and all their food supplies taken away, doomed to death by starvation. It was forbidden to help those who had undergone similar repression.

It turns out that such actions do not fall under the concept of genocide (of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group). The appeal was really only about the class struggle. And so it was.

The liquidation of the kulaks as the bearer of bourgeois relations made it possible to organize collective farms in a short time, where the issue of national control over grain was resolved.

Now to the essence of the question: the famine of the early 30s was not an act of genocide against any group, it was a consequence of the policy of class struggle.

Help me figure out my phone bill. What to do next?

Mgts is to blame

Disable MGTS. Use cellular communication.

I broke up with my house this year. phone, I don’t regret it.

Deal with MGTS or try to pay elsewhere.

1. Go to the MGTS website to your personal account. Everything is described in it: the current monetary status of the account and past payments. It is possible to look at the history of telephone conversations both local and long-distance.

Managing your personal MGTS account

In the same place the amount to be paid until the 20th is indicated.

MGTS Unified Contact Center: 8 495 636-0-636, Quality Line 8 495 700-77-77

Having the entire payment history before your eyes, it is easiest to understand at what point the debt arose and through whose fault. It is entirely possible that the bank delayed the payment, and the money arrived at MGTS at the end of the 20th, so the penalties were included

2. Pay from home with your bank card for the phone service specifically on the MGTS website in the Message section

without a working group.

You also ask about the radio. All ordinary people turned off these wired telephones in the distant past. It was just like a communication center with a boorish attitude towards subscribers, and that’s how it remains.

For the Internet, cable providers - by the way, for 150-200 rubles, they have IP phones with unlimited local and city numbers. Well, by and large there is cellular communication.

Write a complaint to mgts

Write a complaint to MGTS.

Trouble with MTS, have you ever had this happen?

Write a statement to the prosecutor's office - the case is obviously criminal.

Yes, these supporters are all insolent bastards, there’s a megaphone who first demanded that a million be returned to him from some couple, and later he decided to pull the same story with a pensioner

It was like this for me - at first there was 1 number. I used it and took the promised payment - I lost the SIM card - I forgot - after some time I bought a new one - the next day I receive an SMS that the debit has been made. but since I didn’t communicate, besides, I used a new SIM card. I called the operator, he said that there was a debt on the SIM card that had passed through, and when I connected, they wrote off the payment to pay off the old number. and the operator was ETK

They have announcements everywhere (and on the website) stating that debts from lost cards are written off from a live number.

But by and large, they become unnecessary.

I have had MTS for quite a long time, but in order for it not to happen, I would go to investigate)) I received SMS from scammers, it happened, I wrote a letter via the Internet, later a statement)) all operators have a special department for combating fraud, that’s why no need to leave it to chance - figure it out!))

There are always such jokes with MTS. I myself am preparing to leave these scammers

I lost receipts for payment for a rented apartment, and I need to show them to the owner.

To the management company

But won’t the housing and communal services company or whoever you pay confirm the payment be able to print out?

Try to apply to Sberbank to search for your payments.

In the EIRC. which, in most cases, is what these papers are sent to

These pieces of paper come to your housing and communal services or HOA (as it is called in that place). Where do all utility bills go? The accounting department will confirm the payment.

If they don’t get lost along the way, it goes without saying.

Yes, easily let the owner go to the EIRC and determine whether there is arrears in rent.

The money came somewhere.

Ask for a duplicate there.

Relatively not so long ago, I found out that the owner of the apartment can go to the EIRC and create his own personal account! it's very comfortable! he will be given his own code, he will enter in that direction, in that place, and payments and settlements! everything is like on MGTS, for the phone! Give him some advice for the future! and he will be calmer, everything is under control!

Can the court deprive your only home?

Maybe if it is collateral for a loan.

There are a large number of reasons. For example, the fact that it came to you as a result of an illegal transaction.

At the moment, Article 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation prohibits depriving debtors of living space if it is the only one for them.

It is prohibited to turn off heating and water.

If you owe a lot of money, you probably

They can’t, but they can cut off water and electricity

If you owe the bank, then yes

bankers don't give a fuck

The only one does not have the opportunity. This contradicts Art. 446 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that there are many exceptions to this firm rule

Yes. So he will say: Go live on the street, in the trash heap.

Well, for email. you need to pay for energy, give up the refrigerator, it uses 100 kW per month, save so that you burn no more than 20-30 kW per month, you will find this money to pay. You have to pay for the MGTS phone, the message is everything. From the rent, you pay only for the rental position, this is mandatory, this is your right to reside in this living space.

Remove those items that you do not use, for example, an antenna and cable television, what do you need them for, coordinate this with the housing and communal services, and your debt growth will decrease. If you are nevertheless evicted from this only home, then in your thoughts you will want the eternal ancestral curse of this entire economic complex and those who support it, including Russian President V.V. Putin, and Medvedev, and everyone at the top in power, the entire judicial structure, all the judges who have neither Conscience nor Honor.

By law, no. and so easily.

No, it is not possible if there is only one place to live. They will be able to do so on a mortgage loan if the loan is not repaid.

Calls from a collection agency.

Change your phone number, otherwise they call invariably because it’s written on their papers and they call on it

Try to determine as much as possible about the callers. and later Culturally PREVENT that at the end of the next call, contact the police, the investigative committee and the prosecutor's office At the same time accusing these callers of coercion and extortion to violate the law on personal data

Turn off your phone. Or go to the collectors and write a statement asking not to call again. And so they will finish you off. They have their own indicators in that place along the way.

And until they take an unsubscribe from you, they will not leave you. Well, something like this.

Buy a phone with a dark list function.

Happy to chat with them, ask the question: how much will they pay you for data about this person?

Record the time of the call, submit a written application to your own telephone exchange (MGTS) to block this number, and ask for details of incoming calls; contact the police to report a violation of your rights.

Utility bills (a whole bunch of papers)!!

What does it mean, reset, whether someone lives or not, you are obliged to pay, if you don’t do this, you will end up being sued.

For most of the favors they will still charge a monthly fee - it won’t be zero

and for each service its own organization is important

For the telephone - PBX. For water there is a cash settlement center. Without receiving evidence, they should not charge.

And heating (winter). cleaning, routine repairs, intercom, elevator, antenna and other nonsense - you need to pay.

The fact that they come to your grandmother indicates that you have done nothing to reissue the receipts for your circumstances.

Everything needs to be re-registered in a timely manner. What does it mean TO RESETT THE COUNTERS TO ZERO? Nonsense. if there are meters and no one uses them. as you write, it will be ZERO.

Go and turn off your phone. You have the opportunity to largely refuse. But you have the opportunity to leave the number but freeze it. in that place you will pay pennies to keep your number.

I would like to connect to the Internet from MGTS..

Call them and make an agreement

The payment for the Internet comes with the phone. on one receipt. Why do you need to pay separately? It’s convenient - pay for both Internet and telephone right away

I am connected through the GTS, the Internet bill is paid up to 19, the tariff for telephone and long-distance calls I pay 1-5, in the receipt at the time of payment there remains a debt in the amount of the Internet payment. but our cities are 100% different, so it’s realistically likely to pay separately

We've connected it, but now we can't disconnect it! I call the call center - in that place, by and large, they don’t know anything, they tell me one thing, but when you come to the local MGTS, in that place, by and large, the second thing. Moreover, it turns out that anyone can connect to the Internet (registered/unregistered does not matter). but only the owner of the apartment can disable it, and even then the one with whom they entered into a subscription agreement for the phone.

Sharashkin's office of some kind.

How much does it cost to pay for MGTS services through the terminal?

Help me find friends

Here are recognizable social projects where many have found their own friends: - the most famous site for finding classmates, fellow students, and colleagues

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http://www. search. ru - the site is all about searching!

The Russian service telephone was turned off despite the fact that money had been paid. And without that, is everything different in this state or is it different for others?

No matter how pathetic it sounds, Russia is still a country of unafraid idiots

It's okay, don't worry! You will also have to pay money to connect a disconnected phone. This is our country!

I go to the MGTS office like I go to work. They cut off monthly payments for specific debts. I think, by and large, to give up the number.

Is the owner obligated to provide those living in his apartment with a municipal telephone, etc., please see the question in more detail.

Excuse me, how old are they? Maybe senile psychosis has already begun? In such a situation, they become stubborn, scandalous, fight, etc.

For some it starts at 70-80 years old, for some earlier. If the behavior has noticeably changed, you need to demonstrate it to a psychiatrist. Or, as a last resort, go to the mental health clinic yourself, see your local doctor with your registration, and chat with the doctor. He will give advice on what to do.

Maybe he can come to the house. Not always free of charge. But if this is the case, they will keep a map and notice it. They will advise you on how to behave. You are not obliged to carry out anything for them, let them do it themselves at their own expense. But the best option is a doctor.

There is no cure for this, but they can give you a sedative and teach you how to behave. They helped me.

Has a 70-year-old granny bought the Internet for herself and uses a touchscreen phone and tablet? and a granny who came from the village. Isn’t it best to lie to you, my dear?

For you in the fairy tales section

Maybe someone will still understand what the appeal is about. please advise

Right now I wrote it adequately. you need to file another lawsuit and take another part for electricity in that place for gas

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    How to find out the phone number by address

Very often, users forget to pay bills on time, although the company allows you to deposit funds in advance. As a result, the Internet and other services are temporarily turned off, and the person is wondering how to find out his debt to Rostelecom in order to deposit the full payment amount into his personal account.

  1. By phone Rostelecom
  2. Through your personal account
  3. Service center
  4. Post office
  5. Official service center of the company

We find out debt through phones

If you have a debt and the Internet or telephone connection has stopped working, you can call a toll-free number to find out how much money you need to deposit into your account. To do this, call 88001000800 – single toll-free number.

There is a virtual voice assistant that will tell you which keys to press in tone mode to receive information. If you want to contact the operator, press the appropriate key. Be prepared for the fact that operators may ask for your personal identification information, as well as your contract or telephone number, residential address, and city.

We also advise you to look at the contact information for the selected region on the official website of Rostelecom. In the upper left corner, select your region or city, if it is in the list, after which the page will reload with updated data. As an example of what it looks like, I chose one of the regions:

How to find out your debt through your personal account

If you have access to the Internet, you can create your own personal account to manage services, receive information about expenses every month, quickly top up your account, and learn about new tariffs. Statistics show that most users manage Rostelecom services through their personal account.

If you haven’t registered it yet, go to the company’s official website and select the “Personal Account” tab, as in the screenshot:

In order not to forget to top up your account on time, we recommend activating the option to automatically send notifications to your email address. In this letter you will be provided with complete information about your balance, expenses, and possible methods of replenishment. A notification arrives once a month. This is an alternative to payments that were previously sent to all subscribers at their residential or registration address.

Using the Rostelecom service center

You can find out the status of your account at any office of the company, because currently there are several service centers in almost every city. Be sure to take with you a document that confirms your identity and contract number. There you can pay for any services and get advice on any issue that arises.

To find out the debt in Rostelecom through Sberbank, you can use ATMs or the online version, both on the official website and through the application for Android or iOS. Here you can quickly top up your account from any card. At the moment, payments are made without any additional commission.

Using Russian Post

To pay at Russian Post, you only need to know the contract number, and no additional data is required from you, for example, a passport or any other document. Previously, the system only accepted payments for telephones, but now payments for the Internet are also possible. This option is available at all branches, so choose the one closest to your home and pay your bills.

Very often, users have additional questions about payment related to mobile services, personal accounts, and the Internet. Below we will specifically answer the most frequently asked questions for you.

Attention! Through post offices, payments can be processed within 12 to 72 hours!

Find out the debt on your personal account

For each service, Rostelecom has a personal account - your unique number, which is sometimes required for payment and making payments, for example, through bank cards. To find out the debt, you can go to your personal account, log in to your account and go to the “My Services” tab. The system will automatically display all your accounts, as well as for each of them.

Attention! If you don't remember, you can call the customer support toll-free number for your region or contact any of the offices in your city. The personal account, as a rule, does not change for the client throughout the entire period of using the services.

Looking at the debt for the phone

A certain part of people (mostly older people) use only communication services or cable television; accordingly, they do not have the opportunity to find out their phone debt through their personal account. What to do in this case? There are such ways:

  • If you have a landline home radiotelephone, you can send a request to the company by dialing * 105 # and the call key.
  • If the phone is regular, then call the toll-free number 88001000800. Wait until a free operator answers and explain the reason for your call. You will definitely be asked for your passport details, residential address and contract number, so be prepared to provide such information.

We look at the debt for the Internet

As in all other cases, the debt for Internet provision can be found out through your personal account, at any of the company’s offices or by calling the support service. In the article, we have repeatedly indicated a single toll-free number for all users.

As you can see, you can find out about the debt on any account in Rostelecom in different ways, depending on the services you use, as well as the capabilities that the user has (Internet access, radiotelephone, etc.).

  1. As mentioned earlier in the material, you can activate the service of automatically sending reports by email in your personal account. Thanks to this option, you will always be aware of how much money you need to pay and when.
  2. In Sberbank, you can activate the option of automatic replenishment of your personal account. The system will replenish your balance in real time. Similar services are available for mobile phones.
  3. We recommend that you always put money into your account with a reserve so as not to go into the red. If this happens, the connected Sberbank option will automatically top up the balance.
  4. If you have access to the Internet, be sure to connect yourself to a personal account on the Rostelecom website so that at any time you can view statistics, news feeds with tariffs and services.

Despite the abundance of mobile operators, Rostelecom remains a monopolist in the field of fixed telephone communications

Please note that communication providers offer paid services. If the client is unwilling to study the detailed terms of the service, the client, again, risks ending up on the list of defaulters. The standard situation here is the accumulation of arrears for using a convenient but paid service, the cost of which citizens have no idea about.

Thus, the prerequisites for the emergence of debt are the inattention and carelessness of Russians in economic matters. In order not to become an unwitting victim of such circumstances, it is appropriate to study ways to find out the debt for a Rostelecom phone - after all, if the amount of non-payment is critical, the company has the right to transfer the debt or resolve issues with debtors in court.

Verification options

Now let’s look at the nuances of how to find out the debt via a Rostelecom landline phone, since such an identifier becomes a convenient means of control for older citizens. Please note that the company offers clients only two methods for finding out the necessary information, and the second method here is the subscriber’s personal account. As for the type of control, here it will be possible to obtain information in person or remotely.

The company offers clients several options for clarifying the amount of debt

Unfortunately, checking debt by Rostelecom phone number is not available on the Internet. The search criteria for such information in the user’s personal account include entering the subscriber’s personal account. However, there are other methods available here that also deserve the attention of Russians. These methods are characterized by certain positive and negative features, so the subscriber’s choice here is determined by personal convenience and commitment.

You can check the debt using the Rostelecom phone number by calling the organization’s hotline, at Sberbank of Russia ATMs, at a post office or the provider’s office.

To understand the nuances of the listed methods, let’s take a closer look at the possible control methods. Remember, some options require providing the operator with additional information - the client’s passport or address. For these reasons, it is appropriate for users to review the terms and conditions for obtaining such information in advance.

Using payment machines

This method is suitable for debit card owners. Here, additional advantages are the chances of instant repayment of the accrued amount and the speed of obtaining information. In addition, ATMs of this financial organization are easy to find in populated areas of Russia.

Sberbank clients check their account status at an ATM or via Internet banking

It should be noted that clients of this bank will be able to use the online service. To do this, you will need to register a personal account in the Sberbank-Online system. However, in this situation, the subscriber identifier becomes not the phone number, but the client’s personal account.

Telephone communication

Let's consider another remote way to find out the outstanding payment by phone number in Rostelecom. In this case, information can be obtained after calling the line " 8 800 100 0800 " to contact the operator, or " 8 800 181 1830 » to independently clarify the amount. Moreover, calls to both numbers are free, and you can contact the provider from a landline or mobile phone.

A simple and familiar way for citizens is to call the company’s hotline

Note that when dialing a number in the second case, you will need to change the settings and switch the device to tone mode. If the subscriber plans to use automatic prompts, selecting the “Payment Information” function in the menu is appropriate. If you want to communicate with the operator, you need to press the “Consultation” key.

Note! A large number of applications and line congestion are the result of a long wait for a response. Here the client loses up to half an hour until he finds out the necessary information.

Another disadvantage of this method, Russians say, is the provision of incomplete information if the request is sent automatically. A detailed breakdown of the movement of funds can be obtained from a consultant., but even here random errors cannot be excluded. Accordingly, receiving unreliable information provokes an increase in arrears and further problems.

The disadvantage of this method is the long wait for connection with the operator

Remember, when communicating with an operator, a company employee has the right to clarify the client’s identity. For this reason, in addition to the telephone number, you will probably need to indicate the contract or user account number. Take this nuance into account. By the way, a similar practice is used by other communication providers: MTS, Beeline, .

A trip to the structure's office

This option is convenient for people who have received notices of arrears and do not understand how such an amount will appear. In addition, it is appropriate to come here to resolve payment issues - registration. Please note that company employees provide information about the amount of debt if the client confirms his identity presenting your passport, and calls the phone number.

You can find out the amount of the overdue amount and resolve related issues at the organization’s office

Considering the need to travel to the nearest office and wait in line at the information window, the method involves a significant investment of time. However, the advantage of such a choice is finding out reliable and accurate information and the chance to obtain detailed account transactions. Although there is a known way to reduce temporary losses.

Study the work schedule of the selected branch in advance and find out if there is an electronic queue.

This modern recording method minimizes wastage of people's time. In addition, it is appropriate to clarify the office hours of the required employee. Compliance with the listed recommendations allows you to effectively plan your personal affairs without fear of unscheduled delays. Please note that this information can be clarified on the company’s website or by calling the desired branch.

Russian Post services

When a subscriber is faced with the question of how to find out the Rostelecom debt by phone number, the post office becomes an option for finding out such information. Note that this method It’s difficult to call it a convenient and fast option for obtaining information. For this reason, it is appropriate to contact here only when resolving related issues, for example, transferring payment for.

If the subscriber only uses a landline phone and pays for utilities at a Russian Post office, it is appropriate to consider this method of checking the balance

The negative aspect of this decision is the loss of time on the road and waiting in line to see the postal worker. This option is popular with older people who do not have Internet access and rarely use payment devices. In addition, here it will be possible to find out the amount of debt solely for city telephone services.

Clarification of arrears for using a landline telephone

Please note that the above methods for finding out information about debt by phone number are only suitable for checking the balance for landline telephone services. If a television or Internet package needs to be verified, the client will need to provide a personal account number. Moreover, you can find out such information everywhere except post offices.

A telephone number is not the most reliable requisite for account control

Keep in mind that for people with limited mobility, it is advisable to use the option of calling an operator or using automatic prompts to control the balance of a landline phone. As for payment, here you will be able to pay off overdue payments on the Internet, ATMs, post offices and company offices.

The Sberbank-Online system becomes a convenient option for transferring funds to the provider. The only downside here is the presence of a bank card and registration in the system.

As you can see, Rostelecom offers citizens a sufficient number of options for controlling their account balance. Moreover, such actions are in the interests of the subscriber, because late payment becomes the reason for disconnecting the service, transferring the case or litigation.


Please note that a telephone number is not the most reliable requisite for identifying overdue payments.. However, in situations of debt settlement for using a landline telephone, such information is sufficient. The downside for people who have not mastered the Internet is the lack of a chance to use the company’s online portal, where the necessary information is available on the client’s personal page.

Timely transfer of funds to the service provider ensures that there are no problems in the future

As for the issues of periodic control of payments, here the organization’s employees remind subscribers of the need to timely transfer funds for services. Only people who regularly review their account balance will be able to avoid accumulating debt. Keep in mind that debt is often caused by a small amount that the client is not even aware of.

We think that the information provided is useful to people who plan to connect to Rostelecom services. Remember, timely payment and periodic control of payments are a guarantee of peace of mind for the subscriber and uninterrupted delivery of the company’s service package.