What does online service mean on MTS? Option "Online", MTS: reviews and description. Availability of the “VNet” option

The desire of the relevant resources to ruin the Internet, dragging its audience into the prison of social networks, is very sad in itself. What’s doubly sad is that they succeed and people are being fooled. They are led like sheep that are led to the slaughter, but they don’t understand it. Many have already limited themselves within the same “VKontakte”, and are trying to satisfy all their needs only within the framework of this social network, rejecting search engines and other sites. Moreover, people go to virtual world, withdraw into themselves, they literally begin to irritate real communication(a phone call, for example), the need for it disappears completely.

I myself stopped communicating on social networks about 10 years ago, if not more, by removing myself from Odnoklassniki. At first it was addictive and interesting. Who did I not find there! Friends from college, college, school... It was very interesting to see what they were like, to find out how their lives turned out. With many I exchanged a couple of dozen posts the size of the works of Karl Marx. And that is all. No one had the desire to call. Meet - even more so. After satisfying natural curiosity, the understanding came that our paths with these people diverged long ago, everyone has their own life, their own social circle and we do not need to cross. Therefore, after satisfying the initial curiosity, there was a temporary silence, after which someone wrote me the classic “Hello! How are you?". That's what killed me. I’m not a fan of empty questions and answers, and I no longer had the slightest desire to write about my affairs in more or less detail. Moreover, the other side really cares deeply about my affairs. So I deleted my account.

However, I regularly notice young and not so young people on the subway who are literally ready to grind the screens of their smartphones into powder, writing posts in the VK messenger, and having written a monologue there, literally with the trembling of a drug addict in their hands, they switch to Instagram and begin feverishly scrolling through the pictures there. One girl’s little brother almost fell out of the carriage at the station, but she didn’t care, VK-Instagarm was more important. By God, I feel sorry for these people. Especially when you then see them walking down the street and continuing to do the same thing as they walk, risking getting hit by a car and not even paying attention to the rain.

Moscow, Sokolniki, “Beware of Zombies” sign:

And this appeared in Murmansk - a warning about the dangers of social networks in one of the public gardens:

Where does this lead? Towards the loneliness of the 21st century. To the withering away of natural human needs for communication and degradation. Have you found someone on social media? Did you need it? Great! Call and meet, there is nothing else to do there. But no... The guy and the girl communicate with each other there... sitting or lying next to each other.

And it all usually starts with idleness at work...

Now operators are also indulging in this degradation; it is beneficial for them to save traffic by offering unlimited service only in a number of services, such as social networks! And since it’s profitable, we need to be stimulated and not leave there at all, claiming that we really need it! Exchange photos of kittens and young children.

Ok, I spoke out, don’t blame me, it hurts. Now on to the subject. MegaFon recently released extremely poor new “Turn on” tariffs with unlimited options for social networks. Now MTS has first released the “MTS Tablet” tariff with 1 unlimited social service. option to choose from, and at the same time the “VNet” option for other tariffs.

MTS "VSeti"

The option allows you to communicate unlimitedly on the resources VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, OK Live, TamTam, Facebook, FB Messenger, Instagram, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Twitter, Snapchat, Twitch, MTS Connect.

  • At tariffs " Smart Unlimited" and Smart+ - for free
  • On all other tariffs, except corporate - for a subscription fee 4 RUR/day.

Two questions immediately arise:

  1. Where is Telegram?
  2. In MTS Connect it was already “0 rubles for traffic. Internet traffic for calls from the MTS Connect application in Russia is not charged" (copied from the official description). Increased file transfer?

When using the specified resources, you do not spend the limit set on the tariff or connected Internet option (except for the “Turbo button” line), with the exception of traffic:

  • built on resources with third party resources, for example, YouTube, RuTube, Vimeo, Yandex.Maps, etc.;
  • push notifications about new messages on social networks;
  • with automatic updates software or background operation of other installed applications;
  • when downloading applications from Google Play, App Store or Windows Store;
  • when using services through the Opera browser, as well as any other browser in traffic compression mode;
  • when accessing the Internet via the wap.mts.ru access point);
  • when using the mode private browsing.

The option is valid throughout Russia, except for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and Norilsk.

About messengers

After my thoughts about social networks, I would like to again touch upon communication via instant messengers. Operators' voice revenues are not growing, which is why they are raising prices for the Internet, but they are “leading” us to where they want us. So that we use Internet traffic, on which they plan to earn more and more money through more and more additional payments, because without them, messengers for operators are like a pain in the ass.

However, people never stopped calling, and they didn’t even stop calling (on the contrary, fortunately, we now have more calls, i.e. life has not yet completely leaked into the virtual world of social networks). But as for calls via instant messengers, I recently tried to live “the modern way” for a week and started calling through Telegram (which for some reason is not on the MTS list, I repeat, although it is the best in its implementation). I wrote about this on the forum:

Telegram's communication quality turned out to be almost perfect. Especially in comparison with WhatsApp and Viber, where echoes and delays during calls are quite common. With Telegram, the connection is instantaneous, the sound is clear, there is no interference, speech transmission is very high quality and comfortable. Just like on the phone, exactly. Problems can only arise through EDGE, otherwise I successfully talked through it even in the subway. Free and unlimited. Internet - 4G/3G.

  1. There are still a lot of stubborn people who don’t want to install Telegram
  2. There are still a lot of stubborn people who these days “save battery” by turning off the Internet on their smartphone, and messengers do not work.
  3. Still, the Internet is not of sufficient quality everywhere, especially in some places in the Moscow Region and a number of regions of Russia
  4. If you call a person via messenger, and he is talking on the phone at the same time, there is no “call waiting” or “busy” on Android - just silence and end of the call. The called party will not know about this
  5. If you are talking on messenger, and at that moment you receive a regular call, my smartphone stupidly starts ringing right in my ear and the caller is not informed that I am now talking on Telegram.

In general, I don’t know how calls will actually be implemented in 5G networks, but for now this is just a backup option. I am sure that in 5G only the technology itself (data transmission) within the equipment will change and most subscribers will not even understand what the difference is. We already make calls mainly through applications - albeit pre-installed by the manufacturer of the smartphone itself.

Returning to the MTS “VSeti” option and based on what was written, I would like to draw the following conclusion: not really needed. Largely basic package There will be enough traffic for all these needs, if you don’t abuse it, of course. In 2 days of calling via Telegram, it consumed only 1.8 MB of me. For those who like to upload tons of photos of what they ate for lunch, I advise you to think - are you acting smart? Because for 120 rubles. per month it would be reasonable to see unlim only on YouTube, but that’s exactly what is not here. I’m not talking about the complete unlimited internet that has passed on to our forefathers (even for a reasonable surcharge).

Currently, not a single MTS tariff, including “Smart for Friends,” has an “unlimited” limit on the use of social networks. However, there is an “Online” option, and it provides just such “unlimited” information. In this article we will look at what this service is, how to connect it and what nuances it has.

What is the “VSet” service?

The “Online” option replaced the “ Social media”, which was sent to the archive. When connected, you can communicate without restrictions on most social networks and instant messengers - the Internet traffic from the package in your tariff will not be consumed. The “Online” service applies to the following messengers: WhatsApp, Viber, FB Messenger, Skype, OK Live, TamTam. And on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Odnoklassniki. You can chat, view photos, listen to music and watch videos without using up the main traffic package.

  • Internet distribution in MTS - connection, description and nuances of the Unified Internet service
  • SMART for your 2016, description of changes and connection to the tariff
  • How much does it cost to use the “Online” option?

    On two tariffs, Smart Unlimited and Smart Zabugorishche, the “On the Web” service is provided absolutely free of charge (connects automatically), on all other tariffs (except for the “Hype” tariff, which is not provided on it) its use will cost 4 rubles per day, or approximately 120 rubles per month.

    How to enable the “Online” option

    You can connect VNet, like other services, in four ways:

    Nuances of the “On the Network” service in MTS

    In order for your Internet traffic to be free, you must use only official applications and sites of social networks and instant messengers.

    The use of traffic compression mode is not allowed (applies to Opera browser) or private browsing (incognito mode) in any browser.

    Please note that social media pages may contain content that is actually located on other sites. That is, while on the VKontakte website, you can watch a video, for example, from YouTube. Naturally, this traffic will be charged outside the “Online” option.

    And lastly, the “Online” option does not work in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

    If you have any questions, or write in the comments on this page, we will be happy to help you!

    Messengers and social. Networks have long been replacing real meetings, but they allow you to maintain relationships even while on different continents. To do social life more convenient for Russians, MTS has developed a unique VNet service.


    Thanks to the inclusion of this function, subscribers do not have to worry about traffic to social networks. networks and messengers. All popular apps are now available in unlimited mode. These include:

    Accounting for consumed traffic does not apply to application data. As soon as the subscriber goes to URLs from the list, the unlimited mode is turned on and the Internet package according to the tariff plan remains untouched.

    There is an opinion that the option will not replace real unlimited for the entire package. However, statistics show that most of the traffic on a tariff plan is usually spent on viewing pages on social media. networks. Only Instagram and Skype can “eat up” up to 10 GB per month.

    By connecting to the VNet service, you can switch to a more modest tariff plan with a minimum number of megabytes. This especially applies to teenagers leading an active social life.

    Terms and availability

    The service is available for most tariff plans with rare exceptions. Only two packages exclude the use of the Internet - these are “Hype” and “MTS Tablet”. On “Unlimited” and “”, on the contrary, it is enabled by default.

    Unlimited access to specified pages it is possible not only through official applications, which can be easily downloaded from the AppStore or Google Play. But also using browsers.

    Even when watching videos or full-length films on the specified resources, the conditions of the option will still apply.

    It is important to remember, often on pages specified networks content from Rutuba and others is placed. In this case, traffic will be counted according to the terms of the tariff plan. We advise you to be careful with such nuances.

    Other conditions under which the Internet traffic package set on the tariff will be consumed:

    1. Download, update and background work third party applications on a smartphone;
    2. Access to the network via a WAP access point (wap.mts.ru);
    3. Incognito mode in the browser;
    4. For groups " Unified Internet" And " ".


    The service is already included in some tariffs and is provided free of charge. For other tariff plans you will have to pay. The daily subscription fee is 4 rubles per day. This is not much for limitless social media. traffic.

    To activate the service, the balance must be positive. If the tariff plan includes complete shutdown all functions with a minus score, then VNet also ceases to operate. However, some packages include Live Zero. In this case, the option unlimited social. networks will function for the period of the prepayment for it.

    VNet has become a replacement for the “Social Networks” service, which previously cost 50 rubles per month. Now it has more than doubled in price. But the list of available unlimited applications has doubled. The service is available throughout the Russian Federation, except for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

    How to connect

    1. Using USSD command *345# . The operator claims that the option is activated instantly. But in order to avoid unwanted waste of nerves and money, we advise you to wait for confirmation in the form of SMS.
    2. In the settings of your MTS Personal Account you can subscribe. You can read the description and make a connection in the Registration Instructions.
    3. My MTS application. With it, subscribers will learn about all new products and promotions before other users.
    4. Activate this service Operators in MTS, Euroset or Svyaznoy stores will help.
    5. Call 0890. You can find the connection option among the answering machine instructions, or wait for a connection with an operator who will connect the option independently at the subscriber’s request.

    Participants in the MTS Bonus program can easily connect to VNet for two weeks for free, having spent only bonuses. The service costs only 200 points. You can pay with points on the website where you registered, bonus.ssl.mts.ru.

    How to disable

    When a feature is no longer useful and there is no point in using it, you can always disable it. Cancellation of the service is free and occurs instantly. To do this you need:

    1. Switch to a tariff that does not imply the possibility of using the option. There are only two such packages: and “MTS tablet”;
    2. The easiest way is to dial *111*345*2# and press the call button. The option will be disabled within a minute. The paid time of use will also expire;
    3. Contact the nearest communication center, where consultants will deal with the disconnection issue;
    4. Call on 24/7 number 0890 and ask the operator to deactivate the service;
    5. Through the My MTS application;
    6. On the company's official website via Personal Area.

    Despite some limitations, the VNet service is very convenient and profitable. If you study everything underwater rocks and avoid them, then the main traffic can be reduced to a minimum. This will significantly reduce your monthly internet costs.

    Social network service from MTS - special option, allowing you to use official applications from well-known leading social networks in Russia. The service is free to connect and opens the door to the world of communication and access to groups, video and audio recordings. It will be important for users to know that traffic will not be wasted if access to social networking sites is carried out through the official applications of the developers. The traffic will not be affected by the difference between the full or mobile version, and applications from MTS do not waste traffic either.

    As you know, MTS has launched a line of Smart tariffs - this is a special marketing development for users, which includes unlimited opportunities for a variable subscription fee. This also includes Internet traffic. Users should know: since 2016, the range of these tariffs includes paid use“social network” service, which now constitutes a symbolic one. the amount of 50 rubles. This news probably influenced the fact that many users decided to abandon the service and simply use mobile versions of social networks directly from the browsers installed on their mobile devices.

    What is inconvenient about the service?

    Agree, not everyone is able to handle a constant stream of notifications on their phone: service information about a new message, notifications about birthdays, events in numerous groups... All this can not only tire you in a matter of minutes, but also drain your phone’s charge. If you are driving, it can be distracting, which is unacceptable. In addition, as we have already found out, for many it also costs money.

    Disabling the “Social Networks” service from MTS - all options

    There are several ways to solve this problem:

    • switch to another tariff;
    • by disabling the option in your personal account;
    • through the introduction of a special command;

    Switching to another tariff

    This method involves refusing Smart tariff and switching to any other tariff that is most profitable and suitable for the user. This is the simplest option. Its only drawback is that it is not entirely practical. since switching to a more convenient tariff may also involve charging money. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully read the terms of the transition.

    Disabling in your personal account

    The standard procedure is to use your personal account. You need to enter the MTS company website through the login form (or use the “My MTS” application on your mobile device). Find in the list the required service and click “disable”.

    Introduction of a special command

    Also, for the convenience of users, MTS uses special character commands. They can be used when there is no other way to disable them. To cancel the “Social Networks” option, you must enter the characters and numbers in the following order: *111*345*2# . This command will allow you to cancel the option in a matter of seconds.

    A lot of people spend almost all of their free time to view news feeds and communicate on social networks. In this regard, MTS has released a profitable “Social Networks” tariff plan for its subscribers. This proposal will be interesting active users Internet. In case of connection additional option Internet traffic will not be consumed when used official applications social networks.

    Description of service

    "Social media" - profitable proposition for those who constantly visit Vkontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki through mobile versions of websites. When the option is activated, Internet traffic is not consumed when communicating with friends and watching news feeds. Subscribers should remember that communication on the Internet without restrictions is only possible when using official social networking applications.

    This service is available to all MTS users, with the exception of those who use corporate tariff plans. Before activating the option, you should familiarize yourself with some conditions:

    • The service can be deactivated only with the consent of the subscriber;
    • Traffic used when visiting social networks is not charged;
    • The service is not available in all regions of the country, so you need to check before activating it. this moment on the MTS website.

    The option is unlikely to be of interest to those who use unlimited Internet. Current Package designed for subscribers whose traffic is limited. Connecting to the service will be free on almost all MTS tariffs, the exception applies only to users of the “Smart” tariff.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    It should be understood that traffic is not charged only when exchanging messages with friends and viewing the news feed. Most of the videos are on Rutube or YouTube, which relate to paid content. In this regard, the following disadvantages of the “Social Networks” option can be identified:

    • Monthly subscription fee for using the service;
    • Lack of opportunity free viewing videos and listening to music;
    • Inability to connect to the service in certain regions of the Russian Federation.

    Viewing any Internet resources that are located outside the social network server will be paid. Therefore, users should always remember that following links to external resources with videos music files, "Yandex. Cards" assumes the consumption of basic Internet traffic.


    The subscription fee for using the service varies from 50 to 90 rubles. In the Moscow region, the “Social Networks” option will cost subscribers 90 rubles/month. The main package includes 10 GB of internet traffic for visiting social networks. Once the limit is reached, the Internet connection speed drops to 64 KB. To increase the data transfer speed again, you need to activate the “Turbo button” service.

    When adding the “Social Networks” option, it is not recommended to disable the main Internet service. The fact is that when using official applications, they often occur automatic update. For correct tariffication of used Internet traffic, it is advisable to use exclusively official versions applications.

    How to connect and disconnect

    To become the owner additional package Internet traffic, you can connect a tariff plan from the “Smart” or “Ultra” line. Since the beginning of 2016, the Social Networks service has been included in the tariff price.

    There are other ways to connect to the service:

    1. Through mobile version“My MTS” programs;
    2. Via USSD request: *345# ;
    3. Through the “Personal Account” on the mobile operator’s website.

    After activating the service on mobile device will come system message about connecting an additional option. Please note that connection may take from 1 to 24 hours. If the service is not activated within the specified time, you should call 0890 to clarify the details.

    To deactivate the option, you can also use several options:

    1. Through system request: *111*345*2# ;
    2. Through personal page on the MTS website;
    3. Through mobile app"My MTS."

    If for some reason you cannot deactivate the option, you should contact the service center for help. Switching to some tariff plans also involves automatic shutdown from the service. These include “Smart NonStop” and “Smart Top”.