What number do you need to turn off the highway? Beeline Highway service - connecting and disabling the Internet option

In the material we will tell you how to activate and how to disable Highway on Beeline, we will introduce you to the features of this function and the specifics of switching to other tariffs. The service provides users with varying amounts of traffic at an inexpensive cost with prolonged high connection speeds. Each user connects the required volume based on personal needs, for example, 2 and 5 GB and others from the line of services. The option is available for activation in any tariff plan and provides an Internet connection at maximum speed.

Interesting! Mobile Internet is usually an expensive service, but it is required to update the software of mobile devices and programs. Also, many users cannot imagine life without an Internet connection. Therefore, the operator developed the Highway service. However, if you have wireless networks to which you can connect, then the need for mobile Internet disappears and customers need to find out how to disable the Highway service on Beeline.


Today, the Highway function for providing Internet on Beeline includes a line of five varieties: 1, 4, 8, 12 and 20 GB at unlimited speed. The specified amount of traffic is allocated monthly.

Important! If you use the provided traffic on your phone ahead of schedule, then automatic speed renewal is activated, and you can continue to use high-quality Internet.

Highway 10, 8 and 30 GB options have certain advantages for users:

  • wide possibilities for choosing the volume of traffic and tariff package;
  • the ability to independently regularly monitor expenses and traffic;
  • connection renewal at high speed, regardless of the subscriber’s location. Auto-renewal allows you to get an additional 5 MB, 500 MB and other volumes at a competitive price and at good speed;
  • large possibilities of auxiliary services available for connection;
  • information and technical support from the provider.

A special feature of the 4 GB package and the rest is the availability of activation in the active tariff plan, based on your communication and Internet needs. Read more about the service.

How to disable

The advantage of a package of options for connecting to the Internet is not only prompt activation and deactivation, but also free switching to other packages with different traffic volumes. We will introduce you to ways to disable the Internet on Beeline yourself and by calling technical support.

Important! Please note that for each package there is a separate command on how to disable Highway on Beeline, so check carefully when sending requests. So, if you previously activated this service, and now want to deactivate it as unnecessary, you can dial 0674-117-410 and follow the voice instructions.

Let's take a closer look at how to disable paid services with different connection volumes:

  • You can disable Highway Beeline for 1 GB with daily payment and a free weekly period of use by calling the short number 7770. In addition, to deactivate each option, a separate USSD request has been developed, which subscribers must use. You can deactivate the 1 GB Highway with daily payment by requesting ✶115✶030#. The option in which payment is charged monthly can be deactivated by command ✶115✶040# ;
  • You can deactivate the 4 GB service with daily payment using the command ✶115✶050#. To disable the monthly payment option, a request is provided ✶115✶060#;
  • disconnecting the Internet on 8 GB with television from Beeline is done using the command ✶115✶070#;
  • Highway 12 GB with television is disabled by request ✶115✶080#;
  • the 20 GB option with TV is deactivated by requesting ✶115✶090#.

If you are interested in how to disable Highway 2 GB on Beeline and similar options correctly, then after entering the listed requests, wait for a notification to your phone number that the option is disabled. This will guarantee that this service will not be provided to you, therefore, debits for use from the account will not be made.

You can also deactivate any of the options in your personal account or in the mobile service in the control section for connected services.

Subscribers can also opt out of special packages of 1, 15 or 30 GB on a tablet or modem. You can do this yourself in your personal account, by contacting technical support or at the operator’s office.

So, we told you what methods and commands are used to disable Highway options with different volumes of traffic. If you do not use this option, we recommend using the instructions provided to ensure that your balance is not debited for unused services.

For each of us, such a concept as mobile Internet is no longer completely new. Today, few of us imagine life without this wonderful innovation. Naturally, if you want to profitably use the mobile Internet, then you must choose the appropriate tariff that will be convenient for you as a user.

But sometimes situations occur when, within a certain tariff plan, we simply run out of traffic to connect to the Internet. In such cases, we are looking for ways to reconnect this service. This is where a service called “Highway” can help us.

Its peculiarity is that it makes it possible to reconnect the desired service to use the Internet, but accordingly it is no longer free. Just because you need to pay money to use the service, very often it becomes necessary to disable the highway service on your own mobile device so that money is not debited from your account just like that. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to quickly disable the 1 GB highway option from the Beeline operator.

Features of deactivation

If you have been an active user of the highway option for quite a long period of time, then sooner or later you will need to quickly disable it. Naturally, this often happens when this service ceases to be necessary for you in a certain period of time. Therefore, in order to ensure that your funds are not simply debited from the account of your mobile device, many Beeline network clients disable this option. There are several ways to do these simple steps.

The first way to disconnect the highway option on your mobile device, which is designed for 1 GB on the Beeline, is that you will need to make a call to a number that acts as a special service number. This number is 0674 - 117 - 410. After making a call, you will need to tell the operator that you want to disable this particular service. The disconnection will happen quite quickly.

The second way to disable this option is to make a call, but to a completely different number. This method will only be used when you are a user of a service that provides daily payment or as part of a free period that is provided for a whole week. To disconnect in this way, you must make a call to the short number 7770. Disconnection using this method also occurs quite quickly.

Don’t forget that in addition to service phone numbers, there are also special USSD requests that allow you to perform certain actions. Thus, within the framework of the highway service, designed for 1 GB, you can deactivate using the following USSD command: * 115 * 030 #. This command is suitable for those service users who make daily payments. If you pay for using this option every month, then to deactivate it you can use the following USSD request: * 115 * 040 #. This method is the most favorite among clients, as it does not cause any difficulties during use.

Therefore, if you do not want to use the highway option, you can quickly disable it using these simple methods.

Beeline Highway 5 GB is a popular service among customers. It provides the optimal amount of traffic for further use. In the article, we will study the basic conditions and talk about connection methods.

The service was created for subscribers who do not have an Internet package according to the tariff. It allows you to supplement the program and get attractive conditions.

In what cases is it worth connecting it?

  1. The subscriber needs Internet access.
  2. Wants to visit various pages, view information, communicate with friends.
  3. Doesn't want to seriously limit himself.
  4. 5 GB is enough for a month.
  5. Reliable communication is needed. Beeline has a large coverage area.
  6. The client is looking for the optimal combination of price and volume.
  7. The subscriber is completely satisfied with the proposed conditions.

With standard usage, 5 GB should be enough for a month. The downside of this service is that it becomes impossible to listen to streaming music and watch videos.

After the packet is used up, the speed is reduced to 64 kbit/s. With these settings, you can view pages in an undemanding browser. But working with various applications is extremely uncomfortable.

detailed information

If you are interested in the Highway 5 GB Beeline description, the operator offers the following conditions:

  • The volume of traffic provided is 5 GB.
  • The period of validity of the limit is a month. After completion, the package is updated.
  • Cost – 300 rubles.

The parameters are not bad. You can use the Internet comfortably and save money on the service. Therefore, many clients prefer this option.

The approximate speed that the operator claims in 4G is 10-20 Mbit. But it is important to know that this is not a guaranteed parameter. It depends on many related factors and may change in the future.

The option is compatible with all tariffs. The subscriber can connect it to any plan and start using the package.

How to find out the remaining traffic? The company offers the following methods:

  1. In your personal account.
  2. Dial command *102#.
  3. In the "My Beeline" application.

You can manage services in your personal account and program. Today, these are some of the most convenient tools for subsequent interaction with an account.


Price may vary in regions. The company uses special calculation schemes for each entity. All related factors are taken into account to increase the availability of supply.

How can I find out the settings in your region? You will need to visit the Beeline website. The portal automatically detects the user's location. Open the services section, find Highway 5 GB, study the cost and other indicators.

Important! The 5 GB package may not be available in some regions. Then you need to choose another option among those presented by the operator.

How to connect the Internet “Highway 5 GB” on Beeline

You can connect in the following ways:

  • Use the operator's application.
  • In your personal account on the website.
  • At the contact center.
  • By calling.
  • Through the team.

You can contact a support specialist. Necessary:

  1. Dial 0611.
  2. Listen to the items and select a connection with an operator.
  3. Wait for a specialist’s response.
  4. After connecting, ask to activate the service.
  5. An employee will manually perform the activation.

Another option is a team. You need to dial *115*061#. After connecting, the subscriber should receive a message with the current status.

A similar method is by calling a dedicated number. Dial 067471703 and make a call. Once connected, confirm the connection. The number and the command are good in their simplicity. But you will need to initially find out the data to complete the operation.

There is a personal account. Activating a service using it is very simple:

  • Go to the operator’s website and log in to your account.
  • Open the services section.
  • Find Highway 5 GB among the options offered.
  • Click on the activation button.

Now all major operators have their own application. The program greatly facilitates subsequent interaction with the account. How to connect the option in it?

  1. If you don't have the app yet, download it.
  2. Please login.
  3. Open the services tab.
  4. Find what you need among them.
  5. Please review the proposed terms and conditions.
  6. Confirm activation of the service.

How to disable Highway 5 GB on Beeline

You can disable the service in the following ways:

  • In the operator's application.
  • In your personal account.
  • Using the command *115*060#.
  • Call number 0674117410.
  • At the contact center.
  • You can come to the operator’s office in person. But given the huge amount of time spent, not many people use such a solution.

You have received basic information about the option. Before activation, consider your traffic needs so that there are no difficulties when using the service later.

Highway is a service from the Beeline operator that allows you to connect high speed Internet on your device. Of course, after a certain period of use there is a need to turn it off. Next, we will look at what types of this service exist and how they can be deactivated. As an example, we will take data for the Moscow region, because... Conditions may vary for different regions.

The first thing to take into account is that the service options will be available exclusively in your home region. The number after the word “Highway”, indicated in GB, is the traffic calculated for the month. If it is used up and the month has not yet ended, there is an additional service called “Auto-renewal speed”, with a cost of 20 rubles, adding 200 MB of traffic. Any of the Highway services can be disabled through your Beeline personal account. If you are logging in for the first time, click on the “My Account” tab in the upper right corner of the screen. A small menu will appear where you need to select the “Remember or get password” option. Next, enter your phone number and after the SMS notification, enter the received password. The highway will appear in the list of services, next to it there will be a button to disable it. The entire line of Highway services is listed below, with its features and individual ways to disable them. Option "Highway 1 GB". A month of using this option will cost you 200 rubles/month. It is worth immediately noting that this type of option can also be activated with a daily subscription fee, the amount of which will be equal to 7 rubles / day. The privilege of this type of connection is that the first 7 days of use are free. You can deactivate in two ways: using the USSD command, or by making a call, after which the service will be deactivated for you. The short number for disabling “Highway 1 GB” is as follows: “0674717020”. USSD request to cancel the service: “*115*040#”. Highway 3 GB option. The cost of the subscription fee for this type of option will be 350 rubles/month or 13 rubles/day. To deactivate the service, you need to dial the number “0674717030” and press the call button. Or dial the following USSD command: “*115*060#”, after which this option will be disabled for you. Option "Highway 7 GB". This time the amount of the service will amount to 550 rubles/month. There is no daily subscription fee after this option (including the current one). The command, after using which the service can be easily deactivated, is the following: “*115*070#”. Option "Highway 15 GB". The cost of this type of service will cost you 850 rubles/month. To deactivate, use the command “*115*080#”. To make a call, use the number “067471750”.


Connecting the Internet on your phone is now quite easy. But some subscribers do not know how to cancel a particular tariff plan. Therefore, today we will try to find out how to disable the Highway service on Beeline. There are several ways to bring your idea to life. They are all similar but have some minor differences. In any case, there is and cannot be anything difficult in implementing all approaches.

We call the operator

So, how to disable the Highway service? Beeline offers its subscribers several fairly simple options that are sure to please. For example, a universal approach to solving a problem is to call the operator.

What will you have to do? Regardless of which Highway you are connected to, just dial 0611 on your phone and wait for an answer. The main thing is that you communicate with a live operator, and not with a robotic voice. As soon as they answer you, tell them that you would like to cancel the Highway and give them a phone number. Please note that you may be asked for your passport information. They are needed for identification.

After the operator makes sure that you are not a fraudster, he will generate a request and notify you about it. You can say goodbye and wait for a message to arrive notifying you of successful cancellation of services. Nothing difficult, right? Now we know the first way to disable the Highway service. Beeline, however, can offer many more solutions. They depend, of course, on your specific tariff plan. That is, which package you have connected.

Free week

For example, let's start with the case when Highway, when purchasing a tariff plan, allows you to use the Internet for free for a week. And with all this, our tariffs are daily. To refuse services in our case at the moment it is worth paying attention.

How to disable the "Highway 1GB (free week)" service? In fact, it is not so difficult to bring your idea to life. You just have to create a small request and “call” it. Dial the combination 7770 on your mobile device and click on the “Call” button. A couple of minutes of waiting - and you will be shown a message in which they will write something like “The request has been made. Wait for an SMS with the result.” As soon as you receive your next letter, you can rejoice at your achievements.

"Highway Standard"

If you use the simplest and smallest “Highway” package, then you should dial 0674117410 and then call using this combination. The Internet will turn off. In addition, each subscriber is able to use a USSD request. It looks like this: *115*030#. We send a request and wait for a response.

Monthly fee

Please note that Beeline also offers its subscribers a fee that is charged once a month. To be honest, in this case it is also very easy to refuse Highway 1 GB. There are two techniques that will help in achieving this task.

Firstly, as in the previous case, you can call 0674117410. After this action, the Internet will turn off. But there is also a USSD command. She is no longer the same as she was last time. Now, to cancel the “Highway” package on Beeline with a volume of 1 GB with a monthly payment, you must write *115*040# and press the call button. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. By the way, disconnecting from Beeline's services is a free process. No money will be debited from you.

"Highway 3 GB"

The next package that can be connected is “Highway” for 3 GB. More precisely, already by 4. Recently, Beeline has increased the volume of traffic on this service. Thus, if you are interested in how to disable the Highway 3GB service, you will never be able to find the answer. But it is possible to refuse the 4 gigabyte package.

What can be done for this? First, call the numbers we already know. We are talking about the operator number or combination 0674117410. By the way, it is also used in all other Internet packages of the Highway line. There are also so-called USSD commands.

Please pay attention to which specific tariff you have chosen. If it is debited from your account daily, then you must dial *115*060#. Otherwise, you will have to generate a request of the form *115*050#. After that, click on the call button and wait for a message with the result. Everything is easy and simple.

Golden mean

The next option is Highway 8 GB. This is exactly the volume that is now provided to owners of the third type of Internet line package from the Beeline company. Some users are still interested in how to disable the Highway 5 GB service. But the answer is never found. And this is understandable. After all, now we are not talking about 5 gigabytes of traffic, but about 8. As already mentioned, Beeline has recently increased the limit.

Well, as in all the examples described above, you can use either a special command or phone numbers already known to us. On “Highway 8 GB” dial *115*070# to cancel services. The peculiarity of this tariff is the absence of any division in the debiting of the subscription fee. And this fact makes many people happy.

More and more

There are two more tariff plans related to the Highway line. For example, particularly active subscribers subscribe to an option with 12 GB of traffic. But what if you have to refuse the offer? "Highway" service for 12 GB of traffic with a high-speed connection?

A USSD combination is suitable for this. And, of course, the action can be carried out by dialing 0611, as well as 0674117410. Please note that when connecting to “Highway 12 GB”, you also, as in the case of 8 gigabytes of traffic, use only one combination to independently cancel the Internet package . This is *115*080#. We dial it, press the button to call the subscriber and wait for an SMS notification from the operator with the result of your actions.

To the maximum

So we have studied almost all the methods that will help answer how to disable the Highway service from the Beeline company. As you can see, there is nothing special about them. Just USSD requests and calls to the operator using certain combinations. The last option that can be offered to subscribers is the “Highway 20 GB” package. It also lacks the option to charge a subscription fee. This means that we will be offered only one request to implement the task set today.

What should you do if you need to cancel the Highway 20 GB tariff plan? To do this, dial a combination like *115*090# on your mobile device and click on “Call”. A couple of minutes of waiting - and all problems are solved.

Basically, these are all the options you can imagine. However, some subscribers recommend a couple more tricks. For example, a personal visit to the Beeline office. You can say that you want to disable Highway on a certain number, prove that the SIM card is issued to you, and then wait a while. An office employee will fill out the application and ask you to wait for a message with the result.

In addition, some claim that it is quite convenient to use the Internet to achieve the task assigned to us. Go to the official Beeline website, log in to your “Personal Account” and find “Services” there. In the "Internet" section, you must select the "Disable" function opposite "Highway". Enter the confirmation code in the appropriate window (it will be sent to your mobile device as an SMS message) and wait for the result of the transaction processing. I guess that's all. Now we know how to disable the Highway service on Beeline in all ways.