What does p2p mean? What is p2p video surveillance? P2P networks: Direct Connect protocol

Hello habr!
For a year now, the Moscow Internet provider has been at the bottom of the top five largest providers in Moscow (according to estimates AC&M-Consulting, it owns approximately 6% of the Moscow broadband market),
kills outgoing - upload traffic via p2p protocol.

What? Eat? Where?

The essence of stabbing:
Until the end of July:
  • Full payback under the tariff plan occurs only at night, from 3 to 9 am;
  • From 9 am, the output is cut at a fixed level, gradually decreasing from about 300 KB/s at 9 am to 100 KB/s in the evening.
  • During the evening rush hour, from 20:00 (on weekends - from 18:00), the distribution is fixed at a level of ~50 KB/s, and this continues until one in the morning;
  • From 1 to 3 a.m. the bar is raised back to the level of 100–300 KB/s, but the shaper is removed only at 3 a.m.

From the end of July:
topic on torrents.ru

Official position companies:

Due to active development QWERTY and the growing needs of subscribers to use services home internet, V Lately There is a load on the main channels, which can lead to a deterioration in the quality of services provided to all network users. It was revealed that the main load on the channels comes from outgoing p2p traffic, the growth of which significantly affects the overall comfortable pastime on the Internet.
Since our main task is to support and improve the quality of services provided to all our subscribers, we prioritize network traffic during peak operating hours. At the same time, the speed of access to the Internet and local network for all subscribers will remain unchanged. We hope for your understanding of the situation. Our engineers and company employees are considering other solutions.
topic on the QWERTY forum

According to unverified data from some sources: in the near future the company does not plan to cancel the prioritization of p2p traffic.

Ways to solve the problem:

The easiest way: Connect yourself to another provider or a second line. And forgetting about the p2p cutter is like a bad dream.
But I’m not interested in this option, since I’m happy with QWERTY and don’t see the point in connecting myself to a second line.

Well, now I’m moving on to the most interesting part.

Raising VPN
About free VPN I read about tunneling here, on Habré. Everything is written in the topic, I’ll just add a link to the settings (for Windows), VPN from the itshidden service.

Measurements were carried out on stable versionµTorrent 1.8.4, other downloads were disabled.

To begin with, let's look at regular download and upload speed on QWERTY network:

So I have it raised VPN tunneling, let's look at the download and upload speed:

The upload speed with a VPN actually increases, but the download speed drops significantly, so it is best to turn on the VPN only for upload, after downloading the desired content.

µTorrent 2.0 beta with µTP enabled
They wrote about it on Habré. In the release of version 2, the µTP protocol will be enabled by default.
Fortunately, the QWERTY equipment on this moment cannot kill the µTP protocol. But there is another problem:
In beta versions, downloading does not work correctly, for example, for me, on the version 1.8.4 the client downloads at a speed of 800-1000 Kb/s.
In the beta version, the download speed does not exceed 400-500 Kb/s. Moreover, with µTP enabled recoil wavy, moves irregularly, but reaches 500-600 Kb/s. Games with parameter bt.transp_disposition no results yet.
I hope that in the release version 2.0 this jamb will be corrected, and the provider’s equipment will not be able to kill the µTP protocol. It is worth noting that during the mass migration of subscribers to version 2, shaper will not feel that way, and channel overload is possible.

A very promising release, then the cutting will hardly be felt.
You can use it, but you will have to put up with the reduced download speed, although I still hope that this problem will be corrected in the release version.

General conclusions
There is a way out of any situation, if only there is a desire.

The p2p QWERTY cutter can be bypassed!

At the moment, it is more convenient for me to use VPN tunneling. It turns on and off with one click, which is convenient.
If technically QWERTY does not find a way to kill µTP, and the release version of µTorrent 2.0 comes out without the current jambs, then I will refuse VPN.
It will be interesting. Interesting because:
Firstly, QWERTY's answer is interesting, what measures the provider will take. I hope I illuminate QWERTY's answer to us torrenters.
Secondly, perhaps µTP will allow you to bypass shapers not only from QWERTY, but also from other foreign providers. And then p2p waits for the dawn. :)

Why Internet trackers when there is a local one??

I would like to devote the next part of this topic to my thoughts and my friend’s thoughts on the topic of a local torrent tracker.

It's no secret that QWERTY has its own local torrent tracker. Currently there are 15,000 registered users and more than 35,000 torrents created. These are new releases, films and other content. Of course, it is far from torrents.ru, but the tracker is quite large for a local network.

My friend cheget and I thought and formulated several pros and cons of a local tracker.

It is worth noting that:
There are no upload restrictions on the local tracker.


It's no secret that p2p networks currently occupy the lion's share of all network traffic. And in modern conditions Almost every first user who uses the services of a provider to provide access to world wide web, almost every day he uploads or downloads something over the p2p network (via torrent trackers using torrent clients).
The network structure of any provider in Moscow is a local network that unites all end users provider, and accordingly the access of this entire network to the Internet. The provider provides the use of an internal network and Internet access with two at different speeds, naturally, the internal network speed is much higher than the external (Internet) traffic speed. Therefore, it is logical to make a popular p2p service at internal network speed, but with access to it only by users of the provider’s network, with access blocked to external peers. This is a big plus, since downloading at a speed of 11 megabits (internal network) and at a speed of 1 megabit (external Internet download speed) with the same tariff is a huge difference.


So the main advantage of local trackers is, of course, speed.

The second is the constant availability of peers (seeders) at intranetwork speed. Due to the popularity within the network tracker, there will always be a person within the network from whom you can download content from the distribution. The second plus is a fast, 100% high-speed jump. There will always be a certain number of seeders within the network, including unpopular distributions. As an example on the Kverti tracker, even on distributions that are a year or more old, there are always one, two or three seeders from which you can download everything at the same network speed, that is, very quickly (the speed practically does not depend on the number of seeders, but depends on the restrictions that these seeders have set themselves, and since there are always one or two people at any distribution, there is a high probability that at least one of them distributes at maximum speed). Well, the third thing is natural - usually good support from the tracker company (provider). This includes the possibility of placement on the company’s reliable servers, the company’s support for the tracker’s development prospects, and the company’s protection of the tracker’s interests.

Another plus is good prospects and opportunities for rating growth due to very high speed jumps and returns (when traffic is cut, the significance of this plus drops significantly). Well, the last thing is various intranet bonuses, which very well allow you to control your personal rating. As an example, there is a seeding bonus, when even just with the client turned on and with low returns, the rating, although slowly, still grows.


First and most importantly, it is not possible to log in and download something while outside the range of the provider’s IP addresses (for example, from work, or from another place of residence, or from a computer connected to the network through another provider).

Secondly, there is a direct dependence on the quality of the tracker’s work, accessibility, technical condition internal network, as well as the tracker location server. That is, in the event of some more or less serious accident at the provider, the tracker may be unavailable for some time, as well as those peers that fall within the scope of the accident.

The third and perhaps most serious thing, which directly relates to the main topic of the article, is the reduction of traffic by the provider. Incoming traffic remains unchanged, and outgoing traffic is significantly lower. Another disadvantage is that the number of uploaders and peers is significantly lower than on the tracker external network. Hence, the amount of different content is usually much smaller. However, this minus loses its significance if the tracker is considered an official tracker of the provider, within the network (if it’s just a local private tracker, then this minus is relevant).


In the absence of a reduction in p2p traffic by the company, local trackers remain the most popular, convenient and high-speed, and external trackers that are not tied to the provider’s internal network are significantly inferior to internal ones according to these criteria. This is mainly due to speed of course.
However, with a serious reduction in traffic, the significance of this greatly decreases. Recently, a phenomenon called retracker has gained popularity. However, in all respects and speed, this phenomenon is significantly inferior to internal network trackers, especially the official trackers of the provider. Hence, the search for ways to combat traffic cuts has key role in maintaining popularity within network trackers. Since practice and time show that the main criticism of local trackers in favor of more extensive external trackers is based precisely on the reduction of traffic by the provider.


So, in my topic I came to the main conclusion - when harsh conditions cutting down p2p traffic, the most the best option This means using local trackers within the provider’s network. Since at very high speeds the reduction is not noticeable as much, and also with bonuses that allow you to competently control your rating on the tracker. Unfortunately, there are quite a few good and quite large intranet trackers, which is why I wrote my investigation, so to speak, in order to find convenient ways to bypass the shaper for external network trackers.

I hope my humble first topic will be useful to someone and will be useful.

Thanks for reading:)

UPD: I would like to move this entry to a thematic blog Peer-to-Peer but alas, there is not enough karma.
UPD: 2 Thank you, I transferred it. :)

Working with individual cameras and entire video surveillance systems via the Internet has gained wide popularity thanks to a number of analytical functions and operational access to devices.

As a rule, most of the technologies that are used for this require assigning an expensive white IP address to the camera or DVR and a complex setup procedure using UPnPct and DDNS services. An alternative to this is the use of P2P technology.

P2P (peer-to-peer) – peer-to-peer communication protocol, differs more effective use bandwidth of the signal transmission channel and high fault tolerance.

For the first time, the term peer-to-peer (Advanced Peer to Peer Networking) - advanced peer-to-peer networks, was used by IBM in networks with a classic single-level architecture and peer workstations. It was used in the process dynamic routing without using a server, when each PC performed the functions of both a client and a server. Now a looser version of the translation of the abbreviation sounds like “equal to equal.”

The main area of ​​application is remote video surveillance of various objects, For example:

  • open storage or construction site;
  • shop or production room;
  • personal plot or cottage.

CCTV cameras with P2P image transmission technology are used mainly in household small and medium-sized private video surveillance systems, performing some functions of security and alarm systems.

Identification of the camera on the Internet is carried out using a unique ID code, which is assigned to the device by the manufacturer. Search and use is carried out using special software and cloud services.


Easy settings network equipment - the main advantage of P2P technology over other methods of signal transmission. In fact, without deep knowledge of network protocol x, connection and setup procedures, any user with basic Internet skills can independently organize remote video surveillance.

There is no binding to a static IP address. Obtaining and maintaining a static IP address can be a problem for the average user. Most providers provide Internet connection services based on dynamically changing IP addresses from a certain array.

Each time the user logs into the network, this address may change for the user, which will require systematic configuration of the CCTV cameras. The provider provides a white static IP address to on a paid basis and this service is not cheap.

There is no dependence on distance. Video signal transmission can be carried out anywhere in the world where there is an Internet network. The image quality depends only on the channel width and stable operation communications.

Possibility of use various devices to watch the video. To monitor the video surveillance system, you can use both a stationary PC or laptop, and mobile devices: tablets, smartphones.

Affordable price. The price of video surveillance cameras using P2P technology is not too different from the cost of conventional IP cameras with comparable technical and operational parameters.


Below are the main manufacturers of P2P cameras and some of their models.

Falcon Eye is a manufacturer of equipment for video surveillance and security systems. Specializes in wireless systems security GSM alarms. Has an official representative office in Russia since 2005. All the manufacturer’s products, which are sold in our country, are certified and adapted to work in difficult conditions. weather conditions. Complies with international standard ISO – 90001.

The range of P2P CCTV cameras includes:

  • Falcon Eye FE-MTR 1300;
  • Falcon Eye FE-MTR 300 P2P;
  • Falcon Eye FE-ITR 1300.

All video cameras provide images in high resolution 1280x720, can operate in illumination of 0.1 Lux and have a Lan and Wi-Fi signal transmission interface (Falcon Eye FE-ITR 1300 Lan only). In addition, they are equipped with a motion detector and can activate the video recording process when an alarm occurs.

Recording can be done on DVRs, in a cloud service or on a memory card. The presence of a microphone and speaker turns the camera into an interactive device for two-way conversations.

Foscam– the company was founded in 2002. Specializes in the production of devices and IP cameras for GSM video surveillance. The products have been certified according to international standard ISO 9001 and domestic GOST standards. The devices are equipped with a motion detector, memory card slots and an RJ 45 interface (cable network connection twisted pair).

The most popular models:

  • Foscam FI9821P;
  • Foscam FI9853EP;
  • Foscam FI9803EP.

Zodiac– the company offers devices for home and professional video surveillance systems. All P2P cameras are equipped with an infrared illumination system, which allows video recording in the dark.

Models common on the market:

  • Zodiac 909W;
  • Zodiac 911;
  • Zodiac 808 is made in an outdoor version in a housing with a degree of protection IP65.


Setting up a P2P video camera takes no more than 5 minutes and does not require in-depth knowledge of communication protocols or complex program settings. Regardless of the camera used or the selected cloud service, the setup algorithm is as follows:

1. Download and install from the website of the selected cloud service software compatible with the operating system of the viewing device.

2. The camera is installed and power is supplied to it.

3. The camera connects to the Internet via local wired network or through wireless means information transmission - WiFi, GSM, etc.

4. The previously installed software is launched on the viewing device. The ID code is entered in a special search field. It can be found on the camera body or in technical documentation. Most models also have a QR code on the body that can be scanned with a smartphone or tablet.

5. To access the camera, dial standard password, which then must be changed. Each manufacturer or model has its own, indicated on the box or in the device passport.

The installation of a P2P video surveillance system can be carried out without the use of cameras with integrated P2P technology. Enough in conventional systems CCTV use a DVR with this function. Then during setup you need to specify the DVR ID and gain access to the cameras through its interface.

The algorithm for setting up a DVR is no different from setting up a camera. An example of such a device is the SPYMAX RL-2508H Light hybrid video recorder.


A cloud P2P service is a collection of servers that provide access to devices that support the corresponding function. There are many such resources. They are divided into two types. Services developed by equipment manufacturing companies.

As a rule, they only support P2P cameras from the developer’s company. AND universal services, developed third party companies, which are compatible with most devices using P2P.

For example, the Proto-X and RVi services accept only cameras and video recorders from the corresponding developers. Presets for quick setup recorded at the factory during the production process.

Universal cloud P2P service – Easy4ip is compatible with most popular cameras.

To work with P2P cameras, you need software installed on the viewing device:

The use of cameras with P2P technology makes it possible quick installation and settings effective system video surveillance without the involvement of expensive specialists. Various cloud services provide the user with wide functionality, similar to those used in complex stationary systems video surveillance.

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The development of the Internet and its widespread distribution throughout the world has made it possible to exchange various information with enough high speed at a great distance. Among many traditional means of information exchange, so-called P2P networks are becoming increasingly popular. What are they?

The very concept of P2P (translated: “peer to peer”) implies the direct exchange of information between equal participants. Other names have been assigned to networks related to this protocol: peer-to-peer, peer-to-peer.

The difference between peer-to-peer networks and file-sharing networks lies, first of all, in the method of information transfer and the network hierarchy. In the case of traditional exchange networks, which we access by going to a website, we are dealing with a specific server on which the information we are interested in is stored. The server stores this data and transmits required file to each client who requested it, in its entirety, limiting maximum speed loading the capabilities of your network. Accordingly, when a file is deleted from the server, none of the clients will be able to receive it.

In peer-to-peer networks, everything works differently. In them, each user can act as both a server and a client, downloading and receiving data respectively. All information is stored on users' computers and set resolution may be available to other clients. The same file can be accessed from various sources, downloading is done in fragments, not whole parts. The transmission speed, accordingly, is faster, the more different sources share the necessary information with the client.

Modern hybrid P2P networks use a server not to store information, but to distribute network work and connect clients. The most popular peer-to-peer protocols are BitTorrent, eDonkey and Direct Connect.

The BitTorrent protocol is the most common way to transfer large amounts of information. It allows, if available special program, request the required file and download it from hundreds and thousands of other clients, and at the same time share it with other participants. In order for network participants to discover and connect to each other, a special server is organized, called a torrent tracker, which stores file identifiers, client addresses, as well as a website with information about the stored data, with user discussions.

The most popular BitTorrent clients are: Deluge, uTorrent, Vuze, Transmission, BitComet, Shareaza and a number of others. Clients for Direct Connect networks: StrongDC++, FlylinkDC++, ApexDC++.

Thus, P2P networks provide convenient, fast and effective method transferring large amounts of data, involving everyone large quantity participants, providing greater opportunities and convenience for the exchange of information.

p2p is an abbreviation for the English expression peer-to-peer, which can literally be translated as “peer to equal.” On the Russian-language Internet, p2p networks are also called peer-to-peer, peer-to-peer or decentralized networks.

Differences between 2p2 networks and other file sharing networks

In regular file-sharing networks, files are stored on a server from which any user can download the file they need. If the file is deleted from the server, the user will lose access to it. On top of that, the download speed is limited throughput server.

There is no such server in peer-to-peer networks. All necessary files are stored on hard drives users in folders that they have opened for public access. In p2p networks, each computer acts both as a server, sending information, and as a client, when information needs to be downloaded. This allows you to significantly increase the speed of file exchange.

Currently, hybrid p2p networks are most widespread. In such networks, the server acts as a coordinator, ensuring interaction between users, but it does not store any information. Such networks combine both the speed of a pure 2p2 network and the reliability of a centralized network. Currently, the most popular hybrid network protocols are BitTorrent and Direct Connect.

BitTorrent protocol

File sharing via BitTorrent protocol occurs in parts using a special client program. During downloading, fragments of files are exchanged according to the principle “you give me - I give you.”

File transfers are coordinated using special server– torrent tracker. It is necessary so that network participants, so-called peers, can find each other. This server stores file IDs, IP addresses and client ports. Often, a torrent tracker is a website that stores information about distributed files.

Many trackers use a registration and rating system to comply with the basic principle of p2p networks. They take into account the ratio of information downloaded and uploaded by the user. In cases where the volume of information downloaded by the user significantly exceeds the volume of information provided by him, the ability to download for him will be limited.

Direct Connect (DC) protocol

File exchange via the Direct Connect protocol often occurs between users of local networks. To work in a DC network you need special client, connecting to one or more servers, which in such a network are called hubs. By connecting to the hub, users have the opportunity to download files from publicly accessible folders of other network participants.

An interesting feature of DC networks for users is the ability to exchange instant messages in a chat. by personal messages.

The only significant disadvantage of p2p networks is copyright infringement. Since the exchange of files between users is practically impossible to track, their distribution remains solely on the conscience of the participants in peer-to-peer networks.

In communication and rules on -trackers, specific terminology is used, in which participants in file exchange are called seeders, leechers and peers. What is a feast and what are they?


Peer (peer – from English accomplice) is the general name of a network participant, which is built on the principle of exchanging files and services between computers. A peer stores files or hosts services on their computer and provides access to them to other participants. In return, the peer receives similar files or services from the computers of other exchange participants. Networks built on this principle are called peer-to-peer or peer-to-peer.

The most common example of peer-to-peer networks are torrent networks, which are designed to exchange files between their participants. Files are exchanged using special programs - torrent clients, which automate the exchange process between peers. A peer in torrent networks is any participant directly involved in the exchange of files. The collection of all peers participating in one specific distribution is called a swarm.

Pirs in a swarm are divided into leechers and seeders. A leecher is a peer that does not yet have any part of the distribution or does not have all parts of the distribution, that is, a peer downloads a file to its computer from the computer of the seeder or other leechers of the swarm who already have the necessary parts of the file. A sider or seed is a feast in a swarm that has all the parts of the distributed file. The seed is either the original distributor of the file, or a leecher who has already completely downloaded the file to his computer. If there is not a single seed in the distribution, leechers will not be able to access the entire file.

A peer on a torrent network that does not have any part of a file that another peer has is called an interested peer. If an interested peer opens a connection to download the missing part, but does not proceed within 60 seconds, it is said to be neglectful.

Because of full load channel or restrictions set in the torrent client settings, a peer that has parts of the seed that leechers are interested in may not respond to download requests. Such a participant is called a dead feast or dead seeder if he has all parts of the distribution.

In addition to torrenting, there are networks that use other technologies for exchange, in which peers also occur. For example, any member of a local network who provides access to his files and downloads files from other computers on this network is also a peer.


  • Terminology of torrent networks in 2018
  • Description of peer-to-peer networks in 2018

One of the innovations computer technology that increase the speed of computers are hybrid rigid disks. These high-performance storage media have replaced conventional hard drives.

Hybrid HDD(SSHD) - a storage medium that combines SSD technology and HDD. That is, a solid-state drive (SSD) is installed inside such media and magnetic disk(HDD).

Hybrid drives differ from HDDs in their low power consumption because SSD drives do not have rotating elements. For the same reason, they make virtually no noise during operation and do not heat up like regular hard drives.

How does a hybrid hard drive work?

To ordinary users It was clear to the PC what an SSHD is; its device can be thought of as a flash drive and a regular magnetic disk (a rotating “pancake”) located in one case.

The presence of flash memory allows you to increase the speed of data reading, and thanks to the presence of magnetic disks on the SSHD you can store large amounts of information. This technology is convenient because hybrid drives have a larger capacity than conventional SSDs, and are significantly less expensive SSD media, which makes them more accessible to a wide range of buyers.

Hybrid hard disks allow data to be read approximately four times faster regular HDD(at a rotation speed of 7200 rpm).

Application of hybrid hard drives

SSHD are available for both desktop computers, and for laptops. In the second case, they are more in demand, since laptops lack technical feasibility simultaneous installation of SSD (for operating system) and HDD (for storing information).

Therefore, hybrid hard drives can significantly improve laptop performance and increase the loading speed of the operating system several times. The speed of an SSHD depends on the amount of storage built into it. solid state drive. The larger the volume, the higher the speed will be. Thanks to low power consumption hybrid hard drives allow you to increase resource battery life laptop for about 30 minutes.

It is worth noting that initially SSHD technology was developed for storage media used in laptop computers And mobile devices. And the first hybrid media were produced in the 2.5-inch form factor. However, now hybrid media are also available in the 3.5-inch form factor, so users personal computers you no longer need to deal with complex configuration of raid arrays (redundant array of independent disks) and simultaneous installing SSD and HDD, which also requires quite complex setup.

Torrent is one of the ways to exchange information between people using Internet services. Communication is implemented using the P2P protocol, implemented by the American programmer Bram Cohen.

The essence of a torrent is that the file that needs to be distributed to users is transferred to a specific server directly from the server’s computer. Moreover, the distribution also occurs from all users who are downloading the file at the moment. Thus, you can achieve high data exchange speeds without overloading the server.

What is a torrent? It's a complex web that connects great amount computers simultaneously exchanging files. If you want to distribute a file, there is a high probability that in a few hours thousands of users will already have it.

One of the main negative factors associated with torrenting is that users of this network rarely respect copyright law by distributing programs, films, music and other materials prohibited for distribution. That is why there is an active fight against such networks.

How to use a torrent? Follow a few simple steps:

  1. Download a free tracker;

  2. Find the material you are interested in on specialized sites;

  3. Download a small file that is the key to gain access;

  4. Launch the program, select the desired file, tick the required data and click “OK”;

  5. Wait until necessary materials downloaded to your computer;

  6. Leave the program running for a while so that other users can use the data.

Do not use torrent to download pirated files, as this violates the laws of the Russian Federation.

The music industry has changed significantly over the past 10 years. People stopped buying CDs and vinyl records, giving preference to easily accessible mp3 files, which can be downloaded completely free of charge or for little money. The best way mp3 files will be searched using Google, Yandex and Yahoo search engines, regular check music blogs or using torrent clients.

With the development of the Internet, we have the opportunity to exchange various types of information, if not instantly, then very quickly. There are many ways to exchange files with another Internet user, but one of the most popular is P2P networks. What are P2P file-sharing networks?

P2P is an abbreviation for the English expression “peer-to-peer”, which can be translated as “equal to equal.” They are also called peer-to-peer, decentralized or peer-to-peer networks.

What is the difference between a P2P network and a regular file hosting service? In the case of a file hosting service, all data is stored on a server from which users can download it. If the file is deleted from the server or the server becomes unavailable for some reason, users will, of course, no longer have access to this information. In addition, the download speed is limited by the server bandwidth and load on it.

There is no such server in the P2P network. Required files are stored on users’ computers in “shared” folders (folders open to public access). And each computer can act both as a client (download information) and as a server (give information). The file can be downloaded in fragments from several sources at once. This allows you to increase download speed.

Nowadays the so-called hybrid (partially decentralized) P2P networks. In such networks, a server is present, but it is used not to store information, but to coordinate the operation of the network. Such a network combines the speed of a pure P2P network and the reliability of a centralized network. At the moment, the two most popular peer-to-peer network protocols used in P2P networks are BitTorrent And Direct Connect.

P2P networks: BitTorrent protocol

When exchanging files via the BitTorrent protocol downloaded files are transferred in parts. By downloading a file using a special program (), you at the same time give it to other clients on the principle “you give me - I give you.”

To coordinate file sharing there is specialized server- torrent tracker. It is needed so that peers (network participants) can find each other. Typically, the tracker stores hashes (file IDs), IP addresses and incoming ports of clients. But often a torrent tracker is also a site with information about distributed files (descriptions, metadata, etc.) and the number of peers, download statistics.

On some trackers, in order to comply with the basic principle of the P2P network (“you give me - I give you”), there is rating system. The ratio of information downloaded and uploaded by the user is taken into account. If the amount of information downloaded significantly exceeds the amount of information uploaded, the rating will be low and the user's ability to download will be limited.

The most popular torrent clients- This official client BitTorrent, uTorrent, BitComet, KTorrent, Deluge, Transmission, Vuze (Azureus), etc.

P2P networks: Direct Connect protocol

The Direct Connect protocol is most often used in local networks . To download to a DC network, you need to install a special client and connect to one or more DC hubs. In this P2P network, the hub acts as a server. By connecting to it, you will see a list of connected users, you will be able to search for shared files and, of course, download them.

Files are searched by , so even if the file is renamed, this does not affect its download in any way(in the case of torrents, renaming a file causes the system to stop “seeing” it). Files, again, can be downloaded from several sources at once.

In addition, DC hubs usually have general chat and the ability to exchange instant personal messages, so the DC client can be used not only for exchanging files, but also for communicating with other users of the P2P network.

Most popular DC clients- these are various descendants of the DC++ client, in particular, StrongDC++, ApexDC++, FlylinkDC++, GreyLink, EiskaltDC++, etc.

P2P networks - quite convenient way file sharing. But, alas, in such networks it is almost impossible to track copyright violations, because the files are stored by everyone and at the same time, in fact, by no one. Distribution of files is solely on the conscience of P2P network participants.