Connecting an IP camera to a computer: a simple diagram of actions. Port forwarding on the router for remote video surveillance connection

Quite often, novice users are faced with the problem of setting up an IP camera through a router. All of the above instructions have been completed, but the camera is only accessible via the local network, and there is no access to it via the Internet? This common problem lies in the settings of the router itself, which is called port forwarding.

Port forwarding or, in other words, port forwarding needs to be configured if you need to gain access from the Internet to an IP video camera connected via a router to the local network of your home or office.

The need for port forwarding is quite obvious, because every user will one day express a desire to monitor an office or home not only directly from the location of the IP camera, but also from other places via the Internet, for example, while on a business trip to monitor the office, subordinates, or while at home have opportunity to observe the situation at the dacha.

But gaining access to a camera connected via a local network through a router is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is in such cases that forwarding or a virtual server (another name for this function) can help. The principle of operation of the function is to forward ports externally arriving to local addresses.

Thus, being at any distance from the video camera, you enter the router address, the port to which forwarding was assigned, and gain access to the internal network, thanks to which you can access the web interface of the IP camera.

In simple terms, forwarding will allow you to access elements of your local network environment from the Internet.

Port forwarding is configured in the router through which connected devices access the Internet. The router allows you to connect many devices into an internal network, provide everyone with communication with each other, as well as access to the Internet.

A modern router makes it possible to connect devices via an internal cable network, via a wireless Wi-Fi network, organize a print server, as well as other capabilities that may be different for different router models. Virtual server is one of the few such features.

Instructions using the example of Asus WL-500 Gp V2

The instructions below assume that your existing router is already connected to the Internet, is configured correctly and is working correctly. The IP camera is also connected to the router and configured with basic configurations according to the user manual.

  • To make the settings, you need to go to the router’s web interface. With basic configurations, the router's web page is available at The main page will display a map where connected devices will be displayed, including the IP video camera.

  • We go to the “Advanced Settings” tab, where a large number of secondary sections are located, such as wireless network configuration, WAN, local network, administrator options, etc.

  • We go to the “WAN” section, the “Virtual Server” subsection, from where we get to the “NAT Setup - Virtual Server” configuration page. It is on this tab that you can make all the necessary settings that will provide access to the IP camera from the outside.

  • Since our router is already configured to work with the internal network and the Internet, we will assume that the IP video camera has the address Using any computer within this network environment, you can easily go to the camera address, access it, view the broadcast video, and make configuration. But in this case, we need to configure the IP camera through a router to access it from the Internet. To do this, you need to enable the virtual server, which is done by checking the “YES” checkbox and selecting the corresponding option. We leave the remaining functions on this page unchanged.

  • The next step is to enter values ​​into the list of virtual servers: Service name - any name, for example IPCameraOffice, or IPCamDom. Port range - external port (or range of ports) through which we will navigate from the Internet. Since the IP camera is signed with the IP address, the best option for quick memorization is port 10135. The port must be specified greater than 5000 so that there are no overlaps with ports used by basic services and protocols. Local IP address is the IP address of the connected IP camera, ours is Local port - IP video camera port. Default value - port 80 Protocol - TCP. It is on top of this protocol that our video camera works. The protocol number is left without meaning.

  • The example image below shows all the values ​​and their locations. Next, you need to click the “Add” button to add the virtual server to the list. If you have several connected IP cameras, then make similar settings for each device. After entering all the values ​​and adding servers, click the “apply” button at the bottom of the window to save the changes.

  • Now all that remains is to reboot the router and check access to the camera from the Internet. To do this, enter http:// in the browser of the remote computer<внешний ip-адрес роутера или DDNS имя>:10135, after which the IP camera web page should be displayed.

Head of the technical support group Benedikt Maksimenko.

Video surveillance systems have been in use for a long time. Old analog solutions were expensive and cumbersome. They required a large amount of expensive equipment, qualified specialists and had significant limitations in use. The development of digital technologies, firstly, has made video surveillance cheaper. Secondly, it simplified working with the equipment. Thirdly, it expanded its capabilities.

IP video cameras: recording and viewing video

IP cameras are used to organize digital video surveillance.

An IP camera is a “smart” webcam, a completely autonomous device with its own software that does not require a computer to operate.

IP camera can record video:

  • To a memory card connected directly to it.
  • External source: computer hard drive or DVR. It is possible to record to a hard drive connected to the .
  • Cloud storage on the Internet.

The IP camera also allows you to view video in real time both over a local network and over the Internet.

Thanks to these capabilities and ease of use, an IP camera makes it easy to organize surveillance not only in production or in the office, but also at home, in an apartment or in a country house.

If the camera is intended only for recording video on a video recorder or a computer performing its functions, no additional equipment is required for its operation. If there is a need to access the camera via the Internet for remote viewing, then it must be connected to a router. A combination of IP camera + router + Internet is the most affordable way to organize video surveillance at a remote site.

Connecting to a router

There are three ways to connect an IP camera to a router.

Via Ethernet connector

The camera is connected to the router with a LAN cable (twisted pair). This connection is the most reliable, but requires wiring. If the video surveillance system is installed in parallel with the renovation, it will not be difficult to lay the cable so that it does not interfere or spoil the interior. Otherwise, you will have to drag it along the walls.

Via Wi-Fi

This connection does not require any wiring. The IP camera connects to the router over the air via a Wi-Fi connection. But you need to keep in mind that most home routers have a short Wi-Fi range, so this solution is suitable for small rooms where the distance between the camera and the router is small and there are no obstacles between them that interfere with the signal. The further you are from the router, the worse the signal quality and there may be problems with image transmission. In large rooms, in buildings with reinforced concrete floors and on the street, it is better to use a cable connection.


IP cameras can be connected to a computer, DVR or router via a USB cable. In this case, the camera also receives power via USB and there is no need for a separate power source. However, this connection is limited by the length of the USB cable. Therefore, this method can be used if the camera and router are nearby.

Camera setup

Camera IP address

Like a router, an IP camera is a stand-alone network device that has its own IP address. It can be dynamic or static. If the camera address is dynamic and is enabled on the router, no additional manipulations with the connection will be required. After you connect the camera and the router with a cable, the router will assign an IP address to the camera and it will appear in the list of network devices.

But most IP cameras have a static IP address by default. And it may not match the address range of your network. Then to connect the camera to the router, you need to change the address.

There are cameras that first try to obtain an address via DHCP. If they don’t find a server, they take a static address.

Changing IP address

To organize video surveillance, you should configure the connection of the IP camera to the Internet via a router. Let's connect to the computer to set the required IP address.

The IP address of the camera is indicated on the label at the bottom of the camera and in the instructions for it. If it is static, for example,, and your router has, automatic connection will not occur and the router will not see the camera. To solve this problem, we change its IP address.

Connect to the computer

We connect the camera to a computer or laptop, having first changed its IP address to

To do this, click on search on your computer. In the search bar we write “control panel”. Launch the found application. In the Control Panel, search for “Network and Sharing Center” in the search bar.

There you can click on change adapter settings and select the desired connection. It’s easier to click on “Ethernet” for the desired network right in the same window. After this we get to the status window.

In this window, click on “Properties”. In the properties window that appears, select “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on the properties button.

Select “Use the following IP address”. We enter the required address in the appropriate field and indicate the subnet mask. Typically this is Click the “OK” button. Network settings will take effect only after closing the “Ethernet: Properties” window. After changing the settings, a “Close” button will appear on it.

Changing address

We connect the camera, enter its IP address in the browser line and get into the device’s web interface.

Some cameras come with a special program that can be used to change the camera address. It may differ for cameras from different manufacturers, but the main menu items are the same. The required item will be called “Configuration” or something like that. Here you need to find the “Network” sub-item and either check the “Use dynamic IP address” box or select “Static IP” and enter the desired address there. If your router's IP is, you can specify, for example, The subnet mask is usually standard –, if you have not changed this parameter in the router’s network settings. If there is a “Gateway” field, enter the address of your router in it. Then save the settings.

Some cameras come with a special program that allows you to change the camera address. After this, connect to the web interface for further configuration.

When setting an IP address for a network webcam, it is advisable to use a static address. You should check that the selected address does not fall within the range of addresses distributed by the DHCP server.

Don't forget to reset your PC's network card to its original settings, otherwise you won't be able to connect to the network!

At this stage, you can disconnect the camera from the computer and connect it to the router.

If you have set a dynamic IP address on the camera, it makes sense to reserve a permanent address for it on the router, so that you don’t have to look for it in the list of network devices every time. To do this, in the “Address Reservation” menu item of the router web interface, specify the MAC address of the camera and write down the IP for it.

Setting up a router to access the camera via the Internet

If you have successfully completed the steps above, your camera will be available on your local network. You can work with it from any device connected to your router. However, if you want to access the camera via the Internet, you will need to make additional settings.

First, you need to find out whether your provider provides you with a static “white” address. This is important for gaining access to the router via the Internet.

"White" IP addresses

There are two types of addresses: real ones, which are called “white”. And virtual ones, usually called “gray”. They can be static or dynamic, but in this case it is not important. The main thing is that if you have a “white” address, then you can connect to your router from the network directly by specifying it. If the provider distributes “gray” virtual addresses on the network, and access to the network is carried out from a common IP provider, then it will not be possible to find your router on the network by IP address.

You can check what IP you have as follows. Look at what address is used when you connect. After that, go to any service that allows you to determine the IP from which you are accessing the network. For example, the site If the IP of your connection and the IP determined by the service match, then you have a real address. If the addresses are different, then you have a virtual IP. Most providers provide real IP addresses upon request for a fee. Contact technical support to resolve this issue.

When using the mobile Internet - connecting an IP camera through a router with a 3G/4G modem, the operator often issues an external dynamic IP address. It may change over time, for example after the device is rebooted. It is advisable to activate the external IP address service. In this case, you will receive a static address. It will not change after a reboot.

Port forwarding

By default, the camera uses port 80 for connection. You don't have to change it, but you can change it if you want. To do this, go to the camera’s web interface and enter any number in the network settings instead of 80. For example, 3000. Now, to connect to it from the local network, you need to enter its IP address, colon and port number. That is, in the browser line you need to write:, where is the local IP address of the network web camera.

Don't forget to change the default password for your camera so that no one can access it!

Now you need to perform port forwarding on the router. This topic is covered separately on our website. In it you can find detailed instructions on how to configure port forwarding on various routers and why it is needed. Here we provide brief instructions.

We look for the item “Port forwarding”, “Port forwarding” or something similar in the menu of your router. Enter here the IP address of your camera, the port through which the external connection will be made to it, let’s say 4000, and its port (the default is usually 80, but if you changed it as described above, then 3000). After saving the settings, check if the connection is working. To do this, from any computer connected to the Internet, go through a browser to the address xx.xx.xx.xx:4000. If the login window to the web interface of the IP camera opens, then the connection is configured correctly.

Please note that here we have forwarded ports for the camera For example, we added another camera with the IP address We chose external port 4001 for it. Thus, we will connect via xx.xx.xx.xx:4000 to one camera, and via xx.xx.xx.xx:4001 to the second.

Recording video from an IP camera

If you plan to operate the IP camera around the clock, in order not to record unnecessary hours of “empty” video, enable the motion tracking function. Then the camera will start recording only when something happens in the room.

Cameras can record to a memory card or to an external source. You can use a DVR, hard drive or flash drive connected to the router for these purposes. The disadvantage of this method of storing data is that the storage medium is located in the same room as the camera, so the data can be deleted by an intruder who gets into it. In order to secure information, it is recommended to use cloud services for data storage. Your data will be encrypted and transferred to a remote server and stored there.

Remote video surveillance is an increasingly popular service. CEOs and directors of companies are increasingly conducting their business remotely or on the road. It is good when the staff is supervised by an experienced deputy or department head. What if your assistant is not so good at this? Or is there a risk that in your absence clients will be lost to others? Or will theft flourish?

The tasks solved by remote viewing are varied. To start viewing, you need to forward the ports on the router at the final stage of installing the cameras; sometimes this procedure is called port forwarding.

A little theory

Port forwarding is not related to the type of cameras. Whatever video surveillance system you have: IP or analogue, everything is connected to the router. The difference is that analog cameras do not have their own IP address.

Schematic diagram of remote connection to a DVR or IP cameras

Each analog camera is directly connected to the DVR using a cable. The DVR is connected to the network and port forwarding is done on it.

Each IP camera has its own IP address on the network, for example, one is, the second is The DVR also has its own IP address, for example, Unlike analog cameras, digital cameras can be connected to a switch (switch) anywhere on the local network. And when you combine switches into one network, you can connect to IP cameras directly and through a DVR.

Setting up the program on a PC for remote connection to video cameras

Each camera has not only its own IP address, but also a web interface, login and password for logging in.

Thus, in reality, you can connect remotely not only to the DVR, but also to the cameras directly. To do this, you need to forward ports on the router not only for the IP address of the DVR, but also for the IP address of each camera.

Types of routers

There are quite a large number of routers on the market, each of them has its own interface. In my opinion, the most sophisticated one is the D-Link DIR-620. I’ll try to rank routers in order of prevalence (these are purely my observations):

  1. Tp-link.
  2. D-link.
  3. Asus.
  4. Zyxel.
  5. Huawei.
  6. Other

To avoid confusion, there are wi-fi routers and they are also called routers.

DVR settings

We have come to the most important point, I will try to guess the one for which you are reading this article. First we go into the DVR and set it up. If you have one camera, go to the camera via the web interface and configure the network settings of the video camera.

Network settings of an analog video recorder

To remotely connect to CCTV cameras in the router, you need to forward the ports specified in the DVR. For overly suspicious users who think about the security of access to cameras, the open ports can be changed, but then difficulties may arise in the settings.

Brief instructions for setting up the DVR

In order not to make a mistake about which ports we need to forward, go to the network settings of the IP DVR and open the ports in the router indicated in the TCP, HTTP, CDM, RTSP, etc. windows. Depending on the brand of the manufacturer and the chipset, they may be different. You can also set them manually yourself.

Setting up routers

There are routers with automatic opening of ports; they have a function for this, and we also enable this function in the DVR. In most cases, business owners do not remember or do not know logins and passwords for routers. This feature can help save time during setup in some cases. The function does not always work, then there is nothing left to do but reset the factor to the router.

Before doing a factory reset, ask the customer about the availability of settings from the provider providing Internet access.

If you have access to the settings of your router and DVR, feel free to enable the UPnP function, which will help you quickly resolve the issue of port forwarding. It is especially useful when you manually set all the ports and there are a number of other devices on the local network that need remote access. Otherwise, you will spend a long time figuring out which devices conflict with each other.

UPnP automatic port forwarding function. Must be enabled in both the router and the DVR

When you go to the settings of the router (router), find the “Virtual Servers” menu in it, this is where you need to set up port forwarding.

I will illustrate where this can be in the screenshots:

    • D-Link DIR-300

    • TP-LINK

    • D-Link DIR-600

  • ASUS RT-N65U


A few more important points and here I will conclude the article. If you don't mention this, you may have difficulty setting up.

  1. The HTTP port of the DVR and router is port 80 by default. To avoid a conflict, change to 88 on the DVR; accordingly, forward port 88 in the router.
  2. The external start and internal start ports in the router settings can be set to the same, for example, 37777, or different. If you have specified an external one, then connect to the DVR (camera) through the port that you specified. The connection occurs through the CMS program included with the DVR.
  3. The external end port does not need to be specified.
  4. Set the internal IP address for the device you want to connect to remotely. This may not necessarily be a DVR, but also a printer, PC, or network drive.
  5. Ports 80 - for connecting via browser (HTTP), 37777, 37778 - for connecting via CMS program (TCP, UDP), 34567 - RTSP (sometimes called mobile) - for connecting via phone (in older DVRs this value can be 554, 654 and etc.)

I tried to cover this topic as widely as possible so that you don’t have any questions, but if you still have them, ask them in the comments.

Example settings for connecting remote viewing of an IP camera from a phone

Watch the video where I conduct a comparative analysis of video cameras; it shows how the cameras are configured and connected to the DVR.

I completely forgot.


Before you rejoice at completing the hardware settings and start setting up the CMS or client phone, I recommend checking port forwarding using an online service. Using the service, you can determine the external IP address of your computer and check whether it is static or dynamic.

Port checking service

An external IP address is required to be entered into the CMS or phone when setting up a remote connection. In the 2ip service we check the ports for openness or closedness. If they are closed, you will not be able to connect remotely. Let's check all the settings again. We fix errors.

Checking the ports

In conclusion, I would like to mention that you can connect to cameras remotely not only directly. There are cloud services that can help you bypass the procedure of port forwarding and purchasing a DVR. All you need is a constant Internet connection. They have their drawbacks, which are a story for the next one.

For stable access to an IP camera via the Internet, the best outcome would be if your “IP address” is statistical. If not, you can contact your provider and activate this service (but you will have to pay extra for this according to the provider’s tariffs).

How to find out the IP address of a CCTV camera?

To forward a port for an IP camera, you will need the “IP address” of the camera: it is indicated either on the camera itself or in the accompanying documents included in the package.

For the purposes of this example, let it be "".

Now about the main thing. To access an IP camera via the Internet, you need to bring your “IP address” and the camera address to the same subnet.

Let's say (as suggested above) the “ip address” of the camera is “”, and

In order to bring them to the same subnet for a while in the camera subnet ( now you can safely go to the camera interface for settings.

Setting up an IP camera for viewing via the Internet

  • - enter its “ip address” into the address bar of the browser (check the login and password for login either on the camera itself or also in the documents) or you can use the installation disk, which is also supplied with the device;
  • - now go to the “Settings” tab – “Basic”;
  • - further section “Network” – “Information”;
  • - in the “ip address” line, enter the address that is with your computer (;
  • - and in this section, pay attention to the line “HTTP port”: by default, the standard IP camera port is number 80, but sometimes providers block this port. Therefore, we recommend changing the port number to any suitable one for this (fortunately, the range of possible ports is huge). For example, "7777" and click "OK".
  • In addition, we recommend avoiding IP camera ports with the following numbers: “21”, “23”, “25”, “433”, “435”, “1243”, “137”, “139”, “555”, “ 666”, “1025” and “7000” - according to statistics, they are the most susceptible to virus infection (or can be used to gain unauthorized access to your IP camera).
  • - then go to the “System” tab – “Initialize”: for the changes to take effect, click “Reboot” - to reboot the IP camera.

Now return to the properties of your network and return the previous “ip address”

How to open a port to access an IP camera from the Internet?

After completing the steps described above, proceed to setting up port forwarding (saved in the IP camera settings) on the router. As an example, let's look at how to forward a port for an IP camera on a TP-Link router.

So, to connect an IP camera to the Internet:

  • - go to the router settings and go to the “Forwarding” - “Virtual Server” section;
  • - click “Add new” to create a new rule;
  • - in the first line “Service port” the number of the port to be opened (in the example it is “7777”);
  • - in the “IP address” line, enter the address of your IP camera “”;
  • - in the “Protocol” line you can select which protocol the port to open belongs to (or simply specify “ALL”);
  • - click “Save” and reboot the router, saving the configuration.

You can check whether the port is open using the “2ip” service.

As for routers from other companies:

  1. IP camera via D-Link router:

  • - go to the “Firewall” - “Virtual Servers” section and click “Add”;
  • - in the window that opens, enter the name of the port to open (any convenient for you);
  • - indicate which protocol the port belongs to - “UDP” or “TCP”;
  • - in the lines “External port (initial)” and “Internal port (initial)” enter the number of the port to be opened;
  • - and enter your “IP address” in the “Internal IP” line.
  1. "ASUS":

  • - go to the “Internet” - “Port Forwarding” section;
  • - at the bottom of the “List of forwarded ports” window;
  • - then fill in the “service name”;
  • - indicate “Port range” (if there is one, then only the number, if in the range, then indicate it separated by a colon: for example, “7777:8888”);
  • -select your “IP address”, “Protocol”, click on “+” and “Apply”.

  1. Netgear:

  • - go to settings and find “Port forwarding/port initiation”;
  • - filled in according to the same principle: “service name”, “Protocol”, “Start port”, “End port” and “IP address”.

How to connect to an IP camera via the Internet?

Now, in order to access the camera from a local computer, just enter the “IP address” of the camera + the saved port number “” in the address bar of the browser.

Other cameras are configured using the same principle.

Before you learn how to connect and configure an IP camera through a router, you need to take a closer look at the very concept of an IP camera, its purpose and areas of application. It is worth saying that you can connect the camera directly to a computer or laptop. But then you can limit yourself to a webcam (if you need one). Wireless IP cameras make sense if you have multiple video surveillance devices.

Every day IT technologies are moving forward, and it is no longer necessary to lay a lot of wires for all devices

IP cameras are used to organize a video surveillance system. They are used mainly in stores and shopping centers. Of course, they can be installed in your own home or on the street. They are usually installed during the renovation process (if it is a new room), since otherwise you will have to hide cords and wires under special structures. Many devices and appliances are switching to wireless connections. Here IP cameras are no exception.

Of course, such a system has its drawbacks. Surely everyone has a Wi-Fi router at home. This is the simplest example of using such a system. You just press the power button, and the entire house has access to the Internet. But you should also have noticed that the further away from the router the device through which you connected to it is, the lower the Internet speed. And in some places it is completely absent. It turns out that the powers of the router are not limitless. This is due to the quality of the received signal.

This means that the further your IP camera is from the Wi-Fi router, the worse the signal quality will be. In this regard, problems may arise with image transmission, audio stream speed, sound recording, and so on. Modern routers cannot distribute the network over long distances. Therefore, you should make sure that the camera is located close to the device that distributes the Internet. Then the thought arises that a wireless connection of cameras with a router and a computer will be relevant for small rooms. Otherwise, you will not be able to do without a wired connection.

So, if you have figured out the location of all devices, you can proceed to actually connecting and setting up the IP camera through the router. Take this moment seriously enough so that there are no problems in the future. It is worth noting that the use of a Wi-Fi network, for example, by other users, can add problems with signal transmission to the camera. You need to take this point into account. But with a wired connection such problems should not arise.

To begin, select the connection method: wired or wireless. For the first option you will need an additional UTP cable. It is needed to connect the camera to the router. If you have figured it out here too, move on to the next series of actions.

Setting up an IP camera

  1. We connect the camera and computer with the appropriate wire.

  1. Now you need to log into the camera control panel. To do this, you need to find the installed IP address of the camera and set the same subnet to your computer (usually the IP can be found on a sticker on the device itself or in the device box). For example, the address is Launch the “Network and Sharing Center” menu in the control panel. There we find “Local Area Connection” and one of its tabs - “Properties”. We configure “Internet Protocol Version 4” according to the screenshot.

  1. You have successfully configured the subnet. Next, launch the browser and enter the camera address in the field and enter the login information. They may also be on the box. If you still have one camera, then you don’t need to do anything else. If there are several, move on to the next steps.
  2. We change the IP address depending on the local network range (you will need to know the router address). You will need to install the same one for the camera, but change the last digit. For example, the router has an address of, then the camera can be set to To do this, you need to check the box next to the “Fixed IP” field and enter the appropriate data.

  1. After saving the settings, you can disconnect the camera from the computer. We connect it to the LAN port of the router. Go to the local network connection settings (in the case of a wired connection between the router and PC). There we remove the previous settings (see point 2) and set automatic receipt of IP and DNS.
  2. Having returned the patch cord to the network card, go to the browser at the new address of the camera, as in step 3. Find the Wireless menu to provide a wireless network for connection automatically. Here you will need the SSID and password. We save and restart the camera.

  1. We disconnect it from the device and connect the others one by one. Their parameterization is the same, with only one caveat: they must have different IP addresses and ports. After finishing, you can proceed to setting up the router.

Setting up the router

  1. Since all manufacturers have different settings menus, we will use the following example. We need a Port Forwarding menu item (or something similar). But first you need to enable the virtual server, then enter the data according to the screenshot. Such manipulations need to be carried out for each camera (if there are several of them).

  1. If you have a static IP address, simply write in your browser: http://your address:8181. This will take you to the page with the view from the first camera. But most often a dynamic address is set. In this case, proceed to step 3.
  2. You need to enable the DNS client in the WAN menu. For example, Asus allows you to use their server for free. Otherwise, you can resort to using third-party services (NO-IP, etc.).

  1. Having saved all the set parameters, you can, which you got after registering in the services. Ready!

Now you know how to connect and configure an IP camera via a router. From now on, you can install your own video surveillance system and even make it wireless. Enjoy!