What to do if your ID is blocked. What to do if your Apple ID is blocked? Activation Lock. How it works

Most manufacturers electronic devices create user databases that are common to a wide variety of gadgets. If you prefer Apple technology If you own a Macintosh, you probably have an Apple ID account. However, troubles occasionally occur, during which a message may appear stating that your Apple ID is blocked.


One of the main reasons why iPhone 5 has locked Apple ID is typing incorrect password. If you accidentally enter the wrong combination into iTunes, iCloud or AppStore several times in a row, the system will automatically block your account.

This is the simplest of cases, and it is also easy to solve. To regain access to your device, you can use one of the following options:

  • request a recovery code to the email specified during registration;
  • answer Control questions;
  • reset your password by connecting your iPhone to another authorized Apple device (for example, a computer with iTunes installed).

If your Apple ID is blocked precisely for this reason, but you are unable to do anything using the specified methods, do not contact third-party specialists under any circumstances. One of the most common schemes of scammers is to offer services for money that are impossible on their own. Therefore, it would be better to contact an authorized service or call technical support.

Suspicious activity

The most controversial reason why Apple ID is blocked on many devices. Apple specialists monitor the activity of accounts and accounts on all released gadgets, so if it seems to them that the device’s owner has changed, they may well restrict access to it. What are the most common “suspicious activities”?

  • Frequent settings changes account. If you become the owner Apple devices, try to enter the data that you will not change - login, password, Mailbox, Control questions. All this must remain unchanged.
  • Don't try too often to return money for purchased apps. Experts may decide that the device has been stolen and criminals are trying to extract as much money from it as possible.
  • The same applies to other payment systems. Use only one plastic card. If you regularly change payment data, this may give a signal that the gadget is changing hands.
  • The most big problems are waiting for the owners" shared accounts"By providing access to the device to third parties, iPhone owners try to make money. However, customers often change account information, which again brings us to the first item on the list.

Remember that if you have an Apple ID, it becomes practically useless, and only the original owner of the gadget can restore access.


Although Apple systems are famous for their security; there are precedents for hacking databases and attackers gaining access to several thousand accounts. In this case, the administration decides to block the hacked accounts remotely.

You can argue as much as you like about the legality of such actions, especially if everything was fine with the user’s account at the time of blocking, but the fact remains that you will have to deal with the problem yourself. The main thing is to never pay a “ransom” to attackers for your account data.


So, you've got a problem: your Apple ID is blocked. What to do? There are a few standard advice, which the device owner must follow.

If none of the options worked out for you, then all you have to do is contact support. And this is where the main problems arise.

  1. You will have to verify ownership of the device. And for this, only a receipt for purchase from an authorized store is suitable. Therefore, if any company is engaged in the resale of devices imported, for example, from Poland, then they are not suitable. Only those they received in a Polish store will do.
  2. Unlocking through technical support can take up to a month. This is due to the fact that such issues are resolved in the central office (English-speaking), and not by local consultants.
  3. There is a charge for calls to support. And it can take up to half an hour.

However, you have no other options. Either contact a specialist, or your device will remain a lifeless “cobblestone”.


Now let's figure out how to make sure that your iPhone is not blocked on Apple ID. In fact, it is not that difficult, since the tips are quite standard and familiar to any computer user.

  1. Install really complex password for Apple ID. And if it is quite dangerous for a PC to store it on a piece of paper, then leaving a note at home with the password for the phone is possible.
  2. Make it a habit to change your password regularly. Even if it is just one symbol or letter, it will be enough to protect yourself. Just don't overdo it, as this may signal "suspicious activity."
  3. Do not save payment data in the device's temporary memory. It is better to take out the card once again and enter its data manually, rather than, in an unfortunate set of circumstances, an attacker gaining access to it.
  4. Under no circumstances should you let other people use your account.
  5. Don't change Apple settings ID based on the advice and requests of other people.


Unfortunately, if your Apple ID is locked, only technical support. Do not hesitate to contact them, since they will be able to help you with most problems quickly and immediately, and in case of serious problems, everything will be resolved at the official level and no new errors will arise related to authentication on the device.

A message may appear indicating that your account has been blocked: ““. This is due to security reasons for the user’s personal data, and we will discuss the reason for restricting access in detail later in the article.

In contact with

Reasons for the message “Your Apple ID has been blocked for security reasons”

First, it is important to know that the message about Apple ID blocking appears after an incorrect password is entered during authorization or the system receives incorrect answers to security questions. That is, the culprit for restricting access may be not only myself iPhone owner or iPad, who missed several times when typing the access code or forgot the data to enter, but also outsider trying to guess the password to the account Apple records ID.

If mistakes are made while answering security questions, then a notification about this situation will be sent to the “soap”, but if the wrong password is entered, the system will simply block the account. If an attacker tries to gain access, then to achieve his goal he needs to know email address and code. It happens that unscrupulous relatives, friends or lovers try to get into your account.

How to unlock Apple ID

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you remember your Apple ID password.

1 . Go to Settings -> iTunes Store And App Store and click on To come in. If you see someone's account at the top of the page, click on it and select the option Go out. Enter your details (Apple ID and password) for your account (Apple ID is your email address).

2 . If you entered correctly Apple data ID, the following message will appear.

3 . Click on the button Unblock account.

4 . Select the unlock option - " " or " «.

In the option discussed below, we used the unlock “ Unblock using email". Apple sent an email with a link allowing you to unlock your Apple ID.

After which a website will open where you need to enter New Password from the account.

The same thing can be done on a Mac or Windows computer on this page of the Apple website.

More details about the process Apple unlock We told you the ID.

To prevent such troubles, you must enable two-step verification in advance to log into your account. This step can also protect you from other unwanted situations (unfortunately, the function is not available in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan).

You can enable two-step verification on the same website by clicking on the link button Tune In chapter Two-step verification.

A simple password and Apple ID gives users access to everything Apple apps. But a great opportunity to log into some servers is interrupted when you lose your password. Therefore, the question arises of how to restore it and continue working with Apple services. You can find out the answer to this question in this article.

How to create an Apple ID password?

Create Apple ID ID can be on a smartphone or on a PC. The procedures will be slightly different from each other, but the essence remains essentially the same.

So, in order to create an Apple ID on your smartphone, you first need to turn it on. After turning on the new phone, as a rule, a sign appears with the inscription Enter Apple ID data. But since the user does not have it yet, this item should be skipped and go to the smartphone’s desktop.

The next point is quite important, since it will determine whether the recording will be created, paid or free. So to create free recording need to go to app Store on iPhone and go to the “Top Charts” menu, which is located at the bottom of the application.

After clicking, various paid and free applications will open. The user needs to select any application he likes and click on the “Download” button below it. After downloading, the application will need to be installed on your smartphone. With these simple steps you can then easily register and create your own unique password, but without a credit card. For those who want to choose paid method registration, you need to select paid application and then register there.

Then there will be practically no difference between the two registrations and a user who logs in from a paid account will then be able to use the password for free offers.

After the program is downloaded, you need to open the “Create Apple ID” window. After clicking on this item, a menu will open where the user will be asked to select their country of residence.

Attention! For more convenient use In future applications, it is best to choose your country of residence, Russia, since if you choose another country, for example, Ukraine, the mode of use and the programs offered will be significantly limited.

The next menu will be about privacy terms and conditions. If the user agrees with them, then you just need to confirm and go to the next menu. It is dedicated to filling out user information.

So you will need to fill in the following information:

Email address, only a working one, since an account confirmation email will then be sent to it;

Password. It needs to be chosen as reliable and easy to remember, so that if it is lost, it can be easily recalled. The password consists of 8 characters, among which there must be at least one capital letter;

Security control questions. Answering them will then help the user recover the password;

Backup email. Here you can enter any email, since you will work with it quite rarely;

Date of Birth.

After filling out all these fields, the server redirects us to the application payment method. But since our application is free, a “no” option will appear at the bottom, which you will need to click on to register further.

Next you will need to fill out the greeting fields, full name, city, zip code and address. It is worth noting that all this data will need to be entered on English language, so you need to do it carefully and grammatically correct.

Attention! You will have to enter the index, so it is worth remembering that for Russia this is a six-digit number, and for Ukraine it is five-digit.

Therefore, in order not to fill out the registration fields again, you need to find out your index in advance.

When everything is filled out correctly, all you have to do is confirm your account by checking your email, where the letter will be sent after registration.

How to create an Apple ID password from a computer?

To create your account and unique password via your computer, iTunes must already be installed on your desktop. If you don’t have it yet, you should definitely download it, since it’s the only way to register.

After installing the program, you will need to log into it and go to the App Store item. In this application you need to find some free application and download it to your computer.

After downloading, the “Create Apple ID” window will appear, you need to click on it and then proceed to create an account. Then you need to traditionally fill out all the fields, as in the case of a smartphone.

Then go to your e-mail and click on the letter, where you will be asked to follow a link to further activate your account.

How to recover your Apple ID password?

There are often times when you need to go to old account, but the password has been lost and in order to gain access to the server again, you will have to create a new password.

The next step is to enter your Apple ID. This identifier is usually the previously specified email, but it can also be a backup email.

After entering the identifier, you will need to click on “continue” and, only then, select a method for resetting the old password and entering a new password.

Reset Old Password you can do this in the following ways:

Answer security questions. It was stated above that such questions are addressed when registering for the service, so when registering they must be taken seriously;

You can also reset your password via email. You need to click on the appropriate item and go to your email, where there will be a letter with instructions on how to reset your old password and create a new one;

If you are prompted to enter a recovery key, you must follow the instructions to reset your password using two-step verification, which can be found below.

Accordingly, after the old password is reset, the user will be able to log into the server with the new password, but may need to update the password in the smartphone settings.

As mentioned above, you can reset your password using two-factor authentication. So if it is enabled, then you can change the password from every application and device.

So, to recover your password from your smartphone, you will need to perform the following steps:

Make sure your smartphone has new iOS 11 or at least iOS 10, it will be problematic to restore in older versions;

Go to settings;

Click on “your name”, then go to the “Password and security” section and “Change password”.

For Mac computers, you need to do the following:

Let's go to apple menu, and then to the item “ System Settings" Then you need to click on the iCloud icon;

In the menu that opens, you need to select the item called “Account”;

Go to the “forgot password” item and follow the instructions that will help you recover your lost password;

Click on the “Security” section and “Reset Password”. It is worth noting that the computer may ask for the password that the user has set on the computer.

If you have problems with these password recovery methods, you can try changing your password using two-step verification.

How to change your Apple ID password?

To change your Apple ID password using two-step verification, you will need to go to home page Apple servers ID and go to the “Forgot Apple ID or Password” section. Then you need to enter your Apple ID and click on “Continue”. Then enter the key to restore two-step verification. This check is intended to improve the security of the device.

This function works after one or more trusted devices have been registered, for example, a phone that constantly receives SMS with four-digit verification codes. After registering such a device, each time you sign in to any Apple ID offering, you will need to confirm your sign in using this code.

So, to change your password you will need to indicate your number trusted device and wait for a message with a confirmation code to arrive. After entering the code, you will need to create a new password and select “Reset Password”.

As a result, you will be able to log in to your Apple ID with a new password and use it in the future.

How to unlock Apple ID?

This message may occur if you enter an incorrect password or receive incorrect answers to specific questions. As a rule, notifications about errors in answering questions are sent by email, and if an incorrect password is entered, the account is blocked immediately.

To unlock your account, you need to make sure that you remember your password. Then you need to go to settings and iTunes, and click “Sign in”.

After logging in, a window will pop up stating that the account is blocked and an option called “Unblock account”. This can be done through mail or answering questions. You should receive an email asking you to reset your password. After clicking on the link, you will be asked to enter a new password.

All this can be done on a computer, and after entering a new password, the account will be unlocked.


As a result, we can say that changing the old password to a new one in Apple ID is not so difficult. The most important thing is to follow the instructions and enter passwords that have already been verified and are easy to remember.

Most likely you came to this page in the hope of finding a solution for iPhone unlocking. And it’s good... that you came to us. After all, the Internet is full of articles that not only mislead people, but at the same time try to impose dubious services on someone... What exactly do you mean by unblocking? After all, the word “ unlock"can be applied to the iPhone in different contexts. This could be a forgotten numeric password, or a block for a specific communication provider, or a block through iCloud (Find iPhone service). The listed types of blocking have nothing mutual friend with a friend, so in each case the actions should be correspondingly different. Today I will tell you how to unlock your iPhone in all of the above situations.

Why is your iPhone locked?

Let's stipulate once again that the iPhone can be considered locked by various reasons. The word itself blocked" Can mean different states iPhone. But I’m just sure that many users, finding themselves alone with problematic device, trying to find a solution on the Internet for the query “ how to unlock iPhone“… It’s a pity that it’s at the very top Google results and Yandex on this moment there are sites that do not fully cover this topic... I hope this article will correct everything.

So, I have identified three cases in which you may need to unlock your iPhone. Here they are:

1 Forgotten numeric password for iPhone
2 Lock iPhone by operator mobile communications
3 iCloud Activation Lock activated

Decide which problem is closer to yours and move on to solving your problem.

1 – Forgotten numeric password for iPhone

A numeric password (4 or 6 digits) is set on the iPhone to protect your data. If the password was forgotten or initially unknown, then it is impossible to access the information on the iPhone. Remember the recent legal showdown between the FBI and Apple during the investigation into the San Bernardino massacre? Then Apple refused to provide the FBI with the means to unlock the terrorist's iPhone. Well, if the FBI can’t get to the data hidden behind a password, then neither can you. It follows that data from protected iPhone password it will no longer be possible to fish it out. Unless you made a backup copy in advance. Despite this, You can still unlock your iPhone. To do this, you will have to erase all data from the device.(including a numeric password). Again, there are several options. How to do this in the instructions below.

There are at least three paths that will lead to complete cleaning iPhone. First- at iTunes help(assuming this iPhone was previously synced with your computer). Second- through the Find iPhone service on icloud.com (provided that you have access to the account that is registered in this iPhone). Third— through recovery mode (there are no conditions). That's it the last way We will erase all information on the iPhone.

Step 1 Connect your iPhone with a cable to your computer and launch iTunes.

Step 2 Hard reboot your iPhone by holding down the HOME + POWER buttons at the same time. Do not release the buttons until iPhone screen The iTunes logo with a picture of the cable will not appear. This will indicate that recovery mode has been successfully activated on the iPhone.

Step 3 A window will appear on the computer screen asking you to restore/update the device. Select “ Restore” (Restore).

Step 4 iTunes program will start downloading current version iOS for your iPhone. On average, an iOS distribution takes up about 1.5 GB. If your Internet connection is slow, the download process may take a while. long time. If the wait time exceeds 15 minutes, the iPhone will exit recovery mode and you will have to repeat steps 2 and 3.

Once the restore process is complete, your iPhone will return to its out-of-the-box state and you will need to set it up again. If you have any left backup copy, there shouldn't be any problems at all.

2 – Lock iPhone by mobile operator

Now let's consider the situation when the iPhone is locked under specific operator mobile communications. Typically, such phones reach our market by gray schemes from America or European countries. In civilized countries, the majority of the population has long been using mobile communication services on a contract basis. Those. by paying a monthly amount, the client receives a certain tariff package. When concluding a contract, the client is usually offered mobile phone to choose from. This can be a free handset or for a nominal fee. Moreover, such phones are provided locked to a specific operator. Thus, people end up with conditionally cheap/free iPhones locked to AT&T or Verizon, which then end up on our market.

The problem is that such iPhones can only be unlocked by calling the mobile operator's support service. No letters to e-mail address They won’t get through the operator, so you don’t have to try. If you nevertheless decide to call the operator and request to unlock your iPhone, you will definitely be asked for the personal account of the executed contract and whether you are the owner of this account. If your answer to both questions is no, they will not be able to help you. The thing is that you can only unlock the iPhone after the contract has expired (usually 2 years).

How to unlock iPhone in such a situation? The answer is no way! Unlocking such devices is almost impossible. But there is a solution that will help you get around this blocking and will allow you to use your iPhone with any SIM card. This solution is called TurboSIM, and is an adapter (a thin board the size of nano sim), which you must put in the SIM tray of your phone along with the SIM card itself. At the moment, you can purchase TurboSIM from three main manufacturers: Jevey, R-Sim and Heicard. Detailed information You will find instructions for setting up TurboSIM on this website.

3 - How to unlock an iPhone with iCloud Activation Lock activated?

Another common type of lock that could happen to your iPhone is iCloud Activation Lock. The most common reason which leads to this type of blocking - data entry someone else's Apple ID in Settings - iCloud your iPhone. If you knew how many comments people leave under my articles complaining that some strangers (scammers) fraudulently blocked their phones by activating Lost Mode. Well, what can you do, as my father says - “ Everyone is the architect of their own happiness" You shouldn’t trust every person you meet on the Internet...

On the other hand, the iPhone could be locked after updating/restoring iOS firmware. This usually happens when the iPhone was not properly unlinked from the previous owner's Apple ID account.

There can be more than several types of manifestations of iCloud Activation Lock, so it’s impossible to fit them all into one article. In any case, there are not many ways to unlock an iPhone. Basically, all methods come down to communicating with the service Apple support, but there are other steps you can do to unlock your iPhone yourself.

Depending on your situation, read the articles at the link below:

In this article I tried to include three various reasons, which can lead to iPhone lock. They are in no way connected with each other and the actions in each case should be correspondingly different. If you haven't found the answer to your question, write in the comments what exactly brought you to this page. In one of next articles I'll tell you in more detail how to unlock an iPhone for use with any GSM operator and what nuances may arise when using Turbo SIM.

Warm greetings to everyone! After updating the firmware on their iPhone or iPad, users may encounter such a big (I would even say gigantic!) problem that all other errors seem like just minor and insignificant troubles. What are we talking about? And now I’ll tell you everything in detail...

iOS devices have a wonderful (without any irony) “Find iPhone” feature. If it is enabled (), then during any action (be it resetting settings, restoring, flashing, etc.) in order to start using the gadget, you will be prompted to activate it - enter the Apple ID and password (those that were set before this operation). And here the most interesting, incomprehensible and often very sad begins:(

You try to enter the Apple ID and password that you have been using with this device for a long time, and a warning of this kind pops up: “This Apple ID cannot be used to unlock this iPhone.” How does this happen? After all:

  • Only you have used the device from the very moment of purchase.
  • Only one (exclusively yours!) Apple pair ID and password have always been used in iPhone\iPad.
  • In other places - on the Apple website, the web version of iCloud, iTunes, everything works fine and logs in. But it’s not on the gadget.

You stubbornly enter the correct combination of email and password, but the device stubbornly tells you that everything is wrong and this pair is not suitable. Here are the input data.

Let's figure out why you can't activate the device with your Apple ID account. Go!

Case 1. In fact, the iPhone\iPad was initially activated with a different account

How can this be? But maybe. After all, even if you bought the gadget new, it’s not a fact that it actually was like that. Some sellers are good at hiding iCloud lock. It seems to you that the device is not tied to any account, you enter yours and everything seems to be “OK”. But in fact, the first time you try to flash it, you get an activation lock - the device simply does not accept what you think is the correct Apple ID.

What to do? In most cases this is hopeless situation. It is no longer possible to contact the seller, which means it is impossible to obtain the correct login and password combination. As a result, we get a “brick”. The only way out is to pretend that you forgot the necessary data and act. The purchase receipt will be of great help.

Case 2. Error on Apple's part - solved automatically

Yes, yes, Apple also messes up sometimes. And this “sometimes” happened relatively recently, when iOS update up to version 9. Many people received an error after the update - “Invalid Apple ID. It cannot be used to unlock this iPhone, please enter other information." And in fact they were left with a non-working device in their hands. Apple tried to fix everything quickly, released a timely update and assured that this would not happen again. But is this true!?

Moreover, as users write, the first line of operators does not understand what they are talking about at all. You explain to them that there is only one Apple ID, you know it, the gadget prompts you to enter the right pair account (the device displays several letters from the email - and they match yours!), but they will persistently kick you off and say that with the correct data, the error “Apple ID cannot be used to unlock this iPhone” is impossible.

What to do? Don't shout, don't rage, but stick to your line. Claim that the device is yours and you want to use it. And thereby try to get to the second line of tech. support. They are usually more competent. However, get ready, you may be asked for answers to security questions (if you don’t remember, then change them in your account settings on the website, because you have access there!). And in especially difficult cases, a purchase receipt as proof that the gadget belongs to you. Although, given the fact that you know the entire Apple ID and password, the matter most likely will not come to evidence.