What is synchronization on the phone? How to Sync the State of Any App Between Different Android Devices

Synchronization was first demonstrated at a software exhibition in the Swiss capital, Bern, in 1985. A connection was established between two programs that perform a large number of mathematical operations and constantly exchange data with each other. Even then it was clear that synchronization would find its application in science and technology.

In the 90s of the last century, synchronization was used by the US military to coordinate supersonic Stealth fighters. The coordinates of the fighter were transmitted to the satellite, and back it received information about all synchronized aircraft.

In 1998, ten years after the “invention”, synchronization began to be used in the developments of the world famous company Motorola.

Synchronizing contacts Since the advent of compact mobile phones, the lives of business people around the world have undergone radical changes. Being “always in touch” is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Many entrepreneurs and managers depend on phone book contacts. But the phone can break, it can be stolen. Often in such negative situations, the thing that is most regretted is mobile contacts.

Synchronization can solve the problem of saving contacts. There are applications and online services for synchronizing contacts with a computer. Many mobile operators also provide this service (“Second Memory”).

A popular application for synchronizing computers and mobile devices is Sinchronet. It allows you not only to protect and copy phone book data, but also supports the exchange of notes and files. Sinchronet is a completely free program created by a team of independent programmers. The contact synchronization service supports popular mobile platforms iOS, Android, Windows Phone. It can be used even using a phone without an “advanced” operating system - Sinchronet can be downloaded as a java application.

Cloud servicesModern smartphones perform more and more useful functions. Now a mobile phone can connect a person with his computers and files. Cloud services are one of the most reliable and easiest ways to sync on your phone.

Cloud services provide space on their server to store user information and synchronize mobile devices with a computer. Dropbox, Amazon.Box, Google.Drive and Yandex.Disk offer free gigabytes of memory.

To synchronize your phone via a cloud service, you need to go through the registration procedure and install the cloud client on your mobile device. You can install clients on all your devices (phone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer). If you change information on one device, the changes will be saved on all others in real time.

Outlook 2016 Outlook 2016 for Mac Outlook for Mac 2011 Outlook on the web for Office 365 Business Outlook.com Outlook Mail for Windows 10 Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016 Less

You can sync Outlook data with mobile devices and other applications. Outlook also syncs regularly with Microsoft Exchange and email accounts. Below is a detailed description of how Outlook synchronizes data.







If you use a Microsoft Exchange account in Outlook, email messages, contacts, calendar events, and other Microsoft Exchange folders are synced automatically. Outlook and the server running Microsoft Exchange Server always keep your data up to date.


IMAP email account

POP email account

Microsoft Exchange Accounts

The following table lists Outlook items that do or do not sync with Exchange Server.

Outlook element

Exchange Server


Through Outlook, you can access all Exchange folders, including subfolders, and it is constantly automatically synchronized with the Exchange Server. Outlook checks the server for new messages every minute.

If you use a Microsoft Exchange account that is managed by Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 or later, you can create and edit rules in Outlook for Mac that are saved on the Exchange Server. You can't view or edit rules that are configured to run only in Outlook for Windows.

With Windows managed by Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, you cannot use Outlook for Mac to edit or create rules that are stored on the Exchange server (for example, rules created in Outlook for Windows). Rules created in Outlook for Mac are saved on your computer and run in messages only if they are synced with Outlook for Mac. For more information, see .


All your Exchange account contacts and contact folders in Outlook are automatically synchronized with Exchange Server at all times.

However, contact groups and distribution lists saved in Outlook for Mac are not saved on the Exchange server. The groups you create are saved on your computer and are only available in Outlook for Mac. The same applies to contact groups saved on the Exchange Server

Calendar Events

All your Exchange account calendars and events in Outlook are automatically synchronized with Exchange Server at all times.

Notes and note folders are synchronized with Exchange Server.

Tasks and task folders are synchronized with Exchange Server.

Marks "For execution"

Messages and contacts marked as "For Action" are synchronized with the Exchange Server. This also syncs due, start, reminder, and end dates.

Your information is also available to all other applications that you can use to connect to Exchange Server, such as Outlook for Windows. If you use both Outlook for Mac and Outlook for Windows to access the same Microsoft Exchange account, there are some differences in how data is presented in these applications to be aware of:

Data type

Differences between Outlook for Mac and Outlook for Windows

Contact email addresses

In Outlook for Mac, you can store up to 13 email addresses in one contact. You can store up to three email addresses in Outlook for Windows. When you sync contacts, Outlook for Mac syncs your standard email address with the Email field in Outlook for Windows. The following two addresses in an Outlook for Mac contact are synchronized with the Email 2 and Email 3 fields in Outlook for Windows.

Contact mailing addresses

Some fields, such as Middle Name, are available in Outlook for Mac but not in Outlook for Windows. Therefore, information entered in the Middle Name field cannot be viewed in Outlook for Windows. Likewise, Outlook for Windows has fields for contacts that Outlook for Mac doesn't have.

To work around this issue, you can enter information in the Notes tab in Outlook for Mac so that it appears in the Notes box in Outlook for Windows.

IMAP email accounts

After this, there are two synchronization options: using IMAP IDLE (Live Sync) and creating schedules for folders that you subscribe to. With IMAP IDLE, you can maintain a connection to an IMAP server and apply changes to the status of messages on the server (read, unread, or marked). However, you can only maintain a connection to one folder at a time. You can also create schedules that sync the Outlook folders you subscribe to with your IMAP mail server.

With IMAP IDLE and schedules you can do the following:



Maintaining connection to the IMAP server for one folder.

Apply message status changes (read, unread, or marked) to the IMAP server.


Receive new messages or news from the server at a specified time.


Send all messages at the specified time.


Delete messages in the Deleted Items folder or another folder at a specified time if they are more than a specified number of days old.


Delete junk mail at a specified time.

For more information about IMAP IDLE mode, see Server Settings for an IMAP Account.

POP email accounts

To sync an email message, you must first add an account in Outlook. For more information on how to add an account, see.

You can then use schedules to specify when Outlook should synchronize with the POP mail server by sending or receiving messages.

You can also configure the server settings for your POP account to leave copies of all messages on the server, delete messages after a specified number of days, or delete messages after they are deleted in Outlook.

Using schedules and server settings, you can do the following:

Many people who have recently bought a smartphone and have no experience with it yet are wondering what synchronization is on a phone. To use precise definitions, synchronization is the process of connecting two different objects to each other. The purpose of synchronization is to ensure that information on one device matches the information on another in its properties.

Of course, the concept of synchronization is very broad, so it is important to immediately define what synchronization is on the phone and what it specifically means. Almost always, synchronization on a phone means combining a list of contacts and storing them in the “cloud” (a secure online storage of information), to which only your devices will have access.

What is phone synchronization and how does it work?

To explain what synchronization is on a phone and how it works, let's take a situation in which you have two separate smartphones. On both...

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Details Created 04/18/2012 18:15

Having purchased an Android tablet, you probably wondered how to transfer your favorite music, videos and photos to it. Unlike the iPad, which gets it all through the iTunes app, Android tablets don't have a desktop app or an automated system for transferring data from your computer's hard drive to the device.

Of course, you can download movies and music from the Internet, but what about transferring your family video files and photos to your tablet? Or perhaps you have an address book on your computer that you would like to synchronize with your tablet computer.

Some tablet computers come with desktop applications that allow you to synchronize data with your personal computer, but most models require the intervention of third-party programs. Let's look at three ways to solve the problem of interaction between a computer and a tablet.

"iTunes for Android"

Although it doesn't exist...

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Synchronization (from the Greek synchronos - simultaneous) in computer science means one of two things: process synchronization or data synchronization.

Synchronization of processes is bringing two or more processes to such a course when certain stages of different processes are completed in a certain order, or simultaneously.
Synchronization is necessary in any cases where parallel processes need to interact. To organize it, means of interprocess communication are used. Among the most commonly used tools are signals and messages, semaphores and mutexes, pipes, shared memory.

Data synchronization is the elimination of differences between two copies of data. It is assumed that these copies were previously identical, and then one or both of them were independently changed.
How data is synchronized depends on additional assumptions made. The main problem here is that independently made changes...

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Today, many people ask the question: why is file synchronization necessary? Every person who works at a computer has important files. This could be Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, or family photos.

Each of you can decide on the safety of this data in your own way. I suggest you take a look at how to secure these files using data synchronization.

My friend's laptop recently broke down. He hit it accidentally and it stopped turning on. It turned out that the hard drive had failed, and all the important information was on it. He did not back up files because he often forgot, sometimes he was lazy, or it was simply difficult to keep track of all the documents. Then he had a lot of problems with information recovery. Now, knowing about synchronization, he is not afraid of anything.

Now you understand perfectly well that when it comes to storing data, relying only on your computer, disks and flash drives is very unreliable and unsafe. You can also take into account the human...

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Synchronization is a fairly capacious concept and is used in a variety of fields, from computer science to physics. This phenomenon can occur to users of smartphones and computers; game lovers also encounter this concept.

In the age of universal informatization and computerization, it is impossible to do without special methods that make it possible to organize the endless flow of information. In addition, all modern electronic devices and programs for them are closely connected via the Internet, and therefore it is necessary to ensure their joint functionality. Moreover, synchronization as an informational phenomenon is of fundamental importance for manufacturers of applications and technical devices, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it greatly facilitates the work with user target information.

What is synchronization

Synchronization is a system of algorithms that ensure the parametric unity of different objects in time and space. Depending on the nature of the process...

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History of synchronization Synchronization was first demonstrated at a software exhibition in the capital of Switzerland, Bern, in 1985. A connection was established between two programs that perform a large number of mathematical operations and constantly exchange data with each other. Even then it was clear that synchronization would find its application in science and technology.

In the 90s of the last century, synchronization was used by the US military to coordinate supersonic Stealth fighters. The coordinates of the fighter were transmitted to the satellite, and back it received information about all synchronized aircraft.

In 1998, ten years after the “invention”, synchronization began to be used in the developments of the world famous company Motorola.

Synchronizing contacts Since the advent of compact mobile phones, the lives of business people around the world have undergone radical changes. Being “always in touch” is no longer a luxury, but...

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The meaning of synchronization is simple: firstly, a backup copy of all contacts is never superfluous. Losing a smartphone or SIM card has happened to many people and the painful restoration of connections in all imaginable and inconceivable ways as a consequence of the loss. Secondly, if you purchased another Android gadget, then many hours of entering all contacts again can easily be reduced by a few minutes of synchronization with the new device. Thirdly, collecting all contacts from Facebook, Outlook, Google+, Skype and phone book in one place is simply practical.

Do I need a Google account?

Yes. Nothing will work without him. Without a Google account, you will not be able to activate your newly purchased smartphone. It won't take more than a few minutes to create an account with Google or Googlemail (Gmail).
If you already use Gmail / Google services, then simply enter your contact information (email and password) when setting up your smartphone or tablet for the first time. The convenience of synchronization also lies in the fact that...

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Users with a busy work schedule need to plan their tasks and in the 21st century, most of them refuse a diary and organizer. After all, contacts in conjunction with a calendar should always be at hand, and in the same state on all devices. Let's look at applications and online services for optimal data synchronization between a computer and mobile devices: be it a smartphone, tablet or a familiar mobile phone on a popular OS.

I mentioned diaries and organizers for a reason. For example, most of my colleagues painstakingly record their current affairs and upcoming events in these “miracles of printing.” If you are in the office, look around or walk through the offices and you will see that this type of reminder is popular. In turn, users of tablets and smartphones can allow themselves to relax, because they will receive reminders on time and in advance, and will also find out all the information about the contact at any time. Many...

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Android and synchronization

Android, the brainchild of the well-known Google corporation, confidently holds a “place in the sun” among the operating systems for mobile devices existing today. Its high popularity is explained not least by the ease of use of various Google services - from search to account synchronization. The latter feature greatly makes life easier in many situations and is actively used by almost all users of smartphones based on this OS.

What is synchronization on Android? This question is probably one of the first to be asked by newly minted Android OS users, since a separate item in the Google account settings menu is dedicated specifically to synchronization needs, and this word immediately catches the eye. The answer to this is extremely simple: synchronization is the collection of all information in one place, your Google account.

In a sense, synchronization is a backup of data -...

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At the moment, no one is surprised by the latest trends in the design of mobile devices. At the same time, the most important aspect when working with most modern applications is to understand what auto-sync is on Android. Let's try to figure out what it is, and also tell you about a convenient widget specifically designed for this platform.

What is auto-sync on Android?

If our information is stored in different places, it can be quite difficult to track it. For example, we may store some data on a server, others on a mobile device or PC.

How can we determine that this is the final version of a file? And how can we make sure that both our desktop computer and our phone have everything we need without having to regularly copy it manually? The smartest way to achieve this is automatic synchronization. What is it?

Computer terminology suggests that...

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Most modern smartphones run on the Android operating system, which occupies the majority of the market. By the way, the main developer is the Internet giant Google.

The system can be linked to an account, and the account is the Gmail.com mailbox, which also belongs to Google. Very convenient: you create one account that you can use in a wide variety of Google services, including your Android device. You can even use one account on multiple devices. Be that as it may, an account is required, among other things, to be able to download applications from the Google Play Store, as well as to synchronize data. Let's talk about the last point in more detail.

What is data synchronization?

In simple terms, synchronization is the exchange of data between a device and an account. Here's the simplest example: you have a lot of phone numbers written down on your phone that you're afraid of losing. This is not a problem - you synchronize the device with the server and now, even if you delete all the numbers (it’s better not to do this, of course), they can be restored through synchronization. Agree, this is extremely convenient.

Interestingly, some companies offer their own services other than Google. They also allow you to synchronize information and restore it in case of any problems. You can use several data storage services at once with subsequent synchronization if you are so worried about the safety of your data.

There is also an interesting point: if you add a contact to your account, after which synchronization occurs (by the way, this usually happens automatically as soon as the device gains access to the Internet), the contact will be on your device. Of course, you can change the settings.

How to set up synchronization?

It's very simple. Go to settings and select your Google account:

Now select your account:

Check the boxes where necessary, then click on the “Synchronize” button:

Of course, all actions must be performed while connected to the Internet connection.

If you don't already have a Google account, you must create one.

Many people who have recently bought a smartphone and have no experience with it yet are wondering what synchronization is on a phone. To use precise definitions, synchronization is the process of connecting two different objects to each other. The purpose of synchronization is to ensure that information on one device matches the information on another in its properties.

Of course, the concept of synchronization is very broad, so it is important to immediately define what synchronization is on the phone and what it specifically means. Almost always, synchronization on a phone means combining a list of contacts and storing them in the “cloud” (a secure online storage of information), to which only your devices will have access.

What is phone synchronization and how does it work?

To explain what synchronization is on a phone and how it works, let's take a situation in which you have two separate smartphones. Both devices have the same contact list, and you need to change something in it (for example, a phone number or email address). If the smartphones are not synchronized, changes will have to be made twice, separately in each list. But if they are synchronized, it is enough to change the contact in one smartphone for it to immediately change in the other. The characteristic synchronization icon, which often represents the corresponding application, illustrates this process well.

What is the benefit of synchronization?

But why do you need synchronization on your phone, what other benefits does it have? It is needed for convenience and safety. This is an indispensable tool if you have to use several computers or mobile devices. For example, in modern smartphones running Android, a synchronization application allows you to save contacts from the phone book, Facebook, VKontakte, Google+, Outlook, Skype, as well as a host of other programs designed for communication, in one place. This is really convenient and practical, and the loss of a smartphone or SIM card will not be a tragedy, because a backup copy of contacts is saved on the Internet.

Attention! Without a Google account, the procedure for synchronizing an Android device will become impossible. For this account to appear, you just need to register with Gmail and create a mailbox there.

Owners of Android smartphones can find synchronization options in the “Settings” section by selecting “Accounts and Synchronization.”

Synchronization is one of the most useful features that can be found in mobile devices. By setting it up, you will not only protect yourself from losing personal data, but also make using your smartphone more comfortable.