What is the difference between a wi-fi router and a modem? What is the difference between a router and a modem, which one to choose. What is a modem and how does it differ from a router?

IN modern times With the universal computerization, many new expressions have appeared in everyday life, which are encountered by many novice users who purchased a computer and began to explore the Internet. Many people know what a modem is. It is through the modem that the majority of connections to the Internet occur, although you can use other, more modern views connections. But many users do it the old fashioned way and are happy to connect to phone lines. The modem is especially useful in remote places where local Internet networks exist only in the project, and there is no wireless network at all.

Connecting a satellite connection costs a lot of money, so here it is The modem comes to the rescue. The device itself consists of a signal modulator and demodulator, and is responsible for receiving and transmitting information. Most often used analog modems, through which the connection to the Internet is made via telephone network. In general, there are many types of modems. So, there are wired and wireless modifications of modems, that is, you can connect not only through a cable connection. Many novice users are interested in what is the difference between a modem and a router. After all, the functions of these devices are somewhat similar. The router is a router, that is, it is used for high-quality information exchange between several computers united in shared network. Modern modems have a router function, which allows you to connect to small network several computers.

But a router differs from a modem in its functionality. Such devices are successfully used in large enterprises. The router’s functions allow you to exchange information between networked computers at the most optimal level. The router has many varieties and can be classified depending on the supported functions into upper, middle and lower class devices. Upper and middle class routers are used in enterprises and firms, and have a significant cost. Lower-class routers are much cheaper and are used on low-frequency leased lines and at home. The wifi router is widely used, as it is the most convenient in both industrial and home environments. The use of such routers eliminates the need to lay new communications. This is especially convenient in domestic conditions. Using a router without special problems can be combined into a common network required quantity equipment. Enterprises usually use an industrial wifi router. Such devices have complex functionality and corresponding cost. But for industrial enterprises this option is the most convenient. At home, an amateur router is quite enough. If you are choosing a wifi router for your home, you should base it on your needs. For example, to create local network a router is not needed at all, for this it is enough to have an access point, but if a wifi router is needed in order to make working with Internet networks more convenient, you should approach it with special attention to his choice. The parameters of interface conversion, traffic filtering, IP address conversion and much more have an impact here. Also, before purchasing a router, you need to check with your provider what kind of connection is required. Using a router it is also possible to organize secure connection to the network at work, if the company has VPN server. So choosing a router is not an easy task and requires certain knowledge of computer technology.

Nowadays it's hard to imagine modern man separately from the computer. Together with the computer, a large number of new expressions that the user has to encounter literally at every step. The concept of a modem is known to almost everyone, which cannot be said about such a concept as a modem router.

The modem is still familiar from the times when the main type of connection was Dial-up. The router, in turn, came into use with the advent of ADSL networks, VPN, etc. Many novice users find it difficult to understand what better router or modem. It is difficult to answer such a question, because the functions of these devices are to a large extent are different. But to a large extent they perform the same tasks. And there is no clear distinction between a modem and a router. Almost any modern ADSL modem can be configured to operate in router mode. A router, at its core, is a router used for high-quality data exchange between two or more PCs that are connected to one network. That is, if you look into it, you won’t be able to clearly answer the question of how a router differs from a modem.

The main difference between a router and a modem is its advanced functionality. For the most part, such devices have found their application in enterprises. Thanks to routers (often called routers), it is possible to achieve configuration corporate network at the optimal level. Routers exist in the form of a huge variety of modifications that are produced for certain tasks. There are devices of the upper, middle and lower classes. Routers of the first two classes are mainly used in enterprises and commercial organizations. Devices of the lower class are more often used for home purposes. Similar devices They have both incomparable functionality with higher-class routers and a price that is sometimes an order of magnitude lower than that of their older brothers. Such devices are most often used on low-frequency lines and at home. More to the average user known wi fi modem router, which is used to connect high speed internet by most providers. To use such routers, you do not need to install new lines, but you can use regular old ones telephone lines. In addition, by purchasing an inexpensive router, you can combine several of your home devices into one network. Setting up a modem in router mode is quite simple and can be done in just a few steps, especially since detailed instructions for each specific model There are plenty of them on the Internet.

Setting up a modem in router mode

When choosing a router, try not to go for too wide functionality. Similar devices are needed in enterprises. For home use to you regular one will do modem with wifi router. But, nevertheless, when choosing your first router, you should pay attention to some points. And the first of these moments is its price. The price range of routers is quite wide, ranging from 30-40 dollars to several thousand. But we are not interested in the middle and upper price range. For home use itself is quite enough regular router no more than $100.

Once you have decided on the amount of money you are willing to spend on new router, you should decide on the number of devices that will connect to it. In addition, you need to consider how these devices are connected to the modem. By majority modern models Routers support the two most popular interfaces: LAN and Wi-Fi. LAN is connecting a computer to a router using network cable (twisted pair). There are no difficulties with this connection method - all you need is a cable of the required length. The cable through which the Internet is connected from your provider is inserted into WAN port on the modem (the ports are usually marked), and the computer (or computers, if you have several of them in the house) are connected to the router via twisted pair, after which all that remains is to configure the modem as a router. Standard routers have four available LAN port, to which four computers can be connected respectively. If you plan to connect five computers or more, then you should pay attention to routers with big amount LAN connections. Although, sometimes it is cheaper to buy a 4-port router, and then buy an inexpensive HUB (a network device that connects several computers on a local network).

Port assignment

If you have a laptop, PDA or communicator in your home, be sure to choose a Wi-Fi modem router. Wi-Fi interface in in this case– necessary and required condition. Choosing a modem with wi-fi interface pay attention to the standard it supports. It is advisable, of course, to take a router that can operate using the 802.11n communication standard. Letter designation here indicates the maximum data transfer rate. “N” in this case indicates speeds up to 480 Mbit/s (today this is maximum speed, which is capable of providing wireless connection WiFi). Before I forget, when you set up the router, or maybe ask someone else to set up the modem in router mode, be sure to set a password for connecting to your network on the modem itself. Otherwise, half of the entrance will be able to use your Internet (no one has canceled the cunning neighbors).

But, unfortunately, only by changing the password the network from external threats you won't protect. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from attacks by hackers, be sure to make sure that the selected modem supports TKIP data encryption. And before you transfer the modem to the router, make sure that the encryption function on it is enabled.

One more important factor is the ability of the router to act as a DHCP server. DHCP is network protocol, which distributes IP addresses among computers on a network. The presence of this function in the router will save you from the need to manually assign IP addresses. In addition to the mentioned characteristics, some router models can act as firewalls, which will not be superfluous in increasing the security of your network.

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Choice betweenWiFirouter andUSBusing a modem may not be obvious and sometimes difficult.

In order to understand this, let's look at the main advantages of routers and modems.

Well, let's start with the most obvious, the presenceWiFi.

Yes, connect viaWiFimuch more convenient and practical, because in our timeWiFiIt’s even in cars, refrigerators, TVs and God knows where else. In this case, the choice is obvious, a router, period! But I wouldn't write this article if it were all that simple. Let's imagine for a second that you are a simple PC user, you don't have a bunch of mobile devices, and you have a stationary computer. Well, everything is the old fashioned way, the processor (aka system unit ), monitor, keyboard and mouse. The question arises, where can I get this one?WiFi. On motherboards(in stationary PCs) modules are not built inWiFi(no, of course, they are built in, I can already feel the indignation of gamers), but this can be found on standard motherboards for $500-700. Agree, this is not our case. There is such a device asWiFiadapter. Connects toUSB, and voila! You haveWiFi, but these are additional costs. This is where they come to the rescueUSBmodems. It connects through the portUSB(it’s everywhere) and it works!

So it turns out thatWiFiThe router is not always suitable (for all its versatility).

Now let's continue about the essential attributeWiFirouters - battery.

There are some here too underwater rocks. To be autonomous, a router, like any mobile device, needs a battery to be powered by it. But there is a problem with batteries. They run out of resources, they deteriorate, but the most the main problem, they sit down at the most inopportune moment.

It is also worth considering such a nuance as battery capacity, that is, how long your router will actually last you.

Now let's imagine a different situation. You work in an office, you have a workhorse laptop, but you don’t carry it with you (it’s working!), don’t sit on a bench with it, don’t go to the dining room with it. He just stands there peacefully and collects dust a little. In this case, you can cross out all the shortcomings of the router related to the battery in one fell swoop,USBmodem fits better Total. Moreover, a mobile modem sticking out of a laptop that rests peacefully on the table is unlikely to bother anyone or someone will get caught on it.

As you can see, even at this point the choice may not always be obvious.

External antenna and its output

Now a nuance related to the external antenna. If the signal level is poor, it becomes just a panacea, but also a leash with which you become tied to your workplace. In this case, I think it will be perfectUSBmodem. It will not twitch once again (if it is necessary to put it on charge), it will not be accidentally thrown off or pushed. If you needWiFi, then in this situation the link will work perfectlyUSBmodem and landlineWiFirouter. Maybe not so mobile, butWiFiwill also work in the yard (as some neighbors claim).

Well, the last argument asideUSBmodem In most cases, the exit is under external antenna supply preciselyUSBUSB modems, notWFirouters.

What's good aboutWiFirouter? This question arises naturally. I will answer that too.

Let’s imagine that you are the owner of a laptop, a phone, and in addition, let’s shove a tablet in here. You often use these devices on the go. For example, when traveling to work, being late in a traffic jam, when traveling to visit your grandmother in the village or on a business trip... you never know where you are going. The main thing is thatWiFithe router will become an indispensable friend, will allow you to connect any of your devices to the Internet, will not take up much space and will make you trulyMobile Hot Spot, more precisely mobile point access. Well, the advantages are obvious.

Next, connect viaWiFi, it's very simple. Selected the network, pressedConnect, entered the password and went online, even if you are trying to do this from a vacuum cleaner. This is where versatility lies.WiFinetworks.

AlsoWiFia router allows you to be more mobile, it does not interfere and can be located at a distance from your device (in a backpack, bag or pocket).

Now let's sum it up, briefly summarizing everything we talked about.

WiFiThe router has several distinctive features:

— mobility;

— versatility;

— autonomy.

In its turnUSBalso owns specific features, such as:

— independence from the battery;

— often equipped with an antenna output;

— reliable and convenient for stationary PCs;

— works with stationary routers.

So the choice has become a little easier. If you are the owner of a bunch of mobile gadgets, you need the Internet everywhere and always, you love reliability and practicality, your choice isWiFirouter

If you are the owner of a desktop PC, you need stable internet, independent of batteries, you use an external antenna, then your choice isUSBmodem.

Do right choice, and don’t forget: it’s better to think 7 times and call a consultant once than to buy once and then return it.

Always be online and always with us.


IN last years comprehensive development world wide web has reached a stage where almost every household appliance, any Appliances, and all mobile devices have access to the network. When at least several devices appear at home, in the office or even in the car that require Internet access, the question naturally arises - how to connect them all to global network? How to do this as efficiently, inexpensively, and functionally as possible? Which is better to use? And most importantly, what is the difference between a modem and a router and what exactly should you choose?

The modem and router differ both in appearance and in functionality

In this material we will look at the main differences between a router and a modem. Let's figure out in what situations this or that device is used. We will answer the most common questions from users regarding organizing an Internet connection, as well as creating a wireless network.

In order to better understand the difference between a modem and a router, we will look at three standard situations, which every user has probably encountered. In some of them, you can recognize the one in which you find yourself right now, which made you turn to our global network resource for help. Having found out your situation, or as close as possible to it, and having read this material to the end, you will be able to understand what the difference is between these two devices and which one is necessary for you.

Basic situations:

  1. You need to connect one device to the network that has USB connectors or RJ-45 for Internet cable.
  2. Several devices located in the same room need to be connected. Some of them have the opportunity wired connection with the Internet, while the rest are able to receive only wireless signal.
  3. You travel often, and your work involves constant movement, so you are rarely in one place, but at the same time you always have a certain number of gadgets with you that need access to the World Wide Web.

What is a modem?

A modem is a device that is responsible for modulating or demodulating the received Internet signal. In other words, it is he who converts the data coming from the global network so that the end device (computer, laptop, mobile gadget) could understand it and also utilize it to exchange data packets. The modem is capable of providing a connection to one device, receiving information from the Internet and sending it back.

They are divided into several types depending on the connection method and the method of obtaining data. Stationary modems most often receive them using cable connection and transmit the decoded data to the end device also via cable.

The mobile type of these devices differs from the stationary one in that, although it receives a signal wirelessly from mobile operator, still requires a direct connection to the end device. Most often used for these purposes USB connector in laptops or tablet PCs of individual configurations.

Thus, the modem is suitable for the first situation we described above. To connect just one device and provide it with Internet access.

What is a router?

A router (or sometimes called a router) is designed to distribute network traffic between several participants in the same network. In other words, the specified device cannot decode data on its own. It is designed to create small network and regulating its operation, distributing the signal from one Internet connection between several devices.

For receiving and processing the signal during disposal of this type The modem still responds to the network device. Fortunately, most cutting-edge models are already equipped with a corresponding built-in module. The user does not have to buy two separate devices. By purchasing even the most inexpensive model, you get at your disposal a decoder for wired or wireless internet connection(depending on the operator you choose, on the connection method), as well as a router that is capable of intelligently, quickly, and quietly distributing data packets between several devices.

Several devices can be connected to one local network different ways, depending on the model, as well as on the features of the devices themselves. Stationary models receive a signal via cable and, as a rule, are equipped with several RJ-45 connectors for wired connection user computers, laptops, other equipment. Also, almost any stationary model can create wireless network, converting the signal received via cable into radio waves on the go. This signal is broadcast on Wi-Fi protocol for connecting smartphones, tablets and other gadgets that do not have a wired connection to the Internet.

Thus, for the second situation we described above, a stationary router with a built-in modem and the ability to create a wireless network is ideal.

What are mobile routers?

In recent years, they have begun to appear on sale mobile devices acting as a router. Today their range is incredibly large. Several basic configurations can be found. Similar models receive a wireless signal from mobile operator, decode it, and then turn it into a radio signal, broadcast over a small radius via the Wi-Fi protocol. Connect to such a device wired way it is possible quite rarely, and there is no point, since it is capable of providing a stable Internet connection to up to 10 devices via a Wi-Fi channel.

From this we can easily conclude that this type of device is suitable for travel and maximum mobility. The right choice depends solely on the data transfer standard, on the features of your gadgets, devices, computers that you are going to connect to the Internet. We wrote about how to make the right choice in a special material on our global network resource.

Modern technologies have advanced so much that the boundaries between clear definitions of routers and modems have been erased. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that in currently time, the modem and router are combined in one case. As some kind of exception, only those can be perceived wireless modems, which are offered by many operators mobile communications. They do not use the functions of the router, unless stated by the manufacturer, of course.

There is a whole list of aspects that distinguish these two devices from each other. However, in order to get acquainted with them, you should first understand what these two devices are.

A modem is a device that is designed to modulate or demodulate a signal during data transmission. In simple words, this device converts the signal, allowing the system to decrypt it.

Unlike a modem, The router does not convert the signal, but rather distributes it among network participants. This process occurs based on the topology of the latter.

Any other modern router assumes a built-in modem and, most often, does not require connecting any additional devices. The modem, in turn, is not capable of ensuring data exchange between different network segments, and it is for this reason that its operation always presupposes a direct connection between one computer and the source certain signal. It converts the data stream for subsequent transmission, using a cable or some kind of radio signal.

The main distinguishing features of these two devices

Thanks to the router, you will be provided ability to configure the entire network. This device, has its own IP address. Moreover, with its help, you can assign addresses to each of the network participants, depending on the previously selected settings. Here you can notice the main difference between these two devices. Its essence will be that the modem does not have the ability to boast of having own address. In its case, IP is assigned directly to the computer itself and, in particular, to its network card. At the same time, connecting two or more devices will be impossible without previously carried out software routing, or without connecting a router, at least.

It is generally accepted that the functionality of routers will directly depend on the model of the device you choose. So, for example, more modern copies can work as a firewall, which would be able to significantly increase the level of network security. They have several interfaces intended for connecting terminals. The latter are now perceived as computer or any other wireless devices. By the way, in this case, the number of ports will also depend on the model and class of the device you choose.

Unlike modems, routers are capable of performing destination tasks dynamic IP address, even when working with a single connected computer. At the same time, it should be understood that the modem is as practical as possible and this device is convenient in terms of its direct use. It has a minimum of settings that, in one way or another, would be connected with the working interface.

This state of affairs is explained by the fact that The router can be configured much more finely, since in its case, the user would be given the opportunity to specify data transfer protocols, and then regulate, and at the same time process the traffic flow.


If the above did not seem enough to you to answer the question: what is the difference between a router and a modem, we consider it appropriate to summarize our review today. The main and perhaps the most noticeable difference between these two devices is that the modem does not convert the signal into one that would be interpretable by the system, while the router distributes the signal between each of the network participants. The modem is capable of working with only one client, transmitting data packets directly, but the router differs in that it works with several clients at once. Moreover, the router is assigned its own IP address.