Browsers for smart TV Android. Opera web browser for working with the Internet in Smart TV

Now you don't need to go to your computer to get online. It is enough just to use the TV, of course, if its software and browser are updated on time. Modern LG smart TV is practically full-fledged computer only in the television building. Naturally, it requires updating programs, keeping them up to date, and then the extensive capabilities of the device will be preserved.

If you ignore this question, then very soon the picture will begin to freeze, various errors and inaccuracies of work. Of course, this is a big hindrance. And if nothing is done, the device will soon stop working as it should.

Updating using removable media

First, let's look at simple rules works that should be followed during the browser update procedure:

    When the flashing process occurs, it is better not to turn off the TV, because in this case the procedure cannot be completed correctly;

    Before starting the procedure, you should make sure that the browser version is suitable for the TV model;

    When the update is in progress, you cannot remove the media;

    It is advisable not to press any buttons to avoid program crashes.

To check the series software TV and not have to look for instructions, you can use the remote control by pressing the “SETTINGS” button. It will open a menu where you need to go to the “Support” tab, selecting “Product/Service Information” there. Should be indicated here serial number software of the LG TV in question. The user needs to download updates and install them for the device to work like new.

Media preparation and installation is quite simple procedure, which even a beginner can handle. As a rule, the owners similar devices I have a formatted flash drive. If there is none, you need to format it. Next, for convenience, you need to create a folder LG with system files, used to update the browser.

After the data has been copied, you can install the flash drive into the TV. As soon as the media is installed, data with its contents appears on the screen. If the user is sure that he can handle it, he should click on the “Run” button and follow the recommendations that appear on the screen. They are intuitive, so they won’t cause any difficulties.

How to update the browser on an LG TV using the Internet

This method is much simpler because it does not require the use foreign objects– you only need a TV and reliable access to the Internet. As a rule, new software will take up 500 megabytes. By the way, you can provide Internet access for downloading it in three ways:

    Wi-fi is the simplest and most convenient, as it is wireless and provides high speed;

    A 4G modem is a less practical option, but is also often used if there is no alternative;

    Network cable - connecting it may take a little time, but, in fact, the method is also not the worst for LV TVs.

So, when the Internet connection is established, you can begin the most important part of the work - the update process:

    On the remote control you need to find the “SETTINGS” button;

    Open the “Support” menu;

    Select the “Update” sub-item;

    Check for updates;

    The number should appear new firmware on LG Smart TV;

    If everything suits you, you can click on “Update”.

Once the download is complete, the TV will automatically begin updating by turning off all systems. At this moment, it is important not to turn off the device from the network and not to do unnecessary manipulations. If the procedure was successful, a window will appear on the screen with a message like “There is no need for an update.”

What should I do if there are problems after the update?

LG TVs are quite a capricious technology, especially modern devices, in which only one name remains from the old configuration. It is not surprising that even after all the perfect manipulations, the system can sometimes crash the Web browser. But what to do in this case? As a rule, initialization helps.

So we have lived to see the times smart TVs. Most new TVs are now positioned as Smart-TVs, that is, TVs have a built-in operating system, the ability to install applications, application stores, and of course built-in browsers. Considering the specifics of the resource, we will be primarily interested in built-in browsers.
To begin with, a little offtopic. Look at the statistics on the growth of visitors from mobile devices –
today it is 27%! That is, a third of the total number of visitors are mobile device users. Although just a year ago it was 9%. That is, in a year, an increase of 3 TIMES!
Without a doubt, the time is not far off when not a small part of visitors will browse the Internet through the TV, because it is very convenient to lie on the couch, watch TV, and use the Internet.
Based on the above, it’s time to collect statistics on TV browsers. To be able to at least somehow take these points into account when designing/creating websites.
I propose to share the available information in this thread, since Google provides few answers on this topic.
I am sharing the information that I managed to find.
In the beginning, the company's smart TVs used Bada platform. On early models in 2010-2011, Samsung Smart TV had a browser Maple.
HTML4.01, XHTML1.0, XML1.0 Markup language specifications
CSS1, CSS2, CSS TV Profile 1.0
JavaScript 1.6
However, since 2012, Samsung has stopped supporting Bada and switched to the Tizen platform.
What is Tizen?
Tizen is an operating system project supported by the Linux Foundation.
After Intel's failures with platforms-
Moblin (closed, converted to Maemo)
Maemo (closed, converted to Meego)
Meego (closed, merged with Tizen)
bada (discontinued, merged with Tizen)
Intel and Samsung decided to work on Tizen.
As for Tizen, this platform uses an HTML5 WebKit-based browser.
Sony- according to information found on Habré
It was announced on the official blog that Opera browser will be supplied as a web browser for Sony TVs top BRAVIA series…
allow the lucky owners of Sony equipment to use the Internet without even thinking about the correct display of pages, since the browser, thanks to the new Presto engine, provides support for many HTML5 specifications
The information may be outdated today, but I haven’t found anything newer.
LG– the browser on LG TVs is created on the Webkit engine, CSS3, HTML5, Flash, JS are supported. As for the 2012 models, this is a pretty good and fast browser. There is some kind of own experience, I periodically use it when, for example, you’re watching a movie, you’re too lazy to get up from the couch, it’s quite convenient to check your email, or read something. From a little experience of use, I can say that most pages display correctly, and it seems that there were no sites where the design collapsed, or where any additional problems were encountered.
On the service it defines as –

P.s. I wanted to write a few words, but it turned out to be a whole article)).
Summary -
Sony- HTML5 Presto-based browser.
LG- HTML5 WebKit-based browser.
Panasonic - ???
Philips - ???
Toshiba -???
I would like to know something else on this topic, if anyone has information, please share.
Here is another link, a good article on Habré -

Which browser is better for an Android smartphone or tablet? Everyone must answer this question for themselves. We'll look at a few special programs. Let's describe their pros and cons. It's up to you to decide.

Popularity of the operating room Android systems, installed on smartphones, tablets, and even TVs, has led to the fact that the number of its users has already exceeded 2 billion people. And many of them use their gadgets to access the Internet, for which, naturally, they use a browser - most often installed by default.

However standard application not always convenient - moreover, for many domestic users the decisive factor is support for the Russian language, which not every web browser has. This means you have to choose the best browser for Android devices – one that can simplify your work, ensure synchronization of tabs and secure Internet surfing.

Features of the browser for Android

Browser for mobile phone or tablet is selected, first of all, taking into account such characteristics as operating speed (determined by compression functions) and information security. Some people are interested in the Russian-language application menu - although now most of them support dozens of languages, including Russian.

And taking into account the fact that one of the most common actions on the Internet is watching videos, important factor There will be support for flash player. Traffic security and the ability to access blocked sites using the built-in VPN are not the most important requirements for a browser, although they are also taken into account when choosing.

On the other hand, for a TV that is not often used for normal viewing web pages, the ability to install additional (and, most importantly, free) extensions may be important.

Besides, TV browser should be easy to use, since it must be controlled using a remote control rather than a mouse. The opportunity to download a browser for Android for free and use it to surf the Internet also exists for set-top boxes(TV boxes). The requirements for browsers for them are the same as for television receivers.


The first browser to consider as best option for a device on Android OS - the popular domestic application Yandex. Its main advantage for Russian users is its user-friendly interface and “smart” address bar for quick search weather and exchange rates.

The list of main features of Yandex browser for Android includes special mode Turbo, which saves traffic - however, this feature is far from unique and is available in most other browsers. Unlike protective technology Protect, which scans sites for viruses before opening and blocks unwanted web pages.

Recommended articles and news are displayed on the main screen of the Yandex browser - an advantage that is important for devices with big screen, tablets and TVs. You can also use recommendation links on phones, but it’s not as convenient.

Google Chrome

When determining the best web browser for the Android system, one cannot do without mentioning the most popular - Chrome browser, installed by default on most devices. Its advantages include:

    attractive design;

    ease of switching between browser tabs;

    high speed;

    a wide range of extensions, most of which can be downloaded for free.

The advantages are good browser functionality and synchronization with Google services. For use last function you need to log into the same account both on your computer and on any other device - from a tablet to a TV receiver. In this case, you can use not only the same bookmarks, but even view general history search.

Being one of the most popular browsers in the world for operating system Android, Google Chrome also works on TV sets. For example, this particular application is designed to access the Internet on Philips SMART TVs, differing little in functionality from the version for mobile devices. Wherein closed tabs are saved even after restarting the browser.

UC Browser

The number of users choosing to install the UC browser (Squirrel Browser) on an Android device, according to statistics, has reached 500 million people. The reasons for such great popularity of products from a not very well-known company are considered to be such features as:

    the ability to open the desired site with just one click of a finger on the quick launch panel;

    traffic compression, speeding up work on the Internet;

    convenient download manager;

    support for browser control using gestures;

    synchronization between mobile and desktop versions of browsers.

In addition, UC supports many useful plugins. Surfing with its help can be anonymous, which allows you not to worry about the security of your data and at the same time switch to resources blocked in one specific country.

And to simplify page turning, the browser supports the use of swipes - light finger gestures in the desired direction. This feature is especially suitable for tablets, whose screen sizes do not always allow convenient web surfing.

The TV version of UC Browser allows control using a smartphone and fast access in Internet. With its help, you can use bookmarks from a similar web browser on your computer.

Dolphin Browser

Popular for operating room iOS systems Dolphin browser also works on Android OS. And its features include the ability to synchronize with popular social networks, support for many extensions, and even save pages from the Internet in pdf format.

At the same time, the web browser works quite quickly and provides gesture and even voice control. In addition, the browser saves its settings in backups on a memory card, allows you to run in full screen mode browser games and has its own news feed.


The prevalence of such a browser as Opera Android is not far behind Google Chrome, which is facilitated by such advantages as exceptional fast loading pages. High speed is ensured by the use of its own servers for transmitting and receiving data.

Because of this, Opera can be called the fastest and most traffic-saving web browser in the review, which is a determining factor for low power devices and limited mobile traffic.

If we talk about another version of the same browser, Opera Mini, we can talk about such an advantage as ad blocking built-in by default. This means that when using it, it is not necessary to install special extensions to remove advertising banners.

At the same time, Opera Mini compresses page sizes by up to 10% and may slightly change their content. Regular version Opera provides compression of 50-70% - but websites are displayed correctly. Although for tablets, which mainly work on the network with using Wi-Fi, these features are not important.

The Opera browser can also be installed on televisions - and of almost any model and brand. To simplify working with it, it is recommended to use a special remote control such as Magic Remote from LG or a remote control with a touch screen from Sony. Moreover, even on the TV set you can install applications from the specialized Opera TV Store.

Mozilla Firefox

Another browser for Android in Russian is Mozilla Firefox. He cannot be considered one of the best, but he fully deserves to be included in the top ten. The application's speed is inferior to Chrome and Opera, but its advantages include:

    support for most web page display formats;

    the ability to install almost the same plugins in the browser of a smartphone, tablet, and even TV as for the desktop version;

    support for Flash technology, allowing you to watch videos directly from your web browser.

Firefox is rarely installed on tablets and smartphones - mainly only when necessary to watch movies or play games that are not always played correctly by other web browsers.

Naked Browser

Can be called good browser and, which is not only a web browser, but also a kind of constructor. With its help, you can get rid of such shortcomings of conventional browsers as the address bar at the top of the screen. A person who is not very comfortable using a smartphone, and especially a tablet, with both hands when typing an address, can change the location of the panels. For example, install at the bottom address bar or tabs.

Among the features of Naked is the lack of tracking of users, which saves both battery life and traffic. As a result, the tablet and phone work faster.

Puffin Browser

The Puffin web browser is a bit reminiscent of Dolphin - both in its attractive design and user-friendly interface, and practically the same capabilities. And it is most suitable for smartphones and tablets with a weak processor and insufficient memory to run more popular browsers.

For example, for budget mobile devices with 512 kb random access memory, which can still be found on sale, or even more outdated gadgets with 256 KB of RAM. At the same time, the browser does not change the page layout and does not reduce the quality of images, and its work is accelerated cloud service, thanks to which the data being moved is optimized.

Other features of the web browser on a tablet or smartphone include Flash support for video and games, emulation computer mouse And a large number of extensions. If you download the browser for Android Puffin TV, you can get such features as:

    comfortable user interface, which does not differ in functionality from the version for mobile devices;

    ability to watch videos in good quality, thanks to the browser high speed data transfer and cloud technologies (with placement in the “cloud” of up to 1 GB of data simultaneously);

    syncing web pages with similar browser for Windows.

In addition, the browser on the TV and mobile devices supports display full versions websites. Among its disadvantages, one can note the layout of the panels, which is not very familiar compared to standard web browsers. And this browser practically does not work with mobile internet– only with Wi-Fi.

Ghostery Browser

Free name mobile browser Ghostery Privacy Browser is already hinting at the possibility of completely secure access to the network. The browser will be useful for those users who prioritize the privacy of web surfing. If we consider its capabilities in more detail, it is worth paying attention to:

    detection of tracking technologies built into a web page and other tracking and speed-slowing elements - social network widgets, counters and trackers;

    the GhostRank function, which improves work with the Ghostery service by collecting information about new, not yet known trackers;

    complete anonymity of work, thanks to which you can bypass the blocking of various sites.

By working in Ghostery Privacy, you can monitor those services and processes that monitor the browser itself. At the same time, the user has the ability to disable them, which is important for tablets and smartphones.


Among the features of the Next Internet browser for Android, it is worth paying attention to:

    import all bookmarks from popular browser Chrome, despite the fact that the manufacturers of the two reviewers are different;

    fully configured home page with access to other web resources;

    design very reminiscent of Chrome;

    Conveniently switch tabs with one swipe of your finger.

The company that created the browser, GO Launcher Dev Team, focused on Chrome to make it easier for users to switch to a new web browser.


The main criterion for choosing the best browser for Android is the fulfillment of the tasks that the user sets for it. This means there is a different option for everyone. For some, this is the familiar Chrome already installed on the computer, while others prefer not to waste time solving problems with Flash technology and immediately selects the Dolphin browser, which reliably runs both browser games and videos.

For still others, a good browser is one that allows you to access any website. And for some users, it doesn’t really matter which program to use for web surfing. Especially if it is not installed on a phone or tablet.

Opera Software has been known for the past decade for its work on interesting browser Opera. With the advent of smart TVs, the company created a version for Smart platforms TV, the Opera TV Store app store and a good community of people who make interesting applications for the store.

Opera web browser
Quite fast and nimble, it is pre-installed on many models of the most popular TVs. different manufacturers. According to information from the company’s official website, the browser allows you to “browse” the Internet as easily as if you were doing it from a tablet or smartphone, but in life everything is different. Such a " user experience"Not a single browser for your TV will give you this option due to the fact that the lion's share of smart TVs come with a regular remote control remote control, which imposes huge restrictions on surfing the Internet. LG is trying to solve this problem with Magic help Remote, Sony puts a second remote control with a touch screen in its ultra-expensive 4K TVs, but again, this is not the same. TVs are now not ready to give freedom of action on the Internet if the user operates with a regular remote control.
Otherwise, Opera is truly fast and responsive browser, which is a pleasure to use. The first versions of it appeared almost ten years ago, when the company was carefully testing the market, and the full-fledged product began to be distributed in 2012 along with the launch of the Opera TV Store.

Opera TV Store is an app store that works with HTML 5
It was launched in the spring of 2012. The idea is simple: anyone can create applications for smart TVs different brands. Application moderation is carried out by the manufacturer, as it was and is today. For ordinary users The advantage is that the applications become cross-platform, and the store itself is loaded from the cloud, adapting to the resolution of your TV.
The main feature is that the applications will work on all TV models if they have the Opera TV Store app pre-installed.
Now, for the most part, developers are required to adapt their applications to specific lines, or even models, of TVs; if the TV Store becomes a standard, the process will go much faster, and best apps will become cross-platform, and owners of LG and Samsung will use the same apps, and not look for an alternative.
Developers write Opera TV web applications in HTML 5, also using CSS and Java Script, which means you don’t need to learn any new languages. To add it to the Opera TV Store catalog, you need to submit an application, after which the Opera team will moderate it. Whether it will appear on TVs of a particular model still depends on the manufacturers, but the path from the “laboratory” to the TV is faster, because manufacturers are more willing to pay attention to new products in the Opera store. The output is a web application, which, using a browser on the TV, launches and works without failures

We continue to torment the TV - today our question is how to install Smart TV application or TV widget on Samsung or LG. By default, the TV has several proprietary applications from the manufacturer and the most standard ones installed, such as YouTube or IVI. However, many TV channels or Internet resources have their own native applications Smart TV. Let's get a look, how to put them yourself. Let's look at installing Smart TV Apps using the example of the two most popular TV manufacturers - Samsung and LG.

These are developed programs that are made specifically for ease of use on a widescreen TV. There may be:

  • games,
  • transmissions of central TV channels,
  • film archives,
  • television versions of information sites

In general, everything your heart desires.

Nowadays, programmers are actively and widely implementing cloud technologies, so Smart TV applications do not take up much space on the TV storage - all main content is loaded as needed from remote server, thanks to which you can install quite a lot of programs and games without affecting the speed of the TV. At the same time, they are optimized for not too powerful iron, on which it is often impossible to watch the same films normally High Quality through a regular browser.

Smart TV applications for Samsung

Well, let's try to install some TV application as an example. To begin, your TV must be connected to the Internet - how to do this is written in detail.

Click on the central colored button on the remote control

and get to the Smart TV menu. Here we will see the icons already pre-installed applications for Samsung TV. But we are interested in the point “ Samsung Apps"- click on it.

Here you will be prompted to log in account in Samsung or register a new one. We fill out all the fields and confirm registration by email - be sure to enter a valid address.

So, log in and find yourself in the systematized Samsung Apps directory, - Smart applications TV, or they are also called widgets, are specially designed for use on Samsung. All of them are conveniently divided into thematic headings - Video, Sports, Games, etc. You can use the search form to search by name. quickly find the desired TV application. There is also a section with a list of all applications already installed on your TV.

Navigation through the catalog occurs using the arrows on the remote control, or connected to USB port TV mouse or keyboard. Choose required widget and click “Enter”. We get to the page with its description. Here you can estimate the size of the application in relation to free memory on TV. Click the “Download” button to download Smart TV applications from the Internet

After that, the “Install” button will appear in the same place - click it.

We are waiting for the window to appear notifying about the successful installation. Then we launch it and use it.

Applications for LG Smart TV

Installing the LG Smart TV application is roughly the same way - the only difference is in the location and names of the menu items. To enter LG Apps, use the “Home” or “Smart” button on the remote control - on different models it can be called differently.

We find ourselves in a directory similar to Samsung. We are interested in the “Applications” item - go to it

And select the program we need.

Everything is the same here - information about the application. To install, click the corresponding button on the screen.

If you are doing this for the first time, the service will ask you to create your LG account or log in using FaceBook.

This is done simply, as in any service - you register real email, provide a login password, indicate other data - everything is according to the list.

After this, confirm your registration from the specified mailbox, log in with your username and password and return to the TV widget installation menu. We run the installation again and upon completion we are happy with the launch of the program.