How to add a VKontakte group widget. VKontakte greeting widget: why you need it and how to use it

Hook on something picky users“VKontakte” is becoming more and more complicated: the audience gets used to both bright pictures and flashy inscriptions. But what to do if you need to attract the attention of subscribers to important information?

At the end of November appeared interesting option solutions to this problem. The guys from Spycat have released a greeting widget for VKontakte communities. This widget allows you to contact the user personally.

The request looks like this:

They addressed me by name and showed me my avatar. It’s nice that I’m invited to the concert.

The VKontakte greeting widget will help push the audience that enters the community to the target action:

  • checkout;
  • subscribe to the newsletter;
  • read FAQ;
  • read a nice bonus (for example, a promotional code for a discount).

In this article I will tell you how to use the widget and give you a couple of useful tips.

How to install a greeting widget in the VKontakte group

To install the welcome widget, go to the VKontakte application directory and click on the “Add” button opposite the Spycat application we need.

Important: In the visibility settings, check the “Only for administrators” checkbox so that regular visitors do not see the “Open application” button next to the community cover. And in the “Application widget visibility” settings, on the contrary, set “All users”.

While you're creating the widget, you can limit visibility to administrators only. The main thing is not to forget to open the widget for everyone later.

Luckily, Spycat has prepared a handy cheat sheet:

In the texts for the VKontakte greeting widget, you can use several variables:

  1. first and last name: (Firstname) and (Lastname), respectively;
  2. city ​​of residence: (City);
  3. the last profession listed in the profile: (Career).

Please note that each text field is limited to 100 characters, and the button label is limited to 50. Therefore, you won’t be able to play Leo Tolstoy.

How to use the VKontakte greeting widget

General advice: don't write vaguely. While I was writing the post, I managed to forget which community I took this example from.

Vague characteristics like “many interesting posts” and “many funny pictures" in the widget text didn't help me remember. It’s better to write something specific and specific to your community. At least there is a call to action “Subscribe” - that’s a good move.

Now I’ll tell you what you can do using the VKontakte greeting widget.

1. Newsletter

With the help of a widget, it has become much easier to convince your audience to subscribe to your community newsletter or simply to your community. About how my colleague Seryozha has already told.

2. FAQ

You can also use the VKontakte welcome widget to direct users to the FAQ page so that you don’t have to explain the same thing to newcomers a thousand times in messages and comments. Here's how hand-twisting fans did it:

With the help of the VKontakte welcome widget, owners of a strange hobby have made life much easier for new recruits: now, in order to find all the necessary lessons in the correct chronological order, visitors simply press a button and get the result.

3. Nice bonuses

Another current method using personal widgets - issuing promotional codes for discounts.

In this widget, the admins of the group that sells perfume used a rather rare variable - a number. See where it says 45? The number is linked to the store's CRM system. With each bottle sold during the promotion, the number will decrease.

Of course, it would be clearer for you and me if instead of “only 45 flavors” it was written “45 flavors left.” Take note of this countdown method.

4. Competition

In addition, the VKontakte greeting widget helps increase the activity of community members. This is especially useful if you are conducting creative competition. Here's an example from anime fans:

Just don’t take their example of writing numerals.

5. Offer

And of course, why beat around the bush if you can simply encourage the user to place an order or ask them to submit a request. This is especially suitable for communities where simple goods are sold.

This is the cute manipulation the child uses charitable foundation"With love":

For more complex goods It’s better to invite the user to ask a question or help him calculate the cost of a service - for example, if you sell windows or design premises. Place a link to the dialogue with the community.

Let's summarize. To successfully use the VKontakte greeting widget, you need to:

  1. Decide on the purpose and page to which the widget will lead.
  2. Write a call to action on a button or in the widget text.
  3. Don’t forget about the benefits that the widget should bring not only to you, but also to the audience.

I told you how to use the VKontakte greeting widget most effectively, but you can use it for other tasks. Share your experience and ideas on how you use personal widgets, let's discuss it together!

Almost all small and large communities use widgets in VK for the group. They greatly simplify the work of the administrator, help connect the site with a social network, sell your products, communicate with subscribers, collect and process requests for services. Developers are constantly adding new applications. We decided to make a list 10 best, useful and interesting extensions that will help improve efficiency.

After reading the article to the end, you will not only decide which widgets will be useful for a group dedicated to your business, but you will also be able to add and configure the desired widget.

Top 10 best and useful widgets in VK for a group

Despite them great amount, you can highlight the most popular and necessary options. Let's look at them:

Merchandise store

For whom: people who sell goods.

Target: selling products directly in the group without going to other sites and online stores.

In 2015, a service for support within the social network was launched retail. This is more reminiscent of a storefront than a full-fledged online store, but making sales and receiving cash you can do it without any problem.

To connect you need to go to the menu "Community/Page Management". Select a section "Applications" and add the corresponding widget. A window will automatically open in front of you in which you need to configure all the parameters. You can see an example of filling out the fields in the screenshot above.

It is necessary to configure the main points:

  • Delivery region.
  • Currency. You can choose the Russian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia, Kazakh currency - tenge, dollar or euro.
  • Contact. Be sure to set up this section so that you can accept orders. You can specify a group leader or arrange for orders to be accepted via messages.

All these points will be on one page. Once you fill out the product cards, complete basic setup, a block with products will appear on home page groups.


For whom: communities that share useful information for free.

Target: Support group owners.

Most communities post useful materials for free. At the same time, there are subscribers who are ready to support the administrator with money.

To connect the widget, you need to go to the section "Community Management". Go to tab "Applications" and add "Donations".

Everything already works, you just need to configure the basic parameters:

  • If desired, you can change the name of the button;
  • indicate the category of users;
  • select a snippet, it will be located next to the link to the application;
  • the name of the application itself.

After this, be sure to save the changes. Enter the information in the text block and set up your e-wallet.

After installation and configuration, be sure to write in which you accept funds for the development of the community.

Spycat: lead widget designer for VK

For whom: community owners.

Target: improvements behavioral factors, attracting clients.

Each person can set up a direct address to the visitor by name. You can register your own trade offer to increase brand awareness.

To add an application, you must go to the group. Click on the three dots below main photo. Select “Community Management” from the list. In the right column, click on “Applications”. Select and add the appropriate widget.

Fill out the main fields:

  • button name;
  • who can see her;
  • snippet;
  • Application Name.

Select text or personal type.

Let's move on to editing and fill in the main points. Next, save and immediately turn it on. A small window will open in front of you, if you like everything, click “Update widget in group”.

Plus of this widget is that it does not look like a call to purchase, rather it is like a greeting that improves appearance and putting the user in a more positive mood. To delve even more deeply into the topic of visuals, explore.

Message distributions

For whom: those who want to send messages with any materials, automate the mailing.

Target: collect the base active subscribers, to whom you can inform about new promotions or.

If you want to enable this feature, go to the page - Click "Connect application".

If everything was done correctly, a window will appear in front of you indicating the successful completion of the operation.


For whom: Ideal for businesses or groups looking to build a customer base to sell products, services or invite to events.

Target: turn users on a social network into customers.

Go to the "Applications" section on your group page. Select the appropriate application and click Add.

Customize the button title, visibility, snippet and application name. Then go to the main settings and fill out the fields as you see fit.


For whom: all communities, ideal for online stores and companies.

Target: Find out the opinions of subscribers without redirecting them to other sites.

Advantage in several types of tests. The administrator himself decides when the audience learns about the answers or it may not know them at all. You can assign points to each question.

The connection process is no different from others. You can see an example of filling out the main fields above. Save the changes and wait for the results of users passing your test.


For whom: Suitable for owners of any groups.

Target: conduct a full questionnaire or survey of subscribers and visitors to the community.

You can create Various types questionnaires with questions and multi-step voting. Use this for audience research or as a brief for clients. There are detailed statistics that allow you to study your audience. Alert settings have been created to make the work of the administrator and users more comfortable.

To add, go to “Page Management” – “Applications”. Select “Profiles” and click “Add”.

We fill out the basic settings and move on to creating questionnaires. Click on the “Go to application management” button.

Let's look at an example of creating a questionnaire:

  1. Enter the name.
  2. Click on the first item (see example in the screenshot above).
  3. We ask a question and add answer options.
  4. Click “Save”.

You can significantly expand the profile by adding more items, photographs, various types questions.

Personal account for joint ventures

For whom: owners of online stores.

Target: makes it easy to participate in joint purchases.

Immediately after installation you will get the following features:

  • displaying the total account for purchases;
  • notifications are received if changes occur in purchases;
  • order history is saved;

The addition is no different from the others. After launching, you must click on the “Subscribe” button.

Attention! In the screenshot you can see the application settings. It will only be available after other users subscribe and you create a group for purchasing and managing products.

Event Schedule

For whom: administrators who aim to organize concerts, exhibitions or other events.

Target: drawing attention to a certain event, notifying subscribers about it.

Adding is no different from working with previous widgets. After filling out the main fields, go to the settings.

Click on the “Create event” button.

Fill in all the required fields and save the changes. After this, event notifications will be available to users.

Order status

Target: Buyers can see the order status.

If you sell products on VKontakte, be sure to install this application. Thanks to it, users will be able to see the status of their purchase. There are 3 statuses in total: for approval, dispatch and delivery. Capable of integrating with the virtual store we looked at before. This allows you to automatically load statuses for which templates are pre-configured.

Go to “Community Management”, select the “Applications” section. The widget is located almost at the end of the page, so we recommend using the search. Click “Add”.

You don’t have integration yet, so the system will prompt you to select CRM. Next, you need to follow the system prompts, because further settings and work with orders depend on the selected item.


Widgets in VK for a group make work much easier. You can not only share information with subscribers and visitors, but also give them the opportunity to buy products, attend your events, and collect a base for further mailings. Thanks to apps regular group a social network can be turned into a tool that can replace a website in functionality!

Social networks are the second most accessible source of traffic for a website after search engines, and third in efficiency. At proper promotion An Internet project in social networks can achieve an increase in traffic by 30%, and the number of regular readers by up to 70%!
That's why webmasters first of all pay close attention to social media, creating official pages from the site, launching news. And the main Russian platform for promoting your website or Internet business is the network, which provides sufficient capacity for a free start without any investment!

How to insert a VK group widget?

Creation and does not appear challenging task, even for beginners. Thanks to the intuitive interface of the social network, all you need is time.
And in order for the site’s audience to know about your social page, you need to tell about it in any way available to you. And many webmasters prefer the widget format, which is easily integrated into web design. VKontakte, like other social networks, provides a set of web tools, of which the “Community Widget” can be distinguished.

To start inserting code onto the site pages, first log in to the VKontakte website and follow the “Developers” link at the end of the page:

  1. Find the item “Authorization and widgets for the site”;
  2. Click “Community” - 3rd item from the top and configure the display;
  3. Provide a link to your group or public, as it is displayed in the address bar;
  4. Select the display format: Participants, news, title only (we recommend the “Participants” option, as it is more common among blogs and most large sites);
  5. Next, adjust the dimensions of the widget (width and height in pixels), and if necessary, change the color scheme to fit into the site template.

The first part of the code is inserted after the opening tag , which is in the file "footer.php" WordPress themes. We copy the second part to the “Sidebar” in the “Appearance” - “Widgets” section, placing it in a standard text block. After clicking the “Save” button, you can check the display of the “Community Widget” on the site.

Note! The copied code is divided into two parts to optimize the loading of the main content on the site pages. If you have minimal use of third-party scripts, then when you insert the code into the “Text” widget completely, the time difference will not be noticeable.

How to insert a VK widget via iframe

Sometimes there may be a problem with correct display widget on site pages, which has negative consequences in the process of active promotion. As it turns out, the culprit is the widget script, which is not always processed correctly by Internet browsers.

To avoid such problems, you can use a different method of displaying the “Community Widget”, using the code built on display through

In the code replace numeric value in the URL to your VKontakte group ID number, it can be found in the address of the community wall (even if a custom name is set).

Synergy is what is necessary for any community and group, store and blog. What will help synchronize the work of the site and VK? The VKontakte group widget on the site solves a number of issues - virality, increasing sales and Feedback with users. How to add a vk widget, which ones are the best and what are they used with? The answers to all these questions are at the end of the article.

Why create a VKontakte group widget? For what purpose?

Regardless of the direction of your site and group on VK, they must be synchronized, unified, harmonious. To set up integration, you don’t need to be a programmer, just use simple instructions on installation. They themselves represent applications that are responsible for establishing two-way communication between a resource and a community. Best example– “Like”, thanks to which users put likes from their account on the site.

The main purpose of the installation is to simplify the use of the resource, since then the visitor will want to stay longer and see more. This affects conversion and increases the loyalty of visitors to the site, indicating reliability.

Remember that nothing says more about you than your personal account or community. What will help establish friendly, trusting relationships?

The most useful “helpers” for any resource:

  • Authorization – suitable for those who have a personal account.
  • I like it - ideal for any resource, regardless of the topic.
  • Comments – suitable for those involved in sales.
  • Messages and communities - for all selling companies.
  • Write to us - a universal option.
  • Recommendations – for blogs.
  • Surveys are a universal tool for researching the market and user activity.
  • The writing on the wall is for everyone.
  • Communities are for everyone.
  • Publishing links is for those involved in online promotion.

How to create a VK group widget?

For adding the desired widget you don't always need to download additional applications. All you need to do is log into the community from your computer and do a couple of simple steps:

  • go to community management;
  • go to applications;
  • select the desired widget;
  • fill in the settings;
  • save changes.

Don't forget that different widgets have additional settings. For example, when loading lead widgets, you need to select a type (text or personal), and when adding “messaging”, select a group of recipients.

There are also special application LiveWidget, where you can add several at once. To do this, you need to go to community management, then go to applications, go to LiveWidget and add the ones you need.

How does a group widget on a website help increase customers and users?

VK group widgets on the website help in a number of issues, which ultimately attracts customers:

  • increase the number of registrations;
  • help to study the needs of users or clients, adapting to their requests;
  • create a portrait of the consumer;
  • involve users in group activities;
  • provide advice and assistance;
  • increase the number of users;
  • establish a connection between the business and the ordinary buyer;
  • lead to increased trust among users.

Why does the widget solve so many issues? Because it becomes easy and pleasant for the client to use the site, he does not need to spend extra time studying and searching for the necessary sections and functions. The interaction is systematized, and therefore I want to return to you more often.

Possible problems when creating a VK group widget

The main difficulty is to choose the right one and install it. To avoid mistakes, determine what effect you want to achieve and what the focus of the resource is. If you have problems adding a widget, write to technical support or try again later.


Synchronizing a site and a VK group is an opportunity to improve work and achieve new results, find problems and fix them. Don't be lazy to add them based on customer needs. It’s not for nothing that progress and systematization of production were invented.