Applications for the bada platform. Step-by-step description of creating a simple application for Samsung Bada. The actual creation of the application

» Whatsapp for Bada

If you are the owner of a Samsung smartphone running the Bada operating system, then you will not be able to install Whatsapp with one click of a button. To install, you need to download Whatsapp for Bada for free and then install it.

Whatsapp for Bad is a special installation file adapted for this operating system. This is an unofficial version of the messenger, but it works stably and provides the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of WhatsApp. Manufacturers of smartphones running this OS remained deaf to users' requests to port this application to the Bada platform.

Bada is an operating system for Samsung Wave series models, which is a modified Android OS. Since this is not exactly Android, you won’t find WhatsApp in app stores for Bud. But thanks to caring programmers, we can download the adapted WhatsApp file for Bada and install the Russian version.

Installation process

1. Download the WhatsApp file with the extension .apk. You can download it to your computer and then transfer it to your phone, or download it directly from your phone. The file is quite large (about 35 MB), so if you do not have unlimited Internet on your phone, it is better to connect to a Wi-fi network and then download. Usually this file is not downloaded inside the archive, but immediately as an installation file. Therefore, there is no need to unpack it or do any other additional steps.

2. Run the file and wait for installation. If at startup you receive messages about the need to change security settings, then disable it. After installation, be sure to turn it back on! You may also need permissions to access the Internet, camera, microphone, etc. We allow everything, otherwise the program will not install.

3. Register on WhatsApp using your phone number and SMS confirmation, and start using it!

After registering and logging in, you can via Whatsapp:

  • communicate via text messages, audio or video conference;
  • send photos, videos, documents, add emoticons;
  • take part in communication in general groups;
  • see who from your contact book already has WhatsApp, and invite those who do not yet have it installed.

There are few models of phones and smartphones that are released for the Bada operating system, but they exist, and it is likely that in the future Samsung will continue to produce smartphones with this operating system. Now all Wave series smartphones are equipped with Bada OS. The full list of models is below in the table.

In general, I am certainly not a supporter of such things. I believe that developers should receive money for their work. However, I am convinced that an adult, solvent person will buy a game or program if he likes it. Unfortunately, not everything can be tried without purchasing, and therefore, from this perspective, installing paid software for evaluation looks quite acceptable. In any case, there is a way and it works. Also, considering that the future fate of the owners of badafones is generally incomprehensible, I don’t think it’s shameful to finally take advantage of the developments.

So, as always, I warn you - the method works. I tested it on myself. But in any case, if you disrupt the performance of your device, that’s only your problem. Do everything according to the instructions and everything will work like clockwork. Agreed.

Let's get started.

I tested this method on Samsung S8500 Wave and official Ukrainian firmware. You can download it from .

We don't need much.
1. Multiloader – take it by . Any version, but I would take the latest one.
2. File apps_Compressed_spoof_Wave_I.bin – download it from the link (this is for the first wave, for Ukraine)

Let's install Angry Birds.

First of all, we flash the apps_Compressed_spoof_Wave_ file (depending on what wave you have). This is done once. To do this, launch Multiloader and select LSI, Boot Change and Full Download. Screenshot clickable:

Add your file. You can simply drag and drop it into the program window. We turn off the phone. Press and hold Volume Down + Lock + Power (red pipe) at the same time. DownLoad Mode will light up. Then Port Search. Then Download. If you've ever sewed your own phone, this is not news to you.

The file is sewn - good.

Then unpack Bada Wave Spoof (program in the archive). We find the following file inside: BadaCertificate.cer. We copy it to the phone (it doesn’t matter where, but it’s better to the Others folder). On your phone, go to the folder where you copied it and tap on the file. Agree with the warning and install the certificate.

We unpack the archive with the game or application, in our case the AngryBirds.rar archive and specify the path to the folder and, in particular, to the file with the name of the game application.exe (in our case AngryBirds.exe).

Most likely the file will be in the Bin folder. Check the box as shown in the screenshot. Alternately press button 1. Sign, and then button 2. Rename.

One by one, first press button 1. Sign

Everybody is here. Go to the Copy tab. We connect the phone in Removable Disk mode and select the memory card in the drop-down list. If not, click the button with two green arrows next to it. We are waiting for it to load.

After successful copying. We disconnect the phone and go to the phone along the path Settings - General - Installation location - select the memory card. We connect the phone in Samsung Kies mode.

Hello. First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and get straight to the point. This article will be devoted to the issue of creating simple programs for Bada - an operating system for mobile devices produced by the Korean Samsung. I would like to say in advance that below the cut is a simple recipe for making a simple application without lengthy discussions about the optimality and harmoniousness of the code.
There are already quite detailed articles on Habré that are dedicated to Bada, for example this one and this one, but there is no step-by-step description of creating an application for beginners. If anyone is interested, please see cat.

The topic for writing arose by chance - an acquaintance is actively engaged in establishing the boundaries of land plots using GPS in a geodetic company; The specifics of the work (where did it come from is a good question) is that the resulting geodetic coordinates (let me explain that this means latitude and longitude) must be converted to rectangular coordinates right after they are received. The company does not have laptops capable of withstanding an 8-hour work day, and does not plan to do so, but an acquaintance recently bought himself a Samsung smartphone with the Bada operating system, which is actively promoted in Ukraine, and then the question followed: if you can download games for your phone, is there an application that can solve described purely engineering problem? Of course, no such application was found, and I received a kind offer to write one for a certain fee.

To develop applications for Bada, Bada SDK 1.2.0 is used, which can be downloaded by registering on the Bada developer website. There is nothing complicated in this process, but at the stage of selecting files to download, I, frankly, “lost”, downloading only the SDK, but not the so-called language pack, hoping that, as written on the site, it would download will happen automatically after installing the SDK. However, something went wrong during the installation phase; the installation continued without downloading the language pack, which subsequently led to the inability to either build or, moreover, launch the application.
Having downloaded the SDK and the language pack, they should be placed in one place, and when installing the SDK or when modifying it, the installer will pick up the language pack and install it independently.
The actual creation of the application

The development environment is based on Eclipse, the C++ programming language used. Let's start by moving on to creating a new application with the obvious command File -> New -> bada Application Project. In the window that appears, you should specify the name of the project in the Project name field, and select the application type in the Project Type list - bada Form Based Application.

Next, the environment will ask you to determine the technical parameters of the device for which the application will be intended (screen resolution, GPS availability, etc.). These parameters are defined in a special manifest file, Manifest.xml, which you can select from among the SDK files, create and download from the Bada Developers website, or create your own. Without further ado, I used the manifest file from the Samples folders that are installed with the SDK, since my application did not require any bells and whistles, but only the screen resolution was important.

Next, the environment will ask you to specify the root directory of the SDK; there should be no problems with this. After selection, the name of the device model and its API will appear in the list, which will be used in the future for programming.

The next step is to define the name of the default form that will appear immediately after launching the application. *.h and *.cpp files will be generated using this name.

Next, you will need to determine whether or not to add auto-scaling support and the best screen resolution if this feature is added. As I understand it, it is better to do this, since the application will be able to work on different devices with different resolutions and will not have to be redesigned.

The next link in the long chain of settings is determining the Application ID, to certify the functions of the application if it needs to read and write to protected folders. I didn't need this, so I omitted this step.

Almost done - defining the obvious application properties Name, Vendor and Description.

And now it’s almost almost over - this is determining the necessary configurations for development: I recommend leaving everything by default, but now the most important configuration is Simulator-Debug - this is the ability to debug code on a device simulator, Target-Release - a configuration for compiling the application before uploading it to real device.

The last step is a summary of all settings in the Summary window, which you can read again and make sure that everything is selected correctly.

After completing the settings, the future application appears in the Project Explorer, clicking on which leads to the expansion of resource files in the Resources window and the following window appears:

After clicking on the form (and in general on any control) on the Properties tab, you can change obvious properties of the application, such as the text in the title, background color, the presence and name of soft keys.

I immediately moved the ready-made button, which the environment kindly generated, lower and wrote Calculate on it. Having the GUI Editor, it is easy to get the following interface, which is well suited for my task (I believe that the process of transferring controls to the form and setting their properties does not cause any difficulties); the obvious Label was used as labels for the input fields, and EditField was used as the input fields; Labels are also used to display the result of calculations, since they cannot be edited:

Now for the actual coding.

A running application goes through several stages (Help is very detailed, you can find out the details there), now we are primarily interested in the application initialization stage, for which the OnInitializing(void) method of the form class is responsible, which can be found in the file<ВАША_ФОРМА>.cpp in the project's src folder.

By default this method looks like this:

Result Form1::OnInitializing(void) ( result r = E_SUCCESS; // TODO: Add your initialization code here // Get a button via resource ID __pButtonOk = static_cast