Loading the noise gate. Use in other situations

Today I will talk about a wonderful plugin for Google Chrome And Mozilla Firefox , which will allow you without problems access sites blocked by your ISP.
Many of you have probably heard that Roskomnadzor has the right to block any Internet sites that in any way violate the laws of our country. More precisely, Roskomnadzor obliges Internet providers to block these sites. And providers naturally comply with this requirement.

And then one day, when you go to a website, you may see the inscription: “Blocked by decision of federal executive authorities,” or “The resource at the specified IP address is blocked by decision of government authorities,” or something similar.

In fact, getting around this ban is not at all difficult. One of the simplest and convenient ways is installing the friGate plugin in browsers Mozilla Firefox And Google Chrome.

I note that this extension without problems opens sites that are included in the list compiled by the developers. Therefore, it will not open absolutely all existing sites. But there is no problem with this: in the settings you can add the desired site to own list, and it will be immediately unlocked.

So, I'll tell you more how to use the friGate plugin.

Let's start with my favorite Mozilla browser Firefox:

You need to launch your browser and install the extension on it, available at this link.

After installation, an icon will appear on the toolbar:

Now we go to a site blocked by the provider. In my case, this is the bookmaker's website liga-stavok.com:If the site is not unblocked automatically, then do the following:

Click left click on the friGate icon in the browser. Place the mouse cursor over the first item “site NOT from the list” - then click “ add site to list”:
After this, again left-click on the friGate icon - move the cursor to the first line and select “ on proxy permanently for the site”:
After that, refresh the page - the site should open.

Now about how to work with the friGate plugin if you use Google Chrome:

Launch your browser and install the extension available at this link.

Once it is installed, an icon will appear on the toolbar:
Now we go to a site blocked by the provider. In my case, this is still the same bookmaker’s website liga-stavok.com.

If the site is not unblocked automatically, then you need to add it to the list manually:

Click on the friGate icon right mouse button and select “ Options”:A page with settings for accessing sites will open. At first let's create our list:

First of all, we give the list a name: I simply wrote “ Websites” (if the name of your list will consist of several words, then do not separate them with spaces - it is better to use an underscore). Next, press the button “ Add list”:

Here's what happened:

We go to our list by simply clicking on it. Adding the site name, access to which is blocked by the provider. As suggested here, it is better to immediately add a domain with subdomains, for example: *.liga-stavok.com instead of www.liga-stavok.com.

After writing the name of the site, make sure that the item “ proxy is always enabled”, and press the “ button Add site”:
Website added:

After that, refresh the page - the blocked site should open.

Please note that you can add as many sites as you like to your list. At any time, you can remove a site from the list or simply disable the friGate plugin for it.

That's all for today. I described it in a separate article - I recommend you read it.

Minergate is a mining pool created by a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Minergate is the first pool that offers combined mining services - in the process of mining crypto money in this pool, you can generate various coins at the same time, without reducing the hashrate for mining the main currency.

Where to download the Minergate program

  • Download Minergate itself latest version you can on the official website Minergate.com/downloads

Features and benefits of MinerGate

  • The most profitable mining pool;
  • The easiest cross-platform miner to manage;
  • Support for combined mining;
  • Support for all cryptocurrency miners.

Now we will tell you how to work correctly in this pool and how to use the cryptocurrencies earned during the mining process.

Mining profitability calculator

Before you start mining useful coins, we recommend calculating your theoretical profit. The site has a calculator that will allow you to calculate the profitability of mining BTC, LTC and other cryptocurrencies (Bytecoin, Monero, FantomCoin, QuazarCoin, DarkNote, MonetaVerde, Aeon coin, Dashcoin, Infinium-8).

Minergate calculator

How to use the calculator:

  1. Select currency;
  2. Enter your hashrate information;
  3. Check mining profitability.

How to set up and use Minergate

After downloading and installing the program, wait for the analysis process of your PC (computer capabilities). This will happen automatically in 9 steps - everything will be shown in the software window. Time approximately 2 minutes.

Minergate benchmark
Minergate smart mining

Naturally, you can turn on and off the mining of other money yourself by simply clicking on the arrow next to them.

Minergate crypto list

The selected crypto will immediately light up green and the time and profit numbers will appear. Very small at first, but growing over time))

Minergate - achievements page

From time to time, pop-up windows with your achievements will appear - but we immediately turn off this circus by checking the appropriate box in the window.

How to create a wallet and withdraw money

You can open a wallet through the Minergate program by switching to the Wallet tab. But this is not necessary, since withdrawal of mining is also possible through the Ru.minergate.com pool itself (the link was above). We recommend withdrawing to the Polonix exchange.

Minergate wallet in the program

Once you have prepared all the details for withdrawal on the Poloniex exchange, you can start making withdrawals from the Minergate pool. Once you create a withdrawal order, it will take some time before your funds are credited to your balance on the exchange. Once the funds are credited, you can exchange them for the cryptocurrencies of your choice, such as Bitcoin.

  1. Register with Minergate.
  2. Download, install and run the miner program. Use the miner while your PC is working or idle. The miner supports both CPU and GPU mining (processor and video card).
  3. Mine all cryptocurrencies (simultaneously or separately) except FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8. They are difficult to exchange.
  4. Register on the Poloniex exchange.
  5. Generate all personal identifiers for each CryptoNote currency except FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8.
  6. Withdraw funds from Minergate to the Poloniex exchange using the details received in Poloniex.
  7. After the exchange, you can withdraw funds to your personal Bitcoin wallet.

How much can you earn from mining?

Tested with configuration AMD computer 6300 with 6 cores with 3.4 GHz and 8 GB of memory and without the help of a video card (it’s too weak), in a couple of hours we managed to mine about 5 BCN bytecoins on just 2 cores (you can switch them yourself and allocate the number for work). That is, 0.1 dollar or 6 rubles. A trifle - but nice!

Video about MinerGate: registration, installation, configuration and withdrawal of funds

Well, if the power and number of video cards allows it, try it

For beginning musicians on how to use a noise gate. In the material Vanakoro focused on basic principles using this tool, showing how to use a noise gate to remove background noise. website provides an adapted translation of the note.

Proper use of a gate helps with recording and makes mixing and mastering easier. The possibilities of a noise gate are very great, and its use is not limited to eliminating interference in the signal. A properly configured noise gate can be used for purely musical purposes: for example, to more clearly separate the drums from each other or add power to the bass.

Loading the noise gate

All DAWs (see ) come with a noise gate, which is usually found in the "Dynamics" or "Noise" (or similar) categories. Sometimes, instead of an independent plugin, developers implement a noise gate into some kind of compressor.

Download the attached. For the purposes of this tutorial I've done it sloppily - you can hear a slight background noise, caused by the operation of a small fan moving air near the microphone.

Operation threshold

The main tool in setting up a noise gate is the threshold. The trigger threshold allows you to set the gate to eliminate any signal up to a certain point. In our case, we need to remove the background noise from the fan and leave only the human voice.

Let's loop a small section of audio and find the part where the background noise is heard best. It is advisable that there are no other signal sources in this part of the audio. Having found a suitable segment, we will adjust the Threshold parameter so that the noise disappears during playback. Based on the search results, it turns out that a threshold value in the region of -38 dB will be acceptable.

Fine tuning

Most noise gates are equipped with additional parameters— level of attack and decay. The attack is responsible for the gate's firing rate (how quickly it reacts to noise), and the decay is responsible for how quickly the gate returns to standard state. Adjusting these parameters can help in cases where the gate is cutting off the tails of notes or cutting off quieter words at the ends of phrases.

After we set the noise gate threshold to -38 dB, the gate began to operate too harshly. Phrases sound dry - the gate kills the natural reverberation of the room. You can fine-tune the noise gate a little more precisely, or add a subtle reverb effect to the track, which will recreate the tails and correct any cases where the gate has cut noise too aggressively.

Use in other situations

The more often you use the gate, the better you get at it. Try using a gate for different tasks. For example, remove crosstalk before recording a guitar to get more clear sound in the mix. Or adjust the penetration levels of different drums when working with drums.

As they would say in the report at the Party Congress, about 30 years ago, “The current political situation in the world has taken a serious turn.” Russia is under sanctions, and although this has not affected the majority of the country, the petty machinations of the “imperialists” will spoil the mood. I'm talking about blocking access to some servers and services on the Internet. The thing is not terrible, but, you see, it is unpleasant.

Now we will do something to get rid of them. Error 403 is precisely a ban on access to a site, or a specific subsection of it; it often occurs if your computer is prohibited from receiving data from there, and this was not done by your provider, but by the owners of the site itself. What to do if error 403 appears over and over again? How to get rid of 403 error? This is what we will do now.

It is easy to determine where a particular computer is located using its external IP address. The IP address of a computer is, so to speak, the “return address” that is contained in a request to receive a specific page or file.

How to use

Having received a request, the site you are trying to view sends a response to the address that was specified. But, if the territory where you live is included in the “black list”, then you will not receive an answer. And they will send you the picture that I gave just above. In order to obtain the required information, there are several ways, such as working through a proxy server and working through a VPN server, for example. We will consider the second option. I recommend it because it is more stable in terms of operation and usually provides greater speed and information content.

Let's get started. Let's score in search bar FREE VPN SERVER, “free” - in our case means “free”, naturally we are not going to pay the enemies for doing all sorts of minor dirty tricks to us.

I hid the first few answers - they are not quite suitable for us, but we will switch to Japanese development - website http://vpngate.net

The gray square in the picture hides my real IP address, these are insidious samurai trying to intimidate visitors, saying that “we know everything about you.” Well, you know - and okay, there’s nothing wrong with that, thousands of users connect to you every second, including from the USA and the European Union. In its place you will have the flag of your country and your IP address.

IN top menu pages, select the line “Download” (in English – “Download”) and in the menu the first line – “Download VPN Gate Client" To servers included in free network VPN Gate you can connect with many different ways, but for a computer based on Windows OS - the one proposed is optimal - it is convenient, easy to set up and, in my opinion, is not inferior to others in speed. On the next page we find and click on the link to download the archive with the files we need:

Don't worry if your grade in school is foreign languages was, to put it mildly, “not very” I will guide you through the entire installation and configuration procedure. So, click on the link:

This is the window FireFox browser, asking where to save the file. Do you have a different browser? Well then the window will look a little different, but the essence will not change. After downloading the file, and this is a ZIP archive, you need to open it by double-clicking on the name of the just downloaded file. As a result, if you do not have other programs for working with archives installed, you will see something like this:

This is how Windows displays the contents of ZIP archives. If you have a third-party archiver installed and you don’t know how to use it, click on the archive file right click mouse and from the drop-down menu select “Open with” > “Explorer”:

Our task is to extract all files from the archive, so we select:

The result of the command is shown in the following figure. The specific address where the files will be unpacked on my computer has been obscured; yours will probably be slightly different. It is very important for a beginner to leave the “Show extracted files” checkbox in place, then after unpacking you will immediately go to the folder where the files extracted from the archive are located.

Is there a familiar picture just below? No, I'm not repeating myself. These are already unzipped files in a folder on your computer. See the icon next to the application file? Previously it did not exist, since Windows does not fully display file icons inside archives.

Run the file double click mice:

This is a standard warning that the file was downloaded from the Internet and may be dangerous. Don’t be alarmed, if you downloaded it using my link, then the file is not infected, although, of course, you can work on the Internet without installed antivirus– that same “Russian Roulette”.

In the installer welcome window that opens, click the “Next” button. And in the next window we leave the choice top line options further actions:

After clicking the “Next” button in the previous window we get license agreement:

Of course we agree with him, how could it be otherwise? “Next” again and begin installing the support client VPN networks Gate.

The installation process is quite concise and quick, and the inscriptions in the window change about 4-5 times; upon completion, you will be presented with a window like this with a checkmark next to the “Launch VPN Gate client” command.

This is actually what we were trying to achieve. Click “Finish” and get the main program window:

Next is quite a bit. Double-click on the line marked in the previous figure:

Now you see a list of servers through which you can safely and secretly work on the Internet, even if the region where you are now is blocked by all conceivable “sanctions”.

Briefly about the names of the columns by which you can sort in in the right order server. The first two are fairly indifferent to us, but the third contains the name of the country or region where the server providing its services is located.

If you choose to sort servers by region of location, click on the column name - Region in in this case At the top of our list were servers from the country JAPAN - Japan. The next column is UPTIME - it tells us the time in hours, how long this server has been working continuously. It is useful because by comparing the operating time with the following column VPN SESSIONS (the number of users working at a given minute) you can imagine that it is viable this server, or not. Maybe something is stuck there, and even though the server has been running for 3 days, it actually has zero users. You should not connect to such a server.

The next column – LINE SPEED – shows the speed at which this gateway operates. This is also very informative data. If you divide the data from the “speed” column by the “number of users” data, you can roughly imagine how quickly you will work through this server, that is, how quickly files will download and pages will open.

If your ISP provides you with Internet access at a speed of 100 megabits, but the VPN server only gives you 3 megabits, then best case scenario Your speed will be limited to 3 megabits, maybe a little more. Choose, either use the option as I suggested, or buy access to paid service VPN or... forget about it Free access to the network.

I guess you don’t want to pay extra money, so let’s continue brief instructions. The third line (line, not column!) in the above window shows in the column a speed of 355 megabits and only 10 users. Click on the column name LINE SPEED and the most fast servers will be at the top of the list. For the first connection attempt, I chose a “simpler” server with a speed of 92 megabits, divided between 3 users. The server is located in South Korea, let's try to connect to it. Select the line with the server parameters and double-click on it, or click the “Connect to the VPN Server"at the bottom of the window:

The next window will prompt you to select some connection parameters:

There are no tips here, except for one thing - try this and that, putting a “dot” first at the top, then on the bottom line, if the first option ends in failure. The connection process looks like this:

And here unsuccessful attempt So:

I recommend interrupting the connection process by clicking the Cancel Connection button, as shown in the figure above, and selecting a different server or connection parameters. Unfortunately, the free nature of the network somewhat imposes restrictions on the stability of its operation. If the connection is successful, you will first be shown the following window:

And when the connection is fully established, it looks like this:

It means that when you go to a site that previously blocked access by IP address, your computer is now seen as a computer located in a completely different part of the world. The following figure shows your current IP address on the Internet:

Now you can try the connection that failed before, with a 99.9% probability it will work this time, and the machinations of the sharks of imperialism will no longer harm you.

Having completed everything that you previously could not do, disconnect from the VPN Gate - there is no need to work at low speed. To do this, click on the line active compound right-click and select the line in the “Disconnect All” menu:

After a few seconds you will be disconnected from VPN servers and you will be visible to sites on the Internet under your own address.

In conclusion of this instruction, a couple of general comments.

  1. Don’t be upset if you weren’t able to enter under the flag of the USA or some other very “cool” country. Sometimes servers located in the Russian Federation work just as stably, and are closer and therefore faster. This is especially true for Crimeans, who are harshly treated by Google and other bourgeois mugs.
  2. Unfortunately, periodic disconnection of the connection does happen, but I don’t suggest you work via VPN forever. Downloaded required file, or opened the page - disconnect!
  3. Speed. Yes, speed. This, unfortunately, is the bottleneck in this technology. However, free proxy servers in my opinion, it’s even more “slow” so the choice is yours.
  4. Sometimes, when visiting pages that have different variants display languages, you may be redirected to a page with the language of the country under which you logged in. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Just select a different page language, there is usually a menu with checkboxes at the top of the site different countries– choose your native one, or at least the one whose language you know.
  5. The very last one. Sometimes, after the connection is lost, you will not be able to log into sites on the Internet using your usual address. This also doesn't happen often. But still, if this happens, just restart your computer, or router, if you have one installed.

A mining pool offering combined mining services for CryptoNote currencies. Continuing the topic, today we decided to tell you about how to work in a pool correctly and how to use cryptocurrencies obtained during the mining process.

You can use mining on the Minergate pool both during permanent job at the computer and during its downtime. If you don’t have a laptop, but a desktop PC, you are unlikely to turn it off when, for example, you go for a smoke break, go out to the nearest grocery store for shopping, or drink coffee in the kitchen with friends who suddenly show up “for a minute.”

As a rule, all this time your car just sits idle. So why not make your PC work even when you're not around? You can use the same principle on a laptop.

Launching a pre-installed miner program takes about 5-10 seconds. And if you have powerful computer, with at least :) 8 cores, so even more so - you load 6 cores for mining, and the remaining 2 will be enough for your current tasks or work.

Today we will talk about what to do with cryptocurrencies of the CryptoNote family, earned in . You have 3 options for what to do with the received cryptocurrencies:

You can keep them on the Minergate pool;
- You can withdraw them to their respective wallets;
- You can exchange them for the same Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency you need.

We have tried all of the above methods.

While your earned cryptocurrencies are on the pool, they simply lie on the pool. Nothing happens to them. They don't "spin". And the money must “spin”. On a positive note is their relative safety while the pool is running. And may God grant him to work long and reliably. But if (suddenly) something happens to the pool, all your money is “bye bye”.

Based on this, we decided to try the second method and withdraw earned cryptocurrencies to our wallets from time to time. But here the question arose of the availability of those very wallets on personal computer. Of all the currencies in the CryptoNote family, we only had one wallet for the Monero coin. We started mining Monero much earlier than the Minergate pool appeared. Therefore, we already had a wallet.

We decided to start withdrawing Bytecoin. But as soon as we got acquainted with the official website of the coin, we realized that this option was not suitable for us either. Let's explain why. To install the Bytecoin wallet on your PC, you will need to download the distribution kit from the official website. There are two options:

1. Download full package(software files, wallet and chain blocks);
2. Download the binary package (software files and wallet only).

The full package weighs 2.25 GB and you need to install it on the “C” drive of your PC. Binary package weighs a little more 2 MB, but to open the wallet, you will need to download a package of chain blocks, which weighs the same 2.25 GB. Because we just squeezed valuable space system disk"C", we decided to go with the third option.

The third option, as described above, involves the withdrawal and exchange of cryptocurrencies of the CryptoNote family for a more accepted cryptocurrency for storage. We have defined Bitcoin as such a cryptocurrency.

Naturally, with a stupid smile on our faces, we rushed to the Cryptsy cryptocurrency exchange, which was repeatedly described on our website, but that was not the case. Cryptsy does not work with CryptoNote currencies. Accordingly, we had nothing to change there.

“After thinking about it” and reading several smart resources on CryptoNote, we ended up on the stock exchange. Almost all CryptoNote currencies are exchanged, sold and bought here, except three: FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8. All other cryptocurrencies earned on Minergate can be exchanged here and now.

Conclusion: The miner program needs to mine all cryptocurrencies (simultaneously or separately) except FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8. Otherwise, difficulties may arise with their exchange.

After registering with Poloniex, you need to go to the " Balances"(Balances), where you can get personal details for each cryptocurrency. Using these details you withdraw funds from the Minergate pool.

Important! Withdrawals from the Minergate pool are carried out separately for each cryptocurrency. In the withdrawal order form there is an optional field " Payment ID". So keep in mind that in the Minergate-Poloniex connection this field is very, very important. If you do not indicate personal " Payment ID" - you will spend a long time searching for your funds! For each currency " Payment ID" different.

After the horror story paragraph, a few words about where to get your " Payment ID".

In Poloniex you need to go to the " Balances"(Balances) and find there the desired cryptocurrency, for example, Bytecoin. There you will see 2 very important parameters: "Deposit address" And " Payment ID".

"Deposit address" is the address to which funds will be withdrawn from Minergate and credited to Poloniex.

"Payment ID" is your personal identifier for a specific currency in Poloniex. It is by this that the exchange determines that the funds have arrived to you and not to “Uncle Vasya”. If " Payment ID"empty, click on the button" Generate New BCN Payment ID", after which a new identifier will be generated for you for the Bytecoin cryptocurrency.

Do the same for other cryptocurrencies.

Once you have prepared all the details for withdrawal on the Poloniex exchange, you can start making withdrawals from the Minergate pool. Once you create a withdrawal order, it will take some time before your funds are credited to your exchange balances. Once the funds are credited, you can exchange them for the cryptocurrencies of your choice, such as Bitcoin.

Let's give an example of an exchange.

Let's say you want to exchange the same Bytecoin for Bitcoin. Go to the " Exchange"on the stock exchange, then in the right block" BTC Markets"find the line Bytecoin. Click on it.

In the central column you will see 3 colored blocks - green, yellow and red. When exchanging Bytecoin for Bitcoin, you are interested in the red block. This is an order to sell BCN. Click on the number under the phrase “You have”, after which the system will recalculate the result from the sale of Bytecoin and display total amount and the amount of commission for the exchange. If you are satisfied with everything, just click the " Sell".

The amount of Bitcoins received from the exchange will be credited to your balance in the system.

If you would like to withdraw funds in Bitcoin to an external/personal wallet, simply go back to the " section Balances", find Bitcoin in the list and fill out the withdrawal form, where " Amount" - sum, " Address" - the address of your Bitcoin wallet.

After some time, the funds will be credited to your Bitcoin wallet.

That’s basically all we wanted to tell you about in our material today. Just in case, let’s write down the algorithm for working in Minergate from start to finish:

1 . Register in .
2 . Download, install and run the miner program. Use the miner while your PC is working or idle. The miner supports both CPU and GPU mining (processor and video card).
3 . Mine all cryptocurrencies (simultaneously or separately) except FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8. They are difficult to exchange.
4 . Register on the exchange.
5 . Generate all personal identifiers for each CryptoNote currency except FantomCoin, QuazarCoin and Infinium-8.
6 . Withdraw funds from Minergate to the Poloniex exchange using the details received in Poloniex.
7 . After the exchange, you can withdraw funds to your personal Bitcoin wallet.