Windows 10 getting started in Russian. What to do? How to master a computer and laptop for a beginner

After the release of the new OS from the IT giant Microsoft, many users who are accustomed to Windows interface 7, somewhat lost. New system fundamentally different from the old one. And not only appearance. New functions have appeared that were never heard of before. For many users, it is now quite difficult to understand the new OS. This article was written to help such people.

After the release of the new OS from the IT giant Microsoft, many users who were accustomed to the Windows 7 interface were somewhat lost. The new system is fundamentally different from the old one. And not only in appearance. New functions have appeared that were never heard of before. For many users, it is now quite difficult to understand the new OS. This article was written to help such people.


The appearance of Windows 10 is largely reminiscent of the "" interface. If you have used this system, then there should be no problems with the interface. And if you switched to “ten” straight from “seven”, then some explanation will be required.
The fact is that the developers decided to abandon the overloaded visual effects and therefore the slow interface of the “seven”. Minimalism and flat buttons are now in fashion. Overall, the interface looks quite friendly. There shouldn't be any problems with it. The only thing that can cause difficulties is the unusual arrangement of some elements. For example, in the Start menu it is very difficult to find the Control Panel. To make it easier, you can simply click on the start icon right key mouse and select the desired element from this menu. The new Start menu may also come as a bit of a shock to G7 users. There's nothing you can do here. You'll have to get used to it.

New features

One of the innovations of Windows 10 is a proprietary terminal Windows PowerShell allowing you to perform all operations in the system using manual entry commands Most users don't need this at all. Only those who switched to the “ten” will feel comfortable with it. Linux systems. It's common there.

Voice assistant Cortana Unfortunately, it is not supported in our country. Therefore, we are unable to assess the potential of this new product. It is possible that over time with some next update system it will become available to us. But not yet.

Another innovation of the “ten” is the presence of additional desktops on which the user can place everything necessary programs. Programs are placed open, and the user moves between them while working using special combination keys

System parameters

An unusual Start menu item - System Settings - can raise many questions. This is a kind of analogue of the control panel. It is divided into several categories. Each of these categories has its own subcategories and separate sections.

System. This includes screen settings, notifications and actions, apps and features, multitasking, tablet mode, power options, and other system settings. The personalization section contains parameters for the desktop background and lock screen, the color of the taskbar and, in general, everything related to the appearance of the system. The devices section includes printers and scanners, Bluetooth devices, mice, USB devices, and startup options. And so on. Almost every inch of the system can be customized through Settings. However, if you need to "dig" into system services, then you'll have to turn to the good old control panel.


In general, the “ten” is not so scary. Much worse was the G8, with its lack of a Start menu and an incomprehensible Metro interface. And you can easily get used to the “ten”. Over time you will even like it. In general, it is impossible to describe all the nuances of the new OS. It takes some time to figure it out yourself. But everything is intuitive there.

See how much individual courses cost.

I didn't take this example out of thin air. You can see this for yourself if you search on the Internet.

The cost of such training starts from 950 rubles for one academic hour. As you know, it is equal to 45 minutes.

After you study with this teacher, you pay him money and he leaves. And in order to remember something from the past, you will have to call it again and pay again at this rate.

You will have to do the same if you did not understand something that was explained to you and you need clarification.

To understand that means this cost, let me give you an example:

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Do you know what you will think about when they explain to you how to do it correctly? click the mouse?

Right. You will feel like you are sitting in the most expensive taxi, for example in a Mercedes S class, or an Audi A8, or a BMW 7 Series. The taxi is stuck in a traffic jam, but the counter is ticking.

What a study this is!

Now, let's let's count.

General duration of all courses: 21 hour 01 minute

Divide by 45 minutes (academic hour). We get: 28 academic hours

Minimum cost for individual courses 950 rub.. per academic hour.

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If you call a tutor, he will will cost you at least in this amount.

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Let's count:

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The most obvious way to speed up your work with a computer is to buy more “advanced” components. For example, by installing an SSD drive in your PC and powerful processor, you will achieve significant increase system performance and software used. However, you can do it differently.

Windows 10, which will be discussed in this article, is generally a pretty fast OS. But, like any complex product, the Microsoft system is not without flaws in terms of usability. And it is precisely the increase in comfort when interacting with Windows that will allow you to reduce the time it takes to complete certain tasks.

New hardware can speed up processes that do not depend on the user: video rendering, program launch time, etc. But how you perform a task, how many clicks and mouse movements you make, and what tools you use to do so, determine the effectiveness of your interaction with the computer.

You can optimize your work with the system using the settings of Windows 10 itself and thanks to third-party solutions. Next, we will tell you how, using specialized software in combination with built-in functions, you can make interaction with the Microsoft OS more convenient.

Speed ​​up authorization in the system

If every time you log into Windows 10, you still enter the password for your Microsoft account, then you are definitely wasting valuable time. The system provides a fairly safe and, most importantly, quick way authorization – four-digit PIN code.

But if you don’t want to enter absolutely anything when you start your computer, you can completely deactivate the system authorization request.

As a result of these actions, when you restart your computer, you will not have to log in to the system and you will immediately be greeted with the Windows desktop.

Please note that you can disable the username and password request only if no one else has access to the computer or you are not concerned about the safety of the data located on it.

Use Punto Switcher

Every PC user often encounters a situation where, when quickly entering text, it turns out that a word or even an entire sentence is a set of English characters, whereas it was planned to write it in Russian. Or vice versa. Such confusion with layouts is a very unpleasant problem, if not annoying.

Microsoft did not begin to eliminate this seemingly obvious inconvenience. But the developers of the well-known utility did it Punto Switcher from Yandex. The main purpose of the program is to increase convenience and productivity when working with text.

Punto Switcher will understand what you are trying to write and will automatically switch your keyboard layout to the correct one. This will significantly speed up the input of Russian or English text, almost completely entrusting the program with changing the language.

In addition, using built-in keyboard shortcuts, you can instantly correct the layout of selected text, change its case, or perform transliteration. The program also automatically corrects common typos and can store up to 30 text fragments on the clipboard.

Add shortcuts to Start

Starting with Windows 10 version 1607 Anniversary Update, a not entirely obvious change has appeared in the main menu of the system - a column with additional shortcuts on the left. Initially, icons for quick access to the system settings and shutdown menu.

But not everyone knows that you can add library folders here, such as "Downloads", "Documentation", "Music", "Images" And "Video". A shortcut to the user's root directory is also available with the designation "Personal folder".

Thus, similar Windows feature 10 allows you to navigate to your computer's most frequently used folders in just a couple of clicks. Of course, the corresponding shortcuts can be created without problems both on the taskbar and on the desktop. However the above method will definitely please those who are accustomed to using rationally working space systems.

Install a third-party image viewer

Despite the fact that the built-in Photos application is quite a convenient solution for viewing and editing images, its functionality is rather meager. And if for tablet device preset Windows gallery 10 really fits perfectly, but on a PC its capabilities are, to put it mildly, lacking.

To work comfortably with pictures on your computer, use full-featured image viewers from third party developers. One such tool is Faststone program Image Viewer.

This solution not only allows you to view photos, but is also a full-fledged graphics manager. The program combines the capabilities of a gallery, editor and image converter, working with almost all available image formats.

Disable Quick Access in Explorer

Like many system applications, Windows Explorer 10 also received a number of innovations. One of them is "Quick Access Toolbar" with frequently used folders and latest files. The solution itself is quite convenient, but the fact that the corresponding tab opens immediately when you launch Explorer is simply not necessary for many users.

Fortunately, if in file manager"tens" you want to see the main ones first custom folders and disk partitions, the situation can be corrected in just a couple of clicks.

Now, when you launch Explorer, your usual window will open "This computer", A "Fast access" will remain accessible from the folder list on the left side of the application.

Define default apps

To work comfortably in Windows 10, you should set the default programs for specific types files. This way, you don’t have to tell the system every time which program should open the document. This will definitely reduce the number of steps required to complete a particular task, thereby saving valuable time.

In the "top ten" it is really implemented convenient way installation of standard programs.

Moreover, in Windows 10, you can set which files will be automatically opened by which program.

Use OneDrive

If you would like to have access to certain files on various devices and at the same time you are using Windows 10 on your PC, best choice there will be a OneDrive cloud. Despite the fact that everything cloud services offer their programs for the system from Microsoft; the most convenient solution is the product of the Redmond company.

Unlike others network storage, OneDrive in one of latest updates"tens" has become even more deeply integrated into system environment. Now you can not only work with separate files V remote storage as if they were in the computer’s memory, but also have full access to the PC’s file system from any gadget.

As a result, you will be able to view folders and files from your PC on any device. You can use this function, for example, from the browser version of OneDrive in the section of the site of the same name - "Computers".

Forget about antiviruses - Windows Defender will solve everything

Well, or almost everything. Microsoft's built-in solution has finally reached a level that allows most users to abandon third-party antiviruses in their favor. Very for a long time almost everyone turned it off Windows Defender, considering it an absolutely useless tool in the fight against threats. For the most part, that's how it was.

However, in Windows 10, the integrated antivirus product has gained new life and now represents a fairly powerful solution for protecting your computer from malware. "Defender" not only recognizes the vast majority of threats, but also constantly complements virus database, exploring suspicious files on users' computers.

If you refrain from downloading any data from potentially dangerous sources, you can safely delete third party antivirus from your PC and entrust the protection of personal data to the built-in application from Microsoft.

You can enable Windows Defender in the appropriate category system settings section "Update and Security".

Thus, you will not only save on purchasing paid antivirus solutions, but will also reduce the load on your computer’s computing resources.

Regardless of whether you use new computer with Windows 10 or more old car, which was recently upgraded, this tutorial will show you the basics of working with this version of Windows.

Note: this lesson will cover using Windows 10v desktop computer or laptop. If you are using Tablet PC With touch screen, some of the instructions below will work slightly differently.

Logging into Windows 10

You will probably be asked create an account Microsoft entry (if you don't already have one). After this, every time you turn on your computer, you will need to log in to your account. To do this, enter your password in the field and press Enter.

To learn more, you can view our tutorials on creating account Microsoft and .

Desktop navigation

After you log in to the system, the first thing you will see is Desktop. It's like the main workspace for your computer. From here you can view and manage files, open applications, Internet access, and much more.

The desktop elements are labeled in the image below, and their descriptions are provided below the image.

1. Basket. When you delete a file, it is moved to the Recycle Bin. This allows you to restore the file if you suddenly change your mind. To permanently delete a file from your computer, you will need to empty the Recycle Bin.

2. Folders on the desktop. You can store files, folders, and shortcuts on your desktop so they are easily accessible.

3. Desktop background. A desktop background, or wallpaper, allows you to personalize your computer. You can choose built-in images as your background or use your own image.

4. Open Folders. After double click by folder, it will open in specialized program called Explorer (Windows Explorer).

5. Start button. All versions of Windows have a Start button in the lower left corner of the screen that, when pressed, opens the Menu. The exception is Windows 8; instead of a menu, you are taken to the Start screen.

6. Shortcuts on the taskbar. Some programs have shortcuts for quick access. In this example you can see the labels Microsoft Edge, Explorer, and the Windows Store.

7. Taskbar. The taskbar contains application shortcuts, date and time, and more. Will also be displayed here open source software or files, and you can easily switch between them by selecting them from the taskbar.

8. Date and time. On the right side of the taskbar, you will see the date and time. There are also status labels various parameters for example, Internet connection settings, sound volume, etc.

Opening applications

You will use start menu to open programs on your computer, as in previous versions Windows. To do this, click the Start button in the lower left corner, then select required application. If you don't see the one you need, select All applications, to see full list applications. In the example below, we open the program.

Working with files

You will mainly use Conductor to manage your files and folders. To open File Explorer, click the File Explorer icon on the taskbar or double-click any folder on your desktop.

Search files and applications

In case you forgot the name of a particular file or application, you can search in Windows 10. To do this, click the Search icon in the taskbar and then start typing. In the example below, we are looking for a file called "Presentation".

Adjusting parameters

You will use Options systems to change the most important parameters your computer. To do this, click the Start button, and select Settings.

You can also use Control Panel to configure some parameters, just like in more earlier versions Windows. However, there are some options that may only be available in Parameters systems. So you might find yourself using System Settings more often.

Turning off the computer

When you finish working on your computer, it is important to turn off your computer properly. To do this, simply click the Start button, then select Shutdown.

Working on a computer with Windows 10 is easy and pleasant thanks to a more friendly, beautiful and thoughtful interface than in the same “seven”. Although Metro seems something wild and unusual to many, in fact, if you delve a little deeper, there is nothing complicated or revolutionary new in Windows 10. Some elements were borrowed from Linux, others from MacOS, some were copied from mobile phones operating systems, windows and ribbon - borrowed from Office 2007.

Let's look at how working in the top ten differs from others Windows versions, having become familiar with the main innovations in the interface and functionality of the new operating system.

In the G8, as you know, the Start menu was removed, instead of which it was proposed to use tiles, but a flurry of criticism from users forced Microsoft to return the main Windows chip. However, there were some tiles on the right side of the window. On the left side of the menu there are links to applications, as in the “seven”, and on the right, where the system folders, dedicated to tiles. Working with the new menu has become easier, especially when a lot of programs are installed in Windows 10: the alphabetical index will help you quickly find the desired shortcut, and search string– find any application or launch a system component.

Virtual desktop

One of the most important innovations for users who use a computer to solve a huge range of tasks, is the introduction of virtual desktops. Now people familiar with Linux can sigh: Microsoft has finally added a feature that has been available on the free OS for over a decade. But its implementation is far from what has been seen in competing operating systems. Here you can create as many tables as you like, make some windows and applications common to several of them, and also move windows between tables. However, add more features, having simply copied them from competitors, for some reason the developers did not dare to set different background pictures for every table is not possible. Note that even with this implementation, working in Windows 10 has become much easier.

Notification Center

Here Microsoft also plagiarized by adding features of mobile operating systems to desktop ones. As on a smartphone, all notifications, alerts and messages are displayed in a separate window, called up by an icon from the tray. In addition to the notification functions themselves, new panel provides access to frequently used functions: changing the screen orientation, calling up system settings, turning on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and launching the notes application.

Working in Windows 10 on portable device began to make me smile thanks to the interface switching function in tablet mode, in which the tiles become larger and the windows unfold to Full Screen. Virtual tables are then turned off.

Phone Manager

Working with the file system mobile device in Windows 10 is no longer a chore. With a smartphone manager, even if it is designed for Windows Phone, the user can easily connect a smartphone/tablet to the computer, synchronize, backup or restore settings from backup copy. And all this from one window without switching between modes. Setting up the connection, even in the case of a device running iOS and Android, is carried out in several steps and only once.


Browsing the Internet through the new Edge browser, unlike IE, is already real. But for everyday use it's no good. It's better to install Chrome or FireFox right away.

In view of a large percentage outdated source code in IE it further development does not make sense, because this drawback does not allow supporting many local web pages through which work is implemented in the networks of corporations and offices.

Not surprisingly, the Edge icon is not much different from the IE icon: the first is a modification and improvement of the second after removing fairly outdated fragments from its code.

Command line

For users who know what working with the command line is, Microsoft has added several new benefits. For example, in the new OS you can select text fragments, as in normal text editor, character by character, not whole lines.

Setting window transparency command line V wide range and the addition of hotkey combinations contribute to the convenience of the system administrator.

Quick access to any media and directory

Windows 10 has a very flexible interface and has many features that make access to frequently called applications and objects file system more simple. It allows you to pin any elements (directories, applications, links) to the Start menu, to the taskbar, home screen(tile area in Start) and Quick Access Toolbar. If everyone is familiar with the first two cases from the days of Windows 7, then we will consider the latter in more detail.

Calling context menu directory, file, Settings menu item, or even a website in Edge, you'll be able to add it to your Start screen.

As for the Quick Access Toolbar in Windows 10, pinning items to it will require opening an Explorer window and dragging the directory icon to the position in which you want to place it. Then going to the pinned directory will be possible after a single click on its shortcut.

In general, working in the top ten is not much different from working in Windows environment 7, with the exception of the presence of new interface elements and the location of frequently used functions, for example, the “Control Panel”, in the wilds of the system.

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