Twitch rules in Russian. Is it necessary to swear on stream? Malicious activity on the resource

What do you need to know to avoid being banned on Twitch?

Twitch, like any social platform, has many restrictions on its use, as it allows you to interact with different people from all over the world. And it would be wrong to ignore Twitch, classifying it as a standard Internet resource, because the platform is highly popular, covers a wide range of users and has the specifics characteristic of video platforms, because it allows you to broadcast video in real time.
To start broadcasting on Twitch and have the opportunity to earn money, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the resource, knowledge of which will save you from unwanted blocking.

According to Twitch laws, you must be at least 13 years old, and registered users from 13 to 18 years old are required to visit the Internet site under the supervision of their father and mother. Twitch has the ability to ban a page or channel if you break the rules.

The main rules are familiar to everyone: do not violate copyright, do not incite ethnic hatred, violence, do not broadcast sexual data, etc., etc. The administration of an Internet site can ban your page without explaining the reasons.

By downloading, installing or visiting the Twitch website, you confirm that you are over 13 years old and have never been removed from the service.

Briefly about blocking:

Compliance with laws

Respect the law. Any violation of local, regional and national laws will be prosecuted, inciting violation of laws will result in a ban.

Evading account blocking

If your access to a resource is restricted, you do not have the right to bypass the blocking prematurely. Any attempt to bypass the blocking by changing the account or identification data entails an increase in the blocking period, up to an indefinite period.

Self-torture, suicide attempts

Any violent actions towards oneself that can cause harm to health and endanger life are prohibited. This also includes suicide attempts, intentional mutilation, drinking alcohol in unlimited quantities and using drugs.

Violence, threats against others

Any actions aimed at humiliating the honor and dignity of people are prohibited. Threats, slander, and intimidation against any person, users and moderators of the resource are prohibited.

DDOS threats, use of weapons

Attempts and threats to cause injury or commit murder, threats to use DDOS attacks and SWAT detentions are prohibited. It is unacceptable to use or brandish any type of weapon.

Display of confidential information

Don't invade other people's privacy. Any confidential information about a private person posted on the resource is prohibited from being displayed without his consent. Distribution of identification information (real name, place of residence), information from private social profiles is prohibited. Streaming content that depicts another person's private life or touches private property is prohibited without permission.

Discrimination against social groups

Any statements that discriminate against people based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, or nationality are punishable by account blocking.


Impersonating another person, a representative of an organization, including a Twitch employee will result in the user being banned indefinitely.

Malicious activity on the resource

Any activity aimed at destabilizing the operation of Twitch services and other users is prohibited. This includes flooding, spam, unauthorized advertising, spreading viruses and malware, selling accounts, and phishing.

Pornography and explicit behavior

Any content or activity related to pornography, as well as excessively explicit sexual behavior or clothing is prohibited. Behavior that focuses on violence, blood and other extreme content is prohibited.

The use of any pirated content is prohibited. Uploading and displaying content that you do not own is only possible with the permission of the copyright holder.

Cheating in online games

Actions that give an advantage over other players in multiplayer online games are prohibited. During the game, it is prohibited to follow the broadcast of another player.

Games for adults

Broadcasting games with elements of pornography and sex is possible only as long as you do not focus attention on it. Gameplay modified to include a sexual theme is strictly prohibited. Broadcasting of games rated “Adults Only” is also prohibited. A list of all banned games is available on the Twitch website.

Broadcast of closed beta tests

If prior permission to broadcast beta testing is not obtained, the channel may be deleted at the request of the copyright holder.

This is everything you need to know to avoid getting banned on Twitch. Good luck on your streams!

Many new streamers are convinced that if they swear while streaming, it can prevent them from gaining subscribers and growing their channel. Is it so?

Today we'll look at 3 types of streams and how swearing can help or hinder the growth of your channel.

Firstly, no one forbids you to swear on Twitch (on GoodGame, by the way, swearing is prohibited), because for this there is a special “adult content” function, which you can select in the settings if you are going to play games for adults or plan swear like a shoemaker.

Steam recently allowed players to stream using Steam Broadcasting, and the general guidelines call for streaming "without offensive language, including swearing," which is difficult to adhere to, especially when the characters in the game themselves swear (for example, South Park: Stick of Truth).

Is it really possible that someone who does not swear is morally better than someone who does?

Not at all! The whole point of the stream is to "educate or entertain", and swearing doesn't interfere with either. Many streamers might call it "primitive" and act studious, but if you want to swear, go ahead.

Key points to pay attention to:

Will this interfere with the distribution of your material? Could a video with a three-story obscenity in the middle of a stream become popular?

3 types of swearing in streams

1. Mat-remat. For these streamers, swearing is the main vocabulary, and it really sounds convincing. They are looking for a more mature audience and are not at all worried that children might watch them or that it will offend someone. They gather an audience that likes this type of entertainment, and they know very well that there are plenty of people in this category. These streamers want to act as natural as possible, and since they talk like this in real life, they stream in the same way. Perhaps haters will say that they can't "express themselves clearly enough," but that's an outdated argument. It can be very funny if done well and not through force.

2. Occasional swearing. You use swearing as a weapon, and you don't joke when you swear. Each of us can swear in everyday life. Of course, we all know the situations in which this can be done - for example, when spending time with friends rather than at a family party - but in general, all people express themselves. If you don't swear too often, then the death of your character in the game is a great reason to stop holding yourself back. Make this mistake, relax! Many of those who watch you will not mind, because you do this so rarely, and the moment is very suitable, so it will even complement your broadcast.

3. Without swearing. If you intend to stick with professional streaming and are looking for opportunities to work with larger brands, then it's probably wise to stay in this category. If you want to start commenting on streams of large-scale cyber competitions with sponsors and so on, then your channel is your face. Keep in mind that the employer will definitely look at your channel history before leaving you alone with a huge crowd and a microphone in your hands. Of course, not every streamer has this goal, and there is nothing special about being in the second category, but why take the risk. Keep your stream professional and try to make it accessible to as many people as possible. The problem is that you still need to act natural, because if it sounds too forced or you swear in real life, people will sense a catch.

In general, the main message regarding swearing is to be natural. Your audience will spend a lot of time with you and will immediately understand what's what, so there's no reason to hide anything. Don't even try and be honest - if you're going to behave differently in real life, it won't work.

If you stick to these rules, you can build an audience that will love you for who you are.

Do you swear on stream, why yes or why not?

In this article, we have collected all the most important rules of a good streamer that you need to follow so that your broadcast has a chance to become popular. The list of rules was compiled based on long-term observations of novice streamers who make various kinds of mistakes that do not allow them to move from zero and gain regular viewers.

Rule #1. Stop asking the audience for anything.

  • Remove all your e-wallet numbers from your screen! People come to follow their favorite game, communicate with like-minded people, listen to music, but certainly not pay a stranger who sits and plays on the computer, instead of going to work and begging viewers for money for nothing. If a person likes your stream, over time he will use the “talking donation” service (also called the “man from Discovery”) to ask you a question, express his point of view, or just make a delicious joke for the entire stream.
  • Don't ask for subscriptions. Begging for a subscription seems quite pathetic and humiliating. It's almost like telling a stupid joke and then asking everyone to laugh on command. If you like your stream, the viewer will press the coveted button to come back again without your request. Forcing a subscription will not only not bring any positive results, but, on the contrary, will alienate the viewers of your channel.

Rule #2. Check your stream settings carefully

Quite often there are broadcasts that are simply impossible to watch due to the very low quality of the video. It's all about the wrong settings. Here is a list of basic broadcast parameters that you need to adhere to:

  • Screen aspect ratio 16:9. If the aspect ratio of the video in your broadcast differs from the specified one, then black bars will appear on the screen, or the picture will be unnaturally compressed or stretched.
  • Find your bitrate. If the bitrate is too high, then viewers will constantly experience buffering. It is impossible to watch such broadcasts. But if the bitrate is too low, then the video quality will be too low and few people will want to stay on your stream for a long time. Find the golden mean. The bitrate you specify depends on the speed of your Internet connection, screen resolution, frames per second, and other factors.

Rule #3. Be sure to turn on your webcam

This is almost the most important rule! The audience must see you, otherwise they won’t stay long. Whatever one may say, a streamer without a webcam has much less chance than one who has one. So make sure the audience sees who they are dealing with. People have a habit of looking rather closely at the streamer and sometimes watch his behavior even more often than the game itself. By the way, lighting is also very important, so having a table lamp turned on (especially in the dark) located in front of you significantly improves the picture quality on low-quality web cameras.

Rule #4. Communicate with your audience

  • Read and respond to all chat messages. Viewers come for online communication. They can watch the gameplay of an average player (which you most likely are) in a recording on YouTube or somewhere else, so communication with the audience should be your first priority. Make sure you can always see your channel's open chat. To do this, you may need a second monitor or a laptop (smartphone, tablet), which should always be nearby. Don't lose yourself in the game for dozens of minutes. Look at the chat as often as possible and respond to all messages that are written to you.
  • Communicate even when no one writes to you. You need to learn to talk to yourself! It often happens that no one writes anything. In this case, you should not ask viewers to become active in the chat. On the contrary, it will put them in an awkward position and they will definitely not start writing on demand. A person generally does not like being forced to do something against his wishes, and this case is no exception. In such a situation, it would be much better to imagine that you are recording a video for YouTube and commenting on your actions out loud, and also, if possible, analyzing what is happening in the game. Moreover, it’s not worth carrying some kind of heresy just to fill the airwaves with something. Try to be as witty and original as possible in your statements.
  • Eliminate swearing from your speech. If you pretend to be a repeat offender, who has more than one trip to the prison behind him and more than one time spent from call to call, then people will not be attracted to you for this. On the contrary, such behavior is repulsive and causes contempt. Cursing every word does not mean being cool and interesting to the public. Most sane and self-respecting people will leave after hearing a three-story curse from the lips of a “young man” unencumbered by intelligence. Only those who are far behind in terms of mental development will remain. Do you need it? Why do you need such a contingent? Remember - mat should be used as a seasoning, and not as a main dish, and this should be done only in rare cases.
  • Set up your microphone properly. Probably, this is where we should have started, because this detail is almost the most important. The microphone must be set up perfectly. It would be best to immediately fork out the cash and buy a decent device. If this opportunity is not yet available, then try to make the most of what you have. Use an equalizer to cut out excess mids and lows and boost highs. It also doesn't hurt to turn on noise reduction and amplification.

Rule #5. Don't be a complete noob

Everything that was discussed earlier is very important, but may lose its meaning if you do not know how to play at all. Most of your viewers are intermediate or even higher level players, so when they see a complete noob, they will first laugh and mock you, and then simply go to another channel. Of course, you don’t need to be a super professional player to attract attention to your person, but still, the level of your game should be above average, then you will have something to tell newcomers and answer their questions in the chat that are sure to arise.

Well, the most important thing is just be yourself and if you have the potential of a good and popular streamer, it will definitely reveal itself over time.

Hi all!

I decided to publish a fairly comprehensive guide for those who are interested in streaming and don't know how to get started.
It will cover a wide variety of topics, with many suggestions based on my personal observations and advice from experienced streamers.
This guide is made for those who plan to use OBS, Xsplit or other programs, but are not familiar with them.
Therefore, before we begin, we advise you to buckle up, put on your helmet, get a cup of tea and understand the reason for traveling in this article.

Creating your channel

When coming up with a channel name, as with any product, you want something catchy and easy to remember. Also, for those who want to play with it, you must have a theme.
Your name is just as important because it differentiates you from others, it's like a brand for your channel.
Some people, when creating a channel, use unattractive and unoriginal names, for example 'ZZfukkyStReAM', although you can come up with a more memorable one like '' or something like that.
You'll likely be trying to rank somewhere in this highly competitive market, so think carefully about your channel name as it will guide many future decisions.


It may seem silly at first, but catchphrases can do a lot in this industry. They create branding, a sense of familiarity for fans/viewers, allowing your channel to be found among others. CohhCarnage, for example, has its own - “Good Show!!” when leveled up for Ezekien_III, he also has a unique punch performed when leveling up.
Coming from your own catchphrase, it can make people excited on your channel, they will look forward to your catchphrase, and what they will say is see for yourself when talking to viewers.


Before you go live, plan your schedule.
This is very important in order to indicate a specific stream time for viewers, preparation for achieving your goal and inform the time of your stay on the Internet. This is important for viewer retention.
Stable broadcasts are needed to attract regular viewers, since they can come and there is nothing to watch! On the other hand, you don't want to stream too often because you'll get exhausted too quickly and the streams won't have any new content.
Make the right schedule so that it stabilizes your channel’s views, attracts new viewers and subsequently increases your popularity.


This is the most talked about part of streaming, each build is unique and it is difficult to say if there is a perfect setup. What I'm going to do is explain the purpose of each component and how important they are to your broadcast and your viewers.


The CPU (processor) is usually the most important aspect regarding the technical side of video streaming.
If you use 1 PC, it not only runs the game, but also encodes the video and broadcasts it to the channel.
What is coding? Encoding is the process of converting the media content you record and converting it into a standard that twitch will receive.
Encoding is a resource-intensive process, which means you need a fairly powerful processor.
I recommend processors with resources larger than those you will use to ensure sufficient processing power as well as longevity.
When buying a processor, you need to determine the time frame within which it can be used, regardless of the system requirements of the games.
AMD/Intel processors will allow you to get the most for your money, even if you spend $100, the processor will be considered powerful for another 2 years before you need to upgrade.


The GPU (video card) is essential in the gaming experience.
The two main competitors are AMD and nVidia.
The better your video card, the better the game will look and you will get a higher quality stream.
If you use the nvenc encoder from nVidia, the GPU will not be so critically loaded by the broadcast, mainly just the game.


RAM (random access memory) is short-term memory. I would recommend 8GB, but I highly recommend 16GB or more since open world games and survival games use a lot of data storage from servers.
RAM greatly improves multitasking when you're running multiple apps while streaming a game.


You most likely use HDD (Hard Drive Disk) or SSD (Solid State Drive).
SSD drives are ideal for storing all your essential programs and the operating system that runs and runs from it.
HDD uses mechanical components to run, allowing you to store your data on it.
SSDs use flash memory (just like flash drives, and this allows them to be faster and more reliable, since the likelihood of mechanical failure is zero).
If you want to save broadcast content on your computer, make sure you have enough memory on your HDD.
So you can record your broadcast!


The monitor will become your best friend when your broadcast becomes more popular.
I'm currently using 3 monitors
"Why so many?" - you ask.
The central monitor is the main one - I play games on it.
The left monitor is for OBS, for displaying notifications and so on.
Finally we reached the right monitor. I use it for a chatbot (I use Ankhbot, but more on that later).


If you decide to use a webcam, then you should take a decent, high-quality Logitech one that costs about $100, which will last you for several years of use (in technical terms, of course).


Choosing a microphone is a more complex decision.
Each person has his own, proven way of broadcasting audio to his viewers.
Many people use a simple headset and end up moving on to something else once they gain a foothold in the streaming rankings.
Others immediately use quality microphones like the Razer Seiren or Yeti Mic.
And another important aspect - whether you use a regular audio input, or buy a digital one, perhaps you will use a studio microphone to broadcast professional-quality sound with a large number of options and effects, for which you will need a scissors-shaped stand.


It is important that you have more than 5 Mbit download speed. This will allow your encoder to load at a bitrate of ~2000 Kbps.

Video Capture

For those who want to stream console games, an external video capture card may be required.
There are plenty of capture cards available for older connections and HDMI.
You have the option to use internal capture devices, but external ones will reduce the load on your computer since the processor will only be used for gaming, like on consoles.
Finding a capture card is also quite a costly task in terms of time and money.


Peripherals. This is a mouse, keyboard, various gamepads.
This doesn't put a strain on the stream, you just get what you like - you make the gameplay more convenient for yourself.

Setting up OBS

1.You need to download OBS. This application is open source. It is absolutely free, which does not limit the user in broadcasting.

2.Download the CLR Browser, which will be needed to provide the channel with warnings and other notifications.

3.Follow the instructions to install the downloaded OBS and CLR browser plugin.

4. Register an account on Go to the channel and in the right shrinking pane in the information panel, find Stream Key and click “Show Key”. This is important for OBS as it uses it to broadcast to your channel. The Stream Key will need to be inserted into the field called Stream Key Play Path, and when LIVE mode is turned on, the video will start broadcasting on your channel.

5.Set the encoding bitrate. The golden rule for a streamer is that the bitrate is about 2000 Kbps for your Internet. Make sure you use a CBR encoder, I personally use an X264 encoder.

6.Set video parameters. The golden rule is a resolution of 1280x720 (720p) and 30 fps (frames per second).

7.Set the sound parameters as you prefer. You can leave the microphone settings at their defaults. I personally use a stereo microphone with high sound quality, but set it to mono.

8.Create scenes and sources. Sources are combined into scenes. For example: you want to make an introductory video before the start of the broadcast or before the start of the game, or while loading the game/match. A webcam and text notifications are also added here.

9.Make a test run of broadcasting. This is important for assessing the original video stream that viewers will be able to see.


1.Logo. It must be something unique. When creating a logo, make sure it catches your eye. The viewer should immediately understand that this logo represents your channel.

2. Overlays. Whether you buy them online or make them yourself, overlays should enhance your channel and increase its appeal. But don't get carried away, because you may not notice how the entire flow screen becomes clogged. You can provide information about yourself, donations, or new subscribers.

3. Information panels. There is an information panel at the bottom of your channel (immediately below the video). Use it at your own discretion. Here you can leave links to your pages from social networks, websites and simply write about yourself. When creating panels, take into account the theme of your channel, this is very important.

4.Social networks. Associate the name of your channel with your pages on social networks. This generates some kind of advertising and distribution on several platforms: Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and so on.

Stream! Good part!

These will be general tips to help you in the online streaming industry, which always has room for improvement. Even the best streamers and entertainers have room for improvement.

Don't be neutral about what's happening in the chat. Address the audience, talk to yourself, comment on your actions, the same music. This will not only give your video dialogue content, but will also attract new viewers, for whom, in fact, you are playing. In addition, you will train your vocal cords so that you can speak for a long time.
Minimizing flow shutdown time. Try to reduce the amount of time you are away to deal with personal problems. If you are young, then explain to your parents or other family members the essence of the broadcast and why you need it. Explain the time you plan to spend on the broadcast - I hope they understand you. Because let’s face it, there’s nothing worse than a mom talking about scattered underwear in the bathroom.
Don't play crowded games unless you are a good player. Try to avoid what I call the “TOP 4”: League of Legends, Defense of the Ancients, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Hearthstone if you don’t know how to play them. These games are too competitive and you will look like a small gnat among the tournament streams or professional players. Try to start with games with 300-500 viewers, unless this is the only broadcast channel.
Don't shout at the Dudosers. “Dudosers” are those who will try to spam, advertise your channel, or simply insult you. Most viewers will simply leave your game. Better turn on some bot. Some people may want you to just sit back.
Don't ask for donations. This will make you seem too pathetic. Usually the funds are donated to the teams. Therefore, indicate what you are striving for.
Make sure the audience feels comfortable watching you.
Network.Network.Network. Don't clutter the network. Limit your broadcast resources. After all, some viewers do not have the same Internet as you.
Create competitions! It may be rare, but it can attract more viewers. This can make you a more promising member of the streaming community.


Now I'm going to list the three main bots.

1.AnkhBot. This is my favorite bot because it has quite flexible settings. It's completely free and all information and actions will be stored on Google Docs, which it can integrate with. It has requests for songs, prizes and so on. It also has the ability to block/delete links, block/delete languages ​​(for example, you want viewers to communicate only in English, then messages in other languages ​​will simply be deleted).

2.NightBot. A free, web-based bot that provides features such as moderation, song requests, and custom commands.

3.MooBot. Similar to NightBot in that it is also cloud based. Includes song requests and more.


1. Create a separate email that does not contain your name, nickname or channel name. This will create a disconnect between you and your online persona.

2.When creating PayPal, go to the business accounts section, and make sure that all information is hidden by privacy settings. Your address will be shown when you buy things, but the information will be hidden when you are paid. I recommend using the name “Channel's Twitch Channel”.

3.Do not use Skype with viewers! If you trust 100% of random viewers, don't even use TeamSpeak. Discord is a new application that prevents a random viewer from obtaining your IP address.

4.Don't give too much detail about your location! I don’t recommend inviting family/acquaintances to streams, as they might let slip your name or location. Get PO Box to send things to viewers without worrying about anyone getting your personal details.

5. Make sure you change your steam profile email. If you sent someone a game, the recipient will see your email address. Change it.

We will explain how to set up a stream on Twitch. In addition, we will tell you where to start and what not to do to become a successful streamer.

What makes people watch someone play video games? Over the past few years, streaming has become a huge and integral part of the gaming industry. The best streamers can easily reach tens of thousands of viewers, and with esports tournaments this figure increases to hundreds of thousands. As I write this, there are twice as many people streaming Arma 3 on Twitch as there are people playing it on Steam. Popular streamer Syndicate, with 1.5 million subscribers, has more views than Arma 3 players and viewers combined.

The development of streaming is primarily due to its accessibility. Almost everyone can do this: it is not necessary to break records for the number of views, the main thing is to have a stable Internet connection, and then you will be able to share your game process with everyone without any problems. In addition, some of the programs in this article are completely free. Unfortunately, this accessibility leads to a huge number of stupid mistakes (which are easy to get rid of). The guide contains tips that will help you launch a stream and make it attractive to the viewer.

To get started, you'll need a streaming program. The best free program for such purposes is OBS. We've previously talked about why OBS is the best choice. Our point of view has not changed since then. It's free, open source, and can do everything you've ever seen from your favorite streamers. It's easy to use and makes it very easy to customize the look of your stream (more on that later).

There are other services besides Twitch, but this particular service has several advantages over the others. It's pretty easy to use, works great with OBS, and there are simply more viewers here. The likelihood of someone visiting your channel increases when there are more people on the site.
If you don’t yet have an account on such sites, then register on Twitch and then go to the OBS program settings menu. It is important to set settings that will match your Internet connection and device settings. But until you gain experience in streaming, such settings changes will seem like a waste of time. To get started, it's best to follow the instructions for setting up OBS in this article. Basic settings are mentioned here, some of them do not need to be set again.

Streaming games does not require the installation of a webcam. But it is an important component of all streams. Your personality is of great importance, not the gameplay itself. Viewers love to interact with the streamer using the infamous Twitch chat. A webcam is ideal for such purposes. This is what can keep your audience, or make them unsubscribe, if everything is done at a low level.

You don't need it if you know how to set it up correctly. Good lighting can make a big difference in image quality. Plus, the background matters just as much as your appearance. Don't place cameras where there might be another person or something embarrassing or distracting in the background. A wall or permanent background will help your stream look professional. Some famous streamers prefer to use chromakey to completely remove the background.

Your microphone is just as important as your webcam: it can make or break the quality of your stream. One of the most annoying things is watching and listening to a stream where there is echo. You'll need to wear headphones if you're using the camera's built-in or desk microphone. There's nothing wrong with desktop microphones. Sometimes their quality is better due to the microphones built into the headphones. The only drawback of such a microphone is that it picks up from your speakers, which has an unpleasant effect on the quality of the stream.

Another popular element of streaming: playing music in the background while playing is as easy as playing music on your computer. But there are several pitfalls in this situation. Twitch has an automatic system that removes audio from stream recordings that contain copyrighted music. This won't affect your stream while you're live, but any video you request will include a 30-minute audio-free segment. There will be no sound where such music was played. A good alternative was the licensed and free library of Twitch recordings, which already has about 500 compositions in its repertoire. Otherwise, you will have to listen to the in-game music.

It doesn’t matter what the sound parameters are, the main thing is balance between microphone, music and sounds. You want to be able to hear all three levels at the appropriate volume, right? Then you need to do testing. OBS has a stream recording feature that you can then use for testing by watching the recording first and making adjustments later. It may seem like a minor detail, but a low microphone or loud music can be distracting to viewers at times.

At this stage, you are almost ready to start streaming. There are a few things left to add using OBS.

Once you've opened OBS, a blank scene should appear. The first thing you'll want to do is add the game you'll be streaming, so start it immediately. Press Alt+Tab to return to the program and right-click in the empty “List of Sources” field. Select “Add” -> “Game Capture”, enter the path and select the game to stream from the drop-down list and click OK.

To add a webcam, make sure it is connected. Again, right-click in the “List of Sources” field and select “Add” -> “Video Capture”. Specify the path and select the camera from the drop-down list. You will also be able to change the extension here. Simply click Pre-Stream -> Edit Scenes and you can drag any of your sources around the scene with your mouse. When you click on a source, it will be highlighted with a red frame. You will be able to drag it to any corner and change its size.

You can now add an overlay, but it is optional. An overlay is simply an image or text placed on top of a stream. It can be as sophisticated as the user interface in modern games or as simple as your Twitter page on the screen. To add an overlay, right-click Source List, select Add -> Image.

If the image is in PNG format, the transparent parts will not be visible. So many streamers add frames and various interesting things. If you stream Hearthstone, take screenshots of your card list into account, crop the screenshot in paint and add it to your stream (see the screenshot above for an example).
Make sure you check the game information that your camera or overlay is hiding. Blocking minor interface elements can frustrate viewers. If you're streaming multiple games, you can create different scenes that are slightly different in camera size and placement to make sure everything is in the right place at all times. Scenes are a good thing and help switch your stream in the blink of an eye.

The photo above shows GuardsmanBob, a popular streamer.

At this point, you should have a functional stream, but that doesn't mean everyone will rush to watch it. There are many tricks to attract viewers, but the main thing is consistency. Developing healthy habits while streaming brings additional views. Even if you stream for fun, there are certain tricks that will help.

This may seem obvious, but tell your followers when you're going to stream. Live broadcast is always good. Tweet and Facebook your plans, shout out the window. You may not have many followers, but that's because you've just started. The only way to get support is to always be on the air. The audience has a snowball effect. Even if the first 5 subscribers are your friends, the next 5 will turn out to be simple subscribers.

You can add tables on your Twitch page with your short biography. Tell people who you are without any intimate details. Explain why they should watch you. In the same spirit, try reading and answering questions in the chat. There is a 20 second delay on Twitch, but people like to be heard. Even if you're not trying to become a top streamer, these tips will help you grow.

Last but not least, we have a few extra features to help improve your stream. The following information is not for ordinary Ivans who want to stream for fun. If you have managed to attract a certain number of viewers, then it is logical to proceed this way.

The more viewers you have in the chat, the faster the stream will start to get out of control. So if your chat starts spewing out kappas or dongers, you'll instantly want to enlist the help of auto-moderators. There are three options, all of which are described in detail in the Twitch Tips article. Come in and choose the advice you like. As stated in the article, it is very easy to overdo it with bots. But sometimes they become a huge support and make your chat lively.

Besides, if you've ever watched a stream and wondered how they make such notifications about a new subscriber, then don't go anywhere and look. TNotifier is a free service plugin that allows you to display notes, a counter and other things completely free of charge. Even if you are just working for an audience, subscribers will be pleased to see your name on the screen.

This activity may seem intimidating, but it is only difficult at first. The best way to become a pro in this business is to simply start doing it. Don't worry about mistakes, let everyone know about your streams. You can suggest a live broadcast in the comments.