Vulkan Run Time Libraries – what is this program and what is it for? VulkanRT what is this program

The Vulkan virus made a lot of noise at one time. Once on the computer, it seriously disrupted the stability of the system and was difficult to remove. Today we are increasingly faced with VulkanRT program. But don’t rush to associate it with the virus. Unlike the virus of the same name, this application is of great benefit.

What is this program?

Modern video cards support OpenGL 3D image processing technology. An extension for working with OpenGL is available in standard set drivers for discrete video cards. The 3D gaming industry is not standing still, and existing technology processing turned out to be outdated.

New generation of video cards from GeForce Nvidia uses for processing wide-poly game textures new type drivers. is a continuation of the OpenGL traditions in a new version. This technology appeared with Windows release 10. Therefore, today more and more users are faced with the process of the same name in the task manager and system folders with the same name.

VulkanRT Nvidia is a cross-platform application. The software turned out to be successful and is suitable for a computer, for mobile devices and consoles. The developers consider the technology successful due to the optimization of resources and potential, so in the near future it will be used in new devices and will finally replace the outdated OpenGL technology.

How does it get to the computer?

The main cause for concern is the unauthorized installation of a program on the system. In fact, VulkanRT is part of the driver package, so the software from Nvidia does not ask the user for permission to install. If you have modern video card, then the software will appear with next update software provided automatic settings driver updates.

If you update drivers in manual mode, then with the next release, the program GeForce Experience will offer to install VulkanRT.

In addition, the program is freely downloadable from the official Nvidia website. You can also check for updates through the GeForce Experience utility, which displays the latest video driver updates.

How to remove software and is it advisable?

It’s definitely not worth removing the software, unless it’s a virus that disguises itself as a driver. Check what program called VulkanRT is installed on your computer:

If this is so, then we have a full-fledged driver that expands the potential of the video card.

If the driver fails, or you need to get rid of it for other reasons, this is not difficult to do. The program is uninstalled through the standard Windows installer.

Removing it will result in a noticeable drop in video card performance. Row modern games, which require support for this driver, will not run. This problem does not apply to older games using OpenGL technology. They work in normal mode without driver support.

While working on the computer, the user may notice that a shortcut called Vulkan Run Time Libraries has appeared in the Start button menu. Some users may mistake it for another virus program, but I would advise not to rush to conclusions. In this material I will tell you what Vulkan Run Time Libraries is, I will explain how this software gets onto the computer and what its purpose is.

What is this Vulkan Run Time Libraries app?

Vulkan Run Time Libraries is an application programming interface (API) for creating 2D and 3D graphics. According to the creators - Lunarg Inc, this API should replace Open GL, becoming the next generation of development of the capabilities of the Open GL concept. Initially, Vulkan was called "glNext" ("next GL"), but, in the end, the developers decided to give their brainchild a unique name. A distinctive feature of this product is its cross-platform, that is, the ability to use on various platforms And operating systems(Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, Android, Linux, SteamOS, etc.). Vulkan was first introduced at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in 2015 in San Francisco. It was presented by representatives of the Khronos Group, an industrial consortium engaged in the promotion and development of various open APIs. That is, at its core, Vulkan is a kind of alternative to DirectX 12, but unlike its analogue, it works not only on Windows 10, but also on other platforms and operating systems. After we found out what kind of program Vulkan Run Time Libraries is, let's talk about interesting things.

The main goals of creating Vulkan As already noted, this API Vulkan Run Time Libraries was created primarily for efficient work with two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics. The interface gives the developer direct control over the operation of the GPU in order to achieve maximum performance and less consumption of computer resources. They claim to work with simpler and “lighter” drivers, more efficient than competitors, work with multi-threaded tasks and optimal performance with load on CPU. It is clear that this Vulkan 1.0 5.1 program allows you to work effectively with games, interactive books and other graphic applications, providing top scores, than its competitors Direct3D 12 and Mantle. You can see the difference in the work of Vulkan and Open GL in the video:

Where does Vulkan come from on my computer?

Typically Vulkan is installed on the user's computer with drivers for graphic cards Nvidia (company) AMD Radeon for now remains uninterested in distributing the Vulcan API, but declares support for this API on its devices based on the CGN kernel). According to Nvidia representatives, the company has released drivers with Vulkan support for Windows, Android and Linux, promising an increase in overall performance games, improved graphics detail, higher FPS and a number of bonuses. Typically you can find this API on your computer at C:\Program Files\VulkanRT\

Examples of using Vulkan in games

The first representative of the work of Vulkan Run Time Libraries 1.0 5.1 in games was game The Talos Principles by Croatian company Croteam. After the first successes, Vulkan support was implemented in such games as Dota 2, Need for Speed, Vainglory, Heroes of Incredible Tales, and most recently a patch was released for the game Doom, in which graphics rendering and physics calculations were assigned to the API I was considering. You can see how Doom looks on Vulkan here:

How to remove Vulkan?

Since this software is completely official in nature, you can remove it via standard deletion programs by finding a mention of Vulcan Libraries in the list of applications and clicking on this name. But this is not recommended!

How to remove Vulkan Since this software is completely official in nature, you can remove it through standard program removal by finding a mention of Vulcan Libraries in the list of applications and clicking on this name. But this is not recommended!

Conclusion What is this Vulkan Run Time Libraries program? As you can see, the Vulcan API is designed to improve the performance of the graphical component of modern computer games and other applications using 2D and 3D graphics. At the same time, its active implementation in various applications is just beginning, and the prospects for mass use of this API are just beginning to emerge. But if you find this Vulkan Run Time Libraries application unnecessary on your PC, then you can uninstall it easily and simply.

Some users (usually owners of graphical Nvidia cards) among installed programs On your PC you may come across a program called “Vulcan Runtime Libraries”. The odious fame of the notorious Vulcan casino often forces the user to think that a program with that name is another virus, which needs to be gotten rid of urgently. Fortunately, this is not the case, because the mentioned “Vulkan Runtime Libraries” is enough useful software, designed to improve graphic capabilities your system. In this article I will tell you what Vulcan Runtime Libraries is, what its purpose is, how to distinguish it from a virus, and whether it should be removed this program from your PC.

Vulkan Runtime Libraries is an application programming interface (API) that allows developers to optimize their work with 2D and 3D graphics. Its work allows you to improve computer performance when working with 3D graphics (powerful modern video games), reduce the load on PC resources, make more optimal use of multithreading, and more. The program works more efficiently with drivers, using lighter and simplified versions of them, which gives an advantage in calculation speed.

At the same time, Vulсan Runtime Libraries is a cross-platform project, which allows you to support different versions operating systems for personal computers and mobile devices. “Vulcan” works well both on top high-end video cards and on modern ones mobile devices, giving an increase in speed, quality, and image detail.

At the same time, drivers with Vulkan support have been released for both Nvidia video cards, and for AMD.

History of the creation of Vulkan Runtime Libraries

When considering the answer to the question “what are Vulkan Runtime Libraries?” It is impossible to ignore the history of the creation of this program. This software quite new (developed in 2015 by the Khronos Group consortium), it was first presented that same year at the annual Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco.


According to the creators, Vulcan was supposed to replace OpenGL technology (it was even called “glNext” - from English “next gl”). At the same time, when creating Vulcan, they used the experience and some components of Mantle (another low-level application programming interface) from AMD, which agreed to transfer part of its development to the Khronos Group in order to standardize and unify existing APIs in the industry.

How Vulcan Runtime Libraries gets to PC

Typically, the Vulcan API arrives on a user's computer with drivers for Nvidia graphics cards (often as a result of a driver update or as a result of installing the GeForce Experience program). Therefore, if Vulcan was installed as a result of the above bundling or with driver updates, then do not rush to delete this product– perhaps its functionality will improve the visual component of programs (especially gaming) running on your PC.

Advantages of Vulkan Runtime Libraries and its implementation in games

What are the advantages of Vulcan Runtime Libraries, especially over OpenGL? I would highlight the following:

  • In contrast to DirectX 12, Vulcan is not tied to a specific operating system, so it works well with both Windows 7 and Windows 10, Linux and Android;
  • Reduced load on drivers and central processor;
  • Effective work with multi-core processors. Direct3D 11 and OpenGL 4 were originally designed to work with single-core processors, while Vulkan is designed to work efficiently with multi-core processors;
  • Unified management of the kernel and shaders, avoiding the need for a separate API in connection with the graphics API.

These and other advantages of Vulcan Runtime Libraries described above encourage developers to release games that support the Vulkan API. In particular such famous games How The Talos Principle, Dota 2(support declared since May 2016), Doom(support since July 2016), vkQuake and others are already working with Vulkan, support for the Vulkan API is built into game engines Source 2 Unreal Engine 4, id Tech, Xenko, Intrinsic and others.

If Vulkan is a virus

In some cases, a program with the same name may be the Vulcan virus, which is a adware, built into your browser, and quite often promoting the virtual casino of the same name.

"Correct" pure program usually located in the folder at C:\Program Files\VulkanRT, where, in addition to the files themselves, the uninstaller is also located.

If the file whose name mentions “Vulcan” is located in another folder, then it is recommended to check your computer with a special antivirus program(Dr.Web CureIt! level or Malwarebytes Anti-Malware), they will help get rid of malware on your PC.

How to remove Vulcan Runtime Libraries

If you are interested in how to remove Vulcan Runtime Libraries, then first of all, I will note that it is not recommended to remove this program, as it helps to increase productivity and improve the quality of graphics on your computer. If you decide to delete it, then you need to go to the standard removal of programs, find the Vulcan program (programs) there and delete it.

You can also follow the path described in the previous section and run the product uninstaller located there (UninstallVulkanRT) in this directory.


When answering the question about what Vulkan Runtime Libraries is, it should first of all be mentioned that Vulkan is a cross-platform application programming interface that allows developers to improve the quality of working with 2D and 3D graphics in various games and interactive programs. If you find this software on your computer, then you should think about saving it on your PC - after all, the functionality the specified program will directly improve the quality of graphics on your computer.

In contact with

The Vulkan virus made a lot of noise at one time. Once on the computer, it seriously disrupted the stability of the system and was difficult to remove. Today we are increasingly encountering the VulkanRT program. But don’t rush to associate it with the virus. Unlike the virus of the same name, this application is of great benefit.

What is this program?

Modern video cards support OpenGL 3D image processing technology. An extension for working with OpenGL is included in the standard set of drivers for discrete video cards. The 3D gaming industry is not standing still, and the existing processing technology has turned out to be outdated.

The new generation of video cards from GeForce Nvidia uses a new type of driver to process wide-poly game textures. is a continuation of the OpenGL traditions in a new version. This technology appeared with the release of Windows 10. Therefore, today more and more users are faced with the process of the same name in the task manager and system folders with the same name.

VulkanRT Nvidia is a cross-platform application. The software turned out to be successful and is suitable for computers, mobile devices and consoles. The developers consider the technology successful due to the optimization of resources and potential, so in the near future it will be used in new devices and will finally replace the outdated OpenGL technology.

How does it get to the computer?

The main cause for concern is the unauthorized installation of a program on the system. In fact, VulkanRT is part of the driver package, so the software from Nvidia does not ask the user for permission to install. If you have a modern video card, the software will appear with the next software update, provided that driver updates are automatically configured.

If you update drivers manually, then with the next release, GeForce program Experience will prompt you to install VulkanRT.

In addition, the program is freely downloadable from the official Nvidia website. You can also check for updates through the GeForce Experience utility, which displays the latest video driver updates.

How to remove software and is it advisable?

It’s definitely not worth removing the software, unless it’s a virus that disguises itself as a driver. Check what program called VulkanRT is installed on your computer:

If this is so, then we have a full-fledged driver that expands the potential of the video card.

If the driver fails, or you need to get rid of it for other reasons, this is not difficult to do. The program is uninstalled through the standard Windows installer.

Removing it will result in a noticeable drop in video card performance. A number of modern games that require support for this driver will not launch. This problem does not apply to older games using OpenGL technology. They work normally without driver support.

Trusting Windows installation friends or specialists from service center, in the list of installed desktop applications you will often find something unexpected - strange program called Vulkan Run Time Libraries. However, it does not appear almost anywhere; there are no shortcuts for it either in the Start menu or on the Desktop. What is Vulkan Run Time Libraries, where does it come from and why is it needed at all?

Purpose of the application

It must be said that you can detect this program on your computer not only after installing the system, but also after installing/updating NVIDIA graphics drivers. From here the idea immediately arises that the strange software is somehow connected with graphics package. The way it is. Vulkan Run Time Libraries is the interface application programming or otherwise API low level, providing developers ample opportunities in management GPU. Speaking in simple language, Vulkan Run Time allows you to optimize the performance of your video card, as well as improve the quality of 2D and 3D graphics in games and other applications.

This tool is relatively new, it was created in 2015 by the Khronos Group with the assistance of the manufacturer AMD and was originally called glNext.

According to the developers, software should become more modern alternative DirectX, and in the future, perhaps, supplant the latter, and the chances of success for Vulkan Run Time Libraries are quite high. Unlike compatible only with Windows package DirectX, this API can be used on different operating systems; it also has other advantages and features. Among them:

  • relatively low resource requirements;
  • full support for multi-core processors;
  • support by different manufacturers graphics processors;
  • increasing image detail;
  • increased FPS, which is especially noticeable in games;
  • effective interaction with drivers of different types.

How to install or uninstall

Vulkan Run Time Libraries is usually installed on a PC along with NVIDIA drivers. If you suddenly meet her like separate component on third-party sites, do not download or install from there. If you really need the API, download the appropriate drivers from official resource Vulkan Run Time files are usually stored in the location C:/Program Files (x86)/VulkanRT/version no..

The application does not have a graphical interface, when launched executable file vulkaninfo.exe A console window opens indicating the API version and service information.

And one last thing. Is it possible to remove Vulkan Run Time Libraries and if so, how will this affect the operation of the system and NVIDIA drivers? Yes, you can remove a component as follows: normal application by launching the Add or Remove Programs applet.