Virtual reality ios 11. Dock on iPad and new features of Apple Pencil. Augmented reality AR

On last conference Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2017 Apple introduced many innovations, including . One of the main features new version The operating system is the ARKit augmented reality platform. Immediately after the presentation, the developers received necessary set tools for creating AR applications. Less than a week has passed since enthusiasts demonstrated the first applications with augmented reality.

ATTENTION: big size images

As you can see in the animation, augmented reality can be used for more than just games. A striking example of this is graphs that can be virtually constructed in space using AR technologies. The ability to draw in the air is also an interesting feature.

GIF animations are available by clicking.
ATTENTION: large image size

However, augmented reality will be used mainly in games and entertainment applications. The developers have already shown their first ideas. A pet simulator, “Battleship” and an alien invasion are just the first steps towards conquering augmented reality.

Apple ARKit is not the first project to develop augmented reality. Google tried to implement something similar in . But the development of the project from the “good corporation” leaves much to be desired. Given the interest of developers in Apple ARKit, operating system iOS could be the first full-fledged augmented reality platform.

A development kit that lets you create augmented reality-enabled apps. Despite the fact that the technology was announced several months ago, App Store There are still few such applications, but they still exist.

All these programs can be tried on iPad Pro and 2017 iPad, iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, and iPhone SE.

The application allows you to draw on real surfaces, be it walls, grass or even the sky. The program is reminiscent of Google's Tilt Brush, designed for virtual reality. What you draw in World Brush is visible to all other users. All they need to do is launch the application and point the camera at the desired location.

The main purpose of the application is the purchase and sale of new and used cars. But with the release it appeared useful feature, which allows you to place the car in front of you in its real size. This way you can determine whether a particular car will fit in your garage. There are thousands available on Edmunds. various options shapes and sizes of vehicles.

A simple game where you choose a surface and start stacking blocks on it. Stack AR has a nice appearance and does not require much time. Ideal for showing a friend the possibilities of augmented reality.

The only app that Apple has this moment promotes in the App Store as a product with support for augmented reality. In the game, you create routes along which Thomas the Tank Engine should travel. If you turn on AR mode, the route can be placed directly on the carpet or table at home. Great way demonstrate to children the potential of technology.

Through the program you can see how this or that piece of furniture will look in your home. The Housecraft catalog is quite extensive: in it you can find not only traditional tables and chairs, but even flowerpots. At the same time, you can adjust furniture parameters such as width and length.

The developers of this application really deserve attention. The guys don’t just use a newfangled feature, but realize its potential to 100%.

The training program will clearly show and explain how the transmission works, the battery releases charge, the laser shines, what lobes the brain consists of, and much more.

Firstly, it is a visual, detailed interactive. Everything can be rotated, scaled, parts touched and given hints.

Secondly, there is a step-by-step tutorial, like a teacher with a book telling about certain things.

Thirdly, this is not a one-time program, but an entire platform into which new units sorted by category will be loaded. The application is free, but to my great regret it is in English.

On the other hand, it’s a good reason to improve your English. JIG Space is perhaps the most useful, impressive and inspiring application available in the AR category. This is the future in the education system. And many complex things become a little easier.


Thanks to TapMeasure, you can measure the length of objects, determine the deviation of shapes from a given plane, and even create a three-dimensional floor plan taking into account windows, doors and other surfaces.

The result is an interactive model in which you can see all sizes. A very convenient thing, especially when you need to sketch or measure something, but don’t have a tape measure or laser at hand. Of course, the accuracy leaves much to be desired.

It is worth considering that the error per meter can be a centimeter or more. But in the absence of any other more precision instrument such a solution is still a way out.

IKEA Place

The guys from IKEA quickly picked up and adopted ARKit, making a cool addition to their catalog. Now you can fit many things from the Swedish furniture factory into your room and see how good or bad it will look.

The models are high poly and look pretty cool. There are two main complaints - there is no way to scale objects, the application simply does not always accurately match the size, and the lack of a program in Russian App Store. For the rest, keep it up. Add more things from the catalog, attach all the characteristics to them and you will be happy and have a lot of convenience.


If you don't know how to draw, then all is not lost. And for this, at the initial stage, it is not necessary to go to a club at a cultural center. The Sketch AR app will help you with this. Preferably by pointing the camera at an A4 piece of paper, the scanner will recognize it and show four dots that need to be drawn.

They will become reference values ​​for the system, after which the image selected from the catalog will be projected. Of course, you can hold it with one hand and draw the picture with the other, but it’s better to mount your smartphone or tablet on a tripod.

With SketchAR you can easily get a good and most importantly proportional skeleton of the image. Then all you have to do is finish the job without help.


The main focus of this application is on drawing up drawing plans of premises and augmented reality technology helps a lot with this. There is no need to draw every line - we quickly ran around the room, noting the corners, and we get a ready-made plan.

Where necessary, they corrected it, where necessary, they completed the drawing. Then, we added doors, windows and furniture from a structured catalog and after 5 minutes you have an excellent sketch ready that you are not ashamed to show.

During repairs, this application will become simply irreplaceable. The cool thing is that then all the resulting premises can be combined into one project and you will get an apartment or a house.


One of the first test examples of augmented reality was a program from Apple that allows you to arrange a couple of pieces of furniture. Did the Housecraft developers take this idea further and add a ton of interactivity and houseware elements?

Items can be arranged with high accuracy, rotate, scale and even position virtual models on top of each other. So furnishing a room with interior elements, even virtual objects, will not be difficult.

Night Sky

The far from new Night Sky application, after a recent update, received two augmented reality modes - classic, with a starry sky overlay, and with display solar system. True, the latest feature is only available by subscription. It's good that at least the first month is free. So we had some fun, studied the sky and our system and that was enough.

Yandex maps

The guys from Yandex decided to become pioneers in a world where cartography and augmented reality coexist. In pedestrian mode, when building a route on the ground, a point and the path to it will be displayed.

So far, all this has been implemented very simply and has practically no benefit, but it is a clear example that you can work in this direction and it will look organic.

All that remains is to finalize the linking of the route, add interactive signs to the buildings and make smart augmented reality glasses, and the technological future will definitely be one step closer.

App in the Air

This application will prompt and show routes and flight status online for certain flights. If you discard a bunch of basic functions and focus on augmented reality, then based on your flight history for the entire time or for a specific year, the program will show on a three-dimensional ball all your flights and your accumulated mileage. This is of little use, but of course you can take a beautiful photo on Instagram.

But if the developers integrated flight flights into augmented reality online, it would be much cooler.

Paint Space AR

And the AR drawing app closes our rating. There is nothing special here - you choose colors, tools or some effects and just play around, painting the virtual environment. Why this might be needed in practice - I don’t know.

Also, the developers provided only a limited number of tools, colors and features. Please pay for the rest.

Unfortunately, there are negligibly few applications implemented using augmented reality in the App Store, and even fewer smart ones. IN Google Play Such programs will begin to appear a little later, because Google has delayed the release of a package for developers.

June 5 at the annual developer conference Apple company announced its own ARKit platform for creating augmented reality applications. AR (Augmented reality) toolkit is available in iOS beta versions 11 and now developers are using it to implement their ideas.

New: 11 interesting games and augmented reality applications for iOS 11, which are already free in the App Store.

We have already talked about some of the works of other craftsmen, but new ones appear almost every day. Here, for example, is a real naval battle on the office floor.

Despite the somewhat comical nature of the idea of ​​flying cats, in the future it could have a wide range of applications. It is significant that augmented reality objects continue to exist in the space of a large office, maintaining all their parameters even when outside the “vision” of the smartphone camera.

The following video focuses on the realism of the image and changes in the physical properties of a real object.

Positioning accuracy - strong point ARKit:

Here's BB-8 rolling around the apartment:

Here virtual world effectively connected with the real:

Dance apps are also especially popular among developers. Once:

Apple's ARKit demo

During the presentation, Apple Vice President Craig Federighi showed several examples of the capabilities of augmented reality technology. First, he placed virtual dishes and a lamp on a real table. When moving the camera, these objects maintained their proportions, position, and even cast shadows correctly depending on the lighting angle. In addition, Federighi demonstrated a virtual Lego constructor and updated ball physics based on ARKit in Pokemon game Go.

During the same conference, his development on the engine Unreal Engine and ARKit was shown by director Peter Jackson's Wingnut AR studio. A futuristic colony town under fire from space warships is the basis for a future demo game.

CEO Apple Steve Cook called augmented reality the same important technological achievement that smartphones became in their time. Now it is difficult to predict the further joint development of these achievements, because in terms of convenience, a smartphone is inferior to augmented reality glasses, but significant growth mobile games and other entertainment content guaranteed. Just look at the example of Pokemon Go.

Updated: A few hours after the article was published, The Machines, a strategy game with iPhone presentations X. We moved it from the expected list to the released list and corrected the title of the article.

Apple releases iOS 11 with full final support for the ARKit engine. The updated operating system has raised the bar for augmented reality experiences on hundreds of millions of devices, from iPhone 6S and SE to .

New user interface and an optimized application store - this and much more will work with iPhone and iPad is more convenient. However, if you are reading this text on Holographics, it is augmented reality that really interests you. We have two news: bad and good.

At Bat from

This application is unlikely to interest domestic users, but it is still an example of progress in the industry. American Major League Baseball will update its official application, adding a mode for dynamically overlaying statistics on the real playing field. The study of At Bat with the release of the update will be shown to all broadcasting holdings in the world.

IKEA Place

He has many years of experience in creating augmented reality. She added DR to her famous catalog and gave people the opportunity to try on her products by placing them in the premises. Now it's time to combine everything into one application. It is said that IKEA Place will have 2,000 3D models of furniture and accessories for augmented reality. If so, the Swedes are again ahead of the rest.


Like their Swedish counterparts, the Danes are experimenting with ARKit. But nothing definite can be said here yet. The manufacturer of construction sets also has extensive experience in working with augmented reality, but it is not clear what it will lead to. Perhaps we will have another wonderful interactive catalog that will increase the conversion of potential buyers into customers for the brand.

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