The Internet does not work normally and complains about DNS. Resolves names incorrectly. How to fix possible DNS server errors: video

When the DNS server does not respond, it’s a shame not to know what to do. After all, all the equipment is in good order, there are funds on the balance sheet. But there is no Internet itself due to a banal error in the settings. At the same time, you cannot complain about a breakdown of your laptop or computer, the modem is in perfect order and the provider itself has no problems. But don’t worry, the settings change within a minute and are updated almost instantly. This will be discussed below.

Why are DNS servers needed?

Before moving on to the problem, you need to understand what DNS servers are. By accessing any page located on the network, you gain access to a specific section of the remote server. This directory stores files that the browser interprets and provides information to you in the form of an information page. Each server has its own IP address, which is used to gain access. This practice was convenient when the Internet was a network of several dozen servers. The set of numbers was ideal for scientists accustomed to strict consistency and hierarchy of data. But once the Internet moved beyond the laboratory and became a public entertainment network, there was a need for some other way to identify sites. In order to meet the growing demands of the audience, domains consisting of Latin characters were introduced. Several years ago, their Cyrillic counterparts appeared for visitors from the CIS.

In this video, Roman Kolenov will tell you in simple and accessible language about the operation of DNS servers:

DNS servers exist to correctly redirect from IP to domains.

What problems might arise?

Who most often has problems with servers? Most susceptible to it are owners of modems who do not want or cannot switch to the connection option using a network cable. In the last few years, such a failure has become very common among providers from Belarus. If you are not using a wireless connection, this problem can only occur if you changed something in the Internet settings yourself. Or as a consequence of a virus or other malicious software affecting the system. Then first of all check the activity of your firewall and the activity of your antivirus. Have both programs been disabled for a long time without your knowledge? A reason to worry about your network security. Often the problem occurs with a factory modem that the user decided to configure himself. Missing several points in the instructions or inconsistently performing moves leads to the appearance of such an unpleasant notification.

DNS server is not responding, how to fix it?

What can we do without having access to the network:

  1. Reboot modem. The easiest and most effective way is to simply reboot the device. Helps with eliminating most minor troubles if a problem arose during use. After a reboot, the equipment returns to the original parameters that were at the time of startup.
  2. Check, is it specified correctly? addressDNS in settings. To do this, we will need “Internet Protocol v4”, which can be found in the properties of “Local Area Connections”. You can find out the required address from your provider; it must be indicated in the documents issued to you.
  3. Update your drivers to the network card. This manipulation helps solve the problem if the previous driver did not work correctly.
  4. Check again antivirus settings andfirewall. Some systems block network access via wireless networks or specific IPs. Go to settings and make sure everything is in order.

Device or resource DNS server is not responding

All these methods are designed to assume that the provider does not have any problems, and the problem lies in your lost settings or a faulty network card. But sometimes things may be different. Due to overload or purely technical problems, the operator does not have enough capacity, and some of its DNS servers do not work. No amount of “dancing with a tambourine” will help you in such a situation, because the problem was not created by you.

In this case, there are two generally accepted solutions. If you do not have an urgent need to gain access in the next few minutes, simply notify the operator about the current situation and demand the fastest possible solution. But you understand perfectly well that any malfunction requires a certain time to eliminate it. The servers will start working in a few hours, your time will be wasted. If deadlines are running out, important work has not been completed, or you urgently need to contact someone, the proposed option is not suitable. If you have a DNS client service running, you can use Google's DNS. Most often, the user makes the mistake of changing the server settings to connect using a network cable, leaving the data for wireless connections the same. If you are afraid of confusion, change the parameters in both fields; this will not reduce the performance of your laptop or computer.

What if it's not a fault?

Public access points and workplaces often block access to certain resources. The list of “undesirable” sites includes:

  1. Social media.
  2. Online cinemas.
  3. Torrents.
  4. Resources with prohibited content.

In this case, you can also correct the situation in two ways. Either talk to the network administrator and ask to remove the restriction, or use anonymity tools. Most of the restrictions help you bypass proxy servers. Dozens of websites and browser extensions are now available, thanks to which even a beginner can understand the issue. More advanced users can use the TOR or i2p browser. These last two options are not suitable for visiting social networks.

When the DNS server does not respond, not all experienced network users know what to do. It is enough to call the provider at the main office and ask him to quickly resolve the problem. Even if she is on your side, the employees will explain what needs to be done and in what order.

Video lesson

Sometimes, when you try to load a site, the message “DNS server is not responding” or something like that appears. The error can occur on one specific site or on every page you try to open. About the problem can be fixed using different methods, depending on the reason for its appearance.

Problems on the provider side

DNS Settings automatically loaded when your computer is connected to the network. Some companies provide all the necessary data so that the user can enter it manually, but this approach is becoming less common. If you enter settings IP and DNS manually, then check if they have gone astray. Restart your computer and router, if you have one.

DNS Is the server still not responding? Then call your provider, they may have problems with the server. If the technical support operator does not find any problems on their side, then the problem is most likely yours.

The DNS server is not responding. How to fix?

Reason for the error DNS may be hidden in your browser settings. Download some other browser and try opening the site in it. If the error disappears, then you should reinstall the problematic program or switch to one that works. In some cases DNS refuses to work on all browsers. Therefore, the problem is in the computer settings or in the activity of some program.

Go to “Network Connections” and look for suspicious connections there. Sometimes a rogue application creates one or more new connections to the Internet that interfere with normal operation. Disconnect all strange connections and check functionality DNS If this does not help, then boot the system in safe mode and try to open the site. Is everything working fine? So, boot into normal mode and enter the task manager Windows. Close one application after another until DNS won't work. This way you can identify the program that is interfering with the normal loading of web pages.

Problems with the router

A common reason why the DNS server does not respond- router malfunction. First of all, reset the router settings using the button Reset . It is usually hidden in a recess on the back or bottom of the case. Take a paperclip or needle and hold down the button for a few seconds. Configure your router again and try opening a website.

Error on site? Then, to eliminate the problem with the router, connect the power cord to the computer directly. Sometimes you need to call your provider for the connection to work. If the problem persists with a direct connection, then the reason lies in the computer settings.

Google DNS servers

One of the methods to solve the problem with DNS- register servers in settings Google. They work quickly and without failures, unlike servers provided by telecom operators. To go to DNS from Google, go to the “Control Panel” and select the “Small icons” option in the “View” column. Go to the “Network and Sharing Center” and find the “Change adapter settings” button there. There, find a valid network connection, right-click on it and go to properties.

A menu will open in which you should select “Internet Protocol Version 4”. If you have the “Get address DNS server automatically", change it to "Use the following addresses DNS servers." Then enter the server addresses from Google - and After saving the changes, the problem will probably disappear. This method is well suited for bypassing the blocking that providers set. If you want to access your favorite torrent tracker, but it is prohibited, then DNS servers from Google can help.

Other solutions to the problem

Windows has special tools for diagnosing problems. They rarely help, but can be useful if the DNS server does not respond. To launch the diagnostic wizard, right-click on an active Internet connection and select “Diagnostics”. The technician will try to fix the error step by step, constantly asking if the problem has gone away. As a rule, if DNS the server is not responding, Windows If you can't automatically fix the problem, you'll have to solve it manually.

Sometimes in systems Windows the service responsible for working with the DNS To check if everything is fine with it, right-click on “My Computer” and go to “Management”. There, open Services and Applications and select Services. A list will open in which you need to find DNS client. Make sure that the service is running and also check that it is configured to autostart. Right click on DNS client and select Properties. There, find the “Startup Type” option and set it to “Automatic” if there is any other startup option. Then open the "Recovery" tab and configure there to restart the service on every failure.

Sometimes, if the DNS server does not respond, then you just need to clear its cache for everything to fall into place. To do this, you will need to go to the command line. Press the key combination Win+R. The “Run” line will appear, in which you should enter cmd and press Enter. Then you will need to type 4 commands, one after another: ipconfig/flushdns, ipconfig/registerdns, ipconfig/release, and ipconfig/renew. After that, restart your computer and check if it works DNS

Blocking social networks in enterprises

Large enterprises block access to entertainment sites for their employees. Social networks take up a lot of work time from office workers, so administrators block them on the server, as a result of which you can stumble upon the error “ DNS the server is not responding." What to do in this situation? Especially for office employees suffering without their favorite social network, anonymizer sites were invented that allow them to get the forbidden fruit.

The anonymizer converts the standard web page address into a set of characters. As a result, the server allows the user to access the forbidden portal, since a different address is used when connecting. Some anonymizers can be blocked by the network administrator, but, fortunately, there are so many of them that it is unlikely that a cunning administrator will be able to block everything.

If sites for bypassing blocking do not help, then you can use one of the proxy servers. Choose a server from nearby countries for a fast connection. As you can see, there are problems with DNS -server can be easily fixed on your own. If none of the methods help, then you should contact a specialist.

There are several main reasons for the problem when the Windows DNS server may report an error. The first, I would say the main one, is an incorrect connection on the part of the Internet connection provider. The second is in the router settings, and sometimes a simple one helps. The third is the incorrectness of the available drivers. The latter can help and fix the problem. Also, to a small extent, there may be a so-called human factor, for example, incorrect connection or malfunction of various cables (in my practice, there was a case when a certain error was caused by an imperceptibly refracted network wire).

DNS server - used to obtain the computer’s IP address, as well as to perform various tasks related to routing and Internet maintenance tasks. In this article I will tell you what to do if the DNS server does not respond and how to fix this error. Accordingly, it is initially assumed that all your connecting wires are in good condition.

Checking DNS Client Service

So, what can you do when you receive a message from the OS like, “The computer settings are configured correctly, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding.” The first thing you need to do is check if your DNS service (DNS client) is running. There are several ways to access services. If you have Windows 10 then go to “Start” where all the programs are (on the left), go down to the “Windows Administrative Tools” folder, and there will be an icon for launching the “Services” system utility.

For all versions of Windows, the method using the “Run” system program, hot keys Win + R, is suitable. After launching, you need to enter the words “services.msc” in the utility field, then you need to click on “ENTRER” or the “OK” button in the program window (bottom right). On the pages of the site there is an article about, those interested will find more than 140 words and phrases there.

In the "Services" window, you need to check whether the service called DNS client is running or not. If this service is disabled, you should enable it by setting the “Startup type” field to “Automatic” in the properties. At the end, you need to click on the “Apply” and “OK” buttons and then restart the computer. Although in the latest versions of Windows 10 this service is enabled and blocked by default, that is, nothing can be changed without using additional actions, I’m still writing just in case you encounter a problem in this area so that you know.

Changing DNS server addresses in IPv4 protocol properties

If everything is fine in your services, or after the changes described above in Windows, you were unable to contact the DNS server, then you should take additional steps. Namely, it is necessary to make some address changes to the properties of the IP protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4). This section is located in the properties of your current network connection. Since I touched on the topic described in the last sentence, you may be interested in an article about several ways.

If you have the Windows 10 operating system installed, then the easiest way is to right-click on the “Start” icon on your desktop and select “Network Connections” from the list that appears. Once you are in the network status settings window, you need to find the “Configuring adapter settings” section (it is located a little lower in the “Changing network settings” section) and go into it.

Also, there is another good method with which you can immediately get to the “Network Connections” section. This method is suitable for all versions of Windows OS. It consists of using the “Run” system program, hot keys Win + R. In the “Run” program window field, enter the word “ncpa.cpl” and click on the “OK” button at the bottom right of the utility window or “ENTER”.

In the newly opened “Network Connections” window, you need to right-click on the icon of your active network connection. Then in the menu that appears, select the “Properties” line.

Next, you will need to find the “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” component, focus on this line, and double-click on it with the left mouse button. Or click on the "Properties" button located slightly lower on the right side of the window.

In the new window in the second section (the one below) the default option is “Obtain DNS server address automatically”, switch the radio button to the “Use the following DNS server addresses” option. After that, in the field next to the line “Preferred DNS server”, enter the following - this is the address of the public DNS servers of Google Chrome. In the field opposite the line "Alternative DNS server" write - this is the value of the alternative public addresses of the company mentioned in the previous sentence. Finally, click "OK" and close all windows.

Windows is the most popular OS, used by millions and tens of millions of people all over the planet, but this does not save it from many shortcomings. Among them are frequent breakdowns and errors appearing out of nowhere. Surely each of you has encountered the “dns server is not responding” after starting a PC with a dead battery on the motherboard or waking it up from sleep mode. Windows 7 is especially prone to this problem; if you put your computer to sleep even for a short while, you will immediately see this message when you try to return to work. Let's look at the causes of the problem and how to solve it.

DNS server does not respond in Windows 7, 8, 10: how to fix the error

Now it appears that the DNS server is not responding, but how to fix the error? The easiest way is to simply go into the network settings and diagnose it. The computer itself will tell you what the problem is and try to fix it. Then disconnect from the network and restart it, making a short restart. If the DNS servers do not respond to Windows 7, you can simply unplug the cable. If the DNS server does not respond to Windows 10, and the provider does not know anything, then there is no need to look for a problem in the hardware. Try restarting Windows, because the system itself may block the signal.

What to do first

If the DNS server is not responding and you don’t know what to do, don’t panic. Fixing the error is not difficult if you follow the instructions:

  1. When connecting to the Internet using routers or modems and a similar error appears, restart the device, having previously saved all the settings already made to the maxi network and the DNS address itself. After disconnecting power from the device, wait a minute, then reapply power.
  2. After that, restart your computer, and just in case, go into safe mode. It doesn't matter whether you use a modem or not.
  3. If you connected the Internet using a router and use wireless technologies, check the speed and operation on other devices. There may be a problem with the modem itself.
  4. If you are using a router and you have the opportunity, connect the cable directly to the computer to check whether the problem is software or hardware.
  5. Remember the last time everything functioned normally and what you did before the system started displaying an error.

If none of this helps, you will have to run a full diagnostic of the system; to do this, follow the instructions below.

Checking the operation of the DNS Client service

When an error appears that the DNS server is not responding, do not rush to change the Internet settings and check whether the service is functioning in principle. To do this, just press Win + R on your keyboard and enter the command services.msc, which manages, as you might guess, all the services of the system. There, find the management service using the query “DNS client” and go to its properties by right-clicking the mouse. Enable automatic startup, and then start the service if it was not active before. If the service was turned off, then after a simple reboot of your PC everything will fall into place and you will get rid of the problem at the root.

Changing DNS servers in network card settings

After the procedure described above, if it does not help, you should check whether the DNS server address is set correctly. Go to network management and right-click on the required connection, then select “Properties”. There, find the settings and check the path that is specified for the DNS server. If the field is completely empty, contact your provider and clarify whether you need to specify a special IP address, and if so, which one. Then restart the network for the settings to take effect, this should help with the connection. In addition, you can specify Google's DNS servers - this will help if the error is caused by problems with the availability of your ISP's DNS.

Clear DNS cache and reset network settings

If you made any changes to the settings, and initially everything worked well, you need to reset the network settings, and to do this, open the command line. Simply enter the cmd command in the application search, right-click on the found file and open it as administrator. In the window that appears, you will need to enter the following commands (after each command you must press Enter to execute it). After executing all commands, you must restart your computer.

  1. ipconfig /flushdns
  2. ipconfig /registerdns
  3. ipconfig /renew
  4. ipconfig /release

This is how we correct all the DNS settings that you changed and solve the problem if the device or resource DNS server does not respond.

DNS server does not respond: TP-link or another router

Sometimes the error “DNS server is not responding” and a problem with wi-fi operation may occur due to a router or router, for example TP-link. In this case, you can try the following simple steps:

  • Reboot the router
  • Check that the router settings are correct - maybe they are simply wrong
  • Reset the router settings and configure it again using the instructions for the router and the data from the agreement with the provider. If the instructions are lost, no problem. Call your provider's support and they will help you remotely reconfigure your router

DNS server does not respond: Rostelecom or another Internet operator

If the Internet does not work and the DNS server does not respond, the operator, for example, Rostelecom, may be to blame. Call your provider and ask if everything is fine with their Internet, if there are any problems, and if their side of the barricade shows that you are connected. Often, it is the provider that causes most of the problems with errors of this kind.


If the DNS server does not respond, do not panic, the error will be fixed in a matter of minutes, and you will be able to enjoy the Internet again. It is enough to check the settings and, as a last resort, call the provider.

Beginner users of high-speed Internet access, due to their lack of any experience in working with computer networks, periodically encounter various problems that a more experienced user or IT specialist could solve “one or two times.” One of these common problems is the error: DNS server is not responding.
The most interesting thing is that Internet access itself usually works fine, Skype and ICQ also work, but the pages in the browser do not open. What to do?

Let's first figure it out - what kind of server is this and what is it for?!

What is DNS, how does it work?!

As you already know, the names of sites on the global page are written in letters so that they can be easily read and subsequently easily remembered. But the computer network itself (both local and Internet) is built on digital IP addresses. That is, behind a beautiful symbolic name there is a set of numbers hidden.

So here it is DNS(from English Domain Name System- Domain Name System) is a complex stepwise hierarchical system that stores all information about the symbolic names of nodes on the Internet and quickly allows you to transfer an address from one type to another. For example, you want to visit the site and enter it in the browser. Your computer sends the DNS server a request like:

"What is the site's IP address?"

DNS checks information against its database or contacts higher-level servers. The resulting result will be like this:

"The site has an IP address of"

It is sent back to the computer that sent the request. Thus, if the DNS server does not respond or there are some problems with it, then the user will not be able to open any site or page. And yes, Internet access itself will work great, like all programs that access hosts directly via IP. But the browser will not open the page.
If the DNS server does not respond, then the Google Chrome browser (and all others on this platform) will display an error: net err name not resolved. Example:

That is, the browser cannot perform the resolv operation - that is, it cannot convert a letter address into a digital one and displays the message "Name not resolved".

Let's look at what options there may be to solve the DNS problem.

If the DNS server does not respond, change it!

Each more or less large provider has its own DNS servers. And all network settings are made in such a way that when a subscriber connects, he automatically receives everything he needs to work. Including the addresses of the necessary servers. But not everyone can boast of a stable job. Some telecom operators generally leave their DNS at the “as is” level, without paying due attention to it. But in the end, it works very poorly, problems constantly arise with it and it crashes, causing users to receive errors like “The DNS server is not responding.” The use of public servers from the largest IT companies in the world will help solve the problem. I prefer to use Google public servers:

Or from Yandex:

How to register them in Windows 10?! Very simple! Click the Start button and open Operating System Settings. We need the "Network and Internet" section:

In the menu on the left, you need to select the type of connection through which you access the Internet, and on the right, click on the link “Configure adapter settings.” The Windows Network Connections window should open:

Right-click on the connection icon and select “Properties” from the menu that appears. The following window will open:

Here you need to find and double-click on the line “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” to open the Internet Protocol properties window:

Here you need to check the “Use the following DNS server addresses” checkbox at the bottom of the window. After this, two fields below will become available, in which you need to enter DNS IP addresses. Above you see an example with Google servers, and below - from Yandex:

After that, click on the OK button to apply the changes. Now we launch the browser again. The "err name not resolved" error should be resolved.

The antivirus has blocked DNS and it is not responding!

In some cases, the cause of problems with access to the Internet is an overly active antivirus, or rather its network module - Firewall or Firewall. He may not like any request and will easily block access to a particular site on the Internet. Or, as an option, it can block the operation of the Windows DNS client and it will not be able to send or receive requests, which means that the normal operation of the PC on the global web will be paralyzed and the error “DNS server is not responding” will begin to appear.

Therefore, when such a picture appears, for diagnostic purposes, it is worth trying for a short time disable Firewall antivirus, as well as a module Web Antivirus, if it is present in your security system.

In the case where your Firewall is installed separately, you must also suspend its operation for the duration of the diagnostics.

If after this the problems with the DNS stop and the sites begin to open normally, the reason must be looked for in the firewall rules. By the way, don’t forget to turn it back on, otherwise you risk getting a number of other problems due to malware activity on the network.

Windows DNS client does not work

A special network module, the DNS client, is responsible for how the Windows operating system contacts the DNS server. It is he who is responsible for sending and receiving requests for domain names. But sometimes it can start to fail. First you need to restart it. Right-click on the computer icon on the desktop and select the “Manage” menu item:

In the "Computer Management" window that opens, select the "Services" section. A complete list of all available Windows 10 system services will be displayed on the left. Find the DNS client line in it:

We check that the status column has the value “Running”. After that, right-click on the line and select the “DNS client” item. In the menu that appears, select "Restart".

Comment: If the client is disabled or suspended for any reason, you must enable it again. To do this, double-click on this line to open the service properties:

We check that the startup type is set to “Automatic”. After that, click on the “Run” button. Checking Internet access.

When all else fails

If, despite all the steps taken above, your pages still cannot open, your browser writes “net err name not resolved,” and Windows throws up the error “DNS server is not responding,” then a global failure of the operating system is most likely to blame. To finally verify this, try connecting another PC, laptop or tablet instead of your computer. If everything works perfectly on it, then only restoring Windows will help. To use it, go to Windows 10 Settings and select the "Update and Security" section:

Here you need to go to the “Recovery” subsection and find the “Return the computer to its original state” item. Click on the "Start" button and follow the instructions of the wizard. After the procedure has worked, you will receive a working operating system with system files completely restored to their original state. You can check Internet access.