Troubleshooting errors in the Play Market. Checking free memory. Troubleshooting and solving errors

Almost everything Android users at least once encountered the fact that when trying to download an application or simply launch Play Market An error popped up under some number. In this article, we will look at solutions to almost all errors that you can find in the Play Market.

Error without number. If when an error pops up, its serial number is not written, then this is almost certainly a problem with “Services” Google Play" There are four ways to solve it, depending on the cause of the error.
The first thing you need to do is go to the “Application Manager”, find “Google Play Services” there and erase the application cache, going down a little.

If the cache clearing error does not go away, then uninstall the application and install it again. If this also does not help, then find the application in the “Dispatcher” Google Service s Framework and clear the cache.

If all else fails, then most likely your date and time are simply wrong, so the services cannot synchronize. Set the current date and time - everything should work.

Error 24 when installing the application on Android. This error occurs when re-installation. Installed files overlap with already installed ones, and an error occurs. To solve it, you will have to install additional application to obtain root rights. It's called Root Explorer and is distributed free of charge through the Play Market. In the application, you need to go to the Data section and delete the old files that you are going to replace.

Error 101. This is one of the easiest problems to solve. Appears when there is insufficient memory to install the application. All you need to do is erase the device from the memory unnecessary files so that there is enough space for the new application.

Error 194. This error occurred on older Play versions Market. But about a year ago a version was released where this error was fixed, so you just need to update the Play Market to at least version 5.9.12 or higher.

Error 403 access denied how to fix. An error appears when purchasing goods on the Play Market if you log into it from several accounts at once. To fix it, you need to log in from your main account, delete the purchased application and install it again. Error 403 play market in Crimea occurs for everyone due to Google sanctions of February 1. How to fix? Use a VPN or anonymizer when accessing the play market.

Error 413. Occurs when an application uses proxies that block application updates. You can remove this error by clearing the Google services cache.

Error 481. Occurs as a result of an account failure. To solve this problem, you need to go to accounts(s) as shown in the screenshots and delete your account. Then reboot the device and create a new one.

Error 491 when downloading from the market. This problem appears when the application cannot be installed or updated. The solution is simple. You need to clear the cache and Google Play Services data, reboot your device and re-create your account.

Error 492 in the play market it says that there is a problem with Dalvik ( virtual device for reading Java language). To fix the problem, try removing Google cache Play and Play Market. If the error does not disappear, there is no way out, you will have to reset to factory settings.

Error 495 in the Play Market occurs as a result of failures in Play Market and Service Framework applications. To resolve the error, you should reset the cache of these applications and, if this does not help, delete your account.

Error 498 appears when your cache is full, so downloading from the Play Market is interrupted. To clear the error, delete the cache extra files, which take up a lot of space. Hint: the most space is usually clogged social media(VK, Facebook) saved music.

Error 504 in play market. This is a copy of error 495 - the same problem and the same solution.

Error 911 stands for various problems with authentication Wi-Fi networks. The first thing you need to do is erase the cache and clean Play data Market. Then try connecting to another available Wi-Fi and continue installation via mobile networks.

Error 919 simple means that the device has run out of memory. You just need to erase unnecessary music, videos, photos, applications and continue normal work.

Error 920 in the play market occurs due to problems with the Wi-Fi connection. To solve it, you just need to reconnect. If this does not help, then delete your Google account and restart your device. Also try clearing cache and Google services data.

Error 921 It pops up in the play market due to application installation being blocked. To clear the error, clean Play cache Market and Google Service Framework. Then turn off and on the device.

Error 926. This is another one server error, similar to the previous one. Clear the cache of service applications and restart the phone.

Error 927 appears in the Play Market because you are trying to download or update the application while the Play Market itself is updating. Just wait until the update finishes.

Error 941 (942). Two identical errors that occur when there is a problem with work Play Market. To fix this, clear your cache, erase your Play Market data, and re-create your account to be safe.

If you find any other error in the Play Market that is not reflected in this list, then simply clear the cache and data from Google services; create new account. As practice shows, this method works in 80% of all errors.

Sometimes users are full and mobile versions YouTube sites are faced with an error code 400. There may be several reasons for its occurrence, but most often this problem is not anything serious and can be solved in just a few clicks. Let's look at this in more detail.

Browsers on a computer do not always work properly; various problems arise due to a conflict with installed extensions, large cache size or cookies. If you get an error code 400 when trying to watch a video on YouTube, we recommend using the solutions below.

Method 1: Clear browser cache

The browser stores some information from the Internet on the hard drive so as not to download the same data several times. This feature helps you work faster in your web browser. However, a large accumulation of these same files sometimes leads to various problems or slower browser performance. Error code 400 on YouTube can be caused by big amount cache files, so we recommend clearing them in your browser first. Read more about this in our article.

Method 2: Clear cookies

Cookies help a site remember some information about you, such as your language preference. Undoubtedly, this greatly simplifies the work on the Internet, but such pieces of data can sometimes cause various problems, including errors with code 400 when trying to watch a video on YouTube. Go to your browser settings or use additional software to clear cookies.

Read more: How to clean cookies V ,

Method 3: Disable extensions

Some plugins installed in the browser conflict with various sites and lead to errors. If the previous two methods did not help you, then we recommend paying attention to the included extensions. You don’t need to delete them, just disable them for a while and check if the error on YouTube goes away. Let's look at the principle of disabling extensions using a browser as an example:

Read also: How to remove extensions in,

Method 4: Disable Safe Mode

Safe mode on YouTube allows you to restrict access to dubious content and videos that have an 18+ restriction. If an error with code 400 appears only when you try to watch a specific video, then it is likely that the problem lies precisely in the enabled safe search. Try disabling it and following the link to the video again.

Fixing error code 400 in the YouTube mobile app

Error code 400 in the YouTube mobile app occurs due to network problems, but this is not always the case. The application sometimes does not work correctly, which is why various types of problems arise. To fix the problem, if everything is fine with the network, three will help: simple ways. Let's look at them in more detail.

Method 1: Clear the application cache

Mobile cache overflow YouTube apps can cause problems of various types, including error code 400. The user will need to clear these files to solve the problem. This is done using built-in tools operating system in just a few simple steps:

Now all you have to do is restart the application and check if the error goes away. If it is still present, we recommend using the following method.

There are times when the Play Market does not load applications (via Wi-Fi, for example), Android writes that “there is no connection,” or a message appears that an error has occurred in the Google Play Market application. Android smartphones such as Samsung and Lenovo do not download games.

Let's figure out why this happens, how to deal with these issues and what to do to forget about them forever!

Instability during the operation of the Play Market and its complete inoperability may be caused by for various reasons. Virus, technical problems on the server, failure of add-ons, constant application crashes, and other errors can lead to partial or complete inoperability of the program.

Returning to factory settings in the Android OS is not always an acceptable option, in which the user will have to install applications again, and SMS and phone book contacts that are not duplicated on the SIM card will disappear without the possibility of recovery!


First, restart your device and check if you have access to the Internet. Many bugs can be fixed with these simple steps. Launch Play Market and if the problem persists, move on to other options.

Let's look at the easiest way to resume the Play Market on Android.

Method #1 - delete account data

Method #2 - clean the hosts file

If the error that occurs does not disappear, we perform the following algorithm.

A possible solution to fix the errors would be to update or complete reinstallation programs. In some cases (extremely rarely), you can use the date setting on your phone/tablet.

Try deleting your Google account, rebooting your device, and restoring it. Make sure your mobile phone there are no programs (for example Freedom, designed for hacking games) that block the operation of the Play Market for the Android OS.

Many users of various mobile devices, using the Play Market, are faced with a common notification with the text “No connection” when accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Method #3 - remove the proxy

If all other programs and browsers are working, but the Play Market does not see the connection, try disabling the proxy using the following sequence of actions:

  • Menu;
  • Settings;
  • Wi-Fi;

Select and hold the network you are connected to, click “Change network”. Next, click the “Advanced Options” switch and set “Proxy Server Settings” to “None.”

If proxies were turned off, go to the Internet connection properties. Check "Advanced Options", "IP Settings" should be static. Set DNS1 to and DNS2 to and save. Disconnect from Wi-Fi and reconnect.

Method #4 - setting up a router

Another method to solve the problem is to change the MTU: open the router settings, find the Network – WAN tab. For MTU Size, specify one of the following values: 1500/1460/1420. You can check with your internet service provider for the correct amount. Save, reboot the router, check if the Play Market is working.

Factory reset

If none of the methods solved the error, make sure that all the necessary data is duplicated on the SIM card and memory card and reset to factory settings. This radical method will absolutely return the working Play Market.

Be careful when installing suspicious software that works by finding bugs, blind spots and shortcomings in Android. Anything can cause harm not only stable work Play Market, but also the entire system!

List possible errors Google Play Market

  • 403. An error that appears for users from Crimea. IN in this case you can use a proxy, or change your account (as an option), since the Play Market in Crimea no longer works;
  • 495. Appears when downloading any files from the store;
  • 941. During the process of updating applications, this error may appear;
  • 491. If this message appears, you need to change your Google account;
  • 498. The device cache is full, so it needs to be cleared. This is done very simply, go to: settings - applications and remove the “unnecessary” from the selected application. You can use some software that will clean the system;
  • 919 (923, 492). The device memory is full. Solving the problem is easy, you need to remove unnecessary things from your phone or tablet;
  • 927. Possibly an app store in this moment is being updated. We wait a few minutes and repeat again;

In this article, I tried to write about all the problems with the Play Market and ways to solve them. I hope that they will help you and you can use the application with peace of mind.

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When downloading an application from Google Play, you may receive errors with a number whose meaning is not clear even experienced users. You will learn what they mean from this article.

There is no official explanation of Google Play errors, but developers from the XDA-Developers forum published a list of all errors and explained how they can be fixed. I suggest you familiarize yourself with it.

Error 491

Problem: It is impossible to download or update the application.
How to fix: go to settings, go to the “Accounts” section, click the menu button and select “Delete account”.

Then restart your device and sign in again account. After that, go to Settings, open Applications, select Google Play Services, click Manage Space, and then Delete All Data. If the Stop button is active, click on it at the end.

Error 498

Problem: download interrupted. Is the cache full or not? free space in internal memory.
How to fix: you need to remove unnecessary applications and files from the internal memory and clear the cache by going to “Settings” “Applications” and manually deleting the cache in several programs and games.

You can also clear the cache from custom Recovery. You can read how to install it in this manual.

Select "Wipe" cache partition", and then "Yes - Wipe Cache". Finally, reboot your device by selecting “Reboot system now”.

Error 919

Problem: The application downloaded successfully, but it does not launch.
How to fix: Free up space on your device's internal storage by deleting unnecessary apps or files.

Error 413

Problem: The app cannot be downloaded or updated. This error occurs due to the use of a proxy.
How to fix: Go to Settings, open Applications, select Google Play Services, click Manage Space, and then Delete All Data. If the Stop button is active, click on it at the end.
Do the same with the application Play Store. Also clear your browser cache.

Error 923

Problem: loading is not possible. Google account synchronization error or lack of cache space.
How to fix: delete Google account, reboot your device and sign in to your account again. Uninstall unnecessary applications and clear the cache, as in the case of error 491.

Error 921

Problem: application cannot be downloaded.
How to fix: Delete the Google Play cache by going to Settings > Applications. If this doesn't help, delete the app data by clicking "Erase Data".

If this does not help: delete your account, restart your device and log in again.

Error 403

Problem: application cannot be downloaded. This error occurs when 2 accounts are used to purchase an application on the same device.
How to fix: leave your account with a positive balance and try purchasing the app again.

Error 492

Problem: It is impossible to install the application due to the Dalvik cache.
How to fix: Delete data and cache of Google Play apps and Google Play Services or do a factory reset.

Error 927

Problem: It is impossible to download the application because the game or program is currently being updated.
How to fix: try again after some time.

Error 101

Problem: you can't download anything because you have too many applications installed.
How to fix: Remove unnecessary applications.

Error 481

Problem: account error.
How to fix: delete your account and use another one.

Error 911

Problem: The application cannot be loaded due to error 911.

Delete data Google apps Play.

If you are using Wi-Fi, disconnect and reconnect to your network. Go to any web page, and then try installing the application again. If it doesn’t work, then the problem is in the Wi-Fi network itself.

Connect to another Wi-Fi network.

Turn off Wi-Fi and use your mobile connection.

Error 919

Problem: application cannot be installed.
How to fix: Change APN settings.

"Invalid batch file" error

Problem: cache or file error.
How to fix: There are several ways to solve this problem:

If an error occurred during the update, find this application in the Applications section and clear the cache.

Download.apk from new version applications in this way and install using these instructions.

Clear Google Play cache and Google Sevices Framework.

Delete your Google account, restart your device and sign in again.

There are still a considerable number of different Google Play errors, but fixing them is no different from those given above. Sometimes clearing the cache, rebooting the device, or deleting your account may work, but sometimes you have to use all the tips in this manual.