Login to VK reasons. Server error when logging into VKontakte. VK login and password do not work

Very often it happens that VK does not let you in, even if you enter the correct login (phone number or email) and password. You are asked to enter a captcha, this is a set of letters in English language or check the box that you are not a robot. And still it won’t let me on VKontakte. Perhaps the vk.com website itself does not even open. The reason for this phenomenon may be infection of your system with various types of Trojans and viruses (we will write about treatment, if necessary, at the end of the article).

Let's look at all the possible reasons and solutions for how to log into VKontakte.

Quick navigation:

Try logging in from a different Browser.

Even if you entered everything correctly, this does not guarantee that your browser, for a number of reasons, is not buggy. Let's say you use , try logging in for example with Internet Explorer.

There is a ban in the hosts file, a possible reason why VK won’t let you in.

The ban written in this file does not allow VK. By the way, a ban in hosts can apply to many sites, for example Yandex or antivirus resources...

Let's try to see yours hosts file on Windows example 7, maybe this is the reason why VK won’t let you in.

Go to the Start menu

And enter next line:

notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Open host file s using notepad, delete everything below the entry “127 0 0 1 localhost”

The word "localhost" should be the last word in the document. Close, saving the changes, try logging into VKontakte again.

It’s worth checking to see if your VK page has been hacked.

If you try to log in from another browser and still are not allowed into VK, then you will definitely need to restore your page, more about this (See). This method allows you to restore access to VK, even if you do not have access to your email or phone number.

Clean your computer, it may be infected.

What should you do if you are faced with a VK hacking, if various glitches occur. Obviously you need good antivirus, which will delete infected files for free and eradicate the reasons for their appearance.

In my opinion, ideal solution a small utility from the company worldwide will serve famous antivirus Dr. Web Cureit . The home version will be free.

Download and test your computer.

If you carefully read this article, then 99% of you will get in touch and communicate with your friends. Every day on the Internet there are more and more cases when users cannot open the site in contact.ru, despite the fact that other sites work stably and always open. Why is this happening and how can I get the site back online? The answer to this question is obvious: Your computer was infected with a Trojan virus, which blocked access to the Vkontakte.ru website.

Attention! Today, July 27, 2014, the VKontakte website is unavailable due to an accident in one of the VKontakte data centers in St. Petersburg caused by unprecedented heat.

When registering in contact.ru No need to send SMS! This is another scam of the virus out of your money. In this case, close the registration window and take measures to remove the virus.

Before all actions or call it recommendations what you want, you need to check your computer for viruses. To do this, use free program from Kaspersky. If the above programs did not help, then download this one, it was created just for you. Download .

If you urgently need to get in touch, then enter “” - the contact’s address - into the address bar. Often this method helps to make contact.

What to do if you don’t make contact?

You can read below how to remove a virus from Kontatka.ru.

Finding the file hosts:

On Windows Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 7:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts – the hosts file is located here

On Windows NT, 2000:

WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts – the hosts file is located here

Opening the hosts file for Windows users 7:

In Windows 7, a regular user cannot edit this file. To open the hosts file with the ability to edit it, you need the following:

  1. Go to C:\windows.
  2. Find the notepad file.
  3. Open Notepad (file name notepad) as Administrator.

Click on notepad right click mouse and select run as Administrator. When Notepad opens, click “File” - “Open File”. Go to the folder C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc and click on the hosts file ( double click left mouse) or in line file manually add hosts.

HOSTS won't open

If, when opening hosts, the “Select a program” window appears, then you need to select the Notepad program from the list and click the “OK” button.

Selecting a program in Windows XP, a screenshot is given below as an example.

Selecting a program in Windows Vista and Windows 7, below is a screenshot as an example.

You can also open hosts by right-clicking on the hosts file and selecting "Open with" and selecting Notepad.

We delete unnecessary lines in hosts (remnants of the virus)

The hosts file should have something like this:

# Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Corp.), 1993—1999

# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

# This file contains mappings of IP addresses to hostnames.

# Each element must be on a separate line. The IP address must

# is in the first column and must be followed by the appropriate name.

# The IP address and hostname must be separated by at least one space.

# Additionally, some lines may contain comments

# (such as this line), they must follow the node name and be separated

# from it with the ‘#’ symbol.

# rhino.acme.com # origin server

# x.acme.com # client node x localhost

# - this symbol means that given line is not read by the system, we don’t need to pay attention to it. You need to pay attention to lines where this symbol is not present. IN in this example we only have the line localhost. If the file contains the lines vkontakte.ru, durov.ru or odnoklassniki.ru, then feel free to delete them, this will not cause any harm to your system.

When checking extra lines, be careful and check the entire document to the end. You must understand that only localhost should remain. After removal no the required lines save the notepad file in the same folder where it was C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. Click on close notepad and confirm your intention to save the file “OK”.

The hosts file should not have the extension hosts.txt, it should simply be hosts. It is also possible that you cannot open the hosts file due to a virus that is blocking this action. To bypass the virus you need to reboot the system, press the F8 button while rebooting. A download selection will appear on the screen. Use the arrows to select “Safe Mode”.

When the system boots, go to C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc, open hosts and remove the extra lines, see the instructions above. Sometimes deleting the entire hosts file can also help, but this is very rare. We reboot the computer. We go to the website vkontakte.ru. If we can’t log in, then we dig into the problem further.

Doesn't work in Kontatka.ru even after deleting hosts

We will look for the files vkontakte.exe and svc.exe:

Start -> Search -> Files and folders -> check the My Computer box.

Specify the file to search for vkontakte.exe and delete it. Then we also look for the svc.exe file and delete it. We reboot the computer.

After we have rebooted, we try to go to sites, open pages, and check the performance of the site on our computer. If everything is successful, use it for 2 minutes and reboot.

What to do if you don’t make contact? What to do if the above still doesn’t work?

1. I remind you to check free antivirus Your computer, here is the download link This antivirus no installation and no license required.

2. You may need to clear the cache. Start -> Run -> enter cmd -> A window will open (black), you need to type ipconfig /flushdns, press Enter and reboot.

Can also be used CCleaner program. The program is free and requires installation on your computer. Link to CCleaner program http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner.

3. When you open hosts, there is a chance that you are opening the wrong file. To be more precise, the hosts that you open is actually part of the virus, and the real one is simply hidden. To delete unnecessary lines, you first need to activate the display of hidden files. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Appearance -> Folder Options -> Show hidden files and folders -> activate “Show hidden files" is at the very bottom. Go here C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and look, if there are two hosts files, then open them, the file that contains extra lines, delete it. Or delete both hosts files and reboot the system.

For Windows 7 users it will not be possible to remove hotst; to do this you need to:

  • Open Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Run Command line on behalf of the Administrator ( right key Click "Run as Administrator").
  • In the window that appears, write: net user Administrator /active:yes.
  • Then log out of your user, a new account named Administrator will appear. Go here C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and delete the hosts file that we don’t need.
  • To disable account Administrator enter net user Administrator /active: no.

4. If you think that your provider has really blocked you, then you can easily check at home. To do this you will need an anonymizer website. You can easily find such a site through any search engine by typing “anonymizer”. Enter your site and use it. There is also a downside to this action: the creator of the anonymizer site may be a bad person and wants to steal your passwords.

5. Try a different browser. Maybe your browser was also infected with a virus or was not removed from the browser cache. Just install another browser: Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Chrome.

As soon as you log into contact.ru, change your password! This must be done for your safety.

If there are questions in the comments that are answered in the article, they will be deleted (the page has become long). Read the article carefully! That's all for today. See you soon!

In this video you can see why he doesn’t get in touch:

You can't log into VKontakte (VK)? Don't know what the problem is and how to solve it? Then let's look at the main difficulties and their solutions.

This problem can appear at any stage of authorization in Contact. Most often it appears after the password is entered. As a result, a message pops up indicating that the user entered the login or password incorrectly. This may be due to the fact that you really forgot your username or password, or the page was hacked. An equally popular option is a failure in the social network itself. And no matter what data you try to enter, VKontakte will not allow you to access the site. So, if the page is constantly updated, certain buttons are not pressed, this is a failure of the system itself.

The main causes of problems logging into VKontakte

If a user is unable to access his page on a social network, there may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Hacking of a page, as a result of which the password or login was changed by attackers;
  • The user has forgotten his login or password, or both;
  • System failure of the VKontakte website itself;
  • The service blocked the visitor for gross violations of the rules for using the social network.

Naturally, there may be other reasons. But the options listed above are the most common.

Of course, options for eliminating what caused the problem depend on the problem. Let's look at the main ways to get rid of the problem:

Login recovery (username)

This problem is considered the most common. You can solve it yourself without contacting the Social Network Support Service. There are several steps to follow here. First, try logging into Contact from the device from which you have always logged in. If there is access from the equipment, then the problem is not in the social network, but in your account.

You can also change your account password. But there is one nuance - to enter a new password, you must remember the old one. So, this method is inappropriate. Although it will help in a situation where you have forgotten your login. If you are on your page, go to Settings. Here you will see a page with account information. The information we need is located in the “General” tab. By scrolling down the page that opens in front of you, you will see the fields “Email” and “Phone number”. There is your contact information here, although some letters and numbers are covered with an asterisk. Still, the first and last characters can give a hint or remind the contacts specified during registration.

Remember, to access a web resource you must enter either a phone number or address Email. If you could not remember your login, then you should proceed to password recovery.

Password recovery

In order to recover a password that has been forgotten or lost, there is separate service. Let's look at how to use it.
So, at the bottom of the main window there is a link “Forgot your password and can’t log in?”. You should click on it. Will pop up additional window. You should enter the phone number you specified during registration. After entering, click the “Continue” button. A page will open where you need to enter a recovery code, which will be sent to your phone number as an SMS.

It should be entered as quickly as possible, since it has a certain validity period. Click the “Continue” button. If the code was specified correctly, it will open new form to enter a new password, if not, there will be a new attempt. Must be saved New Password on the site and log in.
Things will be much more complicated if you do not remember which number the page is linked to or if it is not linked to it at all. In this situation, after clicking the password recovery request, on the page that has been updated, you should click on the link “My page is not linked to a phone number.” As a result, a page should open where you need to enter the information that you used to log into the social network. After specifying the email address, click “Next”.

You need to enter a pop-up code to confirm that you are a real person. On next page VKontakte website, indicate the last name that was indicated in your account. After that, click “Next”. As a result, a page will appear with a question on it or is it your account that you want to restore access to. If you click “Yes” on the specified email address You will receive a link to reset your password. Follow the link that was sent to you and enter a new password. After this, you should log in again by entering your email address and a new password.

Recovering from insufficient data

If you have virtually no data, you do not use your phone number to which your account is linked, then it will be very difficult for you to regain access. But it's worth a try.

By going to the page where the authorization form pops up. Click “Forgot your password”. After these steps, a window opens where you need to enter recovery information. At the bottom of the page you should follow the link, which is intended to be used in the event that the user has lost access to the device.

We find the people search bar, it is located at the top of the site. Enter your first and last name. Copy the link to your account in the appropriate field. The link must be entered in full. Click “Next”.

In the window that opens, write down all the information you know about your account. Next, send a request to the Support Service. She is being considered real people, so it’s worth convincing them that you are the real owner of this or that page. After you click “Submit Application”, you should provide an email address to contact you. IN as soon as possible You will receive a response from the site administration by email.

Malicious content

Malware and viruses are very common culprits that restrict access to a website. In this situation, even if the login and password have been entered, nothing will happen. Or a page similar to the VKontakte website will open, where it will be indicated that we are required to send an SMS to the number XXXX. Money will be debited from you and after that access will be restored. Most often, this is a sign of a virus in the browser. In order to get rid of it, you should run a computer scan using a special anti-virus program.

There are situations when in certain situations even powerful antivirus software unable to find a threat. As a result, you need to reinstall the browser. And if this is the case, then the VKontakte input should be normal.
— Additional measures

There are situations when the problems are non-standard. Therefore, do the following:

1. Disconnect and reconnect your computer to the network;

2. Turn on the feature that will show hidden files. After that, open C:Windows\system32\drivers\etc, find the “Hosts” document, open it, erase all lines in Notepad that mention the social network and save the file.

If it doesn’t help, then open Start -> Run -> write cmd and press Enter -> in the window that appears, write route delete vkontakte.ru and route delete vk.ru and route delete vk.com. This will delete entries in your computer's routing table to the three options for the VKontakte site name and the address will be requested from the server.

If you cannot access VKontakte from a device from which you have not previously accessed the social network, most likely the site is blocked on it. And it is impossible to bypass such a blocking, since it is carried out from the administrator’s computer.

VKontakte is the most popular Internet resource in the Russian Federation (at the time of writing). This means that it is visited daily by millions of users who generate billions of requests. This is a huge load that requires appropriate equipment and specialists. VK has both. However, users periodically complain that the social networking site is inaccessible to them or does not load. Looking ahead a little, let's say that the problem most often lies on the user's side. However, first things first.

VKontakte really doesn't work

When loading VK you may receive an error like this:

Or something like this:

This does not mean that VK is inaccessible, but there is no need to discount this possibility.

To check whether VK is really not working, first, try accessing the site from your smartphone or tablet. You need to visit the site with mobile device, since in case of problems it will show the availability or unavailability of a resource, unlike a computer (below you will understand why).

Secondly, you can go to the news section and look for information about the unavailability of VK. If the site is truly unavailable, information about this immediately appears on online news resources.

In addition, there may be problems with a particular server, so try reloading the page several times.

In general, VKontakte crashes very rarely.

Problems with the provider

This option is unlikely, but still possible. Thus, there are several known cases when the VKontakte website was unavailable due to problems with the provider, and some other resources were also unavailable.

You can find out this only by calling your provider's technical support.

VK is blocked

IN in this case it is assumed that VK is blocked by the network you use in this moment. For example, schools have Wi-Fi networks with limited access, that is, you won’t be able to access some resources using them. It is possible that VKontakte was included in the blocking list from a smartphone using this network, you won’t be able to access it.

If you are using a computer, the resource may also be blocked. We've already talked about this.

Viruses and malware

Alternatively, access to VK is blocked by a virus or malware. For example, if you installed some software recently, it is quite possible that it is the source of the problem. What can be done?

First of all, use the antivirus installed on your computer, remembering to update the database. After this we strongly recommend downloading Cureit utility! from Dr. Web. It is distributed free of charge. Just download it and run it, it will automatically check the files and possibly find the malicious one among them. By the way, such a program that blocks a social network site may be a program created to work with VK. Be careful when downloading unfamiliar applications and installing them on your computer.

You can also try adding VKontakte to the firewall exception list, if one is installed.

If this does not help, you can try to roll back the system to an earlier point when logging into VK was available. However, all files that you have downloaded up to this time will not be deleted. The main thing is that you create a restore point at an earlier point in time.

Check out the hosts file

Hosts - text file, containing a database of domain names and used when translating them into network addresses nodes, and a request to this file has priority over access to DNS servers.

Speaking in simple language, using this file the user can block access to the site. In addition, when accessing certain web resources, the user can be redirected to completely different sites. The latter is often used by attackers.

What's the point? You surf the Internet calmly, and after some time you cannot get into VK. Perhaps the problem is a Trojan that changes data in the hosts file without the owner’s knowledge. When opening VKontakte, the user is redirected to another site, which completely copies VK. This was done either in order to gain access to the user’s page, since he enters his data on the scammers’ website, or in order to receive funds from him - after entering his login and password, the user receives a message that he supposedly must confirm his profile by sending an SMS to short number. Only SMS messages are paid. Like this tricky way used by scammers.

After a scam site is removed from hosting, for example due to a complaint, it stops loading. The user is trying to open this site, which no longer exists. Accordingly, the site does not open. Only the user does not know that he is trying to open not VKontakte, but a scam site.

In general, be that as it may, the user needs to open the hosts file and see what is written in it. It is located at C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\, where C is the drive letter where Windows is installed.

If under the word localhost you see entries like ip - VK address, you need to delete them and save the file:

If the file is not saved, open Notepad as an administrator, as shown in the screenshot:

Delete the specified entries and save the file.

Ask your questions using comments.

The day has come when you, as usual, decided to log into your favorite social network, but then it just doesn’t work out.

And you don't understand why this happens. Well, let's solve this problem together.

First, answer the question, what happens when you try to log into vk.com?

Fast forward to the answer you need:

The VKontakte website (vk.com) does not load?

There are several explanations for this:

VKontakte login and password don't work?

The answer to the question and the solution is very simple!

First, make sure that you enter your username and password correctly:

Are your login and password still incorrect? Then an attacker most likely stole your password and changed it. But you can restore access to your page back, if the page is registered to your phone number, which you have at hand.

Restoring access to the VKontakte page

Click on the link “Forgot your password?”, enter your phone number to which the page is registered (or e-mail, or login), click “next”. You will be asked to enter the characters from the image (captcha), and then confirm whether this page is yours

After this, a code will be sent to your phone number which you need to enter in the form provided and click “change password”.

Well, after that we just come up with a new password.

After this, you will be able to log in to VKontakte again, with the same login, but with a new password that you came up with.
To avoid errors, you will also receive another SMS on your phone, in which you will be reminded of the information you entered so that you do not forget or lose it.

Are they asking you to send an SMS when you go to a VKontakte page?

Everything seems to be as usual, but they ask you to send SMS for money.

You think that Pavel Durov, the creator of the VKontakte network, is to blame, and that the day has come when you will have to pay for it, or there are some technical problems and in order for everything to work you need to send an SMS. But this is absolutely not true!

Very often people think that their VKontakte page is blocked, or there are simply problems with the vk.com site itself and it does not work, but this is absolutely not true! To check this, just go to your VKontakte page from your friend’s computer and you will make sure that everything is fine with it.

This means that your page is not blocked. What happens then, why doesn’t he go to the vk.com website? The answer is simple - a virus has entered your computer or Trojan horse, which blocks access to the site and requires sending a paid SMS in return.

Such messages can look very believable and as if on behalf of the VKontakte administration, but this is not so.

Remember once and for all, the above-mentioned social network never requires money from you to access your page.

One of the ways to infect your computer or gain access to your page is to send you a link in a letter on behalf of your VKontakte friend, whose page has already been hacked, or whose computer is already charged. You click on it, do some actions, and the next day you cannot get in touch.

Think before you click on such links. More often than not, messages with such links may make you suspicious. For example, you have never communicated with this person (and you don’t remember when he became your friend), and then suddenly a message comes from him: “Hello. How are you? Follow this link, there is something interesting written about you))).” Under no circumstances should you fall for such tricks from scammers.

A file similar to vkontakte.exe could have landed on your computer, which automatically opens a window reminiscent of the VKontakte website, but this is a fake page, that is, not real, very similar to it, where they appear various errors when you want to view your page.

Do not send the SMS that you are asked to send.

This will not give you access, but after one SMS they will require a second, then a third, and so on. At the same time, you constantly have from your account mobile phone Tidy sums will be written off. And you can also infect your mobile phone.

How to solve a problem?

  1. Firstly, install an antivirus. If you have it installed, then update it. Perhaps it antivirus databases are long outdated, and for this reason did not protect your computer from hacker attacks.
  2. Secondly, search for the vkontakte.exe program on your computer. If found, remove it immediately.
  3. Third, edit the host file on your computer, which may have been modified by a virus. We will dwell on this point in more detail, since in most cases this is the reason.

How to find and edit the host file?

Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. This means go to drive C, then to Windows folder, then to System32, drivers and finally to the etc. folder.

To avoid having to get to the etc folder for a long time, as written above, you can simply address bar Explorer, enter C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and you will be taken to the desired folder.

There is a hosts file there. Open it with standard program"Notebook".
Remove everything from there except this line: localhost

and save the file.

Can't save the hosts file?

If you cannot save the hosts file - you are denied access, then right-click on the hosts file, select “Properties”, then “Security”, then click “Edit” and select users,
(click on the image to enlarge and view it)

check all the boxes and click “Apply”.

After this, you can edit and save the hosts file. But when you edit this file and save it, then return the permissions to us. This is important for safety.

How to prevent such problems in the future?

1) Use antiviruses with constantly up-to-date (fresh) virus and Trojan program databases;

2) Before entering your username and password from the VKontakte page, make sure that the address vk.com is accurate in your browser.

Due to your carelessness, you can give your password to an attacker by simply entering it on a page very similar to a contact, with a difference in address of just one character, for example 1vk.com;

3) Come up with complex password for VK page and email. Don't just use letters or numbers, but alternate them, and also use large and small letters, also alternating them.

If you are currently using a simple password, immediately go to the page settings and change it to a more complex one.

This will protect you from password guessing programs. Don’t wait until you are hacked and I will send spam on your behalf;

4) Don't download suspicious programs or add-ons for contacts, which, according to the creators, increase friends, likes and votes;

5) Don't open suspicious emails, which come to you by e-mail and do not follow suspicious links in VKontakte messages, even if it is from a person who is your friend (but with whom you have not communicated before).

Remember that scammers do not sleep, and are always finding new ways to make money from you. Be careful and good luck.

VK was blocked in Ukraine: how to bypass the blocking

In May 2017, the president of the country signed a decree blocking Yandex, Vkontakte and other Russian social networks and large resources in the country.

Now all you have to do is use a VPN, or simply any browser extensions that use a proxy.

To access blocked sites from your computer, you will need to install one of the following extensions:

  1. friGate - recommended.
  2. Google traffic savings(in addition to saving traffic, it allows access to blocked sites);

To bypass blocking from your phone, download and install any of the following applications on it:

  1. Opera VPN(stopped working);
  2. Opera Mobile (stopped working);
  3. Tunnelbear
  4. Zenmate
  5. Alternatives to Opera VPN (paid and free)