The youtube app on android does not play. YouTube doesn't work on Android - what's the reason?

I ran into a problem, my tablet does not show videos on the Internet. Why can't the video play on my tablet?

Answers (2)

  1. In short, you can fix it in the following ways:

    • Close and relaunch the application.
    • Reboot your device.
    • Turn it off again.
    • , both the YouTube application (if you watch through it) and the browser.
    • Uninstall and reinstall the application or update when entering the play market (if there is a new version).
    • Perhaps it's time.

    The phone or tablet does not play video for two main reasons:

    • lack of a player that plays a video file of a certain format;
    • The browser does not have a built-in flash player.

    A message appears on the screen stating that the file cannot be opened or only sound is played without an image, i.e. Doesn't show video, but there is sound. To fix this error, you will need a player that supports more formats, for example, MX Player.

    The application is free and after installation it will ask you to download the codec from the market, then scan the memory. To use it, you need to click on the file and select the option to finish the action using this program.

    If your tablet does not show online video, then most likely you need to install another browser. So in Opera Mini, Opera Mini Next, Opera Mobile this feature is not available initially. For the same reason, the video cannot be viewed on YouTube or social networks.

    The best solution would be to install the Opera browser - the first search result on the Play Market for this word. The main positive point is not only the ability to watch, but also download videos from any site, including Vkontakte.

    To do this you need:

    • click on the video;
    • then to the arrow at the bottom right;
    • select a folder.

  2. An error when viewing videos online in the official VKontakte application may be due to the following circumstances:

    • the video was recently uploaded and has not undergone final processing - you need to wait 5-10 minutes;
    • if VKontakte does not show the video, then this could be a glitch in the application itself or on the website - refresh the page several times or close the program and open it again;
    • poor Internet connection - then the video may play jerkily;
    • The video format does not allow viewing from the mobile version, try looking for another video.

    YouTube videos won't play on your tablet, usually for the same reasons. Or if does not show the video on YouTube, the reason may be an old version of the application.
    In general, the TubeMate program is suitable for users of this resource. With its help, you can not only watch videos without problems, but also download them in different quality and mp3 format.

Due to improved communication quality and increased data transfer speeds, it is possible to use a mobile device to watch videos and even movies on the Internet. The most popular service, which is visited by several hundred thousand users per day, is YouTube. In order to watch videos on this service, you can use special programs or a browser.

Despite the optimization of this server to work under the Android operating system with different screen resolutions, you can often encounter problems with displaying videos on a tablet or smartphone. At the same time, we note that youtube does not work on Android: a common problem that can be associated with a large number of reasons.

The first steps to take when a problem occurs
If you have a problem playing videos on a popular service, there is no need to panic, since the difficulties that arise can be solved quite simply. Let us highlight the following measures that can prevent the problem “YouTube does not work on Android”:

1. Reboot the device. When using a tablet or smartphone for a long time, there is a possibility that the RAM is fully loaded. This can be due to many reasons, but rebooting the device solves this problem. After all, when loading videos, they must initially be loaded into RAM.

2. Clear your browser cache and delete temporary files called cookies. The cache is the history of activity on the Internet, and its value can be very large with prolonged use of the Internet. Increasing the size of files causes the system to load. In addition, due to some errors, the operation of the browser may be disrupted. Cookie is a special file that stores a large amount of data used by sites to facilitate the authorization stage, maintaining statistics and other processes. When deleting this text file, you need to go through a new authorization on the sites. Removing two types of files results in improved browser performance. To delete, you need to follow the following procedure (depending on the browser, they may differ slightly): open the browser, go to the privacy and security tab, select “clear cache”, select “clear all cookie data”.

3. If the above measures do not help, you can try using a different browser to watch videos. In some cases, a program has an error in its system after a long period of use. Also note that similar problems may occur when installing an update.

4. Try using a different type of connection. For some reasons, mobile communications may have a slow connection speed. That is why videos will not be downloaded, since the connection speed will not allow this. Using Wi-FI will provide the fastest connection speed. If in this case the download does not occur, then the mobile connection is functioning correctly.

5. Availability of the latest update. YouTube does not work on Android - the reason may be outdated software and the lack of necessary plugins, since additional software is needed to play the player in the browser.

If the above measures do not resolve the problem, then you need to contact the device seller or provider for help. After all, the problem may also lie in the operating system, its settings and other features.

Many users of Android devices actively use YouTube video hosting, most often through the built-in client application. However, sometimes problems can arise with it: crashes (with or without an error), slowdowns during operation, or problems with video playback (despite a good connection to the Internet). You can deal with this problem yourself.

The main cause of problems with this application is software failures, which can occur due to memory clog, incorrectly installed updates, or user manipulation. There are several options for solving this annoyance.

Method 1: Using the browser version of YouTube

The Android system also allows you to watch YouTube through a web browser, just like on desktop computers.

Please note that some web browsers for Android (Chrome and the vast majority of viewers based on the WebView engine) can be configured to redirect links from YouTube to the official application!

However, this is not a very elegant solution, which is suitable as a temporary measure - the mobile version of the site is still quite limited.

Method 2: Install a third party client

A simple option is to download and install an alternative application for watching videos from YouTube. in this case, no help: since YouTube belongs to Google (the owners of Android), the “good corporation” prohibits publishing alternatives to the official application in the company store. Therefore, it is worth using, where you can find applications like NewPipe or TubeMate, which are worthy competitors to the official client.

Method 3: Clear cache and application data

If you do not want to mess with third-party applications, you can try deleting files created by the official client - perhaps the error is caused by an incorrect cache or erroneous values ​​in the data. It's done like this.

Method 4: Cleaning the system of junk files

Like any other Android application, the YouTube client can generate temporary files, failure to access which sometimes leads to errors. Using system tools to delete such files is too time-consuming and inconvenient, so please refer to .

Method 5: Uninstall app updates

Sometimes problems with YouTube arise due to a problematic update: the changes it introduces may be incompatible with your gadget. Removing these changes may correct the abnormal situation.

Important! On devices with an outdated version of Android (below 4.4), Google is gradually disabling the official YouTube service. In this case, the only way out is to try using alternative clients!

If the YouTube client application is not built into the firmware and is a custom one, then you can try uninstalling it and installing it again. Reinstallation can also be done if you have root access.

Method 6: Factory Restore

When the YouTube client is buggy or does not work correctly, and similar problems are observed with other applications (including alternatives to the official one), most likely the problem is system-wide. A radical solution to most of these problems is (don’t forget to add important information).

Using the methods described above, you can fix most problems with YouTube. Of course, there may be some specific reasons, but they need to be covered on an individual basis.

Let's look at why YouTube gives an error and doesn't work. Find out how to fix website problems.

YouTube is the largest video hosting and the most popular Internet platform for bloggers and viewers. Every day the resource is visited by hundreds of millions of users from all over the world.

Over the 12 years of its existence, the site has grown from a simple source of short videos to a full-fledged platform for the development of creativity.

You can find content for any audience on YouTube.

Also, the site is a cross-platform service. This means that users of computers, smartphones and tablets can work with it in the form of a client program.

Today YouTube has working versions of the software for all existing operating systems.

Causes of errors

Due to testing new features, users often encounter problems with YouTube.

Almost every week information appears on the network about short-term failures and malfunctions in the service.

In 90% of cases they occur on the server side of the site. Developers regularly test new functionality, develop algorithms and test their operation. All this is the main reason for periodic slowdowns of video hosting.

Also, the problem may appear on the user's side.


  • Slow Internet connection;
  • Browser errors. In this case, the site itself will not load;
  • Problems with your account.

Also, bugs may appear in the mobile application for smartphones. Below you will find solutions to all possible video hosting problems.

Error 404 on YouTube

Error 404 is the most common error code that can occur on any website.

The problem appears in three cases:

  • The user provided an incorrect link to the site page;

If your browser has a YouTube cache, instead of the text “Error 404” you will see this page:

  • No response received;

Due to too large a flow of requests, the server may crash.

In this case, the error will appear simultaneously for several users on all devices.

The only thing you can do is wait until the site administrators solve the problem.

As a rule, on YouTube all problems are resolved in a maximum of 15-20 minutes.

  • Software incompatibility.

After automatically updating the mobile OS, the YouTube client application may be incompatible with the system, which is why difficulties arise with downloading data.

Video won't play

There are situations when the site loads without problems, but a playback error appears in the video display form.

If your browser uses Flash Player to display media, We recommend updating the service:

  • Go to the official Adobe Flash developer page at;
  • Click on the “Download” field;
  • Wait for the installation file to download and run it.

Wait for the installation to complete and restart your PC.

Try re-launching the video on YouTube.

Everything should work without failures. If the video is not being produced, delete the browser cache using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl - Shift - Del.

The site does not load in all browsers

If you cannot access the site from all browsers installed on your computer, most likely the resource address is included in the list of system restrictions.

This is the result of malware.

To solve the problem, you need to edit the HOSTS file.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open the folder in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc ;
  • Find the HOSTS file without extension and open it with notepad;
  • Find the last line of the text document. It should be " localhost". If there is other data below this line, it needs to be removed. Next, save the changes and reboot the device. After this, access to YouTube will open.

Problems adding videos to Youtube

Not only viewers of TV channels, but also their creators encounter site bugs.

Recently, there have been a large number of complaints about problems with monetizing videos, filtering comments and views.

There is also a bug in loading videos onto the site.

When you add a file from your computer to YouTube, everything freezes or the download does not finish even after a day.

This problem is described in detail in the site's community rules.

The following are the reasons for slow video loading:

  • Low data transfer speed over the network;

Your ISP can limit traffic.. We recommend testing your download and upload speeds using the online services Speedtest or Multitest.

  • You are adding a video in an invalid format. The service supports a limited number of extensions. When you try to load a format that is not supported, an error occurs or the video continues to be added endlessly. Use MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG4, WMV, FLV, WEBM, ProRes formats;
  • The maximum video length is 12 hours. YouTube doesn't ignore attempts to add a longer video. If you see entries on the site for 13, 15 hours, this means that they were loaded even before the adoption of the restriction rules.

Please note the video size, it should not be larger than 128 GB. To reduce this indicator, you can use applications for compressing MP4, AVI, FLV and other formats.

The viewed entry has disappeared

Users of the site may encounter problems playing a particular video. At the same time, the video hosting itself will work without failures.


  • The video is blocked at the request of the copyright holder;

If a channel owner has uploaded a video that contains content from other authors, the video will be automatically blocked after a few days.

When you try to open the player, you will see the message “Blocked by copyright holder.”

  • The author of the video has restricted access to the recording.

Channel owners can configure the display mode of previously added videos.

Videos may be added to a private playlist, accessed via link only, or not playable in a specified list of countries.

In the first two cases, you will not be able to watch the video, but in the second, you can enable VPN.

This way the content of the page will become available, because the country of the account will change.

YouTube doesn't work on Android - solution

If the Youtube application stops working on Android, there is a simple and effective way to solve the error. Follow the instructions:

  • Go to your smartphone settings and select “Applications”;
  • In the list, click on the YouTube field;
  • In a new window, you need to delete all the settings that are in the program. Click on the buttons “Erase content”, “Delete default settings”. It is also recommended to uninstall updates.

Then restart the client application. Its old version will be displayed.

You can update it via Google Play as described above.

Bottom line

YouTube is a functional service for watching videos. The site is constantly updated and updated with new features, which may cause users to experience playback errors.

If YouTube stops working on your device, first determine the type of problem: eliminate the possibility of bugs in the browser, clean the HOSTS file, or use a VPN to access videos blocked in your country.

Thematic videos:

In this article we will discuss why YouTube stopped working and launching on Android.

Some users You Tube on Android sometimes they encounter a problem that the application does not turn on, or starts but crashes, or other strange things happen. This phenomenon can happen not only on a phone, but also on a tablet. Let's find out what reasons may affect performance applications and how to fix this problem.

Why does Youtube crash on Android and stop working?

  • Often the reason is that You Tube on Android stops working, there are updates. If the application stops working after downloading the updates, then that means that this is the reason.

Although there is an option when an error occurs, this happens extremely rarely. The problem is that the update may not be completed correctly, causing compatibility issues. If the system does not know how to process information correctly, then it will not be able to run anything.

  • The second reason may lie in the cache. These are temporary files that can clog up the system if they are not deleted in time. Any operating system has a cache and if there is too much of it, it will definitely clog the system with unnecessary files.

In case of You Tube There may be too much cache and the system simply cannot cope with processing it. Or it may do this for too long and the application will crash, since there is a certain time to launch. Also, if the system understands that it cannot process the cache, then the application does not start.

  • Another reason could be that data from another application overloads the system and it cannot work stably. So, viruses or something else may be hidden in this data that the system will not be able to process.

If the application does not work after watching a video, then it must be deleted. And all the others are better too, since it is impossible to say in advance which file the cause lies in.

What to do if Youtube does not work on Android and freezes?

As you can see, there are several reasons. Now let's figure out how to solve this problem? As a rule, simply clearing the application cache is enough.

  • Go to system settings
  • Next, open the item "Applications"

Section "Applications" on Android

  • Find a section "Application Manager "

"Application Manager" on Android

  • From the list, select You Tube

YouTube app

  • Now you will find yourself on the application data page
  • First go to "Memory "

  • In the new menu, select "Clear cache "

  • You can also clear updates by clicking appropriate button

If all these steps did not help you, then you can reinstall the application. For this :

  • Open Play Market

  • Enter in search You Tube

  • Next select "Installation"

That's all ! Application reinstalled!

Video: What to do if YouTube doesn't work?