How to create an interesting blog of smart thoughts

Can I be completely honest with you...even if you hear something outrageous, cruel and very unexpected?

You definitely won’t like it and will even upset you! But I promise, this will all be about your decision to make money online.

Who do people read on the Internet?

I don’t yet know whether you have already tried to build your business on the Internet or whether this is just in plans... But I know for sure that if you have such thoughts, you crave the attention of the audience.

Your plans are to gather an army of fans around you, who will open your letters, read your every post, and even buy something. After all, if all this is missing, the whole point of your idea is lost, isn’t it?

The question remains, how to get the attention of these people? Personal life, children, work, chores around the house - this is just a small list of what these people require the direct attention of these people every day. And here you are, at the other end of the country, with your ideas...

Are you ready to waste time on a new “scribbler” when there are already authoritative authors around whom you trust? Perhaps I am ready, but in very rare cases when there is an interesting person in front of you! You simply ignore everyone else, because you are sure that you already know more than them.

One frank question...

“What do you know about business on the Internet, besides how to start mailing lists, make subscription page and install WordPress with a bunch of plugins?

Maybe you have an unusual life experience behind you that can teach your reader a lot? Or do you have a gift for writing articles that change thinking? Or maybe you know how to inspire people to do great things?

No? Let's go from the other side.

“What do you know about the topic you have chosen or are about to choose?”

Have you figured out what content yours craves? the target audience? Or is your strategy to write about whatever comes to mind and flatter yourself with the hope that someone will be interested in it? Have you learned how to draw the reader into an article from the first lines? Or do you naively believe that people have nothing else to read besides your posts?

If you have all these skills, congratulations. You have every chance to conquer your audience. And if not... and your knowledge goes no further WordPress settings and template design?

What then gives you hope that your blog will take off?

I would like to hope that you realize how slim your chances are in this case. Business on the Internet is no longer that friendly environment where you are loved and respected just because you have the courage to write something there.

But you're lucky. You are reading this article. And I want to give you advice that I myself once received from a wise man.

What is the difference between you and a popular author?

The reason for failures in the Internet business lies not so much in the lack of traffic, advantageous positions in Yandex and the reluctance of other authors to cooperate. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

People don’t read posts and letters, they read their author. After all, we all prefer to listen to songs in the original, and not covered by other performers, don’t we?

A lot depends on the person behind the content. This explains the fact that a popular article by a famous author, reprinted on another resource, no longer produces the same effect.

A blog is not just about what you write. Blogging is about who you are.

Yes, people who have already achieved success on the Internet use the right promotion strategies, write interestingly, know how to establish relationships with other authors, but the most important thing is that behind all this there is an INTERESTING PERSONALITY.

And at the same time, a “meager” person can repeat exactly the same thing, and still fail. This is why so few people achieve results after undergoing expensive training.

It's not about the tactics you use, it's about your personality. And if you have already tried, but have not achieved results, apparently you do not deserve these results yet.

You're not worth the money you're aiming for.

Today, your level is significantly lower than that of the leaders in your niche. No offense, but you're not as good as them. You have no chance of overtaking them, at least not today.

What's the point of learning business from you if you already have famous Petya Osipov and Business Youth, who have already helped thousands of entrepreneurs?

What's the point of wasting time on your travel blog if there are Dmitry Dolya and Oleg Lazhechnikov.

And exactly the same, in any niche!

Sorry for being blunt, but today, YOU ARE STUPIDER than all these people.

Does this mean you're doomed? No.

After all, I don’t mean genetics, IQ and talents. I'm just talking about the abyss of knowledge that separates you.

How did I decide to get wiser and what came of it?

As for me... I am not the kind of person who could be called “smart.” At school I was “pulled” by the ears.

The first two courses I paid for the exams. I was even transferred to a weaker group because I failed the screening tests.

Things started to change as I entered adulthood. I became responsible for myself, then for my future wife, and then for my child.

I began to think, analyze, weigh and try to change something in life more often.

So, I started my first blog. Then, it seemed to me that I knew enough to turn this idea into successful business. I wrote for a whole year, three times a week. I had readers. But when it came time to do business, no one wanted to deal with me.

As it turned out, for a whole year, I did everything wrong. I wrote about the wrong topics. I followed the advice of the wrong people. I sent the wrong letters. I was building the wrong relationship with the reader.

It took me a lot of effort to step over my Ego and admit that after so much effort, I failed. And other than being proficient with WordPress, I don't know anything else about blogging. And I don’t have a single thought about how to build a successful project.

I have nothing that could surprise the reader. I don’t have anything that would make a person exclaim, “Wow.” ow! I want to read more from this author.". It was painful and unpleasant to admit to myself that...

... all year I was a STUPID pretending to be SMART.

Instead, I began to voraciously read everything that caught my eye and was consistent with my interests. I started listening smart people and take notes. The evening viewing of “Comedy Club” and action-packed films gradually disappeared from my usual routine, replaced by science channels.

Science fiction on the shelves was replaced by books on sales, marketing and relationships with people. The music in the player practically disappeared, interviews with famous people and audiobooks.

I even signed up for a course in English(and successfully passed the Cambridge exam) just to gain access to the knowledge of Western entrepreneurs.

This whole transformation did not happen in one day. It has been going on for several years now. Today, looking back a few years ago, I realize how far I have jumped. Looking through my past works, it is no longer surprising that no one read me, much less bought anything from me.

The gap in thinking, experience and knowledge is huge. But then it seemed to me that I knew enough... That I was ready.... What can I... But I was wrong! Even now, several years later, I read the blogs of several smart guys and realize how little I know compared to them.

Perhaps you overestimate your strength...

A man, an amazing creature, having picked up superficial knowledge, is filled with confidence that everything will work out and everything will be the way he wants it. But just as courage in a street fight disappears after the first missed blow, so self-confidence dissolves when the first serious problem appears.

And maybe today you also think that you know and can do enough to build a successful business on the Internet. But, most likely (I want to think that this is not so), you are mistaken...

How to become smart among stupid bloggers?

To put it bluntly, you need to become an interesting person that people will be drawn to. And this is about updating your circle of acquaintances, changing your habits and, of course, learning.

Brilliant people are not stupid people.

Well, Einstein couldn't have discovered the theory of relativity with only a superficial knowledge of the basic laws of physics, could he?

It all starts with understanding the basics, and only then brilliant ideas are born.

To be a genius is not necessary to come up with something new every time. It's just about covering topics from a perspective that no one has thought of before, or connecting things that no one has connected before.

Therefore, if you decide to do business on the Internet, do not waste time on technical points(this will not make you popular), close the gaps in your knowledge.

Only your head can give you the glory that you rightfully deserve.

This means that you need to study marketing, copywriting, the art of sales and communicating with people.

Why do you need marketing if your project is about children?

Business on the Internet is about how skillfully you sell your ideas. Whenever you publish something, you have to think about how to sell people on wanting to read it.

How to do it? Using the same strategies marketers use to sell products and services.

Why do you need copywriting?

Copywriting, blogging and creating an email letters have one goal - to win the attention of the audience and build trusting relationships.

The only difference is that copywriting has been developing for almost a century, while blogging and e-mail are relatively new. And you can use the developments from this area on your blog.

If you want to have a popular project, you must become the person that people will follow. You must become the kind of author you don’t mind spending your time on.

What should you not do, even if you really want to?

The stupidest thing you can do is install WordPress and write something there!

If you decide to start your own blog, it is contraindicated for you to write anything there in the first month, or maybe all two.

Until you master the basics of marketing, understand what content is in demand and how to build relationships with other people, nothing you publish has any chance of being successful. You're just wasting your time.

Look, there are a lot of bloggers around who write something, but no one notices them. And not all of them are stupid people, but all of them are ruined by one fact - lack of knowledge of marketing and copywriting.

It’s not enough to just write, you also need to know how to make people want to read it and ask for more.

What if there is no free time?

That is the problem. You must have time. And not just a few minutes during the day, but several hours. There is no other way.

You will have to sacrifice something. Maybe TV. Maybe friends. Could be work. It's up to you to decide.

The difference between a beginner and a professional is that the second one finds time for his education!

I even made a rough daily training schedule for you.

Daily training schedule

This is my rough study schedule for the day. You can modify this schedule to suit you.

Morning: 30 min - 1 hour - studying materials from paid training programs or reading a book.

Dinner: up to 1 hour - blogs with interesting authors, podcasts and newsletters from the mailbox

Evening: Reading a book or watching a science show

If you're just starting out, I recommend starting to read books voraciously. Although I believe that in the future you should purchase good course for a complete understanding of the issue. But this will happen when the base appears. Now, we need to close knowledge problems with the help of books by outstanding marketing, copywriting and sales specialists.

Yes, the “right” books still need to be found among the abundance of dummy books with beautiful headings and water inside. Therefore, the search is really good stuff it also takes time. But I can help in this matter. I have a selection of proven books on marketing, copywriting and sales. Books whose content I am confident in and for which I can vouch that they will teach you the things you need for blogging.

It seems to consist of two parts – off- and online. Social media, blogs, LJ provide certain influence on how we are assessed in real world. The way we behave in virtual space may affect our level of success in professional field. Your personal blog and participation in various forums can literally lift your career to the skies or plunge you into the abyss of oblivion.

Rules for creating an interesting website

There are precedents when careless statements in own blog cost people highly paid jobs. There are already entries in work books with approximately the following content: inappropriate behavior in the virtual space. You can be fired for posting photographs of yourself that do not correspond to the moral standards accepted in your valiant team; for reporting from a corporate party, which amounts to disclosing “company secrets”; for criticism of superiors and unflattering expressions about the product that is being promoted to the markets by your enterprise.

Today, the responsibilities of many HR managers include a thorough check of the moral character of employees and applicants through world wide web. The way you have proven yourself online is taken into account when hiring you, and this same online reputation can get you fired.

To protect your virtual reputation, carefully select the photos that you want to post on sites, do not touch on professional issues, do not allow yourself obscene statements, even replacing some letters with promising asterisks, make sure that the time you fill out your personal blog or LiveJournal does not coincide with your work hours in the office.

How to create a blog of interesting, smart thoughts yourself?

There are also positive aspects to the existence of the Internet for a career. First of all, this is an opportunity to significantly speed up your career advancement. It is the virtual world that helps us find new clients and customers, conduct professional communication with almost all the world’s experts, create and implement new ideas and exchange certain experiences.

To make the virtual world work for your success, use these tips:

1. Take advantage of every opportunity for professional networking. Become active members of your professional community, maintain connections with colleagues, take part in virtual professional life. Your environment can provide half of your success.

2. Constantly improve your level of knowledge. The Internet today provides everyone with unique opportunity professional growth and training. Various professional online publications, blogs of colleagues, reports on seminars and symposiums, professional websites and communities will allow you to keep abreast of all the events occurring in the area of ​​your professional interests.

3. Having created your personal blog, take care of its popularity. To do this, it must meet certain requirements. The most important of them: the presence of a channel that provides direct communication with you; constant updating; adherence to the specified topic; reflection of your advantages and merits.

4. Create a professional blogging platform for yourself.

5. Try to write competently and interestingly, touching on the most exciting and interesting a large number of people questions. Encourage discussion, but try to keep it an intelligent, professional conversation rather than a scandal.

6. Keep yourself active high level, since popularity must not only be earned, but also tried in every possible way to maintain it at the proper level. You can form your own community, organize various professional courses and trainings, share experiences, run your own newsletter.

Treat in virtual world as if serious office work, because, in fact, it is so, it’s just that this office is much more comfortable and convenient than the real one.

How to call Ukraine from a mobile, landline phone to landline and mobile

Today is a special day. Tragic and joyful.
Joyful - the day of lifting the blockade of Leningrad. The end of the horror. Feat.

Tragic. Today marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
65 years ago, the largest and most notorious death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau/Auschwitz/, was liberated.

“The people who survived the Holocaust will not be with us forever. But the memory of what they experienced must remain with us,” said Ban Ki-moon. He stressed that the stories of these people "must be preserved in monuments, in textbooks - and above all in the determined desire of humanity to prevent genocide and other serious crimes."
Yesterday, the exhibition “Architecture of Murder: Drawings of Auschwitz-Birkenau” was opened at the UN headquarters in New York. The Auschwitz camp complex was the largest death complex built by Nazi Germany. Between June 1940 and January 1945, the Nazis killed more than a million people there, mostly Jews.
In January 2005, UN member states, at the initiative of Russia, Australia, Israel, Canada and the United States, adopted a General Assembly resolution declaring January 27 International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It was on this day in 1945 that Red Army troops liberated Auschwitz, located 70 kilometers from Krakow. According to the testimony of surviving prisoners, barbaric “experiments” were carried out on people in the camp. In total, during the war, the Nazis destroyed half of the Jewish population of the USSR - 3 million people.

However, other people's blood and pain are like water for some.
Without surprise, I read the following passages on the blog of my former “friends”:

Ruben Vartanovich
user's menu
27-01-2010 07:56 (link)

How, in your opinion, should Dvorkovich’s friend perform? I think we deceived ourselves for a long time, considering Solovyov a democrat, but no...he’s just an opportunist.
A typically Jewish line of behavior is “Homeland is where the food is.”
While still studying at the university in history in 1985, I wondered, while studying theology, why the Jews are called “Christ-sellers”. Among the Jews, the god Judas, the beloved disciple of Christ, who betrayed him to them, is a benefactor...

Probably somewhere here is the secret of their diversity and monstrous mimicry. They really are not like us, even due to historically established priorities.
And s.v.r is the son of his people, with his inherent cynicism and contempt for everything non-Jewish.

I left his blog as if my wings had grown. This is a rare vampire. I’ll also go to church today and tell God everything

Reply (with quote)

Ruben Vartanovich
Ruben Vartanovich
user's menu
27-01-2010 17:58 (link)

Yes, I’m a businessman, I have 1057 people working for me, what kind of blogs do I need? I just broke my leg and from the forced downtime I got carried away with correspondence on the Internet... In 2 weeks, will Elizarov be removed and I will be at work from 8 to 21? And hiring all sorts of will turn out like Solovyov’s.
Ruben Vartanovich

My product is sold only in prestigious restaurants, because... not modified..ask the waiter

The modern world seems to consist of two parts – off- and online. Social networks, blogs, LJ have a certain influence on how we are assessed in the real world. The way we behave in the virtual space can affect our level of success in the professional sphere. Your personal blog and participation in various forums can literally lift your career to the skies or throw you into the abyss of oblivion.

There are rules in the virtual world too

There are precedents when careless statements on one’s own blog cost people highly paid jobs. There are already entries in work books with approximately the following content: inappropriate behavior in the virtual space. You can be fired for posting photographs of yourself that do not correspond to the moral standards accepted in your valiant team; for reporting from a corporate party, which amounts to disclosing “company secrets”; for criticism of superiors and unflattering expressions about the product that is being promoted to the markets by your enterprise.

Today, the responsibilities of many HR managers include carefully checking the moral character of employees and applicants through the World Wide Web. The way you have proven yourself online is taken into account when hiring you, and this same online reputation can get you fired.

To protect your virtual reputation, carefully select the photos that you want to post on sites, do not touch on professional issues, do not allow yourself obscene statements, even replacing some letters with promising asterisks, make sure that the time you fill out your personal blog or LiveJournal does not coincide with your work hours in the office.

How to create a blog of smart thoughts?

There are also positive aspects to the existence of the Internet for a career. First of all, this is an opportunity to significantly speed up your career advancement. It is the virtual world that helps us find new clients and customers, conduct professional communication with almost all the world’s experts, create and implement new ideas and exchange certain experiences.

To make the virtual world work for your success, use these tips:

1. Take advantage of every opportunity for professional networking. Become active members of your professional community, maintain connections with colleagues, and take part in virtual professional life. Your environment can provide half of your success.

2. Constantly improve your level of knowledge. Today, the Internet provides everyone with a unique opportunity for professional growth and training. Various professional online publications, blogs of colleagues, reports on seminars and symposiums, professional websites and communities will allow you to keep abreast of all the events occurring in the area of ​​your professional interests.

3. Having created your personal blog, take care of its popularity. To do this, it must meet certain requirements. The most important of them: the presence of a channel that provides direct communication with you; constant updating; adherence to the specified topic; reflection of your advantages and merits.

4. Create a professional blogging platform for yourself.

5. Try to write competently and interestingly, touching on the most exciting questions that interest a large number of people. Encourage discussion, but try to keep it an intelligent, professional conversation rather than a scandal.

6. Keep your activity at a high level, since popularity must not only be earned, but also try in every possible way to maintain it at the proper level. You can form your own community, organize various professional courses and trainings, share experiences, and run your own newsletter.

Treat your work in the virtual world as serious office work, because, in essence, it is, it’s just that this office is much more comfortable and convenient than a real one.

Are you walking somewhere in Thailand? Or Goa. In a nature reserve in Kenya. And here she’s all about herself - in a hat with earflaps, a fur coat and felt boots. You're in shorts, wearing a bandana just to keep the sweat from covering your eyes, and here she is...
No, everything is fine with me mental health. Moreover, with a sense of humor. That is why I don’t find it funny when in our temperate latitudes, where it is sometimes excessively cool, I see girls and even ladies of moderate, pardon the tautology, premenopausal age in jeans on their hips and a jacket that ends its existence in the solar plexus area.

Most likely, she does not have an evil stepmother who forced her negligent henpecked father to take her out like this at midnight to the Arbat. And Morozko asked: “Are you warm, girl?” probably won't appear and give you a warm casing. And if he does appear, she will drive him away because it is unfashionable. And it's ugly. But inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are fashionable. In vitro fertilization due to the inability to get pregnant naturally is beautiful. Only Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt resorted to him, because they wanted twins and they had a lot more money than ours, with a bare lower back, a compatriot will earn enough to pay for her medications in her entire life, because chronic salpingoophoritis, adnexitis and the logical next step is ectopic.

First, she will wander around gynecological hospitals with the question: “What is beauty?” Then - to reproductive health clinics. And after that - if you're lucky - then to obstetric institutions. Having spent much more money than required for the purchase of elegant woolen shorts, beautiful thick tights and a fur jacket covering the Michaelis diamond and the “flower”, excuse me, “lotus”, with the adjacent “shoots” of the fallopian tubes, “buds” of the ovaries and the holy of holies female body - the uterus. And don’t forget about the bladder, urethra and kidneys.

Honestly, I can’t understand why a blue or bright red lower back is so beautiful. Maybe I'm not an esthete? Or at least not a man? What is so good about abundant flesh, compressed by jeans until long-lasting strangulation furrows form?

What is this “strangulation groove”? A rope mark on the neck of a hanged man. After all, this is exactly what the marks from tight trousers on the thighs of our extreme frostbitten beauties look like. Who do they catch there, in the morning frost, with such unearthly beauty? Guest workers coming from Biryulyovo? What are they waiting for there, in the frozen evening smog? Long and firmly married businessmen rushing past in jeeps? The first ones go to construction, and the last ones have a crisis. Genre, not gender. They have no time for your bodies, the color of an eternally frozen chicken from an emergency strategic reserve in case of nuclear war.

By the way, if our fashionistas are not aware, then I would like to bring to their attention that compression itself can cause chronic pelvic pain syndrome associated with disruption of normal blood circulation. And also colitis due to “pressure” of the intestines and more serious genitourinary disorders. And multiplied by our climatic conditions and the freedom of sexual love without barrier contraception, the above will not add health to your insides.

And even if you drink all the antibiotics in the world, washed down with espumisan diluted in yogurt, nothing but a surgeon’s scalpel will help you find the joy of not only motherhood - I don’t care about fat, if I were alive - but also normal functioning everything that Mother Nature herself “packed” inside you. And the fact that you, lying on your back, brutally pull into canvas pants, believing that this is beauty.

No, perhaps someone will find your side to be sexually attractive. Unlike bloating. Perhaps a thong sticking out like a Bermuda triangle from a frosty December morning or a starry February night is an integral part of your unearthly image. After all, you are a fairy. Snow Maiden. Snowflake. And fairies do not lie with purulent inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes and do not drink synthetic hormones in massive doses that prepare the woman’s body for the procedure of in vitro fertilization. And even more so - they do not suffer from pain when urinating, do not lie in urology with chronic pyelonephritis and do not “rest” in hemodialysis, waiting for an endless queue for a kidney transplant.

Snowflakes are born in the depths of the sky, fall and melt on the dirty Moscow pavement. The Snow Maidens, after tiring matinees, rest all year round somewhere near the stove in a Lapland or Ustyug hut, and the fairies simply wave their wands, wings and flutter from flower to flower, and not from branch to branch of the metro. Moreover, note that neither one nor the other, nor the third wants to get married, have children, or are interested in sexual health issues due to their irrevocable mythical ephemerality. Unlike you and me, created from flesh and blood. And the blood, not compressed by artificial “dams”, should supply oxygen to the flesh - freely, comfortably and warmly dressed - without difficulty. Otherwise, either the “pipes” will burst, or the “liquid” in the system will freeze. And you have to live in this. Without hot heating in Siberia it is more difficult than in Kenya wearing felt boots.

Do you know a joke? “A cheerful old age awaits us - there will be a lot of old women around with tattoos on their lower backs.”

Girls, let's be warmer in our pants, sorry. Higher in the waist, sorry. And longer coats, furs and jackets, sorry. And smarter in a hat. And unearthly beauty is also unearthly beauty in Africa. Because beauty is health. Trite? But it’s not cold and it doesn’t hurt. And those who have been wearing pants since eternity will figure it out. Unless, of course, you need a man for life, and not a partner for the night to warm up a frostbitten ham.
Author: Tatyana Solomatina, especially for