How to find out which disk Windows is on. How to find out where Windows is installed? Using the WMIC command

Hello dear blog readers website. Today I want to tell you how you can find out the Windows installation date.

Why is this necessary? Let's say you buy a new computer or laptop through an advertisement, from friends, or they bring it to you from abroad. Without documents, you can check whether it is really new by looking at when the OS was installed. Although this will only make sense if the seller did not reinstall the system.

You may also need to find out the installation date of Windows if you periodically reinstall the system to clean it. Therefore, in order not to remember or write down the last time you reinstalled, you just need to look at this information on the computer itself.

And finally, you may be driven by ordinary curiosity.

And so, let's look at several ways to find out the code the system was installed:

Through folder properties

For each folder, you can see the time it was created. Therefore, using this opportunity, you can see when the Windows directory was created, and this, in turn, will be the time of installation of the system. For this:

  1. Open Explorer and go to the drive where the OS is installed. This is usually drive C.
  2. Find the Windows folder, right-click on it and select Properties in the context menu.
  3. The system properties window will open, in which you can see when the OS was created.

There is one drawback to this method. The fact is that, starting with Windows Vista, Microsoft changed the system installation method and now during installation the files are extracted from the installation disk image. Those. the Windows directory properties window will show not the date and time of OS installation, but when the image for the installation disk was created.

What should Vista and later users do? There is a way out. The fact is that the creation time can be viewed for any folder on the computer. Those. you need to find directories that were not created by extracting the installation disk from the image, but were created in the usual way during OS installation or immediately after its completion. You can find many such folders, but the simplest example would be the directory of the user account created during installation (provided that it was not deleted). It is located on drive C in the Users folder.

Right-click on the user's folder and select Properties and look at when it was created. In this example, this is a user named user. There may be several different user folders on your computer. See which one is the oldest.

Using the SystemInfo command

The method described above does not allow you to accurately determine the installation date, and may also cause some difficulties if you have a system installed that is later than XP.

But there is a more accurate way to find out the Windows installation date using the command SystemInfo:

  1. Now enter SystemInfo and press Enter. After executing the command, a list with information about your system will be displayed on the screen.
  2. Scroll up this list and find the item " installation date" This will be the date and time of OS installation.

In order not to search for the required line in the list, you can run SystemInfo with the following parameters:

SystemInfo | find /i "date"

As a result of executing the command, lines containing the word “date” will be found. In our case, one line will be found “ installation date", which is what we need.

Using the WMIC command

There is another command that can be used to determine when the system was installed: WMIC(Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line).

  1. Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. Enter WMIC with the following parameters:

WMIC OS GET installdate

As a result of executing the command, the required data will be displayed in the format: YearMonthDateHoursMinutesSeconds

In our example: 2013 is the year, 10 is the month, 17 is the day, 07 is the hour, 36 is the minute, 46 is the second.

Using Registry Editor

This method is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones, but, as they say, we are not looking for easy ways, so we will consider it too:

1. Launch the “Run” window (Windows key combination + R), then enter regedit and press the Enter key.

2. After launching the Registry Editor window, go to the following section in the folder tree on the left:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

3. On the right side of the window you need to find a parameter called “ InstallDate

4. This parameter contains the number of seconds that have passed from January 1, 1970 to the date the system was installed. So, if you want, you can spend a little time and find out the necessary information. But I think this makes no sense, and this method is described only for general development.

That's all. Now, I think you can easily find out the Windows installation date by choosing the best method for yourself.

Welcome to my blog!
After reading this post, you will find out how to find out the installation folder in Windows.
This may be needed for various reasons, for example, you need to see if there are files in the installation directory with instructions for the program or its description. Or you want to uninstall the program and then check if all the files are deleted.
In general, for various reasons you may need to know the installation folder of the program.

The options proposed in this article for how to find out the installation folder of a Windows application work on all versions of this system.

If you have a shortcut for this program on your desktop, then you can find out the installation folder if you simply hover your mouse over it. Then in a pop-up window you will see the location of this program.

More detailed information about where the Windows installation folder is located can be obtained by right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting “Properties” from the menu. In the “Shortcut” tab you will see where the program is located.

In the “Object” field, the path to the executable file is shown and you can see what it is called. This is useful when the shortcut has a different name or the application is new and not yet familiar to you.

In the “Working folder” field, the path to the application installation directory is indicated.

Applications that come with Windows have a slightly different appearance in the shortcut properties.

The working folder is not specified here, only the object. The %windir% category indicates that the application is located in the Windows system directory; what drive it is located on is not specified here. The %% variables replace showing the drive where the Windows directory is located.

Next is the path to the application and its name. Which is very useful, since in Windows many applications have names that are not entirely clear. And at first glance, it is impossible to guess what kind of application this is.
If you click on the “File location” button, you will immediately go to the directory with the program.

Hello, dear readers! Today I will share with you a couple of methods that will help answer the question of how to find out the installation date of Windows 7.

For the sake of sport or in pursuit of some specific goals, sometimes we have to ask ourselves: When did Windows settle on the hard drive? It's not at all difficult to find out.

So way number one is where we will be use standard Windows tools.
To do this you need:

Press “Win” + “R” or go to “Start” and select “Run”. In the window that appears, enter the command “cmd” and click “OK”.

In the next window enter the command systeminfo and press “Enter”.

Now let's look at the information that interests us.

This command shows not only the Windows installation date, but also a lot of other interesting information.

The second method: to do this, go to the local drive “C:\”, find the “Windows” folder there, right-click on it and in the “General” tab look at the date of its creation.

You can, of course, use various utilities that collect complete data about the operating system and computer, but I don’t see any practical sense in this. Why install programs that you will only need once? Now you know how to find out the installation date of Windows 7, and you can do it without any programs!

See you soon!

    The police are watching:
    - Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs;
    - Start -> Programs;
    - icons on the desktop;
    - searches for media content (music, movies) on all disks.

    If you are not competent in this matter, then it is better to contact a specialist for the appropriate fee.


    if the login password is in Windows, then as usual, if the password is for BIOS login, then reset it (Google will tell you how to do this), then continue as usual

    Mac OS X - a couple of days of hassle with installation, a couple more weeks of intensive getting used to the new interface, and then you won’t want to get off ;)

  • You download windows on torrent trackers, burn them to disk (there is another option to buy a licensed one). When you turn on the computer, you press delete or F1, I don’t remember. In general, you will go to bios, there will already be boot -> boot device priority, select dvd-rom (somehow it was called that), then exit. The computer will reboot and begin booting from the disk, which should already be inserted at that time. Then follow the instructions, there will be no surprises

    "mandu" XP? There are only three editions:
    - Home Edition. Space crap, doesn't support security
    - Professional. An ordinary, normal workstation.
    - Media Center. This is a Professional + Media Center program.

    Choose from the last two. How to do everything correctly -, Guide to safe installation.

    The old Windows is no longer there. Install again if you cannot continue the installation.

    you can save data from the disk on which Windows is not installed, that is, NOT from the C drive, if your hard drive is not broken, and there is only 1 local disk, then transfer it to flash drives, disks, etc. the necessary information. You insert the disk with Windows, you wait, you wait, then everything is easy and clear, like the “next” arrow, then a list of local disks will be displayed, you format the C drive there and put it on it, then you wait a long time and everything is clear there again. In general, call the guy, there are a lot of people here right now who, in the hope that they will get something, will come to you with Windows and furniture and rearrange anything.