Tourist SIM cards Gsm-travel


Unlock your phone's keypad if you use the lock feature. The procedure depends on specific model phone you are using, a prompt usually appears on the display after pressing any key.

Press the "+" (plus) key. Wait until this symbol appears on the display. If this does not happen after a few seconds, press it again.

Use as desired Alternative option international format. When you are in Russia, this is a combination of numbers 810. Using a plus is more convenient because by default it will provide international format recruitment numbers, no matter what country you are in and no matter what numbers you may not know, this option is provided in it.

Dial the country code you want to call. For example, the code of Ukraine is 38, the UK is 44, etc.

Dial the area code or mobile operator called foreign subscriber. Most often this is a combination of three numbers, but it can be more - four, five, and in some rare cases six.

Dial the number of the person you are calling. It usually consists of seven digits. General rule: than fewer numbers in the city code or mobile operator, the more there are in the subscriber number. Wherein total number digits in a combination that includes a code and a phone number are, in most cases, ten.

After dialing the last digit, press the call key and wait for the connection.

Dial the operator's local number if you use an IP telephony card to make a call (this allows you to save on international and long-distance calls).

Follow the voice prompts while waiting for a connection, or the instructions on the map. Most often, you must enter the code indicated on the card, then you can contact the telephone operator or dial the desired foreign number yourself from the keypad of your phone. In the second case, the procedure is the same as described in steps 4 - 8: as a rule, you need to dial the country code, city code and subscriber number, in some cases you will also need numbers indicating the international nature of the call.

Helpful advice

Call to foreign number is the most expensive service cellular communications. If you are calling from mobile phone When using a card for cheaper calls, please note that you will have to pay not only for international calls at the rates of the operator whose card you are using (this money is debited from its balance), but also for a local connection to the number indicated on the card. If possible, it is more profitable to use for long-distance calls landline phone or a payphone.

Without mobile communications we no longer imagine our existence. Phones accompany us everywhere today; we take them with us when we travel around the country and when we go abroad. It happens that while roaming, we discover that many of the phones we called while in home network, suddenly cease to be available. How to dial a mobile number Is it right to be guaranteed to reach any person not only in our country, but also abroad?


To call to any mobile operator in Russia, regardless of whether they are located in your home region or any other, dial number V following format: 8 ( ) seven-digit number subscriber or +7 (federal operator code) seven-digit number subscriber

If you need to dial an extension number, then by typing main number, wait for the system message and then dial additional. If yours can support a pause when typing, then after the main number and enter the pause symbol - the Latin capital P and immediately followed by an additional number. For example: +7 (federal operator code) seven-digit number subscriber P additional number.

To call abroad dial number in the format + (code) (federal operator code) seven-digit number subscriber or + (country code) (city code) seven-digit number subscriber For Russia, the country code is 7.

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All digits of the number are dialed without spaces.

Tip 3: How to dial an international phone number format

International recruitment numbers is somewhat different from the usual calls within the city or country. To reach a subscriber abroad, you will need to perform several simple operations.


Decide from the beginning that you will call from numbers mobile operator or numbers fixed line, since various codes can be used to enter the telecommunications space. To call to any country in the world, regardless of the telecommunications company you use, you need to know the country code, city or region code, and subscriber number.

When calling from Russia, use code 8-10 to access international communications using fixed-line numbers. For example: 8-10-(country code) (city code)(number) of the subscriber. CIS countries have a standard international format dialing: Russia, Kazakhstan: +7 (yyy) xxx xx xx (11 digits) . Ukraine: + 38 (yyy) xxx xx xx (12 digits), for calls to Belarus: + 375 (yy) XXX XX XX (12 digits). Number of digits in set numbers phone depends on the country code.

In accordance with these format Ami, dial 8-10, then the country code, then the subscriber number. Please note that when typing in format e 8-10 (for fixed-line communications), the “+” sign of the country code is not dialed. Depending on the service provider, code 8-10 may vary. In this form, it is used when calling through Rostelecom. When calling through the Arktel telecom operator, dial the following combination: 8-26- (country code) (zone code in the country) (city code in the zone) (number phone subscriber). If you are calling through International Transit Telecom you should dial: 8-58- (country code) (area code in the country) (city code in the area) (number phone subscriber).

For recruitment numbers from mobile phone, it is necessary to apply the above international format, which must begin with a “+” sign. For example, to call to Ukraine, dial: +380 (xxx) yyy-yy-yy. To make calls to countries not listed earlier, use the algorithms presented above.


Some organizations have only one telephone number number, while an office PBX is connected to the line. To reach a specific employee, after the autoinformer answers, you need to dial the extension number, usually in tone mode.

The fastest way to contact relatives or friends abroad is through regular international phone call. Moreover, you can now call not only from home phone, but also from a mobile phone, and even directly from a computer.

International calls from your home phone.

Everything is simple here - they exist general rules dial if you need to use international calls. First, a special one is recruited international code access code international communications). For example, to call abroad from Russia or Ukraine, you must first dial “810”. Then comes the country code you are calling. For example, the code of Belarus is “375”. Then the city code (long-distance communication code) or destination area - if the call is sent to Minsk, then the city code will be “17”. And only at the end the phone number itself is dialed, where you need to call. Thus, if you need to call from Russia to Minsk by phone 266-24-11, then you should dial “810 375 17 266 24 11”.

The cost of a minute of conversation will depend on the tariffs of your telephone company, it may vary during the day and at night, and also depending on the day of the week (weekdays or weekends).

The disadvantage will be the fairly high cost of international calls made from a landline phone.

Access to international communications from a mobile phone.

In this case, the dialing rules for international calls will depend on the mobile operator you choose.

In Russia, the largest mobile operators are MTS, Megafon and Beeline (VimpelCom). For MTS, the international communication code is the same as for a regular phone - 810, country code, city code, subscriber's phone number. The difference is that instead of “810” you can simply dial “+”. In addition, the service “ International access" Megafon and Beeline have the same rules for accessing international communications. In the latter, you must first activate the “International Communication” service.

In Ukraine, the main operators are MTS (formerly UMC), Kyivstar, Life, Beeline. In parallel with the usual dialing rules for an international call, the operator may offer additional service, reducing the cost of negotiations on international communications. For example, Kyivstar offers contract subscribers the “Star Sweet” service, where instead of the prefix “+” or “810” they dial “815”. You can find out more about the availability of such services on the website of your mobile operator.

How to call abroad from a computer.

IP telephony solutions (IP telephony) will help you with this - the ability to transmit voice data over the network. The corresponding client software is installed on the computer. software, To sound card the headset is connected - and you can start free communication(in case the data is transferred from computer to computer). But if you need to call landlines or mobile phones, you will have to top up your balance, because... such international calls are paid. Most popular programs for IP telephony are Skype, FreeCall, etc.

The cost of calls via IP telephony is SEVERAL lower than ALL other methods of international communication.

But what to do if you want to use cheap international calls everywhere, and not just while sitting at a computer with headphones and a microphone?

Special IP telephony SIM cards will help you with this. Just insert such a card into your mobile phone - and you can make cheap international calls without any problems, saving up to 10 times on communication costs. Buy these SIM cards available in our store.

After registering on the Zadarma website you will receive 30 free minutes for calls to 40 countries of the world. Among them are Russia (only Moscow and St. Petersburg), Poland, USA, France, Canada, Israel and others. If you top up your account with $9.5, the service will provide another 400 bonus minutes, and cash you can spend on calls to other countries.

Zadarma allows you to make calls from a regular browser and desktop and mobile platforms to landline and cell phones.

To make a call from the browser, connect a microphone to your computer (if it is not built-in), log in to the Zadarma website and open the call page. You will see a keyboard with which you can dial the required phone number.

The owners of Sipnet position it as a service for cheap international calls, with which you can contact any city in Russia, Ukraine and the world. But as part of regular promotions, the project provides the opportunity to call landline numbers some countries for free. Just to participate you will have to deposit at least 10 USD into your account in the service. e.

If you and your interlocutor are online, then it will be more convenient for you to call using one of the.


The widespread introduction of mobile communications has made communication quite accessible within a region or district, but long-distance, and even more so international, communication remains significantly expensive. For example, MTS provides communication with subscribers from the CIS countries for 29 rubles per minute, and with Europe and foreign countries for 49 and 70 rubles per minute. respectively. Prices, if you call from a landline phone, for example through Rostelecom, are on average 2 times lower, but you won’t talk for a long time either.

How to call cheaper, and therefore more often, abroad or to another city if you don’t have a landline phone? Of course, via the Internet, even if you do not have a smartphone and do not have direct access to the Internet. To do this, you need to do something through your home computer.

Everything is in order. As soon as the Internet began to actively develop in Russia in the 90s, many companies immediately appeared offering long-distance and international communication services at prices 2-3, and sometimes up to 10 times lower than “regular” intercity. Cards with strange names appeared: “Zebra”, “Newton” and many others, which indicated the access number, code, dialing order and number of minutes.

All of these firms took advantage of the Internet thanks to the availability of the appropriate protocol and technical PBX capabilities and stations mobile operators, through which access to the Internet was provided in general.

This method telephone communication via the Internet and related equipment have agreed to be called IP telephony, VoIP or SIP equipment.

As the Internet developed, companies selling these cards gradually disappeared, as more and more people began to use email, various messengers, allowing you to instantly exchange text messages, such as ICQ, Mirada, MAgent. Then messengers had the opportunity to exchange calls, communication systems Skype, OoVoo, Conferendo appeared, allowing you to organize video conferences if you have a computer with the Internet (or a smartphone), a microphone, speakers and appropriate software. And long-distance communication through landline phones became more accessible.

But the main thing is that IP telephony, using VoIP equipment at telephone exchanges, has become accessible via the Internet to everyone. Websites have appeared where, by registering and making a certain amount of money as an advance payment, you can call any phone number in any country using your phone or computer, and the prices, as they say, are pleasantly surprising.

How it works

For example in table There are several sites (providers) providing IP telephony services. Comparative prices for several call directions are indicated.

So, after registering on the selected site, the system assigns you a number, as on telephone exchange, this is the so-called SIP number; other participants in this system can call you for free on your computer using this number. To make calls to mobile and landline phones, you need to transfer a certain amount of money, depending on your needs, through an electric wallet, through a terminal, etc., to your account for the provider where you registered.

You can call in two ways:

1) via a computer, using a microphone and speakers, from your provider’s website, or using a special program - a dialer or softphone. For example, by registering on Comtube, you can call from your computer, for example in Riga, to your friend on a landline phone at a price of 1.21 rubles per minute, say from Moscow (as well as from any point where there is Internet). Plus the price for Internet traffic, if it is not unlimited.

2) having ordered the connection of two phones - a call back. For example, you are on your provider's website or special program enter your friend’s number in Riga and your home phone number in Moscow. The system calls you back, you pick up the phone, then the system calls back to Riga, the connection and conversation take place. You pay for this conversation based on the calculation, for example for Comtube - 1.21 rubles/min. for Riga and 0.55 rub./min. for Moscow, that is, 1.76 rubles are debited from your Comtube account. per minute of conversation. Your friend in Riga does not pay anything, your phone conversation, as for an MGTS subscriber, it is also free, since the system calls you both back, the call is incoming. The same is true if you call from a computer to a mobile phone or order a connection between two mobile phones - with mobile accounts money is not debited, since the calls are incoming, and you pay your provider (in in this example Comtube) according to its tariffs.

The GSM operator is paid for airtime or GTS by the provider (in this example, Comtube) at more than low prices, since it buys minutes wholesale and the connection is always local - between the nearest Internet pool and a subscriber in the same segment.

Therefore, calls via IP telephony are significantly cheaper, especially if you often have to call to other cities.

There is also a third method, but not all providers offering IP telephony services. This is an order call back via SMS or call to the access number.

You send an SMS message indicating the number you want to call, or call the access number and tone mode enter the subscriber's number, hang up, and the system calls you and your subscriber back, connecting you. You pay, as in the second method, for both ends to the provider plus the cost of SMS to the access number.

This is convenient if for some reason you find yourself in conditions where you only have a simple telephone or mobile phone without Internet access.

Some IP telephony providers have a number that can be used to call you for free (at your expense) from large cities.

You can buy from some providers phone number access, and you can be called like a regular phone, and you will receive the call either on your computer or assign forwarding.

To be on the safe side, it is advisable to register with two providers and have a certain amount of money there - NZ. There are days or hours when some provider begins to glitch - there is no way to get through or is interrupted, while others work fine.

How is this better than Skype?

Skype has a very good quality communication even with bad internet, even with mobile device. Maybe that's why it is most common among PC users. But she herself Skype program during a conversation, it takes up a lot of machine resources, and the more participants, the more, until the machine freezes.

The IP telephony providers discussed above provide us with the opportunity to make calls throughout Russia and the world, and we can implement this opportunity different ways: from your provider’s website by installing the softphone program on your computer or smartphone. You can also install IP phone or telephone adapter(cheaper than an IP phone) - a device that connects to the Internet and is configured with your provider. A regular telephone set is connected to the telephone adapter.

Its advantage is that, like an IP phone, it is independent device, independent of the computer, always connected to the provider via the Internet.

There are also USB phones, but there are almost no advantages, except for the dialer buttons over using a microphone with speakers, and in both cases you need the computer to be turned on all the time.

Softphone programs installed on a computer can be configured for almost any provider from the list above, with the exception of Skype. The same applies to telephone adapters and IP phones. Skype has its own program and special IP phones for Skype.

Free softphone programs, such as Zoiper, X-Lite, Express Talk(E1), SJphone, Sippoint.

We found Zoiper and SJphone the most convenient, but this is a matter of taste. They allow you to register several providers, have the necessary adjustments, work smoothly, without glitches.

X-Lite is comfortable, but free version You can register only one provider.

All specified programs can't send short messages and SMS. SMS can be sent by the Nonoh program, but it cannot be configured for other providers.

Skype, OoVoo, Conferendo are programs and corresponding providers designed for video conferencing; they also have the ability to transfer messages and files, like instant messengers. In Skype and ooVoo, you can, if desired, call landline or mobile phones, having previously deposited money into your account. Conferendo does not have this option.

Almost all of the programs mentioned above have versions for working not only on Windows, but also on Mac, Linux, iPhone, and Android. However, for most smartphone users, completely different programs are the most fashionable.

What do they “wear” now?

Over the past 2-3 years, several programs for smartphones have appeared that combine the capabilities of an IP phone and an Internet messenger. Skype remains in applications for smartphones, but in terms of popularity it ranks last places. The most common in Russia are whatsapp And Viber. There are other similar programs.

Let's take a brief look at why they are good, each in its own way.

The success is mainly due to the fact that these programs use a mobile phone number as a login, and as soon as you install this program on your smartphone, subscribers from your list of subscribers immediately appear in its contact list. regular phone already registered in this program.

A Viber generally integrates into the phone's phone book, marking with an icon those subscribers who have Viber installed, and you can call them or send a message via the Internet. You can call via Viber to a regular phone, as well as an IP phone at its tariffs.

Viber- European free program, the service is located in Europe. Allows you to make calls and video calls, exchange messages, call regular phones. Can be installed Viber and to your computer, the messages will be duplicated, your computer will also display phone book with marked Viber users, you can call them from your computer.

whatsapp- only for exchanging messages and files, you cannot make calls. This is an American program, free for only a year, after which you have to pay annually. There is no version for Windows.

Line- a free Korean program for audio, video calls, messaging, and files. He makes money by selling stickers.

WeChat- Chinese free, for exchanging messages and files.

KakaoTalk- a free Korean program for audio, video calls, messaging, and files. According to Wikipedia, up to 93% of smartphone owners in South Korea use this program.

Skype- for smartphones, has a number of disadvantages, the call is slow, no light warning when a message arrives, messages may be lost, sometimes there is confusion with availability - you are disconnected, but everyone looks “green”. But with all this, the quality of communication on a smartphone from Skype turned out to be better than that of Conferendo and even sometimes than that of Viber.

Alexander PLATONOV